L J J Ca 10 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Saturday, Nov. 13, 1948 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Pit Line ... lac Per Line 1 tlnci 4Uc Per Line time eoo Per Lint 1 month 12 00 Outside- of Salem lie per line per dir. U n. loci I llmea mm 80c tlmea mm. 11.20. No Refund READERS In Local News Col. Only: Per line 30c To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 ' Wi a pie; lied : ' ca's , differ I was er thi its f zook; weap Sir gin e was how this said, abou hear: N( done to k Tc frorr - was -ing , the part . A ralti , ress' No Rent Sign Can Be Seen at Night, A Rent Ad Can FOR SALE HOUSES SPECIAL Beautiful 2 bdrm, hiin:alov, r'r. IT floor. LR, cotiit. 1)11 A- K hook, fi blinds. Full basement wood fumac . garage. Cook Inn At w .iter ln-w i.ik elM trtc. Bus by nooi. limn jiass. Pi e on! ' 16850 with easy U rnu. Can a-303 1 day; and 2-0103 fvmlriu.s, a.-k lot Mr. Ja Noonche&ter, sah'Miii.n. . George W. Hubbs Co. 18sJ N. Capitol FOR SALE HOUSES BI.Al TIH L X HI I ROOM home in Kinuwood. Built l'tl. Rump n room, auto, oil heat 13000 landscaping, ht II or trade for larger home. Contact owner Pii. aiW HlliKM Home. Full Basement. En Kle in ood Dust. Will taKif lot in trade, 8"00. Ph. ;j!,;i4. 1.60 Roosevelt St a272 OUR TOP BARGAINS klliiHi DU.VN 'H.)0 New 3-bdrm. city tiomt North .Satrifice price. iwm down .)2j0 2-bdrm. l-yr.-old lunvtered hdd J lr, Uood lot. in Eul jirirl 01 my. Better tf this. MHM) IKIWN-16500. 2-bdrm. 2-yr.-Old. 1 A oi ground E .suburb j,,:,n New 2-bdrm. on Livingstone off Landing. Reduced Wit tit lo .Sell or Buy (live Us a Try RAWLINS REALTY REAL ESTATE (REAL ESTATE 2601 J a274' fRKrD for quick t uuion. Lovely 2-beri ' fireplace, lnsulaim. I ' neighbor. 2065 Bruce t ;.-'i(i31. 8272 immediate POS ri,, hdwd floor, r bus line, nire e. or Ph. 2-714-3 a 273 NFW .18300 t BEDROOMS on one floor, nice livng room, coved ccilinit.i, roomy kit., dinette, bath, hwd. flr.s , hallway, auto, oil heat, utility room. In. Karate, I, lot, EaAt. very .rood Call Itav Davis. HUFF REAL K ST ATE Realtors. .141 Chemeketa 8t Ph. 39271. Eves. 2A6.iH a273 Mi .Mm It the first to live in this brand new home. Two-ndrm. plastered, hdwd. Ilrs., full bath, nice kitchen, utility rm., paved vfreei, city bus by door. Ready to move Into. 3 bdrm.. pecan firs., elrc. heat, full bath, cute kitchen, utility loom, itarane. Corner Jot paved street City bus by door ALso have home with .-.mall acreage. GENERAL REAL ESTATE 255 Center St. Ph. 3-32H9. a272 McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY REALTORS 169 South High Salem Phone 3-5131 or 3-8620 NORTH Oord location, 2 BR house, bath, LR. DR, K nook, built-in, plastered interior CJeaii, garage garden spot, close to schools, 1 block to biu, just 16.200. SOUTH Neat and well. r ranted new style home, hip roof, plastered interior HW At fir floor., 3 BR bath, LR. DR. kitchen, builtin. electric cooking and heating, garage, block to bus, vacant immediate pouejuion, only 9 000.00. Bemttfut .suburban home doe in. fine hardwood floor, fireplace, full bae. mnit with automatic oil furnace. 3 BR, bath i.h riH te hunting tn m.h. teied interior, well landscaped, block to city biu, 111,000. 00. COME IN OR CALL Evenings 3-7163 or 3-4937 f7IKI DS, New 2-!edrm. home. hwd. firs. In llv. rm., firepl., nice kitchen, at tacherj narane. Ea. lot. Near bus and ' tore. Call Omer. ! HUFF REAL ESTATE ., Realtor?. :i41 Chemeketa St. . Ph. 39271. Evex. 25091. a273' BAVK Bi:EV transferred mn.st ell 1mm. 4 bdrm. ub. home and Vi A ' School. Atore A bu.s at door. Price cut to $6950. Phone 2-al3. a276 FOR KALE BV ' OWNER: 7 room hotiae, , IS47 Court St. B276 $48.00 PER MONTH A After Small Down Pymt. ters disn ing T der ' ava thei ' equ ed ' corr for 1 tun tial bul Ion stai abl effi 1 ere. neat 3 rnu. Sliower c utility room, atao Rood RHraae, good location, achool bua, city bus. More about 1 hlock. ad. well Ac preAure aysU'm. wired for atove. picket fence A; aome aliruba. clean ready to move in. Price Mflsn.oo. Owner waner coroei, Rm. 311. Hotel Senator. Ph. 3-4151. ,213 OPEN HOUSE 1140 LEWIS BT. SUNDAY 2 TO 5.30 P M. 200 DOWN SAL. F H.A. NEW 3 bdrniA. down, I'liu floored attic dec. heat, hdwd. floor. Beudlx waali- er. Out S. 12lli St . turn right at Gra- pcue bottling company. R C. LEE &. CO. HO.MEBUILDEH8 1130 Oxford St. Ph. 2.1422. a272 GRABENHORST SPECIALS CONVALESCENT HOME Be:.l of location, clu-e lo City Center, completely furnished, filled tt capirlty excellent facilities, guto.-oil heat, thowa huh net Income. For details call Coburn L Ombenliorst. NORTH PACIFIC HIGHWAY Bt'HVICE STATION -plua 2 warehouse bldg., pur track.v an excellent arrange, ment for bulk, retail gasoline and oil saiea. FOH DETAILS call Cjburn L. Graben- REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE LEO N. CHILDS, INC. Realtors YOU WILL BEE full value when you aee thu Ue. S bdrm. horn located clo to Richmond school for only 13950. COZY 2 BEDROOM auburbao houae. acre lood toll. All fenced. Oaraae; chicken houae. Fruit and ahruba. City biu by door. Price only I5B50. 1 ACHE with hie. oak and fir tree. A nice new 5 rm. ranch type home with full basement and auto, oil furnace At nice a place a you want to ee. (8500. THREE NEW 2 bdrm. Plastered home. All have hdwd. floor... .lee. ht .-h -w range. A Ige. lot and showing good relurna on your investment. 