12-Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday. Nov. 23, 1948 the great Zeui carried them tojT I M.,,.,,. nnvm ana pmcta in moin 11 1 II IE r IIIIIIIll the shining stars. Aldebaran ii an Arabic name! meaning "the follower," and was: likely given this star because it follows the Pleiades across the! Even opera-glass views of i Astronomer Tells Story Of the Stormy Hyades By J. HI GH PRl'F.TT Astronomer, Extension Division, Oreiton Higher Education System "Thro' scudding drift the rainy Hyadea Vext Ui dim sea.." In reminiscent mood, old Ulysses of Trojan-war fame thus re called a cluster of stars glittering momentarily through loose, vapory clouds which swiftly raced before the blustering night wind. In classical mythology this particular group was sometimes actually blamed for stormy con- ditions. The ancient Virgil are io inconceivably distant that! A .. D, . re wrote of the "Hyades and their tneir llEnt requires 130 years to Aid Harming Ulfiner watery force. Pliny raid they rcn ,he human eyes. Aide raised tempests "both on land baran i, oniv one-third as far and lea." Spencer called them'away and not an actual member L.i .hiirch will celestial sky the Hyades reveal field of great beauty, how moonless the night, the eastern horizon seems to glow with a mysterious brightness whenever the Hyades are shin ing there. Lafayette The Ladies aid of the United Brethren Evanneli- .n .huPKh tarill hrtlH ttirlfov the "moist daughters of huge the ,tarry iwemblage. It is dinner at the Lafayette city Atlas." known that these stars are rap- han at g o'clock. November 30. According to modern meteor-1 idly receding from us. In 65.-1 a. bazaar will also be held and ology, the Hyades (pronounced 000.000 years, they will be so re-1 pr0ceeds will go for expansion Hi-a-deei) have nothing to do mote that telescopic aid will bei0f the church by a Sunday with tempestuous weather, de-j needed to make them visible school room, for the rapidly spite their rising early in tne unless earth dwellers meanwnilel growing Sunday school. evening at the season wnen tne greatly improve tneir eyesigni. fall rains are well started. They Daughters of Atlas are a scintillating nine group Grand Officer Silvrrton Mrs. Nada Lee Cirinde was honored at the last mem in a of Horn Temple No. 0 1 Dvlhinn Cictur in wrtt nl i No matter , .,' ,j rrA Protector of Oregon at the re cent Grand Temple session in Eugene. In the entertainment accorded Mrs. Grinde, special guests were present from Salem and Hubbard. Salem guests included Eunich Burw, PGC, her mother, Emma Solie, Dora Stanton, Nora Pierce, Frances Neiderberger, Grace Tomson, May Dowell, An na Muncey, Edna Bergner and Mabel Peck. Mrs. Coble de Lespinasse, PGC, and Dr. A. F. de Lespin i were present from Hubbard. Mrs. Dorothy Hadley, PC., presented Mrs. Grinde with a gift from Home Temple and ac corded honors to Mrs. Helen M. Wrightman, Past Supreme Representative a t Cincinnati. Mean Thief of stars too remote and too mod est to create any terrestrial dis turbances. I By the time the evening sky 1s well darkened, this attractive atellar cluster has climbed above the eastern skyline. It appears at a considerable distance almost directly below the tiny, cloud like Pleiades dipper. Like the Letter V Over the eastern horizon, the stars of the Hyades are arranged in the form of a small letter V, lying on its side and with the point toward the right. Most of the stars are fairly dim, but easily seen with the exception of one to the left, which forms the tip of the lower arm of the reclining V. The latter is Alde baran (accent second syllable and sound e as in let), is orange In color, quite bright, and twin kles conspicuously in the early evening when low in the haze over the horizon. The faint stars of the Hyades are actually all m the same gen eral region of far-off space. They In mythology, the Hyades) were the beautiful daughters of I McKeesport the giant Atlas, who carried the, police worked world on his shoulders. They were half sisters of the Pleiades. To comfort them in their bitter lament over the untimely death f their beloved brother Hyas. Pa. IR) While to remove the bodies of three persons killed in an automobile accident near here, a looter stole $20 from a