15 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, TuawJay, Nov. lo, 1948 CLASSIFIED ADVIBTU1NG. Per Line Per Line t tlnwi For Line I times ...1M ...40c Per Line 1 month 13.00 Outside of Salem lac per tin pr day. Urn. lOet f Umu nun 60c 8 tlmu mln. II JO. No Refunds KBADCBH to LmiI News CeL 071 Per Use 80e To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 39 Days 'Till Christmas Journal Classified Ads Will Raise Gift Cash FOR SALE HOUSES EXCEPTIONAL BUYS IASY TERMS - SMALL DOWN PAYMENTS 3 bdrm., large lot, clone In ....( 570 3 bdrm., north, very elase in 6150 1 bdrm., corner, fruit tre-s .... fl"oo t Mrm.. new, Salem Heights .... 6soo 3 barm., north of Highland 6soo 3 bdrm. new, south east J500 t bdrm.. Sou ill Capitol 60 S bdrm., new, stucco 1950 3 bdrm., new, targe rooms .... 8250 3 Bdrm.. new. large lot 83(if 3 bdrm., new pecan floor .... 8uii 3 bdrm., new, north of Highland 3 bdrm., 1 jr. old. N. Hhland B7MJ 4 bdrm.. large room, corner .... 89:.0 3 bdrm.. definitely desirable .... 89W 3 bdrm.. new. hardwood floors .. 8200 3 bdrm.. En ale wood school 9rM 3 bdrm.. unusually nice 9sm 3 bdrm.. Pioneer Height 10SOO 3 bdrm., Candnlarla Height .. 11250 TO BUY - SELL - OR HENT Call Ralph Bent Realtor - Ph. S-S133 Hun. or Eve. Call Klumpp. 3-013H 2330 So. Commercial St, $1500 DOWN WILL HANDLE a new 3 bdrm. home. 8b per mo, payment!. Immed possession. Geiger Real Estate 3306 Portland Rd. Ph. 21073 Evening 28848 or 2.374. a275 SOOD HOME PlTl's" INCOME. 4 bdrm home Highland Dlst.. upstg. rented basement ft garage. Good lot. bua by door. I7KMI. BN OLE WOOD DIKT. New mod. 3 bdrm home, features hdwd. firs., fireplace, alt cond., furnace, lge. garage. JMMKD POSS. Will consider acreage. 611.100. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 144 S. Coml. St. Ph. 3-BJ89; eve. 3-7440 a275' BETTER BUYS COUNTRY RETREAT Modern 1 year old 3 bdrm. home with large LR, DK, tile kltrhen, den, uttl rm., auto oil heat, hdwd. firs., fire place, large garage. Lorated on 'i acre with beautiful view. A HEAL BUY FOR loom. $1000 DOWN Country living In the city. 3 bdrm. home on 1 acre. Chicken hoiie. This would make a good trailer park. Price 14400. . $3150 FULL PRICE year old t bedroom house on 1 acre 44 choice soil. $1000 DOWN 1 year old. 3 bedroom home with large LR. OR. uttl., full bath, attached garage. ONLY 36950. Located In Jefferwjn. COLBATH LAND CO. 1643 Center St. Ph. 34532 374" f 3 000 DOWN FURNISHED new 3 bdrm. hse .. East. Mod ern. Wired for range. Total price $6500. EDGE OF TOWN vAM, SOME terms, btiys a 3 bdrm. home and 4 acre filled with frittt and berries. Close to bus and store. Rome terms, NEAR SR. HI SCHOOL WELL MADE I bdrm. home, fireplace, bamt., nlca location. 16, 000. Good terms. B. Isherwood, "Realtor Ph. aril. Wallace Rd.. Rt. 1. Box 243 or Ph. 3-8836121.9 6th St., W. Salem a275 reasonable homes In West Ba ton.. Some have J and 4 bdrmi. B. Isherwoorl, Realtor Ft). tPM Wallace Rd , Rt. 1. Box 343 Or Ph. 3-38361269 6th St., West Salem. 1 a31&' RATE Br en transferred must sell Imm. 4 bdrm. sub. home and Vi A. School. More ft bus at door. Price cut to IA950. Phone 3-5183. a276 FOR SALE BY OWNER: 1 room hou.e. 1541 oourt at. a276 YOU CAN'T AFPOKD TO RENT I When you aan move In today into this brand new 3 bedrnt. home for fAO per mo. Only 1700 down. Pull Price 18150 In cluding financing charges, Ins. to Taxes. Walter Musgrave Realtor 1331 Edge water At . West Salem Ph. 35109 a376 for SALE: 3 bdrm., modern plastered house with acre ol groinul. exc. Williim 44e loam coll. Ptne location, clone In, on bus line. Some fruit and nut trees, barn, chteken house and garage, All in good condition. Geip;er Real Estate ttMW DOWN WILL BIT BDRM. home. Has small apt. garage hat rents for 135 par mo. Geifjer Real Estate 32ftS Portland fld Pb. 31071: Eves. 2RH48 or 27374 a 37 5 4 BEDROOMS CLOSE TO HK1H SCHOOL. HAHEMKNT, NICE BHItlUUS. IQ7W. FOR THKNK AND MANY OTII ERft PI. EASE CALL OUR OFFICE WE HAVE NEW LISriNOfi COMING IN EV KRY DAY. JOE HUTCHISON - REALTOR 455 Court P-treM. ShIpki. 0on Phone 3-1(139 Eve 2 473 - 3 1612 aJ75 OR TRDE m eou;t in untini.Oied home In Kelaer Pit 1100 or will tnkr bat 24 ft. or tarter trailer houe A umi cash aa trade 515 New hen Drive I west Of Kelier rVHool a!75 ! 19250 Full Price New, mrtdern, 3 berirm Hour Hdwd. floor utility rm Autommc oil hrai 100x180 lot. 4330 McOay ltd. Hy own er. Terms. a.'B Hf At TIH t, S HrlHtOOM home in Kinawood Bultt 1H41 Rumpus room, auto. Ml heat ISOOO landscaping. Rell or trade for larger home. Contact wner Ph. 3-9543. a?W OUR TOP BARGAINS 9a CM DOWN fM50 New l-bdrm. eity home. North. en flee price. tttCfla TKWN 8.S350. 