Moose Hunters Back From Northern Trip Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Nov. 18, 194815 fdOMfm HAVE MUCH TOIBE Lebanon Home this week from a 1 5-day hunting trip near Anahiem lake In British Colum bia were Herman Morltz and William Glaser of Lebanon. Others of the party were Frank and John Glaser and Harold Jackson of Tangent; Ace Dem ers of Salem and Otto Moritz of Portland. Each man of the party got his moose, largest of the seven hav ing a horn spread of 46 Vi inch es. Forty days of continuous rain had made the Anahiem lake country a great bog, Moritz re lated, and the hunting party traveled with great difficulty Moose were plentiful in the area, he said. 'foouito. p ATICEIII CAR A3 hi Ml LfUL r Vki Yes, we Americans hove much to be grateful for . . . grotetul that we can sit down with our loved ones to a bountiful meal . . . grateful for the unparalleled prosperity which surrounds us . . . grateful that on this Thanksgiving Day our nation is at peace. So let us give thanks in the true American spirit. W ! I Approved by mothers FOR IfgUfUf AMERICA l Tnll gcienuncauy maae graini ox as- i7 k. (.Drain pirin. Y th 5-erain accurate doiage. Orange llavored. Backed by the fa mous "St. Joseph' guarantee of quality. 10 Down. Pa; Monthly Venetian Blinds And Shades Now Available ELMER (THE BLIND MAN) 1493 Ruge St. Phone 3-7328 WEST SALEM SlaU in Aluminum, Steel and Wood. Choice of Tape Colors Measured and Installed Within 30 Miles Call Anytime for Free Estimates Phone 37328 Wa have the nw rrmovakl rial rnrtlan Mind. ima Victor records ALBUMS CHOPIN Waltzes (Vol. I, InrL "L'Adlea" Brallowsky M-864 34.S DEBUSSY La Mer Konsseritskv - Boston Symph. DM -643 J4.JS KHATCHATt'RIAN .... Concerto for Piano No. 1 Kapell - Boston Symph. DM-1084 KM PROKOFIEV Classical Symphony Oolschmann - St. Louis Symph. DM-942 33.50 PROKOFIEV Concerto for Violin it Orch No. t Helfets - KoiMievltsky DM-450 34.75 PLUS All the Dig hits from "When My Baby Smiles At Me" now showing at the GRAND THEATER. Including "WHAT DID I DO?". "BY THE WAY", "WHEN MY BABY SMILES AT ME". "BIRTH OF THE BLUES" and others. MAIL OR PHONE ORDERS FILLED PROMPT! Y ' PUbm Mod m the record! cheeked 1 abort ' (fame I I Addrcaa I ....1 eaeloM eheek money or der for $ .... I ....Charge te mj Mcount. ) 428 Court For Records Ph. 3-7522 AND AT THE SHOP SAVE QUALITY FOOD MARKET Your IGA Store Formerly BOLMEIER'S Comt In and Get Acquainted with the New Owners Mr. Henry Schrenk Mr. Rupert Schulz Both of these men have grown up In the food business and have the know-how ne cessary to make your shop pint In their store more pleas ant. Then through the affil iation with IOA you are as sured of Low Prices Every Day So for Courteous Ser vice. Quality rood and Low Pricey; irakr the QUALITY FOOD MARKET YOUR re gular ahopping stop. SAVE EVERY DAY AT DEL MONTE FRUITS for COCKTAIL Fin quality . . . priced lew. , :& .. ... J i i r " i w mm - . .. esv " mi's WIN a Westinghouse laundromat or Roaster- Oven . . . PLUS a $25.00 Food Certificate ... in our exciting $125,000.00 "MYSTIC SIX" CONTEST. Get on entry blank today . . nothing to purchase. LINDSAY f Ripe Olives "250 WORLD OVER ff Stuffed Olives VaV 23S WORLD OVER AS Green Olives 4riiK DEL MONTE SWEET fA Pickle Chips "tf 29: I IBBY WHOLE ass Dill Pickles N 47c CHOCOLATE CORDIAL f Cherries Lbi 0Y2 CHOCOLATE Drops Lb. HE m ssaaaaai aaaenw msjt t iej iiyr-i 5 BAKER'S "S COCONUT Moke a delicious coco- 4 oi nut coke for a real cart treat! 