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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1948)
P t I f 0 Capital Edited by MARIAN 8 Capital Journal, Salem, Or., Wednesday, Nov. 21, 1918 Parties in Connection With Dance Several parties are being ar ranged in connection with the Junior Woman's club Thanks giving dance, Friday evening, in the armory and Mrs Vern Roimnnn. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Creech. Charles Em erson. Miss Trudy Schicss, Mr. and Mrs Sam Saunders. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Green, Mr. and Mrs Milo Van Houten. Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Cast lso are entertaining a group ' preceding the dance. Their guests will include Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. ' F.wald Franz, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lafky. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. yill III. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Haskin, Mr. and Mrs. L. F,. My ers. Another couple entertaining before the dance will be Mr. and Mrs. Loren W. Lewis. Their guests will include Mr. and Mrs. Ed Woodson, Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Atwood. Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Johnston. Mr. and Mrs William Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Sum Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Woodson are entertaining this same group at their home fol lowing the dance. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. York will be among hosts after the dance. Inviting about 30 couples and members of the orchestra for a buffet supper at the Y cafe fol lowing the dance. Federation Meets At Buena Vista Bnena Vista The Polk Coun 4v FerWnlinn nf Rural Women's clubs met with Bnena Vista prnnn more than 70 answering Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stod- I J - &1 . 111 dard are entertaining a group rf'v ' " before the dance, their guests to 4 '- jr " fcj include Mr. and Mrs. Maurice f i ' , H , Walker. Mr. and Mrs. F.d Schiess. ,J 'f ' it Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Slick. Mr. f J I ' . tH nll .nll Miss Rosalie Clineiwhen played two marimba solos for the opening session. Mrs. O. Brown, president, ap pointed Mrs. A. Rhlney, Mrs. C. Staats and Mrs. P. Burns as members of the resolutions com mittee. . The morning speaker was , Mrs. Young of Hawaii, who is i teaching this year in Independ ence high school. She told of the customs In Hawaii, of the school ' system there and of the interest ! of the people there -working to become a state In the union Mrs " Clara Brown and Miss Llla Beach led the group singing. Lunch was served by the . Buena Vista club with charter ' members, president and speak i ers seated at the center table, 1 this event marking the 20th an 1 nlversary for the rlub. After luncheon children of Buena Vis ;a school sang. Mrs. Eva Bankslfeach, H. F. Butterfield 1 of Independence presented gifts' Relling. Fred Evenden, ' to the past president, Mrs Brown, and the outgoing secre tary. Mrs, Fvadna Prather. New officers Installed include Mrs. F,. Buy-errie. Rlckreall, president; Mrs. Ediger of Pio neer club as vice president: Mrs Van Santen of Rlckreall as sec retary. Ralph Beck of Corvallis was the afternoon speaker, intro duced bv Mrs. Viola Shaffer, Polk countv home demonslra-1 tinn agent. He reviewed the his-1 and George W. King of Sheridan tory of the federation, pointing chapter. The visiting past mat out with Mrs. Strnsen he helped Irons and patrons were also add In forming the group In l!)2R.!ed to the group. A gift was pre There were 20 clubs then and;sented to each and a special ad the next year in November 109'denda was given after chapter women attended the Institute Two Hostesses Honoring Mrs Wesley Stew art. Jr.. Mrs. I'rlin S. Page and Mrs Vernon MrMullen were hostesses Tuesday at a dessert .. .i. i m Mr Tacr ,:. .- t . i i -.. -i,n...- a.--. - Stewart Autumn leaves and chrysanthemums decorated the home for the party. MR. AND MRS. riMKI.KM Hinterman, yearly visitors in Portland, Ralem. and vicinity, have recently returned to their home In Oakland. Calif, from a two months vacation In Eu rope. Traveling by air they visited the Scandinavian and North Sea countries, and Swlt rerland. France, and England Mr. Hinterman Is a nephew of the late Mrs. Sophie Weber of S.ilem, and a cousin of the late Mrs W. H Loose of Stayton Mr. Hinterman is with the San Francisco Chronicle. c IRON FIREMAN VORTEX OIL BURNER C. J. Hansen Co. : 1103 Fairgrounds Rd. ' Dial 1 6882 Women I.OMKT F1SCHRR I) ft'il - 1 . Lmil..