UTOMOBIIES THANKSGIVING GREETINGS To Our Friends and Patrons WE EXTEND OUR SINCERE WISHES Acme Used Cars Front A Cfnttr Bu. Bob Marr Used Cars 3160 8. Commercial St. Capps Used Cars ass Union St. Dick's Used Cars 12 South 13th St. Lee's Used Cars 340 N. Church Orval's Used Cars 390 Crnter St. Ron's Motor Co. 30 South Huh at. REAL VALUES ORVAL'S 949 Ford Custom Club Coupe 1948 DeSoto Custom Club 1948 Buick Super Sedan 1948 Stude Champ. Club Coupe 11948 Dodge Custom Seadn 948 Pontiac Sedanet Hydramatic 2795.00 948 Dodge Convertible 1948 Mercury Club Coupe 2195.00 1947 Buick Roadmaster Sedan 2545.00 947 Buick Super Sedan 1947 Pontiac Streamliner Sedan 2295.00 1946 Dodge Custom Sedan 1895.00 1947 Ford "6" Tudor 1947 Ford "6" Tudor 1947 Chevrolet Tudor 1947 Mercury Sedan MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM Most of the above cars are equipped with radio & heater. NO TRADES REQUIRED TERMS with Vi down and lft or II month to pay. ORVAL'S USED CARS PRICE QUALITY SELECTION Center at Church St. Ph. 3-4702 THANKSGIVING GREETINGS To our many Friends and Customers We Extend Our Sincere Wishes ANDERSON'S Phone 3-3734. 240 Center FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS STEAM and flat Ironi, iron In t board, pada and covers Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. ELECTRIC room heaters, all type. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS SALVATION ARMY STORE at H7 State win collect papers, clothing, lurniture, and any toya and muc, Items. Call 3-9348 for truck. na2M' SEWING MACHINE, any make or cond. W Davenport. Ph. 1-7871. 1930 N. ltn. na308 VARIEGATED holly with berrie. Top once oald. Felix J. Dees. 403 pivuion najBj SEWING MACHINE, an? make or cond W Davenport. Ph. 1-7871, 1930 N 18th Da280 I'SED FURNITURE. Phone S-918& i PHOTOGRAPHY PHOTOGRAPHIC tin tint. Ph. 37685. nb286 PERSONAL AlrOHOIICS ANONTMOIJS 734. Phone 3334 Bos p3 11 AUTOMOBILES ! rMrvaniTT iu on truck. Eaton rear end. Motor aood. Warren and Perlow. Aunwville. Ore. o"4 "41 MX J-door ford, very aood condi mm m wn tns Balem. Ili mi East of Pratum after 5 p m. HELL OR YRAOE 1937 Packard 4-dr. better, epotliiht. In vwj runnint condl rm. mr). 1933 Ford coupe. 3" name 130A rvrtt- earaae. Rt. I. Box 839 Balem. Ph. 34336. ' Ml arc loit rh.t meetilne. Plenty extra. lM takes eouitr. 3M B West Main at., or 393 South Collet at.. M mouth. Or. PRECISION REBUILT motors with ne m.tor auarantee Also ne motors. 0 savinas on all repairs. See us on our monthly payment plan AMUNDSEN OAR AOS M Bdaewater St., W. Salem. Ph. 17133 41 PLT. Btatiofi Waron. Radio, heater Ph. 1-9108 or 1-4205. ZEEB'S USED CARS 2325 Fairgrounds Road THANKSGIVING SPECIAL 1949 Ford 4-door Cus torn Fullv Equipped. $2495 Mort Automobile w ehonae from. ZEEB'S USED CAR I'll fa.nrouixl. Hi. to. I ll" a;u IAUTOMOBILES Sam's Motor Company 310 N. Church Shrock Motor Company SM Crtamkrta St. Square Deal Used Cars 11H S. 13th St. Stevens Used Cars r,t . ism st. United Motors 3193 Portland Rd. Western Motors Corner 13th A Mualon Z?eb's Used Cars 2333 Falrtrounda Road .$2545.00 Coupe . 2995.00 . 2995.00 . 2545.00 2695.00 2595.00 2645.00 1675.00 1575.00 1845.00 1895.00 USED CARS. Street. Phone 3-3734 q33' AUTOMOBILES 3! MODEL B panrl. ladatr rack. h.Rdllarit. 1ft In. wheel, good condition. II2S. Ph. 2-2333. qllt' 19 to BL'ltK sedan. RAH. aood condition. 611 5th, McMinnvllle. Ph. 3flX. q387' Another Item for Vour Thanksgiving Menu ! 1947 Dodge 1-dr. deluxe. Like new. 1947 Ford urr deluve 4-door. Colum bia overdrive RH. 1941 DeSoto 2-dr. Fluid dr. R&H. 1B41 Hudson Club coupe. Lata 193B Plymouth deluxe 4-dr. R&H. New ttrea. 1939 Plymouth coupe, RAH. 1937 Ford. I29S Small boat and boat trailer, 150. Small 2-wheel trailer, 120. SQUARE DEAL USED CARS 1155 8. 12th St. Phone 1-6639 LEE'S USED CARS OUR REPUTATION DEPENDS UPON YOUR SATISFACTION THANKSGIVING FEAST You can buy a 1947 Packard Super fully equipped for $700 un der new cost. This car is like new and priced at only $2950. Also a complete stock of other fine ued models to choose from. LEE'S USED CARS 240 N. Church Phone 2-1527 Better Used Cars With No Increase in Prices !' THE FOLLOW 1 NO CAR FOR SALI One 1941 Plymouth Coupt 1941 Lieeroe No. E 7947 Motor No P 11 -470314 Factory No ll34;i Car miT be examined at Cherry City Oiraie. Salem. Oreton. Bid ahoutd be aubmnted by I o clock P. M . I Decem ber 1941. 