Local Paragraphs Memorial Group Next meet- Bus Rights Sought The Pact ing lor me oaiem Memorial Au- jjic Greyhound lines has applied ditorlum association is called for to the Oregon public utilities commission for operating rights held by the East Side buses be tween Silverton, Sublimity, Stayton, Scio, Lebanon, Sweet Home and Halsey. Hearing on the application will be held in Portland. November 22, Firm Listed Andal Con struction company, general con struction, is assumed business name filed with the county clerk by Fred K. Andal, Salem. Friday evening, November 26 announces Rex Kimmell, presi dent. The meeting will be in the Chamber of Commerce. Chairmen for the five standing advisory committees will be elected by the general meeting at this time. These include chairmen for the site, finance, legal, building and publicity committees. Hospital Dismissals Dis charged from the Salem General hospital over the week-end with recently born babies were Mrs. Walter A. Rutherford, 735 Breys and son; Mrs Edmund Durkin, 4675 Harcourt and son; Mrs. Clarence J. Primus, Indepen dence, and daughter; Mrs. Geo A. Hall, Rt. 7 and son; Mrs. Clif ford L. Hughes. 1940 N. Front and son; Mrs. Howard Guinal, 537 N. 14th and son and Mrs L. L. Balch, Hazelriorf Apts. and daughter. Leaving the Salem Memorial hospital were Mrs. Eugene Poitras and son, Turner, Box 2fi8, Mrs. George Winne penninkx ad son, Woodburn, Rt. 1, Box 97; Mrs. Francis Scheu- rich and daughter, Marion and Rock. For several years she Mrs. Bruce Van Wyngarden and ! served as cashier in the state PTA Meeting -The Salem EXCITEMENT OF THE WEST college ana Acaaemy rift wm meet at the school at 730 Mon day night. The program will consist of special music presen ted by Prof. R. L. Lush, dean of music; a short business session, guest speaker and refreshments Mrs. J. W. Hancock of 3895 Rivercrest road is head of the organization. Ready for Bridge County Commissioner Ed Rogers report ed Monday that the county bridge crew is getting ready to make re placement of the bridge just west of Stayton on the West Stayton road as soon as lumber is delivered. The lumber is con tracted for. He said the bridge Hollywood lions George Dilts, Salem food distributor, will speak on the subject "The Romance of the Food You Eat" during Wednesday's luncheon of the Hollywood Lions. Members will entertain their wives to a book's publication. pre-Thanksgiving day dinner i jt wui be recommended by the night of Nov. 23. the Literary Guild in their ma- "Wines" in January. The V. Ham. ! . :i i n it Willamette University Graduate Writes of Oregon in First Book New York, Nov. 15 Martha Ferguson McKeown, granddaugh ter of Albert W. Ferguson a pioneer in Salem, tomorrow celebrates the publication of "The Trail Led North" by The Macmillan company. I J""-5 Mrs. McKeown was graduated I . . ... :n ..!.,.. I LTi ir. ivza irom wunmienc u(. sity where she majored In, Ore gon history. "The Trail Led North" is an important item on Macmillan's pre-Christmai list and a second printing was ordered before the Building Permit mer, to wreck dwelling at 682 North 15th, $60 Wesley Smith, to build a one story dwelling and garage at 990 East Rural. S7100. R. M. Dahl. to build a one-story dwelling and garage at 150 West Rural, $10,000. L. V. Ham-, Associated Press describes it as a two-story .... unusuai book ... (in which) Mrs. McKeown puts down honestly the color and ex citement of her Uncle Mont Hawthorne's pioneering youth in the salmon canneries in our west and in the Klondike pros pecting for gold." will go on the site of the present structure and its construction will cause the road to be closed to traffic for a time. Death Reported Word been received here of the death of Miss Grace Gilliam at Pilot Invited to Tillamook Clay Cochran, manager of the Cham ber of Commerce, or some other representative of the chamber, has been invited to be a guest of the Tillamook chamber next Thursday to see