'I , SJfSR SALE MISCELLANEOUS f 4J40, ew console styll. anahogaoT ' HW OO. lOliaae. amm- A Ta RANI accordian. 90 bui, bast and -fbi switches. 121 N. IBID Bt, DIM ' ketBTING SET, tnd tables and tea table to alfh. Like new. Ph. 3-3231. nlM ' 'gaVaMilC lUT.T gas rani, tablt top. elee trlcat: tontroUfd oen. Good eond . 1300, 1I4S 6. 14th. n2M "frilXO nolf, blr ipeeker, flot cabinet. ONLY 129 50 HEIDEK'S ' ri-4 Court It. Ph. J-7533 H3M ofSbBILtVcaa service atatlon business for -" al at Inventory price at North Dallaa " .-Junftloo. Dallaa. Ore. Make app'l. to -Praik- Doolutle, Oenerel Petroleum Dis ,.riNiUr. RU. I, Box 3, Salem. Ph. 3-419. P3W ' " frLLCKBE VSITBfl, 174$ Oraot. Ph. 3B3aT. 11311 'ISVs kan HE auto. iu water heater. - oood cond. 1100 for both. Be at MM -tt. IMh or Ph. 34434. 38I tJjoUlsroT refrigerator used three months Osrlton Way. 4 mile north of un erpku call B47i. naw fTiftirlaVirKD coney fur cost. 185.00. Dark i as iiVh,lynx 1 12-14. 1125 00. Perfect, l.' style ladles black ault aiie 20. V' Il'Oo. Ph. 2-0780 n39l Jn ARP.H ASTE R sensational new mainrt--:-;. ic sharpener (patented) for any double " edie razor blade. Uainetie forces turd ) to produce precision edce alignment. " 20 or more shaves per bladi. Complete "' elimination of akin Irntaton. Ouran ' f ,or as fears or money refunded. f- Act now. Please forward 12.75 In cash 1 or money order to Wm. F. Bauer, Rt. ? 1. Sox 79E. Brooks. Oregon. n38 i t.i MODEL It WINCHESTER trap gun. n Sokd rib tt large form. 1 model 12 Win -!; Chester trap ventilated rib. New. Ha V fired 9 shots. Falrvlew Home. Hoh man cottage. Prank Minnie. n38l V: I BOV's" BirYCI.FIoodond !2000, 1 J complele tingle bed. Like new, 835 00. Pn 2577. . n38 jrOWL--OA HEATER, medium alie. ' r La small iu heater. 2 pr. gold drapes. li new with tnvu roda. 2 burner ,ij ij1! slfre. 1005 B- 3Ut. i W rff WFt SIZE upright Emerson piano. O X , f-W fuUh and fine tone. (250.00. Ph on nlR8 Oood Phone 3154 after 1 pm n288 CAfCAOE SAWDI'ST Bl'RNER conversion cmpleie with auto, controls Ae flre-J- llink. 140. Ph 3-6912 morninis. n288 4 S-PECB hdwd. dinette set. I lT " PhTS 3 7 . H288 ft BABr A children! hand knit garments for cht atmas. Reasonable. Phone 3-1353 n390 J irOITER,- 1947CUhhman. Trumpet. 1940 ' Ellhart. Ira skate.. C.C.M., boy's figure. !i sl I. with shoes. Ph. 2-0175. n293 ia mRS Hohner arcordian. Verdi tl, 0120. Pti 2-404S. 2030 N. 5th. n2 MAVt blcvrle. aood condition. 207S McCoy t Ph. 3-8848. n20 WFLtllNG laueen. 13 ft. of hoae, 4 tips. 510.00. Also air hammer, Chicago pnu- rmtlr. used very little. 075 1130 B. iRtn Apt. 4. Vets' Housing. 1)200 (trWING MACfllNE: "Free" Westlnshouse rrrtrle portable. 1115 So. 13th, or call 3-63M. n290' BOT POINT Electric Ranie. Excellent werklna condition, re, model. Price 146.00. S sets new door Jamb. 13.50 per set. 1 nearly new bed sprint. H9.no. Ph. 2-9113. n2B0 CHRISTMAS PIANO SALE Spinet pianos 1495.00. 1575.00. 1595 ur. 15000 down. 2 rrs. to rap. Grand plino 1503.00 up. 1 yrs. to pay. Rebuilt A recond. pianos 814500 to $375 00, l.Vioo down, fio.oo to $15.00 a month tfitn your Xmas piano now while the selection Li lnriie. Xmas ev. delivery. SHOP TALLMAN AND SAVE 195 B. 12th. A mile from Hlih Prices n289 BIRJ1!(EYE MAP1.E bedroom set with new - box sprina and mattress. $100. Boys bedroom set with spnna no mattress) IfiO. Walnut dinette table $15. Dsven - part and chair cheap. 3073 N. Comm'l. .. n3fl9' VISIT TOYLAND a A Small Deposit Will Hold Any Item For Christmas Delivery. Firestone Stores 2-2491 395 N. Liberty n290 tJSED ELECT R ICR AN G K S - .Hot point 39.90 Stnnrlard .50 Hotpolnt IS Of rriKlrlalre 149.90 ' O. E N9.JQ OAS RANOE8 WedRewnad wood and gas rcmb... 134.50 Roper wood and c rnmb. 124.50 USED WASHERS Thor. Rood cond 3ft 00 M W., recent model 49 0 Easy, excellent cond. 69. SO Maytae. perfect cond 69 SO - Maytag, like new, 114 50 model ONXY 109.50 M. w. Helrlflerator, good cond., - T, cu. ft 119.50 : Rairli Johnson Appliances 355 Center 8t. Ph. 3-3H9 n3f8' TrTTpHIl.CO refrlf.. nearly new. Garden Road. Rte. ft. Box lift. n293 GIRL'B (leure Ire skates In food cond.. sire ft. Ph 3-4150. n2M ARMORAVS Ozone Good Health Ron Sell U C Push 4 N 17th Ph S-4693 FERTILIZER. Cow or chicken manure Delivered in Salem Well rotted or fresh 15.00 per cubic rard del Alo manure b aaca tl.OO per sark at place or will del ft ark order Phillips Bros. Rt 6. Box 111 Salem Ph D El.rCTRlC hair clippers, hair dryers, vl orator, bathroom scales VEATER APPLIANCE CO. B295 DESK, bed and p!n-up lamps. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. n395 CoT ELEC. HOT WATER heater. 43 tal Una. New 187 Ph. 1-42S4. SILVER. GOLD, COPPER, NICKLE, com p'ete silver re pair service. Babr shoes bronied A true metal finish. AVEX PLATING CO 1440 8 12th Ph. 1-T771. n3l I'SED WAK1IRBS ref rif erators, ranees water heaiers Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. TROR Oladlrons. washers, sinks. