1 "PR SALI MISCELLANEOUS I fliOYT ST. SURPLUS 1 piL CIRCULATORS WOOD CIR CULATORS. Furnace with blower, St am or hot water furnace. Electric heatera Thermadore. '41 OMC la ton II' f laibed truck. Kitchen sink. Toilet. Lavatorle. Tub. , " gal v. pip. Boil pipe fitting. ELECTRIC Apt. site ranges and table top refrigerators and water tieater. house and out:de wire. Boxes, oil leu. Switches. Entrance boxes. Ranae avitlet. Ranae cable. Butane ranee. New and used washer. Trade tn your old asher for new one. Tent and tarixs mwt size. Extra toilet tank. STREET J.IOHT8 for city or trailer court. IV galv. service entrance conduit. Lialit plants. O. E Electric Welders. COLE MAN OIL CIRCULATORS. HP BB Elec. Motors 147 SO. Bunk bed 1 0 50 and J 9 .SO pair. Bunk bed mattresses. 3-8 '.. marine elec. cable 125c 11. Power line Across arms, l'i at. Pyren extinguisher. , TIRE ENGINE. JCome south on 12th to Fair view Sewer line. Turn east one block on Hoyt. Tel 3-7916. n277 ItOULAR 1B 95 7-way floor lamp. 8I44 S. ben aaveno, wun srripss springs, wun rhalr to tnalfh, 174. H5. Pop-up toast er n. combination waffle and sand wich iron. Universal and Dormeyer mix em. Beautiful table lamps regular 112.95. now $ft. 93. Optn Friday eve. VAN'S HOME FURNISHINGS 801 Edaewater. Ph. 36H31. n277 .ARGE OH. HEATER, with circulating condition. Inquire fOOD second hand tub , 36095. it lavatory. Ph. n27T GEM'INE Pt'O-THFRM Fl'EL OIL HEATER tOR ONLY IIM.HS. It's the 713 I Special, that gives you quick, even. I thrifty heat at the turn of a dial. Has I all the famous Duo-Therm perform- ance features' See It now at J. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING. INC. f 467 Court St. Phone 38811 n275 OIL CIRCULATORS, apt. size gaj ranges trash burner. JY EATER APPLIANCE CO. f 't ANTIQUE oak rockers. No dealers. 515 N. Capitol St. n278 'J BURNER L. A H. elec. range. 1 new 7 spd. burner. Oven with broiler and pan. Portable thermometer. Clean, good cond. 140. 888 Breys eve. Ph. 3-6437. J n277 '.-WHEEL TRAILER. $?S. Circulating. wood heater. 835. Electric steam radia tor, $19. Electric alarm clock. 82 50. Birvrle, $35. Various other Items. 440 N. 23rd St. Ph. 26616. n276 SCHWINN BUILT bicycle. 26" 24400. fix 13 MOHAWK wool rug and pad, excel lent condition. 1495 Saginaw. n377 OIL BT'RNER. 50-ftal. drum. full. Cop per tubing, etc. Complete. 150. 690 S. Church. n277 I'SF.D OIL Heaters. Judson'a Plumbing A Heatinit. Ph. 3-4141. n275 ELEC. PREMIER vacuun 39640. , Good cond. Ph. GI'LBRANSEN player piano in excellent condition. Large selection of rolls. 1690 8. Cottage. n276- Sl'NREAM, Shlck and Remington electric shavers. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. BLUE VELOl'R davenport, good condition. S69.00. Ph. 3-7312 n275 HOTPOINT ELECTRIC RANGE. 4 burners. Left oven. Stove in excellent condition. Will sell cheap Call Cooke 3-4404 or 3-7824. n276' SOFA l?5.Mt. Club chair liO 00. Army double deck beds, maple bed, spring ft mattresses, breakfast set with 2 ehalrs. Priced for autck sale. 3 ml. 8. on 99E. White duplex boast on w. side of highway past Fabry road. n275 DAY BED Sz 2 mattresses &z 4 pillows St covers. Perfect cond. See at 130 Rob erts ave. Ph. 3-7900. n275 COMPLETE SPRAY outfit mounted on a 1930 ton Dodge truck in good con dition. 200 ft. hose St hose reel. See at 130 Robert ave. Ph. 3-7800. n275 fl-RM. OIL HEATER As 300 gal. welded steel tank. Ph. 3-0639 after 4:30 p.m. 2465 Adams St. I276 WESTING HOUSE elec. black. (65.00. Phone FOR SALE 4-rm. oil stove. Fine condition Ph. 2-4980. n376 RALPH JOHNSON'S GREATEST RADIO SALE Record breaking low prices on brand new. right off the production line en dlx Radios and Radio Phonograph Com binational These are the Famous Bendia Models that have become known for Quality Performance and Style. This offer made possible by direct from factory pur chase. BENDIX CONSOLE, standard BC. ghort wave, record player, was $189 95. now 1119 95 BENDIX CONSOLE. AF, FM. record play, er. 12 in. speaker, was 1264.95 now I1S9 95. BENDIX CONSOLES. AF. FM. record player. 12 in. epeaker. was $345.95 now "ah Brand New No Floor Samples Ralph Johnson Appliances 355 Center St. Phone 3-6907 n276 ITFARLY NEW TWIN S Inch Super Flame Oil Circulator. Ph. 1-5944. B376 sf1 H how motor, single phsse. J20.00 Gilbert Cabinet Shop. 1965 Fairgrounds Rd. COOLERATOR ice box. Ph. 2-0182. n27 ANTIQt'E 3-sngle lamp, cranberry and white shades complete. So. walnut pic ture frame, mnple butter churn. Cap ital Journal, Box 90. n375 MAN'S Fl'RE WOOL dark overcoat, tall 42. Ph 3-4B57 "275 GIRL'S oak chair ft desk 3 pr. rose mi in 3 yd drapes. Ph. 3-4857. n275 HOUSEHOLD furnishings. Including 5 mon. old Montag elec. ranae. Fnaidaire 48 model refrig., Maytag washer, chrome breakfast set. Living room furnlshtnas. Including wool ru. Will sell complete or by the piece. James Sumpter. Mill City. Ore. Sheppard Addition. Padrab sky House. "27g DRTP HEAD treadle sewing machine, 135 1782 So. 12th fit.. Salem. n275 T tt M ONE-MAN power saw. Priced to sell. Ph. 3-6444. KEN MORE washing machine. Just over hauled. Ph. 3-6536. 11275' STEEX CLOTHESLINE POSTS, railing in tock and to order. 1145 N. Liberty n297 tit FRENCH Wilton rue. sllshtly worn. Asking (60. 7';Ji8'j Am. Oriental, like new. 150. Call 38213. h275' TOASTERS, wich grills. ier. waffle irons, sand' coffee maker, percolator. roasters, blend on Y SAT EH APPLIANCE CO. ELECTRIC clocks and door eh:mea. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. GI'Y'8 PIES Any wnere. Ph. 34952 kind delivered in n275' ELECTRIC comforter, sheet and blank et, heating pads Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. n25' MOTOROLA RADIOS. For Home Marr Radio. 3153a 8. Com'l. 8 U Car fl295' HE I.YIN ATOR. Hotoolnt appliances: Fow ler hotwater heaters Ralph Johnson Appliances. Ph 3-313. p STEAM and flat Irons, ironing boards, pad and covers T EATER APPLIANCE CO. RADIO srRVICE, Home or car. Marr R- d;o. 212't 8. Com 1. St. n39V ELECTRIC room heaters, all tpe. T EATER APPLIANCE CO. SBI-irxDA tumb-prf safety chair for feeding eg playtime. Frank Bowaer rnone ia.i perry at. m rtASTI-KOTE. th cellophane-like finish for floors. Lnoleum, woodwork. Require no waxinc Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. fSoE Autcmagle " Waher Oiadiront ALL'' Automatic Weh Marhlne Boap Recorrmenied tj Thor eWUffoe Appuanoa Cs Pkv H4J9 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS EGO COOKERS. Juleers. toe crusher, can openers, cake covers, aooait sneeia. food mills, cora poppers, cook la Jars. Y EATER APPUANCI CO. CEDAR POHTS. Ph. eB-F-23. nJ8' EE l i for harvest ban of All Hods We specialise. In cleaning ft mending H S Bag Co. 147 Kearney 81 Ph plant, 1-1877 FERTILIZER. Cow or chicken manure. Delivered in Salem. Well rotted or fresh 15 00 per cubic yard del. Also manure by sack II. W per sack at place or will del. ft sack order Phillips Bros.. Rt . But 118. Salem- Ph. 68F22. n HEAT VOLS borne electrically It's con venlent, clean, economical See us foi free estimates VEATt'R APPLIANCE OO 355 N Liberty B SALEM SAND OhAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road - Clearing Ditching fewer A Basement kqulpment Rental 15 B 4 ra. 12 oo per hr 10 B-H yds. 9 60 per hr D-T Oat St Dozer 9 SO per hr D-fl Cat & Dozer I 40 per hr D- Cat St Doter 1.00 per hr Phnn. Days 3-9408 Evenings 1-8248 Salem, Oreaoa D DRIVERS Beat for Chev. panel, perfect condition 20. Union OH Service station. Center St Liberty fits. 1)275' SEARS GARDEN tractor with slrkle and cult. Platform scale, electric stove with roaster, 500 ft. 3x4 St 2x12, posthole auger. 3795 Monroe Ave. n3"5 i. B. APT. ELECTRIC RANGE. 3 four K. W. thermador heater. Westinihouse electric roaster. All excellent condition Ph. 2-543B. B275 KOIILAR-CAMPRELL PIANO Good cond. t. 8, Box 580. Mrs. Victor Obon. n275 SET OF body and fender tools, regular cost (50 00. After 8:00 p.m. 1097 N. Winter St. n275 WHITE ENAMEL table top gas ranee. Ex cellent cond.. (60.00. 2266 Mission St. n275 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS SEWING MACHINE, any make or cond W Davenport. Ph. 3-7671, 1930 N. lBtn. naaw USED FI RNITI RE. Phone 3-9185. PHOTOGRAPHY CAMERA, speed graphic. 2V,x3W. fUah unit, film holders, film pack adapter, filters, camera case, tropid, federal en larger with easels, paper. A complete darkroom and all equipment. 2105 N. LLberty. Phone 3-5777. nb276 4s.t SPEEDGRAPHIC. 21861 after 6 p.m. PHOTOGRAPHIC tinting. Ph. PERSONAL I WILL NOT be responsible for bills made other than my own. Tom F. McCuen P277 I WILL NOT be responsible for any bills contracted for by anyone out myseu. Jolin Gartner. Nov. 15. 1948. p275 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 724. Phone 35234 Box P3U AUTOMOBILES !! FORD panel truck. A-l mechanically. Exc. tires. 1295. See at 1029 Highland ave. Ph. 34878. Q276 1940 PLY. 4 dr. sedan, low mileage, heat er, radio, new battery and seat covers. Clean thruout. Rte. 2. Box 263. 4 mi. 8. of Clearlake school. Q.276 FOR SALE: 1935 Plymouth coach. 3fl5 00. 506 S. 19th. 0.279" PRIVATE PARTY 1940 Pont. sed. RArH (775.00. 346 N. 13th after 5 p.m. 0.276 FOR SALE 1946 Mercury 4-dr. A-l cond. Extras. See evenings or write. Owner. J. L. Overholser. Rte. 2. Box 112. Dallas, l's mi. N. of Falls City hlway on Can yon rd. q21B' THi FORD convertible. RArH. Good cond. Exc. rubber. Ph. 26633 eve. 0.276 Ifttt DODGE 'i-ton panel. Perfect con dition. Ph. 2-1861 after 6 p.m. 1276 FOR SALE AT SACRIFICE: 1 special mod el cab over 303 OMC. 1947 ll,fc-2 ton truck with sorclal combination van & stake body. Milease 6500 miles. Also 1936 Ford pickup with rack. By private party. Ph. 39BB4. 1942 BUICK SPECIAL 8EDANETTE Custom Built Seat Covers. Heater, other extras. A very popular model at a popu lar price. Bee Joe Spurlock TEAGUE MOTOR COMPANY 352 N. Commercial Ph. 2-4173 0.278' 1910 CADILLAC 4-dr. sedan. Same owner ship since purchased new. Never ir accident. Call 3-62S6. q275' 1941 DODGE LUXURY LINER 4-DOOR SEDAN Heater. New Seat Covers. New Tires. Low Mileage. Original Finish. You'll havt to hurry for this one. See Joe Spurlock TEAGUE MOTOR COMPANY 353 N. Commercial Ph. 3-4173 q276 BY OWNER. '4 PLY. 4-dr. sedan, less than 5.000 ml. Periect cond. price szms Ph. 2-B637. q275 1942 HUDSON COMMODORE 4-DOOR SEDAN Upholtesry like new. Radio. Heater. Oth er extra features Beautiful Black Fin ish. A car you will like to own and drive. See Joe Spurlock TEAGUE MOTOR COMPANY 351 n Commercial ph. J-4173 q278 BY OWNFR: Oood clean 1940 Chrysler sedan. RfcH. 1215 N. 21st St. q275 1940 STUDEBAKFR COMMANDER 4-DOOR SEDAN Overdrive, heater, fog lia-nts. new seat covers, good eneine, paint, priced right. See Joe Spurlock TEAGUE MOTOR COMPANY 3ft2 N. Commercial Ph. 2-4171 q27B" II6 PONTIAC station wneon, good cond. throughout, 13100 Consider trade of older car. 475 Clark Ave., off Prtnre Rd , Keifer DiM. 0.375 1941 DESOTO 4-DOOR SEDAN New Brakes. Radio. Heater, foe Light. Custom Built Seat Cover. New Paint Job. other extras. A real value lor soma lucky person. See Joe Spurlock TEAGUE MOTOR COMPANY 32 N. Commercial Ph. 3-4173 q278 1947 FORD 4-DOOR SEDAN White Side Wall Tires, Fog Light. 