18 Cpitla Journal SaJem, 1 "... . ' filini I , tvinu Mum ire mciisr.teri a.r,a u i a ir.o wmppeo brurh nd timber fire burns near the Camp Baldy resort area near Los Angeles. Fanned by icy wind! reaching as high as 70 miles per hour, the Dames blackened over 1200 acres. (AP Wirephoto) Woodburn Boy Scouts Attend Falls Camperoo Woodburn Sixteen members of the Woodburn Boy Scout troop attended the Silver Falls district camperoo at the Silver Creek recreational area, under the direction 0 f Scoutmaster Perry Williams. Attending were Duane Baird, Bam and Felix Schwarcin, Billy Ken ten, Keith and Billy Mc Nary, Billy Paulson, Jerry Plank, Norman McLaughlin, Vilas Royce, Norman Tyler, Chester Daniels. John Anderson. Richard and Donald Le and Richard Schroeder. Victor Point Area Club Showing Films Victor Point The Commun ity Service club of school district 42C will meet December 3 at 8 oclock at the Union Hill Grange hall. Miss Alice Jaquet, president of the group, will preside at a short business meeting. Mr. E. R. Ekman of Silverton will show moving pictures. "Shortest WTay Home," of a GI's travel through the United States and three comedies. istt! Ore, Tuesday. Not. SO, . 1948 Aurora Legion Post Offering Carnival Aurora Aurora American I Legion Post No. 110 will stage a carnival in the Aurora grade I gymnasium Saturday night. Cmdr. Kenneth Holt announce. Proceeds from the affair will be used to augment the post's build ing fund. Soon after the carnival legion members will start tearing down the old Aurora Legion hall on Main street in preparating for construction of a new one. A committee is now formulating plans for the new building and arranging its financing. Committee on arrangements are Pphaen Sayre. Henry Col vin, Harmon Yeary, G. E. Fred rikson and Courtney Pursley. Church Group Meets Falls City The Loyal Wom en's class met at the home of Mrs. William Beard for a Thanksgiving luncheon The time was spent in fancywork and visiting members present were Mrs. Minna Hoppe. Mrs. Ethel Guthridge, Mrs. Robert Nelson. Mrs. Richard Paul. Mrs. Howard Grambling and Mrs. W. P. Let terman and a guest, Mrs. Iver son of Salem. Headquarters AyC' ":00 OXIock Street Vacation Brings Protests Vacation of Alder street fromi Rural to Oxford as requested by the Salem school district is meet ing with some opposition by cer tain residents of the neighbor hood involved. Notice of the opposition was voiced during Tuesday night's meeting of the school directors by Attorney El mer M. Amundsen who present ed a map which he said backed up his assertion that there now exists a tract three blocks wide and seven long without cross streets. The property involved comprises Leslie junior high school as well as land purchased for a possible second high school. The block long section of Al der street that the school board seeks to have vacated has been dedicated but never improved. Given assurance more than two years ago that its closure would never be contested the school board authorized the construc tion of an athletic field which overlapped Alder street. Reop-I ening of the street involved, would ruin the athletic field for all practical purposes. j Amundsen said that opposi tion to the vacation of Alder street would probably be drop ped if the board agreed to the purchase of two lots at a total cost of $1600 which could be used as a stub street. The board agreed to house in! the West Salem schools the sev enth and eighth grade classes' from Eola. The Eola district has grown to such an extent that it, finds its accommodations badly J crowded. Superintendent Frank B. Bennett said that facilities in West Salem were ample to take care of the 19 Eola pupils in-' volved. The Eola district will pay the regular tuition charge and transportation costs. Superintendent Bennett and Curricular Director Harry John son were given authority to at tend national conventions dur ing the summer. Suicide Attempts Banned by Court Chicago. Nov. 30 "P A cir cuit court order bans Frank Lewandowski, 36, from attempt ing suicide. The injunction was issued aft er his estranged wife. Adeleine. 