120.000. II you don't tee It advertised CALL US LEO N. CHILDS, INC., REALTORS ... , , , "M 'ru of Dependable Service tm Home Owners" 3M state St. h . Evenlngi Call: 2-565; 3-5620; or 2-4007 WANTED POSITIONS MASTED FURNITURE to glut tfe repair Lee BroEB. Ph. 21233. n KVIO PAINTING lun a ihadt better by Ray Etter Call Sh rock Motor Co 3-9101 h373 HOME REPAIRS and remodeling by Al bert Brant, builder 610 Beck av, Phone 21123. Immediate service. Only 10 down, up to 36 mo, on bal. h273 BUILDING MATERIAL OAK FLOORING 1190. per U Fir floor7 ini $110. per U. 4- sewer Plpe 40c per fl. wall board In 4x8 i he eta 1-750 per M. Interior ft exterior doors A 650 yds. of plasterboard, c. a Lon. Rt. 3. Box 31. Salem. Ph. 35821. 1 mile north of Kelaer. m.rnt DRESSMAKING Cherry Ave. AH. Ph. 3-7004. 3440 h2H0 BUYS OF THE WEEK Eat expansion room, fireplace, oil heat now '3 acre. TERMS fireplace SK.-VWI 2 bedroom, livinn room with fire place, dining room, kitchen, bath, oil floor furnace, attached Huruae. Cioae in. $M-"rfHl 4 bedroom.s, Mith. living room and dining room combined, kitchen, nook. Nice plare for children. P. H. Bell, Realtor 361 CHEMEKETA ST Ph. 3-4896, 3-154i: Eves. 2-6686, 2-8588 8274" FOR SALE LOTS CANDAI.AKIA HelghU. Lame lot for aale or trade lor large A-l trailer houe. Pli. 2-3S86. aa272 tlW.tn. LOT B2l3x'iB South. City water. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 8. High St. Ph. 3-4121; Eves. 25561 aa273 4 BEDROOMS Older type home, very wood condition. ' lot or bullt-lns and eloiseU. I1, batli. baement. oil furnace, double garane, J walking distance from downtown. 1 blk. to bus. BuAh school district. Zone 3. Could he converted Into duplex. Full ' price NO.SOO, BRAND NEW 4 bedrooms. North, electric heat, double - bath room, attached saraae, could be converted to duplex, 4 block to school. 1 blk. to bus. Full price J!500. $2,000 DOWN WxW LOT with water In Academy addi tion on Dalla-s rd Ph. 3-44H5. an274 FOR SALE FARMS 2 bdrm 1 bdrm. 2 bdrm. North. 3 bdrm. dble. plumbing, full bint.. f 4 bdrm. Enalewood, 8 yra. old, oil heat Call Roy Ferris, eplace I 8 ,i00 , 5,700 , 8.000 9,T-,0 10,500 UPON A HILL TI11 nice, new, 2 bdrm home ha a view of the mtns . beautiful hdwd fir le. aaraae which the children can play in. warm In&ide utility rm., plenty of room for 3rd bedroom. I2,3jO will put you In poe.sion Call Earl West CUTE & COZY nice 2 bdrm. home with fireplace, hdwd. fir., dinette, full. a:ry basement, wide concrete drive up to garage, fenced backyard, lovely shrubs, only 18 000 Call Peter GeLser at once. MUST BE SOLD If you want a real nice, up-to-date farm, be sure to see this one. 40 ac. beau'iful farm land. 4 nice sprlnas, modern 8 rm. home in wonderful condition. Very nice outbldas.. Including barn, chicken house, brooder house, St hog house new corral all bldg. newly painted, lights & water to all bid. Cement sidewalk. This is a first-class place and worth the money. 115,000 for immediate sale. Call G. H. Grabenhortt, Jr. Grabenhorst Bros., Realtors Phone 2-2471: Evenings 2-2948. 3-7772, 3-4389, 23-F-14, 2-8010 For Prompt, Courteous Service, List Your Property With Vs. LIKE KEIZER? ?r.Vl!'8?"uU ",'la'"SV.ltGociTe'riiW:,,'1 '"""" "l " IT S A DANDY Nrw 1 bdrm. stucco home on a large !, acre, .uburban west, and It'a only 18950. VERY NICE oSoc"idUlr'"' 1 M'm' h"' H"ix "00- '"M "ack yard, only 89M. KINOWOOD HEIGHTS DE-LUXE Beautiful view home, ranch atyle. 3 bdrm. Kitchen It nook. DR LR with lire. Place, hardwood floor., double plumbing, all electric double garage lop construe! t.on. we love to .how thl. home and w. have the key, don"! . '.t, To MIL BURT PICHA, REALTORS mini,- z-jti tve. j-rsm or j-1032. BABY SITTING. Phone 3-0580 or 3-3991 h280 FIRST CLASS rarpenter work. New or remodel. Large or small. Ph. 38281. n2R0 FOR RENT ROOMS ATTRUTIVE ROOHi. Private" homeToen". tlemen 985 N. Summer. Ph. 36368. jk274 SLEEPING ROOM In quiet district. Kit chen priv. U desired. Inquire rear build ing Apt. 6, 1380 N. Liberty, Sheldon Apt. Jk272 PLEASANT sleeping room for man. 1050 Norway. Ph. 24647. Jk377 SLEEPING room. 468 N. I8th. INSULATION and Wea the .stripping CroT foot Brother. Ph. 34656. FOR SALE Cheap Lumber " Boarda and Dimension By the jitney load or by the thousand Delivered or fob mill Can be used for FHA building Independence Lumber & Manufacturing Company, Inc. mt FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS REMINGTON or Winchester 22. Ph. 2-84397 na273 KTEEJL CLOTHESLINE POSTS, railing in Mock and to order. 1145 N. Liberty. D297 Recend. oil heaters. Jutlsona. Ph. 3-4141, n272 ROOMS lor men. 17 00 a week. Ref. quired. On bus line. Close In. Phone 36033. Jk273 LIGHT Hou.se keeping Room, near bus. aiuils. no drinking. 797 s. 25th St, Jk272 337 N. Hitrh Street. c274 FOR SALE ACREAGE A very good 2 bedroom home, lot Join; Mill Creek. Lots of hrtib. Very nice oaeic yard. Garage, work shop, bus at front rioor. Owner leaving state. Full price an. mid. cf Al Isaak & Co., Realtors SALEM SUBURBAN! 88 Idyllic acres! Exactly 4 mile NW of Capital Bldgl ALL SALEM SERVICES! Magnificent great boulevard building! Corners 2 fine roads. A I yr. Stream! 2;" A. superb cult, soils. Bal. woods! New house, new barn, new garage. COWS. FOHD F E R G . TRACTOR, TOOLS, EQPT., HAY IN BARN. El. water ht.r.. el. pump, range. GRAND COUNTRY HOME! GOINO FARM! Stkd. at Eqpt. fI2.ino. Farm, 110,500. Take Salem home to 5000. STULLER. Exc. Broker. Wallace Road l2 mile North from bridge. b272- BY OWNER: Will Sell my Equity in 3 bdrm. home & ' A. in Salem H elan Is. Nice garden space & chicken house. Ph. 26239. bb274 but om tin bet "tar bej 3015 Portland Road Ph. 3-7820, 3-4596. Eve. 2-0473, 3-3558 a-73' OWNER LEAVING Oregon offers 8 acre bargain. 