16.900 Actual Miles, Car like new in ev ery respect. See Joe Spurlock TEAGUE MOTOR COMPANY 352 N. Commercial Ph. 2-4173 q278 I9M De SOTO sedan, condition, overdrive, box 192 Ph. 31764. Family car, good Urea. 1 1946 BUICK SUPER 4-DOOR 8 ED AN Custom Built Sat Covers. Radio, Heater. Fog Llgnt. Excellent condition mechan ically. A car you will be proud to own 8e Joe Spurlock TEAGUE MOTOR COMPANY 351 N Commercial Ph. 2-417J q27B M FCHANICS SPFC. 1915 Ford Mn. Runs good Body and tire fiir. 1I6N or bet offer. SHROCK MOTOR CO. Ph. 37922 q277 'SA FORD 2-dr with '37 rebuilt A-l cond. Call 22740 MECHANICS SPECS. 19S6 Plymouth, one a coach, the other sedan 1160 each or both fnr 1295. SHROCK MOTOR8. PH. 37933 q277" LEFT AND RIGHT rear doors for 1938 Ford. aUo transmission, rear end and lot of other part, ph. 2651, 8.1 vert on 13" It DODGE remodeled Command car 48' Dodte engine. 1-non. directional 8 ply tires .new Ph. 25679. 970 Hickory st. q277 117 GR4HAM coupe, radio, heater, reron nitinned rti" trr. merh A-l throughout 8335 00 or best offer. Argo Hotel, ;m. 321 4)277 rM tHFVROITT 4-dr. Very clean. 1835 Madjton Ph 3-491. q277 , T rinw . Dependable Dealer. Coniid er Our 46 Tears in Busme-ss. Otle J. VHhftw t" mesne q)8Q 1?41 CHEVROLET TUDOR SEDAN With extra One of the popular models n c end t ion throjgnoui. For It good bur S Joe Spurlocg. TEAGUE MOTOR COMPANY M . Qmmtui F. 1-4111 27 AUTOMOBILES WE WILL TAKE ANYTHING IX TRADK The Cat The Dog The Canary The Old Baby Buggy Anvthlng you're through with and no longer have any ue for will be accepted for an allowance on the purchase of any car, anytime. TO THE CITY SLICKER We SUGGEST that they search around (he attic or the cellar for any article u furniture bed, tables, chairs-bioce. mon slcian. your wile. just any old ihin that you no longer hate any use for bring ft in will accept for an allowance on any car you buy. TO THE FARMER WE SUGG EAT That he hunt around tn the barn for old farm machinery maaoni truck. an)thlng that he can move-Well take-livestock- horse, cows, chirken, ducks II not any of these bring In potatoes, cabbage, applei. fruit or vegetables. horse or cow. machinery or furniture your daughter It makes no difference, we will take for an allowance on any car you buy. BRINO ANY OLD THINO YOO WANT TO GET RID OF All Late Models at Book Price or Lower Open 1 am. to 7 p m. Two Lots to Choose From "DICKERIN DICK'S" 1299 So. 12th AUTOMOBILES 1111 PACKARD 6 convertible. Maroon, new black top. HAH. body & merh. cond. fair. 13 payment 142 95. Equity (585 or make offer. Call 3-3497. ,a!H 'M FORD 4-dr. deluxe aedan. 2 new tires. Radio, spotlight, new upholstery and paint. Car In Al cond. Mul see to appreciate or will trade. 265 Ferry. O.380 1947 CHEV. -ton panel, perfect, heater. APotiiiiit. tooa ruooer. see at eorenian Cleaners. 1070 8. Commercial. q377 itm R. fair condition. Commercial st. q277 1931 RTCDERAKER good cond Bill's Oar Bee, 700 N. High, in alley. q277 (1 CHEV.. ex. cond.. spotlight. RAH. good tires. You will spend no additional money on car. 1026 N. Comm'l. q277 We Buy Used Cars FOB HIGHEST PRICES SEE Teague Motor Co. 155 N Liberty Phone 24173. q Eisner Motors to Buy 1941 ORD truck fixed for short Iobs. new motor. Ph. Falls City 393. q275 GOOD 1937 Ford pickup. Must sell. $450 takei It. Ph. 36919.. q275 WANTED USED CAR8 SHOP AROUND THEN BRING YOUR CAR HERE WE WILL PAY YOU WHAT IT'S WORTH ANDERSON USED CARS 240 CENTER BT. PHONE 3-3734 q' OVERHAULED '41 PLY. SPT. DLXE. BLACK BED. RAH. REASONABLY PRICED. PH. 2-7759. q275 M FOR '37 Packard "6." Motor excel. Call 316 Masonic Blag. Eve. rn. jszsb. q275" 19(1 PONTIAC 6. radio, heater, defrost er, white rims, black flmsh. Reasonable price. Ph. 3-8498 after $:00 p.m. g278 WANT I0 or 41 model from owner. No 3-3055 after 6 p.m. q278 dealers. Ph. I9IA FORD 5-pa.s. coupe. Would take old er car in trade Ph. 34982 before 5:30 P.m. Q.275- WANTED Good clean cars. Square Deal Used Cars. 1155 8 12th. q Ti:s. '3.1 Ford 4-dr sed Gd. tires. Gd. buy. 1050 Howard st. Ph. 35051. q276 This Time It's HUDSON I Service - Sales - Parts Home of Oood Used Car 8KROCK MOTOR CO. Church St Chemeketa 8ts. Ph. 1-9101 PONTIACS HERRALL OWENS CO. 660 N. Liberty. Ph. 2-4113 RECAPPING $6.95 6:00x18 size, 12 months road hazard guarantee, no mileage limit. Retread Tire Service, Sllverton road and Lana ave. q267 NEW 1948 4-dr. Pontlae 8. Ph. 3-7892. q289 Eisner Motors Fine Cars Eisner Motors to Sell MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS WORLD'S FINEST MOTORCYCLE Repairing all make and model. SHROCK MOTORCYCLE SALES 3007 Portland Rd Ph. 21433. aa FARM EQUIPMENT LO-LOAD JR. STEEL FARM TRUCK PRICED lower than any truck of Its kind' All steel! Telescopes In length from 1 to 10 feett Loading height 16"l Auto ateerl Timken Bearing! Leu tires 1133.50 WARDS FARM STORE TRADE At HIOH 8T8. SALEM. ORE. qb376 CALLING ALL FARMERS We have g few new FERGU SON TRACTORS and imple ments. For Immediate deliv ery, first come, first served. BIRD & ZYSSET CO. YOUR FERGUSON DEALER 871 Wallace Rd., West Salem qb278 FINANCIAL LOANS $25 to $500 Your way and Fast on