Local 'Brides and Bride s-to-be Take Spotlight in Social News of Late November; Numerous Other Weddings Are Arranged Tltrou'glt 'December's Calendar, Also ' -1 - if7- :y 1 '-Hi .' .. I , v i i '" 7r WEI) THE EVENING of November If) wan Mrs. Itiihard Henry Spminer. the fdrnirr Georifia Ann Hull, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oeorjte ( . Mull, the wedding beiiiR in the First Congregational church. The couple will reside here. Mr. Spooner is the sun of Ma Ruth A. bpooner of Portland and Clyde X. Spooner of Grants I' ash. (Jesle n-Miller photo). yTyj rITTIk x 1'; r an. TIIF.RR nVO W'VMT. brides In November. At Wt K Mrs. Rlrharrt K. Te-I. the fnrmrr Iorothy Ulatlie tiamblr. Hnl at St. Mary' athnlii' rhuri h in Ml. Angel. The bride it the daughter of KranK iamble of Ml. Annel, Mr. Test the ion of Mr. and Mvs. Frank , Tent of Salem. (MrKwan photo). At right It Mrs. Kenuett- Merlin Kiiherl'in. who wan Yvonne Arttellr Gardner lit-1 ore her marriage last I'lii'sday evrnine In the Kirst ( ougrr gallonnl ehurrh She K the daughter of Mr. and Mr. Mprtun ( 'lair tiardner and Mr, ltoberton the ton of Mr. and Mrs. Hernial Jerome Robertson. iJenteu-.Miller photo). "Tr. nd Mrs T.rr UiKlihrrutT of Auni5 atinotiiH'od thr oiinam'iini)t of thrir (i.i'iJUcr, M tsji Vii'iirini, t, .Inc V. louKhrrty, son vi Mr. ami Mi V K. 1 toucher! y f SnU ni at a p. it ty ,u tlir llirhln rncT homo, '1 lie atuiouiu'cnuMit u s nut it r hen H.illooiis were pni-M'il mul e;n niu sl wjis toKi to l)i ek the hallnon and i e;ui tlte niefs'.due mii(ie, After an evening f ihibs hricljic Umrli ;is ,erveti Assist ia Mr. and Mrs lliliherer xrre Mrs. Oilier Hubert .uid Mrs. Hill HmImtIs, both mints of the bride -to -he. Kr lends of the you nit emiple pt t sent Were Mr. wild Mrs. Hiiymond lloediti iieimor. Mr nnri Mrs. Kicluud Silni lnm-hnr. Miss M;irn;iret Ltil.a, l.eim lien jf, Kileen Medved. )u id r.Man- Cnsli.nu. Jerry Hohrit.s, Miss lttM-in.uy DuiiKlirrty. Hay DouKhertv, Kddie iind Toiifty HiKhberm r mid the honored ciuule. Mi? Hij-'hbrrer attended Suhlimity ehmls ;md Mitrx lhurt lolleae and Mr Douplierty ptteiuU-d S-detn pc1hh1 The ttrririintf is I'l.uined for lute spriiifc;. XI 1 V i' Mr. and Mrs P V .huhinien of Pu yallup. Wusli , were h e re for over ThimksniviuK ;o- quests at tlie lioine of their in and dautder in-law, Mr and Mrs. Herman Jnehiinsen. They were en route home horn a trip to Mexico and lefl Friday. Fx pee ted home this W'eek end from an interesting trip are Mr. and Mrs. liiehard A Meyer They visited in New York eity. Washington. OC. and Miami. Komn on to Havana, and are returning home San Franei.A'o, via Los AtiKt,U,' and Thankuivint4 dinner guests of Mr and Mis Waller Bradley were Mr and Mrs. William Cardner. Mrs, .lust ma Kildee, and Mrs. Hello Archer. OMMimr ( tlIRM nirt rrrenlU to to over plant for thf Zonla elub'i silver tr 1 hr M.'hl nt'l lhuntl,,v Hfirrunnn ul thf hnmr of Mr. Knberl I., Hftrani. At rifht are t.'itr nt Hip rhiiimrn. lilt In rlM: Mrv INI. rhroitore Msdsen, Jr., (rneral chairman tor tlir li t: Mi llrrhrn Uuiklrr, Miss Aim. rhillipn, and Mrs. Mrarrl Rovtrans. (Jfi-Un-Millrr photo). ATE for the wedding of Mis Ar- Sheldon and Eric Lee Carlson J"' it an announced for Saturday, De cember 18, the ceremony to be at 8 o'clock in the evening in the First Con gregational church, the reception follow inga also to be in the church. Miss Sheldon, daughter of Mra. Lloyd Perl Sheldon, has asked Mrs. Darwin D. Caspell to be matron of honor. Brides maids will be Miss Ida Fredell and Miss Charlotte Reeves, and the junior brides maid will be Miss Shirley Sheldon, sis ter of the bride-elect. Alan Dasch is to be best man for Mr, Carlson. Mr. Carlson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Carlson. The engagement of the couple was announced last spring. By Marian Lowry Fischer 1ITH first of the big holidays a pleasant memory, everyone turns in earnest to preparations for Christmas and a gay holiday time anc'dd. Benefit affairs claim a special interest for the new month, too, the Zonta club s silver tea to be next Thursday afternoon, December 2 at the home of Mayor and Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom: and the Spins ters club Christmas night dance is to be on Saturday evening. December 25 at the Glenwood ballroom. Miss Betty Jean Manoles is chairman for the dance. December, too, is marked by several weddings of prominence, and entertain ' ing for brides-to-be features much of the social activity for the early part of the month. Mrs. William L. Phillips. Sr., has in vited a group of neighborhood friends for an informal afternoon and tea next Friday afternoon at her West Lefelle street home in welcome to Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom who has moved into the Fairrnount Hill section. Miss Jean Fidler was hostess last eve ning for an informal gathering of col lege friends, honoring her house guest, Miss Gloria Stannard of Long Beach, Calif., who came home with Miss Fid ler for the holidays. Today, Miss Fidler and Miss Stan nard went to Portland to join friends there and to attend the exhibition of famous paintings being in Portland for the week. Several Salem folk are in Portland this evening to attend a party for which Mr. and Mrs. Orris Fry are to be hosts at their home. The group all were at tending the game between Oregon State and University of Nebraska this afternoon at Corvallis. In the group from Salem are Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Huggins, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Fry. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Asel Eoff, Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Hendricks. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Young, Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Quisen berry. Mrs. William Smith Is to be hostesa at a party Tuesday afternoon, inviting a group of 12 for luncheon and bridge to her South Summer street home. Among those away for Thanksgiving were Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Benson and two sons who were guests at the home of Mr. Benson's brother, C. P. Benson, at Kelso. Mrs. Melvin L. Pavlik, the former Lu cilc Dunigan, was the honor guest at a recent miscellaneous shower given by Mrs. Ellis Lauderbach at the Frank Clark home in the Oak Point community. Chrysanthemums were used in decorat ing for the party. The gifts table was covered with a lace cloth and blue satin ribbons extending from a miniature bridal party in the center. Guests included the honoree and Mrs. Clarence Johnson, Mrs. T. Lovere. Mrs. A. Kiddilson, Mrs. E. A. Derflinger and Kay, Mrs. Henry Dunigan, Mrs. Minnie Dunigan, Mrs. Orvillc Dunigan, Mrs. William Dunigan. Mrs. E. A. Dunigan, Mrs. W. BincRar, Mrs. Frank Clark. Mrs. John Kelly, Mrs. William Kollman and Mary, Mrs. James Lauderback, Mrs. Dean Lauderbach, Mrs. E. E. Matten, Mrs. Floyd White, Mrs. August Otjen, Mrs. Vera Bassett, Mrs. John Lauder bach. Mrs. Jean Arrell and Barbara Jean, Mrs. Ellen Rostwold and Julia Ann. Mrs. Aanes Lepley. Mrs. M. lnnocenti. Mrs. Ellis Lauderbach and Sara K Lauder biuh. In Wellington cities this week-end arc Mr. and Mrs. T. Harold Tomlinson and Mrs. Herman Jochimsen. The Tom linsons are attending a Kiwanis club district event at Olympia and Mrs. Joch imsen accompanied them to go to Roy, Wash, to visit relatives. Mrs. James T. Brand leaves next Wed nesday to spend a few days In Pendle ton and Baker, having been invited to talk to several women's clubs on her year in Germany and elsewhere in Eu- Clubs Set Dances Tillicum club's December dance 1 1 planned for next Thursday evening. De cember 2. at the Glenwood Ballroom. The social hour will be at 8 30 o'clock, and dancing will be to lam. A snack bar will be set up throughout the ev ning. Town Club Event Members of the Town club are plan ning their dance for the evening of Sat urday December 11 Details and tht committee are to be announced later. ANNOUNCED last evening at a des sert and bridge party given at her home was the engagement of Miss Margaret-Jane Emmons, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Carl W. Emmons, to John Syme, son of Mr. and Mrs. James C. Syme of Parma. Idaho. The news was told earlier in the week at the- sorority of