18 Capital Journal, Salem, Or., Friday, November 26, 1948 (Continued from faro ) It was merely another exam ple of the age-old truth that every battle plan comprises merely an orderly commitment of troops to battle under the commander's calculations of de sirable objectives and necessary resources, but always with the certainty that enemy reaction win require constant tactical ad Dress the fear that we were stalemated and that those who had prophesied a gloomy fate for Overlord were being proved correct. A grave risk that always ac companies an amphibious under taking against a continental land mass is finding itself sealed off in a beachhead. Adequate elbow Justment to the requirements of I room is a prerequisite to the the moment. build-up of troops and supplies On June 12. 1944. the first fly- necessary to a decisive, mobile ing bomb, known as V-l, reach ed London. The V-l was a small pilotless airplane which flew at high speed on a predetermined course and terminated its flight by means of settings in its mechan Ism. It contained a large amount of explosive which detonated upon contact, and the blast ef fect was terrific. The first V-2 was not used until early August. The V-2 bomb was particular ly destructive when it fell di rectly into a structure of some kind. Owing to its speed, it pene trated deeply into the ground and its great explosive effect was exerted directly upward. It seemed likely that, if the German had succeeded In per fecting and using these new weapons six months earlier than he did, our Invasion of Europe would have proved exceedingly difficult, perhaps Impossible. I feel sure that if he had suc ceeded in using these weapons over a six-month period, and particularly if he had made the Portsmouth - Southampton area one of his principal targets, Overlord might have been writ ten off. Defensive measures against the V-l soon attained a very high degree of efficiency, but even so, the threat of their ar rival was always present at all hours of the day and night and in all kinds of weather. We in the field wanted to cap ture the areas from which these weapons were fired against outhern England. On the left the German armor and defensive strength contin ued to defeat our intentions, but the port of Cherbourg fell on June 28, Just 20 days after the landing. General Collins had conduct ed against it a relentless offen sive and as a result of the opera tinn justified his nickname. "Lightning Joe." Our bad luck was in the hur ricane that struck us on June 19. It stopped for a period of four days nearly all landing activity on the beaches and therefore in terfered seriously with every operation; it was so fierce in character as to render offensive fighting extremely difficult. On the day of the storm's end ing, I flew from one end of our beach line to the other and counted more than 300 wrecked vessels above small-boat siz.e, some so badly damaged they could not be salvaged. There was no sight in the war that so impressed me with the Industrial might of Am erica as the wreckage on tha landing beaches. To any other nation the dis aster would have been almost decisive; but so great was Am erica's productive capacity that the great storm occasioned little more