3 -bdrm 1-rr -old p4as4wwd. hdwd firs Wvi Ine. tai Past part of citv. Better ae this ffetCM itotrg. lama y.bdrm. 3-yr -o d I A c4 ground I suburb tttfCM New 3-bdm on LivtneatAne ff LortMna Rdie"T Want to m or Put - One !' a Try RAWLINS REALTY al74 I bedrooms, living room with fir- plaoe. 4ntng room, kitchen, baih, otl floor furnace, attached garage, ( lose in MM ' 4 bedrooaas. bath, living room and din tag room combined, kitchen, nook Mice place for children P. II. Bell, Realtor !M CHrMEKPTA ST Ph. I-48M, 3-l;4j. Eves. I IMI, 3-ftMft 3 194. a374 "Oft SALE BY OWN 81 to builder, pre modern 8-bdrm to den. 1 floor Doublr flreclaco, hot water, radiant heal. dh far at. l.Mfl N. 16th. No reaonao1e Offer refused. a.' 76 Im A fm it 'ft ETe lee he atla r ge lot 1 ml. from eilr limiu on so. Hiver road Call 3-IHT for Inlo. aS7 4 B.R. Home by Owner W you gtr looking for c very nice modern, well-bwilt, 4 twiroom home Ckw kn, her yon arc' Cn and long t tt anytime Plovers, tree end shrub atoc 116 600. Location. 641 Church t. Before oming, please phone 3-9MW htihsHOMi. l-rm ind bath Chan hse , I to 33 00 am dan. pa ml. Rt 1 tt. US WLYBttTOtl. Ph. 4834. 31 FOR SALE HOUSES SMALL pi as tt red 3-bedrm. mod. noma on corner lot plus extra lot. iaaoo.- terms C W. Shaffer. 3161 Moody Ave, oil Park. 8PFCIAL. 16580 FULL PRICE 4 KDRUOMh. Large lot. Drivt by 491 a. mm st. Do not disturb untou Come in or all for appointment. Salem Realty Co. 14 N. High St. Phone 31660 Eves. Or Sun. 3-4591. C374' NEW 18300 00 3 BDRMI. on one floor, nlca llv. m, coved ceilings, roomy kitchen, dinette bath, hdwd. firs., hallway, auio. oil heat, utility room, large urui, ice. mh Bast, very good Cull Ray Davix. HUFF REAL ESTATE Realtors. Ill Chemeketa St. Ph. 19371: Eves. 28658. e378- URGENT DISTANT OWNER anxious to sell neat five room bungalow. Located near senior Jr. and grade schools. Vacant and un der priced at 11950. Reasonable terms For further Information or to see thu call Lelace H. EUls. Broker. Ph. 3-1231 a27S Best Buys E. Z. Terms $700. DOWN Brand new. 3 bedrooms, garage, hdwd floors throughout, auto, oil furnace. cIoac In. 3 bls. from school, 2 blocks to ous, city water. Full price 17950. $1500. DOWN Or 11000 down and late model light car. 3 bedrooms, north, att. gar., com pletely redecorated and renovated. Pri vate well. Pull price only I&500. $1500. DOWN 2 bedrooms, brand new. suburban. elec. heat, fireplace, garage, private well, extra lots available at very low price, Imm. po.".t. Full price only 17500. 3 BEDROOMS Owner leaving city. A very good home In choice location. Clone to all schools, paved St., F'HA approved. Nice lawn and shrubs. Reduced to 110,500 for quick sale. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3036 Portland Road Ph. 3-1120, 3-4396. Eve. 3-0413, 3-3553 SEVERIN REALTY CO, 312 N. Hlah St. Telephone 3-4016 This house Is not new, but It Isn't old. Its plastered. 2 bdrms.. llv. rm., din. rm., kitchen, bulltins, elec. cook ing, large lot, good dlst. Close to schools. 11.500 dn. Pull price 36.500. A BRAND new 3 bdrm. home with hard wood floors In living room. Plastered lntrlon. strictly modern. Immediate poas. 16,500. Liberal terms. Eve. phone 3-0901 or 3-3084. e278 31 t.SOO Lovely 3 bdrm. home Just out side city limits. East. tee. landscaped lot, full bsmt. New oil heating system, double garage. Truly a good buy. Call Mr. Walter. HUFF REAL ESTATE Realtors. 341 Chemeketa St. Ph, 31)271: Ives. 25200 a276 $9000. Reduced from 110,500. Owner leaving Salem right now. Your opportunity for a good buy. Nice clean, b large rooms, patio, attached garage, oil furnace. North. $5500. Keiter. Large lot. living room, dining room, carpeted, kitchen, utility, bath, stall shower, 1 BR down, unlln. up for 3 rooms. Owner will trade for acreage. Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS 250 N. High St. Phone 2-4129. a276" MMMl 3 bdrm. home on rear of large lot. clone m North. Excellent location for court or ant. house. Call Mr. Walters. HUFF REAL ESTATE Realtors. 341 Chemeketa St. Pit 30271: Eves. 25260 a27 KEI7.ER DISTRICT: New 3 bedroom home. bath, living room, dining room, kitchen, nook, fireplace, oil heat. Close to bus line and grade school. Price 17900.00. NEW 2 bedroom home. bath, living room, dining room, kitchen, nook, fire place, automatic heat, nice basement, all good siiit-d rooms. Price 111.000 00. T. H. Bell, Realtor 361 CHKMtKRTA BT. Ph. 3-4B98, 2-1545; Eves. 2-6686, 3-8588 3-7515. a27 FOR SALE LOTS thtliO LOT far sale. Kelier. Carlhaven addition. Water piped to lot. Ph. 24259 Daytime Ph. 24592 cveninas. aa278' VIEW LOTS WE HAVE several Ige. view lota on the Height!. B. Isherwood, Realtor Ph. IFII or Ph. 3-8816 aa27V FOR SALE FARMS LOVELY. MODFRN 35 acre ranch, well located for Balem. Box 38, Rt. 3, Scto b378 BI H.DINO lfT WOKTHTniSRICE7lft acres at edge of Wooilburn, on pavmt.. a In fine cane berries, lge. Irrtg. well. Late built 4 bdrm. home, garage 2 amall barna, Low down payment, good loan at A pet Onlv 311,9110. WELL IMPROVED FARM. NORTH. 