t Ti IS- 18 Capital Journal Palem. Or.. Wednesday, Nov. 17. 1948 Plans for Gaudy Inauguration Washington. Nov. 17 President Truman's inaugura tion January 20 will be the fan ciest in the nation's history if the man in charge of it has his way. Melvin D Hildreth. chairman cf the inauguration committee, set that as his goal yesterday at meeting with district of Co lumbia officials lc.'j than 24 hours after his appointment. He sketched this tentative outline: The week in which the big day comes would be designated in augural week, and all govern ment workers would get a Thursday-through-Sunriay holi day. On Friday, tre day after the Inauguration, a mammoth ball is planned, to be held at the huge Natknnl Guard armory. A concert by the National Sym phony orchestra is scheduled for the same evening The program for the week as a whole would include every thing from special religious services to a fireworks display at the Washington monument. And for inauguration day it self, a great parade and air show, with special reviewing stands set up across the street from the White House. The overall cost about $100. 000 should be covered ad equately by ticket, program and souvenir sales, Hildreth said. foi IAi 23S La Fob clu Wj J6e 4 I ac IS HI D JO of V; B ( f Jr. High Open House Thursday Parrish Junior high school's annual open house to be present ed to parents and friends Thurs day evening will feature a varied program In the school gymnas ium. Groups consisting of Parrish tudents will offer numerous inging and band numbers such as: the "Plains of Uruguay" and "Chiapanecas," by the ninth grade mixed chorus, under the direction of Mrs. Madeline Su ko: "Grandpa's Clock," and "March of the Trojans." by the Parrish junior high band, di rected by Carl Thelen; "Kash miri Song" and "Donkey Sere nade" sung by the ninth grade mixed chorus, under the direc tion of Gretchen Kreamer. The welcome of parents will be by student body president Melvin Govig. who will act as master of ceremonies. Principal speaker of the pro gram will be Carl Aschenbren ner, head of the school. After the assembly parents will be Invited to tour the build ing and Inspect the rooms. Jt . J.i.'- -laWae --J: Winner Mrs. Reva Beck Bosone, Salt Lake City, demo crat police court judge, was elected to the U. S. House of Representatives from Utah's second congressional district. Murray's Hat In CIO Ring Portland. Ore., Nov. 17 CIO President Philip Murray's plans to be a candidate for re election at the union's national convention here next week end ed today the rumors he would resign. "It is reasonable to assume that I shall be a candidate," the veteran labor leader told news men yesterday. Other CIO officials were checking in today for the execu tive board session tomorrow. Walter Reuther, head of the au to workers, was due this morn ing. He has been mentioned as a possible successor to Murray. If he chooses to run against the elder statesman of the union, the convention may be split in to militant camps. CIO demands on the new con gress are to head the agenda with a call for early repeal of the Taft-Hartley labor law al ready a foregone conclusion. Murray said yesterday he would favor the old Wagner la bor act being restored. Commenting on the defeat of Gov. Dewey, Murray said "I doubt that the republican party as presently constituted can get back into power as long as it is controlled by great wealth and powerful interests." "I hope through the years that we can have a liberal form of government which gives needful consideration to the needs of the people, particularly to those who are underprivi leged," he added. Button Society Meets Thursday Tht newly formed Oregon State Button society will meet Thursday at the Golden Phea sant for a noon luncheon and business meeting. Arrangements are being made by the Salem Button club with Mrs. F. E. Fra lick, club secretary, in charge Only members of the National Button society are eligible to join. Those attending are asked to bring two cards of buttons, each, to be displayed after the busi ness meeting and during the educational and "swap hour." Officers tvnd ch:rtnan art u follows: Mrs R. D Bmr. Zitat. prtJKltnt; sirs. A T. Ujwa. Portland. lira; vie presi dent: Mr. I. A. Drot. Ejsen. second vice prudent; Mrs Rene Wr;.it, Port Isnd. recording secmsrr: Mrs. Nelhle C.i arch. Par; land correspond :nt secretary- Mrs. Ati.ne Albria-M, Portland, trea surer. Mr. Frederick K Davu