the demonstra- has tion of a portable cottage in son, 1325 Jefferson street. Moves Residence Mrs. Emma Bigler, who was at the Tracy convalescent home for 10 months has moved to 2580 Hazel avenue. Reported Improving Mrs. Irene Scott Hatfield, 360 North Capitol, who suffered a stroke the latter part of May is report ed improving slowly but is still confined to bed. treasurer's office and had many friends here. No. 6 to Meet Townscnd Club No. 6 will meet at 249 Court street Monday night at 8 o'clock. Slaying Suspect Here Mrs. Frances Irene McCurdy of Gold Hill, indicted by a Josephine county grand jury for the alleg ed slaying of her 11-year-old son last September 1, was brought to the state hospital here after a hearing Friday aft ernoon. It was ruled that her mental condition is such that she would be unable to aid her own defense if she faced trial and is unsafe to be at large. Mrs. McCurdy can be placed on trial at some later date. Pinochle Party Disabled Am erican Veterans and auxiliary are sponsoring a benefit pinochle party Thursday at 8 p.m. in the Salem Woman's club house. The public is invited. Mrs. Stuart Johns is chairman. Employes to Nominate Nom ination of officers will be the chief business of Salem chapter No. 1 of the state employes as sociation when it meets at the Woman's club house Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. There will also be a discussion of any res olutions the group may plan to present at the next meeting of the general council. that community. The cottage was designed by Mr. and Mrs Eugene Hanset, who are mem bers of the Tillamook chamber. Beer Stolen Two separate week-end raids on storerooms for cases of beer were under police investigation Monday The State Street Grocery, 1230 State, lost 15 cases of beer with a total value of $50 when thieves sawed through a hasp to gain entry there. The City Ice Works also reported that a lock had been pried loose and that three cases of beer with a total value of $8.31 had been taken. 11 m Martha Ferguson McKeown Federally Insured Savings Current dividend 2. See FIRST Federal Saving FIRST 142 S. Liberty. Ph. 3-4944. Cannery workers Union Local 670 Regular Meeting Tues. Nov 16th 8 P.M. Hall One Labor Temple. Nomination of Officers, Door Prizes, Movies. 274 $25.00 reward for informa tion leading to the conviction of persons depositing garbage on the highway. By the order of the County Court. 273 Lost; Pair of Glasses in or near Methodist church in West Salem. Ph. 3-7358. 273 Eola Acres Florist. Ph. 3-5730 273' All turkey workeis report Tuesday at 9:00 A.M. Northwest Poultry & Dairy Products, 1505 N. Front. 273' Cop Back In Uniform Pa trolman Leland D. Weaver, dis charged from the Salem police department by Chief Frank A Minto, was back in uniform Monday. "This was all arrang ed a long time ago," Weaver laughed, his thumb hooked un der a West Salem police badge and he said: "I'm doing vacation relief work, that's all." Selecting Text Books The state textbook commission open ed a two-day meeting here Mon day to select one third of the textbooks for the Oregon pub lic schools for the six-year per iod starting September 1, 1949 Pass State Exams Certifi cates to practice professional engineering in Oregon have been granted J. William Blair and George Clifton McKinney. both of Salem and Robert E. Borland, Silverton, following state examinations. Jess M. Par ker, Sweet Home, received a certificate to practice profes sional land surveying and John W. Cattrall, Salem, profesional engineering. Health Clinic Held A health clinic for grade school children was held at Mill City Monday with Dr. W. J. Stone and Dr George Paeth, of the Marion county health department, in charge, assisted by Joan Schnei der and Lorraine Bly. county health nurses. Mill City assis tants were Mrs. Ed Rupp. clinic chairman, Mrs. Arthur Kriever and Mrs. Clayton Baltimore. Expert Body & Fender Work and auto painting. Reasonable prices. Reimann Motor Co., 3250 Portland Road. Ph. 37110. 