10: Wallace S Wharton. Cnmmtaaloner State Tax Commuulon Room 309 Stat Capitol IIT BOY'S BICYCLE. Ec. light, gear ahift. Bafgm. 533 N. Winter n234 IM7 roRD pickup. Motor like nw 535 N. W.nter. 4 1941 PLYMOI TH Deluie Coupe. Low mile aie. new tire. Onlr 11195. LouU Ziel liult. Rt. 7, Bit 349. 2nd houa W. of H arelg reen c riooi 33 I947-PLYMOI TH apee.al deluxe buainea coupe, lit new wnly 12 000 mile, ra dio hearer. .l tvrtn. pot Uht window wanner new 0nra! t.rea. and rty nbi. Irvoii Can financed Phona J401I feMlftaaa aoura. Xtemni 11311, ' AUTOMOBILES Shrock "Sez": The Sky't The Limit . . A rerorKillioned. marantatd Uaad Cara won't r.wrvatlon we'll maa,. And thert'e bo limit to our etrotu to obtaltt maximum aatlalactlon for tverjr euatomer who buya a shrockued Uaad Car. THANKSGIVING SPECIAL , 1946 Ford Deluxe couoe. Heater. sportliRht and backup light. tailor made teat covers, white wheel rings. A REAL VALUE THIS WEEK FOR $1395. SATISFACTION WITH EACH TRANSACTION 1947 Hudson Commodore 8 sedan, Htr., O'drive, Auto, trans. 1947 Chev. Club Coupe, Heater and sportlifjht. 1947 Ford Deluxe Coupe, Heater. Very clean. 1946 Chev. Aero Sedan, heat and music. 1941 Dodge Sedan, fluid drive. One owner. 1941 Chev. Spec. Deluxe sedan. R&H. 1939 Buick Spec. Sedan, R&H. 1939 Olds Sedan, RH. 1939 Plymouth Deluxe Coach, reconditioned motor. 1939 Studebaker Champion sedan, excellent condition. 1938 Dodge Sedan, R&H. Clean. 1937 Chev. coach, mechanics special. Many other makea and modela to choott from. Wo are open tvenlnga by appointment. SHROCK MOTOR COMPANY THIS TIME IT'S HUDSON Phone 37922 Where Chemeketa Goes to Church POME Thanksgiving comes but once a year, And on that day we'll have good cheer, Let's all be Thankful that we're here, So that we can deal with Shrock next year. WE TOO Are Thankful For These Quality USED CARS Come in, Compare These Values 19-16 Plymouth Deluxe 4-dr. Sedan. $1795. 1946 Plymouth Sp. Deluxe Club Coupe. $1795. 1941 Plymouth Sp. Deluxe 4-Dr. Sedan. $1295. 1941 Ford super Deluxe 2-dr. Sedan. $1095. 1939 Chrysler Royal 4-dr. Sedan. $1095. 1938 Plymouth 4-dr. Sedan. '46 Dodge motor. $795. 1937 Chev. Master Deluxe 4-dr. Sedan. Extra nice in every way. $645. 1936 Plymouth Deluxe coupe. This car is very good throughout. $495. Open Evening! by Appointment SALEM AUTOMOBILE CO., INC. Chrysler Home of Parts and Service Plymouth Salesman. Chaa. J. Peterson - Salesman. Homer C. fluffier Bale Manager, Palmer l. William Uain Store 435 N. Comm'l. St. Phone 1-4117 Used Cara 498 North Commercial St. AUTOMOBILES FOR KALE Pontiac 8. 40 model, driven by ordinal owner, orace normoyia. at 345 Front St., Woodburn. Q382 FOR SALE or trade, 1935 Ford dump truck. Ph. 192J, Independence. qm 1934 CHEV. 4-dr. aedan. 199, at Dun i aarage, Oervaia, Oregon. uao 1Mb H I'D SON, perfect cond. 1650. See at 1255 H. 1KB at., oeiween o ana i a. eve. '28S US BUICK. A-l condition. 1047 Fir St. q384 AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN Our CuMomer Depend On Ua Otto J. Wilson Company q2M 1941 H-YD. DUMP truck. Oood cond. 1835 N. Cottaae. i2H Ilia g. M. C. 1-ton trurk At tandem axle St Tw trailer, win aeii loaemer or ep arate. Take car, lot or anythlna I could uae, for my equity. Phv 1-4235. 1489 Court St. qa 1917 HUDSON Terraplane. 4-dr. aedan. Exe. cond. Call eve. 330 Tryon Ave. Mi Pie ton Addition North River road. Ph. 3-7324. I"" 199M PLT. 2-dr. aedan, 1100. 1041 Monroe Ave. 1947 DESOTO CUSTOM 4-dr. aedan. A real buy. $2150 ELSNER MOTOR CO. 152 N. Hlah Salem, Oreton. q283 194? tfc-T DODGE panel. Very good con dltlon. Ph. 1-1861. 