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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1948)
6 Capital Journal, Salem. Or., Four Corners Garden Club Holds Annual Xmas Affair Four Corner, Dec. 4 The Rickey Garden club held its Chritma program Thursday at the Community hall. Coven were laid for 49. Immediately following the dinner at 7:30 the following program was given: Solos by Mri. Oliver Rickman; Monologue. Mm. E. M. White; Tap Dance, Davene Bel", m; Group Singing Christina Carnli, Mrs. G. M. Deen pianLt Ex change of rifts conclude! the program. The club will hold a rummage sale January 21-22. A friendship basket is being circulated among the members. Mrs. Orval Prunk, 900 Monroe, and Mrs. Blanch fc Stewart. 165 S. Lancaster be came members. Mrs. O. B. Mcll nay of Crete. Neb., was a visitor. Hostesses for the dinner were Mesdames Jess Mcllnay, Warren Shrake, David Behm. Henry Benz, Waldo Miller. Charles Gil bert Hardie Phillips, Harold Snook, Arlo McLain, Everett Smith, Harvv Mover, Ernest Walker, E. M. White, Doyle Moore, Ry Thayer, O. D. Bine gar. Alvina Warren, Nelson An derson, A H Messman, Harold Halfman, F. W. Daniuls, La Val ley. Business Men Elect Four Corners, Dec. 4 The Four Corners Business Mens As sociation held its regular meet ing with a dinner at the Golden Pheasant. Officers elected were President Emile Au Franc: Vice President I. G. Etzel: Secretary David Behm; Treasurer Gene Walters. There were nineteen members present. Club Plans Shoot Rod and Gun Club held a spe cial meeting this week and voted to hold a turkey shoot on Satur day night, Dec. 11 and all day Sunday at the Community hall. Hosts at dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Warren Shrake, East State St., honoring Mrs. Arlo McLain on her birthday anniversary. Other guests were Arlo McLain, Arlo, Jr., and Don McLain; Jan Ice, Dick and Gregg Shrake. Coming in for late refreshments were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scorgie, Gary Scorgie. House guests' over the week end In the Warren Shrake home were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cul ler, Joe and Linda Culler of Seattle. Recent visitors and house guests at the Charles Gilbert home at 130 Mahrt Ave., were Mr. and Mrs. Niles Holland of Rose Lodge, Ore., Mr. and Mrs. Walter Looney of Caldwell, Ida. and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Robert son, Connie and Buzzie Robert son of Geraldlne, Mont. Mrs. L. J. Stewart, Rt. 8, was In Portland Wednesday amend ing the Daughters of the Nile Christmas party for Shrine Hos pital for Crippled Children. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Anderson 890 S. Lancaster Dr., were hosts to Prof, and Mrs. Henry Ten Pas, John, Bill and Lynn Ten Pas of Corvallis. Mrs. Ten Pas is a daughter of the Andersons. Mr. and Mrs. James R. Anderson and Sally Jo of Hlllsboro were also guests In the Anderson home. Over the week end the hosts and their guests drove to Alsea for fishing. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Austin and Pete Austin, Mr. and Mrs Howard Austin, Donnie Austin, spent several days last week vis iting relatives in Seattle. Mrs. Eva Haines, 537 S. Lan caster spent last week end visit ing friends in Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Shrake East State St., were hosts to the following group for pinochle and late refreshments. Messrs. and Mesdames Arlo McLain. Harold Snook, Ervin Sunderlin, Jack Scorgie, Loren Richey, Fred Frier. Virgil Snook of Vernonia snd Mr and Mrs. Charles Cullen For your Ford Tractor. .. the famous TOWNER LIFT TYPE OFFSET DISC FOR HUD and ORCHARD WORK Strength and easy adjustment make this disc harrow outstanding. For orchards, rntlre disc can be offset up to 18-to right or left. For row crops or vineyards, rear fang offsrts so you can "throw to"or"throw awav"frnm rowm. Operator compensates for aide draft with handle noar tractor seat ALLEY TRACTOR COMPANY S30 Chtmtktto Ph. Saturday, December 4, 1948 I . ... o uTeW I PC Teetotaler R e in a