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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1948)
FC A t i 1 . t To 10 Capital Journal, Salem, Bible Baptists Offer Festival Woodburn The annual har vest festival of the Bible Bap- j tist church will be held Sunday with a dinner following the morning service. Mi Dorii Mot ley, missionary to Nigeria will apeak in the afternoon. No eve ning aervice will be held. Rev. Rosella Douglas, pastor ef the Free Methodist church will apeak Sunday morning on the aubject "A Thanksgiving Message." For the evening her topic will be "The Two Build ers." A hymn study session will be held from 7:15 to 7:45 p,m. Oner chureh jiervirea- AesemBl" sf fied fterond and Lincoln t. Lester Gllwon. p"w Prions Black 10" 8. 8 t AS . m Preachini. 11 a. m. nrt 7 4S P m. Y P. Hi p. in Free Methecliat- Young and QtUh sts Mr. Roieila B. DouslBjt. psaUw. Pnont Rd 277. 8 iS a. m. Preaching 11 m and 7.4S p m FejreHare 117 E Ltnroln at. Arthur Oohle, pator. Phone Black 7 8 8 . I 4S n. Worship, 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. T. P. m Pint Frembflerlan -Oarfield and Third Ct. Karl K. Fenton. pastor. Phone Black SIT 8. 8. 9 4 a. m. Divine worship. 11 . m. and 7.10 p. m. Y. P 1:10 p m. Charrh mt God Third and Orant sts. Raymond W. Hood, pastor. Phone Black 111. Church school 1A a. m. Worship, 11 m. and I p. m Y. P. T p. t. Mary's MUa.ea Fpieopali- E. Lin coln at. it Cupid Court William Van Meter, pajttor. Phone Main 1. Church Khool, It a m. Worship. 11 a. n. Bib I Bsetltt Oranee Hall. Hettlemler and Harrison Olenn H Campbell, paator. Phone Red 121. 8 8 9 4ft a. m. Worship service. 11 ft. m. and 7.4S p. m. Y. P. I 45 p m. Inmanaef Lai here -Harvin W. Chris tensen. pastor Phona Green 19 Doud nd Oswald 8u. 8. 8. 10 ft. m. Mornim ftorhlp. 11 a. m. Mitaree Let he ran (Monitor) S SO ft. an. Worjhm. 10 4& 8 8 Christ la E Lincoln and Doud sts. 8. 8 10 a m. Berrlee, 11 a an. MethedfM Young and B lU Hsrry P. Pemoerton. pastor. Church school 9. IS 4. m. Worship 11 a. m Johann Eschbach Soloist Sunday The choir of the First Presby terian church, directed by Vir ginia Ward Elliott, will put on their first music night program of this fall season Sunday at 7:30 p.m. One of the featured numbers of the choir will be a special arrangement of The Bat tle Hymn of the Republic. In this number Ralph Dobbs will Join Mrs. Dobbs, the organist, in an organ-piano accompaniment. With the choir will be H. Jo hann Eschbach. baritone, as guest ioloist. Professor Esch bach, who is head of the voice department at Linfield college. Is a most popular singer. D.T.vtnn Cluh Meet Dayton The Dayton APC club met at the home of Mr and Mrs. Fred Hettmansperger for tneir regular meeting. A pot- lucK dinner was served. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Irene Clark November 30, In the evening. Sfayton Churches ftaptlit M. tut WuhhlfUW at. ft. WUltrd BtKknvf. puw. eundar acbool. 10. Uonuni rahtB. 11. Tralnlns hour t:1I p.m. Iv.nln acme, a. AiMViblr at w.av Otn)6 P. tfinnn. Afltor. Bund., aehnol. 