1947 CHF.V. club coupe. Good cond. 433 ferry St. 2' 1947 PONTIAC I-cyl. 4-door aedan. Loaded with cxtraa. Only $2350.00 ELSNER MOTOR CO. 3S2 N. High Salem. Oregon Q2I2 19U9 FORD coupe, new tire, 1 owner. Box 1352, Stay ton. Ore. BY OWNER: '37 Dodae 4-dr. aedan. exc. cond. RAH, new rubber, maae reason able Oiler. Ph. 2-5030. l2B2 1949 MERCURY SEDAN Radio. hatr and ov.rdrlva. Cuatom Int.rlor. price balnw bonk ELSNER MOTOR CO. !tS2 N. High Salem. Oreion 2H2 l4t WII.I.Yft in very good condition. Beat offer takea it. 2446 Hazel ave., sat Sundaya or evening. I" SMART BUYERS BUY THEIR USED CARS FROM TEAGUE Hundred of Satisfied Owner of Out Used Cara Cannot be Wrong. Come On In-Pic the Car You Want. We'll Make You a Real Deal 1947 Ford 4-dr. Sedan 1946 Buick 4-dr. 8dan 1S42 Buick Sedanetle 1941 DeSoto 4-dr. Sedan 1941 Chev. Tudor Sedan 1940 Ply. Tudor Sedan IBIS Chev 4-dr fierlan 1937 Chev Tudor Sedan Many Other to Choose From YOUR KAISER-FRAZER DEALER TEAGUE MOTOR CO. 15 N. Commercial Ph. 24171 Salem. Oregon 4)24' Eisner Motors to Buy PONTIACS 1941 Sedan 1109 1947 Sedan Coup 1941 Deaoto B4an HERRALL OWENS CO. 440 M. Liberty. Ph. 1-4113 RECAPPING $6 95 I 00x14 a it. 13 month road harard guarantee, no ml leaf a limit. Retread T;ra Scrvtct, Si Iter ton road and Lana ave 4)237 NEW 1941 4-dr. Pontiac I Ph I-7S93 Eisner Motors Fine Cars Oil RrPLTATION deprnd on your eat ufaeuoo Lea Uatd Cara. 340 N Church Eisner Motors to Sell CHr.V. PICK I P. by owner. U. 1310 N. 33rd WANTED USED CARS FHOP AROUND THFN BHINO YOUR CAR If FR1 KB WILL PAY YOU WHAT IT 8 WORTH ANDERAON L'SFD CARS 10 CENTER tT. PHONE 3-3734 WANTtD Oood c;ean cara, eHuara Dal Uac4 Cara. I1U S, lit. ' IAUTOMOBILES I Shrock Motor Company quit, fly but that', about the only AUTOMOBILES ThU Time It a HUDSON 1 Service Salea Parte Home of Oood Uaed Cara SHROCK MOTOR CO. Church A Chemeketa 0ta. Ph. 1-9101 MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS WHIZZER with attachment. Condition perfect. 138. Rt. 1, Box 141, Brook, Ore. IIB2B4' INDIAN WORLD'S FINEST MOTORCYCLE Repairing all makea and modela, SHROCK MOTORCYCLE SALES -007 Portland Rd Ph. 11421. da FARM EQUIPMENT MINN'EAPOLIS-MOLINE model R. almost new tractor. 18" 1 bottom plow. $1500. Rt. 1. Box 427. Ph. 36184. qb282 STEWART CLIPMASTER haa every Im provement for faater, easier, better clippinal Smooth-running ball bearing motor completely alf -contained In han dle. Antl-frlctlon tenalon control make bladea laxt longer 132.75 WARDS FARM STORE TRADE & HIOH ST. 8ALEM. ORE. b3S2 FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN WANTED Real eatate mortgage loan. Sat ua about refinancing your present contract or mortaaae. Approve ity loan. Low Interest rate. LEO N. CHILD. INC. REALTORS 344 State 8t. Ph. 33663. r3fl3' NEED Mono loan on new 3-rm. duplex and 4-rm. home. Highway property. Income 1190 per month. Writt to Rt. 4, Boa 400. Salem. Ore. r3B4 LOANS $25 to $500 Vour way and Fast on Personals "PICK-YOtR-OWN-PAYMENT" plan. It'a airaplt a A-B-0 Juat do thla: A Tell u how much yon need and and a few facta about your credit and Job in peraoo or by phone If you ra buy. B Then you algn without endoraera and gel th caah. Proof: 4 out of I who ftk ua for a loan, get itl C Then repay in monthly In tall men which you aelect to fil your ptme Don't borrow unneceaaarlly but If a caxh loan anjve a problem, eet in touch with Mr. Oalllnger, Peraonal'a "YES Manager, today LOANS 135 to 1100 OD Salary & Furniture. Up to I MM on Auto Personal Finance Co. Ph 3-2464 B. Oalllnger. Manager 111 Stat Rm 131 Lie S133-M163 T2661 PRIVATE MONEY Special rate and term on laraer loan long and ahort time paymn'a ROY H SIMMONS 131 South Commercial St. Phont 1 FARM AND CITY LOANS 4 and 1 tOt R OWN TERMS f repayment within reaaon Caeh for Real Batata Contract and Second Mortgaaea. capttol SEcimrrrra oo 201 Pioneer Truat Bldg Ph I-7U3 t UKNEAAL FTNANCB CORP. LOANS -111 and Mill and ROY R SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 3S S Commercial 8t Tel 1-911. ACTO LOANS WILLAMKTTB CREDIT CO. 113 S. Church Parking a Plenty PTi 1-3451 L:g No M159 S-tM 4' REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS STATB FINANCE CO 1M S H eh Lie B-I'.l M-2?l TRAILERS it? MnnrL 27-ft. Pioneer Drbe trailer hoje. TR4M.FR HniE ia ft lone. Filly fur rtjihed wood ea aaa atova, lane a ng Pa. I-K17. IU4 TRAILERS ta-FT. I ACTOBT TIAII.EK houae. Port, land road. Hayavillt Uobllatatioa. taat Ml PALACE trailer. U ft., la aseellent rortd t:on. 2SS Laurel Ave 121 TRANSPORTATION LEAVING for Minn Nor. 18. taaeniera. 