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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1948)
Munitions Go To Help China Bremerton, Wash., Nov. 12 i A naval attack cargo ship was reported to have sailed from the naval ammunition depot near here two days ago with a large cargo of small arms ammunition for China. The Bremerton Sun and the Seattle Post-Intelligencer both reported the sailing. The news papers said the shipment was reportedly bound for China. Na val sources refused to comment The newspapers said loading into naval attack transports at the naval depot at nearby Ban gor have been carried on the last eight days on a two-shift basis with 150 men employed. The cargo of the first ship was listed as 1,800 tons of .30 and .45 cali ber ammunition. The Post-Intelligencer also quoted its Wash ington bureau as saying that the consignment was known to in clude 42 P-47 fighter planes. Both Chinese and American sources in Washington have re ported that the first major ship ment of American guns and am munition to China since the com munist swept in Manchuria was nearly ready for departure. The report has not been confirmed V officially. Silverton Justice Court Takes Action Silverton Reports from Judge Alf. O. Nelson's justice court Include Robert McColly, charge, contributing to the de linquency of a minor, entering a plea of "not guilty," asks for preliminary hearing. Date to be set later. Failing to furnish $1,000 bonds, commitment was issued. Two charges against Jack Benson, disorderly conduct, fine of $50 and costs, 30-day suspended jail sentence on con dition he obey all laws and leave liquor alone for one year; and charged with damage to per sonal property of another. Held over to grand jury on $500 bail which he failed to furnish. Glen Howard Newton and Vernon Vincent Von Draecek, each charged with hunting ducks after hours, and each fin ed $10 and costs. Successful Hunters Get Moose and Elk Silverton Roy Davenport, local postal employe, has re turned from his annual vaca ' tion hunt, this season as a mem ber of a group of eight Oregon ians going to Prince Rupert, Canada, bagging five moose. The trek was interesting in that the Canadian government requires hunters to Include a guide. Davenport said the area in which they were permitted to hunt became very cold during their stay with considerable snow and the lakes frozen over. The "tenderfeet" from Oregon, however, suffered no inconven iences as cabins were available for their comfort. Communist Plans for War New York. Nov. 12 0J.R If a war ever breaks out between the United States and Russia, American communists plan to paralyze the nation's economic life on the first day of hostil ities, a leading former commun ist said today. Communist fifth columns have been preparing for such a day for 25 years, Louis Budenz. former editor of the Communist Daily Worker, charged in an ar ticle in the current Collier's magazine. If and when it comes. Budenz said, they plan to cripple Amer ican industry by engineering general strikes and violence in major industrial cities known as "concentration district." These he named as Pittsburgh, Chica go. Cleveland. Detroit, Los An geles and San Francisco. "The comrades' reasoning is that to control labor action in the basic industries would be to enable them to wreck American economy any time they chose to do so," he said. Fairvlew A group of 13 elk hunters from this and other lo cal areas have returned with a "jack-pot" of six elk slain In the Ukiah area and divided among each hunter. They report very cold weather there and re turned home before the close of elk hunting season. Linn Average High Albany Of Linn county's 21,184 registered voters, 16.149 or 78.23 per cent cast ballots at the November 2 election, Coun ty Clerk R. M. Russell revealed in announcing completion of the official canvass. The final, of ficial count altered many totals on men and measures but chang ed no results, the county clerk said. T . Lands Contract B 1 o n d e, blue-eyed, shapely Patricia "Legs" Hall (above), who re cently won a "most beautiful legs in the world" contest, has been signed by Universal-International studio in Holly wood, which says it's looking for "new faces." Appropriate ly enough, she'll play the role of a bathing beauty in her first picture. (AP Wirephoto) Canby Flax Fiber Sent Eastern Coast Aurora Three carloads of flax fiber made from the 1946 crop and totaling approximately 60,000 -pounds were shipped from Canby to the eastern sea board from the Lone Elder plant of Clackamas Flax Growers. Two cars were consigned to the Linen Thread Co., at Pater son, N. J., and one to the Bel mont Packing Co., of Philadel phia. Rufus Kraxberger, mana- ger of the plant, said The fiber was sold by the Commodity Credit Corporation, which already had paiU the lo cal processors 48 cents a pound for it. The flax plant, which has been working two crews of men at scutching the 1947 crop, will finish that operation this week, Kraxberger said. They are still busy deseeding the 1948 crop and have been shipping flaxseed regularly to oil mills. One recent shipment was 500 pounds of seed for planting, which was sent to Mexico. Approximately 130.000 pounds cf fiber from the 1946 crop still is stored at the Lone Elder plant. Chiang Government Seems Sure to Fall Spokane, Nov. 12 Wi The government of Chiang Kai-Shek is bound to fall, B. H. Kizer, a former UNRRA administrator in China declared here yesterday. He said any communist set backs will be only temporary because the nationalist govern ment is a fundamentally weak union of loose coalitions. Kizer headed the China UNRKA office from 1944 to 1946. He is an attorney here. Troops Take Holiday Tokyo, Nov. 12 iP) Armistice day, 30th anniversary of the end of the first World war. passed quietly Thursday with American occupation troops taking a holiday. Turkeys Move By Carload San Francisco, Nov. 12 W Turkeys are moving "from the Pacific coast by the carloads for: the Thanksgiving market. Nearly a fourth of the nation's supply of the festive bird will , come this year from Washing ton. Oregon and California. The country's crop is short I smallest in 10 years. The de- jpartment of agriculture estimates ii ai ji.uu.uuu oiras. i ne re-1 cord is 44.221,000, produced in 1945. I Cold storage stocks also are! low, about half the 5-year aver age. The total on Oct. 1. latest1 figure available, was 14.8R1.0D0' pounds. A year ago it was 3R. 979.000 pounds. Those are tin national figures. So you can expect to pay a pretty penny for that Thanksgiv ing bird. Trade circles here hint at prices of 75 to 80 cents a pound for young hens, the most in demand. The current whole sale price for dressed hens is 64 66 cents. If you want more meat for your money, you can buy the heavier but cheaper torn turkeys. They usually sell for about 10 cents a pound less. California. leading turkey state since 1943, is expected to raise 4.544.000 birds this year. 12 percent over 1947. Washing ton's production is placed at 1. 121,000. same as last year, and Oregon's at 1.557.000. down 5 percent. The total of 7.222.000 compares with 6.817.000 last year and 10.400.000 in the record year of 1945. Farm turkey receipts in the three coast states totaled just un der $50,000,000 last year. Strong market prospects, high prices and declining feed costs point to higher returns this year. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Friday. November 12. 1(MS 5 Check Writer Held Albany Charles P. Duncan, arrested at Oregon City on a Linn county warrant, has been returned here to face charges of obtaining money under false pretenses. Duncan, according to Deputy Sheriff George Miller, had assertedly passed no lesi than six $10 checks in this area and one at Lebanon. ANN The Reweaver New Location 1180 N. Winter, Near Market Sr., Phone 3-391 8 Closed Saturdays All types of mending hosiery, sox, sweaters, etc. Moth holes, tears, burns inri worn places. Your Prescription Store WHEN YOU THINK DRUGS THINK SCHAEFER 't9 - 1948 "It Poys to Trode at ScharirV 7599 Prescriptions