East Salem Club Members Organize for Year's Work Forum Lacks Quorum I Independence Tht city coun cil did not hold ill regular monthly meeting Wednesday! East salem, Dec. 3 tor several yean mere nave oeen active i evening owing to 4-n ciuos in miaaie urgvr community ior ine gini in cuukiiib and tewing with Mrs. John Cage leader. Because of her recent illness the class is later this year in its organization but officers have been elected, and the general organization made. Joyce Kucnzi will assist Mrs Cage as leader. Shirley Page will act as president; Lora Lee Holman, vice president; Joanne Fabry, secretary; Deena Lou Kleen. song and j ell leader and Yvonne Goode, reporter. Other members are Yvonne Mil ler, Doris Reynolds Sue Ang lin, Sharon Cbamberland, Ma rie Hammer, and Denna Dickey. The organization meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Emory Goode with the following moth ers guests: Mrs. Theodore Kuen zi, Mrs. William Kleen, Mrs. Howard Miller, Mrs. Albert Fabry, Harold Anglin and Mrs. Goode. A public sale was held at the acreage home of Mr. and Mrs. E. I. Snethen on Lancaster drive with ears lined up for blocks in all directions, and the sale not finished until late in the eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. Snethen sold their household good; and there was a barn full of stock sold as he has been a stock buyer in Salem and vicinity for several years. They are leaving this week for Arizona where they ' dan to make their home. Thev have rented their home. The change was made for his health. Swegle Woman's club met at the home of Mrs. William Damery in the Fruitland district Tuesday for a day of sewing and to make final plans for their bazaar December 10: Mrs. Merle Enloe Mrs. Clifford Yost, Mrs. Charles Botorff, Mrs. Rex Peffer, Mrs. Ralph Hein, Mrs. Mary Swingle, Mrs. Menno Dalke, Mrs. Ralph Becker, Mrs. E. E. Brandt, Mrs Elmer A. Terrill, Mrs. Charles Norton, and Mrs. William Hartley. quorum. Councilman M. M. Fulmer is in the Salem General hospital and James Hart was out of the, cuy. . ane meeting, win iiciu cured. Lodge Degree Team Entertains Husbands Independence The degree team of the Rebekah lodge, No. 56, entertained their husbands with a 7 o'clock no-host dinnerj in the dining room of the lOOFl hall. Dortha Cline, captain of' the team, was presented with ani Azalea plant, and she gave each of the sisters a rose sachet bag. and the men who helped on the team a cigar. MIDDLE GROVE SCHOOL Carnival & Bazaar PROGRAM GAMES Dec. 3rd - Open 6 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Arnet have moved into their new home on! Garden road the former Rlpr-! lwmwwm'nicwmwrwiVMwei 6 on acreage. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Thrasher are moving from Salem into their home at the corner of Gar den road and Lancaster drive. The following members of' Jh Tlksxi SiptA VMI lAndsut thsi 1am . . . Pnnto Dhnm MnhohiA RhnA. See our fine collection of gifts gifts that are Mire to please everyone. Visit every floor . , . every department . . . and choose articles that are sensibly low priced to help keep your SHOP FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. NYLON KNIT SLIPS O Nylon Embroidered Lace Trimmed Top and Boftom Reg. '6.95 ANN The Reweaver New Location 1180 N. Winter, Near Marker St., Phone 3-3918 Closed Saturdays All types of mending hosiery, sox, sweaters, etc. Moth holes, tears, burns nd worn places. Beautifully detailed all-nylon slips i slip every woman will delight in hav ing! Wonderfully weightless but to incredibly strong knit nvlnn . . . four gnre, figure-hugging construction . . . lavish nylon embroidered lace trim on top and bottom. In White only . . . sizes 32 to 40. Tiny flaws eatice these slips to be rated seconds but you'll agree they are truly a find for Christmas. Lingerie Dept. S!)M!gtfSIW!WWm!m!UII!W FT m a. i m . lack of . 