1115 Bon ham. Ph. Kill take i-mi DIRECTORY Ml DING MACHINES All make lined machine, old rimed repairs! Roe a. 451 Court. Phone 1-4771 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair aerrlce. Free eitimatea. Traae-ina accepted on new appliance Vince . Electr.c, Phone 32M3.IM 8. Liberty St. q At TOMOT1VI UARION UOTOR NASH SERVICC Towlnf service day phone t-9288. Nlsht 1804 333 Center. o AUTO PAINTING 135. Olck'a ALTO RADIUS AutborUed Warranty Repalt Station for all makea ol Auto Radio Morroa Radio Co 153 S L'.berty. Ph 3-5953 o AITO WRECKERS GENERATORS REBUILT. Trailer axlea made to order Fair price. 13th St. Junction Auto Wreckera. Ph. 1-830R. 0292" BABY SHOE BRONZING Uika Panek, 375 S. Comm'l. Ph. 1-5181. Brake St wheel allanmi apeclallat. 0188 BUILDING CONTRACTORS FRAME or masonry construction. Pumice block Residential or commercial. Nrw foundationa. Alt Brothers. Ph.. 3-7RR0. OJ04" BULLDOZING Bulldozing, leveling, road bldg., clear ing teeth for biaah. Vtrcil Huakey. 1010 Palrview ave. Pn. 2-3146. Snlem. ol0 Bl'LLDOZING, GRADING Bulldorlng. grading, clearing, dirt mov ing with amal! Carryall Geo. Wirth. 89 Plymouth Drive. Ph. 31387. 0399 CARPENTRY CASH REGISTERS rutani delivery "i new RCA reg Uteri All makea oid. rented, repaired Roen 458 Court. Ph 3-6773. CEMENT WORK General Cement Contracting. Cliff 1905 N 19th St. Phone 3-4071. o398 CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimneys, vacuum cleaned Enaley. 771 21st St. Ph. 1-7176. o386 Crawford Upward Acting Garage Doors Elec. Operators Aval). 690 Wald. Ph. 37814. 0285 DRESSMAKING ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vince'a Erlectric for electrical wlnni. contracting, repairing. 157 8. Liberty Ph. 3'.239. a EXTERMINATORS Csckroach. Moth Eiterminator Service Ph. 3-30f.. Lee Cros, lib Pearl. o2S B.elthaupfa for flower. Dial 3-B179. ' FLOOR LAYING Expert Flooring. Ph. 2-7401. o283 IFATING A CIRCVLATOR REPAIR Servicing. Call Dvorak. Ph. 24963. HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS MATTRESSES Capital Bedding. Phone 3-4069. Smltty a Clipper Serv. truck, cara rented. Ph. 39000, cor. Center St Church. MUSIC LESSONS Spanish and Hawaiian Guitar. Man dolin. Banjo, ite. 1533 Court. Ph. 1-7569. 0292 OFFICE FURNITURE. SUPPLIES Deik chair, file and flllnc auppltea. aafea, duplicator and auppltea. deak lamp, typewriter atanda. brief eaaea Pierce Wire Recorder Roen. 451 Court OIL CIRl'LATOR SERVICE Call Cy Younger. Ph. 36073. CORSETRY SERVICE Spirella Made-to-Meaaur. Ph. J-4MV O,105 Panting Interloi apec laity, h. C. Elof aon. Phone 3-7(191. o298 Interior Painting C. Horn. Ph. 3551)1 02 H6 Painting, Spray or Brush. Ph. 3-3664 Roy Hanaon. Work guaranteed. 0264' Elfstrom'e are equipped painting. Phone 2-2493. PAINTING A PAPERIIANOINO Call 32608 for your Painting ft Paper hangtna. Attractive ratex. olOl Paint Inx and pa perh anting. Frea esti mate. Ph. 3-9513. 857 Shipping o29fl PICTI RF. FRAMING Pl.ASTF.RINO All types. Ph. 35106 Plastering, patchwork, neat Joint and atuccoina. Ph. 26Mto. 0303 PM'MRING DECATUR Ai MARRZ plumbing, electri cal auppllex, water Kvntern Oenera) repair work. Phont 3-6223. 173 8. Com'l 030 1J PRI'NINO, SPKAYINO Pruning Sprarlm. equipped for ani Job. Ph. 17900. 130 Robert Ave. 0306' RADIO RhPAIR All make home, car radio repaired Pat modern aervlce. Ennaht Radio , 315 N. Hlah t Ph 3-4551. o RADIO SEItVH I Ray Moore. 1270 Portland Rd. Ph. 1-9413 SAND 4 f.RAVI.L Cat. Shovel A Truck work of all kind LLOYD M. HILL, INC Ph. 3-4317 Rt I, Bog 33B o39V Garden Soil, e ruined rock. Shovel and drarHne eicavatini Walling Band a Orate! Co Pnor 3-1341 SEHER SFRVKB Electric Roto-Rooter eiclualve. patented rator-aharp ateel cutting blade Clean a-wer or drain fleptie tante gleaned reasonable Ph 1-5327 or 3-94M IPTIC TANRt R F. Hamel Septic Tank Cleaned Fleet rie mach'ne aervlce on aewer and drain line Guaranteed work. 1143 t'h Bt . Wejtt Balem Ph. 3-7404 OJ9I 1 Mike Sept la Service Tank cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Aewer. 