Gold Star Mothers Install State Department, Saturday Oregon will be the first atate west of the Rocky mountains to have a Hate department in the national organization of the Ameri can Gold Star Mothers, Inc., and it it in Salem the first state of fieera will be installed on Saturday evening. Nov. 20 at St. I.nk'. hall -. e ii. - Mn. Ray Ford, national or ganizer, Dclake, Ore., will be the installing officer. Governor John H. Hall will present the charter to the new state presi dent, Mrs. Rose Smith, of Port land. Representatives of patriot ic and fraternal orders through out the state will be in attend ance. The American Gold Star Mothers, Inc., have 11 chapters in the state of Oregon, nine of them having been organized by Mrs. Ray Ford. There was only one chapter in the state until aft er the close of World War II when Memory chapter, of Port land, was organized by the mem bers of Portland chapter, the oldest one in the state. Salem chapter came next, being or ganized by Mrs. Ford in April, 1946. President of Salem chap ter, Mrs. Ben Larkins, will be installed as second vice presi dent of the state department, Mrs. Jessie Sanders, past presi dent of Salem chapter wilt be installed as a member of the state advisory board, and Mrs George Pro, also of Salem, is a member of the by-laws commit tee. Invitations have been sent to the various organizations in Sa lem and the Salem chapter wishes to invite, through the press, any interested persons tb attend the ceremonies. . Lions Auxiliary Lions club auxiliary met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Douglas Yeater. Post-war conditions in Nor way were described to the group by Mrs. Ernest Arneson, who spent the summer in Nor way. Mrs. Carroll Ford was chair man of the hostess committee and Mrs. John Ramage was chairman for the program. Visi tors at the meeting included Mrs. Roger Hoy, Mrs. Norman Young, and Mrs. Kathryn Dris coll. Next event for the auxiliary will be a Christmas party the evening of December 16. ANNOUNCEMENT has come to Salem friends and relatives of the birth of a son, Paul Tho mas, Friday morning, Novem ber 18, to Rev. and Mrs. Thomas Allport at Bellingham, Wash. The Allports formerly lived in Salem and Rev. Mr. Allport is with the St. Mark Lutheran church in Bellingham. There are j two other children in the fam ily, Mary and Stephen, Grand parents are Mrs. Augusta All port and Mrs. B. A. Kolbe, both of Salem. SIGMA KAPPA alumnae were entertained Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Bert A. Walker, Mrs. Delbert Hunter assisting. Attending were Mrs. Luther Jensen, Mrs. R. Robinson, Mrs. Frank De Witt, Mrs. B. W. Stacey, Mrs E. E. Backman, Mrs. Earl Cool ey, Mrs. Earl T. Newbry, Mrs Allan Johnson and the hostesses. Dessert was served. Mrs. John R. Caughell was hostess to a small group of friends Thursday afternoon for an informal coffee. Miss Alice Miller Feted at Shower i ttiiiiwaiiiMiMMmtte:skwt 1 Mrs. Ben Larkins Betrothal Told The engagement of Miss Etta Jo Dodd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dodd, to Gene Mes sick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Messick, of Gervais, has been announced. The wedding is planned for some time in February SEVERAL Salem friends have been bidden to an open house for which Mr. and Mrs. Csrl Porter, formerly of Salem, will be hosts in Albany, following the Oregon-Oregon State game Saturday afternoon in Corval-lis. East Salem Miss Ann Beck er was hostess for a bridal shower Sunday afternoon at the home of her parents on Sunny view ve. for Mias Alice Miller, whose marriage to Hubert Fal tyn will be an event of Novem ber 27, The gift table was cen tered with a large basket of lavender and white chrysanthe mums with streamers of the colors extending to each corner of the table and gifts arranged for the setting. Invited guests were the bride-to-be, her mother, Mrs. Leo i. Miller, Mrs. Arlene Hurtel, Mr. Joe Boatright, Mrs. Ella Lucas, Mrs. Doris Unrine, Mrs. George Van, Mrs. Verby and daughter Marie, Mrs. Charles Mack, Mrs. Max McDougal, Miss Lillian Lucas, Miss Rosie Mack, Miss Carmen Given, Miss Delores Brunkie, Miss Delores Raymond. Miss Lenora Miller, Mrs. Lor raine McCormick, Miss Martha j Wigle and Mrs. Becker, who as sisted her daughter m serving. DR. AND MRS. MORTON E. Peck were hosts, for the Salem