100 acres all cult., well fenced, close to 9M Hlwar. school and market. Mod. plant, ft bdrm. home, hsmt. A- furnace, Lge. barn, 3 nloa, other good bldg. Yom best Investment at I20.O00. Terms. HIGHWAY FARM. One of the best lo cated 40 acres you have ever seen. Rich cult, bottom loam, all seeded. ciood 2 bdrm. home, garage, mech. shed pltry. A hog he. 34 steel stanchion burn silo A milk rue. DON'T FAIL TO SEE THIS. 114 000. Larson Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Pervlce 1648 . Coml. St Ph. 3-8.189. evea. 3-7440 b275" FOR SALE ACREAGE BY OWNrR: Will flrll hit Enut7vlnS bdrm. home ASA in Salem Heights Nice aatrten space to chicken house Ph 3BJ3B bb274 CLOSE 1n"A("RF 4(.E 41 acres on hard surfaced road. South 4 mile from t A. Hank, gradual slope for good drain itne N;ce grove on high eM point for building aiie, nice view of imviiitmn Ilnlance in prune tree some chert if nud apples. No building, except small tool house. 1 would like to kwi' it but am forced to sell Will take M00 $1000 down, balance terms. Owner B-yi 91 Cnpital Jonrnsl bb784 REAL ESTATE Olson & Reeve Realtors t'Pt'RBAN 3 Mrm home Hdd firs Pi replace Tht ipmvnimraU, the aorkmanshlp in 'his home are outstanding. Nearl 1 A d'ei welt Tin La one of Salens s finer homes 131 MM. 14 arpt. only, please, ral' tVnt At-p 70 f M r South abo.it 34 ! A isooo, aim nil down payment. Call Dent rMNENi strrt 8 lot oer JOfl tt trackage part No 4 aone Oood 8 rm. older tpc hs. 19000 Call IV nt SUnURSAN HOME 110 COO rm. hse. on I acre. Complete ly furnished. Parn, c Mr ken hse . 1 cow M chickens N nrar 99 highway. LOOK 111 900 Loe:y 3 Islim home In N Sa lem All large rm. Pi replace, bamt , oil heat. T!i j bom w onlj 8 year old Oood terms Call Maddy NOTICE I2P00 DOWN 4v Int on bal small monthly pay menu Oil heal fireplace, hdwd. fire 3 lane b.lrm . room for one more. Imm Poas Call Ma.M- Mr THIS We hae a lolr I bttim home Call and we will be glad to s.ew you. Maddy Olson & Reeve Realtors to Comm. if, .1 CI74 BT OKNII 3d .r III Iti. lul irowin, ttl dxtrl.l Th. krr.M. it rlcw. to MJlfMll ld.l fM tlllxllTUlOtt. ft, ,M r 3MS: To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 REAL ESTATE LEE OHMART & LOOK NEW DUPLEX Only 18 400 cash: balance payable 476 00 per month P. H A.: situated in the Hol lywood area; income 8150.00 per month; elec. heal refrl. i a rue, mi'' washing machine go; full price Is $16 WO. BEN LOMOND A HE A Several building cites still available at 480 00 and up. LOOKING FOR A BUSINESS? Small hardware and a small shoe repair shop; both located close to Salem: please ace Mr. Stewart; no phone Information. Lee Ohmart & Co., Realtors Phone 24115-6 477 Court St. Evening Phone 2-4722, 8-8770, 2-5901) C275 A COSTLY EXPERIENCE TO THIS SALEM PROPERTY OWNER! . . . This beautiful 3 bedroom home was the kind people Hand in line to buy, so the owner thought. "Why list it for sale with a Realtor? I'll sell it myself!" And he certainly did that very thing. And it only took him a few clays to do it, too. And he THOUGHT he got a fair price too. . . . But after it was all over he found that he d made a mistake. He discovered that similar prop erties in the immediate vicinity were bringing $2,000 MORE THAN the price he had accepted. BUT HE FOUND OUT TOO LATE! . . . NOW THE MORAL of this little fable is simply this: When you list your property for sale in Salem or any section of the Salem area WITH A REALTOR, you benefit by his expert knowledge, experience and judgment in realty valuations. He is well versed on present-day market realty values. He has a service to per form, and this service it offered to the public. This owner would certainly have benefitted by selling his home through a competent REALTOR! REALTOR SERVICE Doesn't Cost IT PAYS! LOOK FOR "REALTOR" IN THE CLASSIFIED ADS Consult Any Member of the Salem Real Estate Board: GEO. D. ALDERIN Realtor 403 Oregon Bldg. Ph. 3-5780 AMUNDSON REALTY CO. Realtors 554 Ferry St. Ph. 2-6687 P. H. BELL Realtor 861 Chemeketa St. Ph 34896 RALPH BENT Realtor 2330 8. Commercial Ph S-S123 BLIVEN, COONEY it CRAIG, Realtors 647 N. High St. Ph. 2-3617 JOE L. BOURNE Realtor 1140 N. Capitol St. Ph.3-8216 ED BYRKIT & CO. Realtors 339 Chemekctn St. Ph. 3-3101 RUDY CALABA It CO. Realtors 231 N. High St. Ph. 35838 LEO N. CHILDS, INC. Realtors 144 State St. Ph. 2-3663 DUNN REALTY EXCHANGE Realtors 984 N. Pacific Highway Woodburn, Oregon Ph. Main 136 M. GEIGER Realtor 1205 Portland Rd. Ph. 2-1073 GOODWIN Sc McMILLIN Realtors 484 Court