the bride-elect at Oregon Slate col lege. Pictures of the couple on cards hid den beneath the plates revetiled the news at the Friday party. The table centerpiece was an arrangement of red carnations, the flower of Alpha Chi Omega, and blue violets, the flower of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Placecards were scrolls tied with the colors of the soror ity and fraternity. No date is set for the wedejing but it is planned for late next summer. Miss Emmons was graduaued from OSC in June and is a member of Alpha Chi Omega. She went to Willamette for her first year of college wurk. She is now field director for the Willamette area of Camp Fire Girls. Mr. Syme, who was in the navy during tlie war is a sophomore at Oregon State now. and is a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Guests at the Friday evening party in cluded Mrs. Robert Siddoway. Miss Lois Erickson, and Miss Marie Jean Wild man, all of Portland: Miss Ruth Anne Larsen of Vancouver, Wash.; Mrs. Leon ard Rinearson, Jr., of Corvallis; Mrs. William Dunn, Jr., of Woodburn; Miss Jeanne DeMytt. Miss Anita Haiger, Miss Jean Myers. Miss Janice Myers. Miss Grace Shields. Miss Margaret Moritz, Miss Marilyn Hjort. Miss Jane Walsh, Mrs. Gerald M. Robison. Bridge was played during the evening. Mrs. George A. Arbuckle wiB be host ess to her bridge club next Wednesday, the group meeting for dessert and cards. Wedding Plans Miss Nina Marie (Peggy) Sears, who is to be wed December 11 tw Robert Tonnesen of San Francisco, is announc ing plans for her wedding. The ceremony will be solemnized at 8 o'clock the evening of December 11 in the First Presbyterian church. Dr. Chester W. Hamblin officiating. Miss Jane Carson is to ber maid of honor and for bridesmaids. Miss Sears has asked her. cousin, Miss Roberta Sears of Salem, and Miss Annamarie Van Hoomissen of Portland. William Egan of Brooks 'udll be best man and the ushers will be Gordon Gil fillan of Portland and Thomas Jackson of Vancouver, B.C. Mrs. Budd Coons and Mrs. Ernest Hobbs will light the tapers. For the music. Mrs. David Branson is to sing and Mrs. Ralph Dobbs will be at the organ. The reception following t)he church service will be at the home of the bride-to-be's parents. Dr. and Mrs. James L. Sears. Mr. Tonnesen is the son of Cap tain and Mrs. A. S. Tonnensen of San Francisco. Miss Flohrer Names Attendants Another popular bride-elec announc ing plans for her wedding is Miss Mari lyn Anita Flohrer, who is to be married December 12 to Richard S. Fry. The ceremony will take place a 3 o'clock that afternoon in the First Congrega tional church, Dr. Seth R. Huntington officiating. Taper lighters will be Miss Jean Bull and Miss Joyce Dyer of Eugene. Ronald Craven is to be soloist and Mrs. Lewis Mitchell, cousin of the brides, is to piny the organ. Mrs. Robert Warren is to be matron of honor and the bridesmajds will be Miss Violet Lassie and Miss Iris Boline. Charles Bjorkman is to be best man and groomsmen will be Leonard and Herbert Fry, brothers of the bridegroom elect. Serving as ushers wQl be James Rickey, John Dowd, Walter Stark and George Lassie. The reception following will be in the church. McAllister-Boatwright Wedding Attendants and details for the wed ding of Miss Lois Boatwright-and Ralph McAllister are being annomnced also. The wedding is to be at 3 o'clock the afternoon of Sunday. December 12. in the Central Church of Christ, the Rev. Jasper Scott officiating. .' 1 1 A:' 4 ' ', ' I '-'. .';,- '""''v.' : -,A . "if" '-:l'--.V: i ::-:'' ; ) MISS MARGARET-JANE EMMONS, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Carl W. Emmons, last evening; announced her engagement to John Syme. son of Mr. and Mrs. James C Syme of Parma, Idaho, at a party at her home. The wedding is to be late next summer. (Hise photo, Corvallis). Are Announced Miss Beverly McRae is to be maid of honor. Bridesmaids will be Miss Fran cis Boatwright, sister of the bride-to-be, and Miss Lillian McAllister, sister of Mr. McAllister. Walter Zistel is to be best man and ushering will be Rex Ben nett and John Smith. The reception following is to be in the church