273 Turkeys roasted to your taste delivered hot Thanksgiving Day Gleason's Bakery & Catering Service. 1979 Fairgrounds Road Ph. 2-5379. 273 Reroof now with Johns-Man-ville shingles. Don t gamble with an old roof. Mathis Bros. 164 S. Commercial. Free esti mates. Ph. 34642. SHOP NOW FOR CHRIST MAS AND SAVE AT BROAD WAY APPLIANCE CO. Electric Glologs for your fire place. Several makes circulating oil heaters, 20 disc. Metal kit chen tables. Co-Z-Air portable heaters, UL approved, 60 disc Inlaid Linoleum, several pat terns. Standard Weight, Dis ccunt to contractors 3-Makes Midget washing machines, ov erstocked. Big Disc. Electric blankets and comforters. Trash Burners. Special prices on slightly damaged standard elec tric ranges. Also special prices on slightly used Thor Gladirons. Several makes gas and electric water heaters, priced far below ist. AB Apartment electric ranges, price reduced. Your choice several makes home free zers. You will be surprised at the price. Close out on vacuum cleaners, electric sweepers and hand vacuums at greatly reduc ed prices. Small, large, and built-in type electric refrigerat ors. Three well-known makes console radios at practically your own price. See our large display of table appliances. Used Montag Wood Circulator, $25 BROADWAY APPLIANCE CO 453 Court St., Salem, Ore. 274" Ann the Reweaver. New loca tion, 1180 N Winter. Ph. 3-3918 277 LAUNDERETTE, 1255 Ferry 273' Cauliflower for freezing. To ny SchuU, Rt. 2, Silverton. Ph Green 281. 273 TOWEL MONOGRAMMING Special Pre-Christmas Towel Monogramming at Roberts Bros. Department Store 177 N. Liber ty St. Buy your towels here and have them monogramed as you desire for Just 10c per letter. See the actual work done in our show window. This week only 274 Mrs. McKeown is a grand daughter of Albert W Ferguson Oregon pioneer, sheriff of Was co county in the 1880s, and grand master of the Masonic lodge of Oregon. Her father, James E. Fergu son, was a pioneer architect and builder in Astoria where Mar tha Ferguson (McKeown) was born. She earned her AB at Willamette where she majored in Oregon history, and later did graduate work at the University of Oregon and the University of Washington. She and her husband live in Hood River and are partners in the family firm of Ferguson-Mc-Keown Fruit Growers and part owners of Fisher Brothers Hard ware store in Astoria. "The Trail Led North" is Mrs. Mc- Keown's first book. She is Oregon state regent of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Beginning to write only about two years ago (she is the mother of a 21-year-old son, David Fer guson McKeown), it is now her major interest along with the necessary research trips she must take in connection with whatever historical character, place, or relic of the past she happens to be tracking down at the time. Many know of the antique treasures Mrs. McKeown has helped to spare from ruin or oblivion wampun beads used in actual trade with the Indians by members of her own family, black walnut furniture brought around the Horn, articles that after reaching Oregon went on to Alaska and back during the gold rush. In bringing Mont Haw thorne's vigorous story to light sne nas turned an appreciative regard for the American past into an irresistible book of cou rage and adventure, sturdily keeping pace with her spirited nero, now 83 years old. Chris Kowitz, Jr., Jailed at Florence Ho-Hum! Chris Kowitz. Jr., was back in custody Monday, being held for Florence police in lieu of $150 bail on two charges. He said he had gone to Flor ence to repossess a car tor Dickerin' Dick's car lot, but a little talk with police there got him into difficulty. His driver's license was void and the car he sought to re possess never had had its title changed to Florence ownership Kowitz said he had been un able to report to the court there when his citation came up be cause of business. He also said they had refused to place him under bail. To Move Building County court permit has been granted to A. L. Pugh, route 1. Brooks, to move a 16x20 foot garage to Butteville. Bazaar & Cooked Food Sale, Wed. Nov. 17, Portland Gas Co Aprons, Baby Clothes. 