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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1948)
8 Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon, Thursday. Der. 2. 1948' Tea for Miss Inglis Miss Florene Inglis, Dallas, who is to be married Decem ber 28 (o Mark Peter Miller of Portland, will be honored at a tea and kitchen shower for which Miss Betty Jones is to be hostess next Saturday afternoon at the home of her parents. Dr. and Mrs. Melville Jones, Spring- College friends of the hom.ree ! tiv Plan" n "eity pU have been invited to call be- Council Formed The Camp Fire Girls have or ganized an all city Junior high council with plans to coordinate and develop a city wide junior high school program. Th pres idents and one representative from each of the seven groups form this council which will meet each Saturday of the month at 11:00 a.m. in the Camp Tire Girls office. The council has made tenta- Miss Hulsey Given Party Miss Peggy Jean Hulsey, who is to be wed soon to Kenneth Verlz of Brooks, was honored at a miscellaneous shower given Wednesday evening at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur Hulsey. Mrs. Ray Hickman was host ess for the party. Following an informal evening, late refresh ments were served. Fourteen were present. tween 3 and 5 o'clock. Miss In glis has been attending Univer sity of Oregon where she is a Kappa Alpha Theta. Wedding Event At Salem Home The marriage of Mrs. Mary Welden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Lamb of Albany, to Orville S. Maiden, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Maiden of Stur geon. Mo., was solemnized last Saturday evening at a ceremony In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Curry, the Rev. Mr. Mc Connelee of the Oakville Com munity church officiating. The rites were read at 8 o'clock he fore the fireplace, attractively decorated with pale rose and white flowers, which also dec orated the rooms. For the wedding the bride wore a dusty rose crepe after noon dress with corsage of brown orchids. The bride's mother wore a dress of luggage crepe and cor age of Talisman roses. At the reception following, Mrs. R. E. McCormick of Al bany, aunt of the bride, cut the cake and Mrs. Veryle Morton poured. Mrs. Ethel Lane and Mrs. Glenn Bowman assisted in serving. Out-of-town guests at the wedding Included the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Lamb, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Mc Cormick and Jack, and Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Llndsey, all of Al bany; Miss Barbara Barklow of Myrtle Point, Mr. and Mrs. Ver yle Morton of Forest Grove. The couple will be at home In Salem for this winter. BARBARA FRIETCfllE tent. Daughters of Union Veterans, will meet Friday evening at the Salem Woman's clnh house. There will be a no-host sup per at 8:30 o'clock and a meeting with election of officers at 8 o'clock. party and potluck dinner to be Officers Elected held some time In January. Plans for this year's national birthday honor, "Make Mine Democracy," were reviewed and discussed at the first meeting. SAI.F.M HEIGHTS Woman's club will meet Friday, Decem ber 8 at 6:30 o'clock for a cov ered dish dinner at the school. This is the family Christmas party, when the club members will entertain their husbands and children. D. D. Dntson will present a ventriloquist act, and Mrs. Clark Lethin will be in charge of the Christmas music. Mrs. Leslie Bates is the chairman of tht affair. New noble grand for the Re kah lodge is Mrs. Lloyd Pepper. Other officers named this week include: Mrs. Justina Kildee, vice grand; Mrs. Clem