fireplace room. The bride-elect is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Boatwright and Mr Mc Allister is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McAllister. Justice and Mrs. James T. Brand are to entertain a group at dinner this eve ning at their home, covers to be marked for 12. Miss Rosemary Cochran leaves tomor row by plane for San Francisco after spending Thanksgiving with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clay C. Cochran. She came Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Cochran were hosts for a family gathering Thanksgiving day, guests including their daughter, their son and daughter-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Roger Cochran and two children, and a nephew, Robert Otto of Corvallis. To Mr. and Mrs. Norman K. Winslow go congratulations upon the birth of a son, Marshall Kent, on Wednesday at the Salem Memorial hospital. There is an older son in the family, Walter Keith. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Winslow of Salem and Mrs. Jessie Furman of Forest Grove. Invitation has come from the Women of Rotary of Portland asking the Women of Rotary of Salem and their families and friends to the annual fall dinner of the Portland group next Saturday evening, December 4. in the Neighbors of Wood craft hall, S. W. 14th and Morrison, at 6 o'clock. The social hour will be at 8 o'clock, the dinner at 6:30 o'clock. There will be entertainment, games, and cards for those caring to play. Mrs. Fred L. Peterson, 3157 N. E. Ir ving, is the president and she may be contacted for information. Reservations may be made with Mrs. Ralph H. Cool ey here, by next Thursday, December 2. A THANKSGIVING DAY wedding was that of Miss Dona Gay Hud son and Eldon Kliewer, the cere mony being solemnized at 4 o'clock as a candlelight service at tlie home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hudson. Mr. Kliewer is the son of Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Kliewer. Rev. Norman Brown of Calvary Baptist church offi ciated at the double ring rites which took place in front of the fireplace. White chrysanthemums and candles decorated the mantel and room. The bride wore the wedding dress of her sister, Mrs. Kenneth Marecek. The dress of white satin was fashioned with shirred bodice and hipline and felt in a train. The fingertip veil showered with orange blossoms, was arranged from a headpiece of orange blossoms. The bride carried a Bible on top of which were red and white roses with streamers. Miss Ada Hudson was honor attend ant for her sister. She wore a floor length blue taffeta gown designed with bustle and a large bow in back. Her flowers wore a corsage of gardenias. Vern Kliewer was best man for his brother. Only members of the families were present for the service and the reception following. fy For the music. Miss Ada Hudson and Miss Juanita Burr sang solos and Miss Dorothy Peterson played the piano. At tlie reception Misses Delia Kliew er, Ada Pludson and Juanita Burr as sisted. The bride wore a gray suit with white accessories and corsage of roses for traveling. Following a short trip the couple will be at home in Salem. Mrs. E. M. Page Is to entertain Mon day for the Travel Study club, the group to meet for luncheon at 1 o'clock. Announcement came this week to Sa lem friends telling of the marriage of Miss Patricia Mase. formerly of Salem, to Jack Hughes of Seattle, Nov. 24. Mrs. Hughes is the daughter of Mrs. Gladys Mase of Seattle and Ralph Mase of Kla math Falls. She attendedschuolsinSalem and was graduated from Santa Monica high school, later winning a scholarship to attend the Repertory Playhouse in Seattle of which school Mr. Hughes is an alumnus. Following a wedding trip the couple will be at home at 104 Shelby street, Seattle. THT ENGAGEMENT of Miss Artie Phillips, daughter of Major and : Mrs. Robert N. Phillips, to Paul C. Rodgers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl P. Kodgers, was announced recent ly on the Willamette campus, the wedding to be in March. Bishop-ModjTne photo) T' 'HE marriage of Miss Louise Mur- hammer, daughter of Mrs. Hen