273' Hauling Permits Given Per mit by the county court to James Brown, Brooks, permits him to move logs and piling, and to James Burrell, Jefferson, to haul logs. Bobcat Pins For Cub Scouts Seven West Salem boys re ceived their Bobcat pins when they were indicted into Cub dens at the West Salem Methodist church Friday night. All six dens and den mothers attended. Re ceiving pins were William Per kins, David Bell, Ronald Bates, Jack Scott, Herbert Herman, Thomas VanHauten and Charles Gates. Wolf badges were awarded Robert Crist, Mike Egli. Macy Hadley, Jerry Megert who also received a Wolf gold arrow. Sil ver arrows went to Richard Cas tle, Jerry Megert and Ronny Mc Carmack Bear badges were given Da vid Fitzgerald, Ronny McCor mack, Larry Bales, Douglas Bartholomew. Bear gold arrows went to Glenn Dodge, Larry Bales and Douglas Bartholomew with silver arrows to Buddy Egli, Douglas Bartholomew, Larry Bales, Glenn Hodge and Richard Barlin. A Lion badge and gold arrow was awarded Raymond Utter-back. Each den presented a skit and samples of crafts the boys are working on. Moving pictures were shown and refreshments served. The next pack meeting will be held at the Methodist church, December 17. Taxpayers To Pay Interest With the 3 percent discount on taxes paid up to November 15 going off at the deadline of 5 o'clock Monday evening, tax payers who have not paid the first quarter on their current statements will in turn be faced with an interest charge of :i of 1 percent a month starting Tues day morning. This interest will run at present only against the unpaid first quarter. Deadline on the second quar er is February 15, on the third May 15, and on the final quarter Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Monday, Not. 15, 194815 Red Cross to Ask Slightly Less Funds, Says Brown In its 1949 campaign the national organization of the American Red Cross will be asking slightly less than it did last year, due partly to application of reserves, said Frank E. Brown, area fund raising representative, in meeting with the board of directors for the Marion county chapter, Monday. Moreover, the American Red Cross has retrenched from its war-time peak of staff of 26.000 to a staff of 7000, although in no way is it dropping its pro gram of service because large numbers of volunteers are help ing in all chapters. Brown said. The national quota will be approximately $60,000,000 for the Red Cross this year which, in a sense. Is equivalent to about $30,000,000, 10 years ago, due to the drop in value of the dollar, the visitor pointed out. As an illustration, Brown said where $1,000,000 might be spent in a disaster today, a similar dis aster would have cost $500,000 10 years ago. The national Red Cross is maintaining its camp and hos pital service for men In the armed services, due to the new draft law; and takes on a big, new project, the national blood program this coming year, he told the local group. At a lunch eon meeting with the board, Brown discussed general trends in philanthropy and reasons for difficulties in various fund cam paigns. From here the representative goes to Roseburg to consult tht Douglas county chapter offi cials. i J7 IK X 5 V I nr. Ouster Asked Democratic party leaders in Hawaii have demanded that President Tru man immediately oust Gov. Ingram M. Stainback, from his territorial post. Stainback, a Democrat, was accused of ignoring Democrats and sid ing with Republicans in the recent election. (AP Wire-photo) Military Men and Veterans Local Plans Dinner A no-host dinner will be served by the Lib erty local of the Farmers Union at the Grange hall Tuesday eve ning at 7 o'clock, followed by business session at 8 o'clock