-.ijl ti Recent Bride A recent bride was Mrs. Alvin Russell, the iormer Leta Vanriiver, the wedding being October 22 in the First Christian church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Vandiver. (Jesten-Miller studio). Several Honored At Star Meeting Woodhurn More than 100 members and visiting members were present at the m.eting of Evergreen chapter No. 41. Order Of the Eastern Star, at the Ma-i' temple Monday night degrees were conferred upon two candidates and past worthy matrons and past worthy patrons were honored. Visitors were present from chapters in North Dakota, Kansas, Chicago, Salem, Stayton. Jefferson, Can by and Falls City. . Introduced and honored in the east were Rex Hartley, worthy grand patron of the Grand Chap ter of Oregon, who was greeted with the grand honors; Mrs. Rex Hartley, grand marshal; Mrs. Mabel Hatch, grand representa tive of Wisconsin; Mrs. Wilburn Pintler, grand representative of New Brunswick, and Mrs. Katherine Mneding, grand rep resentative of Alabama. Past matrons and past patrons honored were Mesdames Joe Richards. R. L. Guiss, L. H. Shorey, R. H. Scott, Blaine Mc Cord, Eleanor Vickers. George A. H. E. T. Sims. Ivan C. Beers. Edna Lytle W. Lrssard, lister Gilbert, Earl i Gibbens, J. Melvin Ringo, Au gust Moeding, F. J. Hughes. Geargn D. Jones, Nellie Muir of Bethlehem chapter, W. H. At wood of Garden City chapter of Chicago; and the men Included: Thomas Sims, Robert Scott, Howard Sayre, Jess Fikan, Earl Gibbens. August Moeding. J Melvin Ringo, Lester Gilbert. George Beach. George D. Jones i. "Th. n,id.r , ihir l,nn,r Strike. Mrs. Margaret Hastie During the business session it Mrs. L. E. Keller and Mrs. O. J. was voted to contribute 5 to the, Rudi. Masonic home for the Christmas Announcement was made m nin monev fund and Christmas Hie dining room of a card party seals were purchased An invitation was aceptcd to 'ficit ArliK riVianlnr at I tiH n ri . irnrf on November 23 fnr'hv a Jitney lunch to which all ',i u.m i m,.. Masons, members of the East- liustitutioti of a new chanter at i Mapleton on Dec. 18. Officers will be elected at the I next meeting. Dec. 13, and an invitation was issued to Wood- Ihurn lodge No. 108. A F Bring Your Family to The Y CAFE for Thanksgiving Dinner Havt You Seen Our New Dining Room? DANCINS EVERY NIGHT Partial and Banquets Our Specialty S Miles West of Salem at Dallai-lndepandanca Junction THE TOP HAT ICE CREAM STORE WILL BE OPEN THANKSGIVING DAY 11 o.m to 5 p.m. 127S Stare St, Restaurant Closed Thankif ivnf Forester Club Speaker Terming It the meeting of one of the current problems, nd as one of the things he listed ; a basic factor in keeping free dom, N. S. Rogers, state fores- ter, speaking to the Salem Bu siness and Professional Women's club, commended Oregon's vot ers in their support of the pro gram for reforestation at the recent election. At the same time he emphasized the import ance of a conservation program. Mr. Rogers explained the pro gram and told of the work al ready being done to reforestrate burned-over areas, with sowing of the seeds by airplanes prov ing to be more efficient and less expensive than transplanting of small trees. He then explained that the de partment did not confine itself to reforestation but combatted insects that worked on the trees such as the pine beetle and the spruce bug. In closing the speaker noted that 20 pel cent more people made their living off the forest' industry in Oregon than did in agricullurc and drew attention to the fact that Oregon was the onlv state in the United States having a conservation act re quiring a private owner to leave enough seed source when cut mg timber for the reseeding of that area. Musical numbers on the pro gram were three vocal numbers by Miss Berience Kleihege, who w-as accompanied at the piano by Mrs. P. H. Brydon. At the business meeting the club voted to hold their dinner meeting in December on their regular meeting night, which is December 28, with the dinner to be held at Nohlgren's. Resigna tions of Mrs. Delbert Schwab bauer as scrapbook chairman and Miss Amanda Anderson as chairman of the drama commit- period nat in coppertone with tee was submitted. ! topaz plumes. Her flowers were Announced for the night of i c p p e rtone chrysanthemums. Tuesday. November 30. at 8Mj55 