10. Mftrnlni I.. 11. Touni popl."ji fn..t:nl, 0.41. atvtnlnf .vani.lljtl. a.rrlH, 1:40. lasv.ral.t. ralb.ll-H.f . tlath. J. im, PRjitor. aundat BiuXM 0 am.. 1:0 a.., 0:10 a.m. Oir Lad? r Lir4M (J.rda.l Path. Land.r eVhn.ld.r. paator. Siimmar arhd ): lat, 3nd and Ath attndava. tnaju, 0 A.m. Ird ini 4tn aundara, maaa, 10 a.m. Pt. Fatrlrka Catholle (L-eiu. Father Leander Schneider, pastor. Summer ached- le, 1st. ind and 9th ftundays. mui 10 A.m.: 3rd and 4th Sunday, mass 9 a.m. M etna diet Re, lonn M orange, past at. ibie school 10. Worship aettr 11. Youth fellowship I 10. KveniBkf pralaa servMa 110. Chwreh etf Cwrlet--Clyde Freewia. tnln leter. Bible ehoel. 10. MorniM worship errlea, io Ml. Evening worship. 1:90. rharek wt riirl-l L. M Beid. mintstwr. Orange hall. Biarton. Bible elasMs. 10 Lord Supper and preaching, 11. Pirat ing, prayers and preaching. 9 ...or four, or six, or as nany es you vnnt, bit be sure it's S t W Fruit Cocktail, the finest you can put table. A superb blend of luscious peaches, pears, pineapple, grapes, and cherries, it's the perfect start to any eal. Stock your pnntry today! Another S W Tine Food. 6reerf JSWaualitv is lirocers all over the country I have judged for Uiemnelven, from compariaons made right own store. They have seen tin open and compare SAW product with any other brand on their shriven. From their own expenenon, Ihry have judged SAW Quality beet, every time. SW FINE FOODS... 'so much better' Oregon, Friday, Not.- 19, 1948 KDDY NORl.ANDi:R, direc tor of the Bible Crusaders of Seattle, will be principal speaker during the "Youth For Christ" rally at the armory Saturday night at 7 45. Herb Anderson, former director of the Salem Youth center will appear on the program as will the Northwest Bible Institute male quartette. Lloyd and Mary Johnson of Los Angeles will present several instru mental and vocal selections. Gary Rishrr, Salem Youth center director will be master of ceremonies. Silverton Churches Awrahly nI Bern). R Bcott, paj tor, 8inda arhool. 1 4.V Dlvlna worship. 11. Younc peopla oetety, 6:45. Evaniel latlc, Chairi-h t G4 Rt. B. t Nil. pastor. Bundar Khool. 10. Worship hour, 11. Ivt- nlnv imiti, $. Pllirlm Htllna Can ManJflrld. pu tir. 8un4aT rrnnol, 10. Worship hour, 11. Evenini rvlce. I. rtnlh rBT Advrntfal fndrr Bfil"?. pa tor. Sabbath school. Saturday, 9 30. Moraine worship. 11. Ivirmrintlc, 7:30. Marajvam MMhndHI Andrd Lanin dorf. putor. Sunday school. 10. Worship, 11, Youm popl mt 1:45. rhoirrh f Joama Chriat t Lsllfr Par Kb In la 'Mormon K. P. hall. Onk and Mill. Sunday school, 10. Even in a sfrvlcr, 7. Chrlatiin Sr If iter Sunday school, 9.45. Srrvicf, 11. l. Pa ml 'a Calhullr Psthrr John J. Walsh, paator. Sunday miMM, I and 10. Wrtk day, t a.m. Imanni'l I.ttlhrran 8. L. Almhia. pw tor. Rundav schonl. 10. Dlvint worship. II Sermon. 'The End of thf Road with J " Lulhr IfAKUi. 7 3f. Topir, ' 0ir Hiahr Lovaltipx " Confirmation claAars Saturday 9 and 10 10 a.m. M(lhitdit Btn F Bronmi. pa.tor Church school, all department 9 4V Nir. sry for babiM. Dvin wort nip. II 8r riab, 'Thf Church and lu Slnamt " First tis of new flMtne organ. Youth fellow ah:p, I.JO. Trinity l.athersn M. J K. Fuhr. pas tor Sunday school and Bible f .,..., if) Divine worship, 11 Sermon. "When Jesus Comes Aeain " Luther leesue. 7 10 Thunksaiving servire. in. Srmon by pas tor. Confirmation class besina 9 a m., Sat urday Talvarv Lutheran .lems A Tfle, pas tor Sunday school and Bible clause. 10 Mornlna worship. II. Theme. "Thai Day.' Confirmation class Saturday, 10. Fir.t Chrlatlan Arthur Charles Bates minister. Bible srhool. 9-45. Communion and termon. 