SALE MISCELLANEOUS OYTSt. SURPLUS CIRCUIT 1UW wv TORS- Furnace with blower - or hot water furnace. Electric 7ra Thermadore '41 OMC IS ton 11 truck- Kitchen sinks. Toilets, tone. Tubs. V glv. pipe. Soil . i.itimi. ELECTRIC Apt. aire ranges Tf fable top refngeratore and water f4 g witches Entrance boxes. Ranae ' .j' RtnM cable. Butane rinu. New ,, wed washers. Trade ur-aur old her for a new one. Tenia and tarpa t Sxtri tollet Unlu- STREET hTS 'or elty or trBllr courts. IV v service entrance conduit. Light n E Electric Welders. COLE- OIL CIRCULATORS HP BB r Motors i "v. un- - v ' iO pair. Bunk bed mattresses. 1-1 ,rne "bl Power line w arms, l'e Pyrene extinguisher. HE ENGINE ome south on 12th to Fair iew Sewer line. Turn east me block on Hoyt. Tel 3-7916. 0217 nut OIL HEATER, with circulating Excellent condition. Inquire eve. jsth. n277 ' second hand tub t lavatory. Ph. n27T CIRCULATORS, apt. sue gas ranges ,4h burner. sacrifice this new 1100 fur coat, l. cond. 1165. Ph. 35812. n277 NTMUE oak rockera. No dealeri. SIS pitoi m. y,B ImlNN BUILT bicycle. 28" wheels. Call na.8 .(HAWK 1 c wild it ion. OIL BURNER. 50-gal. drum, lull. Cop per tubing, etc. compitie. ui. um n Com'l n277 UNBEAM, Bhiek and Remington electric 1 WESTINGHOllSE flee. olack. 6i.uo. rnone F ft M ONE-MAN poer saw. Nearly new. priced to sen. rn, s-oni. nauv 8TKF.L CLOTHESLINE POSTS, railing i t0CK ana 10 oratr. iiw . iiioeny. nI87 ELECTRIC clock and door chimes. XbAiBaK ArriiiArnft vu, 1)295 TOASTER, mixer, waffle irons, sand wich grills, coiiee maxers, percolators, routers, blender. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. n25 ELECTRIC comforters, sheet and blank et, neat inn paos. V EATER APPLIANCE CO. n5 MOTOROLA RADIOS. For Home & 8. Com'l. St. Marr Radio. Jll'a KELYIKATOR, Hotpolnt appliance; Fow ler hotwaier neater, ttaipn jonnion Appliances. Ph. 3-3138. n 8TKAM and flat Irons, Ironing boards, pads ana covers Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. n2M RADIO SKKVICE, Home or car. Marr Ra ti ;o, 2laif o. torn I. bi, naj- ELEf TRIC room heaters, all type. BARE-1 EN DA tumble-proof safety chair for feeding a piayiime. rrans uowaer Phone I-8SH8 1872 Berry St. nJ94 rLASTI-KOTE. the eellophane-lllte finish for floors, linoleum, wooaworc. Require no waxing. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. n5 THOR Automatic Washers, Gladlroni ALL" Automatic Wash. Machine Soap Recommended by Thor Hollywood Appliance Co- Ph. 2431 EGG COOKERS, juicers. Ice crushers, can openers, cake covers, cookie sheet, food milt, corn poppers, cookie Jars. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. n295 CEDAR POSTS. Ph. fl8-F-22. 1.286 EE US for harvest bam of all kind" We t ipeclallee In cleaning & mending. K. 2-1872 " i FERTILIZER. Cow or chicken manure Delivered in Salem. Well rotted or fresh IS 00 per cubic yard del. Also manure by sack 1100 per sack at place or will del. ft sack order Phillips Bros, Rt 6. Boi 118. Salem. Ph. 68F22. n BEAT YOUR home electrically. It' con ven lent, clean, economical Bee u for free estimate. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO, 255 N. Liberty. n SALEM SAND ft GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearint Ditching Sewer & Basement aaulnment Rental 1ft B 44) yd. 12 00 per or 10 B-H yds. 60 per nr D-l Cat ah Ooser t 60 per br D-6 Cat A Ooier I 40 per br D-4 Cat & Doser t.00 Pr hi Phom. Days 1-9401 Evenings 1-8245 Salem. Oreiun O' WANTED MISCELLANEOUS BEDROOM set. davenport and chair, also daveno wool rua 9x12. also 12r1. Will pay cah. Phone 38036. ns278 iruiNO machine, any me or cond Davenport. Ph. 3-7671. 19W N lftth. nal tED FfRNITURE. Phone 3-lBJ PHOTOGRAPHY lx. SPEEDCRAPHIC. 