with Lyle Thomas, state secre tary, speaking on the importance of the Farmers Union. Pension Club Meets Town- August 15. After each of these dates interest will start running on any of the quarters unpaid. Taxes checked out as paid up to Saturday night totaled $1,- 133,574.73 on 16.268 statements against a total roll of $3,990,000. However, probably another mil lion dollars or more may have been paid through the mail and is lying as yet unchecked in the vaults of the sheriff's office. All dav Monday and Saturday a long line was xormea leaning Monday, November IS U8WV at VTW hall at t p.m. So cial meeting. Capital Past No. B. American Le gion, at American Legion hall. Pioneer Post No. 149. American Legion, at American Legion hall. Organized marine corns reserve unit, at Building T-514 Salem alr- nort. Headquarters detachment, andltei unoer lease. companies B and G. Oregon Na-; tionsl uuard. at Salem armory. iniamry Dauauon. tMMh. com posite group, army reserves, at ar my reserve quonset huts at 7:30 pjn. send Victory club No. 17 willito the paying window and indi hold a business meeting and of-cations were heavy payments fer entertainment at the home of I also would be made over the Mrs. Olive Reddaway, 1421 county Monday right up to 5 North Church, Tuesday night atio'clock closing time. 8 o'clock. Received at Prison Jack Al len Bishop has started serving a two-year term in the penitenti ary after pleading guilty in Linn county circuit court to a charge of burglary not in a dwelling.!,, " M , ,, Pr ,J FOR SALE Marion Hotel furniture 60 fine bedroom sets, dressers, chairs, tables, desks. overstuffed chairs & daven ports, electric fixtures. 1 Walnut counter, 10 ft. bit. in cabinet Walnut cigar and confectionery case, glass top, bit. in sliding doors. 11 solid oak booths with tables, suitable for restaurant or tavern, 1 upright piano. Sections of mirrors from famed Mirror Room, and many other items. Shop early for choice. Sale starts 9:30 A.M., Wednesday, November 17th, Capital City Transfer Warehouse. 226 State Street, Salem, Oregon. 276 He admitted he had burglarize the Lebanon Hardware company office at Lebanon, October 12. Earl Morgan, who admitted in circuit court that he had burg larized cafes at Lebanon and Foster was given a two-year sus pended sentence. Deputy Sher iff George Mill delivered Bish op to the prison here. Izaak Walter Auxiliary Thei PlinAral prvirpC ni.viliorv nf (ho Wat Wal. I UIICI HI JCI II16J ton -league will meet at 8 o'clock Wednesday night at 1510 Jeffer son. Members are requested to bring their bazaar work. Assist ing Mrs. Frank McCaffery will Mrs. Virgil Allen, president. Hot Seat Firemen were call ed to quench a fire in room 227 of the Senator hotel rented by Glen A. Hurley, Tucson, Ariz., over the week-end. The blaze burned out the bottom of chair and was believed to have started from a cigarette. Salem People Injured Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Keebler. Rt. 2. Box 188. are in a serious condition at a Eugene hospital following an automobile col lision a short distance south of Cottage Grove early Saturday evening. They are in the Sacred Heart hospital. Both are elderly- Walnuts. 20c. Prescott's Bar ber Shop, 1064 Oak street. 274 Call Reimann Sheet Metal. 3-3995, for Oil Burner Service. 273 Radio End Tables, Walnut finish; Close out at $9 95. (Reg price $18.95) Woodrow's, 450 Center. 273 For a bathroom of distinction colored plumbing fixtures now. Judson's. 279 North Com'l 284 Karagul Karpet It's new it's reversible it's 100 virgin n-Lol and woven throuEh and people. They were injured when itr.rough and only $4 95 per iney crashed neao-on witn an automobile occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Merrifield. of Lorane. near Cottage Grove, also were hospitalized. Loder Showing Films James Loder. Oregon Wildlife feder ation president whose hobby is outdoor photography, will show his latest moving pictures in Portland Thursday night at a meeting of the Multnomah Ang lers and Hunters club. He was also In Portland Saturday to attend a meeting of West Coast Wildlife Federation officials. sq yd Phone 3-7648 or 3-3364 286 GILMORES Upstairs Dress Shop, 439 Court, showing new suits, regular and half sizes. 