St. Ph. 3-4707 GRABENHORST BROS. Realtors 134 S. Libertv St. Ph. 22471 JOHN H. HANSEN. REALTOR Th. 37819 or 34522 1P97 Fairgrounds Road CHAS. HUDKINS SON Realtors 230 N. High St. Ph. 2-4129 HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realtors 341 Chpmeketn St. Ph S-9T71 JOE HUTCHISON Realtor 4.V1 Court St Phont 2-3629 AL ISAAK CO. Realtors 3015 Tortland Rd. Ph. 87810 B ISHERWOOD Realtor Rt. 1. Box 243, riv ne 6F1 1 14 Miles North on W allure Rd 1289 Sixth St., West Salem Phone 2 8836 RIAL 1ST ATE I At'RI OOOP OIU BARN. CHICKFN HOt'ltE ,r.. and .n ficrll.nl J-BH riftim. for Ih, nw purr- M 31. .trra In ulmtlon .lid rlrntv f rwm fur frt... p:. nd cliwn.n. THIS won-t utn BNtlLKWPOP tUH'AK lt!l full b.V-, m.nt, h.rrtmiiod !Lhm, firm). tin, lir- pl.r, ouldror 1:r.c;.r. 3-BH. httl. llv-, In, room, dinlnt r,vm turlirn. brrak fuit nook AMI) A V KH Y NICE l-RCXM APT. FtR ot'BMrB lh. prlo. U til. M0 .rMl .vr.ll.nt Inni kr Avall.bl, C.ll for fc.poHlllprn Wl RAVI BOMB rHUICI FARMB THAT TAN BB PVRCHABP.il TKRT BBABON ABtB GOODWIN rV McMll.l.lN, B.7A1 rORB 4,4 mi'HT BM. 1-411 BBinu I-13U w l-ltk (REAL ESTATE CO., REALTORS IDEAL FAMILY HOME Let Mr. Stewart show you this excellent 3 bedroom home located on North 18th clone to State: full basement; double plumbing: over-all carpeting: excellent and economical aawauat turnacc; l oik. to bus. Price Is only 313.900. A "RANCHO" SOUTH Strictly modern 3 bedroom ranch-style home; large tract 100x250 ft.; extra large kitchen; Ideal view; located about 3 miles south of Balem: see Mr. Sulli van on this one; price Is 312.000, with terms. ALLEN C. JONES & MABEL A. NEEDHAM Realtors 341 State St. Ph. 3-9201 W. G. KRUEGER Realtor 147 North Commercial St. Ph. 3-4728 A. A. LARSEN Realtor 390 State St. Ph. 34114 LARSEN HOME & LOAN CO. Realtors 164 S. Commercial Ph. 3-8389 N. J. LINDGREN or ED POTTER Realtors 215 S. High Phone 3-3630 McKILLOP REAL ESTATE Realtor 169 S. High Phone 85131 R. E. MEREDITH Realtor 176 S. Commercial St. Ph. 3-8841 WM. E. MOSES Realtor 331'4 State St. Ph. 3-4993 WALTER MUSGRAVE Realtors 1233 Edgewater St. West Salem, Ph. 8-5109 NELSON & NELSON i Realtors 702 N. High Ph. 8-4622 LEE OHMART t CO. Realtors 477 Court St. Ph. 2-4113 OLSON 4 REEVE Realtors 945 S. Commercial Ph. 3-4590 BURT PICHA Realtors 337 Jf. High St. Ph 2-3649 RE1MANN REAL ESTATE Realtors 201 S. High St. Phon 39203 SALEM REALTY CO. C W. Bartlett, Realtor 149 N. High St. Ph. 3-7660 STATE FINANCE CO Realtors 153 S. High St. Ph. 84121 SULLIVAN REALTY CO. Realtors 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3 8255 THE REAL ESTATE MARKET John J. Dann, Realtor 433 N. High Ph. 21793 J. F. ULRICH Realtor 317 Court St, Ph. 88672 F H. WEIR Realtor 1247 S Commercial St. Th. 3-9411 REAL ESTATE . t. coRNt R Lancaster to Sunnyvlew Ate Ph. 1-8833. Walt Sorolofsky, Real Estate rl78 (H1INO TO BUILD Nee building aite en CroMcn creek Timber year-round creek, macadam road 3 9 miles from V. S. bank. 11800 100 down balance in 3 years. Owner. B.t 81. Carnal Journal el 78 W011.0 you srtnd 1473 (full price for a small building site tor lust a picnic ground wiih creek, oak trees and hard surfaced road 4 mi tec from center of Salem Bog 8t. Capital Journal. 1"8 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 REAL ESTATI LIKE KEIZER? Nearly new 4 bdrm. ell-electric home located la nice residential district at 4120 Clark St. Full price U 19740. Oood terms. ITS A DANDY New 3 bdrm. Stucco home cn a large acre, suburban west, and It s only I69S0. VERY H1C1 3CINOWOOD HEIGHTS DE-LUXI Beautiful view home ranch style. 3 bdrm. Kitchen .fr nook. DR. LR. with fire place, hardwood floors, double plumbing, all electric double garage, top construc tion, wc love to show this home and w hare the key, so don't hesitate to call. BURT PICHA, REALTORS . Phone 3-3849. Ive. 2-5390 or 3-1033. 337 N. High Street. cJ74 YOU CAN AFFORD THESE PLACES Nearly new 2 bedroom insulated home on 13 acre north near good school and on bus line. $1950 down balance payable $41.00 a month including interest, taxes and insurance. Total price $6950. For only $5250 we have a good 2 bedroom home including cir culator, range, automatic hot water heater and floor coverings. Terms. See BLIVEN COONEY CRAIG Phone 23617 Evening, 38918, 35053 647 N. High St. McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY REALTORS 169 South High Salem Phone 3-5131 or 8-8620 NORTH Oord location, 3 BR hoiut. bath. LR. DR, K. nook, bullt-iru. plutrred Interior, elc.n. (.rut. larden ipot. cIom to Mhool,, 1 block to bu, Jujt 16.300. BOUTH Net and well-arranstd new style home, hip root, plastered Interior. HW at fir floor,, 3 BR. bath, LR. DR. kitchen, bulltlnJ, electric cooking and heatlni. taraie, t. block to bua, vacant Immediate poueaslon, only 19.000.00. Beautiful uburban home, clou, to. fine hardwood floor,, fireplace, full base ment with automatic oil furnace. 