Personal's "PICK-YOUR-OWN - P A Y M E NT " plan. It simple as A B C Jut do thl: A Tell u how m'jch you need and and a few facu about your credit and lob in person or by phone J you're busy. B Then you aien without endorser and get the cash. Proof: 4 out of I who ask us for a loan, get it) C Then repay in monthly tnt all men t wh icta you select to fit your purs Don I borrow unnecessarily but tf a cah loan inHej a problem, get in touch with Mrs. OalUnger. Personal' YES" Manager, today LOANS 13ft to ISO on Salary St Furniture, Up to f-00 on Auto Personal finance Co. Ph 3-2464 B. Oaillnaer. Manager 111 Stat Rm '2ft Lie A123-M16I rial PRIVATE MONEY Bpeeial rates and term on larger loan long and short time payments ROT H SIMMONS 131 South Commercial St. Pnone t-IIll MONEY TO LOAN WANTED Rl estate mortsaat loans See u aboil refinancing your present contract or irtTtease Approved city loan. Ln Interev rate. LEO N f Htl n. INC. BLALIOM 844 4U4M 84. PA. 1-181 UT11 -AUTOMOBILES FINANCIAL r ARM AND CITY LOANS 4'4 and 5 VOI R OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cavh for Krai Estate Contract and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES OO 301 Pioneer Trust Bide Ph 3-7183 r' GENERAL t INANCE CORP LOANS -13I and U-138 and ROY H SIMMONS INSURANCE A NO LOANS '36 &. Commercial St Tel 3-9161. r AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT OO 183 8. Church Parking a Plenty Ph. 2-2457 Lie. No. M-159 8-154 4' REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS STATE FINANCE CO 153 8 Hta-h Rt. Lie. S-216 M-323 TRAILERS 1947 TRAILER, 18-ft.. sleeps 4, electric brakes, Venetian blinds, butane. 2-3548. t277 2-WIIEEL trailer. Good tires and tubes. (25.00. Rt. 1, BOX 135. Ph. 2-2316. Har vey M. Hill. t27 MODERN 1946-25 ft. Elcar trailer house. in A-l cond. 3315 Portland Rd. Camp Joy Auto Court. t276 TRANSPORTATION CAR SALESMAN driving to So. Dak., leav ing the week of Nov. 15-30. 1949 Kai&er with small empty trailer. Can take 3 or 4 passengers. Refer exchange. 315f Chemeketa St. Ph. 3-6589. x375 DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makes used machine, sold rented repairs! Roen. 456 Court Phone $-6773 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair service. Free estimates. Trade-ins accepted on new appliances Vmces fciectric, roone 3-9239. 157 S. Liberty 8L AUTOMOTrVE " MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICI rowing service day phone 8-9288. Night 1804 333 Center. o ALTO PAINTINO Complete auto painting, 125. Dick' Auto Clinic. 129S 8 13th St. o ALTO RADIOS Authorized Warranty Repair Station for all make ol Auto Radio Morrow Radio Co 153 8 Liberty. Ph 3-5955 o ALTO WRECKERS GENERATORS REBUILT. Trailer axle made to order Fair prices. 12th St. Junction Auto Wreckers, ph. 2-8208. o292 PICTURE FRAMING Picture frnmlng. Phone 3-6687. Hutcheon Paint Store. Ml Ice Pane It, 275 S. Comm'l. Ph. t-5161. Brake At wheel aligning specialist. o286 BUILDING CONTRACTORS FRAME or masonry construction. Pumice block Residential or commercial. New foundations. Alt Brothers. Ph. 3-7880. o278 BULLDOZING Bulldozing, leveling, road bldg., clear ing teeth for btash. Virgil Huskey. 1010 Fairvlew ave. Ph. 2-3146. Salem. o290 BULLDOZING, GRADING Bulldozing, grading, clearing, dirt mov ing with small Carryall. Oeo. Wirth. 849 Plymouth Drive. Ph. 21367. o3W CARPENTRY Carpentry expert building and remod eling. Ph. 2-48460. Sift S. 21st St. 0286 CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA registers All make old. rented, repaired Roen 456 Court. Ph 3-6773. o CEMENT WORK Oeneral Cement Contracting. Cliff Ellis. 1905 N 19th St. Phone 3-4071. o298 CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimney, vacuum eleaned Fnsley. 771 3Ut St. Ph. 1-7176. 0286 Crawford Upward Acting Oaraiie Doors Elec. Operator Avail. 190 Wald. Pn. 37814. 0285 DRESSMAKING DRESS -MAKING Fur work. Repair men's clothing Ph. 1-7004. o39B EXTERMINATORS Cockroach, Moth Exterminator Service Ph. 3-3056. Lee Cros. 15S Pearl. 0286' B.elthaupt's for flower. Dial 1-9179. LAVINfT" FLOOR 1 Expert Flooring. Ph. 2-7401. HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R. Watkin Co. product Free de livery 1717 Center. Ph. 3-5395. o MATTRESSES Capital Bedding. Phone 3-4069. MUSIC LESSONS Spanish and Hawaiian Ouitar. Man dolin. Banjo, etc. 1533 Court. Ph. I-7S49. 0292 OFFICE FURNITLRft SUPPLIES Desk chair, file and filing aupplle afe. duplicator and supplies desk lamp, typewriter stand, brief ease Pi arc Wire Recorder Roen. Ill Court OIL MRI LATOR SERVICE Call Cy Younger. Ph" 36073. patntTng fl13 Panting Intenoi specialty. L. C. son. Phone J-787. Interior Feinting C. Horn. Ph. Painting. Sprt or Bnuh. Ph. Roy Hanson. Work guaranteed. Elf mom are equipped to painting. Phone 1-3493. PA fvTING At P A PER HANGING Your Painting At Paperhanging, attrac tive rates. Ph 22608. o301 Expert Pa perning ing and Painting. H J. Woodworth. Ph. 3-3015. Free est. o299' Painting and pa per h an ing. Frig esti mate. Ph. 3-9513 857 Shipping o3 PLASTERING All type. Pn. 25108 DECATUR M4FRZ plumbing, elect rW cat supplies, water it items Oeneral repair wora. Phone 1-6233. 173 8 Com l 37 PRININO, SPRAYING Pruning lob. Ph. At Spraying, equipped for gnr 37900. 130 Roh-rt Ave. : RADIO SFRVICE Ray Moore. 