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. WALLING SAND GRAVEL CO CRtlHHED ROCK for foad and driear erment. ready mta concrete tardea siDd Bulklorina drainaee anl dnchina .rd shove) and drac Una Pb 1-9349 MOTOROLA RADIOS. Marr Radio 2153' I n2D5' WORf.1l ilobea, desk pec sets, telephone Indices Y EATER APPLIANCE CO WARDS APPLIANCE Service Dept. of frs compleu service larllitW for al Mnntsomfri Ward appliances. Just call M191 " OH. CIRCI LATORS. art site as raniea trash b imers. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. SI'KBEAM. Shlck and Remlntton electric avers Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. SPf, 4'8 for harvest bacs or all kind We fuielle in clesnlns mend.ni. K A S liaa Oo, 147 Kearney St. Pb. plant. I-1I7V B RADils service. Home or car Uarr Ra ifk. 8 Com 1. St nlS GASBKN SAND, Oram, crushed f-vk. el A drac -line etatt,nr. WALL IKO BAND O RAVEL CO. Ph. 1-9344 ALFM SAND h GRAVPL COMPANY Cnntrart Work Road - Oarln - Ditchini Sewer Bajiement Pquipment Rental It ?dj. 13 00 per ' It B-S yds 9 M per Pi Cat Doeer t M pef D Cat Dorer I 4 p-T ' D-4 Cat Dover Tff Phone Dart I-94M r E-emncs !- . srat. Or ecoa AUTOMOBILES SHROCK"SEZ:" WE tl RAN BUBINE8B . . . When we, ay "Oood." we mean business. Wo aren't sure whether our customers are beini n.ce to as because we've made our buAine to be nice to them or vica versa. We do know that tht trade-ins oa tht new Hudsons give us a supply of tonri u.rd Car to offer vou. THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL 1947 FORD DELUXE COl'PE, hrater, sportlight, driving lipht. Very clean. Our price this week $1595.00 1B47 Hudson Commodore 8 Sedan. Heater, O'drive, Auto. Trans. 1947 Chev. Club Coupe. Heater, Sportlight. 1946 Hudson Commodore 6 Sedan, R&H, O'drive, one owner. 1948 Chev. Aero Sedan. Radio and other extras. 1942 Hudson Sedan, Heater. 1941 Dodge Sedan, very clean, one owner. 1941 Chevrolet Spec. Del. Sedan, B&H. 1941 Hudson Sedan, heater. 1939 Buick Spec. Sedan, R&H. 1939 Studebaker Champion Sedan, heater, excellent tires. 1939 Plymouth Coach, reconditioned motor, heater. 1939 Oldsmobile Sedan, R&H. 1947 Dodge Panel. Minr oth. r mik. nd irodfli 10 rhrw. from. W. are oprn .venlrn. bv .ppolnlmrnt. REMEMBER WE LL BE HERE TOMORROW TO BACK UP WHAT WE SAY AND DO TODAY SHROCK MOTOR COMPANY THIS TIME IT'S HUDSON Where Chemeketa goes to Church Phone 3-7922 ACME MOTOR CO. Ph. 3-7722 Front & Center Sts. We Don't Meet Used Car Competition WE LEAD IT WITH BETTER VALUES 1946 DODGE Custom 4-Door Sedan Maroon color. Radio and heater, seat covers and many extras. A very clean car. 1946 CHEVROLET Fleetmaster 4-Door Sedan Two tone color. Radio, underseat heater, defrosters Loaded with extras. 1946 FORD 6 Town Sedan Heater, seat covers. This one is a real value. 1939 CHEV. Master Deluxe Sedan Radio and heater. WJite wheel rings. Seat covers. A fine little car. ACME MOTOR CO. Ph. 3-7722 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS STEEL CLOTHESLINE In tock and to order. POSTS, railing 1145 H. Libert? nJ97 ELECTRIC clocks and door chimes. YKATEB APPLIANCE CO. nW3' TOAKTER8. mixers, waffle Irons, sand wich xrllls. coffee makers, percolators router, blendors. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. nWfi ELECTRIC comforters, sheets and blank ets, heattnx pads. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. n5' KELV1NATOR. Hotnofnt appliances; Pow ler hotwater beaters Ralph Johnson Appliances. Pb. 3-3139. L BARE-1 ENDA tumble-proof safety chair for feedinx St playtime. Frank Bowder Phone 3-6598 1873 Bern St n!94 PI.ASTI-KOTE, the cellophane-like flnbh for floors, linoleum, woodwork. Requires no waxlne. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. D399 TROR Automate Washers. Oladlrons Hollywood Appliance Co.. Ph 14439 EGG COOKERS. Juicers, tee crushers, can openers, cake covers, cookie sheeis food mil:, corn poppers, cookie Jara. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. B39S HI AT YOLK home electrically. It's con venient, clean, economical See ns tot free estimates Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty B STEAM and flat Irons, Ironlni boards pads and covers Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. nft' ELECTRIC room heaters, eh trpes. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTTO"rI'Y. larire late model refrler ator. Alfo chest of drawer. Ph. 25430. na2S8 WANTED: Oood am ail plat make, mahogany finish. Standard 28725 na28S TEETER BABE hifby chair from private party. Ph. 2-3173. nazss TIMRER, any amount. Will pay rash. Adams Lumber Co, Rt. I, Box 9, Sclo, Ore. Ph. 15FB. na39 WANTED: Old fashion parlor orian. Wrlrj Box 134, Cnpltol Journal. n SEWING MACHINE, any make or cond..' Davenport. Ph. 1-7671. 