wallet in a coat thrown over one of the victims. MEDICAL TEST PROVED this simply great to relieve 'PERIODIC with uncomfortable fullness hrp you trmiblwl by dlstrtM of fn malr functional monthly disturb- nrw? Don this make you iu(Tir from pain. tl so ncmoiu, rrBtlex. cranky, weak at aiirh tima? Thtn po try fa mom Lvdla E. Plnkham't Vegetable Compound to rellev turh aymptomi ! In a recent medical teat It proved remarkably helpful to women troubled thta way. You u II IO pourttlf to try It. Plnkhatn'g Compound to what Doctor call a uterine sedative. It haa a Brand toothing effect on otii oj woman' g mott important or pant. Taken remilarly Pink h am 'b Com pound helps build up realatanr against such disveaa. Also a great stomachic tonic 1 fWVTFt Or ? ar prefer I.YDU K. rnkHAK-) TAHIJl(5 villi ddtej lrt Lvdia E. Pinkham's VEGETABLE COMPOUND ' Hear BING CROSBY'S Favorite Story "MARY WEEN OF SCOTS' KSLM-KGW Presented by PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY iBnMMLPJLML rr Ohio, In 1940 and Chicago tn 1944, being elected Grand Chief in 192S-26, and who is an act ivve member of Home Temple No. 21. During the program hour with Ethel Oveross, MEC, pre siding, Mrs. de Lespinasse told of her work with the Pythian monthly publication. The Knights of Pythias were invited guests for the late sup per hour when Ernest R. Eck man showed films of attractive scenes in color. Annual home coming will be featured at the December 2. Thursday evening meeting. Al so at this session officers for the coming years will be elected. To serve on the refreshment committee for the home com ing will be Mrs. Wanda Van Cleve. Mrs. Mabel Talbot. Mrs. Florence Tuggle and Mrs. ma Thompson. Vel- Grand Island Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Will of Jennings Lodge and their family will hold a family reunion dinner at the Ev angelical Unionvale church so cial room Thanskgiving day. Tle open seas are not exactly the same level all over the. world. Our vast reserves assure you off true pre-war quality iThe bast bet in blends. Remember to ask for it by nam. J6.8 PROOF . 65 GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS . CONTINENTAL DISTILLING CORPORATION . PHILADELPHIA. PA. DROP LEAF EXTENSION TABLES Double pedestal, mahng. veneer, extends to 68 in.. Blond D. I., ext., 2 legs. I leaf, extends to 68 In. . $69 $89 Thrrf lejr; table, 38 tn. by 8fi in. ext., manor, veneer Rich blond finish, 86 in. extension, 3 legs, 3 leaves . , $79 $99 enjoyed CHESTERFIELDS while working on my new picture, THE SAXON CHARM. I smoke CHESTERFIELDS because they're MILDER . . . It's MY cigarette. CO-ST, Gateleg table, walnut finish. 70 In. extension Gateleg table, rinsed 32x13',, open 32x42 TWO-IN-ONE TABLE An end Utile anri lamp unit combined. Modern design and C' t 15" Chrome Step Stool rain wnen not tn ue. t hrnme. Srats (Alt r.ri kl.,b 4Qt3 yellow Scripture Verse: He hath shewed thee, 0 man, what is good; ond whot doth the Lord require of thee, but to dn ustly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God. Mitoh 6:8. e J ririirir nv Headquarters for Small Appliances nsslrr or firille. portable automatic rn Ci. V. Auto. Rosster tor rnsst- Inj. h.ikini, ronkinc. canning (.enrrJl llertrie Varuum t'lesner. Tidy Clenner, O.r. tank ne . Tithe tisrod Radio. red and Ivorv $OQ9S rase I niversal l lertrie Piste. S- jheat ronlrol. rinsed $1C93 ronkmi nniti (45M 3675 5395 $4360 USI OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN a kv UiK: " A R R ED IN -iTK,' f' , i"4WT . .t ' 2 J V$Y THE SAXON CHARM f K V " T -fl I v niversal.international picturb I StWW .Ml z I xf 1 . 4m! $4950 I M: "I smoke Chesterfield. It's the best cigarette I rMP- W?' B on the market. They consistently pay above $1495 If CHBSTEl!j '',fu rV ) roiAceo mmw. mt. mimo, ky. I 109S I Pglf X ""T iV 'r l yf . lOM A SMI" 0 ITATEMINTt IY MOMrNINT TOIACCO FAIMUJ.) I I h-M - 1 W ) III 51 Desks Walnut Veneer Waterfall Mohog. finish period desk values at Hsnriv Hot Wstflr Raker Handy Hot Tw in Wattle Iron Knapp-Mnnarrh Pop-up Toaster. . . . HandT Hot Automatic Toaster Sunbeam Elertrle Iron I nlvemal Elertric Percolator Pormejrer Electric Mixer . . . WI GIVE S&H CRIENI STAMPS 7 .ft MAKE ttiU;fcfe THE m . J . m m m 4. Ji .'i-mi J tat .. m, P