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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1948)
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Nov. 23, 1948 15 Prices Good Through Saturday SHOP FRED MEYER UNTIL 9 P.M. FRIDAY EVENING $1.00 FITCH COMBINATION l(sv , f ill 75c Fitch Dandruff Remover Shampoo 50c Quin-Oil Hair Tonic 50c Rubber Manage Brush All for 69c Take advantage of this special offer. Supply is limited, so hurryl G e t yours nowl FRED MEYER VITAMINS CERTIFIED MULTI-VITAMINS lOO'i K $2.79 m iqeiofwcr One capsule day sup plies nine es sential vitamins. Certified Theropeautie Formula, 100's. $7.49 Certified B Complex Capsules, 100V $2.19 Certified Vitamin A Capsules, 100'f . $3.79 WILDROOT CREAM OIL COMBINATION ill Liquid Cream Shampoo Both for Cream-Oil Hair Tonic 59c n INGRAHAM TRAVEL ALARM $7.95 A 40 hour alarm clock that folds into a handy travel size clock, 4Vbx4Vbx414 inches. When opened, it makes an attrac tive bedroom clock. Case Is of plastic simulated lea ther in alligator and cobra grains. Colors are red, brown, green. POPULAR SHAVE LOTIONS Yardley Shave Lotion $1.25 Lentheric Shava Lotion $1.00 Fougere Royal Shava Lotion $1.35 Town Shavt Lotion ... 75 C Saddle Club Shave Lotion $1 .00 Old Spice Shava Lotion $1.00 Mennen Skin Bracer. 00 C Aqua Velva . . 89 c Kings Men $1.00 Seaforth $1.00 Toilet Water Chantilly Toilet Water . . .' $2.50 Quelques Fleurs Toilet Water $2.50 Blue Carnation Cologne $1.50 Elmo Honeysuckle Cologne $1.25 Tabu Cologne ....$2.00 Pink Clover Cologne $ 1 .00 Desert Flower Toilet Water $1.25 Tweed Bouquet. .. .$1 .25 Bond Street Toilet Water $1.50 Lotus Cologne $1.50 Old English Lavender $1.75 Old Spice Toilet Water $1.00 Evening in Paris Cologne $1.00 Yankee Clover Toilet Water $1.00 COLD TABLETS 60c Groves 49 C 70c Bromo-Quinine . 69c 20e 4-Way Tablets . . 19c 35c Hill's 31c 25c Guard's 23 C 65c Upjohn Formula No. 2 ...... . 53c RUBS 35c Vicks 33 c 60c Minit-Rub 53 C 50c Musterala 43 C 75c Ben-Gay 69c 60c Red Pectper Rub . 49c 35c Mtntholatum . , 33c 25c 4-Wey Rub . .. 21c PERFUMES Bond Street Perfume $4.50 Old Spice Perfume, $4.00 Tabu Perfume . . . .$2.50 Evening in Paris Perfume $6.75 Toujour Mo! Perfume $10.00 Jet Perfume $12.50 Tweed Perfume $5.50 Quelques Fleurs Perfume $7.50 Blue Carnation Perfume $2.75 Max Factor Hollywood MAKE-UP SETS in gorgeous useful Plastic boxes. The Pan-Cake Make-Up Set $5.50 The Vanity Make-Up Set $11.25 The De-Luxe Make-Up Set $8.50 Color Harmony Make-Up Set $3.25 BOXED Christmas Cards Christmas Folders, box of 25 29 c Marionette, box of 20, 39c Cheerio Greetings, box of 25 49 c Ideal Assortment, box of 16 39c '50' Christmas Folders, box of 50 59c Winter Scenes, box of 16 79c Vogue Assortment, box of 16 98c Imperial Assortment, box of 12 98c Swank Assortment, box of 25 98C PARKE DAVIS IMMUNOVAC Oral Vaccine Tablets v. " k;:?M 20', $11 loo-, MOO 7i ?s m m ;;V A safe, effective oral vaccine that builds up bodily resistance to com germs, us a wise investment in good health. Fleur DeLis 3-Piece DRESSER SET by Pro-phy-lac-tic. A dainty, new modern set with a charming quilted effect. Pink or ivory. It includes a 5-row Brush with nylon bristles, a Comb and round Mirror. $1.98 Cameo 3-Piece DRESSER SET by Pro-phy-lac-tic. An an tique cameo inset distinguish es this luxurious new set with its pink or ivory back ground. It Includes a 5-row Brush with nylon bristles, Comb, and beveled Mirror. '3.98 THE WAVE OF THE FUTURE MAGI-CURL $1.25 Beautiful wives end curls easily, quickly with Magi Curl. Satis faction ( u r i n teed. Try It . . . you'll never be without it again. 3 FOR 1 LAMP SALE 1 Bridge Lamp 1 Six Way Lamp 1 Table Lamp ALL THREE n,y $24.88 Three Lamp, for the price of one! All lamps complete with plastic shades. Bronze stands and bases with onyx trim. BUY ON LAY-AWAY or THRIFTY PAY PLAN At Fred Meyer Varieties CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHJ SETS 8-Light Serie, Set nun 1H 98c Complete with -.? M G E globes- 1 i her insulated cord. 7-Light Indoor Set $2.49 15-Light Independent Set $5.49 LU RAY DINNERWARE SET $498 20-Piece set of beautiful Rainbow Pottery in service for four. Includes cups, sauc ers fruit dishes, plates, and bread-butter plates. Soft pas tel colors In each set: yellow, blue, pink, and green. Little Golden Phonograph RECORDS 29C ea. Little Golden Story Books 29C .a. No. 2' Erector Set $3.15 Gilbert Chemistry Set $1J5 All Metal Wheelbarrow $1.59 Little Giant Lift Truck $3 50 Betty Jane Glass Baking Set 79c Doll Buggies 693-$749-$ll95 At Fred Meyer Variety. VISIT FRED MEYER CANDYLAND NEWI HOLIDAY GIFT BOX Famous Fifth Avenue Chocolates, 28 oz. Box $1.75 Speciol Assortment Chewing Gum or Bubble Gum 1 c pk9- of 20 Leafmint, Yanks bubble gum, Mint Cocktail, Chewing Gum Ivoryne. ASSORTED BAGS OF CANDY 25 C ea. Candy Corn, Licorice Mix, Peppermint Lozenges, Lemon Drops, Chocolate Party Mix, etc. Reg. $1.20 FRESH CANDY BARS . . . 