rking "I'm sure I shall get into aw ful trouble over this." Lady Astor went right ahead and auctioned a bottle of whiskey for the benefit of a Christ mas fund during a party at 10 Downing Street, London. La dy Astor is known as one of the world's leading teetotal ers. (AP Wirephoto) Auto Theft Charge Holds Portland Man Independence Charger! with the theft of an automobile belonging to N. G. Davis of Monmouth, Archie A. McFeron, Portland, was bound over to the Polk county grand jury and committed to the county jail in lieu of $1000 bail when he ap peared before Justice W. A. Wiest. The Davis car was re covered near Camp Adair where it had been abandoned after running out of gasoline. Other offenders to fie the local Jua tke of the pence this week were: Jark w Boreuton. Corvallla. fined 17 50 and eost for violation of the basic rule Russell U Colmell, Portland, fined IS and cost for violation of the basic rule Richard 8. Orrlnler. fined tl and coats for detective brakes. Ivicene v. Rlchter. fined 13. u for fail ure to observe a atop llehl. John O. Oraham, fined 13 tor no clear ance Ittht. Charles R. Carver, fined II for no driv er'! license. Euiene W. Mllner, fined It for no tall Unfit. Yamhill Extension Leaders Schooled Hopewell Mrs. J S. Gilkey and Mrs. Jean Clark, both of the Wheatland district and mem bers of the Hopewell Home Ex tension unit attended the lead ers' school of instruction held at the Yamhill county 4-H club building at McMinnville and learned of the January subject "Care of Home Furnishings." Mrs. Ivan Guber of Pleasant dale and Mrs. Robert Boynton of Webfoot members of Webfoot unit attended the same meet ing. Mrs. Louis W. Magee of Un lonvale and Mrs. Fred C. Stock hoff of Wheatland, members of Unlonvale unit, also attended. rrake. TIP Sherrill White, small daughter (If I llfew. 'ialL " of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. White, 500 ) W I I 1 1 1 j( li Beck Ave, Is confined to her QtS'rV r. I f"1VZ7" GlTrtAI 'home with chicken pox. k MSflteiL I 4QIrjTT!j.ZNti3 I Aiiacnta quickly to Ford Tractor, romplrtr disc raisrs or lowera hy Ford Hydraulic Touch Control. This permits close turns at row ends . . . avoids Had damage In transport. See It soon! 38131 Salem, Or. No Promises From Engdahl Senator Carl Engdahl, candi date for president of the state senate has made no promises other than fair treatment to the members of the democratic min ority who have agreed to sup port him in his race, according to Senator Tom Mahoney of Multnomah county. Senator Mahoney, in Salem on law business Friday, said that I the Umatilla county senator "has promised no committee appoint ments or any other special fav ors to the democrats who have agreed to support him." "The only thing Sen. Engdahl has promised," said Mahoney, "is fair treatment to all members of the senate in the event he is elected president of that body." Seven of the 10 democrats in the senate will support Engdahl, one will vote for William Walsh and the other two have refrain ed from making any committ ment. Group Study Traffic Fund Amendments Di s c u s s I on of amendments that are under consideration and may be presented to the next legislature for better ad ministration of the motor vehicle accident fund and also a review and discussion of various proce dures under provisions of the act was held Friday at the office of L. O. Ahrens. state industrial accident commissioner, by a self-appointed committee repre senting various hospitals, most of them Portland institutions. Also meeting with the group were T. B. Holgate, investigator for the commission and Walter Gillard, assistant attorney gen eral. Attending the meeting were Frank J. Walter, Roy J. Ford and W. S. Erson, of the Good Samaritan hospital; Webster La mer, Physicians and Surgeons hospital; Sister Miriam Teresa, St. Vincent's hospital; Sister Ve ronica, Providence hospital; Paul R. Hanson. W. H. Hendrickson and Erling Ellingson, Emmanu el hospital, all of Portland and William Gahlsdorf, Salem Gen eral hospital. Early