1930 N. 181 USED FI RNITrRR. Phona 3-9185. PERSONAL "OLD AT 40. ft. W?" WANl'J0"- craeyi Thousands peppy at If ,rf' Tonic Tablets pep up uodiea lr" Tor rundown feellnu minv t'; om,,n U "nlrt" Krc "st afiWe1,M nly Mc. At all druxflts- ln B',7" at Fred Meyer p-BB O. Box 734 V P3H AUTOMOBILES IHM PLYMOITH 4-dr. in onelnal fin Ish. new seat cover" urBI" n"W mater pump, hot ater heater 11UPK l uillir. nun, jod cond thruont 23374 after 5:30 p.m. or all A" '"' q?9(l 1918 PLYMOI TH 7',W,m pTtrf 1 trad- on Int Piione 3-87J DO 1 atWI fT BUY iS CROSSEO! FTN BUY op thf.sk cars ,UP UPK OP SATISFIED AND BJ ItLES AHEAD loia niH.rand new 76 ftrrx 1947 FortTordor ""n ell4 iui nuper sea a net. All e MM last rti convertible, rah. Tx'r" moo 1A43 ?0, -Dr B. BA-H.. 11)91 Jq-j, ti Sedan. RArH ITU Ua.oner Older Models to Cnoos Prom 8300 to 1 4 00 r-STERN MOTORS ner 13th Mission Ph. 1-9U3 3W j'l-TON TI DEBAHFR P Irk up flat" 'fl 8t stake rack. Pnste party. Phone ?J14 FORD -pas roup. Tt has everythlni Imc Iodine rad.o and hater. 341 Bien- :87 l BUCK sedan. RAH Oood condition I 621 ith.McM.nnvine. Ph. ix. q:ji II PLY. 4-dr. RH. Oood tires. 1807 t e Bt. Ph. J5"8 4jao DEROTO 4-dr. slan. Late model" Four Ped Tip Toe Electric ,ntrt. RAH. LiXe new. Cash. Joe W Oppfe. Rt. I Bnx 351 Balem. 6 ml. North oa Newker h -r 38l VERY CtJTAN 37 II Prde.n At BneU tatioo, Ctoter CMt4t. iM i (AUTOMOBILES Front & Center Sts, ' AUTOMOBILES 1949 FORD CUSTOM SedBn. Heater, Defroster, White Wall Ires. Gun Melal Finish. J000 Actual MilO. . $245 ORVAL'S ISED CARS Center & Ihurch Sts. Ph. f-4702 1948 DESCTO CUSTOM Club Coup. Radio, Heater, Overdrive, Fluid Drive, White Wl Tires. Direc tional gtinals. Sportlite. Green Fish. 290 Miles 2995. 00 ORVA'S USED CARS Ceycr & Church Sts. Ph. 3-4702 j 92M DON'T READ HIS AO UNLESS You nt ,0 "BV lime, trouble, money unrt t Ihe best for less. l947JodBe 2-Dr.. like new. 194t"nrd 4-Dr. Super Deluxe, o-rirlve, RA-h $1795 lofForrt Super Deluxe 4-Dr.. , 19.000 actual mllr. one own- er car. Just like new $1695 i-l Olds ' IB1' Sedanet Hjdrama t.r. Ate l;t9 Plymouth 4-Dr. RA-H. New tires. '941 Hudson Club Coune i-t roin 1 s ake 'irucX ....2J5 Boat At Bnat Trailer. Small 2-Wherl Trailer. SsUUARf: iEAL. USED CARS llftft 8. 12th St. Phone 2-6R19 089' 'K MODEI. A panel, goad cond.. Ph. 2-233.1. lios on. i q2(3' '35 Hudson sedan, mo q290 GOOD CLEAN 1385 tt. 4th. 1918 STUDEBAKER, 5 pawenger, I2H0 lOro&s Ave. off Less Ave. n390 1944) NASH coupe. New' pa"intTNearT7 new tires, oood general condition. Phone 3961 Friday or Salutdnv. q289 i938DodjreTCoupe Ready to Go $025 "See Carol" 930 N. Commercial MERCURY Four Door Sornn Tampico Red Color Radio, Heater, Overdrive Seat Covers Chrome Wheel Rings While Wall Tires, Lc. Mileage The Price .$2995 ORVAL'S Cnter at Church Bt. Ph. I9M OI.DSMOB11.E lit etl.. et-e1 . eond . low mileage. Must see to aiiprertale 731 Perry St. q?s9 191 Pl.YMOt'Tfl coupe. Or?e owner, very clean. Mft. Rob Marr, 31 South Com mercial St. q20" "cheap transportation Five Model A"i Price $100 to S2B3 Take Your Choice DICK ERIN' DICK'S 121)5 So. 12th St. q:3" FORD aedan. 27$ Bob Marr, 31M South Commerrtal St. q289 1981 mrv. eoupe. Bn Marr. 3tw Souih Commercial St. qjll- 191 FORD 3-rtoor. Clean. $391. Bob Mrr 1164 Bouta CommirciaL ajait AUTOMOBILES LEE'S USED CARS four KiMilRtllan 40 of our sales for November were with returned customers. There is a reason for returning customers and that reason is 'Satisfaction." We have a good stock of Used Cars on hand again. Why not be among those who have been satisfied? 1947 Buick Estate Wagon, like new $2S!n.OO 1947 PacL.rd 4-Dr. Super, fully equipped . . 2995.00 1947 Dodge Pickup -'.-T, low mileage 1595.00 1946 Buick Super Sedanet 2495.00 1941 Hudson 4-Dr. Commodore, R&H, ov'dr. 1195.00 1911 Buick Sedanet, R&H 1195.00 1910 Pontiac 4-Dr., R&H 945.00 1940 Ford Coupe, new motor, R&H., Immaculate, ovrdr 1095.00 19:59 Chrysler Royal Windsor Club Coupe, R&H 995.00 19;17 Pontiac Club Coupe. Heater 595.00 19:17 Plymouth 4-Dr., R&H 525.00 19:!6 Cnev. Coupe (2) your choice 445.00 1934 Chev. 4-Dr., R&H, above average .... 275.00 9."4 Chev. Coupe 245.00 193.'? Plymouth 4-Dr., far above average . . . 2S5.00 LEE'S USED CARS Better Used Cars With No Increa.e in Prices 240 N. Church Phone 2-1527 AUTOMOBILES (I1KV. Afro All extra. 12030. Bob Mirr. 21S0 South Commercial. ifi9 NICK rlcan '34 Chev. Manter coarh. Body aid top in nice shape, eood rubber. Lots o rhrap transportation. See this lor Ce best buy in town. 43 S. Liberty. BUY WITH CONFIDENCE OLDEST Rl in '.iENCV IN V. S. Otto J. Wllion Company TWO mtl PANEL Pnrd trucks Peanonably priced. Ph. 3-6218 or 1740 Berry 6t 0389 MODEL 42 Studebaker Commander car In verv aood coii'lil.nn. Pnre tljsfl. Lan caster Drive. Rte. 6, Box Ml, Salem. q389 1940 FORD 4-dr. deluxe. Oood cond., 8950 170S N. 4th St. q280 '49 CHRYSLER Windsor f allVxtraiTcom- pleta overhaul. Ph. 2-8737 after ft;30 p m. q289' !? PONTIAC S-pas. coupe, RAH. lot Its., eood paint, seat rovers. Reasonable. See any time at 387ft Bcenlc View Drive, north of Ewald. q28B 'JW CMC l'i-T. flatbed. A-I "shaped 1700.00. Ph. 3-8617. 