ry Murhammer, to Richard J. Ringwald, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Ringwald, was solemnized this morning at a ceremony held in St. Joseph's Ca tholic church at 9 o'clock, the Rev. T. J. Bernards officiating. Wayne Meusey played the organ music. The bride was a gown of slipper satin designed with a nylon yoke and a train. The veil, with a short veil over the face, was arranged from a crown of satin embellished with seed pearls, and fell over the train of the dress. For her flow '.ers the bride carried a cascade bouquet of bouvardia and white chrysanthemums centered with an orchid with satin rib bon backing. The bride was given in marriage by her brother, Luther Mur hammer. Mrs. Robert Ochse, sister of the bride, was matron of honor. She was a peacock blue dress and a white horsehair braid hat with aqua flowers and ribbon for trim. She carried a round bouquet of pink roses and aqua chrysanthemums with white net frill and shower of white satin ribbon. Ben Kerber was best man and usher- . ing were Donald Ringwald and Anthony 1 Davey. The reception following was in the Salem Woman's club house. Mrs. Robert Jones and Mrs. Wayne Weston cut the cake and Mrs. Henry Kayser poured. Cutting the ices was Mrs. Raymond Murhammer. Assisting at the reception were Misses Beverly Kayser, Carolyn Jones, and Jean Ringwald. Miss Deen Carnegie and Mrs. Louis Waring of Seat tle, sister of the bride, had charge of the gifts and in charge of the guest book was Miss Beverly Ann Peterson, niece of the bride, Seattle. For going away the bride wore a black suit with gray accessories and cor sage of orchids. Following a trip to California the couple will be at home on the South River road after December 4. Two events are on the calendar for Job's Daughters groups this next week. On Monday evening, mothers of Job's Daughters members are to meet at the home of Mrs. J. E. Rcay, 770 Stewart street, at 8 o'clock to organize a mothers' club. Ainsworth lodge, A.F. and A.M., is to entertain for the Job's Daughters on Tuesday evening at a carnival party in Beaver hall from 7:30 to 10:30 o'clock. All members of the order are invited. Zonta Silver Tea A major social cpient for next week for a large group villi be the silver tea for which the Saletn Zonta club is to entertain Thursday hfternoon and eve ning at the home qf Mayor and Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom. 1 125 West Lincoln. Hours for the tea will be from 3 until 9 o'clock. Invitation is exten1ed to both men and women, and notices' have been sent to a large number ci'f Salem civic and service groups aski;aj their membership to the tea. All proceeds from Ihe tea will be used by the club for its j Helen Yockey Me morial fund, being built up for a pedia trics department in 'Ihe new Salem Gen eral hospital and named in honor of the late Miss Helen Yocl.ey, a charter mem ber and past president of the Salem Zonta club and for many years on the hospital board. Many friends of lub members have been asked to assist at the tea. Receiving guests at the door during different hours of tiie tea will be Mrs. Charles D. Wood, Mis. Burton A. Myers, Mrs Wheeler R. English, Mrs. John H. Carson, Mrs. Allan Carson, Mrs. Wal lace Carson, Mrs. JT. Kenneth Power, Mrs. Wolcott E. Bunen, Mrs. William E. Smith. i In the receiving l''iie will be Mrs. Rob ert L. Elfstrom, wh is a memer of the Zonta club and th& hostess for the af ternoon; Miss Lilliiin McDonald, Mrs. I. N. Bacon, president of the club; Miss Elizabeth Putnam, j Dr. Helen Pearce who is a past Zont;! International presi dent, and Miss Geuievieve Morgan, vice chairman for the district of Oregon and Washington clubs. ; Various members of the club will as sist around the rooms. In Dining Room I Inviting guests iiito the dining room will be Mrs. Brucci Spaulding, Mrs. G. Herbert Smith, Mrsl Addison Lane, Miss Margaret Magee, Mrs. Earl T. Newbry, Miss Jess McDona'i, Mrs. Arthur Hay, and Mrs. Hall Lu&. Pouring will be ,Mrs. Grover C. Bel linger. Mrs Daviif Bennett Hill, Mrs. Earl Snell, Mrs. Charles A. Sprague, Mrs. Chester M. Onx, Mrs. Douglas Mc Kay, Dr. Helen IJearce, Miss