1376 Portland Rd. Pn l tl) MM) At OR AVF.L Cal. Shove' At Truck work of ill k nds LLOYD M. HILL. INC ra. l-twi at. t Boa " IM Advances in Grains Hold Chicago. NOV. 17 Th? advance in grain prices moved right along today, despite some heavy selling on the way up. Wheat took over the market s leadership as milling interest bought large quantities of Dp- cember and May contracts. ! Activity of mills reflected good flour business. Decembe r i wheat sold at the best pric since April while July and Sep tember reached new seasonal highs. Most selling appeared to be profit-taking as little hedg ing pressure was reported. December corn touched a new high for the past four months. September corn and July and September oats made new sea sonal highs. Continuation of the longshoremen's strike on.pac oi si Eiee the northern Atlantic coast had little influence on prices. The market opened slightly , .. , , easier, picking its gains after the first hour's activitv. Toward , . , ... the close prices eased a bit, re- Hueine thp best eains Wheat closed l8-l4 higher. December $2.3734-, corn was to 1 cent higher, December $1.4414-$l-44, oats were 14-7g higher. December 84-83 7B. rye was 1V4-134 lower, December $1.80. soybeans were ,a" lower to 1 4 higher, November $2.6934, and lard was unchang ed to 20 cents a hundred pounds $18.55. lower, November Railroad to Alaska Favored by Group Portland, Nov. 17 Wi A rail road from Alaskan Yukon through Canada to the United States is urged by the Pacific Trade association. The suggested route would go through British Columbia to Canada's northwest territory and to Fairbanks, linking there with the Alaska railroad. DIRECTORY Oarden Soil crusned rock Shovel and drar'lne excavetlne Walling Sand A Gravel Co Phone 3-9249 o SAW FILING P. X. Roasch. 674 S. Capital St. o277 SEWER SERVICE Electric Roto-Rooter exclusive, patented razor-sharp steel cutting blade Cleans sewer or drains Septic tank eleaned reasonable. Ph 3-3327 or 3-9488 o SEPTIC TANKS K. F. Hamel Septic Tanks Cleaned Electric machine service on sewer and drain lines. Guaranteed work. 1143 8t)i St., West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. o298 Mike' Septic Service. Tanks cleaned Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. 1079 Elm St.. W. Salem. Ph. 3-9468 - 3-S327. o286 TRANSFER A BTORAGfc Loral At Distatice funster, storage Burner oll. coal briquet Truck to Portland dally Agent Lyon Van Lines for household erxxl to California points Larmer Transfer At Storage. Ph 8-3131 TV PEW R ITERS Smith Corona. Remington. Royal and Underwood portable AH make ttnei machine Repair and rent. Roen. 45F Court VENETIAN BLINDS Elmer the Blind Man. Ph. 3-7328. WEATHERSTRIPPING Prompt Installation. Work Guaranteed Barney Whelan. Ph. 2-5984. o283 "pre estimate. T. PULLM A N. Ph. I-5965 o286 WINDOW CLE AN I NU Acme Window Cleaner. Window walls St woodwork cleaned Floors clean ed, waxed end polished Ph 3-3337 847 OourL Lang doc culbertson and M strict WELL DRILLING M. D. ENLOE, Ph. 25198. Auburn rd. o26 MEYEB8 BROTHERS Ph. Dallas 3061 J. A flneed Sons, well drilling. 350ft Brook St., Salem. Ph. 3-6609. o278 WYMORE well drilling. Rt 3. Box 117 Ph. 3-5135. Balern o289 WOOD At SAWDUST Wen'salcm Fuel Co Ph 24031 o WOOD SAWING 8 Atkln. Ph ' 3-8674 or 3-8178 o?97 LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS On October 27th. 1948. EI.81F. M. ROTH tu duly appointed a.-, administratrix of the eAtate of THEODORE ROTH, deceased, bv an order of the circuit Court for Marlon County, Oreann. All persons hav ing claim arainst said estate hereby are notified to present such claim In due form to said administratrix. 511 Pioneer Trust Ruiidme, Salem. Ores on. within six Ttontha from the date of the first publication of thl notice, to-wit: Novem ber 10, 1946 KI.S1E M ROTH, a such administratrix. Date Of first publication: November 10. Date of laM publication: December 1918 CHAS H HELTZFL Attorney fnr Admin. At ra' nx Pioneer Trust B!d . Sulrm, Oregon. Nov. 10. 17, 24 Dec. 1. 8 NOT II I? NOTICE HFRFHV IS OIVFN that by an order of the Circuit Court of the pta'e of Orfgon for the fountv of Marion, In Pro bate, rlu It mad and entereO on the twentv-flfth dav of Ortoher. 1946 PIO NEER TRUST COMPANY wai rtulv ap pointed as anmlnlntrator wrh the will an nexed of the eatate of I. IDA E CHANS TON, deceased. All persons having rlalmt aatnt lalrl eilate hereby are requirerl tn present them, duly verified anrl with proper vouthera. to said admlnliitrator with the will annexed at It office tn the Pioneer Trunt Building. Salem. Oregon, fir at publlrgMnn nf thl notice. jmrn mn iir" puninn'n tne iweniy evenlh dav of October, 1946 PIONEER TRUST COMPANY, Rv K E. WENCIER, Un Serretary and Tnut Offirgr, ADMINISTRATOR WITH THE WILL ANNEXED AFORESAID. Allan n. Cinnn and Wallace P. Carson, Attorne? for Artm1nltratot with the Will Annexed. Ort 3 Nov 10 n an-l 24 LODGES i , N,. I O O F meetj every I yl Wprinesdav night Via itors Welcome A frALKM LODGE No 4, AF A: yKy AM Wed. Nov. 17. F C de - f re, 7 30 PM. 275 Fraterntvi Order of EUteles meeu ever TueMin at I p m Mort than a minifm memben Pacific IK!ae No. V). A F A: A M. Btaevi MwUng, Friday Stocks Quotations B the Asociaied Press) American Can Aia Pow At Lt I Am Tel it Tel I Anaconda p'g.)1'1100 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;" i Boeing A:rp:an '"."."" ! a, ,le ::::::--:;;: i t'.e J I i"ltr?'::r 5.1 S I com ltd A- Sou .... 3 1 . s . C.nw V.i.tre ..... Continental Tan ., Croon Zel!t rbacti .. CuniA Wrijh: . ... D'iurUa A rcraft ... I) nun! dr Nem . ,. . Grm'ial IlectriO ... 