122ft So. 25th, Cabin 4. R. Clasey. q289 1937 CHEV. 4-door. R&H. G ood cond. Apt. 3. 599 N. Liberty Bt. after 6 p.m. q-!S!) FOR SALE or will accept trade. 1946Chev. sedan delivery. W. J. Peterson, Rt. 2. Box 27. Ph. 31771. q289 IMS FORD convert.. RArH. new top. new patnt, clean, 11365. Bob Marr, 2180 South Commercial St. q28!) BEST Bt'Y of theeirn93Yorrtudor sedan, S23.V00. STATE FINANCE CO. 153 8. Hich St. Ph. 1-4131. q389 Eisner Motors Fine Cars 1918 Tl'DOR super deluxe Ford. R&H. windshield washer, fog lights, side mir ror, scat covers, low mileage, very clean. 11950. See Vincent Prldrlch. 1 block east of church In Shaw, Oreaon. q?91 19M BUICK 4-dr. sp. RAH. Oood cond 1400 on monthly payments!. 1168 3rd St., West Salem. q2S9 WRECKINolj37 Pordr'38 V-8 motor com plete. 1706 N. 4th. q290 'SI MODEL A, IS in. tubes, wheels, tires, rebuilt motor. Cond cond., 4375. 1320 Market St. Ph. 25242. q2S9 1949 PONTIAC deluxe club coupe. Radio ft heater. A clean car. Ph. 27970. q289 1940 V COtrpF. rt. ft R. Capitol after ft p.m. Ill iV PLYMOtiTIIpeclaT tl9Hh. 1200 extras. 2590 $895. 1S90 N. q288 'deluxe 4 dr. 3. Com-. q388 1947 PLYMOUTH Special Deluxe business coupe, only 13.000 miles Radio, heater, slipcovers spotlight, new General tires and safety lubes. Will accept Blue Book price if sold at once. Phone 3-4016. Eve. 3-8213 q288 tmt CHEVROLET 2-door. New motor. I 1M7 Oldmobile pickup, has new 6-pIt tires. 1195. 3210 Simpson. q2S9 j 1018 CHF.V. '4 T. pick-up. exrelient ennd. Charles Pospistl, Rte. 9, Box 494, Salem. ql J l!Mt PLYMOI TH club coupe, perfect cond OI R Rf.PI'TATION depends on your sat isfaction. Lees Used Cra, 340 N. Church 98 MOD. A cnupe. in tnn Willefnrd. 392 Woodurn. Oregon. good shape, Bur West Cleveland q288 TEAGUE'S The Home of Dependable USED CARS Where Our Customers Send Their Friends See Our Fine Selection 1347 Kaiser sedan, R&H. 1947 Ford sedan 1942 Buick sedanette, R&H 1941 DeSoto sedan 1941 Ford del. sedsn 1941 Chev. del. town sdn. 1940 Plymouth tudor sedan Mm Otn.H to CA04H rrnm TEAGUE MOTOR CO. IS N. Liberty Ph. 1-4171. q30 This T:me It a BUDBONI Service Ba.ea Peru Home of Oood Pied Cart SHROCK MOTOR CO Ch'iren A Cr.emeketa Sis Ph 1-9101 Eisner Motors to Buy I'ONTIACS 1547 Sed-n Coupe 1146 frn Co me 191 Sedan Coup 1941 Sedan . . . l"'l Ijo!o .-."n , .1121 ! IS6T) : , Bl i 1938 Chevrolet 2-dr wvprai f nivi'Mc cr- 1 t. L,ber-r . (AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES Eisner Motors to Sell 1940 Willys 4-Dr. Sedan in Good Cond. $405 "See Carol" 930 N. Commercial qSlft WANTED USED CARS SHOP AROUND THKN BRING YOUR CAR HERB rt'B WILL PAY YOU WHAT IT'S WORTH ANDERSON USET CARS 340 CF.XTER ST. PHONE 3-37S4 WANTED Good clean car. Square Dea Used Cars. 1155 8 13th. q MOTORCYCLES, IcOOTErV' 1947 DOODLF-Bl'fi motor scooter, with windshield. Very nice, 17ft. Loder Bros 465 Center. qa28" WORLD'S FTN EST MOTORCYCL1 Repalrlnt all makes and models. SHROCK MOTORCYCLE SALES J 007 Portland Rd Ph. 31431. qa FINANCIAL EXTRA CASH Extra Fast For the Holiday Season If you're short of cash and haven't fin ished shopping set 825. 8.S0. 8100 or more from 'PerRonal the company that likes to say "Yea'" to loan request Loans rnnae on salary, auto, truce, or fi,rnl ture. No co-aleners. For I-vist loan phone then come In to l?n and pic up the cash. Married or sinirie--no mat ter what your work or bust-iesa. If von do need cash NOW. phone or come tn TODAY and give us a chance to say Open Mon.-Frl. 9-5; Bve. by appt. PERSONAL Finance Company Ph. 3-3484 E- Galllnger, Manager 018 Stat Lie. SI33-M18S T3131 MONEY TO LOAN WANTED Real extate mortgage loans. See us about refinancing your present contract or morlEBge. Approved city loans. Low interest rates. LEO N. CHILD. INC. REALTORS 344 State Bt. Ph. S-3863. rSM FARM AND CITY LOANS 4',-i and ft'. YOI R OWN TERMS of repayment within rrmson. Lmn ior Keai tstaie contrarts and Second Morten(tes CAPITOL filiCIIHITIES CO 201 Pioneer Trust Bid. Ph. 3-7163. r OENERAL FINANCE CORP LOANS Lie. S-1..3 and M-331 and ROY H SIMMON'S INSURANCE AND LOANS 136 S Commerrtal Rt. Tel, 3-9161. r AtlTO LOANS WILLAMKTTE CHKDIT CO. 1P3 8. Church Parking a Pientr Ph. 3-3457 Lie. No. M-1J9 8-184 r WANT to borrow 17000 on modern North Rummer st. resident. Private party. Re ply capital Journal, Box 13, confi dential. r29i PRIVATE MONEY Special rales and terms on larger loans long and short time payments ROT H SIMMONS 136 South Commercial St. Phone l-lltl 4' REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS STATB FINANCE CO IS) S H:eh St. Lie. S-216 M 133 TRAILERS FOR SAI.F r Irade: Small hnuxe trailer. Iiirn . 