16 Capital Journal, Salem, Or.., Friday, November It, 1948 yeo'F off's CU(d tfl7 CGwDSfflnn)l. "Buckeye" Heater' Dover Wood Burner 5jf jg j j I Puts Out Quick Intense Heat Of Heavy Gouged Bluedeel jS " W MQWg "Q Jff' ffii( I Air light aonrtraction; mod. e hT need, d.livn an eaiazia. ' MM lil l eeagn blwad itel. fully lined. Check amount ot Infant heat. Girih-ln droit r7TC Xl fXT J Mill Pi jFMllr 1 1 S '1 ' rah. baiH-ia rajlota. S. hi and battarfly regulotor. See at 'J jjlsjy f STI Handy Kenmore IS H 1 N range; can be used for cooking I mestl J'i'jjjjSS j T jT j as well as heating with soft 5i , I VLfW '1 """"" "11 jJT slVX I jk ' coal. Firebox has a 4-in. exten- &-7f I sV'"Nl 11111 """ 1 XV jjl, sion to accommodate 20-in. ?S ' I Ylk!J " J N. j wf j wood. It's a real beauty and a jS! as""K V? f 1 fTj Radiant Heater jf TCV ) Ll-i fmmi'ifS For More Comfort 1st ' ..ins1''" J- ' easy rearramrment of spare I -PP,rt, 1 U V " ' torlnj bulk food r Ill I 5 Gallon Metal Fuel Tank Vt ! 8495 f V! Mi J Exclusive Zonosph.r. burner for dean, efficient performance ilflfPW onany,.Hing.Ha.,4la5av. 'IT.ftT- KSSSSIW' ! --f i'?r7 ' ra9e i' rooms with inde- "- jsjSgffSt I pendently controlled burners. -jJ JZ ir0 Siiz S8Ms f SSrr : ; and every washdQy is a no,idy L-u,r .,...- h, 3, o4 Room,... n 4.95 I 'M (oh with a Standard t Sl KENMORE IRONER ll'U ill & the gift for the family that gives for years and years 8.7 Cu. Ft. Four Star COLDS POT Spacemaster 32 V95 66.00 Down, 18.00 Month on Sears Easy Terms (Uaa.l c.rrylns charge) 30 More Food Stor- Permo Thrift Unit 5 age Spoee Inside Year Protection Plan Cabinet Check all the exclusive features of Coldspot! The big horizontal freezer chest stores 38.3-lbs. of frozen foods. The meat storage drawer stores 10.4 Ibs. of meats. The exclusive humiderator adjusts to 4 positions for proper moisture control. Exclusive design stainless steel shelves adjust to more than 20 positions. See your Coldspot at your nearby Sears store today. TWIN CRIRPERS. csln large, la provide moist iter see for 27'j-qiiart of fruits nd vet table. Keeps food crisp. RACK MOUNTED wnlt mean 30", more Interior food storkite spare. Adds to torare fthout adding t cabinet aiie. For Fast, Safe Washing KENMORE STANDARD With Automatic Drain Pump G'eaming white wosher body v.ith bright aluminum wringer head. Big 2-in. balloon type rollers extract moximum amount of woter without injury to fabric or buttons Washes 6 to 7 lbs in one load. Triple vone coifator provides gentle water woshmg action. 1 y i0" j 13995 28.00 Down, 10.50 Month on Sears Eosy Terms (I sual carrying charge) A full size ironer ot an economy price. Big 26 inch roll with automatic thermostat heat control. Fingertip or knee control permits ironing, press ing or steoming. Streamlined design will make it a beautiful oddition to any kitchen. See Ken more demonstrated at your neorby Sears store see how you can iron quickly ond eosily right from the very stort. SUPERIOR FEATURES OF KENMORE MEAN EASIER IRONING Power t Coiutni( turn Prevent Ttnomt tutd fit Ciaerr to Tuoa. Satfty Krt-d Di mn Board No Nr1 to Place YcHir Finger Ner RolL Ril 3" Ballonn Type Wrineer Rolls SqureM Out Maximum ot Water KMC AND FIMitR-TIP rontroL make operation featherlialit 1 n axirs: and simple for quick and eay ironlnf. M-INTH ROLL with two open ends pro vides 144 equare Inches of Ironing and pressing HKAT CONTROLS permit regulating heat on the Ironer roll. STEAM ANI PRKS8 rn addition to ironing for panta. velvets and fancy Jabrlc itnishea. SEARS NEW STORE HOURS: 9:30 TO 5:30 DAILY-9.30 TO 9 P.M. FRIDAY ft ' n pout nancy Jaai JffljlJ 484 STATE ST.-PH. 3-9191 1 i f