Beverly Hennes. cousin of o'clock at the home of Miss El-1 n,e bride, and Mrs. Charles eonor Roberts was a meeting oi.m.m. were the bridesmaids. the club's music committee. MISS NANCY WRIGHT, stu dent at University of Oregon, whose home is in Burlingame. Calif.. Is to be here for over Thanksgiving and the week-end as guest at the home of her un cle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Syd ney H. Kromer. Miss Wright is a freshman at the university and a pledge of Alpha Chi Omega. Thanksgiving dinner guests at the Kromer home will be Mrs. Kromer's parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. O'Reilly of Portland, her sister. Miss Catharine O'Reilly of Salem, and her brother, Rich ard D. O'Reilly, also R. W. Dick son, both of Portland, and Miss Wright. AT THE meeting of the SfiPth engineers and the 409th quarter masters auxiliary Monday eve ning plans were made for two events In December. A game party as a money raising project will be given De cember 9 and on' December 17 there is to be a regimental Christmas party. HERE FROM Columbus, Neb., to snend Thanksgiving and about 10 days on a visit art Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Schack, Sr. Thev arrived Sunday. A. M.. to hold joint installation of oficers on December 27. Under "good of the order there were talks by Rex Hartley, worthy grand patron, and other visitors and members. Special numbers given during the pro gram hour were a reading by Mrs. Leslie Paulson and vocal solos by Frank McDonald, ac companied by Patricia Withers. Refreshments were served by a committee which included Mr. and Mrs Thomas Baldwin. Mrs nomas r.ngie jr Mrs. Sidney to be given Monday evening. No vember 29. at the Masonic tem ple by the Social club, followed cm Mar, their families and friends are invited. It was also announced that a St. John's day service will be held by the Masonic lodge at the local Masonic temple on Dec. 28 9. i . i-V i 1 , ' V i. i Wedding Recently The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Bren (Mayme Holechekj was solemnized November 7 . (Jes-ten-Miller studio) Robe r tson-Ga Pretty Ceremony Tuesday Topaz and coppertone flowers and the same colors were used in ms Ior lne weaning msi evening m i.. r .... u....r....-. church when Miss Yvonne Ardelle Gardner daughter of Mr. and M"'n clair Gardner, was married to Kenneth Merlin Rob- or. son. son n ir. ana nirs. ner- shal Jerome Robertson, all of I Salem. The candlelight ceremony was solemnized at 8 o'clock, the Rev. Seth R. Huntington officiating. Miss Velma Davis and Mrs Rob ert Warren lighted the tapers. The matron of honor the bridesmaids, and the taper light ers all wore gowns in the same style all of them taffeta Eliza bethan bouffant dreses designed with low necklines and high up standing collars, triple tiered bustles in back with flowing skirt. Mrs. John Curtis was the ma tron of honor for her sister, wearing a topaz gown and Their gowns were in coppertone color and their period hats topaz with coppertone plumes and their flowers in topaz shades. The two taper lighters also were in coppertone gowns with the topaz hats and coppertone plumes. Further carrying out the to paz and coppertone combination was the gown of the little flow er girl, Miss Susan Crawford, who wore a dress in topaz with coppertone hat and topaz plume, the same as the matron of honor, and carried coppertone flowers. n Slipper Satin The bride was charming in a period gown of slipper satin de signed with a nylon drop should er neckline and satin shirring caught with seed pearls, a draped hipline trimmed with Chant illy lace, a full length train with matching lace. The fingertip veil of illusion wasj ..em in place wnn an imporieo lace pillbox trimmed in seed pearls. For her bouquet the bride carried white orchids, bouvardia being tied into the streamers. Mr. Gardner gave his daugh ter in marriage. For the music. Ronald Craven sang "The Lord's Prayer" and "Because." Miss Jessica Klnsey playing the or gan. Charles Mowry was best man and the ushers were Gene -HISTORIC MEDICAL WANTED A rwV ) m I HI niche for a great discovery is still un filled , , , perhaps this future benefoctor is growing or living in our midst. But Influ enia end the Common Cold hove eluded vost efforts to find cause ond effective treatment. But the work goes on ... in laboratories, in voluminous clinical records, in continuous, varied treatments, important advances ore being made against