5 room plastered house, drilled well, elec. pump, near 2 room achool. 12000 handles. Full price 4400. ALFRED IH 151 HECK Real Etate Broker 147 N. Commercial St. a272' YOt CAN'T AFFORD TO KENT Witen you can move m today into this brand new 2 bedrm. home for 160 per mo. Only 700 down. Full Price T8150 In cluding flnancinir rJinru. In. x, tv. thl Walter Musg:rave Realtor li.j Edee water St , West Salem Ph. 35109 a278 Ni re in in nil A CO qi A 11500 DOWN NEARLY new 2 bedroom ntiburban home near Orchard Heights. Excellent ' acrr with cherry trees, city water. Full ' price 16500. KINOWOOD SPECIAL Thl beautiful home is in the cltv of ) Balem now. You will be protected by policing, stoning, better water sup ' pty and a host of future advantages Salem' best buy at $15,000. Walter Musgrave Realtor , 1233 Edaewater St. Phone 3-5109. a273 foR BALE -or will trndemy equity ' In "a 3-br. mod. hse. as down payment on ! acreage. Oood location. New house In "-L dlJtrlt't- ph 2-7356. a275 FOR HALE IY OWNER. New 3-bdrm. , home Insulated. wether Ktnpped. Ven i blinds, oil furn., upstair. Larae lot , on Capttola biu line. 154 A Duncan. a272 Take advantage of hiKh farm prices ahead! WE II AVE A FARM that 1 a real money maker. Located on a main road just 20 minutes from Salem; 42 acres, all choice Willamette silt loam: IB acres oi ii ik it producing hops; 3 acres timber; 21 acres of new land Just cleared. All has excellent drainage: nice 7-room home: has hardwood floors There Is a double garage, barn and large machine shed. This fine farm can be had tor onlv I19,0f)0, DUNN REALTY EXCH Realtor 984 N. Pacific Hwy. 99 E WiKKlburn Ph. Main 136 Oregon b272 CLOSE IN ACREAGE i'i acres on hard surfaced road. South. 4 mile from U.S. Bank, gradual slope for good drainage. Nice grove on high est point for building site, nice view of mountains. Balance in prune trees, some cherries and apples. No buildings, except small tool house. I would tike to keep It but am forced to sell. Will take 13500, 11000 down, balance terms. Ow Box 83 Capital Journal. bb2H4 REAL ESTATE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES i HELP WANTED MALE WAR 51. COMF. Furn. Housekeeping Rm., lower floor. Bus close. 1431 N. Cottage. Jk274 SLEEPING RM. Tor gentleman. Ph. 37176. Jk273 NICE steeping room for business gentle man with hot and cold water and heat, 255 Center St. Jk273 SLEEPING room, 481 N, High. 3 UNIT COURT Brand new. 3 bdrm in each, lota of built-in. Hdwd. floors, insulated. Ad joining lot available, Class A con struction. Reduced to 120.000. Will take other property as part payment. Terms on oalance. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3015 Portland Road Ph. 3-7820, 2-4506. Eve. 2-0473. 3-3558. cd273 MAN'S SLEEPING RM., auto, heat, pri vatebath, entrance. 3-9043. Jk272 SMALL BUSINESS for a couple, young or old, Living quarters provided. Call 323. Jefferson, Oregon for further informa tion. cd275 DEATH of partner forces sale of Austin's gen. dry goods and shoe business In Woodburn. Est. 50 yrs. Earnings good. T e A, E. Austin, Woodburn. cd274 812.500 S. E. BR. HOME, full bsmt.. new oil furn. ! HIGHWAY RESTAURANT 3 bdrm.. Mil.50. CLEAN la acre with plastered 3-BR home, 8 yrs. old. Close in North. Barn chicken house, berries, fruit trees. On bus line. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 S. High St. Ph. 3-4121; Eves. 2558 bb273 S05IHI. 'ir acre with clean 2-BR home, close In East. Good barn, chicken hou.se. lots of fruit. Close to bus. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 S. High St. Ph 3-4121; Eves. 25581 bb273 IIY OWNER: 10 A. Farm, close to bus, Salem, mixed fruit, pasture, well, bath. iiirniiure. garage, barn, chicken house. Move right in. Small payment down. balance to suit buyer. Ph. 20536. 948 Norway at. b272 :tl ACHES all in cultivation. 6 mi. NE. Grade A barn, silo, chicken house, well worth $18,1)00. 81 ACHES, 75 cult, and crops In. Nice modern 4 bdrm. home and plenty of out huilding near Cenlral Howell. Bet ter see this farm soon. See or call Mr. Holmes. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. High -Ph. S76B0 Eve. Ph. 24773, 24591. 25580 b-372 THIS IS ri!!' ' t blka. to High and Jr. High, neat 2 bednn. hom.e attached garaae. fenced backyard, Is five yrs. old. perfect con dition. IlllV, fHD'tfl. CONVENIENTLY SUBURBAN ' 1 acre. 5-bedrm. older type, just at edge of town. Full price mimo. OABLE COTTAGE Here is what 17250 will buy! 11750 down. bHlanre easy term, 2 bdrm , unfliiLMied upstairs, titilitv rm garage LIKE A PICTURE CARD on a hill, in the trees, liut 3 hlks. from shoppini cenler, NEW 4-brdnn dble t'liimbing. dbl. am age. in. you Good terms TO IIUY SELL OR RENT Call Ralph Bent Realtor - PH. 3-im Kun or Eve. Cail Klumpp 20126 I.Lsting Wanted -lloime. faun 2&j0 S. Commercial St. Modern liard- $aHion with lioft0diwii New 3-HR home El. Oil !urnnct WimkI floors, f lieplm e. V bin lathed iarnne On biU. line. Immediate pcK-.rs.Mon. ('till Stanley Hrnwn with RI ATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 fl. High St. Ph. 3-4121, Eve. J,,,.6I aJ73' RAM II STYLE V RltlK RtUllH Ejitni well built ALL El.KC'l Hie Home, plus view. Fr.it.nrs LR. DR. ma.-ter HH, kit , u pnir orn. Me Window, ' ravrmeni. rrw minutes ivni noon. own MAKE I'S AN OFFER Larson Home & Loan Co. ExruMlve Ms'inga Personal Service 164 S. Com 1. M. P'l 3.a?Hi. Kir. 3-7440 . 273 I.AFK.r. I Or. NJ- W WKLL HI'I I T RANCH iW'E 2 Hit HOMES Verv imlm HW f loots, firrpiair r;400 4- mortgage Total I'nre i.'ifi on r.iar mivna iim mi ru a tut home in very gi..rt nuiflitn.n Hutommie heat 110.700. 