-. t 0 Capital Journal, Salem. Oregon, Thursday, De. 2. 1948 n II MM Uh ta4 'yr i 'ISOO II I -, xU in xola l J IDI ll OOP lit .hi S i OUM ka IBK talia tell wna OT Ira. ihea, HC I 'ooin vital 01 a tvna I u auto, a cm attra Smal hdw IUH r 01 unfli llviai aaa 1 nr ar . SSSM ' EW" ' Will ' 1UU :e an 1 OUT! Two beau Thte and OUTI Ont large . hw. '. merit NBll tood r.M.( baaei 10 I ' with m.as let HI V.ali Fb. ; 'Oil 8 Muni HmlU AcW aliwi. Iiuul full . Mil Al I. inn 3 IOC ran tha it Ht R'tltt ph. a Move wni'i.n BR h' hard ratfd 1nwn onlr 1 Go from 1 from I VU)VC1.T Tola, 1 OH -I I HW tl tl SM JOE . h. J. fr tri npw t) laitntf ft1(HM inrlmJl r a.i Mnd. vow attuirt I Firi-pli ra. 1 talra. waahrr H f Berth Mom. dmrllf lh Irf La mini ROOM ranat, 0000 4 ROO lettrir l bf.d Woodbi Mi fit I nv on Shop Ward's 'Til 9 o'clock Friday Night y WHERE YUR CHR,STMAS"GJFT"D0LLARS G0 FURTHER fll At Ward$ : A Bet,er Gift' n lllV For the Price You Planned to Pay! - - (K SAVINGS SHOP THIS WEEIWHILE WiS FINE GIFT-SELECTIONS ARE STILL COMPLETE I l' 2 DELUXE HAVfTHORNE TANK MODEL l r 01 1645 FAMOUS 'PRESTO' PRESSURE SAUCEPAN 6-qt. Eaves vitamlm and minerals, and flavor"! 4 qt. Pressure Sauce Pan 13.45 11 77 12-INCH LIGHT DUTY JIG SAW Cuts to center of 24" circle. 2-inches deep. 8x8" table tilts to 45". Save! 1395 SPOTLIGHT THROWS 1500' BEAM Chrome plated throughout! Head ad justs to almost any angle! Inner control. A bike your youngster wi be proud to own and ride! Fully equipped with coil-spring fork, big whiter-all balloon tires, electric horn (built in tank) headlight, chrome rims ad many extras. Seek... buy it NOW! On terms: 14 down, Balance Monthly 149 10-SPEED OQSO BASEMAN'S MITT 4 I DORMEYER MIXER IU CHILDREN'S 3-PIECE RUDOLPH DINNER SET Ivory-and-red semi-porcelain plate, bowl, eup. A Rudolph scene on each! 10-SPEED DORMEYER MIXER Power-packed mixer to save you time and work. 2 bowls, recipes Included. 4495 CUTI MIC CUAMHM aj Ik Priced t9 at just Set uet like rWhar'al Sweeper really sweeps, broom, dustpan; mop that whisks away dm. BLUE STIEL fTIAM MOVE1 2" Full size tan cowhide, leatherlined palm. Shaped felt pad, leather laced edges. WARDS MULTI PURPOSE CLEANER Cleans rugs, furniture, bedding with powerful suction. 6 attachments. 1995 COMPAff PERSONAL PORTABt RADIO ; with batts. This tiny Indful of powerful radio makes a n.,t treasured giftl Buy now! 19" C. I. AUTOMATIC POP-UP TOASTER Toasts two slices to your taste at one time . . . light, med., or dark. AC-DC. ATTRACTIVE 3Vi LB. PEPPERELL BLANKET .98 198 BRIGHT STEEL ICE TRUCKI V9 25 wool, 75 rayon. Yellow, row Just, blue, peach, green. Sizes 72 COTTON FLANNEL SHIRT FOR BOYS He'll need several for school, playl Assorted colorful plaids. Sizes 4-10. 498 MEN'S WESTERN SHIRTS Authentic In style . . . Outstanding In quality! Tropical worsted shirts In brown, tan, blue and green. 14-17. 59 BEAU DURA BRIEFS OF SPUN-LO RAYON Run-resistant! Band and elastic Iff styles with elastic waists. S-M-L. 098 WARM ROOMY COTTON FLANNEL PAJAMAS In coat or middy styles Wash so easy. Solids, stripes. A-B-C-D. GIRLS' MOCCASIN JOg WATERFALL STYLE JLOK NtK STYLED SLIPPER 5 CEDAR CHEST . OIT"' Softest capeskin with deep shearling V-matched Walnut veneers, V'ed eollar, beaded vamp! Blue or red. 4-0. edar interior, removaoie tray. I 1 ter... 698 RUDOLPH SLIPPERS "jTO MSl uitu aril nu uirv M Ll3 -l nun lakh wi ibvn n , Endless nsbber treads; Hand crank scoop dumps automan'eally; housing rarolrea. STURDY 10" VH.OCMMI Priced C9S at just Just right for little cyclists! Tubular, plain bearing, steel seat. Bright ltd! ALL WOOL JAC-SHIRT IS WARM AND LIGHT Full-rut and 100 wool! Bold plaids in red, black, green. Big pockets. 34-16. The bells jingle; the eyes roll! Warm shearling, wool-lined. Sites t to 12. Shiny radiator, head lights, grille, bumper, two tiny "lee3 eaket, and miniature tongs! "PLAY STORE" PLASTIC SCAUI aaT Weighs up ta S Ibsj Bright red, with white metal tray . . . can be read from both aid eat OlIAMINO STHl PLAY BTOVt Prieedat Whit mum Inuo. red trim. Heat regu lator, 2 drop panel doors, and 4 ateoailal immm?