14 Capital Journal, Salem. Oregon, Thursday, De. 2. 194811 i .1 Daleines To Berry Growers To Underwrite Reforestation Plan Underwriting of a fUtewlde reforestation program by all of the 10-30 clubi in Oregon, will be aked of the northwest dis trict convention in Portland Sat urday and Sunday by Gene Mal ekl, delegate from the Salem SO-SO club. The Salem club hu drawn up resolution asking the other clubs In the district to Join in planting 80.000 forest trees next year, according to Maleckl. The S0-J0 clubs will work with youth groups in getting the aeedlings planted and the state department of forestry, in co operation with the Keep Ore gon Green committee, will aid 1 in this project, he states. A meeting between members frrt:jmeiu of the Salem and McMlnnville clubs was held in McMlnn ville Wednesday night to dis cuss the proposed reforestation program and the convention. Corvallis, Ore., Dec. 2 01.19 It cost the average berry grower in Oregon 11 1 cents a pound to product boyaenberries and IS cents a pound to grow strawber ries in 1847, a progress report of the Oregon State college experi ment station showed today The surveys, conducted by Dr. G. W. Kuhlman and D. Curtis Mumford, covered 45 boysenber ry farms and 89 strawberry farms. The average yield of boy senberries was 4.212 pounds an acre and 3.529 pounds an acre for strawberries. Jefferson Rebekahs Elect New Officers Jefferson The Mount Jeffer son Rebekah lodge has elected the following officers, Noble Grand. Eileen Hampton: vice grand, Geneva Meyers; record- the dining room. The committee ing secretary, Lillian Smith; fi- was named to plan for a Christ-, nancial secretary, Bertha Curl; mas party fur Rebekahs, OrlfiV treasurer, Ada Wells. Fellows and their families. Re. The conferring of degree will freshinents were served to 40 be the first meeting in Decern- members and four guests at the bcr and will finish the ceiling in close nf the meeting. "Things Are Natural Now! f For over 1 5 years ronstipstlon had me down. Now, ever since I started eating Ksuxooti's aubran daily, things are natural and what relief that ia." Miss Hazel Rufsnyder, x otutown, l i. If your diet larks bulkfor nor mal elimination, this delicious cereal will supply It. Eat an ounce every day in milk and drink plenty of water. If not satisfied after 10 dava, send empty carton to "Mt'KS v 'nit! v rw, alien., and gel dolblb yol mousy back. m Victor records MANFRED (iTMPHOVIP POEM I TchaltolU 8evl.ky-Indlnapo!ls Svmphonv DM-840 WIS ROM CO AND JVI.IET lOwruire Tehaikcwskt Toscanlnl-NBC Svmphony DM-11T( (4.15 POLISH SVMPHOXT I No 3 In D Tchaakon-skl Kindler-Natlonal Symphony DM-747 V-li FATHFTIQI E SVMPHONT (No. In B Minor) Tchaikowiud aokoinkl-Hollywood Bowl Oreh. DM-110ftSsM BRIDAL CHAMBER oene from Lohengrin. Wagner aielchkr-FlKstad OM-W1 ll.se MAIL OR PHONE ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY Plo-fta (Mat th rMr4a tbek4 i ahMh BtaMv r 1 t tat . I ... Ckavrfo to mr wtinl o m 421 Court For Records Ph. 3-7522 lVAtOOK BOTH WAYS BEFORE ffi? C3 Better observe the Sofe.y Rulci of Saving, Mother . . . and look both ways before crossing the street! Listed btlow or just a few of the reasons why you'll probably decide to cross over to PARK N MARKET, where quality foods or yours at sensibly low prices! Ploy sofa with your family's health and budget by checking this od for your best food buys. viTA Man Pre ..20c! VITA "--.i fi, aire TOM WO1 RAVIOU Mexicom 20c t 35c tor i IttexkaatAI I PITTED DATES CANDT THAT GROWS ON TREES. Lb. SWIFTNING For more tender pastry . . CAN MILK All brands. Tall can . . . . J ib. ea 29c .1.09 2,25c Turnips SSL,... 3, 25c Flrtr and Delicious Gropes 2, bt 29c Onions & 3lbt 14c Tomatoes T.b.pk.Sc Ham Loaf b. 63c ROLLED PRIME Rib of Beef .b 65c Beef Short Ribslb 35c Sirloin Steak .. ,,. 59c Baby Food, c,n, 25c Babies Go for Gerbrr's These Prices Good Thru Sunday Open Until 8 O'Clock Evenings BAKERY DEPT. 30c e. 5c RR1SPT p Crackers ,., . 4jC PARKER HOI SE and BITTER ROLLS dos FRESH BAKED BITTER HORNS. fOProov. r. ie (S5c SV-'35c PARK MRIfFTK 3025 GARDEN ROAD MORE FOR YOUR MONEY ALL THE TIAAE BROMWAY GROCERY BROADWAY AND MARKET STREETS EW OW PRICE GUARANTEED TENDER, U. S. GOVT. INSPECTED MEATS LEANMEATWITH ITS LOW CALORIE CONTENT ISAN IDEAL REDUCING FOOD! BEEF ROAST FRANKFURTERS SH0-'R1BS 49c ,t 45c, 35c, 59c , Leon, tender. Tender, juicy. Leon, meaty. Delicious. SIRLOIN SLICED RIB MT. ANGEL STEAK BACON STEAK CHEESE 59c ,b 65c ,, 59c ,, 49c ,, Cut thicl, to boil. Armourj Sfar -.ta'ic. F' ,h" th"" dih"- OF ALL FOOD MEAT IS THE UNIVERSAL FAVORITE GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES GRAPEFRUIT USN02 celery DRY ONIONS RUBY RED SPUDS HEARTS 45c 99c 19r 11 "c tV doi. V bag I J0 bunch . Stock up. CENTER CUTS MEDIUM SIZE BRANDYWINE fHFPQF ASPARAGUS OLIVES MINCEMEAT AMERICAN 19c can I Lindsay's 19c 24c r 89c OPEN SUNDAYS 8 A.M. TILL 6:30 P.M. I SHsHSSBIMSSHSlBHBllllllllHSiSSSBliiSSSSSSSSSSSBSBSBaiSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSC ; AT VOtltl GXOCSR'S . if BUY A LOAF TODAY AT YOUR INDEPENDENT GROCER'S