these enemies. Facts are becoming known thot will some day odd up to victory over the deadly periodic threat of Inf luenio, ond the everyday losses attributable to the cold. The Quisenberry Pharmacy Temporary Location, 419 Ferry Street but watch for the opening of two atw locations to be known as: Tmisenberr 11 OU'WISfif CIT COIN M CCXAl k COaaway IOt asW . Mr0'CI CfSTfl IffANCN 4t Ht mm JO f 1l rdner Nuptial s featured the church decorations the gowns of the bridal attend- Schmidt. Charles Mills. Robert Neimeyer and Howard Arnot. in the church parlors. Assist at Reception Mrs. Burt Picha cut the bride's cake and Mrs. Effie Gooden and Mrs. Ethel Gibbons poured. The topaz and bronze flowers again were used in decorating for the reception. For traveling the bride wore a suit with longline fitted jacket in black and gray stripe and a pencil slim gray skirt; black ac cessories and corsage of white orchids. Following a trip to the Ore gon beaches the couple will be at home at 3B8 North 13th street. Salem. Mr. Robertson is attend ing Willamette university, where he is a member of Phi Delta Theta. Both are graduates of Salem high school. Family Dinner Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Bowers. .IRS S. 20th, are having a family Thanksgiving dinner at their home this year as usual. Covers will be placed for Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Woodworth of Willamette Mrs. Beulah Wells, Roy and Duane. of West Linn. Mr. and Mrs. William W. Woodworth. Barbara and Betty, of Molalla. Edwin Woodworth of Corval lis, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bow ers of Albany, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Messuri, Stevie and Re becca, Miss Patricia Boyer, and Miss Virginia Bowers of Eu gene, Mrs. Daisy Johnston of Lyons. Mrs. Charles Long, Misses Mildred and Maud Si mons, Lyman Simons. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boyer, Janet and Roberta Mrs. Bertha Wood- worth, all of Salem, and Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Bowers. MEADOWLARK auxiliary, No.6102, Veterans of Foreign Wars, met last evening at the home of Mrs. Howard Koenig for a social event. Mrs. Reglna Ewalt. dean of women at Wil lamette university, was the speaker. Next meeting Is to be December 10. at the home of Mrs. James Lucas. HIGHLIGHTS No. 10- BENEFACTOR. "ht Ofxritt M om Miss Rider Wed Sunday The country home of Mr. and Mrs. John Terhune near Jeffer son was the scene of a wedding Sunday afternoon when Miss Marjorie Marie Rider and Rob ert Blanchett were married. Tm.iA !., utinnuFi uitt, flflfal j ;-- I u..- I 1.... UiaTll "I'll nunc uaontr.B ' ' white chrysanthemums formed the altar at which the vouns couple exchanged their marriage I vow. Rev. S. R. Huntington of the First Congregational church performed the marriage eere- Imony. The bride was attired in a gabardine suit of Copenhagen blue fashioned with a straight neckline and a flaring peplum over the hips dipping low in back. Her derby style hat was made of delicate white lace and her other accessories were Tegre '.ZidYrT. Miss Gloria Robinson of Salem, wore a tailored suit of gray ga bardine with black accessories Her corsage consisted of garde nias and pink rosebuds. Virgil Chapman of St. Paul acted as best man. The bride's mother, Mrs. Ben j Rider, wore .uiuv-i. nuic m kuwii " ' uiki, with blue sequin trim and Mrs. Robert Blanchett. Sr., at tended her son's wedding in a tailored glen plaid suit and black accessories. Her corsage was also of white gardenias. The hostess and aunt of the bride, Mrs. John Terhune. wore a gown of draped black satin. The bridal table was beauti- fully decorated with large vases of white chrysanthemums and long white tapers. Mrs. Frank Belleque of Gervais, the groom's grandmother, served the cake. Pouring was Mrs. Fred Cary of Salem, grandmother of the bride. Raymond Terhune, sonicoat, brown accessories and for of the hosts, played several se - lections on his accordion for the pleasure of the guests. Others on the guest list in cluded Mr. and Mrs. Olen Spiva. Miss Nancy Warnecker, Mr. and Mrs. Vick Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cary. Wesley Came- ron. Misses Clara Long, Esther Paulson of Salem: Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Potts and daughter. Cyn thia Anne, of Brooks; Mr and Mrs. Frank Belleque and Miss June Smith of Gervais; Eldon Smith of St. Paul; Mr. and Mrs. Phil Barnett of Portland: Mr. and