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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1948)
4 c I 'if 1 1 r ! 1ft Capital Journal, Salem. Ore., Saturday, 4. 1948 East Salem Fire District Plans Election of Directors East Salem, Dec. 4 The election to be held at the Four Corner community hall Monday, December 13. will be oj interest to all Army Planning New Program Cattle TB and Bang's Disease Definitely on Their Way Out Salvation Army Program Sunday By CLAl'DE STEl'SLOFF KtaHv nrneni toward rnmDlet tradiration of tuberculosis Army reservists and national ! ,j hm'rtlnsn i Rant's Hivivl in Marion rountv cattle was re- guardsmen are to be brought up, vmi-h ,h rprrni merlins of th Marion countv disease control l--i vnin in th iiirirt urvM bv the Four Corners rural fire '" " committee of which Alvin KoDinson. jerierson. is cnairman. protection district, most of Swegle. Auburn, some of Fruitland and jl"", J" h2f i Of 20,880 cattle tested for bovine tuberculosis during the year the section of Englewood between Swegle and Auburn and the l""d'r " w J '!?SI M" t"lg ending July 1. 1948. only nine-. city limits. planned by tne army. animals, or .04 per cent, reacted. !tie, ,M hve compry tt. A director for the live year Wednesday to spend the day! Mai Gen Albert T Brown : T , J. V -F-ni . n, M in' Six other counties over the term beginning January 1 i, to h the., former neighbor ol'Z, ' "lltT. . Army .Northern .Military district.! nrir,B mmth.r. were 22 237 h fiv. -.. .t.rin. cattle tested for Bang's disease :arians operating on a sliding of which number 85 animals. .38 scale fee system from $2 for wr rent rartri. This comrjares vinei animal Hnwn In Fin Mntt el over sixth army areas. wlth j77 reactors. .9 per cent of per head for herds of six animals from th volunteer firemen's r Shk ,A ehiMren nieir J."."' ine le.sw unu mm uui in, or more, une nan oune cost IS - . ' ers ana ennstea men, are Deing group. They represent the dis- and Gres: Mrs. Stuart Johns. !oreaniZed bv the commanding Icelvea slaughter value for his reactor animals. I County veterinariani report jthat beef cattle tested so far """""" "7'-'" The Portland Citadel Band have ben unusually free of di-Lf ,he Salvltion Army will have jease ana cattlemen nave cooper-1 charge of the services in Salem ated heartily with the testing. Sunday. Cattle peddlers and trader.! Mna. una " Mton 01 were pointed out as the most po tent factors in spread of disease. Flue Fire Alarms Silverton The volunteer firejL men were called to the Koon' street home of the Axel Olsons to watch a flue fire during the heavy winds of Wednesday ev ening. No damage was the re- i port. Bandmaster Orrin Smith will have both the morning Holiness The' new auction n T' !"d ! il I.4U . III. All lllC llcitiuvii law is steadily becoming more be elec'.ed. Two names have .Monroe avenue and a member been filed, Albert Brant and A I of their sewing club. Mrs. J. E. E. LaBranch both living at the Clique, were Mrs. Arthur Stow Four Ccrners. LaBranch is the ell. Mrs Henry Hanson, Mrs present incumbent. The director? Ar!o McClain. Mrs. Wilfred Wil organization :s entirely separate ler and son, Freddie: Mrs. War- effective in sales yards. the band will go to the Oregon who was contacted for informa tion on the plans, is to have de-i monstration teams that will trav- i borne by the county and one half Since July 1, 1948, testing for is assessed back to owners of the trim in a!! Ifra' ,ra'T-r SllCh at anrf fr Pharl, A Rarnev anH i , - -r-- .- .-... ... ... ...... general ai rori iewis, wno win , .. . . . , . ... . ii,.o,Au. the !ev:r.f cf the property tax dauehter. Ann. i-i .v.. .J.u both beef and dairy cattle has livestock. tor '.he pro:ec:ion ana tne ... !been tie of th; rr.ney raised for equipment etc. one director at this Roy Ward in Swe g'e. lives away from the Four Corners. Sympathy is being extended to -Mrs. Daniel Casey and Mrs. Dorothy Hanen of Swegle com munity on the death of their iatner at tne Lasey nome on .Sunday. His body was shipped The Middle Grove Mother's to his former home at Norton, club heid its regular monthly Kansas for burial, meeting at the school house. Ar- Mrs Ear, Wood of Lancaster wiur aijers. suouroan principal. driv. i- recoverin a, ,h. Sa. compulsory in Marion! In the fiscal year ending June miiit. 5Tt, e. in .hi Bi.Th county except for a small inac- 30. 1948 the total cost of test military district in the Sixth cfssMe arei tan of Mehama in ing Jn the county was $14,577.60 army area. i(he Abiqua basin In the wil-: For the current year $20,000 has Demonstrations are to be g"v-!lamette Valey. Benton, Clacka-ibeen appropriated for testing of en at various localities where ma5 Lane Linn Multnomah, I which $4070 has been expended reserve units are located and Washington and Yamhill coun-to November 1. wi l illustrate developments in Animals reacting to either military weapons and technique , spector-instructor here. Bang's disease, or tuberculosis Tentative schedule for the The schedule as it is now ra-:are slaughtered and livestock teams' visits to Salem for de-; ranged includes: January 8,1 owners are indemnified for the monstrations that will be opentoiTeam No. 3 on maneuver enemy; log, at a maximum of $32 for - "- -""i " state Penitentiary in connection I u.