21861 after 6 p.m. sacrifice. Ph. nb27T PHOTOGRAPHIC tinting 27685. nb2B6 PERSONAL OM.y" ANOTHERMOTHF.R can under Man why those baby anoe must b kept. Cinderella Broniina, 3275 So Commercial. p3'8. I WILL NOT be responsible for bill made other than my own. Tom F. McCuen IKOHOLICS ANONYMOUS P O 71. Phone 35234 Boi AUTOMOBILES jVt7 FORD. Runs good. Need paint. Must . 1275. 1706 N 4th. t219' Vnt "t-TON DODGE pickup. 4-spefd tMns. Ha new 1947 motor with 5000 m.. Like new throughout. New rub 2105 University St. '? 111 MERCURY motor. Complete, neetj; rings. 156.00. 1706 N. 4t h 4 21T 1!37 DODGE 5-PASS. COUPE Good body. Looks and runs good $423 "SEE CAROL" 930 N. Commercial JT7' li 01.DMORII.E, all new tire A- lubes Fair .inn in Ma lllh St.. BP' 2. Ph. 2-767.' 31 xf r HEV. COACH, good condition. 3W M5 8. lftth. PhJ70. 3'' l'w DODnEterta"n, new paint, food tires. tnnd runnlni cond. see at sps .t q27S4 WESTERN MOTORS NO FANCY WORDS! No Wild Claims! Check The Terrific Value? ! Bulrk full eauipped U1 1941 Kulfb atniBl fterJanettC. F'i- fQuloued 1,5 11 Chev Club Coupe Sp. Deluxe. 45 000 actual mile. Ford. Near motor lSia Ph.u rn.,r in MA trlJll milaa Line new Other w Choose From WESTERN MOTORS Cornat lit. ann uualan. K. ! a3T7' '"W ai lm ipacial atdan. 1S J-J3):. Com ! a!T CHtV.'l caur" ""l, co.r. ft., at cmm. 2i! Iw iLn .r aadan, M. tonU TM M Han. pa. mil, ' AUTOMOBILES Shrock "Sez": SERVES YOU RIGHT. . . Acrur.ta Information li raal atrvlrf, Almoat avaraona knowa tha man? TJaaat Cara on tht mark.t todajr ara prttty wall "ihot" b.eauaa of loni uiaga. Not tv.ryont knows how to toll which rara offtr Iht moit valua. Wi prida our alvt. on aarvina Jou tht right anawara to your qutauona and on Hlllnf rou lull alua for your mon.y. SATISFACTION WITH EACH TRANSACTION 1947 Hudson Commodore 8 Sedan, R&H, O'drive, Auto. lrni. 1947 Chevrolet club coupe, htr., other extras. 1947 Ford Coupe, heater, and aportlight. 1948 Packard Clipper Sedanette, RAH, very clean. 1946 Hudson Commodore 6 sedan, htr. and O'drive. 1948 Ford Deluxe coupe, htr. and extras. 1941 Buick Sedan, R&H. Extra clean. 1941 Chev. Special Deluxe Sedan, R&H. 1941 Nash Sedan, Weather-eye, O'drive. 1941 Ford Coach, new paint. Priced below book. 1941 Dodge Sedan, Htr. One owner. 1939 Plymouth coach, reconditioned motor. 1938 Dodge Sedan, R&H. Many othor makaa and moduli to rhooit from. Wo ara open avcmnKa by appointmant. REMEMBER We'll be here tomorrow to back up what we aajr and do Today. SHROCK MOTOR THIS TIME IT'S Where Chemeketa Goes to Church. ZEEB'S USED CARS 232S Fairgrounds Road ZEEB Says: Farmers. See me to trade in your livestock on a late model Automobile. WE OFFER YOU THIS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY TO BUY AND SAVE 1949 Ford 4-dr. custom, fully equipped, for only $2595. Hurry on this one! 1947 Ford Convertible, R&H, defroster, Columbia overdrive. Only $2195. 1940 Dodge sedan, R&H. covers, at only $1095. 1940 Chevrolet Panel, 4-speed More Automobile! to ZEEB'S USED CAR 232ft Falriroundt Rd. ORVAL'S for THAT QUALITY USED CAR 1948 Buick Super Sedan. Fully equipped. 1948 Dodge Custom Sedan. Heater and def. 1948 Studebaker Champ, club cpe. fully equipped 1948 Plymouth Sp. Del. club coupe, fully equipped. 1948 Ford Custom club coupe (2 of these). 1948 Pontiac "6" Sedanet, Hydromatic. R. & H. 1948 Mercury Club coupe, fully equipped. 1948 Dodge Conv. coupe, fully equipped. The above cars have very few miles and carry a new-car guarantee. A Complete Selection on 1946 and 1947 Models PRICE QUALITY SELECTION ORVAL'S Center at Church. AUTOMOBILES YOU ARE DUE THE BEST IN LIFE! And we think we have some of the best Used Car you will find in your lifetime. They are priced right, and readv to move. SO COME BY TODAY AND SELECT YOURS! DODOES 1947 Dodge Custom 4-dr. fluid dr. ReV m H ftSlftft 147 Dodre 2-dr. HOBS. 1940 Dodge 4-dr. R&H. 1895. FORDS 1947 Ford 4-dr. Super Deluxe Columbia. Overdrive. R. St H. Guaranteed. A-l. 81850. 