Dorothy Pearce. ( Assisting with the serving will be Mrs. Robert W. Cmrmsen, Mrs. William Shinn, Miss Patricia Vandeneynde, Miss Margaret Wagnenj Miss Patricia Elf strom, Miss Joanife Bunnell, Miss Mar A BRIDE this morning was Mini olJ Alice Louise Miller, daughter of L Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Miller, who was married to Hubert Joseph Faltyn. son of Joseph Faltyn of Exeter, Pa., at a ceremony solemnized at 10:30 o'clock in St. Joseph's Catholic church, the Fev, Gerald Lcnahcn officiating. For the music, Wayne Meusey sang and played the organ. The bri'de. given in marriage by her father, wore a dress of white slipper satin designed with basque waist, a dropped shoulder neckline with lace trim, and a full skirt with long train. The fingertip veil was arranged from a sequin headband. The bride's flowers were a bouquet of pink and white car nations. Miss Lenora Miller, sister of the bride, was honor attendant, wearing a peach satin gown trimmed with sequins and a sequin headband. Her flowers were white chrysanthemums. Junior attendant was Miss Geraldine Ann Unrein, niece of the bride. She wore a white taffeta frock and a head piece with silver entwined in it. She carried a basket of pink carnation petals. Albert Salus of Exeter, Pa., was best man and the ushers were Virgil Miller and Charles Mack. The reception following the church service was in the Mayflower hall. Mrs, Charles Mack cut the cake and Mrs. Jerry Unrein sister of the bride, poured. Mrs. Leonard McCormick of Lebanon, assisted. For traveling the oride wore a blue green suit with black top coat and black accessories, and a corsage of carnations. Following a trip to the Oregon beaches the couple will be at home in Salem ft Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burlingham spent Thanksgiving with relatives at Forest Grove. on Thursday garet Allen, Miss Janet Bower, Mrs. Thclma Walter. Miss Addyse Lane, Miss Sally Smith, Mrs. Thomas E. Rilea, Jr., Miss Margaret Lovell, Misses Jean and Janice Myers, Mrs Claybourne Dyer, Mrs. W. C. Dyer Jr., Mrs. Robert Brownell, Mrs. James Bacon Mrs. Phil Brownell Jr.. Miss Alcetta Gilbert, Mrs. Wayne Hadley, Miss Donna Lambert. Members Listed Members of the club, hostesses for the afternoon, include: Mrs. W. L. Allen, Mrs. A. J. Arehart, Mrs. I. N. Bacon, Mrs. Karl Becke, Mrs. Carl Booth, Miss Janet Bower, Mrs. Phil Brownell, Mrs, James Bunnell, Miss Maxine Burcn, Mrs. Frank J. Burke, Miss Kathryn Car thew, Mrs. Mabel Clock,' Miss Dorothy Cornelius, Mrs. W. C. Dyer, Sr., Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom, Mrs. Lelaee Ellis, Mrs. Robert M. Fischer. Jr., Dr. Lucille Fortner. Mrs. James G. Heltzel, Mrs. Byron B. Herrick, Mrs. Saul Janz. Miss Bertha Kohlhagen, Mrs. Mary Lachelle, Mrs. Ben Lambert, Mrs. R. W. Land, Miss Mary K. Larson, Mrs. Gordon O. Leonard, Miss Edna Lucker, Mrs. Harold Larsen, Mrs. M. Theodore Madsen, Jr., Mrs. Naomi A. Massee, Miss Lillian Mc Donald, Mrs. O. A. Melgaard. Mrs. Harry L. Miller, Miss Genevieve Morgan, Mrs. Walter Musgrave, Miss Dorothy Pearce, Dr. Helen Pearce, Miss Anna Peters, Miss Alene Phillips, Miss Hazel Roen icke, Mrs. Margaret Rosecrans, Mrs. L. F. Sarff, Miss Mabel Savage, Mrs. B. O. Schucking, Miss Nellie Schwab, Mrs Harry W. Scott. Mrs. W. E. Smith. Mrs. C. W. Stacey, Miss Lena Belle Tartar, Miss Eleanor Trindle. Mrs. Herbert Winkler, Mrs. E. E. Wootten. Chapter G of P. E. O. Sisterhood is to meet Thursday at 1:15 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Ferd Schlapkohl, Pio neer drive. Mrs. W. S. Colel is to be co-hostess. Disabled American Veterans auxiliary will hold an all day sewing meeting at the home of Mrs. Alma Hatfield. 