11. "Ceiled , " Carts tun Endeavor, f 10. E enina sermon, 1:10. Topic, "When Money Talks." Ckrldlan anal Mlaintiary AIManre Oor don T. BratvnM. pastor. Sunda v school. 10. Worship sernees. tisltini evanielist re rtralist. Rev, De Verne Fmmke speaker II Jr. and fir youth meet, in Evening service, 1.10. Rev. Fromke speaker. Church Sunday Host Hopewell The annual home coming will be observed at the Hopewell United Brethren church Sunday, November 21 A male qunrtot of Linfirld col lege will give special numbers for the morning service. Hnrrv C. Kyftn, Jr., of Dayton, will give specifil instrumenlnl num bers in the afternoon. A fel lowship dinner will he served in the socinl room at 12:30, Rev. Conrad Rhoads, the pastor, an nounces. Thtwatutda now chew ateak, laugh, talk Imowt m if they didnt have false teeth I They vta BTsvXB. aminnf new or Mm I : . In a hawdr tub, sr AIR tea la erltra TlOHTt Helpe keep out food particle. Get SSr STAf I Money-buck fiiarantev. STAZI mm runt TKMniL loiioci very on your who know agreei so much better' in their v a em 6 Clt u rclt ei f'alvarr fUpllat South Liberty at last M.llar. Rev Ctiarlf Durdeo, D. D., pas tor; Hv. Norman Brown, associate. Sun day school 9 4ft. Mornini service. 11. Ser mon, "America Oives ThanHs " Xvenini fpervice. 1.30. Rev. Norman Brown preach es. Sermon, 'The Christiana Carerr." Youth Choir rehearsal. 5 30. Four youth fellowship i roups meet, 7:10. Flrot ChrUtlan Center Huh, Dudley Strain, minister. Walter Naff, associate minister. Bole school, 9 4!. Mornini wor hsip and communion, 1ft 0. Sermon. "On the Receiving End." by Dudley Strain. Youth aroup.v 9.1b. Evenina worship, 7 30. .Vrm-n, "What Sin Dom to Ua." Dudley Strain. Court Ktreet Chrlatlan 17th and Court. W H. Lvmtn, MinUter. Bible school as semhlv, 9 45 worship and com m inion, 10 h(l Sermon subject, "What's Next?" Christian Endeavor, 30. Eve ning worship, 7 30. Sermon, "The Fruit of the 8p.r;i, Joy." C'hriil Lutheran State street at llth. C R Srhiii, pa.'tor. Sunday Softool at 4S. Divine worsnlp at 11. Family church rmnt at 7 .30. As a part of tne proa ram the sound f'.lm "Reacninf from Heaven" will be shown. Faith Takernarle 130b North th 1Mb and Game-. Rev. Max Wyatt, pajttor. 3'ind.iy school. 10. ClaeAs for all aies. Mormnt worship. 11. Sermon bv the pas tor. Eenina worship. I. Subject, "Cow ards, Crantcs and Critics." Kl. Mark Eeanielleal Lutheran 343 North Church. Rev, M. A. Oetsendaner, D. D . and Rev. John Rathen, pastors. Sunday school, 8:4!.. Mornini worship, 11. Sermon. "The Lord Our Ood " Youni peo ple forum. 30. New member' elasj, . Topic, "Apostle'a creed. First Be pi lit Marion and Liberty. Rev. Lloyd T. Anderson, pastor. Rev. C. t- Bnckwedel. assistant pastor. "First Call." radio broadcast, t am. Sunday school. 9 44. CUAses for all ares. Morn ini worship service, 11. "Stud.e In the Epistle of First John." Rev. Lloyd T. An derson. Youth meetings, I 10. Evening gos pel service, 7:10. "The Book of Revela tion." Hayeiville Cotnmantty Baptist One mile north of city iimiU on Highway 90S. Rev. C. E Bnckwedel pastor. Unified morn-)-) services, preaching aervice at 9:46 and Sunday school classes at 10.40. LeOle Methndlat South Commercial at Meyers. O Wesley Turner, pastor. Sunday school. 9:45. Morning service. 