'ii ' (Irneisl Foods Clenerai Motor .... Ooodvcar Tire .... Ini Harvester Int Paper KiMinecMi L.bby McN ft L . . Lon flrll A ' MorUiomery Ward Nash Ketnnalor ... Ntu Dairy NY Central Northrrii Pacific .. Am Fi.sri . jfJJ,J ;;;; j Radio corp '.!'!!!!!! j Hayonierprfl. 1 Reynold Metal .. H:c,ht'ld. Safeway 8iorr .... ,s,rA Roebuck .... .. 32 .. 32 ' .. 36 .. 17'j .. 39 (Southern Pac:fic Standard Oil Cal 62l Sludebaker Corp 23l. Sunshine Mining i Transamerlca 10 Union Oil Cal 29 Union Pacific 83' United Airline 101 U S Steel Tl T Warner Bros Plo lfl Wooi worth 42' Market Quotations Salem Livestock Market (fly Valley Packing Company) Lamu: .130 Feeder Lamb Yearling fcwes no oo to u oo' . 13.00 to 7 00 : Fat dairy cows 112.00 to 813 00 Cutter cows 110.00 to 112.00 Dairy Heifers No quotations Bulls $17.00 to 821.00 Calves 300 to 4M) lbs. ..114 00 to 123.00 Veal (150-300 lbs.) choice. 120.00 to 2b OO Hogs Prices paid within 3So of Port land price for each type. Porttand Eaadlde Market Slow trading marked today' cession I of the Eastside Farmers' Market. Retail- have not yet started their pre- Thanksgiving food guying, dealers re ported. Best packs of Willamette valley cauli flower continued strong. Price ranged at 11.93-1.90 for new crates, with a few volume lot at 1.75. Some single crates went up to 12. Crier- in standup and Howard crates ild at 12 35-3, depending on quality. Whole.sale potato prices held steady with producers holding stocks tn anticipation of higher price support. Portland Produce Butlerfat Tentative, ausject to Imme diate change Premium quality maximum of .35 to one percent acidity delivered to Portland. 68-7 lc lb., first quality 4-67c lb. second quality. 63-66c lb.; valley route and country point, 3e lea than first Hutter Wholesale P.O.B., bulk cubes grade AA. 93 score. 64c lb.; A. 92 score. (He lb.; B. 90 score, 63c ; C. 89 score, 62c lb. Above price are strictly nominal. t'heee Selling price to Portland whole sale Oregon alngles, 43-49c. Oregon ft lb loaf, 46-Sle. Triplets, Vie less than sin ales Egg I Te wholesalers) A grade large, 67' j-08'.c: medium, 61 S-62'je; A small .il '54lc: B grade larae, h9?-tnc. Egga PurchaAed from farmera Cur tenl receipts. 57'-60liC dos ; buyers -3'jC below wholesale quotations on grad ed basis for best hennery eggs. Portland Dairy ilarmei Butter Price to retailer. Orade AA print. 71c; A A carton. 72c : A prints, 70c: A cartons, 71c; B prints, 69c. Egga Price to retailer: AA large 75c; certified A large. 71c dot.: A large. 69-70c: AA medium. 67c: certified A medium, 66c: A medium. 63 -65c; A email. 54-56c, cartons 3c additional. Cheese Price t retailer- Portland. Orea-on smiles, 43-Slc; Oregon loaf, ft lb, triple "no les man ainale. Poultry Live Chickens No. t quality FOB plants. No. 1 oroilera under 2I4 lb., 33-34c lb.: fryer 3'-4 lbs., 37-38c lb. roaters 4 lbs. and over. 37-38c lb.: fowl. Leghorns. under 4 lbs., 2-3Bc lb : over 4 lbs. 28-30r: colored fowl all weights, 34-36c lb.; old rooAlers, all weights, 18-19c. Rahhlla Average to retailer for local ly dressed animal. 58-62e; fryer, live white. 32-33c lb. i colored, 30-llc; old or heavy. 1ft. 16c. Turkeys (Price quoted are net to the producer on a dre.ved weight basis i U. S. No. 1 young torn, 45-46c lb.; No. 1 young hen, 58-5ftr. Dreaaed turkeys to retailers: Grade A, voung hens, 65c lb.; New York style, dre.ss ed, A grade, youna toms, ft2-53c lb. Portland Mlaeellaneoua 4'aarara Bark Dry 30o fb., green 7c lb Wool Valley coarse and medium grade, 4Se lb. Mohair 28c lb. on 13-month growth. Hides Cal vp 28c lb according to weiaht kips 20c lb : beef, 13-14c lb ; bulbs. 10-1 lr lb : country buyer pay 2c less, Not Quotation Walnuli -Franque'te first quality Jum bo. 34 7c; large 33.7c; medium 27 3c. Mrnnrt quality lumbos. 30. 2c; lane, 28 3c; medium. 26 2ei baby. 23 2c: MOft shell first quality lane. 29 7c; medium. 26.2: aec and quk'v large 27.2c: medium. 14.7c. Oativ 33 24. HlnerlB Jumbo, 20c Ib.i large, llci medium 16c, email 13c. (Quotation above supplied by North wel N:it Grower Quotations are on the osAis or loo-ib bag purchase fob plant I (hlraee l.lvevlarli Cn.taao Nov. IT '" M'SDAi - Salable 11OO0. total 15 ioo. aen'ra! maiket active and mostly steady to 25 cenL miner. I'd advanre on butchers over 210 pounds top 32 00 b ilk anod and . Iioire 110-340 lb. 21 S0-2I lb. 20-3n lb 31 3 -2l 0. Tew 3W-.1O0 lb. 31 00-21 3 xood and Choice 300-4J5 lb sows ! 00 19 75: wfitht up lo 550 lb. laraely 18 50 19 00 early clearance Salaole cattle 7 OOft total 7 000: salable cal.es 500. total 500 cholre yearlings and liartt steers 1 150 lb do n fairly art. tve, fuliv stesdv orrier we:nts and grate A leers Slow , Alearlv to 50 rents lo er l'.fers st ISAses slei weak otn (.Hint 1v to strong, top 18 SO lor load rhoire around 1,12 lb. fed steers: bulkrt"v. tnod and rhoire sterrs 29 00-17 00, mertnim I r,rl to low-ao'Kl arad's 24 00-28 .W. bulk aood I C" v arsde heifers 36 50-10 iO. choi'e heifers neifl above .IB On, good beef cows 31 00 200 canners and cutters 13 so-16 2b medium and mod sausage bull 31 S0 J1 Ml, moat medium to choice vealers 00-11 00 stock cattle dull at weeks 1 on downturn, Salanle slieep 2 500 total 7 700: Simili ter lamOs 2.S-40 cenU higiier. sheep s'ronaer to 35 cents higher, most, aood and choice slaughter larnh 35 00-255 deck hieh-choice offennas 35 75 ht vearllne scarce, undertone slronvr: two fl'rks common to good western ewes 10 9 71. Portland Mvetrh P'lri.and, Ore, Nov. 17 OjH Lhe Caf'le salable 304) cahes 100. m ratner alow but most I steadv. bulls rler pressure, few sales fuLv 50e ;ow Mnrwtav, steers scarce early; (nrnmofi-neifers 17-20 ranner - e 11-14 50. shell down to nr h-low, U rommon-med um cs l. h aood roa up t- 19 common-med um ' b .ils 17-20 -k-1 eaiers s eany t 36-1 o few heavy calve unsold but Hw. arl c im kel uneven gen- read, gortd-cnoi'e 180-310 hs from 21-21 50. 