1045 Judson street, Monday. There will be a no-host luncheon at noon. The bazaar will be held December 11 and 13. Centralia temple, No. 11, Pythian Sis ters, is meeting for election of officers, Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock in the Knights of Pythias hall. There will be a sack lunch. UEST day for Chemeketa chapter, lighters or the American Revo- tion. will be an event of next Saturday afternoon, the regular meeting dale for the group. The meeting will be at 2 o'clock in the Salem Woman's club, Mrs. M. A. Pekar as hostess. Mrs. Herbert J. Ost lind is in charge of arrangements for the program on Indians. On the committee for the afternoon are Mi". Charles A. Sprague. Mrs. Lewis D. Griffith, Mrs. Roy H. Mills, Mrs. H. G. Smith, Mrs. U. G. Shipley, Mrs. R. W. Davis. Mrs M. P. Adams. Mrs. A. E. Austin. Mrs A. A. Underbill, Mrs. E. R. Herndon. Mt. Angel In a setting of chrysan themums, greenery and lighted cathed ral candles at Sacred Heart Catholic church. Gervais. Miss Mary Rozclla Wekerle. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jo seph Wekerlc of Woodburn was mar ried to Arthur A. Schwab, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Schwab of Mt. Angel, on Wednesday morning. November 24, at o'clock. Rev. Father Martin Doherty officiated at the nuptial mass and read the vows for tlie double ring service. Ambrose Smith and Bernard Smith of St. Paul and Woodburn sang, accom panied at the organ by Mrs, Vincent Smith of Mt. Angel, who also played the processional and recessional marches. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of traditional white satin. It was fashioned with fitted bod ice, sheer yoke, round neckline, long sleeves pointed at the wrist, wide ruffle of French lace at the low shoulder line, and rows of the same lace ruffle down the back of the full skirt extending around the edge of the long train. The single strand of pearls was a gift of the bridegroom. A coronet of seed pearls held the fingertip veil of illusion, which was finished in scallops. She carried a crescent of white pompom chrysanthe mums, pink gardenias and white satin streamers, centered with an orchid. Mrs. Ambrose Smith was her sister's only attendant. She wore an orchid hued gown of satin, made with fitted bodice, round neck, a sheer yoke, a low shoulder-drape edged in net, puff sleeves, and scalloped peplum over the floor length skirt. Her headdress was a halo of braided net to match her gown and long mitts, and she carried a colonial bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums and pink rosebuds. C. S. Schmitt served as best man for his brother-in-law, and ushers were An drew Wekerle, brother of the bride, and Harold Bourbonnais, cousin of. the bridegroom. Mrs. Wekerle wore an afternoon dress in black with matching accessories and gray coat for her daughter's wedding. Mrs. Schwab, mother of the bridegroom, attended in a gray wool dress, which was embellished with beaded design, and topped by a fur coat. Her accessories were in green. Both had corsages of white gardenias. Immediately following the service breakfast was served to the bridal group, at the home of the bride groom's parents. Assisting at serving were Mrs. Arthur Strand of Scaview, Wash., godmother to the bridegroom, Mrs. V. D. Cousin of Seattle. Washing ton, and Mrs. Frank Van Haltcn of Oak land, Calif., all aunts of the bridegroom. The wedding dinner was served at noon at the Mt. Angel hotel, with covers placed for 45 guests. Serving were Miss Joan Schwab, Miss Mary Kirsch and Alma Wolf. Musical numbers were sung by Ambrose Smith and Bernard Smith, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Vin cent Smith, during the dinner program. At the reception held during the after noon at the St. Mary's dining hall Mrs. C. S. Schmitt, sister of the bridegroom, and Mrs. Arthur Strand poured at the coffee urns. Mrs. Stephen Hemshorn, aunt of the bride, cut the cake, assisted by Mr3. Werner Hemshorn. Opening the gifts were Mrs. Frank Caspell, sister of the bride, of Dallas; Mrs. Frank Pavelek of Salem, cousin of the bride; Mrs. V. D. Cousins, Mrs. Frank Van Hatten and Mrs. William Van Hatten of Salem. At the punch bowl were Miss Frances Smith of St. Paul and Mrs. Tal Bern ing. Serving the guests and assisting about the rooms were Miss Irene Eder of Gervais, Mrs. Paul Schwab of Salem, Mrs. Leo Schwab, Mrs. R. J. Welton, Mrs. R. O. Appleby, Mrs. Al Lulay and Mrs. Bernard Schiedler Mrs. Ernest Walker, cousin of the bridegroom, passed the guest book. The decor in the guest rooms was in white