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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1948)
Army to Issue ID' Cards Washington, Nov. 24 IIP1 The army will issue identification cards to enlisted personnel next month giving the soldier for the first time something he can , use to prove how old he is. Although army officials don't like to stress that poin), the age proof is expected to be an Im portant use for the cards. Spotting minor soldiers In bar rooms has been a tough job for military police and bartenders alike since neither army passes nor "dog tags" reveal the bear er's age. "But we are not issuing these cards for the convenience of bartenders," an official empha sized. The cards will be issued to all enlisted men in the United States and Alaska, starting sometime between Dee. 15 and Jan. 1. the official told a re porter today. They will not be issued over seas, he added, but had no ex planation for this. In addition to age, the cards will list name, grade, serial I number, height, weight, blood type, sex, color of hair and eyes The navy has had a similar enlisted man's "ID" card for some time. The air force has no such card and an official said it is not now preparing one. Appeal on Bookie Ban Law Delayed Portland, Nov. 24 ?) Book ies breathed deeper today and went on accepting wagers on the ponies. City council members, over riding objections of Commission er Dorothy McCullough Lee and Mayor Earl Riley, postponed un til Friday a decision on appeal ing to the state supreme court. A circuit court ruling okayed the wagering. The circuit court ruled the city ordinance in violation of the itate gambling law. The court held that the law authorizing bookmaking on out-of-state horse races if pari-mutuel betting Is legal at the track site. w I mm, Norblad's Vote Second Highest Rep. Walter Norblad received . ine wcono n.K..rv ,., ,0 , F-,prn Oregon area, all repu bl ica n congressional iwh.e 0!tjon jn ,h wn,aand, candidates m the nation. com-h w w plete unofficial figures compil-i . ed here this week revealed. His Amity Thf, Ami,y hi(,h major. .y r" '; school carnival netted mat oi a populous iew iorK keting administration eommlttae Capital Journal, Salem, Or., Wednesday, Nov. 14, 19485 repori w.e am.r....m n; P""A, chapfr They ,old Chrif,m, cent higher than this year lrt(, wr,ppin The p,r. The payments are made o ,t and son banquet is scheduled farmers who part.cpate in ap- fnr Jam,arv 2n, whioh wlU be proved soil conservation pro- sn ,vpnt IO'r ft F A The junior ram' class play, "Don't Darken Mv Most of the money is expected Door." is scheduled for Decem ber 17. high school gymnasium. SONOTONE For Better H.arlnf IK AI, CONSULTANT WALTER F. DODGI Office ton sim at district which cast approximate ly twice the votes of the first Oregon district, according to urnrri frnm Washinfftnn. ' The final compilation also 5 showed that Norblad was one of three republicans in the tf country who increased his lead j over that of the 1948 GOP land- J slide election. IS pproxi- mately $250. One of the group sponsoring a booth was the F. F. 1 Killed, I Injured ! In Plane Crash Port Townsend, Wash., Nov. 24 aJ.R) A light private plane crash-landed at the Peninsula Airway airport today killing one person and seriouslv injuring two others, the airport manager reported. Tad Delaney, a passenRer in the BT-I3, was killed when the plane crashed into trees at the end of the runway while Pilot Ray Burke was attempting a landing. Another passenger, Bill Martinson, was critically injur ed. Burke's condition was listed as "fair" at the St. John's hos pital here. Washington Ceremonies Welcome 'Kitty Hawk' The pi oneer flying machine "Kitty Hawk" arrives at the Freer Art Gallery, Washington, D. C, where special ceremonies officially welcomed the return of the Wright brothers' original plane to the U. S. The plane, "exiled" in London for 20 years, will be enshrined at the Smithsonian Institute. (Acme Telephoto) in open house from 2 to 5 o'clock. Aranging the affair and re ceiving the guests informally were the three daughters of Mrs. Henderson. Mrs. Henry Torvend, Mrs. William Sjovangen and Mrs. Melissa Golberg. 