350-370 lb 31- 1WI-185 lbs. 31-1135 g-vwl 475 1 SO feeder p.es $ffff grade go. ted H4AU Tuasdar -h ' Uvwt Capital Journal, Salem, Or., Slocks Decline Up to 2 Points New York. Nov 17 ''-An : increase in belling pressure late today accented a slow decline in the stock market. Losses ranged from fractions i n , . m . i to around 2 points Many issues which had held small gains for a ! a while later moved to the minus jJ column. Trading activity picked up as 5,!' I offerings of stock became a 1 it -43:,tlo more insistent. Turnover for the dav approached 1.000.000 ."- tbujing pnr. . . ' ... .1 Butler Who.esa.e, grade A. 10c. r shares, about even with yesier- Uii, grtdt Ai T?1C day's 1,060,000. ' A flow of favorable corpora-1 tion news, mostly in the divi dend class, was more or less ig nored. Superior Oil of California dropped nearly 10 points to 150: at one time. Others trimmed included U. S-jfral Judge Harold R. Medina to Steel, Younifstown Sheet. Doug jday set Jan. 17 for. thp trial of las Aircraft, Montgomery Ward.!12 toP communist party leaders. Sturiebaker. General Motors.! The court rejected defense American Telephone, Dow contentions that " state of hys Chemical. Westinghouse Elec- iteria exists, which is the willful trie. Remington Rand tat a new product of the press and radio in low for the year), and Consoli- a sustained campaign dcliber datcd Natural Gas. lately concocted by those who On the topside some of the tine were International Harves ter, Schenley, Eastman Kodak, American Tobacco. Gulf Oil, Texas Co., and Warner Bros. Grange Faces Fight Subsidies Portland, Me., Nov. 17 M" The National Grange convention faced a convention floor fiffht today on the issues of whether . . . . luiure teaerai iarm-aia pro grams should be built around crop controls and casp subsidies. Its agriculture committee op poses subsidies. It ravors con trols only as a "last resort" to meet problems of farm surpluses and depressed prices. Instead, it would count heav ily on a high level of city em ployment and prosperity to maintain a favorable market for farmers. It would keep govern ment price supports for crops, but would cut them below sup port levels of present programs. Several delegates prepared to blast the committee views when !the matter comes before the full convention, possibly tomorrow Opposition is expected to be led by J. S. Fichter, master of the Ohio State Grange He has been mentioned as a possible successor to Albert S Goss as national master of the Grange when the latter retires. Goss' present lerm has another year to run. An expression of the Grange hope that rural prosperity can be kept without resort to new government controls was con tained in a telegraphic request by Goss to President Truman that he summon top-ranking leaders of industry, labor and agriculture to work out an anti depression program. Portland Grain Portland. Ore.. Nov. 17 (At -Wheal: No futures quoted. CaAh wheat bid: Soft while 3 24',: soft white no rexi 2 24'a; while club 2 24", weAlern red 3 24', Hard red winter: Ordinary 2 24" f : 10 per cent 2 28'; 11 per cent 2 30',; 13 per cent 2 14'i. TortaVs car recetntj.- Wht is- h.- ley 1. flour 2. corn .1. oats 4. millfeed 6. Hendersons To Build Jefferson Mr. and Mrs. Dal Henderson purchased eight lots of Mr. and Mrs. Roy DeWall and are planning to build a house. DEATHS .lame E. James N. 5th at ow, Mrs Vinlta H Mrs, Gen Kirk E Kirk at the resldenpe. 1026 November 13. Survived bv wid EMa B Kirk. Salem; daughter inter. Juneau. Alaska; sisters, Cannon, Stone horn. Pa., and Mrs. Harvey Tanner, tlreenville, arandMin. Farl Hunter. Juneau, Alaska, and seriil nieces and neplieMs. Serv ices will be held Thur.sday. November 18 at 130 pm at the ClnuuM-Mnrrirk chnne with Interment in Relcrest M'-inonal park Rev. Brooks Moore will officiate. Arthur CiofHn In this city November 14. Arthur Muf fin, late rehident of 3M5 Cherry avfnite. at the ase of 71 years flurried by his wife. Mrs. Eva M rtittln of Salem, a dauahter. Mrs Connie Trutn of Oakland. Calif : a suler, Mrs. Ma Mliter of Van couver, Wash . a brother. Dolnn Orif f.n of Vancouver Wash two nephews, a niece and a irind"n Kquiem maji will he said rrnm ft Vinren d- Paul raih- ol;r ch 20. at !0 to am Memorial i lent R- of tup rn at trie W T R ed'in rl ember 19 at 7 10 p m. Mr, (arrle I Jnne Mrs Cane F ..ne Lehnn n. Orexnn at a 1 "mhr 16 at tne ate i Vlverl by tf Meres. Mrs of Los Ane;s and Mrj. iei Friday, ie re d-nt 1 hospital. No 71 ears 8ir "la Mr A'nortet rn Zie' n.-.ki o: n-P'M-a F f)rei f luteiment in the Life Saved my A Cd ..nd lot GAS-HEARTBURN" When en wiorn' h nt 'uea palnliil H'lfT'x-t-tnic niir "iipiii.n ti wl rn'srthtirn dorium u.tilv !.r. rlt.- thf fmff.. fig ntll'liia t..n f .r a riiitiiiuatK'reNff nn-11' I nee 1 1 k t hw I u ll-ans Txl.i. ti No iKtstHf- hf-ILsna lrtt:fi. r..n r.,rr In jlfTi orrriuni t.. til to uf-.r rtfwihie ipr.nr r 5 BELL-ANS for Acid Indigestion 25r WANTED Walnuts Filberts - Nut Meal UK. II 1ST i-rm f ('ASH ON DELIVERY FUR OR ( IIARII RI'.N. SKK I S BEF JRE YOU SELL. Morris Klorfein Packing Co. 4fif N Front Slrrrl SALEM Tflrphont I 76JJ Wednesday, Nor. 17. 