1941 Ford Coupe A-l cond. Super De luxe. R. H. Fonlite spotlite. IU4S. 1937 Ford 4-rD. "ftS". 1375. 1937 Ford 2-Dr. Run aood. 1250. CHEVROLETS 1939 Chevrolet 2 Dr. R. it H. Mech. A-l. Runs good. 1645. 1933 Chevrolet New motor, tires, brakes, sealed beam light. Body perfect. 1335. 1941 Int ll T. truck. Run good. 1625. Small 2-wheel trailer. New tire. 125. Boat and boat trailer. Complete, 150. SQUARE DEAL USED CARS 1155 8. 12th St. Phont a'J7, YOUR BUICK DEALER PRESENTS 1941 Ford 4-dr. Sedan. 1939 Buick 4-dr. Sedan. 1941 Buick 4-dr. Sedan. 1941 Buick Club Cpe. 1946 Buick 4-dr. Sedan. 1947 DeSoto Conv. Sedanett 1941 Chevrolet Convt. Cpe. 1942 Pontiac Club Cpe. 1940 Buick Club Cpe. 1938 Buick Sedanett 1939 Buick 4-dr. Sedan. 1941 Ford Tudor. Established 1902 Otto J. Wilson Co. til M. Comm.mal at, a;.m. Or. to Mill. '"' rl roan. :oo Hoar ID IS rnRD mi'FE. froster tood tire jit between It K. ltn at. rsd.ft hester. de esrellent cond Cill D. 9J) 'J 277 I AUTOMOBILES COMPANY HUDSON Phone 37922 q27V New paint job, taolir-made seat transmission, at only $1050. chooae from. Ph. 2 -MM Q27S Ph. 3-4702 AUTOMOBILES 1942 BUICK SPECIAL SEDANETTE Custom Built Seat Covers, Heater, other extra. A very popular model at a popu lar prlca. Bet Joe Bpurlock TEAGUE MOTOR COMPANY 353 N. Commercial Ph. 2-4173 q27S' 1937 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR New paint, seat covers $463 "SEE CAROL" 930 N. Commercial 027? 1941 DODOE LUXURY LINER 4-OOrl SEDAN Heater. N.w Covera. Nw Tlrca. Low, Orlalnal Pinlab. You'll hava to hurry for thut on.. Bee Jne flpurloek TEAGUE MOTOR COMPANY 352 N. Commercial Ph. 1-4173 q27la GOOD '34 Chev. Fordor, new seat covers and paint. 124ft 124 Brey ave. Ph. 36737 4371 FORD Vlftorla, five passenger, new motor. new leather top. five good tire. See ai 960 N. 17th t. or Phone 38945. q279 IfM? RI'ICK conv. Hay be seen evenlnis at 513 N. 21st. q27 1942 HUDSON COMMODORE 4-DOOR SEDAN Upholteary like new, Radio. Heater. Oth er extra featura Beautiful Black Fin ish. A car you will like to own and drlvg. See Joe Spurlork TEAGUE MOTOR COMPANY 152 N Commercial Ph. 1-4171 0.37I 1941 Ford 4-ton Pickup 1 1943 Dodge S-ton pickup 1 1939 Ford S-ton pickup 1 1941 Ford S-ton pickup 1 1941 Chev. S-ton pickup 1 1942 Ford l-ton pickup 1 1942 Chev. ',-ton pickup 1 1942 Chev. l-ton Pickup 1 .92 Ford 1-ton stake 2 1943 Ford IW-ton truck 1 1940 Ford lW-ton truck 1 1941 Ford sedan delivery 1 1939 Dia. T. Mr truck. w'ftM tat tank and power takeoff pump 1941 Ford 1'i-ton pickup Equipment mav be Inspected at the Oregon State Board of Forestry Head quarters. 2A00 State at.. Salem. Oregon, from November 22 to November 36, I a. m. to I p. m , and on November 17 until 12 noon. Bid forms will be furnished bT the For trv Department. Sealed bids will bi accepted until 12 01 p m . November 27 Bids will be awarded November 29, 1941. Successful bidder will be not i (led q279 FOR HALE: I9JS Plymouth coacb, 506 S 191 h. FOR RALE AT .CRIFICE: 1 special mod el tab over 103 OMC. 1947 l-3 ton truck with special combination van stake body. Mileare isot mile. Also lfll Ford pickup with rack. By private party. Ph. 19694 1940 STUDEBAKER COMMANDER 4-DOOR SEDAN Overdrive, heater, fot light, new seat covers, lood engine, paint, priced runt. See Joe Spurlork TEAGUE MOTOR COMPANY 353 n. Commercial Ph. I-41TI qllft M FORD 2-dr. i A-l eond Call tth '37 rebuilt Stotor. 32740 q277 MECHANICS SPECS 1 196 Plymouth one a coach, the o'her e1in tM earn of both for 129ft. SHROCK MOTORS. PH. 17122 U1V AUTOMOBILES QUALITY & FAIR PRICES PLUS GUARANTEE EQUAL GOOD DEAL! WE HAVE THE "ANSWER 1947 Plymouth Sp. Deluxe club coupe, low mileage 1946 Plymouth Deluxe 4-dr. sedan, clean thruout. 