1071 K;m St. W. Salem Ph. 1-4SI - l-m? 02M" I MANWF.R STUB A Oft Local ej Dutance T'anafar. atoraga Burner oil, coal bnauaia. Trucfca ta Portland dally Agent Lyon Van Linej for houaenold good to California point Larmer Traanfer ak Storag. Pa. 1-1131 TYPFWRITFRf. Smith Corona R'mtogton. Royal and Underwood portable All gaagaa marhiaea Rapaira and real. Roe a, 4M Court VFNFTIAN BLIND Emr the Blind Man Ph. I-7 ill, W FAT NE R T R I PPI N f i Prompt Installation. Barney Wh:in Ph. 'rl Guaranteed 1-JM4 OJt Prat aaumataa, t. PULLMAN. Pb. 1 George Moorad Speaks Monday The speaker at the Chamber of Commerce luncheon Monday noon will be G e o r t Moorad. KGW radio commentator, for mer news correspondent in Chi na, authcr and lecturer. His subject will be "Can China Survive?" He spent 15 years as a foreign correspondent in Asia and Eu rope for the London Daily Mail, Life and Time magazines and the Columbia Broadcasting Sys tem. He wrote "Behind the Iron Curtain" and "As We See Rus sia." Moorad is a graduate of the University of Oregon. Night Classes To Open Jan. 3 The winter term of the ad ult education classes for college credit through the Oregon slate system of higher education will open the night of January 3. Classes will be held Monday through Thursday of each week on a night basis and information may be had by contacting the office of G. D. Porter, director of adult education. Announce ment concerning classes which do not carry college credits will be made later. The schedule for the college credit course Mondays: History of the Pac ific Northwest, Ellison; Advanc ed Mental Hygiene, Chambers; Speech Class, Popovich; Con struction and Use of Visual Aids, ReidTavenner. Tuesdays: Pottery, Houser (Willamette); Education of the Handicapped Child, Snyder and staff. Wednesdays: Geography of North America, Heintzelman; Art Structure II, McDevitt; Special Teaching Methods, Mu sic, Kreamer; Current Affairs, Smarthout. Thursdays; Ceramics, Houser (Willamette). Memorial Group to Elect Five Chairmen Election of the five advisory committee chairmen as well as plans for a promotional pro gram will feature the meeting of the Salem Memorial Auditor ium association, Friday, at 8 p m. in the Chamber of Commerce The five advisory chairmen to be elected are those head ing the legal, site, building, fin ance, and publicity committees, Judge Joseph B. Felton is chair man of the nominating commit tee to make its report at the meeting. Rex Kimmell. president of the association, invited every in terested citizen to attend the meeting and join in on the plan ning for the civic auditorium chosen by the assocation as its project to honor the war dead. More than 40 groups hold organ izational memberships In the association. B-25 Hits Parked Plane; Two Killed Andrews Air Base, Md., Nov 25 (U.R) An air force B-2S crash ed into g parked C-45 transport plane early today, killing two persons and injuring four oth ers seriously. All were believed to be air force personnel. The crash took place shortly after midnight during a heavy rain. The C-45, on a flight from Craig Air Base near Selma, Ala was brought down first with ground control equipment. It was sitting on the field when the B-25 also attempted to land and plowed into it. Officials said names of the dead and injured will be an nounced after the next of kin are notified. All were occu pants of the C-45. DIRECTORY WINDOW CLKANIMO Acme Window Cleancra. Wlndowa walla Ai woodwori cleaned Floon clean ed, waied and polLahed. Ph $-3317 347 Court Lang doe. Culberuoo and Mathei WF.1.L riRII.LINO J A. Bneed flora, well rlrllllng. 3'm Brook St , Balem. Ph. 3-0 nVH D. KNLOK. Ph. 35191 Auburn rd OJS vYVMORR well drilling Ph 2-SH1. Salem Rta l Sot in 02K2 noon rattdl'st Weal Sa";emFueTC0 Ph 1403 1 noon sawing A'hln. LODGES y,.1-! w I O O r meptji every WtvlneflAV night VU lioni Welcome PYat'mu Ordr ot Easlm mrru Vfr Tu'&dav at 8 pjn Mor than a minion memoer " Pacific toriire No. 50. A P. rV A M E A Irff, Pnrlnv, Nov. 2. 