11. Sermon. "Giving Him Thank. ' Youth fellowship at A 30 Evening service, 7:30. Sermon, More Like the Master." Jann Lee Memorial MethnriUt North Winter t Jelferson Lotil C. Kirby, D. D., pastor. Sunday school, 9 45. Morning wor ship. 11. Sermon, "Thankfulness Be cometh a Great Nation." Evening service, 7 30, Sermon. The Churrh Triumphs Over Persecution." Youth group meet at 0 30. Heilevan MettioalWt IMh and Mill A O. Yates, pastor. Sunday school, 19. Morn ing service. 11. Youni people' meeting. 6 4a. Evening service, 7:30. Kntcht Memorial Conaregatienal Nineteenth and Ferry. Louts I. White minister. Sunday school. 9 4ft. Monthly assembly of all department under the direction of Mrs. Fred Royer, superinten dent. Morning worship. II. Special Thanksgiving mule. Junior ehurcb and church-time nursery. U. Pilgrim fellow shin DM Ktnewnnd Rihltl3h Elm Rev. A. A iUDCCC BUICK MEN KNOW BUICK BEST Complete Automotive Service Ports Retail and Wholesale OTTO J. WILSON CO. 388 N. Commercial St. Salen Add Years To Your Life! By J. tcll.UT f til. Capital Oral Sim. How nfe can be extended by the individual through simple and constant care is not as much appreciated nor as well under stood as it should be. Medical knowledge has in creased rapidly in recent years, but public education in health has never kept pace. Conse quently many people are not aware of ail the precautionary measures doctors can take against disease, of the many operations that will restore health, and of the miraculous drugs now available for every phase of medical rare. Consult a physician t least pnre a year. Follow his advice. Buy only prescribed medicine. Procure it from a skilled, con scientious pharmacist. TM. la lh MMh ml m win .r MlllM lal adT.rtaiMiiMl. .p.artni I" tail m.b Frlrtar. Capital Drug Store Slate A Liberty fhons I 1111 Loewan, pMtor A Fwdenraeht, als- tut. Bible aehool, 9 49. Thanksgiving sen-lee, 10 49 Youth group meat, 1:19. Annlvaraarv aernee. 710. The aUargaalied rharek W Jeewa Christ of Latter Day Sain La Corner North 17tb and Chemeketa. Cha H. Asher. pastor. Church school. 10. Preaching service, 11 Zion league. 10. Bible study ela, 7:10. d. reeled by Dr. Deal Salem Heights Cemmaaltr Non-denom-inatlonah Liberty road at Madrona ava. Rev. T. A. Brown, pastor. Sunday aehool, 10. Preaching. 11 and 1 19. St. John 'a Lutheran (Mo. Synod) North lth and A Rev. H. W. Gross, pastor. Mornini ervice at 9 a.m. and 11 a m. Sunday school at 10. Thank giving day service at 10. Church ml Jeaaa Ctirlat af letter Day Salnlt V F W. hall. Hood and Church. John I. Salisbury, bishop. Sunday school, 10. Priesthood meeting and primary, 11:10. Kvening meeting, 6:30. First Chureh af HodNorth Cottage and Hood. Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Schlatter, ministers. Sunda school. 9:45. Junior chureh. 10:45. Sermon. "Four Deaths in One Day" II. Youtrt fellowship, 7. Ser mon, "Ood a Abundant Provision," 7:4ft. Central Churrh of ChrUl Chemeketa at Cottage. James A. Scott, minister. Bi ble school, 9.45. Church service. Ill 4ft Sermon by minister. Young people's serv ice, r so. Church aervice, 7.30. Sermon by minister. 9 Kalnt Faal'a Epitropal Church and Chemeketa. The Rev. Georae H. Swift. D. D.. rector. Holy commun.on nn the ehap eli 7 30. Junior cnureh and classes. 9 30. Nursery school in parish house. 11. Pray er service and sermon. 11. Youth ves per tin the chapelt, 9.00. lanmanuel Baptist (G.A ft.Rl Corner of Hetel and Arademy street. Fred O. Bennett, pastor. Sunday Bible school 9:45. Morning worship 11. Sermon. 