5 PERFUMES, COLOGNES, COSMETICS, CREAM by Hattie Carnegie (In beautiful blue jars and smart bottles) at terrific savings $2 Million Set for j Oregon Farmers Portland, Nov. 2 i Ore-, gon farmers will get $2,000,000 f AT of federal funds to fight soil K erosion next year. ; The state production and mar-; J 115 North Liberty Street Mrs. Henderson Honor Guest for Birthday Silverton Mrs. P. O. Hender son of South Church street was complimented at her home Mon day afternoon on the occasion of her 88th birthday anniversary Let Us Recommend Your Painter or Paperhanger Through 18 Years in the Paint Business and Close Co operation with Salem's Finest Decorators We Feel That We Are Well Qualified to Successfully Cope with Your Every Paint Need Call Us for Immediate Service. McGILCHRIST Cr SONS 255 N. Commercial Phone 3-8478 PALMISTRY READINGS First Time fa Tour City! Will Tell year Past, Present r Fl tut Leva Business Marriage Answers AO Questions OPEN 9 A.M. , KM Ferry St FEATURE EXCHANGE 1948 Rebuilt 10Q H.P. Mercury Motors Finest Workmanship 210.00 Completa Includasi One-Day Service Ir Needed Motor Exchange Clutch Plata Gaskets Oil Labor Motor Tune I'p Warner Motor Co. Your Lincoln-Mercury Dealer 430 No. Commercial Phone 2-2487 I Lovalon your hair! add color add lustre n K H to fight soil g rWmm't I - -or..- Iniolnn 1 LUVOIUII Rinse lovilm it l mutt iter wattling your bH. H rintts gorgoif, rich enlor Mrto yor rttr giwt ft iptrfcting Iwghrightt, Iivm it met I KfHSd and taft ind mrwBblt, Lmlon comti in 12 ftatteHrtff thidat. Fred Meyer FOR THRIFTY BUYERS At AH rr4 Mr Imt Rnlm, Orfnn A New Service SWIFT SERVICE for Shirts (by special request) OFFICE SERVICE ONLY Leave jhirts at laundry before 5:00 p.m. Pick up after 5 p.m. following day (SATURDAYS EXCEPTED) SALEM LAUNDRY CO. (WIEDERS) 263 South High St. IT'S NEW! I I Fret and Expert Estimates At Your Home PUMILITE BLOCK CO. West Salem Phone 25643 Give your family up to 4 times as much life Insurance protection for far leu than 4 timet the usual premium. This new Family Security Plan, offered esclutivtly by The Business Men's Assur ance Company, PUS YOUR FAMILY 515.000 M IMMEOHIEIT In event of your death dur ing the nest 15 years or wide choice of Income plant may be orranged. so utmm, JIKK.OI cu n tw tistt V4 )1N.N ewtth itr mii I3vrs AFTER IS YEARS the bena fiti ere adjusted to suit re duced family needs end the plan continues to provide valuable protection. Then at any age you select IT till TN m IfWKDfT 550 01 I PWWfk fM Crh"t7 11 H sin i. Distsffltr Isnt'tt 0nmI HreeJthe5 I SIS I ---r- r" lTTn -t rmfT iook ...Symbol of Quality The front label Is vnur guide lo seleeting the brand you want. "Second Look" shows you rare FIVE. SIX, and SEVEN-YEAR-OLD whiskies are in today's superb-tasting THREE FEATHERS RARE BLENDED WHISKEY 36 pr,f. The straight hifkif in this product are 6t rears or ntnrt old. M straight whikT, grain neutral spirits. ia whikT 5 Tears old. o whikT 6 reara old. a whikT ? Tears old. Three Feather Distributors, Inc., New York, N. V SECOND LOO ...Proof of Quality The hark InM i required hy the I. S. (.nvernment. It telln Tnit the age and mount of bne Khikies in the blend. aai rmT " Jbi-MSSSSMSMSSMSSSSSSSSBSSSSiSSiS Push-Button Controlled Heat Tomorrow's Electric Furnace Is Here TODAY on Display at GLEASON'S BAKERY 1979 Fairgrounds Rd. Dial 2-5379 rr Thanks to many people for many things This is thb season of thasksgivisg . . . And there It mtch fnr vhlrh toe can oil be thankful In thb great country of ours? Certainly ire are thankful far a bountiful harrrM of grain and corn, fnr a high lirrtl of production and employment, fnr a etandard of living thai It th tnry of the uxrrld. of all, perhapt, ire are grntrful far our Amrrlrnn heritage , , .freedom of opportunity, freedom of choice, freedom to think and unrthip according to our own belief i. mm TTe Feel as Chevrolet dealer it Is an appropriate time to convey our aineere appreciation to the people of this community for their loyalty, patience aud understanding. Fnr ern'fe Chevrolet's production of more cars and trucks during; 10 1H than any other manufacturer there is still a long "waiting list" fur America's most-wunlcd cars and trucks. Cherrolrt Is doing even-thing within its power to maintain and increase production. Meantime, we would like to ezpresa our thanks . . , ThnnUa in lluyrre and I'meuvlir litis ere of cte C.hi'rolrtM for your generous recognition of the honest value built into this first-choice car in the low-priced field. More people have bought Chevrolet cars and trucks, during the eighteen-resr period from 19S1 to date, than have bought the cars and trucks of any other manufacturer. Thank-e to Tiose Who Arp tTniting fnr Order tn hr Fillfil for your patience and understanding. You can lie sure we are doing our best to treat all customers fairly . . doing our lw,t to speed the day when we can give you the good news, "Your waiting day are over!" 7'irirtJiS fes Srrrire Cuetnmrr for the opportunity to keep your preent cars in safe driving condition. We have tried to serve you well, and appreciate -patronage. ThnnUe tit nil whose fricnd.lilp and favor have helped maintain Chevrolet' leaderahip , . . Thank, fnr your pntronnge which hnsi niotle CHEVROLET A31ER1CA'S ISo. 1 CAR DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET CO. C. W. Robbins 229 N. Commercial Ph. 2-1900 y 510 N. Commercial Salem, Ore.