than a ripple in the devel opment of our build-up. One incident, pleasing to me personally and indicative of General Marshall's constant thnughtfulness for his subordi nates, was the arrival of my son in the theater about the middle of June. Me graduated from West Point on D-Day and, with General Marshall's approval, was given authority to spend his .short graduation lrave with me In the battle area, subject only to the proviso that be return to the United States in time to enter upon his advanced training by July 1. Late June was a difficult per iod for all of us. More than one of our high ranking visitors began to ex- battle I spent much time in France, conferring frequently with Gen eral Bradley and General Mont (joinery concerning timing and strength of projected battle op erations. Such visits with Brad ley were always enjoyable be cause he shared my liking for roaming through the forward areas to talk to the men actually bearing the burden of battle In temporary stalemates there always exists the problem of maintaining morale among the fighting men while they are suf fering losses and are meanwhile hearing their commanders criti sized. The commentators' voices came into every squad and pla toon over the tiny radios that soldiers would never abandon. The effect of carping becomes more serious when soldiers find it also in letters from relatives at home who have been led to expect the impossible. Among green troops the problem is much more serious than among veterans. The attitude of the latter was well expressed in a remark made to me one day by a ser- gean, who with his railway unit was waiting to go farther to the front in order to start some needed construction. He said, "General, on the map this job looked easy, but now the Hcinies seem to have some thing to say about it. But there is nothing wrong with us that a good, rousing victory won't cure. (Continued tomorrow) $iPj Lot o' Tile New York U.R The longest continuous strip of tile ever laid the United States is being installed in the Brooklyn-Bat tery tunnel, New York's $80, 000.000 answer to the problem of easing traffic between Man hattan and Brooklyn. The tun nel lining will require more than 780,000 square feet of clay tile, or enough for 6500 average si be bathrooms. It will extend 9117 feet. I SIZES 10 20 Tailspin Tunic Rrautiful simple cut In a dress that fea tures the current theme of back interest. High neckline to set off your jewelry or sweetheart neckline ... if you prefer. No. 227.1 is cut in sizes 10, 12. 14. 16. 18. 20. Size IB. S4 yds. 3D in. fabric. I SVnd 2Sc tor mct! pattern with Name, Andre and Style Number State size deMrcd. If you would like to urn ovei 300 other pattern. styles that cover ail aura Kites, ana occasion. -Including a special section devoted to a va- I rteiv ot Christmas gill you can I make esMly and economically be ' sin r to order a ropv oi Uie Fall Winter Fashion IVtok Itr won derful book tor home-sewers and the price is tiiol OOe Aniireiw PAT TERN tlKPARTMKN X Capital Journal. ixl Mission St.. flan Fran Cisco 6, Call! ens"-- I was TOtP to f yessum ill TO BUY SILVER CREEkMAKE OUT A MINING STUCK CHECK AND TUU CN , L I TV . I ffit-L v m in :va. cir.N it WELL WELL' MY OLD WHO-WH AT ZAT - CRIEND. WRIGLEY EALV THIS IS A LEGITIMATE BUCKING TOR A POST GRADUATE COURSE AT ROCK- PIl.C COLLEGE 'BROKERAGE OPflCE, MAN.' WHY,'-- YOUkE 6TEVK ROPER THE M-MAGAZINE EDITOR WHO RAILROADED M-METO PRISON " fH6HT.'