273 Now ready for mailing the famous Gift Box of Aufranc Canned Fruits. Phone 38487. 273 Auto glass installed. senders for rent. R. D. row, 450 Center street. Salem Court News Hotel Fight (Continued from Page 1) Sheriff Young, while he wai Retting the situation at Detroit under control, called state po lice headquarter! in Salem. A state officer took Carey to Stay ton where a warrant was issued by Justice of the Peace Walter Bell and the complaint signed. He will be arraigned In justice court there. Burdette Younge runs the ho- He went to De- Tiifdav, November 16 Medical depot company. 635th composite group. Armv Reserves. at Army Reserve quonset huts, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. November 17 Regimental combat team head quarters. 6.1 jth composite , group Army Reserve, at Armv Reserve quonset hut at 7:30 p.m. Field artillery battalion and en gineer construction group. 635th composite group, Army Reserve, at Army Keaerve quonset huts, 7:30 p.m. A. T. Macklin. Police Court Vl o Ut ion of red lttht: Rt. I. ball 1350. Vl ol t ton of Hop aim: Gerald Aim, loan Wilbur, bill 13.50. Violation of bulc apeed rule Richard Delter. Seattle, fined 115; Marlon C. Street. CorvillU. ball 110: Jerry Wll- louihtrty. Coo Bar, ball II N; La rem H I Feb v re. Woodburn, oall 110; Larue Hel ler. MUwaukie. ball 110: Carolyn C. Por ter. Albany, bail 110: Oharlaa W. Dorr Aprlnifirld. ball 17.50: Jack L. Brook. Box 10, Xvnren ave., ball 111; Harold W. Willi. Portland, fln'd 115; Paul H Welch, Portland, ball 110. Floor Air-steamship tickets, Kugel, 735 North Capitol. Ph 3-7694. 273- No driver'! lltn: Robert T. Pullman. 14)0 Madron, bail IS: Jark P. Mrln tnh. USMC. hall II: Charles W. Dorr, ball 13 Ml Mflvln L. Stne, 114 B. 14th. find 12.50. HouiT muffler: Prederlrk A. Pihr. Jr. fialem. ball 115. pleaded Innocent. trial et for Dec. 3. Don D Stewart. 1107 8 Commercial, fined 13 50; Jack L. BrookJ, ball 130. Illeial reverse turn: 0ori N. Pulton, 130 Carlton Way. ball 13.50. Drunk and disorderly: Cal Wooley, 0 tm, fined ISO. Clearance Sale of Tirei and Batteries. Woodrow'a. 273 Rummage Sale Highland School Auditorium Tues. and Wed., Nov. 10 and 17. 273 Santa himself has reduced our Bazaar & cooked food sale at fur coats for your Christma Portland Gas & Coke Wed. Nov 17 First Spiritualist Church. 274 Willamette Shrine No. 2 White Shrine of Jerusalem. Benefit card party Wed. Nov 17th, at the Masonic Temple. 275 savings. Come in and compare Ben Wittner Furs. 142 S. High 274 Unfinished Desk; Chests; Bookcases; Corner Cabinets; Chairs: Stools: 20 off. Wood row's, 450 Center. 273 Randall says "This Is the week to buy your locker meat Our price on Eastern Oregon Hereford Beef Half or Whole KlwanUna Meet The Salem j 30 4c lb. Freh Pork half or Kiwania club will hold their (whole 40c lb. We cut and wrap weekly luncheon at the Marion; for lockers. Tuesdav noon. No advance no Randall's Fine Meats tice has boen made roncrning' 1288 Stale Street Phone 3-K489 show window. This week only the nature of the program. I 275 274 TOWEL MONOGRAMMING Special Pre-Christmas Towel Monogramming at Roberts Bros Department Store 177 N. Liber ty St. Buy your towels here and have them monogramed as you desire for Just 10c per letter See the actual work done in our Loren aptneo, 110 District Court No driver lleenoe Hnrv II Lenmkuhl, Sheridan, fined II and rmU. Kathrrn Weedman klcOlnnU a Shelby nn McOlnnu. complaint for divorce allet rs inhuman treatment, auk cua- tody of the youmeM a minor dmuhter. Married Annul 30. 