111500, Alo good Implement trail er, 175 00 Bay Itlllver, on Portland rd Just north of Brook. t268 . Mlf.F.R, 36 foot, excellent condition, 3'i miles east Jefferson. Orexon, Oreens Bridae. A. W. Pierce. Jefferson. W93' I9ia F4N-AMIRH 4N deluxe 3ft-ft. 3 rtxm houe trailer. Reasonable. 973 Pine St t2f!9 '47 PAfiriC I.INFR for sale. Call at ft. 64. N. High. DIRECTORY AITOMOTIVF. MARtON MOTORS NASH SF.RVICF. Towing aervire day phone 3-93M Night 3-1804. 313 Center O ADDING MACHINES ' All makes tied machine, sold, rented, repaired. Roen. 456 Court, phone 3-4771 APPI.MNCE HFRVM W. r.irr'TRIC HOME appliance repair eerrlre Free ettimatei 1 rade-ina accrpteo on new (pn .n'" nee 11 Kiectrie, FTJO- 3-9239. 157 S. Liberty Bt. Al TO nADIOS A-;thorlred Warranty Repair. S'atlon for al) make, of A.ito Ranlo. Morrow Radio Co, 151 S Liberty. Ph. 3-59 iS. 1 ,:. ! At IO MINTINf. til Dick' ' 41 TO WRKr KRR I filM RATOR4 Brill ll.T Trailer ailes def rat prlre.s 12'M At o Wregers. Ph. 3-87ns Junction At ,1M1RARV SHOE BROSEINO ....... lees.) I 44 I Baby Shoe Bronilng 13 pr. 3371 B Com ! "Journal Want Ads Pay DIRECTORY BrirnTVo roNTBrTOKi KHAMF. or masonry construction, Pumlra block RMlltlal or commercial. f foundations. Alt Brothers. Ph.. J-lnao o304 Bl I.LOOZINO Bnr.Qor.tni. levcllna. road bide, claar Int trrth for biaa.1 V.rgU Knotty. Iff 10 Fsirvifw a. Ph J-J14. am. 390' Bl LMHlZlMi, (iBAItlMi B.illdolnc, xradlne, clrarlnt. d:rt mov Inn wild small Carryall Oeo. W:rih 849 Plymouth Drive. Ph 31367. o2W BRAKES Mike Panek. 27S 8. Comm!. Ph. 3-5181. Brke ti wheel aligning spertaltst. o313 C'ARPENTKT Carpentry expert buildlnt and re mod elms. Pit. 2-48.0. Hi 8. 31st St. o313 CASH REGISTER! " Instant delivery of new RCAref Utera. All make sold, rented, repaired. Hoen 456 Court. Ph. 3-6773. o CEMENT WORK Oeneral Cement Contracting. Cliff E!!ls N Jflth St Piione 3-4071. o338 chimney'rh eep Crawford Upward Artlnr Oarage Doors r.irc operators Avail. 690 Waldo. 3-7628 l)Ki:SSM4KIn ' DHIT 'S-MAKISO men's flintuns Repair 039S EI.ECTKH Al. COSTR ACTING V:nces Fclectrlc for electrical wiring, contracting, repairing. 157 A. Liberty Ph. 30239 o EXTERMINATORS Cockroach. Moth. Exterminator Service. PH. 3-30.-6. Lee Cro.sj, liSb Feari. o313 FLORIST Brrtthaupt's for flowers. Dial 3-91797"o rLOOR, LAYING " Expert Floorlnf. Ph. S-740I. o309 HEATING A C'IRCl I.ATOR REPAIR Servicing. Call Dvorak. 24963. 0.104 HOI SEHOI.D PRODi:CTS J. R Wat kins Co. products. Free de livery. 1717 Center. Ph. 3-S395. o M.TT BESSES Captal Bedding. Phone 3-4069 o MOVING Bmitty's Clipper Berv. trucics, cars rented. Ph. 39600, eor. Center A Church MI'SIC i.rssoNs Spanish and Hawaiian Guitar. Man dolin. Banjo, etc. 1533 Court. Ph. 1-7)69. 0292 OFFirEFl BNIII BE i, SUPri.lES De.tk chairs, files and filing supplies! sb res, duplicators and supplies, desk lamps, typewriter stands, brief cases Pierce Wire Recorders. Roen, 456 Court Oil, tlRL'LATOR SERVICE Call Cy Younger. Ph. 36073. CO RSETRY SERVIC E Bplrella Made-to-Measure. Ph. S-4835. o30 Palntlnit, Spray or Brush. Ph. S-3664 Roy Hanson. Work guaranteed. o312 Interior Painting. C. Horn. PhT3-55I8. o312" Painting interior specialty. L. son. Phone 3-7697. C. Elof 0398 Elfstrora are equippeo painting, phone 3-2493. to do you 1 PAIXTINCi A PAl'ERIIANGINO Call 22608 for your Painting hanein. Attractive rates. Expert Paprrhanging and Painting. H J. Woodworth. Ph. 3-3015. Free est. o399' Painting and Pftperhancing. Free estl mate. Ph. 3-9S13. 857 Shipping o398' PICTURE FRAMING Picture framing. Hutcheoo Paint Store Phone 3-6687. 0 PT AS T ERI Vti All types. Ph. 25106 Plastering, patchwork, stuccoing. Ph. 26ftao. neat Joints and 0,1 n 2 DECATUR & MAFRZ plumbing, elect rT al supplies, water systems General repair worn. Phone 3-6223. 173 B. Com'l 0301 John Fisher Plumbing ft Heating Sup plies. 8448. Com'l. St. Ph. 33019 . 03 10 PRUNING, SPRAYING" Pruning Si Spraying, equipped for any lob. Ph. 37900. 130 Roberto Ave. O308 RADIO REPAIRS All makes home, ear radios repaired Fast modern service. Enneht Radio 335 N. Hlth St Ph. 2-4553 o RADIO SERVICE Ray Moore. 3370 Portland Rd. Ph. 1-943.1 SAND ft GRAVFL Cat. Shovel A- Truck work of all kinds LLOYD M. HILL. INC. Ph. 3-4367 Rt 3. B01 I7B o398 Garden Soil, crushed rnrk. ShoTel and drnq'lne exravatlng. Walling Sand Oravel Co. Phone 3-9249. 0 SEPTIC TANKS Mikes SepMr Service. Roto pooler Servire Kim St., W. Salem. Ph. Tanka cleaned, nn SewerN. 1070 3-9469. - 3-5127. 1 03I3 K P. Hume Septic Tanks Cleaned Fleet ric machine service on sewer and drum lines, Ouaranleed work. 1143 8th St.. Wen flnlem Ph. 3-7404. njm sf.wf.r" SKRVICF Flertrle Rnto-Rooter exrlualver patented raror-aharp steel cutting blades. Cleans sewera or drains. Septic tank cleaned reasonable 3 .,3, r 3-94bi. o TRANKFFR A STflRAOR Local ft DIManre Transfer, itorage, Burner oll. coal briquet. Tmrks to Portland dally. Agent Lyon Van Lines for household goods to California points. Larmer Transfer A Storage. Ph. J-3111. o TYPF WRITFRS " Smllh Corona. Remington, Royal and Underwood portahlea. All makes Unert marhinea, Repairs and rent. Roen, 456 VFNt.TIAN BLINDS F'mer the Blind Man. Ph. 3-7338. o WFATRKRKTRlPPINa" Free estimates. T. PULLMAN. Ph 12' Barney Whelan. Ph. 3-8084. o!09 ft I I I. HRII.I INf. M. D. ENLOE, Ph. a-519ar Aulmrn" rd J A. Bneed Sons, well drilling. 