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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1948)
,8 Capital Journal. Salem. Or.. Saturday. Nov. 13, 1948 If'ontinutd front I'lue 4) Wiile on this trip I received a pieoe of information that cur ried me back again to Ameri ' ca' traditional peacetime in .difference, toward preparedness. I was told by a troop command er that his unit had just received its final consignment of "ba zookas," the infantryman' best weapon of defense against tanks. Since his command was to be gin embarking tne next day. he was completely at a loss as to how to teach hi? men the use of this vitally needed weapon. He said, "I don't know anything about it myself, except from hearsay." Nothing more could now be done in London. It was a relief to lock up a desk. To account for my absence from London an elaborate story was circulated that I was mak ing a visit to Washington. Even , the president helped out in this particular deception. Actually, we took off for Gib raltar, in a flight of five Fort resses, on November 5, 1942. CHAPTER VI At Gibraltar our headquar ters were established in the most dismal setting we occupied dur ing the war. The subterranean passages un der the Rock provided the sole available office space, and in - them was located the signal equipment by which we expect ed to keep in touch with the commanders of the three assault forces. The eternal darkness of the tunnels was here and there par tially pierced by feeble electric bulbs. Damp, cold air in block long passages was heavy with a stagnation that did not notice ably respond to the clattering efforts of electric fans. Through the arched ceilings came a constant drip, drip, drip of surface water that faithfully but dreadily ticked oft the sec onds of the interminable, almost unendurable, wait which occurs between completion of a mili " tary plan and the moment action begins. There was no other place to life. ' In November, 1P42. the Allied Nations possessed, except for the Gibraltar Fortress, not a single spot of ground in all the region of western Europe, and in the Mediterranean area, noth ing west of Malta. Britain's Gibraltar made pos sible the invasion of northwest Africa. Without it the vital air cover would not have been quickly established on the North African fields. In the early phases of the in vasion the small airdrome there had necessarily to serve both as an operational field and as i staging point for aircraft mak ing the passage from England to the African mainland Even several weeks before D day it became jammed with fighter craft. Every inch was taken up by either a Spitfire or a can of gasoline All this was exposed to the enemy's re connaissance planes and not even an attempt at camouflage could be made. Worse, the airfield itself lay on the Spanish border, separat ed from Spanish territory only by a barbed-wire fence. Politically, Spain was leaning Ing toward the Axis, and, al most physically, leaning against the barbed-wire fence were any number of Axis agents. Every day we expected a ma jor att.