JEast Salem Schools Prepare Handbook for Parents' Use East Salem, Nov. 19 The parents of all Salem mburban school children have had a parents' handbook prepared for them by Ar thur V. Myers, suburban principal and the first of the booklets to b distributed in Swegle community were given to patrons attending the monthly meeting of the PTA. The organization of the six suburban schools, Auburn, Lib erty, . Middle Grove, Pringle, Hickey and Swegle under one general principal, with a head teacher for each school was a new program for city schools which have districts outside the city limits incorporated in the school district adopted by the Salem school board following the consolidations of the dis tricts last year. It was a pro gram first tried out in eastern schools and found to be success ful. The new handbook gives the class hours, names the school personnel with the administra tion and each of the six schools. 15 Nazis Hanged For Brutal Ads Landsberg, Germany, Nov. IB U.R The United States army to day hanged IS more Germans convicted of war crimes under thte nazis, bringing to 215 the number of similar executions here. The Germans were convicted of killing concentration camp prisoners by gross brutality and of slaying of American airmen who parachuted from planes disabled over Germany. The court in which they were convicted did not recognize as an excuse for their acts the al legation that they were merely carrying but the orders of high er nazis. AdrerUMmtnt FATHER, IF YOU READ THIS come back to us. Mom's not cross at you any more. She said, "I never would have picked that quarrel with Dad if I hadn't felt so miserable." Seems she'd been bothered with con stipation caused by lack of bulk in the diet. Well, since Grandma tipped her off to KELWGGS ALL-BRAS, Mom has joined the "regulars" and what a difference in her'l She polishes off a bowlful of ALL-BRAN every a.m., drinks a lot ot water. She's taken to baking swell muffins, too, from the recipe on the ALL-BRAN box. So come on back. You'll find home was never like this before ALL-BRAN. JACK. explains the organization, has maps of the entire district 24, the school programs, attendance regulations, health regulations. the reports that are sent each nine weeks to the parents, fire drills, class excursions, school cafeteria, entrance reauire- ments, when parents are wel- come, the names of the parent- teacner organization represent ing each school, when ODen house is held, information as to use of the library, hours for the instrumental music classes, In formation about the special ed ucation department, school clin- ics, rules for bicycle riders, lists the school holidays and rules for those riding the buses. Mr. Meyers was the sneaker for the Tuesday night meetina speaking on "The Child's Read iness for School and Back ground." The special discussion hour took up the system used for report cards. Giving out the handbooks he expressed the desire that they would help to make the educational objectives of the school bettor understood. that they would learn of the special services the school has to offer and at the same time know the rules, regulations and procedures as they apply to each child. The president, Mrs Melvin La Due, presided at the business meeting and members voted to join with Middle Grove in a special recreational program. fa.vjng une flan ui iiiv imi gi . educational supervisor for eve ning games in the gymnasium. Special music was accordion numbers by Nola Jean Zobel. Refreshments were served by the committee chairman, Mrs. George Quinn assisted by room mothers. The aquarium will again be In the primary room for the next month. At the next meeting the percentage basis will be used for counting the parents and friends present. Room