7 00 pm im- FOR IPIII-MORMS TAR I MTA11IT mmM tbtti t Journal Want Ads Pay ( Capital Journal. Salem, Ore., Thursday, Not. 25, 194 19 Record Attendance Made By Leslie Junior Students Losie junior hih school pupils established a remarkable record in attendance during the first nine wrcks of the current school year, according to a check of the Of the total of 650 pupils re- gistered, 279 were neither tardy nor absent during the period checked. This means that 43 percent of the total did not miss a single minute of class work Boys out numbered girls 143 to 136. The list includes: Reventh rarir i.rb Hirhara Aln, Julie Atrup Sharon Hr-rrt. DaVern Behm. Co- Carol IVlori Jo-l Diwne: Aharon Fin iik. tilbert, Pn;rlry ,tl Fr-Miime JoAnn i.m, fihiri-j Ha.p Inn noil Jurlla Hrtninn. Patty .lohnaon. Mary J.mev Sttiidr K.un. San dra Laron, Jo A tin Lew If. Irlene Loose. Jutlv l,omb, Oloria Maihe . Bmiht Mli-halke. Marjone Mit.-hell. Dorothy Nor dall. Judy PlrMiiger. Mraln Pride. Ixt ra.ne Kav, Hetty Knx. Una Bchibtvg. Mary Srhwalen. Elirabeth S pe. BeMy Smith, t'laudette 8m i in, Arlrtie Bueridun. I.orna Stran. Larme Uph. Mrityn Youns. and Owen Zimmertiiaii Seventh grade boyi: Elwyn Barker. Mar ion Barker. Carl Bart r uf f Riclinrd Hie .!)( Muhael Campbell, Robert Chandler. Leille Chapman. Vernon Cheno;, Dean Church. D.ck Cola an. Marshall Denhem, Hill Donaldson. Hun sell Don. Ronald Du (our. Wavne Erkkson. Duane Fat men, Fr- net Ferguwn. Ivan Cieren. Jark Gorman. lifford Hoover, Jolin Hiinipnrey. w iii.nn. Karsten, Denny Kennedy. Brure Klunder, Donald Lea. Norman Luther. Fred Minitie, Honald Murhammer. RoOert McDowell. Dale McOranahan. Jerry Nalrni, Danny nl:n Nordvke Peter Paulus. Bob Payne, Charlei Puhlman. Robert 8al i. Fred Schrerenoont. Glenn Bhelllto, Darald Smith. Gerald Smith, Larry Springer, Kendall Walling and Merle Youna. Eighth arade alrls: Olenna Allmer, Mar garet Raker, Joan Bale, (leraldlne Bales, Hetty Bamwrii. Beny tarn a, vioiei uiara. Sharon Collin, Oall DeBow, Patricia! Deeney, Dorothy Dixon, Barbara Franiwa, j Shirley Gaylord, Neva Oilman, Gaynell Heist rom. i.auret Hrrr. t aui.ne insieaue, ' Jean Joraeuseu. Barbara Klunder. Sid ney Kromer. Carol Lee. Prguv Leiher. Lo llta Leslie. Justine Lewi. Wanda Mayden. Delores MoClrllan. Joan Neat, Marilyn Ol son. Maureen Overman, Ruth Pan key. Shirley Peterson. Beverly Rlneharl. Mar letie Roller, Judy S.hmele, Margaret 8ee- Phvllis Bhrake, Patsy Bnlder. Helen Spore, Roberta Thurman. Patricia VanOt ttiiKham. Claudia Waters. KiKhih grade boys: Curllai Adsltt. Don ald Agnew. Knute Axberg. Robert Ayres. Allan Bar heller, Robert Harnes, irarron Bartela. Robert Beraland. ark Besaett, Delbert Bolton, Dlght Byer. John Davis, Koy Fowlrr, uene ueniemann. wayne tlibbens, Olenn Hall. Wilbur Hall. Peter Hansen, David Hutu. Lyle Klelnsmlth. Bob Lesher. Darvle Martin, George Matter. George Meyers. Delton Miller, Billy Mor- RenMern, Klrnard Morris, mcnara AirMiu- Benny Nexl, James patteraon. uonaia Patton. Donald Patrer. Ray Puhlman. Dean Read, Jay Dee Rlrknian, Robert Bav- Paul Schmidt, Elmer Heay. Everett i. Oliver Taylor, Richard Thurman, Walton Turley. Jack Wlebe, Earl Wilton, Gerald Wright. Ninth grade girls: Nertma Barger. Vir ginia Bandy, June Blrkell, Helen Booth. Roberta Boyer. Shirley Brockart. Carol Hurkingham, Lour u a Carlisle, Lucinoa Cottman. Alice Freeman, Joanne Fry. Nadine Oilman. Roberta Graham. Ottle Grieve. Maureen Gusta'aon. Patricia Harp. Rnselle Howland. Janel Dufer, Dar- ene Kleen, Janle Lamneri. Joan i.an iam. Mvrna Lippert. Verna Lona. Kath yn Mever. Marvel Mevera, Clara Milea. Viritinia McCullen. Patricia Patton. Sal ly Raj.mu.ssen. Carolyn Real. Barbara Rice, Joy RoberlAon, Mary Bander. Nancy Savase. Oreta Bchecenioat. Caroline Bear, clilia Smith. Dorm Spauldina. Vida Stan- Dorothy flwigart. Anita Tonnina, Joan Travia. Edith Uruhaw. Donna Voal. Bar hara Wanne.sa. Inea Walker. Mary Ann Wall. Mama Webb. F.leonor White, Anne Woodman-see, Clarine Woolery, Joyce Younger. Ninth arade bova: Jerry Aanew. Robert Baer. Donald Beal. Floyd Belt, Milton Rwhnp, Bill Boje, Jim Brown. Donald iitinej,. Bruce Burn. Hubrrt Chandler, Norman Cocking. Roaer Core. Harvey Crawley. Wayne DaMeir.. Arvln Danaurde, Jim Darby, Hobprt Davee, HJalmar Da vm, Mlcliael Deeney. Richard Forlmiller, Wlllard Gornik. Rodney Halea, Gaylord Hall, Don Hamlin, Harold