1941 Ford Super deluxe, 2-dr sedan, radio, heater 1941 Ford Super Deluxe four-door sedan, good motor, tires, new paint. 1940 Plymouth Deluxe four-door sedan. A-l cond. 1939 Plymouth Deluxe 2-dr. sedan, radio, heater. 1938 Plymouth four-dr. sedan, 1946 Dodge engine 1936 Plymouth coupe, good, clean transportation. Open Bventnia by Appointment SALEM AUTOMOBILE CO., INC. Chrysler Home of Parts Salesman, Chat. J. Peterson Sales Manager, palmer J. Williams Main Store 43ft N. Com'l. St. Used Cars 496 North Commercial St. CAPPS USED CARS GOBBLE UP ONE OF THESE ' PRE-THAXKSGIVING BARGAINS Come in and Let's TALK TURKEY 1942 Chevrolet Aero Sedan. Radio and heater. 1941 Buick Special Sedanette. Radio and heater. Two 1941 Chevrolet Special deluxe club coupes. Radio and heater. 1941 Chevrolet 2-dr. Sedan. Radio and heater. 1941 Studebaker Cruiser sedan. Radio, htr, O'dr. 1941 Oldsmobile "78" 4-dr. sedan. Radio, heater. 1941 DeSoto 4-dr. sedan. Radio and heater. 1941 Mercury coupe. Heater. 1941 Ford 4-dr. Sedan. Heater. 1940 Ford Coupe. Radio and heater. 1940 Plymouth4-dr. Sedan. Heater. 1940 Dodge 4-dr. Sedan. Radio and heater. 1940 Dodge 2-dr. Sedan. Radio and heater. 1941 Oldsmobile "76" Sedanette. Radio, heater. 1939 Oldsmobile 4-dr. sedan. 1939 Chevrolet 4-dr. Sedan. Two 1938 Chevrolet Coupes. Special 1945 Dodge V-ton pickup. $1095. CAPPS USED CARS 253 Union North Side Marion Park Phone 36143 0,277" "SAFETY FIRST" A GOOD WINTER-TIME SLOGAN To follow as well as practice. Of course, when selecting a used car you want assurance that the steering, brakes, tires, lights, etc., are in good, safe working order. Our "Recondition and Guarantee" Policy Gives You This Safety Margin. At Economy Prices, Too! Check These Specials 1946 Ford Tudor Sedan An "H&G" car equipped with heater, back-up and sportlight. A bargain at $1545. 1946 BUICK SUPER SEDAN Very clean. A-l condition. $2295. 1946 Ford Super Deluxe Sedan Coupe 1940 Ford 6-Cyl. Deluxe Sedan Coupa 194T Chev. Business Coupa 1146 Mercury Station Wagon Some Good Low-priced Transportation 1941 Ford Tudor Sedan. 1841. 1131 Chev. 3-door Sedan. 1499. 1941 Ford Tudor Sedan with radio. 11135. "Buy Trade or Sell W Treat You Well" VALLEY MOTOR LOT Center at High, Salem. TWO LOTS Salem 340 Cantar St. Phona 1-1714 1948 Ford Sedan, R&H, clean. 1947 Chevrolet Aero Sedan, like new, 1941 Pontiac Sedanette, R&H, guaranteed. 1942 Chevrolet 2-Door, R&H, clean. 1940 Chevrolet 2-door, real good. Two 1945 Chevrolet Sedan, R&H, guaranteed. 1940 Willys Sedan, a nice car. 1938 Pontiac Coupe, clean. 1946 Ford 6 Coupe, R&H, perfect. 1938 Chrysler Sedan, R&H, dandy. Several older can In good running order. Up to 18 months to pay Bank terms. ANDERSON'S USED CARS Phone 3-3734. 240 Center Street. Phone 3-3734 q377 AUTOMOBILES 1147 FORD 4-DOOR SEDAN White Bide Wall Tires. Fog Lights. 16 DOS Actual Mile, Car like new in ev ery respect See Joe Spurlork TEAGUE iMOTOR COMPANY 353 N. Commercial Ph 1-4173 ql7l 1936 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR One Owner Car S365 "SEE CAROL" 030 N. Commercial 37V MECHANICS SPEC. 1915 Ford Sdn. Runs good. Body end tl'es fair. 1145 nr best offer SHROCK MOTOR CO. Ph. 17933 qJ77 1184 STUDEBAKER good eond l,Ul Oir. Tot M. atigB, IB SUE. eJTT (AUTOMOBILES and Service Salesman, Plymouth Homer C. Stlffler Phona. 3-3147 Albany Hlahaar Kg Phona 113-R AUTOMOBILES 1941 DE SOTO 4-nrOR SEDAN New Rrak's. Radio, Heater, Fog Lights Custom Built Seat Covers. New Pa.nt Job. other extras. A real value for some luckv person See Joe Spurlork TEAGUE .MOTOR COMPANY 353 N. Commercial Ph. 1-4171 q37l 1M tie SOTO sedan. Family rar. good condition, overdrive, good Urea. Rt. 2 boi 193. Ph. 31744 q377 1144 BUICK SUPER 4-DOOR SEDAN Cistom Built Seat Covers. Radio. Heater. Fog Llchu. lice lie nt condition mecnan lcally. A car you will a proud to eo Bee Jo Spur lock TEAGUE MOTOR COMPANY 351 N. Commercial Ph. 1-4171 qJ7 LEFT AND RIGPIT rear doora for 1918! Ford also trsnsmiaison. Mar end and m ..... ro. wi. iu.., AUTOMOBILES DODOE remodeled Command car. I ' Dodge ena:ne. l-non. dirertlonal I Ply tire ,new Ph. 35679. 