-ith .he mnnthlv viit nf the Used burlap bags have been Salvation Army and from there proved a common means of wilj g0 tnt Oregon State Bangs disease spread. The di-Tuberculosia Hospital for a con ease organisms are capable of cert living on such materials for: Bandsman Weston Trucker more than a year according to will speak at the morning service Dr. Herbert Muth, veterinarian and Major Charles Cox, com at Oregon state college. experi.,manding officer, Portland Cita ment station. Legislation re-dei, wm .peak at tne evening quiring sterilization of used bur-1 service Services wUl be open lap feed bags is to be recom-jto ,n the public is cordially in mended by the committee. Ivited to attend. was present to consult with the lcm General hospital following I men ' ,he arm'r of th United January 27. Team No. 2. signal grades and $48 for purebreds. mothers as to plans for the chil- her recent operat'lon. she dren's Christmas program. The inr-liiHin0 rnwrvicl, anI nnmmnninatinna anitinmni and ti ... . . . e expects " " ' me coumy ana siaie cacn pay is week-natl0nal uardsmn wi,h Proper February 11, Team No. 1. impli-ione fourth of the indemnity and to be brought home this week program will be given the eve- end ning oi tne regular community , club meeting. Members voted to! Motorln Seattle this past postpone the work on the lawn week-end were Mr. and Mrs. W until spring. Charles Irving. E. Richardson of Garden road, head teacher, reported the send- They were accompanied by Mr Ing of several sack, of clothing and yj n VaIlantyne of for the overseas relief bundles. , . . , , Mrs. Winifred Slimack was hos-iSalem who Vlsl,ed in the home tess for the social hour. of their daughter and son-in-law. Motoring to McMinnville on Mr. and Mrs. Sam Holman. credentials, have recently been, cation on new weapons received by the army reserve in-1 ground operations. on U. S. pays one half. Besides the I indemnity the stock owner re- Everything better with CASH LOANS Auto or Persona 'lOOto'lOOO COMMERCIAL CREDIT FLAIV .INCOsiraKtTIO, SALEM AGENCY: 444 Csnttr St.. T.I. 3-416J M. tastes So rr" 1 kf7 rn x uiiiu taoVWINt CO. SAN riANCISCO. CAUPOSNIA WALTER MUSGRAVE, REALTORS and M. K. N. FURNITURE present: MR. SANTA CLAUS' DREAM HOUSE A smartly styled, modern to the minute. 2 bedroom home, excitingly different, designed for gracious living, with durability to last through the years. Beautifully furnished by M. K. N.. whose slogan, "Fine Furniture for Fine Folks." is exemplified in detail. Priced at $10,500 unfurnished, or furnished to your individual taste by M K.N. OPEN HOl'SE Sunday December 5th, 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. Drive past M. K. N. Store on Edgewater Street. West Salem, turn right up Kir.gwood Drive, then turn left on Longview, one block. WALTER MUSGRAVE. Realtors 1233 Edgewater. Ph. 3-5109 PREPARE NOW WITH A NEW MERCURY HEAVY-DUTY BATTERY! sVK rill ru SfMCf? rayprKM fait yvtt car tat WARNER MOTOR CO. 430 N. Com'l Ph. 2-2487 Your Lincoln-Mercury Dealer' Y V v it s a new name... Cro ny foot I St nsylat.og Co. Dnc y si. We're expanding .... to better serve Salem home owners. By being able to purchase larger quantities of materials we can insulate and weatherstrip your home more reasonably. nin a new location... 90 South fi"Uit tfiirnt'ftfi Now we're more conveniently located ... in a modern new building with better facilities to serve you. Just a few minutes from down town and plenty of parking space. Dick Tremayne -. President John Crofoot Vice President Percy Crofoot Secretary-Treasurer ommercia To permit you to inspect the materials that will go in your home, our warehouse is conveniently adjoined to our office. It's open to you all day. m to J I: 4 C but it's the same... DEPENDABLE FIRM THAT HAS SERVED SALEM FOR YEARS INSULATION -WEATHER STRIPPING "VENETIAN BLINDS , . v V s 'A i. V ' WRAP YOUR HOME IN A BLANKET OF WOOL Originally found around the edges of live vol canoe, nick or mineral wool has now been improved and adapted to bring you greater comfort in your home than you ever dreamed possible. It Is as warm as sheep's wool It Is absolutely fire-proof, being made of rocks I'sed to cover over ceiling and in walls, it keeps heat out in sum mer, and inside in winter CU STOMERS COMMENTS: "12 degrees cooler in summer now." "Rent ers prefer the lop apartments." "Worth its low cost 10 times over." "Roof burned off fireproof ceiling held." "(ireater interest return than any other home investment," You pay for it whether you get it or not. ';: -.-.xi A HERE'S WHAT INSULATION fej AND WEATHERSTRIPPING. WILL DO FOR YOU ... I w i 3 Uniform heat throughout home. Floors and room corners evenly heated . . . more ' comfort ... fewer colds ... less sickness s; . . . saves doctor's expensive bills ' Hentincr nitinmenf Inula tiinircr hivrnm to one-third less fuel is burned j.n t r. 1 House cleaning bills reduced because heat- g J ed air no longer sucks through plaster VJ eliminating airiv sireaKV ceilings ana nans m Vermin proof. Fire-proof, outlasts the home. Does not deteriorate does not lose insulating qualities. feather Light as a v FEEL FREE TO CALL ON US ANYTIME DAY OR NIGHT FOR AN EXACT ESTIMATE WITHOUT ANY OBLIGATION TO YOU. Phone 3-9512 or 2-4656 day or night i KNOW THIS . . . INSULATION IS ONLY AS GOOD AS ITS INSTALLATION-SO SEE N ' , nnArAAT IlTniTT 1 rptlTn nn lin aoa nAtimtt lAinmnrn t