Hansen. Burton Hiirn. Georae Hart. Bill Helnleln, Har old Hoven, Wavne Jackson, Gordon Juve Darrell Knapke, Joseph Lareent. Roy ax Mark. Steve Merchant. Norman Newton. Bcott Page. Dale Pear- ison, Lew In Perkm. Donald Perllch, Har- Ricliter. Orvllle Roth, Bob Ruhle. Robert Bchalke, Gerald Brhwalen. Harold fthepard. Robert Rtevely. Lawrence Theye, Ouintin Thulin. Dave VanDyke. Jeff Wal- Cecil Weaver. Flmer Wineiar. Storm Warnlnt; Hoisted Portland, Ore., Nov. 2!i U-R Storm warnings were hoisted today along the Oregon and Washington coasts from Tatoosh to Cape Blanco. The weather bureau forecast brisk south to southeast winds, reaching 30 to 40 miles per hour Thursday morning and shifting to a westerly direction Thursday afternoon. DEATHS Mra. Dnrihea Rehrorder Mrs. Dor the a flchroeder, late realdent or Hal'm. route 2. at a local hospital. No vember 19. Survived by three aona, Edward B and August O. Rchroeder. both of Dayl in. and Robert F flchroeder of Sa lem; three daughter. Mrs. Luella Hansen or Battleground. Wih., Mra Mable Thom ajt of Bcio. and Mr. Dorothy Flcht of LaCenter, Wah : 20 grandchildren. Mem ber of the German I.'ilheran church. Serv ice fiom ttie H'twell-Kdwarda chapel Friday. November 2. at W 10 a m. Inter ment in Foa Valley cem-lery. Mra. Fffa Mae Cattell Mr. FIfa Mae C'arll, a the resi dence at B4S Kirr afreet, November 23 Hnr Iv-d bv her h unhand. John Caaael Aderliaem 'nl PILES Hurt Like Sin! But Now I Grin Ttw)u.anra rhnntre groana tn gnna. liar a il'Htutt' fonniila to relie iim Minfurl of pllea. Rent driiifarixtn bv not'I 1 Imrn Inn At Minor lmn HuriiriHint; gl'M'K tiilliatlvo r'li"f of nam. H'h. nritation. T'n'la to a'iften. afirmk awllmir ! tUf-Utr wy. V.4-1 1'ihf Th'irnttn Minora It-ctasl (intmnt or H.'tal Hup iioaitorlea t'idiy. Follow latml (lirei-tionn. Ivor aalo at all drua; atore everywhere In Bain at Frefl Meyer Drug Artver!emea1 HOW TO HOLD FALSE TEETH More Firmly in Place D TO'ir t teet :i anrm and em -hrr. i . tittn rtmnp.ru rn n b n anen yu ea la wi or talk J iM n imie a l.' FAS'! KFTH on yit pla'ea lujt alkaline mni-atid' rnf1er nD.fU f:.-.e teetii mora firmiv and more rfnior'ab:r. No lummt a-v)r pa..t '.' or feeling, tloe not eonr Cure a'e rwlor 'denture biea'hl (let f'AflT F.rr It trwla at any drug nre Why Suffer Any Longer When other fall, iiae oui Chinese remedte Amaeini nirreaa for n0O0 far In Oh;na No matter win wnal t :men'a fou are aff-.r-fd d orfler . nj'.'..a heart In in ilt fine .aj. ennt ipa ,nn uleer diaita nmitn'Km, aal and biad-t. Iear Ha ma' romo.ainba CHARLIE CHAN rntNrtF hfmb rn. mfiee Himt I H ( fuea and at Onlf l4 i Cammerrlal Phnne !( irw nate records. or mm. da iahter Un rormt Rhodes f Salem, a aon, ElUworth C Cazztll o( Salem; a ais'tr Lilly Savage of Roaeville, Otilo ; a Brother, Sherman Leanura of Comm. Omo, and two arandcnildran ot lalem. Servifa be held Friday, No- ember 26. at 1 Si p m at the C.ougn Bamck chap'l w:tn R. H. W. OroM ofticlating, Interment in the City VUw emetery. Mrs. Ida Marie iif Mra. 11 Marie Girod, le rldent of 2170 Myrtle avenue at a loi al noapital November 24. Survived bv a da.uhier, Mra. Edna Atanley of Greaham, Oregon ; 10 .sorts, M.Hon L. Oirod in Ind.ana, Homer A. Girod of Portland. Albert P. Glrod in Wyoming, Jee C Girod In Michigan, Louji L. Girod of T.aard. Oreion, Paul T. O.rod of F-iaene and Roy O. Oirod, Harvey M. Girod. Ralph A. Oirod and Tneodore R Oirod. all of Ai.rm; tnrea a in Ohio: two brothera .n Indiana! randchildren and 12 arr: grand children Servicea will be held nt urli November 27, at 130 p m. at tne douan Barnck ehapel with Rev. R owe 11 Mayer officiating. Interment in the Claaietl cemetery. Wllllaea t. Kpeare In tnia city Tueaday. November 21. Wl llam B. Sprare. late remdent of 153S Wood row St. at the aae of SO year. Survived, by a aon. Roy A. S pea re of Salem. An or a aon, Roy A. S pea re of Salem. Puner al aervicea will be held Friday, November 3, at 1:10 p m. In the W. T. Rlidon ehap el with Rev. W. 8. Frederlcka offielat. ini. Interment In the Lea Mlsaion cam etery. Dr. L. B. Cotilaa Dr. L. B. Coaiina, at the reaidenca In Turner Tueaday, November 23. Survived by hla wife, Mra. Deasa Coaalna of Tur ner: two aona, Capt. Cecil Coaiina tn China and Cyril Cog gin in New York; a daughter, Miaa Barton Cogglna of Pet aluma, Calif ; two autera, Mra. B. 8, Tipton of Aahville, N C, and Mra. Delia, Owen of Norfolk, Va., and a brother Dr. j. C. Coaiina of Cllaabethton. Tenn, Member of the Chriatian church and reUr -ed minister. Announcement of aervleag later by the Howell-Edwarda eompanr. C. I Oidea At the residence, f 8. 