Vast Salem Women Start Another Neighborhood Club Salem, Dec. 1 A new neighborhood club has been organ ized in East Salem. It is the -Jolly Neighbors" club and only residents of Brown road may be members. Many new homes have hri ii built on this road the last two years and the object of the club is to know your neighbors. Meetings are held on Friday Albany Will Erect Modern School Plant Albany Eevry concept of idem elementary education mil be embodied in the three new grade scnooi Duunings pro posed for East and West Al- imiy and the ounnse district ! local voters provide the funds through the school bond issue Monday, December 6 A large rtion of the $650,000 proposi- i.nn will go for the new build- ng, with the balance being nent on remodeling Central chool. School officials have had one rime goal in planning the new buildings which will serve the arpose of relieving badly ov-r-crowded cpnditioiis at Maple snd Madison schools and keep he children closer to their umes at the same time. t . tit Amity Woman Victim Of Dayton Accident Amity Mrs. Stanley (Hazel) Allison, received a compound fracture to her right knee, a broken knee cap in several plac es and cuts and bruises to her left leg and body, last Sunday afternoon on the main street in Dayton. The Allisons were returning home from Portland, when a truck struck their car, which is a complete wreck. Allison sus tained a minor injury to one knee, bruises and shock. He is able to get about with the aid of a cane. Mrs. Allison was rushed to the General hospital i n McMinn ville. The leg will have to be in a cast for three months, and she will remain in the hospital a month. ib "P Guaranteed by V l TJJEVGod Housekeeping lmpops JvUowing neighbor! present: Mrs. Ed Wilson, Mrs. Arley Wil son, Mrs. Wallace Sequin and daughter, Judy; Mrs. Vickie For dyce, Mrs. Lois Chisholm and daughter: Mrs. Sadie Benson, Mrs. Wllma Rowland, Mrs. Henry Priem and Mrs. George Brown, Mrs. Mehling and son. anernoons at 1 o'clock every Mrs. Alfred Pauli opened her imre weens, uessert lunches home on Garden Road for the are served by the hostess with November meeting of the "Cap a covered dish dinner for spe- itol City Rabbit and Cavy Breed cial occasions, as the meeting of ! ers association." This associa Decembei 10 when a Christmas tion opens the nomination for party with a gift exchange will officers for the new year In No be hold at the home of Mrs. vember and officers are nominal ueorge urown. ed and ballots malled to all Mrs. Gertrude Mch hostess for the meeting with the' lege of writing in a name andl ballots must be returned this year by December 13 when nominations close and the results will be known. Nominated at the November meeting were Harry rteasor tor president: Mrs. Chester Fredrickson and Donna Wiederkehr for secreta ry and Mrs. Pauli for treasurer. The December meeting will br' at the John Christenson home on route seven. i Mrs. Evelyn Rehfelt was i honored with a stiower by mem-1 bers of the Merry-Go-Round j club in the home of Mrs. R. H. I Proudfit and Mrs. Paul Barham on Hollywood drive. Guests were Mrs. Ed. Curtis, Mrs. Mel vin La Due, Mrs. Gordon Bee croft, Mrs. Oscar Forgard, Mrs. Keith La Due, Mrs. Harold Hol ler, Miss Florence Kleeman and the hostesses. Harold Kufner, son of Mrs. ASriHIR nl 11$ Bttl DOWNSTAIRS Gift HWSL, for Pyre (939 New Chriitma Plattir Stt. Contain Pyrex Well-ond- Tree and Utility Plattertw $295 Pyrix Celer fowl Stt. 4 colorful bowls for mixing, baking, serving, storing Brews the right amount TW Easy to M whafi cook 43 J of good coWee faster ,. mm ing. 1 H quart ii W KnniI atufp PYREX WARE FROM 29UpM Biww Pyrci OvMwirt 9ift Stt. Today's biggest value. 