n 1 r 1 Jaycee Oratory Contest Plans The second annual "I Speak for Democracy" contest, spon sored by the Junior Chamber of Commerce, will open Monday with representatives from three Salem schools competing (or honors. Salem senior high school, Sac red Heart, Salem College and Academy students are preparing for the finals which will take place November 24 at 4 o'clock in radio station KOCO. Wednesday evening, between the hours 9:30 and 9:45, over radio station KSLM, Secretary of State Earl T. Newbry will be the principal speaker on the radio program, "I Speak for Democracy." He will be intro duced by chairman Gene Ma leckl. There will be two finalists from each school, making six students that will participate in the finals for the three prizes to be awarded. The Salem Jun ior Chamber of Commerce is going to give two certificates of appreciation to the radio sta tions. Last year James Elliott of Salem senior high school was the winner in the Salem area, and he placed second in the state finals. Any high school student in the 10th, 11th or 12th grade is eligible to compete with the basis of selection based on de livery, content and originality. Speeches may be read, but the time is limited to five minutes. Judges for the contest are Hal Byers,, program director of Radio Station KSLM: Jack Zu bon. Radio Station KOCO; Jay Thornton, who has his advertis ing agency in Salem. A recording of the winning Salem speech will be mailed to Klamath Falls for judging, and the state winner will be eligible for competition in the national program. The four national win ners will be eligible for $500 scholarships. Actresa Ginger Gray, 18-year-old actress, won court ap proval of her motion picture contract in Los Angeles. Gin ger, whose screen name is Nita Talbot, is a native of New York. Jap Manhole Covers Used for Firewood Nogoya, Japan, Nov. 17 W) Japanese won't be surprised if a few people drop out of sight around here these dark nights. People are lifting Nagoya's wooden manhole covers for scarce firewood. The army yanked the old metal ones for scrap during the war. A transcontinental South American railroad ending in the west at Lima, Peru, is at one point 15.000 feet above sea level. KC Initiate Large Class Initiation of a large class with the first and second degrees conferred by officers of the Eu gene council was held here Sun day by the Salem council of the Knights of Columbus, with the ritual and program under the direction of District Deputy Jo seph Sowa, Woodburn. The ma jor degree was exemplified by Edw. J Bell, Stayton, past state deputy, assisted by Dr. F. A. Reilling. Eugene. Corporate communion at the 8 o'clock mass at St. Joseph's church opened the program which was followed by commu nion breakfast at the St. Jo seph's school cafeteria and the conferring of degrees at noon. A buffet supper was served at the Knights of Columbus club rooms. State officers, district deput- ties and committee chairmen of the state council met Saturday afternoon and evening, with State Deputy Sylvester Smith. St. Paul, presiding. Salem was chosen for the 1949 state con- EWORDIISPREaDINS vLMORt If St. Joseph Aspirin is pur, dependable. 12 tablet! 10c; 100 tablet 45c. Why pay more, or accept less than the St. Joseph guarantee 0i "Aspirin at it best." Buy Dr. S. A Wheat-ley OPTOMETRIST Formerly with Morris Optical Co. NOW LOCATED AT 167 S. High St. Phone 2-4469 rCIIAHGEc ofLFE? Are you going through the functional 38 to 52 yra.,7 Does this make you suffer tram hot naKhea, feel o nerv ous, high-strung, tired? Then bo try Lydla K. Plnkham's Vegetable Com pound to reltere such symptoms. Plnkham's Compound also has what DoCtOn Call a tsimaohlfl teim. .ffuti IYDIA E. PINKHAM'S S3SSS ventlon of the Knights of Co lumbus with tentative dates of May 14 to IS. Plans were also discussed for the supreme convention to be held In Portland in August next year, the first supreme conven tion in Oregon since 1927. It is estimated that around 7000 knights in the state will assist in the entertainment. i Future activities Include an nitiation at Klamath Falls No vember 21 and charter class night and installation of a new council at Greaham November 28 under the direction of Dis- j trict Deputy Earl ?.ak. I Family Dinner Held I Bethel' Mr. and Mrs. Arno Spranger and daughter Minalee drove to Portland on Sunday to attend a family dinner with oth er relatives, at the home of Mrs ' Elizabeth Holter, mother to Mrs. Spranger. 123 Court Cases Doomed to Expire One hundred and twenty-three circuit court cases are all set for the skids unless some action is taken to advance them toward further prosecution by January S. Circuit Judge E. M. Page Tuesday issued the eourt's an nual "housecleaning" order di recting that date as the annual day at which all cases subject Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Not. 17, 1948 IS TEENAPTMPtEis' when externally cauted. Uae Cutieura prefer red by many doctors, mmmx and rertain kotpy taitio quickly relieve embamwing extrtv ally caused pimplet. rath, blemi&hti. Softens blackhead tips lor eaay rttnora)! Buy today I cuticura VUNG RED LABEL We Challenge You To Compare KING Red Label For Flavor! For Quality! $320 45 Quart BROWN-FORMAN Distillers Corporation of LeuitvilU In Kentucky KINS RED LABEL Blended Whisky. Tlx ttriht whiskies in this product art 4'S years or more did. X straight whiskies; 70 grain neutral spirits. 