970 Hlfknry at. q!77 I9S1 GRAHAM coupe, radio, heater, recon ditioned motor, merh A-l throughout 315 00 or best offer. Argo Hotel, rm. 331. 4.277 lB CHEVROLET 4-dr. Very clean. IMS 377 Madron. Ph. 2-491. Rt V FROM a Dependable Dealer. Conn er Our 46 Years in B winw. Olio J. Wilton Company qZIIO 1941 CHEVROLET TUDOR 8EDAN With extras. One of the popular modeU, nice condition throughout. For a good buy See Joe Spur lock. TEAGUE MOTOR COMPANY 353 N Commercial Ph. 3-4173 27l 141 PACKARD convertible. Maroon, new black top. R&H. body it mevli. cond. fair. 12 payment 4J 95. Equity t! or make Offer. Call 3-3497 q377 '1 FORD 4-dr. deluxe sedan. 3 new tires. Radio, spotlight, new upholstery and paint. Car In Al cond. Must see to appreciate or will trade. 365 Ferry. q30 UM7CHi:V. t.ton panel, perlect, heater, spo'lisnt, soihI riibors. 8re at Foreninn y Cleaners. 1070 S Commercial. qJ77 IM7 fair condition. Commercial st. q277 II CHEV.. ex. cond.. spotlight. RAH. good tire. You will spend no additional money on car. 1036 N. Comm'I. qJ77 We Buy Used Cars ro H1GH1BT fEICIi HI Teague Motor Co. 155 N Liberty Phona 34171. Eisner Motors to Buy WANTED USED CARS SHOP AROUND THEN BRING YOUR CAR HERS WE WILL PAY YOU WHAT IT'S WORTH ANDERSON USED CAR 340 CENTER BT. PHONE 3-3734 lt)41 PONTIAC 6, radio, heater, defrost er, white rtrn-v black finish. Reasonable prlc. Ph. 3-8498 after 5:00 p.m. q278' WANTED Good clean cars, Square Deal Used Cars. 1155 8 11th. q This Tim It's HUDSON I Bervlca Salts - Parta Home of Good Died Cara SHROCK MOTOR CO. Church m Chemeketa Su. Ph. 1-9101 PONTIACS 1941 Sedan 1109 1947 Sedan Coupe 1941 Desoto Sedan HERRALL OWENS CO. 160 N. Liberty. Ph. 1-4111 RECAPPING $6.95 1:00x14 alia. 13 months road hazard guarantee, no mileage limit. Retread Tire Service, Silverton road and Lana ave. q287 NEW 1941 4-dr. Pontiac I. Ph. 3-7B92. q2B9 Eisner Motors Fine Cars OCR REPUTATION depends on your sat isfaction Lees Used Cara, 340 N Church Eisner Motors to Sell MOTO RCJCLES, SCOOTERS OLD MODEL Harley Davidson motor cy cle. Bacrillca for fl. call 3-4666. qa278- WORLD'S FINEST MOTORCYCLE Repairing all makes and models. SHROCK MOTORCYCLE BALES 3007 Portland Rd Ph. 31423. qa FARM EQUIPMENT THE RAIN V season Is here! Make a trac layer of your wheeled tractor. We hate steel aelf-cleaning unt-cast wheels that just bolt on your present wheel lues. You can farm In any season equipt. with unl-Trac. Available for AC. Farm all, Ford or Avery 195.00 pr. WARDS FARM BTORE Trade and High Su. Salem. Or. qb37B ONE lft-10 INTERNATIONAL tractor on rubber. In good cond. ONE 3 or 3 disc International plow ONE Woodsaw on steel frame. 36" blade, blade Included Phone 3-7769 between 1 A 6 p m. qp37S TD t TRACTOR. Very food running cond. New blade it drum. 11 horse Diston saw. two blades 6 A 4. two chains for each. Also small smile drum loading donkey. Line blocks A end hooka. Pete Boerteaheimer. Sublimity, Ore. qb281 FINANCIAL SEVERAL good 1 per rent real estate con tracts for sale at substantial olsrount. REIMANN FOR REAL EBTATE Ph. 39303 301 B. High r27l LOANS $25 to $500 Your way and Fast on Personal's "PICK-YOUR- OWN-PAYMENT" plan. It's aimpla as A-B-O. Just do thl: A Tell tu how much you need and and a few facts about your credit and Job in person or by phone tl you're busy. B Then you algn without endorsers and get the cash. Proof: 4 out of 1 who ask us for a loan, get Itl 4T Then repay In monthly Install ments whteti you select to fit your pursa. Don I borrow unnecessarily but If cash loan aolvaa a problem, get