12310 cum. halHiMf mn 1IW Int. at 4-., Call us lot auliitnienl on t h a one IOE HUTCHISON - REALTOR LOW I'HItEII STOCK RANCH 80 acres, 'a rult. bottom land. Balance good pasture A timber, year spring, creek Rood fences. 5 bdrm. hse., wired for elee, ratine, small new bam. Close to town, all rts. by door. Oood loan at 5 pet 112,600 THIS WILL PAY OIT 18 acres berrv liirm at edge of Woodburn. Too good to last at this prlre. ft 1.9O0. Will trade for home In Halcm, STOCK OR DAIRY RANCH Appro 100 acres NW oi Salem, gonrt loc . all rts. hy, 30 acres level cull. loam. bal. pas ture At limber, springs, creek. 7 rm. hse. wired for elrc. ranne. Late built 10 stanchion barn, new maeh. shed, hog At pllry hse.. 7 cows A- 25 tona oati At Vetch nay tor aaie gu.uoo. Larson Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Hervlce 164 8. Com 'I St. -Ph. 38.189, eve. 3-7400 b272 SUBURBAN $58,10 NR. ST. LOWS. 15 acres At Irc, older li.se Will consider city home m trade. Terms. WWII HO ACRES. No bldKS. All sheep fenced. Fruit, South. Consider reason able offer. B. ISHERWOOD, REALTOR Ph. 6PT1. Rt. 1. Box 243. Wallace Rd. or Ph. 2-8836. 1289 6th St., W. Salem bb272" Neat and clean and in excl. cond. Fam uy oremj. i ac. oi ground, city water, pvd. rd.. new elect, ranae and refr. go, 110.000 En ale wood 4 B. D.. insl. home, excl. location, all plast. Nice lawn and shrubs; oil heat ( pipea to an rooms. This home is ver rcas. priced 5950. Hiway 99 Over 300 ft. front. 44 acres. Neat 3 room house. See Ed Lukinbeal HUFF REAL ESTATE Realtors. 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 39271. Eves. 2H6H0. 5273. Itv. VERY NICE 2-bdrm. home. H. W. floors fireplace, auto. heat. 12350 cash. bal. at 4-e. Goodwin & McMillin Realtors. Ph. 34707 484 Court St. Eve. 2-7283. 2-5148. c272' WOt'LD you spend J475 (full price! for a small building site lor just a picnic ground, with creek, oak trees and hard- surfaced road 4 miles from center of . Salem? Box 81, Capital Journal. c278 qtrs. Immed. doss. Includes all eoulnt. some furniture. 84000. Terms arrang ed. BEST LOCATED GROCERY In Salem. Small but a good money maker. Low rent. Includes mod. 5 rm. apt. Hurry on vnis one. immea. poss. 34.! do. Bl SI. it INDt'STKIAL SITES 2500 foot frontage. RR At Highway. Inside city limits. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 S. Com ! St. Ph. 3-8389; eve. 3-7440 cd272' EXPERIENCED Shoe 3aiesmen for largest retail ladies shoe organization in the world. Excellent opportunity for ad vancement. Also experienced hosiery salesladies and cashlrr. Leed's Shoe Stores. Write box 61, Capital Journal. g274- EXP. GROCERYMAN or produce man. A good opportunity for a good man. No nite or Sunday work. Ph. 1934. Sweet Home, after 7 p. m., or write Box 597 Sweet Home. ga237 WARM nicely furnished rooms for employ- cu Kfiiuemen. rn. j-440. I SLEEPING ROOM for men. Close In. 745 8. Comm'l. Jk273 SLP. RMS 115.00. Ph. 39508. 394 N. 14th. . Jk287 SKI RACK. Anderson At Thompson, on- di tan 0 t,Bie. noicu tx pair. n274 C AMELIAS, 50c up, Rhodes 11.50 AzaN las 25c up. Merrill's Greenhouse, Brooks. n272 ALMOST NEW baby buggy, 975 8. 17th! n274 ft iajw lost HEATER for smaller spaces. Its the Duo-Therm Radiant Circulator. Low first cost, low upkeep, easy to In stalL easy to operate. See it now at GOOD HOUSEKEEPING. INC. ' "uri; Ph. 39611. J1222 SOFA Sits, Hollywood bed 165. Call Mon- n272 MATTRESS Almost new, double and twin bed at half price Rose Garden Motel, 3350 Portland rd. nii ,1 MILES SOI'TII. Attractive 6-rm. house in lovely setting of fir trees. Exc. barn, new chicken house. 8.31 A, Some culti vated. Good pasture. Grapes, berries, fruit trees, family garden space, lovely lawn At flowers. 2 bull calves, chickens optional. Priced for quick sale. Rt, 4, box 070 Ph 232S1. bli273 REAL ESTATE 133 A f 35.000 braill if ill t POLK COUNTY FARM xcellcnt Colonial house on ettmi. Good barn and chick en house, artesian water, If you appre ciate beauty as well as being eood. then see tins Cull Omer. HUFF REAL ESTATE Realtors. 141 Chrmeketa St Ph. 3HJ7I Eves 25091 h273 Olson & Reeve Realtors SUBURBAN 3 bdrm. home. Hdwd. firs. Fireplace. The appointments, the w orkmanship in 'hi home are outstanding. Nearly 1 A. At deep well This I one of Salem's finer homes. 121.500. By appt. only, please. Call Dent HIGHWAY FRONTAGE App. 7.S0 ft, 99 E South about 2'n A $3000. Small down payment. Call Dent. BUSINESS SITE 8 lol over 200 It. trackage part Nn 4 7-onr Oood 6 rm. older type hse. 90O0. Call Dent SUBURBAN HOME $10,000. S rm. hse. on 1 acre. Complete ly furnished. Barn, chicken hse. 1 cow. 50 chickens. N. near 99 highway, LOOK 111.500 Lovely 2 bdrm. home in N Sa lem. All larae rm. Fireplace, bsmt,, oil heat. This home Is only 8 years old. Oood terms Call Muddy NOTICE. $2000 DOWN 4v Int on bal.. small mbnthly pay ments oil heat, fireplace, hdwd Mrs 2 larae bdrm a , room for one more. 1mm. Poss. Call Muddy. SEE THIS vtr have a lovely 3 bdrm. home Cult and we will be ulad to show you Muddy Olson iS Reeve Realtors 94S S Commercial Ph. 3-4590; Eve. 2-3488 c2"4- DRIVE OUT SUNDAY 2 TO 5 P.M. TO LABISH VILLAGE '.4 Mile North Drive-in Theatre HOUSES $300 DOWN LOTS $25 DOWN MIDDLE GROVE TRACTS LOTS WITH WATER $25 DWN. j Our Representatives on the Grounds Reimann for Real Estate Ph. 39203 . 301 8. High. C273- S. I'fTII ST Bt-SINESS lot & 20x20' garage Bldg. Term. $3500. ONI.V xlono for equipment for Live Spot Men'a Furnlahinga store. A bargain here, stock at inventory. See ua for bua- ineaa opportunltlea. B. ISHERWOOD. REALTOR Ph. 6F11. Rt. 1. Box 243, Wallace Road or Ph. 2-8836. 