-irk by hostile bombers, as each day went by without such an attack we went to bed puzzled, even astonished. The only explanation for it was that our measures for de reiving the enemv were working ueil. We knew that long before the atlark could take place the Axis would learn ol increased activity at Ginraltar. We honed the enemy would com lurie that we were making another, tin usually ambitious attempt to re inforce Malta, winch hftd been in dire straits for months. Our flight to Gibraltar had been hazardous. It had been accomplished only after two pre vious attempts to make the pas sage from England had been frustrated by foul weather. Before we finally took off from England the olficer com manding the six Korlresses as signed to take our party to Gi braltar deliberately placed be fore me, together with his tech nical advice against making the flight, the decision as to wheth er or not he should take off. It was the only time in my life I was faced with that sit uation because normally the air commander's decision is final It did not seem a propitious omen for the great adventure but we had to go through. We flew at an average height of a hundred feet. When the great Rock of Gi braltar finally loomed out of its concealing haze my pilot re marked, "This is the first time I have ever had to climb to get into landing traffic at the end of a long trip!" Even as late as the afternoon before the attack, the weather reports from one of our sub marines in the Casablanca re gion were gloomy, and I tenta tively decided, unless conditions should improve, to divert the ex pedition into Gibraltar. All our plans would thus be badly up set,, but this seemed better than to steam aimlessly around the ocean, dodging submarines. At no time during the war did I experience a greater sense of relief than when, upon the fol lowing morning, I received a meager report to the effect that beach conditions were not too bad and the Casablanca landing! was proceeding as planned. I said a prayer of thanksgiv ing: my greatest fear had been dissipated. (Continued tomorrow) 2895 l SMALL, MEDIUM. LARGI lit Sweet Drramn Linurnp love lies like these mane Brand Christmas Rifts! The cozy bed jncket No. combines scal- I lops mid lure for feminine 'chHrm. The sleek niRhtRown, No. 30113, uses tucking tricks for subtle flattery. No. 2895 is cut in small, medium, and larRe. Medium. 2! yds 3M in , 1 yd. edging. No 3033 is cut in sizes 12. 14. Ifi. 18. 20, 3. 38, 40, 42, 44 and 4fi. Sie 3fl, 3l yds. 39-in. Send 25o tor frtCTi pattern with Name, Addrr.v and Style Number State ie dcsirrd. It you would like to s over 200 oilier pattern mUi I hut cover all Mr.s ane.s. and occttWm,-,- including a fpecul section lievotro to a va riety ol rhns;ma.s nitt you can make easily and economically be 5tii e to onier a ropy ol ttie Fall Winter Krivliion IVvk It a won- drrful boon lor home-sen er and I (lie price i. MtM IMV Address PAT i TURN PKPARTMKN f Capital Journal. JiJ Mission 8t,. San Fran- ROOM AND BOARD By Gen. Ah.rn TuS PmONE AND cut o those give AWA RAP'O PROGRAMS CiffhinS f HOOO IN PRIZES If HE COULD NAWE TUt ' Howe.swttx home ITS L X ' NO OmDES. WES AFTERNOON rCVM I TM6 BV.EMENT . WELL, M.SS KARSON'-YOU NCXV CXVN CONTROL OF TELEVISION STATION TV-TV 1 HOPE YOU MAVEl HtWOfP BETTER LUCK WITH IT THAN I DID THIS WHOIF 1 VUti I IHINK YUULWULU HAVt MvM SfiffllS UKE ANY WORSE fA 8EACHED WHALE' T I VvOtiLD LIKE TO GET IN TOUCH 7 WITH Mr OLD FRIEND. vypiGLEY EAL THAT IS, IF HE ISNTA HOUSE GuFST , OF THE GOVERNMENT JUST NOWJ rflr wee rAwVasi I Mfl rlTUPE GOLD MINE In Iw 11-13 i HI -(fw-Vl.f w. WELL 800H- n TO ME, NURSE-OMO OU. JUST TRKE IT y TH' OOCS-BUT WHO PAID WNIE-I FOR flU. THIS? J ha! BK3 MONSTER.. BUT HE I HAD a TOUGH FIGHT ."MR. I MR. PUOOLE PUOOLE AND HE HOLLERED f 16 SWELL SO LOUD IT SOUNDED UKE I GUY' - RIOT- J L ONORV TOUC.TOOALAWOWIE" I I DON'T THINK THEV THIS IS O GOOD I H(VE IT SETTLED VET- J HOSPITBL BUT HOME I BUT KERENS MR. PUDDLE BEATS Aff HOSPITBL -LOW " l-ET-s GO. 6H RADIO PROGRAMS SATURDAY P.M. 