Christmas Mailing Urgent Washington. Dec. 4 Un less you mail your Christmas packages right now they may arrive after the holiday. Postmaster General Donald son said In a statement last night: "This year's Christmas mail added to the present everyday record volume has created the most acute mail congestion and transportation problem In the entire history of the postal ser vice. "Only by the immediate mail ing of Christmas parcels can the senders be assured that their gifts will arrive prior to Christ mas." Dallas Mill Closes Dallas. Ore., Dec. 4 UR The Pope and Talbot Lumber Co., today announced the falling lumber market would cause the shutdown of its Dallas plant, which employs 125. Paul Mor gan, manager of the Willamette Lumber Co., said his mill would continue at full production. J For A Happy Healthy Dog Switch Now to KEII-L-RATI0II N Mixhg hsf OpM mi 5n li t fun to fd four don hta you atrt him Krn-L-Rttmn. It ennttim lean, rrd meal I'.S. (oernmnt inspected hor meat. Rich in mineralt and Titamint do fit need datW for top health. If you haw Seen but in a; frh mi(, twitch to Ken-L-Rtnoa ad notice how much money you un, No Risk . Your Monoy Bock Opea cm of Ken-l-Ration tnd serve to rour doajt If a doe aot lick ap ever mortel and hen foe tTeora. iMn tend in the US, fro a the caa to Rtf4 Rmoa and roar nonee will he cheer Ml rrlwaded. (iat three ran! ot thu tamoo ao( food toda? at roar favorite atore. KEN-L-RATION first in Coanto1 Dm food I IF) vnr ar I & Mm Cat, Five Children Get $2,2-0 Police property clerk Frank Louci (left) hands $2,200 to Benjamin Myron, 8, (second from left) as his sisters, Patricia, 12. holding cat, Smokey, and Diane (right), 10, and twin brother, Richard, (behind Diane) watch at police headquarters in New York. The children to gether with brother Peter, 16, discovered money in rafters of family garage, as they scrambled after Smokey. A 90-day police investigation failed to turn up a better claimant for the money. The children will divide their find evenly, with Smokey getting a dish of cream for Christmas. (AP Wire-photo) Officers Are Named By Albany Jaycees Albany Oscar "Swede" Swenson, sales manager for Nis sen Motor company, was elected president of the Albany Junior Chamber of Commerce at Its regular meeting and will suc ceed Ted Lovelace. Swenson announced later that Larry Roth would be president of the 1949 Timber Carnival, popular Jay cee festivity set for July 2, 3 and 4. Bill Scharpf was named first vice president; Dave White, sec ond vice president; Paul Brown, treasurer; and Charles Batten, secretary. Board of directors for the coming year will be Basil Ryals, Al Neet, Bob Fox, Bob Long fellow and Larry Roth. Other Timber Carnival offi cers are Bob Longfellow, vice president; Bill Scharpf, secre tary; Don Marguson, treasurer; and Bill Mitchell, member-at-large. Basso Will Sing Lafayette Donald Sherman of Portland will be guest bass soloist at the evening service at the United Brethren Evangelical Church Sunday. I IUII IC ATI ADJUST I PA II RIPIACI AUMAKIt AN ftlZlft ' Of IMMMTIIAl IOOII mr are aapartencee' m4 we carry a lara itoct. f replacement parti to nobl in to give yew foil, fonomwol tarvle. CRAWFORD DOOR SALES CO. 690 Waldo Avenue, Salem mt DOG BOOK Practical iafonntrtoa oa "How to Ftad and (are for roar Dog!'' Hamorowt citiooi HlaKraHoet. Yoa'll an to erv word! tend aem and addratt fot roar Prae cop bow! Vta-L-Ktito. Dtp, k, Boi Pll, Uiioio 77, l Ui bo i . avians (having DOOR TROUBLE H teeiiU'e-' Wl re f klH.L.Htlbll itttoi Mt Louis B. Mayer Wed in Arizona Yuma. Ariz., Dec. 4 Wi Mo vie Magnate Louis B. Mayer and Mrs. Lorena Danker were married today by Justice of the Peace R. H. Lutes in the office of Sheriff J. A. Beard amid a lively pursuit by reporters and photographers. The bride, widow of Radio Producer Danny Danker, Mayer and other wedding party mem bers arrived at 4:05 a.m. by train from Los Angeles and went to the Coronado Motor hotel. The ceremony took place at 9 a.m. The party succeeded in eluding photographers and