1 BRa. bath. LR, DR. K. builtlna, yen. blinds, plas tered Interior, well landscaped, ta block to city bus, S11.000.O0. COME IN OR CALL Evenings 3-7163 or 3-4937 SULLIVAN REALTY CO. a I fl.aso Near Hollywood. 740 Spruce. This la a very nice one bdrm. home that has lust been completely redecorated on the Inside. Reduced from 16,800. Make us an offer. I 6 500 Here Is a fine little 2 bdrm. home East. Apt. range and the living rm. furniture included in sale. i 8.300 New 3 bdrms. all on one floor. Here la a home w.th 1139 set ft. that really has the value. 111,900 New 3 bdrms. and a den on main floor. Nice quiet district. Pull base ment with a fireplace. You only need 12,000 to buy this FHA approved home. SULLIVAN 3985 Portland Rd. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 3 ACRES all In cultivation with excellent 44950. I'Olt GLNl'INE VALl'E. homey llvabllity, newly decorated 10 yr. Old nome wnn only $i 1.500. PLEASINGLY MODERN 3 bedrm. home. soil; highway frontage, plua lake frontage, u muea no. oi saiem. an, sou. INCOME PROPERTY never hurts anyone. Aa an Inflation hedge let us show you some of the many dollar producing propeiriea presently listed with us. Apts., duplexes, store buildings, etc. If you don't see It advertised CALL US. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. "S? years of dependable service to home owners." GRABENHORST SPECIALS VTw-invr T nriTi'iM I Int i-1 rv. t rt arhnnlji v cn x tLuar. in Nice 3 bdrm. home with llv. rm.. din rm., kitchen, nook, bath, Venetian blinds, fireplace, ba&mt., garage. Lo cated In good residential area extreme ly cio5e-ln. Oood lawn to pretty shrubs. TERMS. Call Peter H. Oeiser. 2070 N. 4TH STREET 2 bdrm.. llv. rm, dinette, nice kitchen, hall to bath, fireplace, full clean basmt.. partly ceiled, nice yard, city park ad Joining back yard with Highland .School a block away. Everything, here for a comfortable, cute, cozy little home. Pric ed correctly at f8 000. Call Roy Ferris. NEW 2 BRM. HOME Salem Heights Avenue, 2 bdrm., new. large, kitchen, llv. rm., nice bath, large Grabenhorst Bros., Realtors J1 hone 2-2471; Evenings 3-2948, 3-7772. 3-4189. 23-P-14, 2-8010 For Prompt and Courteous Service, List Your Property With U REAL ESTATE NELSON NEWS 3 BDRMS. NORTH LR DR. kit., 1 bdrm., to bath 1st fir. 2 bdrms. 2nd fir. Pplace, basement, util ity rm., oil furnace, ele. water htr.. 275 gal. oil tank. dble. gar., paved sidewalk, W blk. to bus. 18750. BEAUTIFUL HOME, 2 B R. cV DEN Are you looking for kit view? This ts It. Oood new home, knotty pine built in to den. beautiful tiled bath with separate shower. Ideal radiant water heating plant. Weather striped, insulat ed, dble game. lge. lot. 119 500. GOOD OLD BUSINESS A confectionery, variety to Jewelry busi ness busiest In a good valley town near Salem. Purchaser can have very good lease on real estate. Grossing about 17000 monthly. Price 130.000. FOR FISHING & HUNTING 40 sc., with springs to running stream 8 rm. log houe. 3 rm cabin. Oood m. barn Half nay between CoaM to Sa lem. Only 14500 20 AC. $18.50 DOWN AH eult . grain farm, aood mod , 1 rm. house. Oood barn (32x18 chicken hse.. argge. price 18250. VERY PRODUCTIVE FARM 15 cc 3'i ac. Tetch. 8 ac. wheat, 3't ac Boysen R. well with ele system ; 4 rm. home with 3 bdrms. Barn. car., chicken rise , m. out. Price 17500. If non f the above meet ypur require ment tell us what you want, if we not already hate it luted, we probably know where to find it for you quickly. Nelson & Nelson Special. sing Realtors fOI N H ah Phone 3-ll t2T4 CALABA'S COLUMN 81 BUYS IT Amall 1 -bedroom suburban home, wired for range, elec. water heater, well with ec. water system, inc. oil circ.. alec, stove and daveno. S acre. 11500 DOWN Buys this attractive suburban home. 2 bedrooms. acre, berries, filberts and peaches, close to Keirer school, bus by door, pavrd road. Total price only I750O. 3i ACRR8 ON BILVCRTON ROAD New l-room home. V. blinds, large cer ate, all rooms arc large. 1mm. posses sion. 110 500 NORTH 30TH BTREPT Modern 9-room home, oak floors, fire place, larte garage and deep lot. nice yard. Will trade for acreage North or Ks-t 111 709. RUDY CALABA At CO. Realtor 231 N. High p.nn y88- Pre JM4 Of HT-9 e WANTED REAL ESTATE OTKf If your property is tr ca:e rent cr e-nange. list it with as We bare ail k nds af cash ijr TATS HTt ro. RXALTOB9 19 B auk 8X. REAL ESTATE bdrm. home. Hardwood floors, fenced back raid, only 18989. REALTY CO. Phone 33255 C378 wooded building cite. Not far out either. and all around satlsl action tee this 3 bdrm. run DiKmrni, ou nesi, jargv 7u, cn., jui Plenty of outbuildings. 