l touch with Mrs. Oalllngar. Personal's YES' Manager, today LOANS 126 to 3300 OB Salary A Furniture, Up to 1500 on Auto Personal Finance Co. Ph 2-3464 B. Oalllncer. Manacer 111 Stati Rm 13! Mc. S122-M168 r286 PRIVATE MONEY Special rates and frms on larger loans long and short time paym'n's ROY H SIMMONS 136 South Commercial St. Phona 1-1181 MONEY TO LOAN WANTED Real estate morteate loans Bm us about refinancing your present r on tract or mnrticsie Approved city loans. Low interest rates LEO N f till n. INC. REALTOR 144 S'ate SU Pn 1 3463 T277' MRU AND CITY LOANS 4S ar.d 1 t OUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cab for Heal Estate Contracts and Serond Mortgages CAPITOL SECHRrrfES OO 101 Pioneer Trust Bide Pn I-H4J t oeneral" finance " corp" LOANS 111 and M-lll and ROT B SIMMONS rNSUHANCE AND UJANB 14 A Commercial St Tel 3-9161 r IU1U LOANS WlUAMni I CHElin oo. 183 S Church Parting e Plenty Ph 1-3457 L.e NO M-151 S-1S4 4'V REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS STATE FINANCE CO HI K H f 1 S' 1 i- S 2 8 M-233 TRAILERS all Steel, good find 1941 TRMIFR. 14-ft . llee Htm. s. Venetian blinrt. 2JM8 journa wanr Adi Pay Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday. Nov. 19, 1948 19 DIRECTORY 4.DDIS0 MACHINES A'.l makes uwd machines, sold rented repaired, Roeo. 446 Court. Phona 1-6779 APPIJ4.M K ftl'.RVM'K ELTcfHIC HOME appliance repair service t ree en'imste i rude-ins acctpiea on ne pi. Antrr V net Elactnc, Phone 3-9219. 167 B. Liberty St. 1 4 ITO MOTIVE MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE row'ng day phona 1-9391 Night 181)4 333 Center. 0 Al TO PAINTING AVTO R4D1l Authorised Warranty Repair Station for a., niafciv ol A.ito H Marrow Rsaio CO 153 S Liberty. Ph 1-5955 0 At TO WRKCKFR GENERATORS RKR1 tl.T Trailer axles ees. 12th 6t Ph. 3-1201 OJ92 made to order. Fair pr Junction Auto Wreckers. PKTI'RE FRAMING mg. Hutcheon Paint Store. Mike Panek, 275 S. Comm'I. Ph. 3-5161 Brake At wnerl aligning specialist. 0286 RCII.DINti CONTRACTORS FRAME or tnagonry construction. PumTce block. Residential or commercial. New foundations. Alt Brothers. Ph. 3-7860. 0278 BI'LLDOZING Bulldozing, leveling, road bldg., clear ing teeth for biosh. Virgil Huskey, 10 10 Fairview ave. Ph. 2-3146. Salem. o290 RII.LD07.ING, GRADING Bulldorlng. gradina, clearing, dirt mov ing with small Carryall Geo. Wirth. 849 Plymouth Drive. Ph. 31367. o2W CARPENTRY Carpentry expert building and remod eling. Ph. 2-48560. 615 S. 21st St. 02W CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery ol new RCA registers All makes -old. rented, repaired. Roen 456 Court. Ph 1-6773. O CEMENT WORK General Cement Contracting. Cliff Ellis, 1905 N 19th St. Pnone 3-4071. o398 CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimneys, vacuum cleaned Enaley. 771 21st St. Ph. 1-7178. o286 Crawford Upward Acting Oarage Doors Elec. Operators Avail. 690 Wald. Ph. 37814. 0285 DRESSMAKING A Fur work. Ph. 3-7004. EXTERMINATORS B.elthaupt'a for flowers. Dial 3-9171. FLOOR LAYING Expert Flooring. Ph. 2-7401. HOI'SEIIOI.D PRODCCTS J. R Wat kins Co. products. Free de livery. 1717 Center. Ph. 3-5395. o MATTRESSES Capital Bedding. Phona 3-4069. Smltt'a Clipper Ser. trucks, ca ra rented. Ph. 39600, cor. Center A Church. MUSIC LESSONS Spanish and Hawaiian Oultar. Man dolin. Banjo, etc. 1533 Court. Ph. 3-7569. 0293 OFFICE FURNITURE A SUPPLIES Dfnk chairs, flies and filing supplies, safes, duplicators and supplies, desk Ism pa. typewriter atands. brief eases Ptcrco Wire Recorders Roen. 4SI Court OIL CIRULATOR SERVICE Call Cy Younger. Ph. 36072. PAINTING Pantlns: interim specialty, son. Phone 3-7697. Interior Painting C. Horn. Ph. Painting, Sprav or BniAh. Ph. Roy Hanson. Work guaranteed. 