Postpone Probe Commie Spies Washington, Nov. 10 (Pi The house un-American activities committee seems likely to be in eclipse for the rest of this year. With Chairman J. Parnell Thomas (R., N.J.) under indict ment and two other republican members as "lamed uck" com pany, a committee official said today he sees little activity ahead until the committee is re organized under democratic con trol January 3. This means that resumption of the Reds-in-Hollywood investi gation and the atomic spy hunt both tentatively set for this month and next will be delay ed. So will the committee's long promised public hearing In the Dr. Edward U. Condon case. Other projected inquiries ex pected to be junked for the pres ent include those dealing with report of communist infiltration into Negro groups and illegal crossings of tht Canadian bor der. The Hollywood hearing, deal ing with reported attempts of communists to gain a foothold in the film colony, were started in 1947 and recessed indefinitely. The spy probe ran through several months of this year and resulted in several contempt cita tions against witnesses who re fused to say whether or not they were communists. It was to have been resumed before the election but this plan later was abandoned. V issWh ,m-imHiimt,, fm;iasiAfmmmAmAtkakmmmmmmr mil Indicted on 'Kickback' Charge Miss Helen Campbell (above) has been indicted by a federal grand jury at Wash ington, D. C, along with Rep. J. Parnell Thomas (R., N. J.), on charges of conspiracy to defraud the government by taking salary "kickbacks" from Thomas' congressional employes. (Acme Telephoto) Jap Tribunal Upholds Hull Tokyo, Nov. 10 i The in ternational military tribunal to day gave its support to former U.S. Secretary of State Cordell Hull's condemnation of the 1938 anti-Comintern pact. Japan, Germany and Italy signed the pact, purportedly to combat the spread of comma nism. But, Hull charged, ac tually it was a preparatory move for subsequent measures of forceful expansion by the bandit nations. "Our opinion," said the tri bunal after quoting Hull's words, "formed independently. is the same. The international court Is more than half way through the reading of its findings and ver diet in the war crimes trial against Japanese wartime Pre mier Hideki Tojo and 24 other defendants. Informed sources said the tribunal hoped to fir.-1 ish tht task by Friday. Tht tribunal reported there was ample evidence Japan was prepared to attack Russia at any favorable time during the pe riod covered by the war crimes indictment from 1928 to the end of the war. Such a plan, the findings said, "was one of the principal ele ments of Japan's national poli cy and its object was the seiz ure of territories of the USR in the Far East." Moore, Smith Have Policy-Making Duty Gus Moore and Homer Smith. Jr., are two new members on the commitiee serving in advisory and policy making capacity for the homt service depaitment of tht Marion county chapter. American Red Cross. Fred Gahlsdorf is chairman of the homt service committee. Tht monthly report from the home service department reveals N Capital Journal. Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Nov. 10. 