Euiene, procrasi eirnrtor. Mm Bt: Bodme. E'-i- tn. fclstorfoB: Iff Frnr Lm4m B:obst:U. publicity thairaiaUi. Mrs. Bert Tr.otr.ts. JC.amaiA alls. eaotrsiiip ctialrmu. ! Edlund Given Boost I For Senate Position Silverton The Chamber of Commerce went on record at their recent meeting as favoring Oscar Edlund, Silverton business man for the place in the state legislature to be vacated by Sen ator Douglas McKay, elected governor. Petitions to the county court I this section of the county on be half of Edlund. Inspect Pipe Line !At Abiqua Bridge County Commissioner Roy Rice and Road Foreman Frank Woelke have completed an in spection of a condition left on county road 657 this side of thei : Abiqua bridge when the Silver ton water commission some years ago laid a pipe line alongside a part of the road for about half a mile. They said that the gravel and rock left over the new pipe line have not sunk back into place and have left a hummock which prevents tht surface wa ter from flowing off the road into the ditch. They made the inspection immediately follow ing a heavy rain and found this condition to exist Arrangements have been made with the Silverton water com mission so the county will level off the dirt and remove the big rocks, the expense to be borne by the commission. The agree ment was when Silverton was allowed to lay the pipe line that the right of way of the road would be left in as good shape as when the work started. One of the world's largest ex-iwall. It is 20 mllea around and tinct volcanic craters is in Ha- 2720 feet deep. WEEK END SPECIALS! 1 Lb. Gum Drops, reg. 49c 1 I.b. Candv Corn, reg. 49c BOTH FOR 69c 1 Lb. Old Fash. Mints, ref. 49c 1 I.b. Jellr Beans, reg. 49c BOTH FOR 69c 12 Os. Pkg. Marshmallow Can of O'Rreins Nut Brittle BOTH FOR 59c 25c Bag Karmelkorn 25r Bag Popcorn BOTH FOR 45 c THE KARMELKORN SHOP 124 S. High Ph. 2-922C fen SUNMAKER" TIES jC4fl Sff ''Sy0Z&Z 1 DEPARTMENT si fi ffwl I $T0,(1 f If ft2J SI 00 $250 W f I 3 & JJP fl r ,7 A ... , :.i . THE PIKE NEW Ice Cream Flavor 138 So. Liberty 150 No. Commercial Phone 36828 FREE DELIVERY sum KITCHEH and BHHBOOM ill "1 Sail u urn If CP Sherwin- UULf 340 Court Street mm A Goof Companion "When a feller neede a Wend" ond can couot on him-that's cotnpan lonshlpl Good fellows can always count on the congenial Kentucky flavor oi smooth Bond & Lollard! TJnUoeinly Fine Since 1869' KENTUCKY WHISKY -A BLEND BONE.! " fly Vo. NoHowil OnHIIn 'rodrti Cofporgtlon, New York 80 Proof ' 6S Groin Neutrol Spirits t n - ,i sa in iri M v -i v:-; " w k n a its U Beautyrest' Innerspring Mattress With 837 Pocketed Coils! i III "I V 1' !' 1 Matching Box Spring At the Some Price! 5950 A superb gift of comfort! Comfort that relaxes every weary bone . . . soothes away fatigue . . . lulls gently into deep, refreshing sleep . . . the Beautyrest "luxury comfort'' . . . something no other mattress can give you. Beautyrest's 837 individually pocketed coil springs make the difference. Each conforms naturally to the curves of the body ... no sags nor hollows. SIMMONS ELECTRIC BLANKET Economy Priced INNERSPRING MATTRESS Resembles a fine wool blanket and Is woven of 75 new wool and 25 'i cotton bound with ray on satin. As room temperature changes it auto matically adjusts to stay at the warmth you prefer. Also adjusts to variations in warmth un der the blanket due to accumulation of body heat! 3950 2475 and up Plus Fed. Tax S Price need be no obstacle to your owning a mattress, for at prices like these you can afford the BEST. Fa mous construction through out . . . your guarantee of t h e utmost in sleeping comfort. METAL BEDS BY SIMMONS 1475 MAPLE ARM SOFA BED Deepslcep innerspring construction with many layers of upholstery or extra comfort. No-Sag base Bedding compartment. Homespun cover. Shaped wood arm$. Vpholst. Arm Style with New Pitch Seat 98.73 9900 Convenient Terms Sturdily braced, all metal beds for furnishing rooms inexpen sively yet attractively. Tubular frames and filler rods. Baked-on enamel finish can be washed easily. Good for boys' rooms. Terms ELd DROP-SIDE CRIB ON CASTERS Full width, floor-length decorated end panels. Side J drops automatically. Lustrous finish W af YOUTH BED WITH REMOVABLE RAILS Half-length rails prevent tumbles yet allow child to ai get In and out by himself. Can be used until 12 or 13 I fx I J years of age. Panel ends a Innerspring, Wet-proof Mottress for Crib 15.95 nnerspring Mortress for Youth Bed 25.50