Accurately Filled J 942 EVERYTHING FOR THE BABY We have complete line of medical needs for babies Let us fi:l your prescription. Sick Room Needs . . . Hot Water Bottles Atomizers Steam Vaporizers Thermometers Heating Pads Red Cross First Aid Needs Cough and Cold Remedies Let Us Compound Your Doctor's Prescription FOR EVERY DRUG NEED SCHAEFERS DRUGSTORE The Original Yellow Front Drug And Candy Special Store in Salem 1 135 N. Com'l. St. Phone 3-5197 or 2-9123 Use Capital Journal Want Ads. They Will Satisfy Your Needs. Sweet Home People Accident Victims Albany Fred Stuber. Al bany, was arrested by State Po lice Officer Gerald David on a charge of drunken driving after Stuber had been involved in a traffic accident in which sev eral persons suffered minor in juries. According to information pro cured by the officer, Stuber, traveling westward on U. S highway No. 20 at a point five miles east of Albany was on the wrong side of the road when he sideswiped a car driven by Owen Reck, Albany, and crash ed head-on into a car containing William M. Hackney Jr., and Myrtle Cork, both of Sweet Home, and both of whom were taken to. the Albany General hospital for treatment. Hackney suffered severe facial injuries. Reck signed' a complaint against Stuber. Stuber was ar raigned before Justice of the Peace Harlow Weinrick. IS YOUR WATCH TAKING TIME OFF? "J A your watch info action to do the job you expert of if Bring it in and let our specialists look it over. Reliable service is our watchword. And for new beauty, restyle your watch with a smart jujLilm wtch tun SERVICf-- you $t Friendly, accurote service on your Kaiser or Frozer or ANY car is yours right here in Salem. With genuine factory parts, factory approved service. Only skilled mechanics only the best in service. Bring your Kaiser or Frazer or ANY car to ... . Teague Motor Co. 355 N. Liberty a Ph. 24173 Open 'til 10 p.m. Nightly aSJBJBjBBjBBJBBJBJBJBMBSBflBSBBBk? m u mm w jr It I E I W SALEM, OREGON L ft PoP n Popcorn Th big yellow fcrnl variety. Coniumtr op proved by millions of movie font everywhere, look for the red ond while candy eons package. AT BETTER FOOD STORES The downbeat of a bird's wings throws air backwards, giving, the bird propulsion. NOW BUYING FILBERTS and WALNUTS Highest Cash Price Paid on Delivery H. R. JONES at the Shryder Transfer tti S. Cottage Ph. J496i X22950 Let us show you WES1X, THERMADOR Electric Heat Hollywood Appliance Co. "Friendly Service" Phone 2-4439 2005 Fairgrounds Rd. Salem. Oregon Let Us Recommend Your Painter or Paperhanger Through 18 Years in the Paint Business and Close Co operation with Salem's Finest Decorators We Feel That We Are Well Qualified to Successfully Cope with Your Every Paint Need. Call Us for Immediate Service. McGILCHRIST & SONS 2SS N. Commercial Phone 3-8478 JR. Both JIM - JIM, are happy as larks! BECAUSE THEY'VE JUST RECEIVED A FULL SHIPMENT OF THE ORIGINAL CHIPPEWA BOOTS AND WORKSHOPS IN ALL SHAPES AND SIZES M"ost everybody knows that tlie orig inal CHIPPEWA BOOTS A X 1) KIIOKK are the greatest values in the business lil'T they haven't been easy to get. Well, Jim's got 'em and he'd like to tell you this: THERE IS NO PLACE IN TOWN OR OUT THAT YOU CAN BUY THEM AT A BETTER PRICE THAN JIM'S! THAT'S GUARANTEED V f ' WEEK END FEATURES REMEMBER PENNEY'S ARE OPEN UNTIL 9:00 EVERY FRIDAY EVENING WOMEN'S DRESS is SHOES Suede. High style. Broken sizes. DOWNSTAIRS STORI 300 WOMEN'S BETTER is DRESSES Wools, rayons. All new stock. One of kind. SECOND FLOOR 588 30-PIECE "EMBASSY" SILVERWARE Service for 6 knives, forks, spoons, soup spoons, salad forks. Stainless knives. DOWNSTAIRS STORE 590 GLEN PLAID RAINCOAT For women. New styling. Belted. SECOND FLOOR 1275 'NATION WIDE' V SHEETS 81x99. Strong thread count. MEZZANINE 219 36" WIDTH PRINT YARDAGE MEZZANINE Yd. 35c MEN'S HARD FINISH S Worsted Dress Suits W5Q MAIN FLOOR - SIZE 46 ONLY! MEN'S COTTON UNIONS MAIN FLOOR 1 00 NEOPRENE RAIN JACKET Corduroy collars. One special group reduced to clear. MA.N 388 Shop PENNEY'S and Save! 1