mothers are asked to visit the school at class time some time during the month. (Admument) GetUpNightsI Don't lt Rli-Vaitia D Via l D.I-. Nervousness. GMttnit I'p Nights, Lg Pains, Burnfnr Pan siren, Swollen Ankles, or Circles Under Eves, due to non-organic and n on -systemic Kidney and Bladder Trouble, make you feel old and miserable without trying CTSTEX. Usually the first dose of CYSTEX start. to work Immediately helping nrtture clean out excess acids and wastes which often rauae many pains, aches, soreness and stiffness. OttCTSTKX at druggist. Satisfaction or monsy back guaranteed. Why Suffer Any Longer When others fell, tue oar Chinese remedies. Amailm success tor Hot tear in China. No mstter with what aliments you are afflicted- disorder sinusitis heart, lunn Uvei kidney sas. constipation, ulcers, diabetes. rheumatism, tall and bladder Jeitt kls :emale complaint CHARLIE CHAN CHINESE HERB. CO. Office Bears t to I Taes. and Sat. Only 2A4 N. Cemnereial Phene SALEM. ORE. Record FAVORITES LIKI THIS! ! November Releases SONGS OF IRVING BERLIN Rise Stevens e WAGNER: DIE WALKURE Leopold Stokowski and New York Philharmonic e GOUNOD: FAUST BALLET George Weldon Conducting City of Birmingham Orch. ROSES IN RHYTHM Frankie Carl Piano Downstairs Oregon Bidg. State & High Fh. 3-1632 SALE WALLPAPER 1 Roll 25c 2 Ro"26c While They Last 25 Different Patterns All Patterns & Varieties SALEM COLOR CENTER 1955 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 21753 luSXHBiF - - Alexander A CAN HELP YOU OWN THIS LOVELY SILVER Through three yean of riling prices, here's one tilverplaie that hasn't gone up! It's the lilverplita that stays lovelier longer . . . be- cause it's sterling inlaid. You can purchase Holmes &i Edwards easily, pleasantly with our divided payment. MAKE COOKIES with wwiderful QWIXY Cooki. Mix JUST HDD WATER mix ond boka. r Or QWIXY pocV- oo mokM 46 rtch eooktw. TRY ALL THREE QWIXY Flovorn lemon, SuQort Oatmeal-Raisin. At olt groom. This 52 piece tervice for 8 . . . in tny of three beloved patterns ,.iBonly$68.50, including chest. No Federal Tax, f!frM QPCDl -vsm Mill I Termt 10.00 Down 10.00 Monthly IFIED D I TJ DIRMONPy lUHTCHey y"ILVRUJRR 1 court "T.: MBakS4EVJaf (Kur vast reserves oiiure you of true pre-war quality I I'm irli fi I - Tho bolt v hot in blonds. Romombor lo oik for II ) by noma m Ba ar 16.1 PKOOI 5 CHUN KStTaUI. IPIB.IT COMlMMAi. DUULLlfiC COKPOaUTION PHILADELPHIA. PA. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, Not. 19, 1148 It f will be open SS borrow nigh. gg until 9 J anDtoi Sale Priced! Nylon Hose In New Shades 88c Pair Yes, they're all beautiful nylon from top to toe. Sheer and full fashioned with slim, straight sea mi . . . reinforced at points of strain for long: wear. You'll like the way they'll cling without a wrinkle. New Fall shades. Sizes from 8j to 1012. Regular 1.19. CANNON 20x40" PLAID BATH TOWEL 2,0,1 00 88c Blue, green, maize and rose blocki on an absorbent, firm white ground. Reg. 59c DAINTY RAYON SLIPS FOR GIRLS 2 TO 14 For dress-up time! Lustrous rayon witr ruffled bottom, lace or embroid ery trim. Reg. 1.1B 00 MEN'S SPEED STYLE FINE COTTON BRIEFS 2 " Combed eotton in a fine ribbed knit. Double crotch, taped ply front. 32-40. Reg. 59c THl M-W SUPREME OOO88 ELECTRIC RANGE ZJ 7 Extra beauty, quality and value In range designed for better oooking. Reg. 174 BS 217 WHITE PORCELAIN BATHROOM BRACKET A beautiful wall bracket with hand blown glass shade, plug-in outlet. Reg ran 444 ALUMINUM ROASTER Fxtra hard sheet aluminum with handy lifting racks. Quick to heat; and easy to clean. Reg. 6 80 Ask About Wards Christmas Layaway Plan 1.00 DOWN HOLDS ANY ITEM VV TO 20.00 I'NTIL DECEMBER ISth 10 DOWN HOLDS ANY ITEM OVER 20.00 UNTIL DECEMBER 15th