38 acres productive close to schools. 81.500 down and 850 per mo. on balance. Price 17,250. Cell Earl West. MR. INVESTOR 3400 per month 4 yr. lease, excellent highway frontage, 200 ft. yet to be developed, large 3 story building, 3 apt., on second floor, ground floor include excellent restaurant and tavern, com pletely equipped. Located on main high war, offered at a real value. FOR DE TAILS Call Coburo L. Orabrnhorst. CLOSE IN Oood 4 bdrm. home, full bsmt.. auto oil heat, fireplace. No. 3 business gone. Home in excellent condition. Price only 110.500. TERMS. Call Richard E. Grab enhon.1, WANTED REAL ESTATE LISTINGS! HE NEED 'EM. Call us for prompt, courteous service. BUST PICHA. REALTORS Phone 23649. 337 N. High Bt. ca274 WE ARE tn need off cooo Bouses to cell in or near Salem If you wish list your property for talc see GRABENHORST BROV. REALTORS i34 8. Liberty St. Phone 3-2471. ca EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE FOR TRADE Very good 7 room p!atered house on one acre, close in on c.ty bus line, city water, near school, should be 10 or more acres. More possible trades. What have you? Hotels, trailer parks, farms. Contact sir. A. Vlcary Allen Jones or Mrs. Needham, Realtors 341 State St., Rm. 4 Phone 3-9201 70 ACRES TO TRADE LOCATED 1 miles from Salem. 16' t acres pasture, 17 acres field, 10 ( acres lame filberts, 171- acres well kept prune orch ard. 1 acre strawberries, l1? acre black cap. 6 acres alia feaque NO BUILD INGS BUT A OOOD PAYING FARM. CONSIDER TRADING FOR CITY PROP ERTY AROUND 914 000. COLBATH LAND CO. 1881 Center St - Ph 34533 eb274 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES THREE GOOD HOI SES ON THRFt LA RGB LOTS BUSINESS ZONE CLOSE IN ON SOUTH HIGH STREET THIS IS AN OPPORTUNITY. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL Joe Hutchison, Court St. PHONE 2-3639 Fe. 3-4789 fdJTS" BETTER THAN lli NET BI'SINESS bids, about 4 yrs. old. of frame const. Leased for 4 yrs. at 1400 per mo Owner is lea v tug state and win sell for 196 000. This ts reallv a good buj, auto court furnished DISTANT owner says sell my Auto Court. All new incl. furnishing of the very best. 1 units for 140.000 oo TAVERN 930 000 ONI of the best in Will, valley, net prof it of 1100 mo Loc. at junction of 3 good hlwars. Ed Likinbal HUFF REAL ESTATE Realtors 341 Cnemeketa S Ph. 39171: Fiea 3680. rdJT $4700. Neighborhood grocery, very good loca tion. Fixtures, stock, equpt . everything ge. You can atari tn your own bus iness today Investigate. Chas. Hudkins & Son R EALTON8 3" N H th St Plfone J. 4129 rdJTf' 1NCRF A St your tneorre 10 Candr-tte eaechioee, sever used, giM, 15C0 Laurel I Cdl 71 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SERVICE STATION PINE LOCATION. 3 pump with hoist. completely equipped. Doing good Dull ness. Long lease. Price I12M). Ph. 33289. General Real Estate 255 Center St rd374 Kt.wo. HOTEL to tavern combination, for quick sale. B:dg., Stock sod Equ:p. All i :es Call Bar Davis. HUFF REAL ESTATE Realtors. 341 Chemekets Bt. Ph. 39271: Eves 38858. C(U78 Nelson Opportunities Three unit rental, good location to con dition, mostly furnished 113.000. I Unit apt., house to large oaner's quart. Excellent location, A-l condi tion, 130,000. Motel, will trade for California prop erty. Oood condition, shows good re turns, 135,000. NELSON & NELSON Specialising Realtors 702 N. High Phone 3-4022 Cd276 $7600 Full Price $100 Per Week Net Income New restaurant and confectionery, fully equipped and with living quarters, on 'a acre of excellent soil. Just 17 mi. from Salem on paved highway. This Is really an exceptionally good buy. No phone information please. H. E. COREY 1484 Marlon St. Ph. 3-3818 or 3-5242 Day or evenings cd274 NEW AND USED FIRMTLRE store. Do ing good business. Ideally located. 350 per mo rent. Also a gd. lease. BE YOUR OWN BOSS LESS than 11000 will buy you a business. May pay you to investigate further. Geiger Real Estate 3205 Portland Rd. Ph, 21073 or Eves. 21.848 or 27374. cd275 TAKE A LUOK at tins new deal on Stout! Gro. to Hdw. Store. Lease on bldg., house to rent, bldg. repaired. Stock at Inventory. Fixtures reasonable. Oood business to low overhead. Perrydale. Ore. cd281 BUSINESS LOCATIONS ON SO. Vita. KT. Garage with cement firs. 20x20. 13500. Terms. EAST 18000 for well made bldg. to cottage with 4 acre. B. USHER WOOD. REALTOR Ph. 6 11 or PS. 2-8836. cd37& MOST PROFITABLE BUSI. IN VALLEY. Restaurant, groc. to station, plus bus depot. Llv. qtrs., up to date equipment. THIS GROSSED 3133,000 last year. Will sacrifice at 820.000. BEST SMALL GROCERY buy in Salem. Fine shopping center, good equipment, long lease, low rent. Incl. 3 rm. mod. apt. IMMED. POSS. Everything goes at 34250. LGE. BL'SI. BLDG. EAST. State St.. Penn 4 Corners. Suitable for variety of com'l uses. Extra land for development. 