-AW YOUVE JUST BOUGHT SINS I GET ANOTHER RiDE ON THE SING SIMS SPECIAL OPGATOR.' MSTHB POUCt 11 RADIO PROGRAMS ,'KSLM i-a'sKGW FRIOAl P.M. .KOCO !K0IN CBS A DOS MILK ANO tans, LISSA-TH0S6 ' WE CAN GET BIGHT HERE BUT I FRESH COUTTRV AIR CAN BE HAD ONLY ONE PLACE THAT I KNOW 0F--IN THE COUNTRY- 1 BUT THIS IS THE ONLY HOME WE HOWE ANO SOUR STORE I yju CAWTJUSr LEAVE VMEt WON'T HOVE IT- WELL, WE'LL WAIT TILL MR. PUDDLE GETS BACK AND TALK ITOsER WITH HIM - ( HE'LL UNDERSTANO--HE'S ( ) GOT SOOO CEAS-MAVBE HE OUGHT 1 I HE'LL KNOW A GOOO TO BE BOCK I JiLAC6ECAN GO TOMORROW I SI 1 MAY HAVE A IPTOEARLVILLE !WEB6UR6ER DINER AND IMYSOMe PAINTINGS SUMMING MY TAXI AGAIN ri me. fvi t-y ROGER POSTER-1 UES SORT Or ' unt UFLPFO M61AN EXPERTISNT 1 SELECT THEM AWOHEf THEYOUGUTl THEY'RE BEING y TO ADO CLASS , FRAMED I V TO The LOBBy ) "A CALL1 PORVOU THEY'RE READY YTWIS SORTA PUTS'.! , ma I NOIAi-WILLYOUPtaC WE IN We THEM UP AT THE DAOBERAlNfl PICTURE GALLERIES AND BRING BUSINESS JUEM WERE? HUHGM.BOVS-p- WANT A U'L SNACK? USr WAIT T aaEriY.T-cws or 'i is bound t'comc along soon -OV AU- ME KIN Stt.OF OUR WOiF-fHCK. IS UAH LAJeS.T J AH'M GONNA BE CAUGHT )( SO AH MIGHT'S WELL . RE TAt -CMX BV i rr 1" AWRK3HT, EiOVS NOW. LE S GO ON T'TH' NEXT GOOD SPOT. ! .T"."r"S- Chmnim Cmwt. MI4nl(bl T Ml f.lrtl Hllr Mil lh ItrHt (lie Kit Cittm KiJ tcrnci frm Grvl PUti Lnti II U tbt Girlt Stum Hm OrrhftlrK Hifb Adtrnlart Hitta Advent mt 10. fltnwi tawtD Back Nails Hrnrr J. Tiylsr Fulton Lewii, Jr. OrchtRtrs Manhattan Orrbcitra 11 lt:(riOtfO Rosa On fttinn Md timer Fftre Mutkal fialr Muairal ir Kt4 SkfllaB Hr4 Skflla Ufa f Lift of Riler Bill Rtfrn. Sporla Bbytbm Tlma Supper Cl Na af rl Jimmy Durante Jiromr Puranta Bridia Club Brldcc Clab Bn Town Bif Town Stmt Sparta Final Band Waion Morton Downey Nrwa Piaruialon Hii Mutrnia VVaa Muifum Men Off Slrrpv Jot Pinarrhto HH KtfM Bmi Crobr Newi M ionr B f'andlrlraht Xmaa Hindowa Ko Proudly Hi Hall Top Rand Top Band Capital rommtnl Harmony I-ant Parl lin Parly Lint Knot Mannlni Brr Babhll Chaa. Collin na4 Bob Gar rod Ford Theater I t-.rJ ThaaU Ford Theater I Fard Thoattr Ptaytvouka Playhoua Spotllihi Reele Spollliht II t flaw Lowell Thanaa Jark Staltb tbov Jnrk C araoa Jark Caraan Newt Mukic Horlioni rrank De Vol Krank De Val Krminlarent Khthm Neva Track I4 Trark llftO Track H'JQ Mr. Ac and Jar Mr. Art and Jaw Rent ah N lihl E dltar Fire Star Final Spla. tipotllihl You and Money Orrheatra Kerenada Serena da Alr-fla SATURDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. 