36, said Lewandowski has tried to kill himself 30 times since) they were married nine years ago. i Mrs. Lewandowski, mother of three minor children, testified! her husband, a soldier, attempt ed to hang himself three times; stabbed himself six times; turn ed on the gas six times, andi drank poison 15 times. ' Whee... SANTA'S TOYLAND TIM IE MODDDEDRfE Come one, come all . . . to The Moderne's wonder-world of toys! Come, tee the loveliest doll collection in t.iwn , . . the lorest model mechanical toys and electric trains . . . the most exciting games, puzzles, wheel toys that ever thrilled a wide-eyed youngster! for Quality Toys m m I -MMM Cargo Loaded a Walkout Ends Longshoremen unload car go from the S S. America, in New York, after the 18-day walkout ended. With the backlog created by the walkout, many longshoremen worked on overtime far into the night. (Acme Telephoto) Orion, Mighty Hunter, Soon To Dominate the Winter Sky By J. HUGH PRl'ETT Astronomer. Extension Division, Oregon Higher Education System Orion, the Mighty Hunter of Greek mythology and the finest of all star groups, soon will dominate the early evening sky. So majestic is the nightly march of southern heavens that all should favorite of the ancient poets, Orion retains his popularity in mod ern literature. Like a massive warrior lei surely rising face upwards from his bed. Orion and his weapons require fully two hours to clear the due-eastern horizon. Over an unobstructed sky line, this process is completed this week around 8 p.m. standard time. 9 p.m. daylight time. Two stars of this fine constel lation are strikingly brilliant: red Betelgeuse in the hunter's right shoulder; and farther south, sparkling, white Rigel. the shoe buckle of his upraised left foot. Between these, three very conspicuous stars of lesser luminosity, equal in spacing and brightness, mark his belt. Pen dent from the belt, faint stars trace a short dagger. Tall and Hanesome When higher, this figure is NO other rub acts faster in CHEST GOLDS this celestial giant across the learn to know him. Alwavs a seen to form quadrilateral a large, elongated with the belt at i Us, to V 5? J ill ,1 ,miWTryTiw lil I TrrmTrsiTTm I I about the center. Faint cars' outline Orion's shield of lion's skin and bis upraised dub., which he swings at charging Taurus, the Bull. When our hunter reaches high south, six hours after rising, he stands up-' right. By late February, he will. be in this location in the early evening. j According to ancient myths.'" " """'''"Mem, say they are satisfied with Orion w the tallest and most' handsome of men. Once blinded by an adversary, he regained his: sight by finding "the place of sunrise." Again happy, he hunted the Cretan woods in company with Artemis, goddess of the chase. At his death, he was given an immortal place among the shining stars. The distinctive red color of Betelgeuse indicates it is a rel- atively cool star. (Avoid pro-' nouncing this "Beetle Juice" as do some). It sometimes swells up like a rubber balloon and about doubles in diameter. The wnue, guttering Higei is so re- mote that the light reaching our eyes tonight started 100 years before Columbus made his noted voyage. The region of the small stars of the dagger is glorious through strong field glasses. Numerous twinkling points of light flash into view. All the stars of the dagger become double. The "lowest but one" is seen sur rounded by a hazy effect. This is an indistinct view of . tne Great Orion nebula. In telescopes, this '"fire mist' becomes one of the most beauti ful of sky objects, showing much Push-Button Controlled Heat Tomorrow's Electric Furnace Is Here TODAY on Display at 1979 Fairgrounds er by. V . y ' ; OPS Patrons Defend Plan Portland. Nov. 30 Five patron of the Oregon Physi - eians' pre-paid medical service nave imervenra in Qnuc ui u uepanmeiu oi jiuiire. , in? fovemmem . lne "'' """ - '""'"''' " - - ' " detail and variation in the deli- cate wp ot its greenisn-wnne , light. Tangled in this nebular lacework four little stars, lorm- m " tin,y na ctlarmlng . trapezium oi urion. I Near the eastern star ot thei belt, the lamous carx norseneaa : nebula forms a telescopic blot on ! the sky. This unllluminated : mass completely hides the light of all M hlnd It. , If Stuffy Hose Of Head Cold Spoils Sleep Tonight ... get relief this qtnek. easy way: Put m few drops of Vm-tro-ool m emch nostril and feel Tour stu9v mid. doegtd nose start to open up autmtitl Relief come d faxt hM-tu VMk Va-tro-nol works nght Khere trouble ii It helps clear ckvging moras, re lieves congestion, makes breathing euter, and invites restful sleep. Always ' Try Itl Vicx Va-tro-nl Nose Dropsl IT'S NEW! GLEASON'S BAKERY Rd ... mote ia. V eeono rr A , i .1 AT YOUR STORE OR AT mmsm doctors to participate In the pro-' gram of family medical and hos pital service. Eight county medical societies and eight physicians were nam ed as co-defendant in the gov- ernment's suit, I The five patron, represented by Attorney c s. Emmons, Si- the OPS program. At the same ,,, . y,... . iion oemanainz me government i become speciiic in IU charges. Hear Nathaniel Hawthorne's "DR. HEIDEGGER'S EXPERIMENT" KSLM-KGW Pi asutarf by PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY Dial 2-5379 YOUR DOOR I I