13th St., on ' Oadn at the aae of 13 yeara. Surviv ed by a aon, Gil Ogden, Jr., of Oor- lIUi two dauimera, Mra. MorrU Moaag of Edmunds. Waah.. and Mra. H. L. Stiff, of Balem: a sister. Mra. J. V. B runner of Salem; and three grandchildren. An of Salem: and three grandchildren. Serv ice. will be held Saturday, November 31, at to a.m. in the w. T. Riadon chapel with Rev. Cheater W. Hatnblin officiating. Concluding aervlce in the lOOF cent" etery In Dayton. Jehn A. Jefferson John A. Jefferaon. hi Oaweco. No vember 33. Survived by daughter, Mra, Kal Fletcher Vent, Salem, and Mra. Charlea I. Auatin, Qeweto; aon, WU Jefferaon. Newport; alatar. Mra. Hattie M. Lacey, Salem, and five grand children. Service will be held Friday, No vember 26, at 3 p.m. at the Clouih-Bar k chapel under the direction of Holm en. Hankina and Rilance. Interment tn JOOP cemetery. OBITUARY Lee V. Ridenear Dallaa Funeral terviret for Lea . Ridenour. 4S. will be held at the Henklt- id Bnllman chapel Friday at 7 p.m. Ht died Monday In Portland after an 111 i ot about eight month. Rev. Karl r will officiate and Interment will he In i he Dallas Odd Fellow cemetery. - Ridenour was born on August 3S. 1903, In Dallaa, aon of Mr. and Mra. Wil liam Ridenour. He wa.s married to Lotto Langhel on August 3, 1035. When but eight months old he lelt Dallaa with hla parents and then lived at Black Rock, Later, he lived at Falls City and Toledo. Only recently he had returned to Dallaa with his family to make hi home here. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Lottie Ridenour of Dallas; two daughter. Glenna L and Rhoda C, both of Dallaa: one son, Gordon W. of Dallaa; three brothers, Harold and Flovd, both of Portland, and William of Loa Angeles, Calif.; one alater, Gladys Ridenour of Portland; and nephew, Robert C. Ridenour of Loa An- sele. Daniel Raymond Doigan Bilverton Daniel Raymond Dorian. In fant aon of Mr. and Mra. Daniel Dorian of Silver ton. Wednesday onht at tha Silverton hoapital. Survived aUo by two .mtera, Darlene and Deanna Dorian ot Bilverton Servicea will be held Friday, November 24, at 10 a m. at the Memorial chapel of the Ekman Funeral home. Interment Id tha Silverton cemetery. Ira Jenea Silverton Ira Jonea, 60. lata realden of Coolidae atreet died auddenly while al work at Mac'a Pool Hall Wednesday nlthi, Surviving are hla wife and three anna, Wade. Keith and Lance Jonejt, all of Sil verton. Member of Delbert Reevai Poal of the American Legion Announcement of aervteea later by tha Ikman Funeral Home. (Advertisement) HelpICidneqs rinn't let Haekarha, Rhatimatlp Pavina, Norvniianeaa, Getting Up Ntghte, jnt f'alna. Burning Paean ge a, Swollan Anklea, or Clrrlen I'nder Kyea, due. to non-organic and non-ayatemlc Kidnap and Blarl'ler Trouble, make, you feet ol4 and mlnerahta without tnalna; CYSTFiX. raiiallv tha firm doaa of TYSTRX at art g tn work tm mediately helping naturo rlenn out eicena ncida and wantaa which often f'niia manv prima, arhea, gnranaaa and tlffneaa. (;t CYSTEX at rlrugglat. Batlafartlon or money hark uaranted. Advertiaement How To Relieve Bronchitis CrrmuIii(Mi relieves promptly becatie ii ot risht to the neat of the trouble) to help looen gnd eP fierm laden phleRm gnd aid nature to wothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial mm nu memhnnevTell ynurdruggnt in ell )ou a bottle of Creomultioei with the understanding vnu mut like the wav it quit kl v altavt the cough, or ton are m hje onr money hark. CREOMULSION tor Cou;hi. Chest Colds, Bronchitis MOVING? Going Somewhere? RENT A CAR OR TRUCK From jk Cor and Truck Rental Padding Furnished with Trucks LOCATION SMITTY'S CLIPPER SERVICE t'ornrr Onirr Church Phona 39600