6; ;N Barilla Canntor 10 11 12 3 f 19 1 1 i :4ft Newa Mual March Tint Newa Newa Rita and Mhtna Clett Roberta Top Tradea Newa Garden Go Ida Paator'a Call Orcheatra So Proudly Wa rmy ya Nayy rmy ya Nary trmy ra Navy rmy ya Navy Araar ea Navy Army a Nayy rmy ya Nary Army va Navy Army va Navy Army va Navy Army va Navy TRA Newt Bine tinea OSC va Nebraska 0SC va Nebraska OSC va Nebraska OSC va Nebraska OSC va Nebraska OSC va Nebraska OSC va Nebraska OSC va Nebraska OSC va Nebraska OSC va Nebraska OSC va Nebraska Aporla Pa I act Orrheatra Hodio Podaa Hodce Podia Newa Hodca TaAf Now Hear Thla Now Hear Thla Tha Olu Soma Newa Meet tha Meeka Meet tha Meeka Ed Mef'onnell Ed McConnell Newa Publlo Affair Walker a Kilchew Newa Farm Horn Farm Ji Homo Mary I.ee Taylor Mary Lea Taylor Arrordlna t Record Stara Tomorrow Stara Tomorrow Stara Tomorrow Stara Tomorrow Man on tha Farm Eastern Football Eastern Football Eastern Football Eastern Football Eastern Football Eastern Football America Vlewa L'N Lass to Newa Gurit fllar NBC Symphony NBC Symphony NBC Symphony NBC Symphony Bands of Land Rands of Land KOCO Klock KOCO Klo.k Farm Parade Farm Parada Tea- RUter Dirk Shannon Hand i'oneeri Ettenslon Servlci Haven of Rest Haven of Rest Western Melodlca Pop V a r let y Pop. Variety Pop Variety Mnste Wit boat Words Cycle of Soma Cvcle of Soma Music of Manhattan Newa Cowboy Jublloa Hal Derwin Hal Derwin Salon Concert Salon Concert News Memorable Music SatMatlni Sat Matlnea Sat Matli.eo Sat. Matlneo KOCO Kapera KOCO Kapera KOCO Kapera KOCO Kapera KOCO Kapera KOCO Kapera KOCO Kapera KOCO Kapera Newa Orchestra Great White Way Great White Way Newa KOI KLOCB KOIS Kl.Ot ft KOIN KLOCB KOIN KLOCB Nrwa Newa Consumer Neon Newa Let a Pretend Janiar Mlaa Junior Mlaa Tbeatro af Today Theatre f Today Grand Cent. Rta. Grand Cent. St. County Fair County Fair Giva and Taka Giro and Taka Kid Crltlea Kid Crlllre Meet tha Mlisu Meet tb Mlesat Newa Driver' Play. Newspaper at Art Newspaper of Air Football Football Football Football Don Mr Craw Don MrGraw Stara Over Hollywood Art Klrkham Lake Sureeae Sat Sports Review Larry La Baaer Sarnyard Foil las Snnaa of Tlroea Phillip Marlowo Phillip Marlowa KEX DIAL LISTINGS: KEX. 1190; KOAC, 550 lAir- Frl. P.M. 5: On tha Upbeat! I wMw : Nwsi :IS Melodleai :M Music: Farm Hour; :(H1. Music af Canada; R:1!i. Hlllrrest School: 11:15. Newai 9;lltl, Musle that Endures; 9:1.1. Evening Meditations: IO:OH, OSC Homeramlnf Dance; 111:30, SI an Off. Friday P. M. 6:0. Challenge of Tukom 5:30. Jack Armstrong S:0 Sports; :1S, Home Edition, S:30, Th Sberifrt ?:t. Sportai tili. Sport Showt S:M. Fat Mam S:, Tour FBI: 9:M. Break th Bank; Western Skies; 10:00. Northwest News; 10: 1 It, tntermeaao; 10: W, Concert Hour: 1I:M, Orchestral 1X:00, Eitra Houri 1:UV, sin Off. 1rV Saturday a.m. to 4:4B p.m.t 6 lCA Dawn-Beat) ?:t0. Roundup Bovat 1:111. Martin Aironskyi 1:3A, Newai 1:4ft, Research Adventure: 1:00. Shopper' Special; A: SO. Headtinea: S:IS, Rhythm Roundup: t:M, Homo Demonstration: IS. Stories to Remembber: t:.W. Abbott Cos. tello Kid Shewi IH:Mi. Tolai lOtr Sat. A.M. IO:Mt. Newai 10: M, rWM Especially for Women; II :M. Concert: 12:00, Newst 13:15, Farm Hoart t-.m. Ride 'em Cowboy: 1:30. Volea of tha Army: I t. OSC s litahi 4: SO, Driven Playhouse: 4:4ft, Children's Theater. I0:ftfl. Remember Thla Teari 11 :M, Rhthm: 1I:S0. Tunes of tha Teari l?:mi, Inr Football: 4:1ft. Rand Muslei 4: SO. Marllcht Rooft 4:45. Dorath Fnld. Tunes; hcim. CICERO.' WHAT ARE , you DOING?) 