'True Richer." Evening service 7:30. Sermon, "An Excellent Spirit." Flr.t Spiritual!! 249 N Services at 3 30 and 7:30. Roberts, speaker. Com m err lei. Rev, Matlne Evangeliatle Tabernacle Asuemhlv af GadFerry at 13th street. Rev. Walter S. Frederlrh, pator. J. KesMer, assistant. Sunday school 9:45. Morning service 11. Sermon, paator speaking. Evening serv ice 7:15. First Church af Chritt, Srienliat Lib erty and Chemeketa. Sunday srhool 11. Morning service 11. Sermon, "Soul and Body." Evening service S. which la a repetition of the morning service. Jeaus Name Penteretal 1 175 Lewis St Ronald V. Sittaer, pastor. Sunday school 10. Morning service 11. Evening service 7:30. Evangelistic message. Inelitele f Rellflena Science Women's Club. Sunday 11 a.m. Subject. "The Science of Thanksgiving." Truth Center 2M N Cottage. Lulu Walton Quick, leader. Morning aervire 11 a.m., Nov. 31. Subject, "All Sufficiency." First Preahyterlan Chemeketa at Win ter. Cheater W. Hamblin, pastor. John L. Good 011 be j-Iter, assistant pastor. Churrh school 9 45. Morning worship 10:55 Ser mon, "Nine Who Forgot," by the minuter. Music night 7:30. Parish Casey Host Lyotu The Lyons parish will be hosts to the KCs next Sun day. The Knights will receive Holy Communion at the 8:30 mass in a group. After the mas the Altar society will serve breakfast to the Knights at thf! Lyons Rebekah hall. At 8 o'clock in the evening the Altar society is sponsoring enter tainment with a free lunch to be served. Phone 2-3621 Dallas Churches Orae Men nan I te J. P Hiebert pastor. Sunday senool, 19. Morning worship, 11. Lord supper. Rvangelleal falted Brethren R Wil tiam Elmer, minister Unified service. 9 45, Pastor's church for boy and girls. 11. Worship message, 1 II. Dr. Ivans Nelson will be guest speaker at 1.4ft service. I. Tbeaaaa Epieeepal Cyril P Hanney. vicar. Church school, 10 Kindergarten, nursery. 11. Mornini prayer, 11. Holy baptism, 1110. First Preahyterlan Earl William Ben bow, D. D . pastor. Sunday school. 9 45. Worship service. 11. Sermon, "We Are Thankful, Because..." Mennonlte Brethren O. H. Janlien. pastor. Sunday school, t : 46 Worship service. 10:46. Christian fellowship, 1. Evangelistic service. 7.46. Pint Christian Kenneth Johnston, pas tor. Bible school. 9.45. Oeneral assembly for Thanksgiving 10 Morning worship service. 11. Sermon, "Thou Art a Teach er." Christian Endeavor, fellowship. I, discussion groups. 9 30. Evening service. 7 30. Sermon, "Thank! ring --a Day or a Life?" Falls Cltv Seventh Da A aWent fat Ralph Gladden, pastor. SeTbbatti school, 9.45. Preaching, 11. Trinity Lat he ran Karl A Ufer. pastor. Sunday school. 10 Divine service, 11. Mis sion program with movie, ft. Salt Creek Baptlet Emanuel Wolff, pas tor. Sunday school, 9 45. Morning wor ship. 11. Sermon. "Unappreciated Bless ing." Junior service, 11:30. Evening service, 7:10. rhrlelian Urienee Sunday -rhont. 45. Y C O H R I S T U H for Strong or rich or in-between, its flavor always steals the scene I. Each vr w rrah th. world te 3. High And th. rropa for M J B'i richar whiff of KU.B'a fragrant goodnra. till hlnd. On each plantation, eotfr qual. h rwhn your eop. Try M J. B today Ity variea from waaon to waton but and yonll agrM yoa cant make nly th. top crop. eom. U MJA bad eap ef U.J.B. enriea. 