38500. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 So. Coml. St. Ph. 3-8389; eve. 3-7440 Cd275- SMALL BUSINESS for a couple, young or old. Living quarters provided. Call 323. Jefferson, Oregon for further Informa tion. cd276 DEATH of partner forces sale of Austin's gen. dry goods and shoe business in Woodburn. Est. 50 yrs. Earnings good. r e A E. Austin, Woodburn. ed274 FURNITURE FOR SALE WANTED FURNITURE HIGHEST PRICES paid. Phone Olenn at Woodry Auction Market. Ph. 3-3110. da TOP PRICES paid for u.ed furniture, tools and hardware. Call Mr. Reiser 29285. 385 N. Commercial. da Fl'KNITL'KE, household. etc.. Men's clothing and shoes. Trunk luggage, etc. SUNDALE EXCHANOK to PAWN SHOP 594 N. Liberty Ph. 25511. da AUCTIONS Furniture and Livestock Auc tion Wed., Nov. 17, at Lane Sudtell's Auction Salesyard. 10 A. M. AND 7 P. M. LOCATED 1 MILES EAST OP SALEM ON SILVER TON ROAD. Cook stoves, beds, coll springs,, mat tresses, dressers, tables, chairs, break fast sets, tools, antique organ, wood heating stoves. Many other articles of furniture. TARM MACHINERY PRODUCE 2 SOWS WITH LITTERS FEEDER ST WEANER PIGS Day old and veal calves. Locker stock. Several good cows and heifers now consigned- COME AND BRINO YOUR FURNI TURE AND LI V tAIVCK TO THIS SALE. MANY BUYtKS. TO BUY OR SELL CALL LANE SUDTELL PHONE 3-8098 dd274 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK Pt'REBRED JERSEY cow with Week old heifer calf. 4 gal. milk per day. Gentle Call 22992. e274 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED it LICENSED livestock buyer. C. McCandllsh, 1127 S. 35Ui. Ph. 3-8147. ea280 I. I. SNETIIEN AV SON, Licensed and Bonded cattle buyers. Ph. 2-1345. ea278 PETS AIREDALES. Finest all-around dog. I mo. old reg. male pup. He will be tops as a pal. watchdog and hunter. Hilltop Ken nels. Rt. 1. Box 314. Corvallis. ec275 CHOICE Canary Birds. 260 If. 18th. ec286' DOGS BOARDED by day or month, train ing ifc grooming. Horse meat. Free pick up to deliv. LeOray Kennels. Ph. 3-1398 ec24 FUEL WOOD SAWING. Ph. 3-7238. ef298 ft In. Slab Wood. del. Ph. 36075.36381 ee297 CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Dlrtel and Stove OH. PRESH CUT BAWDP81 Dry Slab Wood Phone 3-6444 IgooD CLEAN fresh cut screened saw- daM. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 35533. ee294 18 IN. GREEN EDGING 15.50 per load. 16 In. dry edalnss 17 50 per load. OREGON FUEL CO. Ph. 3-3533. ee29I YOU HAUL DRY WOOD 3575 MISSION ce GOOD DRY 14 in slab, also green 16 in. slab for furnace ue. Immediate delivery OREGON FX' EL CO. Ph. 3-3533. ee301 TRI-CITY FUEL Fresh Cut Sawdust Drv 16' Millwood Ask for S A R Green fttampc Prompt Delivery Ph. 37442 West Salem Fuel Co. 18-IN DRT OR OR FEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD OROWTH BLOCK WOOD 16-D4 CLEAN NO BARK SCRFENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIF9EL AND STOVE OH Piione : Salem 3-4011 tlae pick up wood et 1528 Edgewater St W Salem ee FOR SALE POULTRY TURKEYS DIRFCT from farm 1 m:le South of School. Liberty Turkey Farm. Phone 2287) f27l N. H. PILI-FTS and young hens, 12.50 and up. Route 7, box 417, Salem. 1378 BART CHICKS, Weekly Hatches New HTro.ltre P S:mi Le Hatchery f PRODUCE roR SALE Netted Gem potatoes. John Fadenrecht. Rt 6. B 295. Sa.em. ftJTg ' WHtTFFME sieer b-f Also t or whole top hog P.-.one 3'.?9 ffJTS Journal Want Ads Pay HELP WANTED x WOMAN FIT COOK for day shift. With or wunout reiautu mi. be good rook. Stop-Lite Coffee Shop lust south of 12th Bt. Junction on WK. EXPERIENCED Shoe ealesmen for largest retail ladles shoe organisation In tnc world. Excellent opportunity for ad vancement. Also experienced hosiery salesladies end cashier. Leed'a Bnoa Stores. Write box 31, Capital Journal. g274 HELP WANTED MALE MAN WITH CAR. Dignified work, good appearance, married man preferred. Earn up to 175 00 a week while learn ing. Call 2-3443 from 9 to 11 Wed. morn ing for appointment. ga274 HELP WANTED FEMALE" STENOGRAPHER. PART TIME COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY gb270 WANTED Experienced dental assistant. State ace to experience. Write Box 33 Capital Journal. gb37& HAVE opening for 3 lady salesmen. 1440 8. 