1. . - the cat voh't EAT THIS SO I HAVE TO PUSH IT DOWN HER THROAT BIRD 1 CAT5 DON'T I (MAYBE NOT-BUT p cut r jr j rx . i a i h nm nr i - i r 1 BIRD AND THE AT": . "SaV EEL,6"0 HASrlK Hide and Seek St. Joseph, Mo. (U.R) Thomas Bowman reported to police his wife was missing. Officers found her all right. Then she reported her hus band was missing. An officer went to the Thomas home to report he was sorry but that no trace of Thomas had been found. Thomas opened the door and said the whole thing was back on an even keel. City Fades Away ' Mier, Mexico U.R Add th name of Mier to your list of ghost cities. In 1860 this bor der city had a population ot 30.000. Today It has 3000 residents. " COLLY SJKE.' f ' I I KiDS, THE IPSA IS GRAND, AN0 l'M"" , - XwmcNor?.' I Sure m. wl.es would be sratecul, J VWAT S TO STOP US OM yi I BUT THERE'S ONE VERV IMPORTANT OOINO THERE ? THERE'S J - DETAIt. WE HAVEN'T CONSIDERED. J JOST THIS ...THE TRC IS A IONS TTT WAY Off, AND RAILROADS ARE FUSS 1 I ABOUT FOLKS' PAV1NS THEIR FARES. ll My ROLL IS EXACTLY FOUR BUCKS. jf I eSk JEEERS? IVE IVai nul I 60T A LITTLE JWvr V Jl AWNEVWAIT'LL ii mm ,.4 Ct . SUPEU I f 1 ''' '-' - I JJi AftrxEV U Ltj cornet r r? i-essonsj GUW I'M THt ONt WHO rtOIILD ACOlOolZt' -AND I DO" ! , II IOM MYHUiBANOA ET v( AR AyO. LINK'.. I D HAVt ) TrtinyrMi..FufKiniAiiv..AiiT L WITH THAT ORAN6E-BlO0M 0LINT IN THEIR lYtV ! fr"?! xSi vlV TO YOU, t OR INTERRUPTING A CONFERENCE. MR 7A77MAN.'..TO ' 0U f0RANUNDE'-ERVl0PUHIN& AROUND MRjASONl-.-ANO TOV0U, MISS BRICKI R.WRMAMNC MYSELF I RlOllUtOU AND IM&ARRAWN& VOL! BEFORE THEE PEOPLLI 600CYt! ' I MR.1ZAZZ JL'i 1 1 ONE THING AfOUT HOIIVWOOO,MR.7A77MAN.. A FRIENDSHIP NEVER IAM4 LONG ENOUGH EASURt 'WATCH TO GET BORING!--YOU'D MAVt -rn TO MEASURE THAT ONt WITH J J A STOP WATCH! r , S yk I ACROSS L Plireajard wilfuIlT 1. Canonfted paraona IS. Hanir. Intra 14. Entle la. Old exclamation 18. Of tha aummcr 18. By 19. FiTnlnlna Darn a XI. Medieval playing card 21. Inarct 2.1. Corded fabrics j;.. Sat lor Jfi. Color 17. Scvtha handl 29. 1-sa fraib 11. Alao 12. Number 13. Sao apoiite 18. Commancaa 19. Tardy 40. Shorten 42. Pulled apart 43. Native metAl 44. Dinner cotira 46. New: comb. form 47. Hebrew lettw 48. Unorthodox person 14. 100 square meters of land 61. Locomotive) SS. Card era me SS. Rest a on the) feet If. Keeps from arrivini on time DOWN 1. Loafers L Carved Cjo PflAM BflV 9 1 s!RiuHriN t?c "JTmI s Ai T P o" aTdU N Alt O APATH val "ilNpa" T E B eIlIqH TjR Cflff A T g P0PAne Ap.,aaaaal C3T"oTyE PlldKMOri C A E nH R u'jqQwpk L I f V1T EfpilL I A T E R Mjis E tTaUtar Solution of Yetterdiy'i Puula I. lymhol for sodium 4. Unseal: poetle I. RepoM 73 $73 73 "71 7f 7fS 7T 3rT, 5a" Z- ZZ ZZ5""" '., l&i I I I I I it .a4 Landed property macka Baited: Taaralotl Unkind Oraed latter Hypnotlo stata) Kind of dog Masculine naaas Crystalline mineral Part of aa airplane, Neckpiece Territory governed) by a baa Garden implement SO. Younftater 33. Inclines 14. Father or motner IB. Prlfthtena Sfl. Reicular 17, Agreement between nations It. Breathes loudly In i ranamit Gamlnic eubes) Hebrew former President' ntrkname Inuthern statol Sun cod it. i 1 ROOM AND BOARD By Gent Ahem T take heart COUSIN' AFTER. THIS DISPLAY YOUL.L SEE HOW THESE SENSATIONAL BUBBLE-BLOWERS WILL GO LIKE PEANUTS n J IN AN ELEPHANT -Sn O ( A-vt3u mayI! SELL A FEW !i but not 240' I you should 1 HAVE CONSULTED AVE BEORE OU SPENT AV S8O0H THEM J