'KSLM Si KGW K0C0 K0IN I :M Tak ft Number .Ift f Tad Kanbr M j Tri r '! .45 ' Trnr f Faltf 8 9 11 :00 (rank Hrminiway k :l i Ml Alka I .t0 I Bif Hoi i Bif Bon r:MlMrdirlnt Drama :!S Tabrrn. Cchova :M ! Nrwa :4 lOrrhrtlr : i TB .16 i Dink TrmplMon Life Brvina at HA :4ft Lift Bimt it M Newa Family Thratrr Family Thnter Orvhcatra Glrntrood Hallroam Nrwa Ofibeilr i Bnda f Land f Bind ! Land j Mil Sanaa t Imf r i"f lrfoa ' Proudly l Hall i Proudly H i Hail TB 1BA Dm rui Dar Proiram lirand Olc Opry lirand OU Opry Vic Damona Show Truth or C'unruf nrtt Hit Parade 1M Parade H.. 11 Mr nod SUr Theairr 30 :4ft M Ballry Show :1ft I Oprn Houaa :.tii 1 Open Houia :4ft' Newa Nrwa Currrnl A Thole Kildle Cantor tddie Cantor Bound I P Time Round 1P Tim Kund I p Tim Bound I'P Time Srorrbnard M Sons Mrlorit by I dndlrlisht Trmpo Time Trmpo Tim Serenade srrrnade Youih Center Yulb Center t.len Miller Frrddy Martin New Iddie LeMar Jukeboi Revue Jukrbos Reue Dam-lni Party Puikin Parade Oanrinc Parly Sport Nrwi Danrinc Party Iiancini Parly Danrins Party Itanrini Party Wai Mutrun Sisn Off 1 Sim Off SUNDAY Knot Mannlnt nanier Abrad rd MrConnell Newa W I n ner T a k All Winner Tak All Be Icnarant Be linorant Sinr It Aiain Sim It Again Shit II Aiain Sini II Acaifl Vauchn Monro Vauahn Monro 1uie Memorlt Polltiral Hometown Reunion National Guard Military Ball TlveSUr"Flnl lave Dennla Orrhealr Orrheatrk Mellow Ii th Mofid Oreheatra II;1U Newa Sim-Off I Radio Bible Claw t ftadi Bible CI a Voir of Prophecy j Voire of Prophecy Flrat Baptlut Ch. Flral Baptist Ch. Revlrwlni Stand Reviewing Stand OU.ITSYOU.EMMA. LOOK WWAT 1 DONEi TO WILBUR'S ! VOUCHANSEIT THAN EVER BACK UKE IT WAS. OWE QUARTER POUWt "WATS PUYisie PORe SROUNOBEllv" 1 ': EVERY NEB8UR6H , ) ( BIG6ER1 INS lAM AUDI L MIKIDTi BIGGER TUA ONE QUARTS 1RE6R0 N EVERY NEE AT 9 -5 .SEMSE OF , ' t v 1 II 3 1 LJiL urn Cm . A. . Jj 8 Sadie: HAWKINS DAY DAWNS GRIMLY 1 TH' RULES IS AS FOLLOWS AT TH' FIRST LIFF'-AT TW- SECOND SHOT TH' (UCMfA BOOTIFUL DCjPATCi-I GALS STARTS A-RUNNIM'. AN ACLAWIN, AN 1 A-SCREAMIN AFTER -iO ?- Ji WW -ANY PORE SOUL OF A BACHELOR WHICH GITS CAUGHT BEFO' SUNDOWN, HAS T PROPOSE." AN ITS NEVAH BIN KNOWN YET FO' ANY 1 KADY-SET-QO.'T' SC-i9-n Newa Clrte Roberta Lutheran Hour Lutheran Hour M m. Shi re r John B. Kennedy Sun Fa o rite Canary Pet Show Newa Ore besira BUI Cunningham Vet. Wanti Knew Church In Home Church in Horn John Doe'a Muale Who Said Thai Who Said That Eternal Litht Eternal Light C.lenn Shelley (ilenn Shelley Chirago Round Table Newa Comment'ry Son O'Ouna Juvenile Jury Juvenile Jury Houa of Mystery Hou of Mvstery True DeteetW Mvaterlea Your American Munlc Quirk aa a Flash Quirk as a Flash w 1! Shrrlork Holme Sherloek Holmes Conlart for Chrltl Wings of Healing Winaa of Healing Orchestra Newa Behind th Front Pate Jlmmie Fidler N.W. Newa SO QueNtlona 10 Questions Walter Winrhrll Rhyme In Rhyth T B A It's A Living It's A Living News Orchestra Orchestra Nrwa Revival Hour Revival Hour Revival flour Revival ' Hour Fir! Piano Uuarlrt I'niv. Theater I niv. Theater I'nlv. Theater Cniv. Theater Man's Family Man'a Family Quia Kids Quit Kids Musical Data Chuck Foster