6 EO jTfv . : i of : IFIZJtWlA :TTi WTtM 1. 1 1 9 iW "151" n Bs 49 num y J"- v KCUTRAl SPIRITS .v J W IrW.ar lil & I OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT SS VU X Y ' T- I FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE j S S"V?. I Diamonds P Wotehei 1 1 . SILVERWARE ' . f f, hi s Jjy uourr drreer u i We Give You Cm I SVfl nd Redeem Jf X r Exehinqe j 3 I I 1 Green Stamps XXL Green Stamps ! g VJ(fe"J J S.v?,sXtH:r., , ESSEEa ArticlesHerel j J TW 4 cikic Pi! Dr. won i a win woDCTPn I f DONEGAL TWEED SKIRTS $H Two Figure-Flatttring Stylet ' 5f I iyl Lightweight Pure Wool end Wonted I J Two beautifully tailored skirts in the S77B8 S ' season's most favored fabric of Pure SPECIAL AT II j w v ; li Wool and Worsted Donegal Tweed .. . V; f) ' 1 make worthwhile and appreciated I U'"'! I ' JT Christmas gift. jJggK j j ? H Style A-B.low ftt1 ' I fv Casual Swing Skirt with new and infer- V ( I" i ' Vi fTT'X esrmi poefcer cfefaiVin. thr Brown I lit x ' I I sZ Vl k'A " . m m mm ... r w m ; ivf LxiC' I f 'V LADIIS' ALL-NYLON MEN'S IOXED I I Lfl 1 5t I 1 ,CV ANKLITS HANDKERCHIES V Wfil 98 '55 79 ! I6Y M Style l-Ab.v. tt 'W"' ' Thl,. "I ure-sWfyronrniode... 1 "I c,. ! ! f ,,ws U-'O. ll iwrr celm T blut, fdnk, elw1 bwdf. Lrf NfnU j SPORTSWEAR DEPT.-MAIN FLOOR i e Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Friday, December 8, 1948 S tww'Crc'''SiriiiTcs,rrr,crrrrrrrrrr 0 ONLY Exciting . . . Brand-New HANDBAGS ONLY y- pus fof A brand-new shipment of Handbags . . . Wonderfully new and different . . . just in time for your Christmas selection. A whole collection of styles . . . little boxes, pouch bags, elongated bags, top-handled bags all the styles you like yourself and ones you know your friends will delight in. Fabrics include: Plastic Calf, Patent, Faille, Suedine Colors include: Black, Brown, Grey, Red, etc. Come early for your selection. s a a s Accessory Dept. laWWWIWWWWniWWWItlNIWWKIWHIWWWMWj ill SNUGGLE-DOWN" 8 BRUSHED RAYON GOWNS by "Collegiate" just $95 rellv , . . warm . . . and rut for the bett in sleeping i ninfni t soft, cuddlesnme brutlied rayon gown llial gie the InngeM ear, fit the imontlicFt, qualities for whic li this famous brand i justlv famous. Available in toft palrl shades . . . sizes 32 o 40. Buy several for Christmas gifts for any woman will ilet your thoughtfulnens when he recedes one of these Brushed Rayon Gowns. Lingerie Kept. Friday Nite Features 7 P.M. to 9 P.M. ONLY isiici'iiiwc'n'eieiin Feature 1 Garment Bags $t 00 Hold 8 garment. Dustproof. Clear plastic. Ladies' Pur Silk and Lonq tad Square Shear Scarfs IffCMt $ej Lirlv. rifts nhint tife nlk thttr ItMf Morfe that oIwat mafct tw ekfti ChnM hm r"- Buiht fjtinN r4 wiele frup erf nU4 fnhn hntn Ladies' Ail-White Moccasin Top Anklets SPfCML AA( Hrar tilt all hite rottsn with Ihieb "MtrrMtn" nhbvd ip favtMtt ityle thm r a oe) ftcinrofred lew and heat fa ama, tent . Son til. Khiht lrTer'''iHe but faf ri imM ImfMitad naltry P)atat. Feature 2 Boys Jeans $100 8-01. weitern. a Sanforised denim. Copper riveted. Feature 3 Ladies' Dresses $288 Cotton gabardine. Broken sixes. Limited quantity. Feature 4 SHEET BLANKETS $2.19 ...Site 72x99 First Quality, Nationally Known Fluffy White Cotton Feature 5 House Slippers 79c Women's and children's. Felt and sheep lined. Broken sixes. Feature 6 Plastic Yardage 29c yd. 16' width. Asserted patterns. Various colors. i ifcsssfcisaisfcs 1