1289 6th St., W. Salem. cd272 REASONS for selling Service Station doing good business on Highway 99 N. or Port land Rd. Rent 115 00 mo. Also living quarters. 800 If sold this week. Mobil- as Rtntinn Rt 1 Rnv tit A1T .ma ...... a!rx'N ' tWerlr " uiiiiu, vikiiai 4-JUOB. Ph. 3BS15. SALESMEN Outstanding opportunity for man ca pable of organizing own sales force and muiianing ni own Dusines. Our na tlonally advertised product Is a beauti ful Portable Dishwasher that does i thorough job in Just 5 minutes n. quires no installation. Has tremendous appeal to me nousewlfe. Sells for less than $ 100. Over 20.000 unit already in U.S. homes. Potential IL2.000 per year. Only Individuals or organizations with proven sales and organizing experience need apply. Exclusive territory avail able. For information call or write CAMERON-OREOON SALES CO Murdock 5633 1709 NE 35th Ave. Portland. Oregon B272 SLEEPING ROOM, 2131 Center St. Jk288' FOR RENT APARTMENTS APT. FOR RENT. 360 N. Capitol St. jp273' ..m..E. sri. uniurn. except lor gas range. All utilities furn. Inquire at 330 Jp272 Mission St. EXCELLENT opportunity for A-l mecha nic with own tools capable of takinR over shop. Phone 2-2198. ga272 NEED manager for used car lot. Choice cation. Experience necessary. Ph. 2- .ti-.u manager for used car lot. Choice location. Exp. neccesary. Ph. 2-4729. HELP WANTED FEMALE FI'RNISHED ground floor 3-room apt. with utility room and bath. Child and no pets considered. Ph. days Fifl 36439 Call at 2505 N. 5th after work. Jp274' 3 RM. mod. uniurn. basement apt. Elec stove, dose In. Write Box 84 Capital Journal. Jp372 HSKPING rm., $6per wk. 2 rm apt" 15 per mo. Close In. Ph. 38048. JP273' 4-ROOM unfurnished apt. Capital Journal FCRN. APT. Rt. 7, Box r, on Portland Rd. BACHELOR APT., complete with refriger ation very attract.-.:, for I man or woman, or 2 girls, 468 N. Winter St MODERN furnished cottage and apt. Rose ZZ; ' ' 01 b'ooks on hwy Uxli FRENCH Wilton rug. slightly wornT ir . , -' m. oriental, like new, 50. Call 38213. n27S Bl'TANfc STOVE, Table Top White Por celain Auto. Oven. 125. 775 Patterson, - W- Salem- n273 3 RABBIT does. Bench Model Wards ni. box 300. Ph. B274 22121. OASTER.S. mixers, waffle Irons, sand wich grills, coffee makers, percolators roasters,' blendora. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 11295 PIANO and bench, maghogany finish bungalow size. 1690 S. Cottage at. n272 4l5SLDSFOT reI' Uaed 3 months. Call ELECTRIC clocks and door chimes miow Afi'ijiANCE CO. 11295 30'iw GOV'T. Winchester Model 95 rifle. -mu.pcu wun a model 330 weaver acope. 12 gauge Winchester pump shot f"' Mmd1,97- J- Stevena 22 single shot rifle Model 1915. All good condition. All lor M75. Phone EXU. Dayton. n272 n .n j i aming set, table radio, steel "" t:oucn. tn. 3-7305. n272 " ' nuy ma aeuvered any where. Ph. 34952 MOD. CABINS, reasonable rent. 3590 S Com 1. 1n'Q, HOl'SE KEEPER for home with 5 yr. old ,B aner s:30. 1347 Ferry HA1VE,0pening t0T 2 lady lmen. 1440 FCRN. cottage. 3215 Portland Rd. JP2821 uuiBLEH At slnslea all furnished. eleT heat, city and school bus. 3580 6 Coml fmr.,,, , . JP"' 8. 12th SALESLADY, must know music anH h able to play piano, Will's Music Store. . gb272 woman. Ph. Journal. Box 122. cd272 WANTED FURNITURE HIGHEST PRICES paid. Phone Glenn a Woodry Auction Market. Ph. 3-5110. da' TOP PRICES paid for used furniture, tool and hardware. Call Mr. Reiser -'9285. 285 N. Commercial. FCRNIT1RE. household, etc., Men's clothing and shoes. Tunlt luggage, etc, 8UNDALE EXCHANGE St PAWN SHOP in LiDerty pn. 25511. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK I'REHRED JERSEY cow with week old I heifer calf. 4 gal. milk per day. Gentle Call 22992, e274 , UVEsfoCK VV ANTED BONDED & LICENSED livestock buyer. C. McCandllsh, 1127 8. 25th. Ph. 3-8147. ea280 :. 1. SNETHEN At SON. Licensed and Bonded cattle buyers Ph. 2-1345. ea278 PETS WANTED REAL ESTATE LISTINGS! WK NEED 'EM. Call us for r courteous service BURT PICHA. REALTORS Phone 23649. 337 N. High St. :a274" CASH It! VER lor good farm in Jefferson vicinity. Five acres up. Also small farms any direction COLBATII LAND CO. 1883 Center St. Phone 24552 c272 WK ARK in need oi gooa houses to sell in or near Salem fl you lb to list your property (or sale see CRAREMIORST HROS., REALTORS in Liberty St -Phone 2-2471 ca THIS IS GOOD $(i;;oo Phone J-.1PJ9, Fir. 3 HH9 or 3-m.11 : 1 - I 70 A. Stocked & Equipped imiir imls nun producing larm Cows, chickens, frw Die fj.ll rmii is planted, house 1 4 RH, large and 1 comlorUhle Located north on good' road, milk route, mail route, school bus I ov tioor . t.vxi monthly income from this I ami. make. it sate and smart buy. Full price 1 16.900 00 See Wamb-rs. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 N. Caoitol pn, j.g21 Ees. 3 8518 or "17217. b272 WIDOW WOMAN Wi.Hhes to sell good dKirv (Brin. ln A cull . rolling land, pasture fenced Could be inlnaied Barn 4flt,0 machine lir1 hog I1..U.H-. garaur All bldg. new 1v painted 7-rm mtxlrrn house, fire place lull cement basement. newly decorated IrmnediAte possession Price I7 ,00 Uinoo doxvn. balance 20 vrs I.. iiav at 4 rail Frank Krauger. independence. I4FJJ. associated With Allen Jonos and Malu'l Xeodham Henltore 341 Stale At .. Hm. 4 p,l0. 3 ,701 b273 Mum rooi rooms, butt well Is 115 ft, dec clean, $10,500 Verv nice located 5 larae Place, mitnTnalic heat ma: wardrobes hath tub At h can oe arranged large kitchen. 