1033, in Chlcaco, III. Lucy Ritchie va Ed and Sarai Maile Thoma, comidiint for tsnnft venerel artri tloo special damace for Injuries alVied ro have been Jti.talned by aathyilttioi In North Ralem Motel. November 30, 1BI Jay Ritchie vx Ed and Aarah Marie Thomas, complaint for 1 2. V 000 general and 1350 apecial dnmare a Meter! attained by plaintiff from asphyxiation at North Salem Mote). November 30. 1040. Bertha Ritchie va Bd and Sarah Marie Thomaj. eomplaint for I50O0 teneral and tlb apeclal dimiiM for iniunea alleged to have been received from asphyxiation at North Salem Motel, November 30. 1B4D J. C Coi va ModeMa Oaria. application for trial PI or en c Reade Smith va Bdvard M Smith, default order. Merchant Credit Bureau va Mim 1. ti me M White, judiment order for II. 33 5 and interest. For George Smith Funeral services were held here Saturday for George Smith former employe at the Oregon State fairgrounds for a number of years who died at his home in the Keizer district, Novem ber 10. Smith, the son of William Smith, native of Lincolnshire England, and Nancy Cable Smith who was born in Kentucky, was born December 17, 1877. in Wal lowa county. Oregon. When two years of age, with his parents he moved to Spokane county, Washington, remaining there un til 1890 when the family went to Tillamook county, Oregon. January, 1901 Smith was mar ried to Marie A. Nash of Salem and after two years spent on a farm in Tillamook county the couple came to Salem. In 1907 Valley Mrn On L'SS SamuH M. Moore Two men from this areB. Ed ward Shpparri of Salrm and Dale Reed of Swfet Home were members ot the regular crew of the USS Sa muel M. Moore. DD747. which spent the past week-end In Portland, dur inu a two-week training cruise for naval reservists. The vessel left for its return trip to San Francisco Monoay. On Seaplane Tender Engineman 3c Frank R. Griffin USN, of route 4. Salem Is among those men serving aboard the sea plane tender. USS sulsan. which Is operating in ine China-Japan area Red Threats (Continued from Page 1) Sta'e va William Jones aentenred to it month In Jail and aiven probation for two year unrler condition he carried no firearm capable of concealment and bvm liojor airme Jonej wj ntenrd for pointint a pmtol at Oeorre Fdward Talk of a "war cabinet" with out ChinnB died down. Troops Thrown In In a desperate effort to save the Suchow situation, the rov ernment reportedly had thrown some nf Iho wearv trnnne. pvnru. they purchased a home near the!n,pri from )hp Mnn(.nril( port o( .iiKruuiiu, ...vl """"'iHulatao Into the battle. Also. nv ine Lnerrv i. rowers assoc a- ., . :..:-: troit less than two years ago from Portland. Since going to Detroit he has been in previoui trouble with the law. Last June 7 he was charged with "commit ting an act grossly injuring person." and paid a fine. On Au gust 20 he was arrested for as sault and battery, but the case was dismissed for lack of evi dence when the complaining wit ness failed to come through with expected testimony. Ynunge's ball has been fixed at $1000. Asks Investigation Of Bus Driver Patrolman J. R. Creasy en tered a request In a report for an investigation of Melvin L. Sines. 714 S. 19th, bus driver, after he was picked up on a charge of using a void driver's license. The officer stopped Sines af ter the bus driver's auto struck a curb while making a turn. Creasy found Sines slumped over In the seat. When he rou sed, he told the officer he had "just blacked out for a min ute" The patrolman's report sug gested that the case be reported to the state because Sines had reported a similar mishap while driving a bus approximately two weeks ago. until three government divisions were landed at Lienyunkang. eastern tion, where they lived iviarcn 01 in.s year. terminus of the Ltinghai rail- Smith operated a grocery atorelrosd T,,ey ,tar, div,rslon for ome time, retiring after srv wlward movt selling the grocery, meat market - .m. , ,nlh. and apartments In 1932 Since ,.rnPcks w own frnm T,ln. men ne nns Di-en rmpioyen ai , u s nvy hasp , prn,Pct various