Symphonette Smphonelte Mumc America Loves Oreson Allium Orrcon A I hum Oregon Album Oregon Album Jack Benny Jack Brnnv Harris A Fay Harris It Fay Charlie McCarthy Charlie McCarthy Fred A Urn Fred Allen Jesters t.nlden fiatc Qu. (ioldrn (iiile Qui. Sports Review Clark Dennis Ate Maria Hour Air l4ria Hour tiokprl Singers I.ribert Hane King Wane King First Bapliil Vh First Baplisl Ch First Baptist Ch. l-irsi Buplist t'h. Serenade for Strings News fuy Lombard Muic dt Words" Music it Words Muvie A Words Music it Words Simmy Kay Smmy Kae Music for Sunday Music for Sunday 7nthCent"ury Drawing Roam Sundjv Serenade Sunday Serrnade 1 Donald Stewart Donald Slrwart Donald Stewart Donald Stewart Icireer Garon Dallas Ministerial Sunday Serenade Sunday Serenade Church f Air Church ! Air Church of Air Church of Air Newa Cniv. Explorrn Tahernarl Ta be mar I Invitation t Learnini Guest Star Newa Joseph C. Ttarscb People (ttand Tell 11 Again Tell It Again Festival of Song Festival of Sent People's Platform Proplr's I'latfnini Symphony Symphony Svmphony Symphony Svmphony Svmphony Skvway I the Stara Crooks' Crula News Strike It Rich Strike It Rlrh Family Hour Family Hoar Pi use That Rrfreshes Mrrry-Co-Round Merry-tio-Round Allium Familiar Music Take or Leave It Take or Leave ll Horace Heidi Horace Hcidt Otiie St Harriet Onie Si Harriet Symphony Hour Symphony Hour Symphony Hour Symphon Hour Jack Benny Jack Benny Sign Off Newa Nora Martin Catholic Hour Catholic Hour News Decision Now Wan Museum Was Museum Sign Off S-irred Heart Manhattan Frank DeVal Frank Deal Allen Roth Allen Roth Music of Manhattan Norman Clouiler Niirman Cloulier studio IS " Studio IX Concert Hall Concert Hull Ave Maria Hour Ave Maria Hour Lawrence Welk News Sign Off tiene Autry One Autry Amos 'n' Andy Amos 'n' Andy Mv Favorite Husband News My Serenade Helen Hayes Helen Hayes Our Miss Brook Our Misa Brooke Lum 'n' Ahner 'n' Abner Rocky Jordan Rocky Jordan Sam Spade Sam Spade The Whistler The Whistler You Are Ther You Are There Romance Romance rive Star Final Orchestra Orchestra Orchestra Duke Ellington Duke Ellington Alr-flo Newa Sign-Off GENTLfcMEN OF THE JURY' yoOVE HEAr?D THE CASE NfW RETIRE AND BRING THE JURY XX. BATES .f i bo3 SO I'M RI6HTI5 AND SO ON THRU THE NIGHT. JURY J-jJ JEFF, YA GOTTA ' .' 1 ISTFN TO EVB(?yONES ALL 'JTi V1O1K ai 1 tup;p AGUyS ARE m THE NEXT DAY--- REACHED?- 1'- WO: I i m I HAVE, YOUR BOT IVE NEUeR SEEN ELEVEM MORE STUBBORN GUYS IN r SiKw iff J "l- Cv V- I a. 1 p . , ' &00? smt; v ( TJAT HCSSE 15,1 1 RJNMNS W( AM04.' WW04.) f V THESE.' V iSr'. . ivi T5 1 ai vitiy 'on, eoLty.' nes headins stwismt Nl FOS THAT HI6M FECE UNLESS BILL IS A BcSUUe JH'CK UlPrPWE LL Be TmTOAN, SURE, IV Ws.. I Ml 1 Jfai VnVriV' J't mm lCY t. P.M. 5:00, Meet the Band; l t A: IS, Football Scoreboard: .V:ttl. Teen Tunest :Wl. Here's to Vets; :l.1. Home Fdltiont d:3. What's Mv Namr?; 7:041, Musical Etchlnrsi 7:30 Whls Quixi :, Lone Ranger; 8:.tfl, Amaiina Mr. Malone: 0:00. tianghuslersi 9::lt. Campus Headlines) IU:INl, News: 10: 1. V Hank Wea ver; lu::M. Hawthorne Thing; 1 1 :iHl. News! 11:15. Orchestral 1SHMI, Extra Hour; 1:M, Sign Off. lCY Hunday A.M. 7:00, Coast to Coast on a Bus: R:Uti. Fine Arts Quartet; :30. Hour of Faith; 9: Ml. South ern a ires t 9: SO. Message of Israel; liliiHl, Top o' the Morning; lfl:SO. National Ves pers: 11:00, Parade of Hits; l;M, Piano Playhouse; 1?:(Ml. Thk Changing World; I'i : IS. Future of America; 1 :. Fdilor at Home; ' lt:t.V Treasury Band Show: 1:HO, Ted Malone: 1:1.1. Johnn Thomp son; 1:!W. Metropolitan A u d I t i o ns; ?:M, Quiet Please; t;. Coiinter- py; 8:00. Latin Americana; Greatest Story Kver Told: 1:00. Co for the Reusei 4::ui, Curt Masse? Show; S:IN1. Slop the Music: :iu, Walter Winrhrll, t.iy I.ouella Parsons; 6:Sfl, Theatre Guild; 7:S, Jimmie Firilrr: 7:1... Newsweek Looka Ahead: S;lMt Drew Pearson; (1:15, Monday Morning Headline; H:Xft, Johnny Fletrhen B:o. Research Reporli :tS, Roadsid Chapel: H.Mt. laremont Hotel Oreh.i 1li:lNi, Rtrhfirld Reporter; 10:1R, Dream Girl; lll;:tii. Orchestra: 11:00, Organ Rev eries; Ihl.V Orchestra; ll::ili. Orchestral l!:00, Extra Hour; 100:, Sign Off. KfAC Sjtly P.M. 5:00. On lh " I pbeat; 5:50. 550 Sports club) BiOO, News; 6:1.1. This Is South Afrlrai :30, Look at Australia; (1:15. London Let ter: 1:00. Cros News; 7:15, OSC Dada Banquet; K:.M, Grand Opera Tonight! Ml:O0. Sign Off. Always Another Day Chioaso (U.R) Mrs. Marv Shaw, pert and cheerful at 95, was named Chicago s oldest grandmother, and revealed the secret of her "youth." "If some thing bothersome comes up, I think to mvself there'll be an other day just around the cor ner, she said. 'avirv sua j' D mm Names Tangle Monterey, Cal. U.R As Con stable Charles Brown was ar resting Enynett Brown on an as sault charge. District Attornrv John Shephard released HaroM Shepard who had been held on the same charge. None is related. No Interest Randolph. Mass. (UP) When moderator William Condon tonne" he lacked a quorum of 300 to start a town meeting, he call-" ed a recess so additional towns people could be rounded up. The strategy failed, so a fire alarm was sounded. That alo failed to produce a quorum and the meeting was postponed. Thief Takes All Evansville. Ind., (UP) A bur glar stole William Hick's hat and that isn't all. The thief also got away with a $20 bill that I Hicks had hidden in the band ' for safekeeping. GUT T (.H11CLI V ssV ,f TUATS AN A D0UN DiNNlRj1NVXAJl0Nm DAU T NIGHT, nvtN pCK UP THt pio i av wwhmino .,,,.,,: rr. WC0N6 in fRONt of y-Z i;' r" Xil. A WIDOW! r- I YOuR 0Utt 7 J H&VIN6 T0ANGtR" PROPOf TO him mm EMBITTERED MIM-ABOUT UNATTACHED FlMAul!Of COURSE I DON 1 THINK. 01 HIM that wax! DON'T VOU.MY . DtAR ' n Li ACROSS U Leaf of a corolla ' t. Of tht roof ot tha mouth i IS. Frtt-nhapad 1 4. Si iih , U. Hcathfa 11. Article of Jrtvelry 17. Author of "Th Rnvfn" II. Tmi and ma 19. Exprr- i aratltud II. ary . 22. Prirp of namaa 25. Ravtrtnt far I 2. Frota 27. Frank I arknnwi- rlKmnt I H. BU j Marry acaln , Antic Mountain In Alaska . Character , Kitchen an- ptirtenanca . PortuKUfjip money of acciium . Epic poem T"wn In rnn- tvlvAnta . Journva , Symhi for vamarlunt , Whit vestment Concealed . Pansar . Ka . Livlnff . C.ok ,n Teiaal . Storma r i w r . J I EIWliWTfcr I gj j 1 J(y iH d A L I OlTiElP InIat E 1 H N U B U k i t Solution of Vaaterday'a Puttis DOWN L Br Invert h the Dtnt'la l Eluilv 3 1 29 ZS 3Z '1 3 35 1. Lahal 4. Luzon natlra a. Gava tmporarll-r Tropical fm 1. Brouaht Into Una t Tan and lndar t. F-tior 10. Tnertif U. Worship it Ont"n'ik vvtahl 20. Commune In EW-rium W. S.-.itfcr aeerl t. I'ivch and pufl Mad C. Appnrt 1ft. South An-firaa wood aorral r doR St. Tr1ln t . awav J7. Reaih a rtf tinatioa . Ptir-h R -a htrb ". Put II L.ft K.rif of rtiirfc Thosa popi I.. Pri H. O il mnatMl r- nut. &. Ha-v.T, autai bbf.