3 nice bed- near Hwetile school. Tins place Is very rooms, fire v built-ins. rr. Term WA N TED REAL ESTATE MiTll E; It your property is lor lale rent or exchange, list it with ua We iinvr nn Kino or cast, buvers STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS EXCHANGE REAL ESTAtT SALEM FOR PORTiXnD Transferred to Portland. Will trade my 1 year old home in Enalewood district priced at I10.2.S0. for suitable Portland COLBATH LAND CO. 1683 Center St. Plione 24552 CANARY SINGERS 110, Hens $2. Mrs. K W. Harrlit Rt. 8 Box 475 Salem. Ph. 25929. ec272 AIREDALES. Finest all-around dog. 6 mo. old leg. male pup. He will be tops as a pal. watchdog and hunter. Hilltop Ken nels. Rt. 1. Box 514. Corvallis. ec275 COCKER PCPS. black and part color, reg istered. See at 1625 N, 19th. ec272 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Commercial Placement Agency Prompt, Friendly Service Stenographic Bookkeeping Sales Typing Filing No charge or obligation to Employers 360 State Street Phone 3-1488 gf274' WANTED SALESMAN FOR RENT HOUSES 4-BDR.M. mod. home 3355 Garden Rd See Moore at Elfstrom'a or Ph. 37495 eve. BDHM modern Ph. 3-7125. BDRM unf. hoixsr nut, n ,. ZIT floors, fireplace. 2265 n! Liberty. ' Jm274 RM. modern home. In Sllverton. Write Journal. Jm273 Jit-HOJlt-Be your own boss. Full or pari time. Miaiiest commissions paid finest line loafers, moccasins. Build own nuuae rou. war noi essential. No sa Pies 10 ouy. The Phil Sales Co.. 362 French, Bangor, Maine. gg277 MEN HE AMBITIOUS At work for yourself. No nme ciock 10 punch or supervisor to breath down your neck. If you are con scientious willing to apply yourself, we can train you in Just a few days, to the point where you can be earning 1100 a week and ud COME in for a personal Interview A little of your time can net you great profits. Car is necessary. See Mr. Reap Nov. 15 at 7 p.m.. Senator Hotel. gg273 SALESMAN for roofing At building ma terial. Liberal commission plan. Mont gomery Ward. 155 N. Liberty. ten BLONDE Scotch terrier, female. Reason able to eood home. Rt. 3, Box 653 Canyon rd. ec272 CHOICE Canary Birds. 260 N. 18th. ec286' DOGS HOAHDED by day or month, train ing At grooming. Horse meat. Free pick UP At dellv. LeOray Kennels. Ph. 3-1398. ec284 FUEL All In. Slab Wood, del. Ph. 26075.26381. ee297 $4!f0 $S300 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TAKE A LOOK at in new denfon Stout tiro V Hdw. Store Lease on bldg. house to rent. bide, repaired. Stock at inventory. Fixtures reasonable. Oood business At low overhead, Perrydale rf cdilfll 3 rooms bath Located East Rented for Mi iter month A good investment or a home. See it totlny. DESCHUTES REAI TY CO. KaaH I .., K U. a... ' . .'"IMKN - ".. nn-- urn otn pp lllllll ll r..t-.,,-.,t pieie inoorrn equipment. Live CEN- GOOD FI'RNAC'E OAK wood. 16 In.. Ill on place, or 815 del. 2 ml. west of Lin coln. Maple Mount Farm, ph. 27193. ee272 CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOB Dlctel and Stove Oils FRESH CUT SAWDUST Drv Slab Wood Phone 3-8444 GOOD CLEAN fresh cut screened saw- dust. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 35533. ee294 16 IN. GREEN EDGING 15 50 per load 16 in. dry edetns 17 50 per load. OREGON FUEL CO Ph 3-5533. ee291 WANTED POSITIONS LANDSCAPING, new lawns, planting. $48.00 PER MONTH After Small Down Pymt. - , iwuuin, snowrr ana titil .room also good garage, good location! school bus. city bus, store about i block. Rood wells and pressure system, XJ r. St0Ve- Plcltet fcnce nd ome : J . ""ILer i-oroei, room 311, Hotel Senator. Ph. 3-4151. jm273 WEDGFWOOD 3-burner stove, 115. Ph. 3-6163. apt. alze gas n272 ELECTRIC comforters, sheet and blank ets, heating pads. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. n295 MOTOROLA RADIOS. For Home Ac Car" nauiu, O. UomT. St. n2l FOR SALE: Gulbransen piano and bench in fine condition, 1690 6. Cottage St.. n272 2 PKG. NEW FIRTEX 16x22'.., 22 piece . .ow. une new china sink lth chromium faucets 120. 5-ft. Kel Viator ref. 195. Ph. 34860. n272 ELECTRECT" FURNACE U. O. Smith elec. Mlg. Co., Portland, Ore. Heat out put 61,200 B.T.U. per hour, forced-air system Az air conditionner. Used only one year. Good condition. Price 1490 00 Call 2-1687. B2ii KELVINATOR. Hotpolnt appliances: Pow- .c. nwi.wt.ter neaiers. najpn Johnson Appliances. Ph. 3-3139. n STEAM and flat irons, ironing boards, Pima ana covers. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. n295' ALL LIKE NEW, bassinet $8.00; buggy $15; .vv. iwi sne. Eve. n272 "'"'" 2-bdrm. home, fireolact. wired for elec. range. Garaae. Inquire at 2073 N. Commencai. House at 1565 S Com'l Jm273 -. ti . r B1V B monih lease with option to buy on this 3-bdrm. furnished .Z ,,' J "Yemeni, t acres of land, small barn for cow. dIb .nri J.hiL.- 2Li miles south of Salem, quick pos- c JW "ourne, 1140 N, Capitol, Ph. 38216. RADIO SERVICE, Home or car. Marr Ra- Qio, g. uom i. St. D295 ELECTRIC room heaters, ah type. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. BABE-1ENDA tumble-proof safety chair for feeding Ac playtime. Frank Bowder. Phone 3-6598. 1872 Berry St. n294 Realtor. jm272' 2 ROOM furn. cottage, mod. Ph. 26818. Jm272 NEW 2-BDRM. hse. lor lease. Call at 450 Tryon Ave., Salem FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS TRAILER HOUSE and cabin. 944 N. Com'f. SMALL ATTRACTIVE prominent storr or on ice front at 757 Ednewater St.. W u""1' nriuai ia up monthly. J272' BUSINESS RM for ren- H L Stiff GAS RANGE, divan and chair, bed springs, 2 mattresses, ice box, table lamp, chest of drawers, hot water beater. 