after the wedding the bridal couple and Mrs. Danker's daughter, Su zanne, 11, were whisked away in Sheriff Beard's car. Dr. S. A Whearley OPTOMETRIST Formerly with Morris Optical Co. NOW LOCATED AT 167 S. High St. Phono 2-4469 when you Lib Smd(m Hint -COOtMN-ONt-' easserolo with a magic touch . . . the new General Kleetrio Casserole. Fond for the whole family, or just (or one . . . delirious pot roasts. regetaMes, sarorr soups, one-dish meals, and steamed paddings. Whit's more '. . remove the cover, and von havo a handsome serving dish! II irtiattnc uictiic cmscmu Heal adjaatment from 100 to SMl defrvf Fahren heit, A-e on It, . .a. m 13.48 ft-t TWO -HUT IllCTtie CUSIROlt High for fant rookinct low for timmer or tlow rook lug, A- onle. 10.38 340 Court 'Strawberry Red' Now Reported Dead Stayton Constable Henry Smith has received word from the FBI that a man wanted as a suspect In the murder of a young man by the name of Marr whom he met in the West Stay ton bean yards last summer, had been found dead some place in the midwest. No details of his death were given. Known under several aliases, the man was probably best known around Stayton as "Strawberry Red." He is alleg ed to have accompanied Marr to California in Marr's automobile. It is claimed that he killed Marr whose body was found in a California river and abandoned the car about 100 miles from the spot. He reappeared at West Stayton only to drop from sight again. A nationwide search was under way for him by the FBI. When You Think of I ICE i Insurance Think of NEW YORK LIFE And when you think of New York Life think of Walt Wadhams SPECIAL AGENTS 58 Rose St. Salem. Oreeon Phone 2930 "ft Ten Her me call me Walt" cook in a Dial 2-2493 l Its hp F-C - -'V ' " I Gas Company Gets Increase Gas rates in Salem move up ward with the entire Portland area by an order issued Friday by George H. Flagg. state public utilities commissioner, on appli cation of the Portland Gas 4 Coke company. Th. nrrfer is ffective monoay. Inrse iikpts are affected, but a nominal increase will also be felt by customers who use gas for cooking and water heating, to meet the rising cost of fuel "'The latter. J. A. H. Dodd, Wil lametie vallev manager, said. will amount only to a few cents on most gas bills in the area. It is based on a 2 4 cent increase per 1000 cubic feet for each 10-rints-n-hsrrel increase in oil costs. For example, said Dodd, a customer whose kitchen range uses around 1500 cubic feet a month would Day an added 3 6 cents, and one using 3000 feet will pay an increase ol 7.z cents. Users of more than 15.000 cu bic feet a month will be In creased from 61.6 to 816 per 1000 feet, and this increase is designed to yield the company an additional revenue of $710. 000 a year. This increase will Ike Br Paal Teatev Well distributed lighting is more important than high in tensities at interval spacing . . Bright light is not harmful to the eyes if the en tire room has the same inten sity. We recommend: shield ed fixtures properly spaced for general illumination in home and office or business place BETTER LIGHT FOR BETTER SIGHT Salem Lighting & Appliance Co. 236 N High St. Senator Hotel Bid-. Phone S-941! Open Fridays I'ntil f):0O laBaBBBaBBaaBBBaBBB.BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK I fi TTTNT-l fT 5 if7l?ll National Distillers Products Corporation, New York, N. Yl Blended Whi.kev. 8 6 Proof, 70 3 Grain Neutral Spirit.: .not overcome the company! de ficit in net income, the order said. Welfare Checks Placed in Mail Portland, Ore., Dec. 4 u December welfare checks to Oregon's old age pensioners were in the mail today after a 48-hour holdup because of the failure of federal funds to ar rive on time. Welfare Administrator Loa Howard said most welfare reci pients will receive their Decem ber checks which are mailed normally the first of each month. Shell love you or THIS! THREESOME She'll nted oH three ELGIN AMERICAN compact! for har dawn to duilt good grooming. The perfect gift We Give S&H Green Stamps 441 Court Street. mi f