1948 17 Salem Markets Completed from reports of Balen dealers for the guidance of Capi ta; Journal Readera (Ret lard da.jy.t Retail reed Prltea ! Mah 14 H' II 4 tib It tees Pellets 14 30 Dairv rerrf 1 :,S Poultry : Buying Pritta No crn 1 3 10.' No 1 tners. 3'j-S 0;rt roosters, i4-ic lbs- 34o lb No I Prlre Lar :1 K A araoe extia larae, '2t, med.ums (3 Mr, PUt.rt. 44-50r Whnleaale PrireA (ri' "Sr A rang rxtrs lane, 76c. mdi-m, 6f-70ci pulle', "f-S7c 1os. Butlerfat Premium. 70c: No I, M-Mr, No. 2. Communist Trials Set for January 17 New York, Nov. 17 If ieA- are hostile to the defendants." 1 simply cannot find that that is the fact," Judge Medina said. The 12 defendants were indicted on charges they conspired to or ganize the communist party as a group which advocates and tea ches overthrow of theg overn ment by force. OBITUARY William Wana MrPheraan Sllverton William Wann McPherson. Wednesday morning at hi home In Mar quam, where he had lived the past eight years, at the age of 71 years. Born Ik Tennessee April 16, 1877, and came to Mar quam from Meis county, Tenn. Surviving are his wife Tessa McPherson of Mar quam: two brothers, Polk McPherson of Condon. Ore., and Hush McPherson of Walla Walla, Wash.; and a suter. Jen nie Fletcher of Enterprise, Oregon. Funer al gervice will be held Friday, November 19. at 2 p m. at the Memorial chapel of the Ekman Funeral home. Concluding Aervtcy at Mt. Crest Abbey Mausoleum, 8a lem. Woodb urn Henry Lancaster. TT. died Tuesday. Nov. 16. at hi home In the Sleepy Hollow district, between Woodb urn and Hroadacres where he had llve4 for the past six years. He was born In Ills , Sept. 16. 1871 Member of the Rope- well Mennonite church. Survivor are. hi widow, Alice Lancaster of Sleepy Hol low and a brother John in Illinois. Pun- 1 services will be held Friday. Nov. 19, at the Rinao chapel in Woodbura wittt Interment In Belle Pasal cemetery. Ruth Gould Menard Four Corners Final rite for Ruth Gould Menard, resident of Dee, Ore., sine 1941, were held Wednesday at 1:30 o- clock with interment In Belcrest Mem orial park. She was the youniest daughter ' of Fire Chief and Mrs. W. R, Gould, 17S 8. Elma ave.. Four Corner. Born In Ta comi, Wash., Sept. 1, 1905. A graduate of the Tillamook school and high school cIba of '21. Prior to her marriaxe alio wns employed a secretary by Botu and Win.slow, Tillamook. She married Jo m T. Menard July 15, 1928 In Portland. A. ter her marriage she was legal-private, Aecrelary to I he Ladd Estate Co., Port land. In 1941 they moved to Ie. Ore., where ttiey have resided since. She leave lier husband, John T. Menard; her father and mother, Mr. and Mis. W. R. Gould; two Li tern, Mamarei Oould Hsrdt. of Lebanon, Jean Gould Cochran nf Coule Dam; two nephews, John D. Cochran. Jr- and M.Sgt. Wellford Hardt, Rockford, 111. Mrs, Catherine Mundt Mill City Funeral service were held in the Mill City Presbnenan church Tuex day afternoon for Mrs. Catherine Mundt. 2, who died at her home Saturday morn na. Dr. Datid J. Ferguson officiated. In terment followed In the Be lc rest ceme tery in Salem. Pali bearer were Otto Wnu C. A. Bruder. Ralph Shilu George Thom- erine Mundt was born in Gettvebure. South Dakota. March 17. 1896 and cam Oregon in 1924. residing In Dallas and Salem. Came to Mill City In 1918 where has lived since. Was a Past Nnhia Grand of Bantlam Rebekah lodae No, 168 of M.II City and a member of Becurny Benefit asocial ion m Mill City. Death fol lowed a linaerina Illness of several year from cancer. Survivors include; husband, Roy Mundt, of Mill City; one son. Rob ert, of Mill City: three dauahter, Cleo Thomas of Mill City. Phyllis Olson. Trov, Idaho, and Mavu Crass. Wheeler. Ore.i five brothers. Phillip Stroti. Yanktown, 8. D, Albert Strnh. Gettysburg, S. P. Herman Sir oh, Oakrldae, Ore, William Slroh, Oakland. Calif . Benjamin. Chlcaao. Ill , fhe sisters. Miss Mary Rtroh. and Mrs. Elsie Rhinehardl. Oettvsbura, 8. 1J, Mrs. Sue Paniano. Chicago. Ill Mrs. Millie Skovlv, Worthlna, S D-, and Mrs, Bessie Currier, Fortune. Calif. I.uther Purler Daren LebanonLuther Purley Duren, 70. died Nov 12 al the Harris Nursing home m Lebanon. Born Oct. 12, 1878. he had soent the last 14 years near Sweet Home. Serv ices were held Monday at the Sweet Horn. I chapel with John Turntdxe offumtine. Mitriai was in the Ollliland cemetery, Murvivors are the widow, Polir. sons, Henry, Robert and Jerry, Sweet Homej daue liters. Mrs. Etna 8t rick ler, Mis. Kva Willmia. Foster, anrt Mrs. Mary Sweetland, all of Sweet Home, brother. Hill Ilurrn. Salem: sisters, Jennie Judd, Mirha Snaffer and Ellen Hushes of Wash l nit ton. Mas ne Sort on, Sherira. and Manme Poaie, Woodburn. Tnete arc fr-o arandchlldren. (. Frank Fenel et'aytn I'rna'e funeral sr-ices i' be held at the Wrddle Funeral h'..r. m .Mission Tuuisnav. at 2 pm to- A 'st. Frank Frnrl of Mill Ci'y. who s vt nt t tie r d'art hw bodv n ... hprn led States H i. il will re in Vallry rem HEALTH TO YOU After Corrrrttnc flrmnrrholrlt iPiImi PltuU, rittrf, rrolipir, and other Rectal Ilia or derm. No Hftfttahf atlnn Urttei or (all for Free Booklet Dr R. Rtynoldi Clinic Nature-lrocotnle;1et V I Ihe-rlT St., Salem Or Nov. 19, 7.30 pjOm 277' J" . V