1345 Cross St. n274 PLASTI-KOTE. the cellophane-like finish for floors, linoleum, woodwork. Requires no waxing. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. n295 rototilling, grading, tree trimming. Rich- I hoovfr nP pi..-.", ; ard Boycr Ph 2-2256. h279 trrh!;.n?. ltcil0,u5 SALEM SCREEN SHOP QUITTINO BSNS SALE I DRILL press, fully equipped. 1 Tlm berhne saw equipped. 1 12-in. band saw, fully equipped, l 4-ln. Skill under. 1 6-in. Walker iolnter. 1 4-in. clamp, At 4-ft. 3 screen tackera and staples. 1 swing cut off. Brown and galv. screen wire. 1 7-in. Skill saw. Inquire 12TH ST. HARDWARE 10 So. 13th St. n272 DRESSMAING: Expert work, modern styl ing. reasonabde work. Tel. 28335. h277 WANTED; Sponsor for radio ornamm Modern piano. Reply Box 85 Capital journal. h274 tractor for hire. Land clearing, bull- aozing. eic. e. o. Neal. Rt. 1, Sublim ity. Ore. 1,274 PRACTICAL nurse, free to travel. Ph 3-670. h273 WANTED Work for T. D. 8. Dirt or grubbing. ALo finish work, Ray Cowan 1100 Dietg ave.. Salem. Ore. h272 WOULD like to hear from party that has prune trees 10 puu or grub out Ray Cowan, 1100 Diet ave., Salem, Ore. h272' VOI NG MARRIED woman, experienced as nemai assistant, would like full or part time employment. Call 3-6351. Ask tnr Mrs. Hodges. il27, I lachments II 00 a do. HOWSER BRQ8.-Ph3j.3646 U DRIVE trucks, cars. Ph aTaini- OOOD USED PIANOS, HT T eeD !fld Jb T? 90Mi " "nd lob everything to complete the HOWSER BROS -Ph. 3-3646. f HOUse"jacks. come .long, chain and rope noists auto tools HOWSER BROS.-Ph 3-3646 ! USED WASHERS, refrigerators, ranges, Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. n295 OIL CIRCULATORS, apt. size (as ranges. trash burners. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. n295 IRON'FRS oy week Phone 24439 PljOOR SANDER f0, rent Moptgor'ry J" ........ n n n uzone Good Health Runt fiell .H C. Pugh. 684 N 17th Ph. YOU HAUL DRY WOOD 2575 MISSION ee GOOD DRY 16 in slab, also green 16 In. eiao tor iiirnnce use. Immediate delivery OREGON FUEL CO. Ph. 3-5533. ee291' or those roomy Ih cable home Insul ed. weathers! ripped nice v clean r irnotKi scinoi. a ft 01 point ranae in- ruinra. terms. Clias. lludkins & Son REALTORS 150 N Huh Si Phone 3-4129 c.'TS' GOING TO BUIltV building site on Cioisan creek er year-round creek, macadam 3 9 miles from U S hink tiaon 1800 down balance m 3 years. Owner. Capital Journal c278 hardwood flont., trlgeratois and t i 5 SOW down VERY MODERN N;ce Urge kitrhrn liv.na room fii place, a Inrac Iront w indu. io n; hlf bedrooMi.v, attathrd vnimr ba mrnt w:th oil furnace JTrhKI Hl coi miltment Full ,ni,r Hi) mn Joe L. Hiiui iic. Realtor 20 ACRE FARM 1140 N jti;,Nea bath, a272" 1 HH Kn awo S(.u mtoi pi, :(ju, 3R)8 or TT.' 1 7. Halliard m 1 fiiruitute n r Ishe m himl 4 rooms Baiane. neat and cleurt iiki. .mine. rasi. Fuinace, bath, all a . 4 BR on buA line SALEM REALTY CO. REAL r'R.S 149 North Hiui. Pn STftw Kie Ph. 24T73, 24S91, 3,.,ao Journal Want Ads Pay 1 eel land nxwi soil modern J-hrm home, barn niaKe work shop, chicken hse., tractor and equipment stock 10 t m hav HUM CAN AU, BE YOUHS KOH IH750 Terms UmM rt. (HO A. STOCK RANCH i.ocated Ju.t 33 mile f,m 9nm Hm 3 barns older Imt 4 rultm home 70 aeir under rultuatuti, u(Wd hunlint and lisluna 1 he owner last year made a He-!t,Mirr income n whitetacr cattle Price 2l ,00 TMtMft COLBATH LAND CO. 18M Center St. truant 34.J Box 61, BY DttMH-JO acres in the fast trowing Swegle district The acreage U close to achool At Meal rot subdivision Ph 39460 or 35437 I HAL OREGON town Counter seatu 1. table 50. banquet room 150. Three in cmof weciuy. Husiness recorrin allow 11 to Qualified buver Ttctures on re.me.vt See Kulh Smith, Box 1081. Deschutes Rralty Co , Redmond Ore. DESCHUTES REALTY CO. REDMOND, OREGON Cd273 lout RVICE station, e, half-cent dsndy location al. rent. 11500 1.14.000 hotel tAiern combination, tor quick sale Bid . stock and equlpt.; all goes Call Hnv Daxis HI KE REAL ESTATE Heallors ,141 Chemeketa St Ph 32m, Ftes 38659 cri37J TRI-CITY FUEL Fresh Cut Sawdust Dry 16" Millwood Ak far S H Green Staatpa Prompt Delivery Ph 27442 Oil, CIRCULATORS. furnaces ftrrvireri I ana acuumea. sawausi burners install ed and repaired. Let me put that heat ing equipment In shape to do what the manufacturers Intended it to do S'an Dvorak. Ph. 24963. 1,276 v 1 kaltors. plumbing t:7 paint sirayers. lawn roller, lawn mow. ers auto tooU. drills belt and disc ander, hedie clipper HOWSER BROS. Ph. 3-3646 1 ki ens nn J per Service Ana Churcn tof rent drnltty Clip-3-9600 Corner Center ihor washing machine and dish washer and sink combination for my equity. Very reasonable. Ph. 2-7860. n273 10-TON feed barley. Can be seen at North River Road Lumber Sales Yard Ray Cowan, 1100 Diets ave., Salem, Ore. n272 i-uoKiNO Model A in Town, 1931 Victoria Sedan. Also 10-ln. tilting Arbor Saw. Like New Ph. 24057 or See at 2060 McCoy. n273 MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes housekeeping for widower. Refer, furnished. Write Capital Journal. Box 92 h272' WANTED TO RENT MOTHER with 2 small boys needs small - '" Hli Ja274' SHEET ROCK taping At texturing a iPec-" Close in BvVri 'd,U' Ph' la IT. Ph. 2-74.i4 after 7 nm J.?-1" Bv 1 tn573 West Salem Fuel Co. 16-IN DRV OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD 16-IN CLEAN NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESFL AND 8T0VI OIL Phone : Salem 3-4031 Also met up wood at 1523 Edge water St W 8a! em fp FOR SALE ACREAGE 1 1 a. Mm 11 rm horn rd Ixits of fruit and nn w 01 a siiop elect tools io Call M HUFF REAL ESTATE 5la:,... . 