i Chapter Holds Annual Dinner Dayton The Dayton chapter of Future Farmers of America held Ha 19th annual Parent and Son banquet at the Dayton union high schol gymnasium. Nearly 200 parents, boys, rep resentatives and guests gathered to enjoy the evening. Francis Mathers, president of the chap ter, acted as toastmaster. Harold V. Lewis is the instructor. The group had as speaker for the evening, Maurice Jernstedt, state farmer and present state FFA treasurer, who spoke on Projects and Enterprises. Marvin Lorenzen was award ed fourth prize in the' Better Farming contest, of the Willam ette district, by Louie Gross in behalf of the Kiwanis club, who were sponsoring the contest. The calf chain award was pre sented to Robert Baker, by Glen Worden, chairman of the Calf Chain committee. Mr. King, a Safeway represen tative, awarded a first and sec ond prize for the best freshman project for 1947-48, to Melvin Lehman and Robert Stockoff respectively. Howard Putnam gave a report on special events of the year, Melvin Lehman gave a report j en the chapter equipment. Bill Stockoff reported on the different fairs. Robert Stockoff gave the wel coming address. Others who spoke or had a part during the evening were Lynn Gubser, county school su perintendent; Delmar Mabee, principal; Ersel Gubser, Marvin, Lorenzen, Harold Lewis, Jack and Wilbur Williams, Rod Wi ser, Kenneth Dooley, Russell Hampton, Robert Baker, Jimmy Asher, Roland May. Mary Beal gave a reading. The trio sang several numbers: Lois Rockhill, Mary Lou Ribin son and Nonie Gubser, accom panied on the piano by Joyce Crawley. The girls of the Future Home makers of America cooked and served the banquet, under the I 1 VWv . XX - J Puerto Rican Girl Flier Denise Muniz, 17, who is the first of her sex to be granted a pilot's license in Puerto Rico waves from her plane at San Juan. Damages Are Asked For Highway Death Albany Death of Frank For- sha of Portland, November 24 1940. from Injuries he received in a traffic accident three miles south of Jefferson on the old Pacific highway has brought forth a damage suit filed in cir cuit court Tuesday. The action, in which $10,000 damages are asked, was filed by Edmond Forsha, administrator of the Frank Forsha estate, against Paul W. Davis and S. J Fert and the Fruehauf Trailer company of California doing bu siness as the Fruehauf Trailer & Equipment company. According to the complaint Frank Forsha was a passenger in a car driven by Clarence C. Conn on November 19, 1946, which collided headon with a pickup truck which was being towed by another truck in which were Davis and Fett. The tow-bar broke, according to the report of state police at the time, and caused the pickup, supervision of Miss Margorlane Getzelman, home ec. instructor. So-called petrified forests are found in Egypt, New York, Al abama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Texas, Oklahoma, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Cali fornia, Yellowstone National Park and elsewhere. laden with trailer parts for hl- ast, to run out of control. The Fruehauf company is named co-defendant en the al legation that it had manufac tured the tow-bar, which was defective. Mrs. Can- Hostess Lyons Card Players Lyons Mrs. Albert Carr was hostess for the afternoon card club with her party held at the Rebekah hall. A 1:30 dessert luncheon was served followed by four tables of "500." High honors went to Mrs. Orville Downing, low to Mrs. Earl Al len a4 Mrs. Albert Bass special prize. Present for the afternoon were Meadames Albert Bass, Kenneth Bass, George Huffman, Percy Hiatt, Floyd Bassett, Pat Lyons, Bert Lyons, Herman Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wodn day, Nov. 14, 1948 8 Free, Bob Free, Orville Down ing, Bob Carleton, Vern Nydlg ger, Earl Allen, Marvin Berry and the hostess, Mrs. Carr. ATTENTION A rellataaa llaa alctart. Taa ,t,rr f tbt prodlial ton as JB, totd It. will a aliMra Taanaarlrlac nlfht at t a'rlork. FAITH TABERNACLE 5th and Gaines PREFERRED Y MILLIONS SO PURE, SO FAST, SO DEPENDABLE StJoseph ASPIRIN newt ST.J0SEPH ASPIRIN FOR CHILDREN Raaytotake. Has orange flavor that's swtetenad to child'ataste. Easy to &ive. tOtabletafor 36c Try ltt OWN k Nf ll CROSLEY STATION WACQ3 $40.00 Down 113.85 per week "You see them fvfRYWHfRE" Don't Mottle ouyraelf with blfh up tmep and big repair btlU bwiuM you think you can't afford a new earl You ean afford a NEW Oroeley Station Wagon at about H the prtet and V the down payment of any other new car. Up to in l In on a gallon of regular gaiollne. AU ateel, lieh Interior, aeate 4, powered br the Croeley Cylinder COBRA en gine. No price Increase. Made by Crosier, world'a largest producer of atatioo wagone. Come In. A&k Mr. Uorrl to heow you the elation wagon and the other Cronley mod el Sedan, Convertible, Pickup and Panel Delivery, Costs less than an 1-year-eld high-upkeep used ear! K Hilt tAA. Morris Auto Co. 990 South Commercial St. Salem, Oregon SHOP WOODROW'S for Quality and Lower Prices COMING SOON! A Genllemans Whiskey . from Kentuclsy Choose Old Hermitage and take a gentlemanly pride in your choice of a thoroughly enjoyable whiskey. Its rich, mellow-smooth Kentucky goodness is assurance of downright delicious drink ing pleasure. So, enjoy a real Kentucky treat Old Hermitage the whiskey that's been winning fame since 1870. ISovfAbovno? Mow Alr,Bt9dtffoAMd ejtlaM i SAN FRANCISCO Q SOUM TRIP Sll.tS W LOS ANGELES 1 ?60 IOUMB TRIP Stl.7S AaM tOVHB TRIP S12.7S . Mu tm 436 N. Church Phone X-2428 Kentucky Whiskey-A Blend NATIONAL DISTILLERS PRODUCTS CORP, NEW YORK a 86 PROOF a 65 GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS r7 --V.,,-.-.'W: V.'V - R. D. "Woody" WOODROW LIBERAL TERMS America's Finest Tire with a Full Life Time Guarantee! BATTERIES Auto Glass Paints Unpointed Furniture 450 Center St M. X-I47I SALES AND SERVICE You can buy a Bendix up to $110 LESS than other Automatics . r "iii New Detinie Meoel (vtaawtk aaap lajadaraptlaaat) i I.. , mn j&i , . ' 'TV. j' gray sm CV L... ' : ,lJ- j VIHCE'S Low down payment -small installments ELECTRIC Diot J i 1S7I. Liberty