wedding bells and streamers, and white and yellow chrysanthemums. Mr. and Mrs. Schwab left on a wed ding trip to California later in the evening after attending the wedding dance. The couple will live al Mt. Angel. Town, Gown Club A meeting of the Town and Gown club is planned for next Thursday aft ernoon at 2:30 o'clock in the Carrier room of the First Methodist church. Frank B. Bennett, city superintendent of schools, is to be guest speaker, dis cussing the UNESCO conference which he attended in San Francisco. Mrs. Rob ert F. Wulf is program chairman for the afternoon. Special music will be numbers by Willamette university's a cappella choir. Mrs. Edgar T. Pierce Is chairman for the tea committee. On tlie committee with her are Mrs. P. D. Quisenberry, Mrs. Wayne Loder. Mrs George Croi san, Mrs. Oscar Cutler. Miss Olive M. Dahl. Mrs. Leo C. Dean. Mrs. S. G. Dempsie. Mrs. J. M. Devcrs. Sr., Mrs. 1 M. Doughton, Mrs. L. C. du Buv, Mrs. Clara Durbin, Mrs. H J. Elliott, Mrs. Merlin Estep. Sr., Mrs Merlin F.stcp. Jr., Mrs. S. E Fairham. Mrs R. A. Fcdje. Mrs R. M. Filenning, Mrs. Frank Fisher. Mrs T H. Galloway, Mrs. Albert H. Gille, Mrs. E. E. Gilbert. &UEST Daug lutioi ANDTHI.K fSROl'P of thr ZonU chairmen f(r thr Thurorlnv silvrr ten rr pit -lured. In phntc tt Irfl From Irtl to ritht thrr arr; Mrs. W. I . Irr. Sr.. Mrs Harry W m mt Mis Domihv Pe.rt r. Mra. Karl Rm-kr. Thr tra will nr from :t until M o' lork Ihursdav. pro rrrd to to to thr Mrlrn Voikry Memorial fund to rsUblith a petliatr.ii drp.trtmrnt ftl tha nw Salem General taoaptul. tJeaten-Miller photo;. BKIDK IX A ceremony In the Mt. Tabor Prrsbytrrlan rhurrh In Portland thf fvpnlnf of Novrmbrr 20 was .Mrs. Albert Glenn Luther, the formrr Violet Mac l.ee. She is the (laugh ter of Mr and Mrs. Glenn K. I o( Portland and .Mr. Luther is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Luther of Salem. tEdris Morrison photo, Portland), l ft 1 tV M i t lv ! N r: AMOVU NOVi;MI,!:it Klt1lt:s wire thrsr two. Mrs. Ilhhanl Kvrrt lifvrns. the fnrmrr hiilnti' .htm- Uilliams, ni Irlt. is tlir daughter l Mr. ;iml .Mrs. .Smell M. Williams, Mr. divriis is tlir son of Mr. and Mri. Kvrrt (iivrns. Thry wrrr married November II) In Knight M mortal rhuri h. (.Irstrn-Millrr phntol. Mrs. Melvin l.av nt I'.ivhk. nl right. Has l.dra Lurilr lluniRan be I or r her marriage last Mindav at triiimiii in the Calvary Hap tisl i hiii-.h. Mir is thr daughter of Mr. and Mr. Id ward A. Ihinigan of Salem. (Karl Hirnitr plmlni. Mr. and Mrs. Fiona Id K June-' u ere among tho.--'r taking in the Oregon Slate University of Nebraska game llus ernonn and were luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Macdonald of Portland, preceding the game. The Presbyterian Women's associa tion has planned its meeting for Wed nesday at 2 p.m. in the l irst Presby terian church. Mrmhers of the associa tion will present the program. Mrs. '. S. MrCollani is president of the group. All women of thr church are invited. Knglewood Woman's club has called a meeting fur Friday. December 'A. at 1 MO p m. at tlie home of Mrs. Lloyd llnltin son. 1025 North 17th for the purpose of revising the club constitution. t.i The commillf e mc ills for the Ch members of ll'e Professional Won t uinplctiiig arrange slinks tea to which i.ilem Business and i '. club are bidden, will meet at the home of Miss Josephine K.v a ns in tlie Royal C'oi;rt apartments, Monday evening. November The tea will be an event of Decem ber 1 W at the home of M ii-.scs Ida Mae and Kflie Smith. The plans are in charge of the club recreation committee, of which Miss Kvans and Mrs K N. Voor hees are co chairmen A.Mlirg with the arrangements are Mi-.s IJuth Moore. Mn,s Kdria MiKlhaney , M is Dons Nelson, Miss Ida Mae Smith. Mrs. A J. Arehart and Mis Kffie Smilh h Wonilhuni-- Mr. and Mrs, Oiu, P. Mil I' i of Woodburn announce Ihe engage ment of their daughter. Miss Elizabeth Marie Helt! Miller, to Dr. Jack Move of Klamath Kails. on of Mrs Constance Mo e of Ames. Iowa Dr. Move grai!uau d from the Iowa S'.ite cullcuc and is now practicing at Klamath tails. The wedding is planned for early spring. r p, If "': . m