Mrs. John Terhune of Jef ferson, Sam McMillan of Lex ington, and the bridegroom's father, Robert Blanchett of Mt. Angel. The newlyweds left soon after the ceremony for a short honey moon trip before moving to their new home on a ranch near Lex ington. LEAVING on Thanksgiving moring for the east will be Miss Zoe Stockton, who is to spend the holiday season with her ne phew, Leon A. Culbertson. In Peak performance in cold weather driving is yours with Mobilgas .Special, because this premium-quality motor fuel is perfectly bal anced to give you 3 big advantages: 1. Starts Quick . . . even in coldest weather, becsuse Mobilgas Sftcitl is expertly blended for instant response to the starter. Get Flying Horsepower with... GENERAL New York elty. She is going east, on the Canadian Pacific to Que- bee, where she will stop for ai few days, then go to Montreal and from there on to New York Miss Ryan Wed At Home Rites Silvfrton In a mng oi an w n t e chrysanthemums and greenery, Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock Miss Kathleen Jane Ryan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Arthur Patrick Ryan. 248 Cool idge street, was married to Rob ert Clifton Bechtell of Salem, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lake M. Bechtell of Prineville, the Rev John L. Goorienburger of Salem reading the lines of the double home. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a rose beige brocaded rayon suit, a head band of white stephanotis and carried a bouquet of white ste phanotis centered with two green orchids. Her only attend ant was her sister, Mrs. Denzel Legard. wearing a brown faille dress, fashioned with a full skirt, fitted bodice and carrying a bou quet of yellow and bronze chry santhemums. Best man for the bridegroom was William Collier. The mother of the bride wore mnlr h,niai1arf K niau mi., a bUck crepf .kirt and , ,houlder corsage of white gardenias. Following the ceremony a re ception was held In the Ryan home for more than 40 guests. Mrs. Norval Fasten cut the bride's cake. Mrs. Henrv B. Pritzlaff and Mrs. C. W. Keene presided at the coffee urns. Miss Maryanne Woodard had charge of the guest book, with other as- sistants about the rooms, Mrs. William H. Woodard, Jr., and Mrs. George Steelhammer. Serv-1 ing were Mrs. Ralph Palmer and j Mrs. Denzel Legard. For traveling the bride wore a brown wool tailleur, beige top1 lher corsage, the orchids froml her wedding bouquet. The cou pie plan to make their home In Salem. Mrs. Bechtell is a graudate or If the Silverton schools and Mt.'S Angel junior college, and the bridegroom Is a graduate of the University of Oregon. Fruit Cocktail Hot Rolls i Roast Turkey and Dressin Mashed Potatoes and Giblet oweet potatoes creamed Cranberry Sauce Jello Stuffed Celery Olives Choice of Dessert, Pie or Ice CROSS'S COFFEE SHOP 2370 Fairgrounds Rd. as a Wink 3. Keeps Your Engine A.-- ' ' a n ' ...the bothersome fuel knock so common during recent months is completely gone, becsuse Mobilgss Sfreijl his maximum anti-knock quality. PETROLEUM CORPORATION r -T- 1 1 fQ g Engagement The engagement of Miss Ger. aldine Ann Majeski, daughter nf Mr. and Mrs. John Majeski, to James Roger White, son of Mr. and Mrs. John D. White, all of Salem, was announced Invt Saturday evening as surpris news at a dinner party in the American, Legion club. Names of the couple were on coasters to announce the be trothal. No date is set for the wedding. The bride-to-be is a former student at University of Seattle and is employed with Portland General Electric Co. Mr. White attended Oregon State college and is with the Busick market. Attending the announcement dinner were Mr. and Mrs. John D. White, Mr. and Mrs. John Majeski, Miss Georgia Green, James Corey, Julius Rupp, Wil. lis Bach. Miss Nita Fleming, Ross Williams, Miss Alma Sul livan, Miss Irma Bnsebois, AI Manneman, George Day, Char les Domagalla, Miss Florence Schlosser. Miss Josephine Hoff man, Mrs. Green, Miss Majeski, and Mr White. - SALEM Chapter Order of Eastern Star will hold I regu lar meeting Saturday, Nov. 27 ( j at 8 o'clock in the Masonic tem ple. There will be initiation. r Nylon Gowns I ! (by Vanity Fair) hop 115 North Liberty Street S Salem, Or , Oregon auiiai3 THANKSGIVING DINNER MENU 3 COURSES 35 Gravy Pea Salad Cream Salem, On. 2. Gives You the lead . . . in traffic or on the higb wty, because Mobitgas Specul is refined to supply you a sure surge of power. Quiet as a Mouse Mobilgas