Ohlsen, recording secretary; Mrs. W. H. Gardner, fin a n c 1 a 1 secretary; Mrs. Howard Hunsaker, treasur er; Mrs. Clarence Townsend, team captain. CAPITAL Tent Hive, 84D, Maccabees, will meet Thursday in Beaver hall. There will be a potluck dinner at 6:30 o'clock followed by a meeting at 8 o' clock when new officers will be elected. Plans will be made for the Christmas tree on De cember 16. Your Prescription Store WHEN YOU THINK DRUGS THINK SCHAEFER . W - 141 "It Pays te Trad at SehoeferV 7899 Prescriptions Accurately Filled 1948 EVERYTHING FOR THE BABY We have a complett line of medical needs (or babies. Let us fi'l your prescription. I I we ,V TS 5 'Tie m mmmw. m m uive a vAitickm T- . Ji-fiTJ SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE Th Orifinal Yellow Front Drug And Candy Special Store in Salem 135 N. Com'l. St. Phone 3-5197 or 2-9123 Camp Fire Girls News At their Monday meeting the Iyokihi Camp Fire gioup began planning doll costumes. They are getting dolls from the Exchange club and after the dolls are dressed in new dresses and finery they will be given to a charitable organization for Christmas dis tribution. With so many weather varia tions the Otakuye Camp Fire group decided they would have many opportunities to observe hydrometers. On Tuesday the girls, with doillie and pipe cleaner materials, made umbrel la hydrometers which will turn pink on rainy days and remain blue when the weather is fair. On Tuesday before starting to make their Christmas gifts th Fairy Blue Birds first made paper aprons to protect their dresses dnring their present making workshop. They also practiced a Christmas song for the Dec. A radio audition. The Rainbow Blue Birds met Tuesday with 12 girls present. It was a story hour for the gins after which they drew pictures to illustrate the stories that were read. They elected the fol lowing officers: Stephanie Kuzst, president; Emily Kenou sky, vice president; Judith Qua rey, secretary; Karen Higston, treasurer; Sharon Petersen, scribe. The Happy Blue Birds elected new officers Monday with Joan Wintermute, president; Judy Seamster, vice president; Bev erly Ready, secretary; Colleen Zamzow, treasurer and Wanda Coe, scribe. The Elutamda group with their leader, Mrs. J. Button, met Wednesday night. The girls held a council fire and Laura Jo Ma den and Elizabeth Anp Croddy were the new members. Honor beads were awarded to Sandra Eyerly, Janice Button, Laura Jo Maden, Elizabeth Ann Croddy, Carolyn Isom and Phyllis Clat terbuck. The girls all received honors in the seven crafts. A charter renewal seal was pre sented to the group. THE EXECTTTVB board Unit No. 136, American Legion aux iliary, met Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Kenneth Schomaker. A report was made of a large collection of maga zines being given the state hos pital. Packages sent by the aux iliary for the Veterans hospital gift shop are already there, transportation being donated by the Willamette Transfer company. Next meeting of the unit Is to .shop. The auxiliary1! .ecorj be December 14 when a Christ-1 meeting of th montn win com mas party with exchange of j December 28. I gifts for members will be held. During the day. on that date eev eral members plan to go to the i ELECTION of officers will 1 -- , .ha mMtinl nf th Veterans hospital to assist vet- j1""1" " ,. , . . erans in selection of gifts for Woman's Relief corps, Friday, their families from the giftUt 2 p.m. in the VFW hall. rat. J GASCO BRIQUETS at Shryder Transfer STEEN'S QUALITY MEATS MARKET 170 NO. COMM. SPECIALS FRI. AND SAT. BACON By the Piece IS YOUR WATCH TAKING TIME OFF? Gef yMT wa1(h f adien f Jo