2 05 HrrxiScs St . Salem. Ph. 3-6Rfi3 old 4" nt'MOKE well dnlTingRta Y Bog 317 P:i 2-5135 Salem o;ia WINDOW (LEANING Acme Window Cleaners. Window, wall woodwork cleaned. Floor cleaner wared and pnllr-hed. ph. 3-1317 34 Court. Langdoe. Culbertion and Math'i HODSAWINfl B Atkins P h 38674 or 3-81 7 1 C wood SAwnrsT Wrt Salem Fuel Co. Ph. 1-4031. F meets fvpry .'day ninht Vu- 1Tor Welcme tYBMTnml Orrtr nf F.mdIm mnal. I fvtry Tueviny m pm Mort than 4 million mpmrxri """'"n memopn A Pacific Iwlgp Nn. 50, A P !. I. 7 00 P M. 3i A: &AV. 88 K in k wood tiOfiKf! No 204. A F. V AM. Sppcisl MM dfree PTidsv, Ic. 3rd 7.30. Wl Snifrri Citv llnll 'W RrstHiirants first bfome rosi ly popular nftrr tht French rev olution when aristocrats could no longrr afford great relinucs j t , of servants. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Dec. 2, J94S 19 Market Quotations Saleai LtealBrb Mantel Br Va.ltj PacKini Company) .119 M) KVeuer Lstnbs ... YearlDss Kcs t -t italry cowa , Citter cos Dairj Heifers . , Hills Cahe '300 to 4-i 115 , I0 00 to 113 00 12 00 to 17 00 113 00 to 1 14. SO 18 00 to 114 00 No quotsttons 117 00 to 120 00 ) Ihs.) . 118 00 to 133 Ofl 1 I ISO-100 Ida choice. 122 00 to 12' Hftii Prices paid w:th;n 34o of Port land prices for each type. Portland Easttide Market Top quality local celery sold up to 13 00 a starde crate on trie PortUnd EaJ-u:da Farmers' Wholesale Produce market today. California celery a aj S3 85 to 14.00 a crate with some up to 14.2.S. Other prices held unchanged or nominal. Portland Produce Buti erf at Tentative. mb)et: t to Imme diate change. Premium quality maximum to .34 tc 1 percent acidity delivered in Portland. ti-12c lb.; fir.st qualir. 64-67c lb., second quality 67-7uc; valley routes and rountry points 3c less than tlrst. Ku tier Wholesale FOB bulk cubes to wholesalers: Grade AA. 93 score. 81c lb.; A, 93 score, 6c lb.: B. 90 score. 64c lb , C. 89 score. 43c lb. Above prices are strictly nominal Cheese Sell, us price to Portland whole sal Oreaon slmles. 44'j-Slc; Oreaon lb loaf, 47'i-i4c. Triplets, 4c le&s tuan sin gles Esge ( Te wholesaler!) a grade large. ai'j-tis'je; niedum. 6a',-6.l!iC. A small. b2 ' : .''r: B itrnde larse. 5G'7-60c. tggs Purrhaeo fiom farmers Cur ie:it receipts. ATi-OO'jc rim; buyers 1 31 jc below wholesale 0 notations on rad. ed bans lor best hennery eggs. Portland Dairy Marin Butler Price to retailers Grade A A pr.ni. "3c; A A cart oils. "4c: A prints 7?c: A carion.s 73c; B prints, 70r. tits Price to retailer: A A targe 75c; certilled A larae 71c: A large. 9-70c; AA medium Kc; certified A me dium 67c; A med.tim 65c; A smalt ft5 57c: cartons 3c additional. Cheese Price ta retailers- Portland. Orriion Mi) ales. 45-53c; Orrson loaf, ft lb. 48-5c; triple 'c less than i in tiles. Chkkena No 1 quality FOB plants. No. 1 broilers under 2 lbs., 33-34a 10.; iryers. s-4 lb , 36-37c. ronsters, 4 lbs. and over 36-37c lb ; fowl Leahorn. under 4 lbs.. 29-30c lb.: oer 4 lbs.. 33-34c: colored fowl all weights. 38-39c lb.; old roasters ail weights. 16-19c. Babbitt Average to retailers for local ly dressed animals. S8-62c; fryers live white, 33-33o Ib.i colored. 30-3 lc; old or heavy. 15.18c. Turkeya (Prices quoted are net to the producer on a dressed weight basis) U. 8 No 1 young torn. 4flc lb., few quot ing 10 ic id : r.o. 1 young hen 69 -80c. Dressed turkeys to retatteri: Grade A roung hen-s, 65c. some to 67c lb.; New York style, dresed; A grade young loms, 53- 55c lb. Portland Mlirellaneona Caarara Bark Dry 30e Id., green 7e lb. Wool Valley coarse and medium grades. 43c lb. Mohair 35e lb. on 13-month growth. Hidea Calves 30c lb. according to weUiit kips 23c lb : bef, 13-14c lb ; bulU, -9c ib ; country buer pay 3c less. Nut Uuotatlnna Walnutr Franquettes first quality Jum bo, 34.7c; lame. 33.7c. medium 37.3c, second qnillty Jumbos. 30 lc; large 38. 3c; medium, 26.2c; baby, 23. 2c: soft shell first quality large. 29.7c; medium. 28.3; aec and QUk'ty large 37.3c; medium. 34.7c. baby 32.3s. Filberts Jumbo. 30a Ib.t large, lBat medium 18c. small 13c. (Quotations above supplied ay North west Nut Growers Quotations are on the basil of 100-lb. bag purchasu fob plants.) Salem Markets Completed from reports of Bales dealers for the guidance of Capi tal Journal Readers. (Revised daily. Retail Feed Price las Mauri !4 85. Rabbit feed Pellrta 14.33, Pair Feed 13 90 Poultry: Buying Price a No 1. colored he , 36c : No. 1 Leghorn hens, 30c ; No. 1 colored frvers, 3 lb.', and up 36c; No. 1 fryers, 3'4-3 lbs. 34c lb No. 1 old roosters, 14 -15c, Eggs Buying Prices Lara grade A A Rue- A grade, extra large 8c; mediums, 63 -63c. pu)U 44-SOc. Wholesale Price A A grade. 