1 2 pieces, gift-packed, only. Ovte Mi Itfrlitrtter Set. Colors match Bowl Set. For baking and serving.. ft inch Pi Pa i rke Oih HO""" Squar. Cako Di W 1 Quart Utility Di.h 4 oUOrtCov.,..T;-- , .49'""0 5o 6-Cup flamewor. ' BRING your CR'STMA$ LIST I PY'X WARE i $245 4cp Pyri Perteleter. Brews the right amount of good coffe foster. rlfltneweri Deeelt teller. Easy to see (ng. 1 W quart ebli teller. rAQC whafi cook. )jWJ f. ( Oft end leffigtrvler Set. Colors match Bowl Set. For baking and serving. Pyrex Color lew! Set. 4 colorful bowls for mixing. baking, serving, storing. $295 . 6-Cup flamewor. lF I L I U ! II A SUGGESTION At Present We Have a Tremendous Stock of NEW Items That Will Make Any Home "HOME SWEET HOME" Following Are a Few (Only a Small Part) of Interesting That Are Arriving Daily Items Lane & Roos Sweetheart CEDAR CHESTS Hassocks - Pictures - Lamps (NOTE: A group of IMPORTED Chinese lamps arrived the other day. You'll love 'em and you'll APPRECIATE THE PRICE.) New Living Room and Bedroom Suites (BEST VALUES IN TOWN.) Dinette Suites . We challenge you to find a better selection (ANYWHERE). IMAGINE THIS We have 66 different styles of Bedroom Suites to choose from.' (And none of thi rririf enmerhina? ..... 3. (And none of these have been instock over 60 days. Isn't JUST ANOTHER PROOF THAT WHEN YOU PURCHASE IT FROM M.K.N. FURNITURE, YOU KNOW IT'S NEW, and at a Price Lower Than Most SO-CALLED SALES ff' I 'i ill nu uvu vitiii Give S&H Green Stamps m Excellent RADIO and ELECTRIC APPLIANCE j SERVICE - Prompt Service Funmifcuire Phone 2-5456 or 2-44 13 1425 Edgewarer St., West Salem 'Drive to MKN and Save" PALMISTRY READINGS First Time In Tour City! Will Trll Your Fait. ur Fl turt Lore Bnainrav MarHafr Aniwfri All Questions OPEN AM. 'Ti, 6 rerry t. Grace Kufner of Swegle left Capital Journal. Salem. Ore., Wednesday, Dec. 1, 14;: aunaay lor rnuenix, nr.( xoi report for duty in the U. S. army, home of 1" parents. Mr. and left Salem Monday for Chey air corps after spending a ten' Mrs. Mi'imo Dalke on East Gar-jPIlnei Wyo., for his active duty day furlough at home. Richard den Road after completing his Dalke who also has been at the! basic training nt Wichita Falls, l,n ,hc air corps. a . . 4 IrV Ml -ri " ' ..a ma Victor records o RACHMANINOFF RHAPSODY FOR PIANO, OPUS 41 Philharmonic DM -855 14.75 GRIEG'S PEER GYNT SUITE No. 1 Goosens-Cinclnattl Symph. DM-UOO J.1.50 ROUMANIAN RHAPSODIES 1 and 2 Enesco Ormandy-Klndler DM-830 (3.50 POLOVETZKI MAIDENS DANCE (Prinrt Igor) Borodin Stokowski-Phila. Orch. DM-499 S3.50 MARIAN ANDERSON SINGS BRAHMS AI.TO RHAPSODV with Pierre Montrux DM-1111 13.50 MAIL OR PHONE ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY ' Pin s lend m tb rtcordi chicked bov ' Nam I Addreu . tncloi chick moniy r- der for I . . . . I j ... Char ft to my mcouhL j oO For Records 428 Court Ph. 3-7522 Ul o 11 qSI " ' ll ! rtyon brtcsdi with s high uinftJ rut that dots dtvint things for htr A Black and g,n!d, hint nd pHtch, fuchsia and royal. to' l1 Tom O'ftort- s iandal-of-4-ieuf of ravtn satin with mul ticolor imbroidtry. lit rtd, wintt royal or light Hut. o0" KEITH LUMBER BROWN O YARD Front and Court Street Phant 3-9163