occupations. lncludingtho Amrricl,n ennsuBlr ,nd help employment at the Cherry Grow-Uyacuate Americans from North era plant. Ichina. Nationalist soldiers loot- aurviv.ng are n.s wim-. rt Tientsin fnnrf .hon. Thnr.rt.v sisters. Miss Fannie Smith and The whole area faces communist mr. "'-"".''""""; "'"'""jineenpation If the red, win out at wrf"., nun mi:. jimi nn u"iiniu of Tillamook; and several nieces and nephews. Suchow Fall of Panting, capital of Ho pe! province, was reported immi nent. Officio! quarter in Pel Garnge Filing Noted Certifi- pinff confirmed the evacuation of aaiam police officer iV' hd r' f "M,,md bwsinew name povrrnment regular and top of JeU" u"ble 10 wn" for B street garage, 1460 B flCil5 from the city, 90 mile!. street, ha bren riled with the aouthwrxt of Ppinintr Uilli. i Drunk in public vlar-e: Cvrua J Cot. continued for plat until Kov. II, kail aet at 1100. V i oil tion of oalc j peed rule tmatt L Jontt, IM Hovt. fined 110 ana ceau. Over i1th load ftaTioo4 A. Waatnera. Rt. I, fined II and rneu. Circuit Ourt Oajea aet for trial' Prairie va Prairie. Movembr 10 Palma v H I Anderson December I Irin K Patterinan va Hen ri D Palmer. December 10; Robbie Lee v John M Doone Der ember 11, Ptu. ne va Wilbur Jar. Derember II a K Dver v, Jamej Harriaon Rover, Deeember 31 ta va John a Wava deeree of iv orra rtatoraa name ta Benoolev t aiaia tiff. Uerlia fjtte. Jr . vi Weufeid and Ooidoert. on atip'iiation arevioiu artier oerrulina defendant a motion to air he rarateA and motion rei ruined tm calen dar for Novemrv 10 Ellen va Thomaj It. Iford, ttp.t affidavit lii&t.M. county clerk by E. 144.1 B street, Salem. Marriage Ucenne! Jnaeph N, Nelke , farmer, route a. and Catherine MUchel, It, at home, rout 1. Roth Ralem. Ainenr. an Irene a' Hen teli, leiai, eierk-1 Sharp File Here Certificate l,MlnU 5? i .i u. ... 'f AAumed businenji name for ant. Tei. and Pay Hiion, it. atudent, Sharp' Manufacturing com Aumaviue i nun c 1 nu .i..t u Robert Hare letal. Mat tat eommla- J ' ' . , , " Wl ion, route i aaiem ann Marian Dahi. i been filed with the countv clerk '"..rVsp'r.0,",. .Jby K A. and O. L. Sharp. Mil rii Ann Hull 23, terretarj. both WailKIC, and LlOVd Li. Crowley. route B. Salem. NOTICE To Polk County TAXPAYERS Owing to not receiving the 1R4R-49 tax rolls until late Wednesday. Nov. 10th. tax payers not receiving tax state ments I would suggest that you mail this office your blank check dated and signed, advising whether full or first quarter is being paid. Or you may make your check in ample amount to cover tax and any over plus will be returned with receipt ed tax statement. Attorney General George Neuner has ruled that rebate period cannot be legally ex tended past Nov ISth. Be sure your remittance! are In the mails not later than Nov. l.Mh T. B. Honker Sheriff and Tax Collector of Polk County a!'m Chkrl.t Jubfcola M rttp.nt.r, sl. Arnold, t?, btutr ootrttor, Perllsnd. Card of Thanks U.' UfiaK tn AvtanH m i p iin. Probate Court cere thanks to our many friends Laura a Krnet ttate valued at itM. . Carl j. Lon, named anminiitra.or. for niPir expression of tympa- thy and beautiful floral offer- aupplemental ,r'R e a-aun til our urmvra husband and brother Phent Moe etate elninf Harlan Moe admlnlitrater. rrount filed. Charl J Thomas estate nrner for (-Mat ton on sate of real property on pelt tion of Roy Harland. administrator. M iri1 T',sore f.r'rtfr o-rjer authortftne sale of rest property for aot Mm Uiaa hooo at arietta aaia. Mrs. Marie A. Smith Mi Fannie Smith Mr. Mina McDonald Mrs. Nellie Aer. 173 FRUIT TREES-SHRUBS 2 yt. Fruit Trees, $1.50 to. Hyocinfht, $2.25 doitn. 1 yr. Fruit Trett, $1.00 to. Hedot Laurels, $1.75 dot. 3 Variety Trcti. Hydrangeas, $1.25. 3 kinds of Applet, Fears, Camelliai, $1.25 up. Cherries or Flumi on Shade Trees, $1 to $6.50. one tree, $2.50 per tree. Tulip lulbi, $1.00 dot. Knight Pearcy Nursery lit, .. Liberty (S blks. south of State) Open 'til Sunday li 'til 4