12th. gb.?7 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Commercial Placement Agency Prompt. Friendly Service Stenographic Bookkeeping Sales Typing Piling No charge or obligation to Employers 360 State Street Phone 3-1488 CT274 WANTED SALESMEN OLD ESTABLISHED national firm recent ly promoted two men to managerial positions, leaving openings in our sales organisation for two men. Must have car. Our men arc now earning 1150 per week each and up. Contact Mr. Simpson, 348 N. Com'l., Room 23 any day before 3 o'clock. gs276 MEN-WOMEN Be your own boss. Full or part time. Highest commissions paid. Finest line loafers, moccasins. Build own house route. Car not essential. No sam ples to buy. The Phil Sales Co., 363 French. Bangor. Maine. gg277 WANTED POSITIONS TREE WORK Trimming, Removing INSURED OPERATOR Free estimates, John Payne. Ph. 26014. 348 S. Church. h282 WILL GIVE young children best of care in your home or mine anernoons ana evenings after 7:00 p.m. Ph. 3-0606. h274 SERVICES Valley Band to Oravel Co. Pit run gravel, sand to silt. Tractor dozing to grading. Tractor shovel for dirt moving. Ph. 3-4002 Off. Res. 37146. ha 20 YRS. EXPERIENCE, of general office and traffic: 5 yrs. supt. of gov't, rail road, experience salesman, hardware, Plumbing and plumbing fixtures. Wriic Capital Journal Box 99. h279 WANTED, Job with 6x6 long w.b. Interna tional. 945 Market St. Call till 10:30 a.m. to after 5:00 p.m. hi 76 CARPENTER WORK, new or remodeling. auo cabinet work. Ph. 2-4399. ha 7? LANDSCAPING, new lawns, planting, rototllllng. grading, tree trimming. Rich ard Boyer. Ph. 2-2256. h279a WANTED: Sponsor' for radio program. Modern piano. Reply Box 18 Capital Journal. h274 TRACTOR for hire. Land clearing, bull dozing, etc. E. G. Neal, Rt. 1, Sublim ity. Ore. h274 OIL CIRCULATORS, furnaces serviced and vacuumed, sawdust burners Install ed. end repaired. Let mi put that heat ing equipment m shape to do What tho manufacturers intended It to do. Stan Dvorak, Ph. 24963. h27S SHEET ROCK taping to texturing a. spec ialty. Ph. 2-7454 after 1 p.m. h274 IRONING and hourly work of Cleaning. Ph. 3-8745. h274 Feel Like an Eskimo???? Do you shiver and shake because of a dirty furnace, flue or stove? Put away tho red flannels, cut fuel cost, and prevent fire hazards. Merely write or call Nobby's (Barnes) Furnace and Plus Cleaning Co.. 313 So. View Place, Salem. Phone 2-5424. h274 BfJLLDOZINO, clearing, logging with R-4 cat. equipped with wench, docer. Hour or contract. L. V. Lcmlre, RL 1, Box 222. h27 TREE WORK, trimming, topping, felling, removing. Ins. oper. Free est. W. H. McAllister, 840 Trade. Pb. 21491. h3S9 POE'S MIMEOGRAPHING, typing, book keeping service In our home. Quality work, lower prices. 669 K. 16th St. Ph. 3-3643. h383 PLASTERING. PATCHWORK to ehlmney building. Ph. 34389. Free estimates. h287 INTERIOR painting. Exp. Ph. 3-1796 0290 CARE FOR children m my noma. Prefer 6 mos. to 8 years. 188 B. 18th. Ph. 36876. h387 DRESSMAKING Hit, Ph. 1-7004. 3440 Cherry Ave. h280 BABY SITTING. Phone 1-0588 or 3-3991. h280 FIRST CLASS carpenter work New of remodel. Large or small. Pb. 38281 B280 WILL CARE for one small child In your home. Ph. 35095. h275 CARPENTER, new home construction, al terations, repair, finishing, bulltins. P. H. Hatler, 1067 Third St. Ph. 3-7729. h273 t LADIES want nr. work cooking din ners. Call at 110 Evergreen Ave. or Ph. 2-3823. ask for Cora Ebbey. h27t CONCRETE WORK. Anything, any place, large or small. Ph. 31787, or 36252. 1.273 EXPERT CARPENTER WORK. New or re model. No job too large or small. Pn. 36253 Or 31767. h27g Al'TO PAINTING juts a shade better by Ray Ktter. Call Bhrock Motor Co, 3-9101. WANTED Ft RNITIRE to glut repair. Lee Bross, Ph. 2-123S h FOR RENT ROOMS SLEEPING ROOM, hot ft cold water. 1 oiorxs trom oiatenouie business din trlct. Ph. 3-7511. Jk275" ATTRACTIVE room private home. Oentle- men. a w. Bummer. Ph. 3-6368. Jk376" HF4TED. close In, phone, but. 1371 Che. mcneia si. Jk276a WARM SLEEPING room. With Kit. prlv. i or woman. Keasonaoie. also cabin for bachelor. 394 N. 12th. Jk37 COMFORTABLE sleeping room with kit- fan, iviiii. tmv o. inn, jKaiiB- TRN. BLF.EPINO rooms. ClOM lh. 80 Marion St. JkJ7 SLEEPING ROOM. 461 W. High. Ik278 MCE SLEEPING ROOM Men. 441 Cen ter St. Rear Wood tow Bldg. Jk373 SLEEPING room. 461 H. High. Jk27" CLEAN. LIGHT, well furn. room with Adj. pn. bath. On bus line. Call ove. or Sat, ft Bun. 130 B. 19th. Jk376" SLEEPING BOOM in quiet eutriet. Kit chen priv. if desired. Inquire rear build ing Apt. I. 1380 H. Liberty, Sheldon Apt. Jkl74" LARGE, PLEASANT, front room Suitable lvl p.rTM. j Mission, rnonc Jk27S WELL FTRN. sleeping room. Close In. Mm only. 737 Center St. jk27l Ntrri.Y FIRN. bdrm With kltch prlv. Close in. Adults. No drinkers. 6B6 No. Cottage. 39430. Jk273 uemen taa w. Hummer. Ph. 16369. Jk374 PLEASANT sleeping room for nan. lqVf Norway. Ph. 24547 jgj:? SLEEPING room. 466 N. 16th. Jk27 WARM. COMF. Furn Housekeeping Rn, lower floor. Bus close. 1431 H. Cottage. . )k37 9LEEPINQ BOOM. 3131 Center Bt. 1H86 BLP. RMS i:S0O Ph. 39M 394 14. 14rn. (Continued on Pogt 19)