r -rrrn I V- I V' 11 I t "J P II ..ii f' (3 l J East Salem People Hosts For Dinners on Holiday East Salem, Nov. 26 Mora family dinner! are noted as having been the order of the day for the observance of Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Holler entertained for the annual La Due family dinner on Thursday. Members of the family present were ies uuiming oi audu wno area Mr .nrt Mr. v. M. La Due: Mr. and Mrs. Melvin La Due and three;at the home of his brother at i At home war Mr. and Mrs Bob ert Wagars and son, Glenn, Mr. and Mrs. Vicar Wagers and son, Jonny, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wag ers, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wagers. Among those having trips out of state for the week-end holi days were Mr. and Mrs. Char les Gillming of Auburn who are Silverton Justice Court Cases Vary Silverton The records of the justice court proceedings of Capital Journal, Salem, 0r., Friday, November ?fi. 1918 5 Fine of $2. !S0 and costs paid by Donald Brochers of Portland, charged with no muffler; Rob ert Janott, hunting without II- Judge Alf O. Nelson include: Icense, fined $25 and costs. SIS of fine suspended; Willard Nor ton, charge disorderly conduct, entered a plea of not guilty, failed to furnish bail of $500 and commitment issued. Held Captain of Inspectors James English said in San Francisco that the slaying of Nick DeJohn, of Chicago has been solved. DeJohn was found garroted in rear of his car in San Francisco. (May S, 1947). Booked at San Francisco city prison on charges of conspiracy to commit murder are Mike Abati, of San Francisco (left) and Sebastlani Nanl (right) of San Mateo, Calif. children: Mr. and Mrs. Keith La Due and Mr. and Mrs. Holler ai.d their children, Stephen Douglas and Frank. At the home of Mr and Mrs. Ray Bernardy on Brown road for the holiday were Mr. and Mrs. James Lie and son, Danny, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Endres and sons, Allen and Loe. Clarence Endres and Mr. and Mrs. Ber nardy and two children. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Gibb of Hollywood drive motored to Mu lino on Thursday for the Thanks giving dinner in the home of his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. J H. Jonesburg. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Jeffries and son. Tommy, of Auburn com munity, were dinner guests on Thursday in the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Judson in Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Barker entertained for the family din ner at their home on Silverton road. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Barker, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chnpin and children. Joyce and Auburn, Calif. Jerry, from Portland, Mrs. An na L. Davis, Robert L. Sunner and Fred Anderson and the host and hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barker and son, Michael, of Middle Grove, drove to Eugene on Thursday for the holiday dinner at the home of her parents. Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Hicks. Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hein on Lan caster drive, were Mr. and Mrs Jack Hein and son, Phil; Stan ford Hein and Miss Jackie Hol comb from Portland and Mrs. Marcia Aplet and son, Lowell of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. J. Irvin Wagers of Middle Grove had their fam ily home for the holiday dinner. Dallas Truck Driver ! Pays Fine in Court Independence Neil Leroy Metzger, Dallas trucker, paid a fine of $30 and $4.30 In costs for overloading his truck when he was arraigned in Justice W. A. Wiest's court this week. Other motorists appearing In justice court during the past week included: Raymond W Swander, fined $5 and costs for overload. Duane A. Bartsch, fined $5 and costs for violation of the basic rule. Elbert Verl Hoech, fined $5 and costs for violation of the basic rule. Buck Smith, fined $2 and costs for de fective clearance lights. LOCAL PATRONS AND ADMIRERS OF THE PAINTINGS OF E. B. QUIG LEY HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO MEET WITH MR QUIGLEY TO NIGHT AT ELFSTROM'S ART GAL LERIES. In Conjunction with the QUIGLEY EXHIBITION 140 Court Columbia Record FAVORITES LIKI THiHI for Christmas 'TWAS THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS Basil Rathbone LORD'S PRAYER Nelson Eddy CRADLE SONG Helen Traubel AVE MARIE Rise Stevens AVE MARIA Lily Pons A CHRISTMAS CAROL Basil Rathbone OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS TILL 8 Downstairs Oregon Bldg. State & High Ph. 3-8632 to your taste . . . MOJUD STOCKINGS r If you like your stockings ntra glamorous and sheer . . . if you like them lovely to look at . . then our flatter ing Mojud Style 901, (IS denier, 51 gauge) it your stocking. In these Fashion Harmony Colorti ALLEGRO A smart off-black. MEDLEY A bronzy brown. COLO A chic gun-grey. N T E R -L U D E A misty taupe. 95 KAYS 4(0 Start St. SILVERPLATtD Hostess Sugar & Creamer Sets FAMOUS r. B. ROGERS AND TRENT OUAUTY BUY SEVERAL FOR GIFTS Thte hinchome lugar ind) creamer cti ilt enrich our table nh their smart design . . . the lustrous gleam of hne silvcrplaie. Buy eeral for gifts. Clastic. Modern Design J QC Suar and Creamer on Scrv- W ing Tray aW tonal American Uesign C 1 Sugar and Creamer on Serving VJ Tray 1 C. Rich l ined Creamer . . , Sugar Including Lid ... on Serving Tray if 5 I $095 CONVENIENT CREDIT TERMS Pint Federal Ta 1 ftaaanauaa kountt llBl'I.IJ.IIIlllLJKil , r roM( IN OR OR0IR it MAll NOW.J BROWN'S JEWELRY Salem, Ore. I flttm ttnaj mi iht t1twlij: . 420 Court St. L 184 N. Liberty AxPENNEY'SWe Feature Clothing SALEM, OREGON I v m w i a 4 , ft 4 For the Growing Girls Clothing For The Young Girls 3 to 6, 7 to 14, All Featured in One Big Department! Shop Today and Save! 100 ALL WOOL COATS 14 75 and 16 75 Popular styled woolen coats for that growing girl. Gay plaids with detachable hoods, every one completely lined. Solid color all-wool fabrics too!. Warm and comfortable styling. Siies 7 to 14. PAJAMAS & GOWNS UNDERWEAR 198 FLANNEL PAJAMAS Gay assortment of printed outing flannel pajamas. 2-piece style. Elastic waist band. Sizes 8 to IS. FLORAL PRINT GOWNS For those who like gowns. They're in A J A flannel too! Print florals. Long sleeve. I A Peter Pan collars. Sizes H to 16. SLIPS DRESSES SPECIAL PRICE Some slightly soiled cotton print m ff dresses for girls in size range of .1 to I W Long wearing cotton. Cute styles. Ie GIRLS' DRESSES Cute Idnl for school cotton print dresses. Stripes, florals and plaids. Many with UX and white collars. Sizes to 14. Selection of white or tea rose in rayon satin fabric. Ruffle and lace triming Sizes 2 to 14. PANTIES Rayon fine knit panties for girls. Elas tic tops. White, pink and tea rose. Sizes 2 to 16. RAYON VEST They're in' Rayon vests for girls Fine knit in white or tea rose Built up shoulder drawstring neckline. Sizes 2 to 16. TUCK STITCH UNDERWEAR rrvf - ,, 1 39c VWZ 39t s?ap rjiiiui union iriiii OTP'. 5 2.98-3.98 Thin RroiiD Inclufirn vrtx. brirfs and nhnrt pnntfi. Tea roiie in color. Long wear and extra warm. Small, medium and lare. 49c Penny's Girls' Dept. - Second Floor Remember Penney's are open until 9:00 every Friday night, until and in eluding Dec. 17th.