Writers' club on Wednesday eve ning. Present were Mr, and Mrs. N. F. Anderson, Mrs. Flora Thompson Enders, Mrs. Lynn Fortsch, Mrs. J. C. Nelson, Mrs. Blanche Jones, Miss Renska Larid Swart, Mrs. Wiliiam Mer- iriott, Mrs. Jessie C. Singleton, Mrs. Robert Hutcheon and George Shand. A guest was Mrs. !E. M. White. Campus Clippings WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY It all started II years ago when a Despatch gentleman, Mr Hawkins, decided it was about time his daughter, Sadie, was catch ing a man, so At Capp created a glorified leap-year holiday fos his comic atrip characters. The nationally -known day will be celebrated this year for the first time at Willamette with a Sadie Hawkins dance Friday evening The campus has been alive wit!show Saturday night. Centering signs warning men and encour aging women in their chase lor dare. All characters from Hair less Joe to "Marrin Sam are to be on hand for the costume event. Although collection fell some what short ot the Quota, chair men ol the school chest drive were satisfied with the results of the campaign and the cli maxing "Varsity Varieties" about a television theme thr show got o!f to professional opening with the musical ar rangements of the combined Glen William and Kurt Ken yon orchestras. Raya, Loter and Yocom emceed In vaudeville type production while sand wiching in between acts take offs on radio shows such as "Ms Percsilator" and Elmer Hang not, newa analyst. Blaneie-wis- ged Bobbie Mtyer wen the auSi t nee with her suiiry Interpre tation of "How Strange My Love" as the crooned into mike from atop piano. Cigar ette - swallowing Paiii South worth humorously pantomimed a hepcat at a Duke Ellington concert. The W. U. quarter was especially notable among the many outstanding musical num bers. Independents dined and danced amongst the pale blue decorations of their Rhapsody in Blue theme at their annuai format dinner-dance Friday eve ning. Sparkling notes and mu sic adorned the walls of tSse Hollywood Lions Den while the group relished southern fried chicken followed by dancing. The atmosphere of. the Islands was transferred to the Delta Capiia? Jurnsi Salem, OregtHt, Friday, Kot, IMS ? Gamma house Friday night fori their "Hal Ktiuipo," House of! Sweethearts, formal. The living! room of the house beeame c Hawaiian bamboo hut for the; affair complete with bamboos wails, tips mats and Hawamani mural. Entertaining during the! intermission. Lei Kealoh end-! ti her dancing by presenting her data with her let ta typical i Hawaiian style, a ceremony i which was followed by She! DG s and their dates, I AMONG THOSE at CervaSSis for the week-end to take in the! Oregon State-Oregon ssise mi homecoming on the OSC campus! will be Miss Patricia UJimanJ who is io be the guest of Miss! Lets jean Evans at Seefcett hall. ! Coming SALEM With a fin fsevif iter 1 K At LIS Appatti ikvpi MRS. E. C. HAGERMAX and two chiidern have arrived in Honolulu to join Mr. Hagerman, who is stationed with the navy at Pearl Harbor. to your taste . . . MOJUD STOCKINGS !f you iike your stocking extra glamorous and aheer ... if you !ik them lovely to look at . , . then our Batter. ing Mojud SSyte 901,' 15 denier, 51 gauge) is your slocking. In these Fashion Harmony Colors: V ata-ift tf ALLEGRO A smart off-black. MEDLEY A bronzy brown. SOLO A chic gun-grey. N T E R -L U D A misty taupe. KAYS 460 State St. richer flavor when you drip it richer flavor when you iLM perk it ill 11 richer flavor Kvwhen you Silex it Deluxe Harmony House That extra richne comes from blending in more full-flavored Central American coffee. Then it'a ground exactly right for your coffee maker. Try the correct grind of Golden West . . a guaranteed, ncner m '"7 manure -1. i"uwwm' L7?t pv n SL i i ill i ,J 1 : , r 1 Si;--,- pricillas 1 u U I ' . . tV - r hi9k 3,98 fftfW'. Hormoiiy House K Iplfff I coage sets f -mb m i :: 6 b i t.mf4w Idiieiww twM ' lzp ' ' T P-: ,3 "Sress Op" Yor Home With ! sup covers 98? Rc3, 4.8? 777 . ?77 Csr 4a? hi prtre so !, why -wait to frehen ysar kf viiit eavert that i-loseSy jtiimfF the f swrajaaeat sa- hotsterjf Tejttnrej! tiivUe fcittt rsttBH tht s!Slsfy f fins ta ever furniture t-arv. Trim, moiirrn Jef pit !er in frey, le, jtrees r wise. Searie rsfeiB ever. See them f&r yflurself. MANY STYLES TO CHOOSE FROM op pom mmf faai 484 State Street