1948 13 Jewett Appointed Special Director Portland, Ore., Nov. 10 U.B The fish and wildlife service to day appointed Stanley Jewett as special migratory marsh and up land game bird director with headquarters in Portland. Jewett will have charge of game bird works along tht Pa cific flyway. a delicacy among a case load of 176 for October with $704.18 extended in grants and loans. Practically all the case load was with veterans and their dependents. Legion Sponsors Dance Lafayette A dance in the school gymnasium sponsored by the Lafayette post No. 143. Am erican legion, will be Wednes day evening. The local auxiliary unit will serve coffee and cake and have charge of tht check room. Eeels were the Romans. yoo.too cam if-; JQ your silts wr- u ndVA OR MORE 100, .'1000 Auto and Personal Loans C OillME RCIAL CREDIT FMLA1V INCORPOHATID SALEM AGENCY: 444 Csattr Strstt - casN YOU GET $100 S3 00 SSOO $1000 J1.S6 11.10 76.19 II S 26 17.71 46.10 91 59 M.k. Application GET CASH TODAY Mrs. Moyer Hostess j Falls City Mrs. Jessie Moy-i er had a Stanley party at her home. Games were played and refreshments served to Mrs. Eva Burbank, Mrs. Orlo Frink and daughter, Mary, Mrs. Anna Short, Mrs. Ethel Teal, Mrs Terresia Smith, Mrs. Anna Grip pin and the hostess Mrs. Jessie Moyer. Eels were thought to grow out of mud. sT- 2 MM 60 ' IBM Ji7ry j 125 Patterns Now Vi Price CLOSED ALL DAY ARMISTICE DAY HUTCHEON'S PAINT STORE "BUY YOUR PAINT AT A PAINT STORE" 162N.Com'l. Ph.3-6687 I st save pot tame o uhosjon MAIN 'SSFj floor IN PROPER RESPECT For the day dedicated to those who died to defend this country's system of individual lib erties and commercial free enterprise. WE SHALL BE CLOSED ARMISTICE DAY Thursday, November 11th COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE 141 N. Commercial Dial 3-4534 Us Capital Journal Want Ads. They Will Satisfy Your Needs. Equitable Savings & Loan Association J I '-I ' '-'' fc ill ; XJ 0 1 lini "lii'lili SSMfl'ir'Tllll -" t ,11 " 1 announces the appointment of Eugene A. Vandeneynde AS THE SECOND INVESTMENT REPRESENTATIVE IN SALEM AND MARION COUNTY He will help you reach your financial goal with Equitable Sys tematic Savings Certificates. He is the second representative to be appointed to this territory by Equitable, Dr. C. A. How ard, former president of Oregon College of Education, having been appointed in July 1947. Systematic savings provide .... Good Earnings Safety Readily Available Funds Mr. Vandeneynde's Address Is 845 E St., Salem, Ore. Telephone 3-6013 ft a a ski SAVINGS ASSOCIATION Nov. 11 The Following Merchants of the City of Salem WILL REMAIN CLOSED ALL DAY ARMISTICE DAY Nov. 11 o HEWITTS MEN'S WEAR High at Court o ALEX JONES 121 N. High . o LES NEWMAN 179 N. Commercial o S&N CLOTHIERS 456 State St. o THE MAN'S SHOP 416 State St. o JAYSON'S CLOTHIERS Liberty & Court St. o TOWN AND COUNTRY Men's Wear 293 N. Commercial o ARMY AND NAVY STORE 223 N. Commercial St. o JACK AND JILL'S Children's Store 143 N. High St. o BISHOP'S, INC. 145 North Liberty o UNITED SHIRT SHOP 331 State St. o ACKLIN'S BOOTERY 105 N. High St. Oscar D. Olson Florist 499 Court St. o BREITHAUPT'S FLORIST 447 Court St. o JARY FLORIST 365 Court St. o R. L. ELFSTROM CO. 340 Court St. Ph. 2-2493 HAMILTON FURN. CO. 230 Chemeketa St. o Gevurtz Furniture Co. 275 North Liberty H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. 450 Court St. o Woodry Furniture Co. 474 S. Commercial Good Housekeeping, Inc. 467 Court St. VINCE'S ELECTRIC 157 S. Liberty St. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty Salem Lighting & Appliance 236 N. High St. Anderson's Sporting Goocls 167 N. Commercial o HOWARD MAPLE Sporting Goods 372 State St. o JACKSON JEWELERS 225 N. Liberty q POMEROY & KEENE Jewelers-Opticians 379-383 State Street o STEVENS & SON Veweers 339 Court St. Midget Market 351 State St. We feel it a privilege to cooperate with the following patriotic organizations AMERICAN LEGION DISABLED AMERICAN POST 9 POST 136 POST 149 VETERANS ASSOCIATED PATRIOTIC ORGANIZATIONS 411 S.W. 6th Avenue Portland 4, Oreaeil VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS GOLD STAR MOTHERS