19 BETTY CROCKER Crust-quick IC.A SNO KREEM Shortening S lb." Can BkjBMuaasAaaAwjAaBj PILLSBURYS BEST FLOUR Th "balanced" flour for l all kinds of baking. 89 ri a urns whits atma Large nPi Pka. -JJ "Where Com pros: lem Are) tin, There's Always Wee" MU 2bar.l9 BORDEN'S CHATEAU CHEESE A real cheese treat for most any purpose. 79 .-it , a nasi raiitr soaa iia-aiMTLs 3 bars 25 ' V-8 COCKTAIL VEGETABLE JUICE 46 c Contains a wealth of co1 health and aoodntu. SNIDER S CATSUP The real homey kind. Adds zest to most any food. QUAKER OATS The GIANT of cereals, A giont In NUTRITION 3 b A giant In VALUE 0l0 A giant In HAVOH P 8 White King Soap Powder Giant Pkg. tttn mr rntt cowtaws es i Pkg. 11 cm ll 9i Qy nl.'O. h.n"llh. h ""P 7J h' e- 0rrt bi. . ' tens'1' N a" 0 " "lit i nf. eel . I AtillMII t" SHORTENING j. A pure, all veg- etaDie snonening. $115 5 oi. can Small . . . 43" 12r tPr' IGA BRAND PUMPKIN Another fin quality IGA product. Or Elsinore Brand 2 Large No. 1 QC ..... 2Vieans ' Everyone likes a de licious shrimp cock tail to start off a fine feast. OYSTERS BLUE PLATE 43i oi. can Share Pak. . 43c Small cove oysters, canned only during the months when oy sters are at their finest. 1 Pumpkin Pi Aoe. Ji, I94S V nip brewe near 1 tahUtpooa done Vi spoon telt I VS pe ptinpMfi, tooktd or (mai 1 li mpi Pt Milk 2 " leeanooni 1 iliuhtlT BHMipeUn p apMer J tab) so Turn on orcn; t at very hot (450 F.). Mis brown tuftar, flour, talc and pice. Stir in pumpkin, mi lit. mp. aul moleutea. Pour into deep 9-inch pie pan lintd with unbaked pastry Bake l minutes, then reduce neat to alow (52) F.) and bake about 40 minute, or until firm. A mixture of I teaap. cinnamon, V teasp. cloves and li teasp. each of nutmes; and singer can replace pump kin pie spice, torn Wilt Need I 27c Pet MILK. Pumpkin Pie SPICE, l--oi. can Schllllnits. . . PUMPKIN, 1 0- tVi can IGA . A eana v : IGA XTRA-WHIPPED DRESSING Specials for Friday and Saturday 2 . 45c Save at Thii Low Price if IGA CONDENSED MINCE MEAT; Ready to use for a delicious pie FRESH CRANBERRIES Sound red Eastern berries for your favorite recipe. RED EMPEROR GRAPES For your fruit bowl center piece. SWEET POTATOES or YAMS Your Thanksgiving Feast isn't complete without them. FRESH CELERY California's finest, just naturally foes with all Thanksgiving Dinner. BRUSSELS SPROUTS -o. Ph.- A favorite Thanksgiving vegetable dish. 4 e 3S nibieKt "nasal Niblets Corn 20' 6....$L15 12 ox. can Vacu Pak . Corn on the cob, off the cob. You'll enjoy its fresh flavor. ;:.t - hi 5B!5S" ASPARAGUS No. 2 con m i g All Green . 4 0 $053 Tender all green spears. For a delightful salad, or veg etable dish. IGA STORES -TOP TRADES 7:45 A.M KSLM Monday Through Saturday Listen te this program you may want te buy tome of the things, offered for tale. You may have some thing you want te tell. "Today's Top Trades" will get what you want or will get rid of what you don't want. , SALE EVERY DAY AT IGA PEARSON'S FOOD MKT. 294 No. Commercial MODEL FOOD MARKET 275 Snrth High St. ORCUTT'S MARKET 4200 North Rlvtr Road CENTRAL CASH MARKET Monmouth, Oreeon INDEPENDENCE FOOD MARKET Independence, Oregon HIGHLAND MARKET 800 Highland Ave. KEN GOLLIET Mehama, Oregon Open Sunday BROADWAY GROCERY Broadway A Market Open 3 inday Krueger Kash & Karry Eaxl Tenter at 40th Open Sunday RONNER'S GROCERY f!ervaii. Oregon EQUALL'S GROCERY Wnnrthiirn. Oregon LEMMON'S MARKET S9S North Commercial St. QUALITY FOOD MKT. 17th ft Center CARTER'S MARKET 17th and Market St. STATE STREET MARKET 12H0 Plate SI.