95 c box of 24 Milky Way, Swing, Oh Henry, Olympic Mint, 5 c each Planter's Salted Peanuts and other favorites, 6 'or 25 C Reg. 51.00 POPULAR BRANDS CHEWING GUM 65 C box of 20 Beech-Nut, Beechies, Denhne, Beeman't, 5 c each Spearmint, Doublemint and others 3 Tor 10c At Fred Meyer Candy Tobacco Secton Ready for Christmas SQUAT HUMIDOR Leather bound with gleaming chrome trim. $ CA Lined with cedar to insure fresh tobacco. Genuine Duk-lt Bean Bag Ash Tray, .... $1.00 Prince Albert, in gay Christmas carton, 16 os. . 84 C Prince Albert, in glass humidor, 16 ex 98 C At Fred Meyer Tobacco Section. Fred Meyer FRED MEYER APPAREL Smartly Tailored Slips I v 7 . i 1 til r-- Reg. 1.95 SIZES 32 TO 40 TEAR0SE WHITE $J49 The styling is perfect, the fabric a beautiful qual ity rayon crepe in strictly tailored styles. This fabric is famous for the way it launders and retains its lustre and texture. Adjustable straps and double stitched seams for extra wear. BEAUTIFUL SHEER NYLONS $1 65 e.- 3 e, $445 51 gauge, 20 denier in exquisitely sheer all Dupont nylon. First quality, all full fashioned with pencil slim seams and gentle reinforcements. The new shades are lovely. Full size range. Daytime Sheer Nylons by Bestmade, $25 h. 3 ,, $350 All first quality nylon, fashioned with action welt to relieve strain and give extra wear. Double heel and toe. The season's new shades include Honey Almond and Autumn Dusk. Both equally smart and harmon ize with fall wardrobe shades. $1.25 Uplift Brassieres, $1.00 Styled to fit on the uplift principle with ad justable straps and back. White only in sizes 32 to 38. Satin Garter Belt, $1.00 Well cut and comfortable in fine qual ity rayon satin. Four elastic garters. Sizes small, medium, and large In tea rose only. At Fred Meyer Apparel. $1.50 a week gets you a new Royal Portable Typewriter on Fred Meyer Thrifty Pay Plan. No carrying charge. ROYAL PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS Quiet Deluxe and Arrow Models You'll be amazed at how easy, how convenient It is to own a new typewriter by using Fred Meyer Thrifty Pay Plan. You pay just $15.00 down and $1.50 weekly. If you have a used typewriter now we will give you a liberal trade-in allowance. These new Royals have features no other portable can claim. Finger form keys, speed spacer, Magic Margin, touch control, a host of other features. At Fred Meyer Photo SILVER Chocolate Cakes 69c White butter cake with choc olate icing. 2 layer square, serves 10 to 12. Fruit Filled Coffee Coke 10e eo.; 3 for 29c Pfeffemeusse Cookies 23c dox.; 2 doz. 45 c My-Te-Fine Gift Packed Fruit Cake, $2.19 At Fred Meyer Bakery. Shopmaster Tools SHOPMASTER JOINTER 71 50 This outstanding tool relieves tedious hand surfacing. Does it accurately and better. Six inch capacity. Save $15.00, buy complete with $34.95 M HP Motor, both for $01.45. SHOPMASTER SABER SAW . $15 75 This saber saw Is the most simple to op erate of all Shopmaster tools. Can be used in a great variety of work from slraight sawing to complicated internal rutting. Save $5.00, buy complete with $19.50 V HP Motor, both for $30.25. 543 95 SHOPMASTER DRILL PRESS Twelve inch capacity H inch Jacobs clutch 4-step cone pulley. A tool that rounds out every hobby or cabinet shop. Save $10 00. buy complete with $27.00 13 HP Motor, both for $60 95. $49 95 SHOPMASTER TABLE SAW Equipped with ball bearing arbor free swinging trunnions maximum blade and table capacity accurate calibra tions and many adriltlnnnl features not found In ordinary woodworking tools FOG LIGHTS $4.95 Shallow type or regular size. Clear or amber. Seal ed beam bulbs. CAR HEATER $33.50 Five blades, seven Inch fan, targe fin and tube core defroster outlet. Heavy duly motor. Zipomotic Seat Covers $16.95 "dan; $9.95 coupt Rubber Bladed Auto Fan, $5.95 Spotlight Mirror, $5.95 Auto Mirror, $2.49 At Fred Meyer Auto Supply. At Fred Meyer Drugs. 148 N. LIBERTY