141 Chemeketa Ki Ph. 19331. Ivw. kbJ71 acres, nth irtT -m;tt: rm home 7 mile from Makin on ov le aaraee tiactor and CALAHA'S COLUMN 93950 BUYS TT Small 1-bedroom suburban home wired for ranae. elec. mn heater, well with elec. water svsiem. inc. oil clrc , elec tov and datrtio, acre. 1 1 .100 DOW N Hua thu attractive suburban home 3 tMstrooina. i acre, berries, filbt-ris and peaches. cWe to Kner school bin h dintr, paved road Total price i-nW T00 3'i ACRES ON SILVEHTON ROAD New 5-room home V blind., large gar ate, all room are larae. 1mm. piwes ion. 1 to too NORTH 30TH S TRFFT Modern 5 -room home, oak floors, fire- i Place, lane garage and deep lol nice yard. Will trade for acreao North or' D I 111 7O0 Rl'DV CALABA cV CO. Realtors 2.11 N, Hifth j lhont 5A3-Ite. 35t 4M J77, f null work shop, building, iciimrrT in gtOfl Oca on Everything goes CABINET SHOP Cab: net propert Immediate pit.e.Mion r.-r 114 000 BUSINESS BUILDING Income MoO per mo Very good bldg with living quarter Lot of room for expansion. Choice location for auto court Tenant doing excellent business A choice investment Owner leivlnt BBt.nil.. slate Shown by appointment only Full- KUUULc Al Isaak' & Co.. Realtors 3015 Poriland Rd Ph, S-78J0,, 3-4596. 2-0473. I-S!VMI Cd273 , FOR SALE POULTRY HEAVY IIEN!and "fryers, 41c. RU I bx 310. Ph. 37213. f273 IRONING and hourly work of cleaning P"- 3-- h274 Feel Like an Eskimo???? Do you shiver and shake because of a dirty furnace, flue or atove? Put away the red flannels, cut fuel cost and prevent fire hazards. Merely write or call Nobby (Barnesi Furnace and Flue Cleaning Co., 315 80. View Place. Salem Phone 2-5424 h374 DO ANY and all kinds of hauling. Anv where, anytime, very reasonable. Re move any kind of trees or Jo y;d work. Ph. 21924 Ml 3 MOTHERS, bring your little ones for dv or night care. 1180 Shipping h27j LOST AND FOUND LOST Red Golden Cocker Snantrl IT! swer to the name of Onidii, n.-.. k272 340 Park ave Ph 2-5629. LOIT: black Butch, 2-9159 Black male Springer Cocker white eliett in..... .! Reward. Ph. Eleanor 3-9014 or k272 between Salem and 4 Corners, ph Corners. Ph k272 i-ws 1 tng.isti bulldog, 6 mo. old Brlndle Rt 1 Bnt SSI Lvona k-. Tl'RKKVS DIRrrT from farm I mile South of evtiool. Liberty Turkey Farm. Phone tJ7. IH I.LD07IXO. clearlnf. toaglna with R.4 cat. equipped with wench, dorer Hour or contract. L. V. Umlra, Rt. 7, Box 323 ha:. MISCELLANEOUS D tn and worthier "toc removed on momenn nolicf. Ph S-S(W0 ml9T TRe'E WORK, trlmmlm, topping, felilnt ,rmo, ma. in. per. rree eat. w. H ,14,, hitr MrAUuttr. ,40 Trad.. Ph. " nd rouna hen.. 13 50 j Pot MIMI OCR ATHISO. t.pini book' and up. Roul, 1. box ,17, Salem. 1 keeping eemce In our home. Qua!,,, . f7"J I work, lower price. , N. 10th At pi, 9-303 " t'lllrR. Weekl, Halchea New Hatcher, f. i fl ATI RI(1 h3s P.TrHWORK rhlmne. Ph. 343M. Frew Mtimatea h:7. .r n. men-g tatter. 4 Court mis, DENTAL Pt.aT orn..n t-nn STRVICE IN MOST CASrS ai5? k I"" SSMLER-DENTIST Adolph Bde s,, 4 commercl.l Su iKAtTHMAN 8-m, tilt table aw wllh or without 1 h.p. motor, mounted on sturdy table Craftaman !, h p. paint apravrr. both ln excel, cond. Ph. jnsgy n372 DISTON power law. 11 hp. 3-ft. and 4-ft: """cl "hP- Coat 50. ell for 850. Ph. 3S7H. na71 WOOD A OIL circulator., kitchen cabinet", library table, davenport. Ph. 22906. n272 ll-Tl BE SILVERTONE radio, beat of' con. I.,.?"1"" rM "kther aeata. f"- M327. H273' SI NB1AM. Shlck and Remington .lectrle ahavera YEATER APPLIANCE CO. PACIFIC electric apt. ranaea. I13.5. Oe. vurtr. Ph. 34.15 na73. FIRNACts CLEANtn Repaired. RevamS vour preaent ayalrm to modern air cond Before you bur aee the American Radiator SunDeam Furnace with IU Arcoflame oil burner on diapla .t JOHNSTON SHEET METAL CO 1410 8. 12th St. cnone 3-43,1 n375 ELECTRIC hair cllppera. hair driera. VI bratora. bathroom acalea V EATER APPLIANCE CO. UTEINW At Orand Pl.no. Ph. 34,03. n373- nl DEK. bed and im.. ICA1EH APPLIANCE CO. .J1"' fOPPFR, NlrRLETTonT. bronied A true metal finlah - AVIK 'LATINO CO 8 la'" ft,. 3-7771 .111 1T "'"ER heater. 41 gal. CoN nr.. rour home electrically If, C(a. venl.nt clean, .conomlcal See na 1 ire. estimate r EATEh itnu... I N liberty . CO BOSC Pt R al OLvon a orchard, W Keller achool . mile fill" I TREE WORK Trimming, Removing AT SICRIFH I: COMPUTE f. Mint am ainch equipmem Capacity 30 sux.ls 2 booths Fn;iirmen! in nrsl rlajj condition counters A back bar art of sectional construction rajw.r i-ovrii. fn, between 10 am. a I pa, tUT3 t'tloiCR heavy New Hampshire frver to 4 lbs 4Jc lb. 3135 D t 11212 1 TVCTTPm nDCDATAD i-4f it mm, ttona raynt. tn. JM14 Churcrt hJ82 IN TTR IOR pain: Int. Eip. Ph. 3-T:96 j20 rri75 I WHIT FACE steer beef. Also Vletoi hm Phone S!6a i HELP WANTED MALE H D Experienced dent al aaatatant Stale aee A experience. Writ. Box S3 Capita. JcairnL ,37, CARE FOR children rw my nome. Prefer aacav M I reara. 1U . lllh. Ph. !: bill " " WI WINC.FR Vwin, machin. reo.,d 0, a ,u.l t,ed .in,,, t. 1.. Ph 3-3513 lor free pic, , ,id llmi n, on all make, ol ma ?. ," .Lr". '"""" ,,' ork "7. Ph. 1-42,4. Ft LL,. om shlx. 17,5 0r,nt u,tf tlJSB THOR Oladirona. waahers ainka YEATER APPLIANCE CO. TIME TO FERTaiZB a.rJL.Rt,ANIC r'ERTILIZER PERFFCT FOR LAWNS A OARDENS t.VCK ,,M ' PER TON FREE DELIVERY ANYWHERE IN SALEM WEST UlSHROOil PARI, PH. l-4;37-rX I-439J m, n2.S now tnrea- SE1.ECT Tour rhH.in... .TTT ! Pmet or an. -,-.,. mi cnristma, deliver, start m S. 12th. -a Mil. from Hl,ri Price, - . B34. l N and heat lampa " YEATER APPLIANCE CO. (Continued on Page 11) t