7Hc: A grade extra large, 73c, mediums, 66-70c; pullet 50-57c do. Batlerfal Premium, 70-71r: No. 1, 6B-6flc; No. 2, !2-"r tbuMng price!. Butler Wholesale, grade A, 7l-72c; re all, grade A. 7-77c Chieaga livevtork Chicago, Dec. 2 OjeitUflDAI- Live stock: Htoi: 1 .500; market Mow esrlr. Later trade and rlo.ve fs.rly active. Fully steady butr lirrii and aohs. Top J1 lor e 170-210 lb weiRhls. Bulk aood and choice 170-230 lbs. 23. 35-22. 7fj: 240-2f.U 31.75-23 35. 370-300 lb.v 21 25-21.7.1. heavier weights scarre. (liod and choice mder 4it0 lo. 19 75-20 50: rwld head 20 75. Oood 400-550 lh.v 19 O0-I9 75. odd heavier weights down to 18 iO. Com plele ( 'learanre. Cattle: 3.5O0; clveji 5(10 Generally steady except bulls sl'ndv to 2.i centj' liiaher. Load good In choice around l.lfiO lb. Steers held aboe 32. Several loads tood sierra and mixed vesrlniKS 28 0 32 00; bulk medium to low anorl steers 25.00-38 00. Moe-t good grso h'lf-r 38 00 39 00; medium to low good beef c 18 :0 20 50. Cannera and cutlers 14 50-17 00. Medium and .good aaiiane bulls 22 00 23 75; medium tn choice veakrs 37 00 31 00, Three loads choice 1032-1153 lb feeder Steers 37 00-37 25. Sheep: 4,000. market not established. Undertone weak. Portland Llveateck Portland. Ore., Dec. 7 U; T.;vetrck: ('a 1 tie salable 300. cai-, 50. market opening rather slow: early jsale a 0011 1 steady; short load medium ara.s s'eers 35 00; llthtly sorted at 2.) mi. medium mixed Steers snd heifers 23 OQ-24 00, cutter heifers 15 00-17 00. rannr anr ter cows earlv 12 50-15 in. Aiieils doi l- to 1 1 00 and below inrlurt:n ' til dairy tne and medium (tin'lA '.'i mis ."10 1. FOAL NOTICE OF FXAMINA'I ION NOTICE Is hereby amn that a Service Examination for f Irrpirn to ti" rules, retaliations and prnv;. I".e Civil Ren ire fiommiw nn of 1 hel't IL'li S m, Oreaon, Friday. December 17. 1 194 al 9 00 a m j 1EN Kn Kit SCOPE of examination, in ! a drlit 1 on to ph,Mcnl fxummminn hv t he City Health officer, keenness of oh. era-j t on. re.id.ne eomnrenenMon ahilitv to ,ow direr'ions. reat.onj" w!':i O'1 if ical a oil it i to meat fire depart 1 ilremenU rn per tent rred.t alio ed on ser for te.nn' rs be ordnanly u-ed nine. H EQl I IH EMFNTB Applirant m ist have been bona fit' re.vdet.ta of t: C ty of Salem for at lea.-t one year Irrmeliately preois to the dale of (he examination and miLil be reaiMered olerj" AfiK limits are 31 to 31 vears. AnpliranLa will be rerpi.rerl to tke a Phvaical examination from the City Health of f ,cr A l leait three flu-, a be lore the ad exam, nation la held ear h applicant Khali rau.'e to he fid Kh the Hiict)rj of the Cimmivln a stat.ment f'om t ie t;'v H'aitn officer certify. n ippiirant is t and p.; emn In t rt for the pooit.on of III certificate an , not he perrrlt ACP1.ICAI ION BLANKS miv he oh tsinei at the officer of the citv Record er, m ist be fid :n person, and w .i not ! he. a -ci-p'4 t'iT f'Mna after the fnllowitig !d" Wedneeda IWeniher 9 194S at I P U Dated at Balem. Oregon, November 31. 198. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Bt A frrd Mundt. Becretary and Chief r,-miBV. Ntv . JB, 3T, If, 19 o. 1, i. good and choice ve tiers steady at 36 00 J8 00; common and medium vaster 1(10 JS 00; marxet slow on heavy cahe Hoes salable 300. market aiow: not full? ejtablLsned; ffw early sale s'esdy to weak, bit early top 3 cents lower at J 4 SO for good and choice 331 lo. weigitts; mo:ce Irtu po.vs.bly salable up to H."S( frw aood and cr.on-e 3'.3 lb sows 30 00; rood 3o0-5.0 lbs. quoted II 50-19.OO. feed er pus lacitina. S.ieep salaole 300; market steady to ea; good and choice nooled lambs large ly 31 00. fe- 21 50; medium and good arsrie 19 00-20.50, commons down, to 16.00, good ewrs salable around 8 00. Portland (irsin Portland. Ore., Dec 3 futures quoted. -Wheat. No Cash wheat b.d' Soft wniie Nr Pi 2.3S; hite club 3, 35; aestern red 2 25. Hard red lnter: Ordinary 2 35. 10 per cent 2 36, It per cent 3.39; 13 per cent 3 13. Today's car rece:pt- W-eat 8; fioui 4. corn 4; rr:llfeed ft. at:ey Grants Pass Man Heads Seed League Portland, Doc. 2 UP) R. Wal lace Rice, Grants Pass, has been elected president of the Oregon Seed Growers League. The manager of the Josephin county seed co-operative suc ceeds Ed Geary, Klamath Falls. Carey Strome, Junction City, was elected vice president, and E. R. Jackman, Corvallis, Ore gon State college crop specia list, was re-elected secretary treasurer. OBITUARY James E. Jenka. Sr. Albany - JatncA E Jenks, Sr. 85. a res ident of Oreeon 82 years, died suddenly from heart diea-se, Tuesday, at his home at Tansent. Jenks was one of the frw remaining pioneer In Oreaon. who cross ed the pla:n.i. Funeral M-r vices will be held from tiie Tanaent Methodist church, with the FiAher funeral home ln charge, at 10 30 a.m.. Friday. Burial will be In the Riverside cemetery. Jenks. was born De cember 24. 