86 proof. Star Performer for '49 You're invited to drive the New Hudson the car that's nimble and rugged beyond anything you've known before! I "Tfce modern design for '49" HUDSON PlOOIf art rf d flown within the fram fa Rnnwaj ahnvel. pent are knwwed, an ynti tt more, thnn ample head room Id thta mi with the new low enter of gravity. YOU I ID! DOWN within ha frame (u ahnwn hove ami rear arata axe pnaitinanrl ahead of the rear whela to that fU body width hemnnw available for wmrtoftillv roomy aeata. Bnt-aeetioti ateel atrdtra oocnpletaly moircla ana protect the iiaaaimjai eoaapartmant. TtY AUTOMATIC MAI SMfrTfNO In forward afieerla aa pro vided by Hudaoo'a Drive-Maatew tranwniaaton hy Car the at Meat of all waya in drive. Yon ran errelerata aa loot and a fait aa yoti tike In pica -tip Jtear, thn lift vmir tne momen tarily, ana yon're m hiah Tne ahift Into nifh com only when Totj are ready' Button onntrol on the tnetmment panel smvidaa ina taint ehanar to onnventional driving if irmrM Driva-Maater trammiaaaoa opUooaJ oa ail Saw HavM at amall axtxa oral NEW Hudson Come In, try Hudson wttti the oil new. higrvempretsion Super-Six en gine (the most powerful American six built today) or the masterful Super-Eight. Both provide wonder fully alert power for a new type of motor ear with an exclusive "slip down" aosign. Millions say the New Hudson is the retim ing beauty in the automobile parade but you can't really know this frrtet ear until you drive it end you're invited to do just that now! Hudson, with the new, HI h.p, high eompression Super-Sii en fine or the manterful Super-Eight, takes you away with new tip, and outstrips the held with staying power. But amazingly alive engine aren't the whole story of this lUr performer for '49. Hudson has a new hug-the-roed way of going In eroM-winds and on every coo cejvable kind of highway. This all happens because as la widely known the lower to the ground a ear can he built, the more stability K wtO have. Hudson has the loweat center of gravity in any American stock earl This remarkable car has floors rereMed down within a base frame (Hudson is the only car you step dtnm into), enabling Hudson to build the lowest oar on the highway, only five feet from ground to top while maintaining more than ade quate head room! You sense a delightful conformity to the road the minute you begin to ride, and this give you a grand feeling of safe weH being! This feeling is further enhanced by the eaae with which this car is oper ated, and by the quiet with which Hudson glides along. Come in, let us show you why Hudson's great engines and fabulous Matep-downN design principle put this car so far ahead it la a protftrd twt-ermit in motor ear value! Tia asawy IwaaHaw aaiawtute la HuaJaaa'a aa Vaa-cawa" )( aa la aeaatal vaMaata at eta aeetaat Hawaaa ' a The only car you step down into WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO SEE AND DRIVE THE AMAZING NEW HUDSON SHROCK MOTOR COMPANY 361 North Church St. Salem, Ore. to dismissal for want of prosecu tion will be considered. All the attorneys Involved will be notified and unless some good reason can be given oth erwise their cases will go out "f the window when the ealen- dar is called on the day in question. Legion I'nlU Meet Lafayette The Lafayette Am erican Legion Post and auxiliary met in regular session Tuesday evening. LOOK What's Cookin'! PLAN TO VISIT ELFSTROM'S COOKING SCHOOL THURSDAY AFTERNOON - 2 P.M. I CT,.ei CONDUCTED BY MISS MARTHA TABER formerly with Mary Cullen Cottage fortland See Martha prepare a lusciout Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmin's on a new General Electric "Speed Cooking" range. See how to stuff half a turkey if you don't want left-overs . . . how to mak delicious salads and cocktails. REFRESHMENTS FOR EVERYONE FREE PRIZE DRAWINGS IMMEDIATE DELIVERY GENERAL ELECTRIC RANGES While at cooking school ask to see the "Leader" model one of the finest of G.E.'s famous ranges. Ask about the 5-Heat Calrod units the fastest heoting elements on the market today and note the new low price. ARRANGE FOR COMPLETE AA J At" DEMONSTRATION 204.75 f '' ' flaw'!'-' '.s- .vi i avrf MARTHA TABER Elfstrom's Home Economist 340 COURT Phon. 2-2493 WE ARE OPEN UNTIL 9:00 P.M. ON FRIDAYS i 76 MEN'S SUITS PRICED FOR CLEARANCE REGULARS SHORTS Sizes 34 to 44 LONGS Smart Double and Single Breasted Styles Pure Virgin Wool Hard Finished Worsteds, Blues, Browns, Grays and Tans $45 to $60 $3S MEN'S LEATHER JACKETS Bronco genuine grain leather ond gen uine front quarter horsehide. $18.30 $12 $24.50 $16 $17.50 to $19.50 YOUNG MEN'S SPORT COATS All wool shetlonds, flannels ond tweeds. Sites 34 to 40 ONE GROUP MEN'S SUITS Smartly styled single breosted models for sport and business wear. Sizes 34 to 40. 39.50 t. 42.50 $7.50 Nationally Advertised SOCIETY CLUB HATS All colon. Sites 6t to 7i. Now PRICED FOR CLEARANCE $11 Priced for Clearance $4 SHOP NOW FOR CHRISTMAS Hewitt's Distinctive Men's Wear High at Court Senator Hotel 8ldj. OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9