tht job r (Xpert of H Bring it in and Ut our specialists look it over. Reliable service is our watchword. And for new beauty, restyl your watch with smart yj(dtn Win WW Give Something for the Home This Christmas I! k ' Itl k ' yJ lkrKm The GnnI?tfc 'ft 9 It- a Pars. Table aTL rl - ul era w we It a Olle Table) Combination Table Qat: A decorative screen that standi with em leaning a(tioi a arrMehing aoythtog, Toot A hoMry card aabk with legs "that don't fenea r to" FcJcKng chir an ailst) - ftm as b eomlonahl wttJi learvlar awll-up or occamooal chairs. Tilt ckrwn freeh - no wreetling with table leg. Tfrrcti A wnieot Coffee TshU - by a quirk (Waj rhe low position. De listed M tv ttwc and for 101 . Aramltntaj - foe lightness and permanence (no raat). rMr robing - for a firm stand, Mason it and tnoet straight grain wood framing -for warp-proof top Leather ene ovt - for washable colorful surfs, re Meant m so Ikroor entins. See th Gsmdem Till Tap To4 foarured exdu- Sfxif Ml Furniture Department First Floor Open Friday Evenings 'Til 9 340 COURT DIAL J-1491 59c lb. This Is first grade, light breakfast bacon. PUR! LARD Kettl Rendered 2 lbs. 49c FIRST GRADE HAMS Strens or Mnrrells Half or Whole 59c lb. CHOICE STEER BEEF Tender, Meaty Pot Roasts 53 c ib. SIRLOIN STEAK Young, Tender 69c lb. RIB STEAK Tender, Not Wasty 69c lb. Skinless WEINERS, A Q full of flavor Ib. 'C SAUERKRAUT, really good 19c VIDCT " a r aw wnwm rutin inniin nut r,w m a BREAKFAST BACON Lh OYC FRESH DRESSED POULTRY AND RABBITS for comfort, wear and savings Sj Cholre of shoe or oxford Wf' V ' ' ' Jl J in pliant hrown leather. V S' r 1 Romy styling gives his active young 'itfyl&jZj feet room t0 9row ... IN COMFORT boys' biltwel shoes (fVS Oxford 4'8 Shoe 50 I ' sSij- y niriifsr 0) Non msrklni rnhber jv sales for hoy J !' v r u. Biltwel Oxfords A prsrtiral economy oxford to stive him hard not .-... ....... j... ' i Brown. Sires Jij -.1 Tough tiro cord soles and heels defy wear Wrinkle-retittont leather imol for comfort Mother, com to Sor today to give him the scientifically designed comfort of Biltwel shoes. Sturdy leather takes your lively boy's bumps and blows in its stride. Sizes 12V4-3. X-Ray Fittings Let You SEI How Comfortable They Are Scientific filtini methods assure you that your boy' Biltwels ht per-fettlyl ct you M0fuv ja&t' )tnlJ 484 State Street LADD'S Market Open to 0 Kvery Day 1105 South 12th Quick, Courteous Servir Salem, Ore. Shop and Save Phone 2-7462 Specials for Friday & Sat., Dec. 3 & 4 QUALITY MEATS BEEF ROASTS 45r Shoulder Cuts Good Beef LB. SLICED BACON $0 Sutar Cured Mild LB- SHORT RIBS QQC Meaty Beef Try 'Em Barhequed LB. WWb LOIN STEAK $0 Aed. Tender So Good! LB. V SHORTENING ,,. 89c GROCERY BARGAINS VELVEETA CHEESE 7Q- For Snacks or Cookinr l-lb. pkf. U CANNED MILK 0 07 Tall Cans All Brands esns VEL 97c Soapiest Detur;ent Perfect for Every Wash Job. . V TOILET TISSUE 3 roll, 25c ALBERS OATS 3 37. Cold Weather Special V a QUALITY PRODUCE PINK GRAPEFRUIT A 00- Seasonal Breakfast Treat " for BULK CARROTS ForHea.,h2 lB, 13 Roman Beauty Apples 4 ,na. 25c YELLOW ONIONS in Medium Sise in Mesh Bat; IV lb. J V Try Our Fountain Lunch mm Center At th Foot CTHRPQ ' Mil N" f th Iridg J f VIVulJ f h Underpau WESSON OIL 79c CHILI CON CARNE 19c SALAD DRESSING DrkM,1.'.,' 59c GOLD MEDAL FLOUR unm $1.69 KRISPY CRACKERS 2 lh. 39c Vegetables 7t RADISHES GREEN ONIONS CARROTS bunch SPUDS . : 50 lbs. $1.19 MEATS Malt Saving Center Your Meat Buying Cntr PORK ROASTS TURKEYS Lain and Shoulder 49c ,b BEEF ROASTS 39c .b PORK CHOPS 59c ,b FRYERS 55c ib. fresh Killed Wedneidey Grade A Hens 69c lh Grade A Toms 59c Ih WjMilW'aiini1'liMii