2-2664 0286 Elfstrom's are equipped to do your painting. Phone 2-2493. Q PAINTING A PA PER HANGING Exnrrt Pa nerha nil lux and Painting. H J. Woodworth. Ph. 3-3015. Free est. o399 Pa Int lna and paper hang lna. Free esti mate. Ph. 3-9M3 857 Shipping o298 PLASTERING All types. Ph. 35108 PLUMBING DECATUR A MAERE plumbing, electri cal supplies, wsler avstems. Oeneral repair work. Phone 3-6223. 173 S. Com'l. PRUNING, SPRAYING RADIO SERVICE Ray Moore, 3270 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-1413 SANII A GRAVEL " cat. Shovel A Truck work of all kinds LLOYD M. HILL, INC. Ph. 1-4367 Rt. I. Box 33R O20B Garden Soli, erusned roak. Shovel and drat Una airavatlng Walling Sand A Oravel Co. Phona 3-1349. o SAW FILING P. X. Roasch. 174 8. Capital St. o3T7 tEWER SERVICE Electric Roto-Rooter eicluslve, patented raror-aharp ateel cutting blades Cleans sewers or drains Beptle tanks cleaned reasonable. Ph 1-6327 or 1-9461 o SEPTIC-TANKS K F Hamel Septlr Tanks ''leaned Electric machine service on serr ami drain lines. Otiarnnteed work. 113 "Mi BI , Went Hnlern. I'll. 3-74r)4 tmn Mike's Roto R Eim St Sept I e RitvIi Servicf Salem. I Tanks cleaned on .Srwers 1D79 . 3-946 - I-51J7 rHANS'rs a itimm j Local A Distance Tranifr, storage ' Flirner oils, eoai triquets Ttucits to i Portland dally Aeent Lyon Van Line i for honne'iold goods to California po rit i Lormer Trarusler A Storage. Fri l-31?l ! TV PEW RI1 ERS Smith Corona. R'-r Under wo v port abie niachinei Repairs i Court ington Royal and ' All makes uw. I nd rent Roen '' VKMTI4.N E'mer tho BLINDS nd Man. Ph. 3-73J8 o . MEA1III HVIRIPPING Prompt In.'tsllslion Work Ouarsncri Harney Wnelan Ph. 2-ns4 i.;J Free ast'lmatcs. fT PULLMAN.Ph 3 'iM WINDOW CLE tNl.titl Acme Window Cleaners WItmIoks wslji 4 woortwori Cleaned p!rnr ciran ed. Waxed and polled Ph 1-1117 141 Court Lang doc Cuiberuoo and Mather Will. llRII.I.INr. M D. ENUjE. Ph 2il'il A iburo rd - - J A Sneed Sons, well trilling WvMOKE we P.'i 2-V11V Sulcm WOOD A SAWDUST A-i HOOD S4.WING coiutrrvr whirls will be made shorter in 'Auitr.ii., ro n lM)l a- li'Jl I nw III.. S Atkins Pn. 1-8474 or 3-''; 37 j I CJBJJb Market Quotations . I '.n on Ewes . . r nr, to IT M ,. i'.l fiO to JiJ 00 oo rt j : Fat ds:ry ciwa , ... Cutter co Dairy Heifers N" q .oiatitt.a Bulla 117 oo to 11! oo Cahe 'loo t, 4t0 ..: no to U3 HI Veal 150-J0) is. c;io;-e .20 -in i,i II'- 00 Hm Prices paid r.tma 35e of Port .and prices for each tpe Portland stlde Marhet Cauliflower pi ne ed li er st Ia day's se.vilon of the FM.irte Farmer a market. Sincilv No. 1 heads m new tra'aj sold nio.tly at tl 8V1.-.S. Spinach were tronser t I1.15-M5 or.inie box. ransini upward to 11.40 onl ine iie market bi;ldns Moderate recipU of sjoiis1 3:"dic were noted, with mour pr;ie ho;d:na un ensnaed. Some price shsrtms a rt q aired lor lower quality items on a clean up bssix M.d-Columbia district handlers man aaed to hold lettuce prices stmul steady at II 75-2. Bunched turnips held at .85 75 a dozen. Portland ProAsra Butterrat Tentative, euMeet to imme diate cnanie. Premium Quality mailmua of .35 to one percent acidity delivered to Portland. 68-71c lb., first quality 64-67t lb. second quality, 63-88c lb.: valley routes and oountiy points, la laaa thaa first Bfjtter Wholesale. P.O 8, bulk eubea grade AA. 93 score, 64c lb.; A, 93 score, 64c lb.: B. 90 score. 63c; C. 69 score, 62c lb. Above prices are strictly nominal. CheeseSelling price to Portland whole sale Orraon slnsles. 44li-61e: Oregon ft lb. loaf, 47' -6 Sc. Trlpltis, 4c less than sin gles. Egga I Ta wholesalers) a grade largo. "i-oHSc; medium, ll-631e; A small ,i-541lr; B grade lane, 56 4-0e. Fffi Purchased from farmers. Cur rent receipts. 57'-60'te dot.; buyers J 3c below wholesale quotations OS trad ed baaia for best hennery egga. Portland Dairy Market Batter Price to retailers, tirade AA prints, 71e. AA cartons, 73c: A prints. 