1862. at Fillmore. Ms, and came to Oregon In 1866. lie was a retired farmer. Mr. Jenks married Katie Ann Howard. February 4. 1893. at Pendleton. Mrs. Jenks died October 4. 1915. Surviv ing are the following children: Howard B. Jenks. Salem: Pierre Jenks, Tansent; James W. Jenks. Albany; Mrs. Mary lee Oildow. Portland, and Mrs. Hslla Hurley; four brothers. W. P Jenks. Enoch. N.. and Charles Jenks, all of Tang-nl and Forest E Jenks. Albany. Four broth ers and one sister preceded him tn death. Ten grandchildren and on great-grandchild survive. Elmer Carl Morris LebanonElmer Carl Morris. 68, well known farmer of the Lebanon area, died at his home Tuesday morning of a heart attack. He had been 111 sine early September. He was born March 11, 1883 in Missouri and had lived In Leb anon for 61 years. He was a member of the Baptist church and the Odd Fel lows lodae. Funeral services were held Thursday at the Howe-HiLiton chapel at 2 p.m. Rev. D. R. Peterson of Salem and He v. Leroy Crosley of Springfield conduct Ine tae rites. Graveside service at the IOOP cemetery in chane of the Odd Fellows lodge. Surviving are till widow. Sara Morris: dauahter. Miss Mar ian Uorris. and brother, Oren Morris, all of Lebanon. Albert William Boweraox Albany Albert William Boaersox, 83. a resident of Albnny for 50 years, riled at his home Tuesday following a brief illnes. Funeral services will be held from the Fisher funeral home at a date to be announced. Bowersox was born June 13. 1866. in Pennsylvania and came to Oreaon in 1875. He had lived ln Balem and Cor vallis before coming to Albany In 18HS. He married Acta Forrest, June 34. 1896, wko died in 1943. Surviving him Is a brother. Dr. Fred Bowersox, and a sis ter. Mrs. Sadie Allen, both of Monmouth! and several nieces and nephews. Mr. Bowersox was a member of the Albany Elks lodsre, the Woodmen Of the World. tle LOOP.. Rebekah lodge, the Masoni lodae and the Order of the Eaatern Star. Mr, Bowersox was a retired auditor. Mr. FlWa Mllehell Lebanon - Mrs. El Ira Mitchell. 19. ft resident of this area for 44 years, died Rundav at the home of her daughter. !:rs. Delia Bahrke She was born In Ten- nexnee, Dec. 31, 1S6S. Services were held Wednesday at 3 p m. at the Howe- Huston chapel with Rev. Harvey Schmidt fflciatlng. Burial in the IOOF cemetery. Survivors are hr daughter, Mrs. Bahrke. r erandchlldren and three great grand children. DEATHS Mrs. Ida E. Buller Mr.v Ida R. Butler. late rtMrient of route 2, Roseburg, Oreaon. at a local hos pital December 1 Survived bv her hus band. Levi Butler of Roseburg; two inters, Shirley Butler and Ronnie Lee B it ler, both of Roseburg: three e s- tera, Mrs. J. J. Oeder and Mrs. Oeorca Wmchell. both of Salem, and Mrs. Robert Order of Philomath. Oregon; and fiva orolher.v Harvev Lincoln of Silverton, Credt Lincoln of Vancouver, Wa.sh . Theo dore Lincoln of Portland. Arthur Lin coin of Walla Walla, Wash, and Jo seph Lincoln of Beaverton. Oreaon. Chris tian Silence services will he held Friday December 3. at 130 pm at the Clongh BarricK chapel ilin concluding services at Ml. Crest Abbey Mausoleum. Sola Huston In this r it y November 25, Nola Huston, late resident of Hwhura. at the age of 41, years Rnlpment has heen made by W. T R.rdon company to Roseburg for service and interment. (nv Sherman Ouy Sherman, at the residence at 1110 R'iral aienue, December 3 Hunlved by h;a wife. Mr. Edna Sherman of Halem: a son, Edwin T. Sherman of eHattle. two daush te.s. Mrs. M. J Petersen of Salem snd j Mm Jacob Ploube of Eugene' a brother l Fred Slierman of Drjden, Wa.h : three neptu flse g llrtrei ard treat r ranf!rh : !d Anno in lent of later br Clouih-Bai - ; panv. I.. . k Nelherland Frank Net nerianrt. late re. :dnt of Me! Civll ford d' a local ho.M'lte.1. December I Ar lijet t i noinrement of s'nlcea later by the How .- o( 1 ell-Fd a'ds cits pel ' Ad', crt lerjien' i lUolilalilsl ff W . H r &Jf I r ' pem't W f!a. W )., ntieumatlr Paine, NervmnTie", 4 1T tlltif I n NiihM. l.e f'aina. Iiiirrilna: J'Mg, .Swollen Ankles, i.r "lrr!ea 1,'nder Kve, due tr h"n -oi g.tnin and non-ay"'""!''' Kldne and Hlad-ter Jctihl, tint he yon feel nlij and nilaerahla wlihont Irylnj: f'YSTF.X. Canal I v the tlrat d'.nn nf i'VSTKX start to work Imtnedlatelv he-Hiln nttirw rlean out era acid and w,v which nfti.n ' .'! many paina. n hi, oren-a and ti(Tn-aa Oet fVfTK'X at rtnigiat. K;Ulf i'-tin or money back g .larnnteed. Why Suffer Any Longer imers fan, us ' Arpa:na nr Ch.na No ma' CBlnese ih what j ate affected d.sorderi -art iungs :uer a nneys pat ion, ulcers diabetes sail and bladder, fftet cnmpalntj CHARLIE CHAN t'HINFSF HERB CO. Office Heera 9 ta I ra anal Sat. Only 19 N remmerelal Phene 119' MUM ng e