11 -jbjeet aj uea Mrvoa, ftoul and Body.' Aetel.e Faith Loyee Carver, leajtor un 1a v aehook t SO. Devotional, .. Sunday tvenini lerviet, T:U. Flrt Beetle. Rev, C J. Coffmen, PU tor. Sunday aehool, I 41. fclornint or- hip. ii. Tralnim union. 10. Even worihip, 1 . neves I h Day At, vent let- Ralph Gladden. pa-tor. Sabbath acnool. it. Sermon, 11. tei eel leal Meanenlte Brethren A P. Toew, minuter. Sunda aehool. IS ThankMlvlnt aervice. 11. Sermon. Thankativint." W. Hecier apeikJ on Uluiohj." 1 p. m. flak Ore Ch a pel Fremont Faul, min uter. Uormnc aervcie, t it. Sunday school fotlowa. Aajtemblr ef final L. Otlx Triplet!. bj- tor. Sunday aehool, ift. Momma worahip. Afluit Temper aervice. Junior chureh and Chmt Ambauedora, l:4t. Ivangelia tic meeting, 1:4ft. Churrh mi Bed J. W Hunter. PMtor. Sunday arhool, I 4ft. Mornlna worahip. 11. roun people s meet int. t. svemni serv ice, T:4ft. nrinraiii-n. w. Mrunrnirjl, PBS- tor Sunday school, t 4S. Preaching ser- Falls Otir Free Methedtat Oilbert Johnson, pastor. Sunday school. 10 Morning service. 11. Young peoples meet Ing, 1:11. Evangelical service, I. Falls City Me medial James H Rover, pastor. Sunday school. 10. Morning wor fhip. 11. Sintspiration, 1.30. StJoseph It ASPIRIN AT ITS IEST They're Good-They're Tops! EDDY NOLANDER Director ef Bible Crusaders HERB ANDERSON Farmer Director NORTHWEST BIBLE INSTITUTE QUARTET From Seattle LLOYD & MARY JOHNSON Lot Angeles YOUTH FOR CHRIST BAND Rev. Herman Bohl, Director GARY RISHER New Youth Director SALEM ARMORY - SAT., NOV. 20 7:45 P.M. ALL SEATS FREE LISTEN SUNDAY - 2:30 P. M. - KOCO OD C33G50 ODDElfe 0 EbtZlD 1 NX.-' , Ui. tWiia liai i '"tmnJmmmim 2. "Individual routing" toaiM eat all th. arrrvt foodnMa loek in miy haa of M J.B'a topof lh-crop eosM. (ThM auhtla (lavora ar. kt by onti Mry routing awthoda.) i pack Mala Father B Her mi 5, Irkettll SeiRday teheej Supt. J. Thiejeep. Sunday Mhooi. I 10. Cbarek ml Cnrlet Bible study. 10 Com munion, 11. Sunday evenmi study, I 30. t'nle Miaaienary Baptist Harmony 'ommuniiy. w. A Heard, pastor. Sunday school, 10. Sermon. 11. Ckereh ef Jeeia Chritt ef Latter Day dale It liner Miller presidinc. Sunday school, 10. Sacrament meet ins, 11. Amity Churches Methodist Fremont Faul. paMor. Sun dav aehool, 10. Mormnt worahip, 11. Jun lor fellowship, 0:00. Youth fellowship, 7. ChNrrh ( rhrtat William Morse, min ister. Bible school. 10. Morning worship. 11. Junior league, T. Evening service, I. Baptiit Rev. Robert Matthew, Corval- II PhltlM rain-'' paator. Mui, 10 1 A GREAT SERVICE . . . SAT. 8 P.M. - SOUND MOVIE "THE BLIND BEGGAR OF JERUSALEM" Sunday School 10 A.M. Morning Worship 11 AM. Evangelistic services 8 pjn. Sermon bv Putor "COWARDS, CRANKS AND CRITICS" at FAITH TABERNACLE hi every hj. tuest speaker, uorntni ia4 biu Morning worship. 11. Youth teUowihi 7 Cvaintna urwiM 1 Auemhlv of Ood William Bearhey paj. lor. Sunday senool. 41 Morning wor. ahip. 11. Youth service, 1:11. Evening ice, 1:45 Mill City Churches Freskyterian Dr. David J. Ferguson, minuter. Sunday srhool. 10. Morning ser. iee. 11. Sermon 'Pesca With Thanks. Youth fellowship. I 90. Churrh ef Chrtat Thomts Courtney, Jr., minister. Bible school. I 4s. Morning worship, 11. Christian Endeavor hour. 11:30. Evening worship, 1:4S. Catholic Rev. Mai, pastor. Morning services, 9 o clock. Community Rev. Wayne Watkins, pas tor. Sunday school, 10. Morning aerv- lce.s. 1 10. SPEAKING HERB'S BACK! SINGING! SINGING & PLAYING PLAYING! M.C.