70c: A cartons, 11c: B prints, 49c. Egga Price to retailer: AA largo k-; certified A lane, 71c doc.: A large, l-70c: A A medium, 47c: certified A ledlum, Bfic: A medium, 63-65c; A small. 54-sBc, cartons 2e additional. Cheese Price U retailers: Portland, Oreaon sinales. 44'v-53c; Oregon loaf, I lb, 47i-55c: triples ta ksa than singles. Poultry Lire Chickens No. 1 quality FOB plants. No. 1 broilers under 34 lbs.. I3-34 fryers 3' -4 lbs, 37-3Bc lb; router 4 lbs. and over. 37-JSe lb.: fowl. Let horn, under 4 lbs.. 26-38e lb.; over 4 lbs. 38-IOet colored fowl all weights, 34-34c lb.; old roosWrs. all weights, 16-19C. Rabbits Average to retailers for weal ly dressed animals, 88-63c; fryers, Hv white, 32-33c lb. i colored, 10-llei old ear heavy, 15,18c. Turkeys (Prices quoted are net to tho producer on a dressed weight basis) U. S. No. 1 young torn. 45-4c lb.; No. 1 young hens. 58-59C. Itresned lurkeva to retailers: Orade A, young hens. 65-67c lb., some to 68c; New York style, dressed, A grade young torn. -53c lb. Portland Miscellaneous Casrara Rarst Dry 30e I.. frean la IB. Weel Valley coarse and medium grade. 45c lb. Mohair aSo lb. on 11-month growth. Hides Calves 30c lb., according t weight kips 22c lb.: beef. 18-14e lb.: bulla, 10-llc lb.: country buyers pay 3c less. Nut tfiiaiallona Walnuli Franquettes first quality un do. 34.7c; large, 33.7c; medium, 27. 3e; second q iallty Jumbos, 30.3c; large, 3B.2CI medium, 26. 2e; baby, 23 2c; soft shell first quality large, 29.7c; medium. 26.3: aeo and qtul'tf large 17.3c; medium. I4.7ct babv 23.2ft. Fi Iberia Jumbo. 10c . largo, llftl medium 14c, am all lie. (Quotations above supplied by North west Nut Growers Quotations are on the basis of 100-lb baa purchase-a fob plants.) Salem Markets Completed from reports of Sslem dealers for the guidance of Capi tal Journal Readera. (Revised daily. I Retail reed Prlree Esg Mah 14 80. Rabbit Feed Pellets 14 30. nslrv Keeri J3 7.V Poultry! Buying Prlree No. 1, colored lien.s. 3Sr; No. 1 Leu horn hens. 29et No, 1 colored fryer, 3 lbs. and up S6fti No. 1 fryers, 3S-3 lbs. 34 lb. No. 1 old roosters, 14-16c. Ena Hutlm Prlrea Lane grade AA 68c A grade, extra large, 73c: mediums, 61-6401 pulletx 44-50c. Wholesale Price AA grade, 75c; A grado extra large, 76c. mediums, 69 -70c. pulleLf, iO-s.c cloa. Balterfat Premium. 70c: No. I. l4-48ei Ho. a. 60-6!Vc (buying prices). Butter Wholesale, grade A, Wet raw all, grade A, 75e. Portland Grain Portland, Nov. 19 Wheat futures and cash gram unquoted Cash wneat hld Soft mhitc 3 3Hi soft white including rei 2 354; whlto club 2 35'i western red 1 35'a. Hard red winter: Ordinary 1 35': It per cent 3 21. 11 per cent 2 33, 13 per cent 2 37 Hard white baart' Ordinary unquoted) 1ft per cent 1.31. 11 per eent 1.44. 13 per cent 2 5t). Today a car receipts: Wheat 3; barley 5; corn 4; mlllfeed 5 Portland LI vest or k Portland, Ore., Nov. fuswWeeklF livestock: Cattle: Friday salable 10. calve 311 sca'tered cleanup sales steady to weak M'tes rrinav saiao.e none, (venerea sales ateadv. top 23 fl. Seep Fridsv, sslable 100 Common M ow-sod lamlM strsrlv at 16-30, Chirasn l.lveiloek Chi. aii. Nov. 19 (t'SDAI Sslsblt hoi 4 MiO. total II W uneven: general market i.S-SO cent. Iiixlier all Aeiihts and ,nw,s; cliwd si-llve si full adxance. top 22 2.1 cm (I ttrrt . tinvi nifrt and choice I"ll-at(l lb.- Jjno iJJ.S some early 31 7; h'llk 2f)J7fl tv. i Ml-il T. fi- loads '.'70tii(l Mm.. 21 ' 21 W. o gvwl unrt cti.H till-S .0 IS hi- l cri 'Pi to it- ia u .n-jfi n Y?s. I O U F iiippfA every w WrOn (l.ty niRht Vvs- htarf-rnai O.'dei of'.a nifets fvrrv liji'sdrtv at 8 pm Mors than s million menifx ri 1 Pacific l-oii-T Ni i-V,A M S'i'rdMr. Mi. A V As ting. Fiidnv, 77 niHtrri.ll, men . : 4V a modem. eMdltofly-aevetd