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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1948)
10 Capital Journal. Salem. Ore., Wednesday, Nov. 10. 1848 HOMEWORK FOR ALL 1- v, r"1 - V- - V" Father, Two Sons Go to College Knoxville, Tenn. U.PJ Joieph Frank Ogleby, 48, Clarksville, Tenn., packed up and went along with nil two tons to college this fall. Already the professors are telling the boyi their Dad if "quite stimulating pupil W h e n how, "Meetin at Uncle Will's." After they all graduate, the Oglesbyi hope to run a farm together in Montgomery county, Tennessee. j iTiii'ri 4 MM Marines Watch Flames Marines from the El Toro air base Bear Santa Ana, Calif., stop at a ranger station to get fire axes with which to battle a brush fire (background) that has awept over some 43,000 of acres and caused 1,500 persons to evacuate their homes. The fire came within one mile of the (00-building air base. (AP Wirephoto) Oregon Cold Wave Continues Grip Portland, Nov. 10 iff Ore gon's cold weather continued to day. The mercury dropped to 13 degrees at Baker this morning, the lowest recorded by the wea ther bureau in the state Lake view, LaGrande and Burns each had 14. and Klamath Falls and Bend 18. Portland registered a new sea son low of 29 degrees gt its air port station. Eugene recorded 14. Salem 26 and Roseburg 28. The weather bureau forecast fair weather generally through out the state tomorrow with lightly higher temperatures. West of the. Cascades Oglesby decided to enroll at the University of Tennessee with his sons, Joseph, Jr., and Milton, he took the family to Knoxville in a trailer so they would have living quarter!. Mrs. Oglesby does the cook ing and "trailer-keeping" while Dad aits in classes as a freshman with 21-year-old Milton. Both are planning a five-year course leading to masters' degrees in agriculture. Joseph, Jr., 22, helps Dad with his home work occasional ly. He is a sophomore, a year i ahead of his father and working toward the same degree. 1 All three are attending college J under the GI bill of rights. They all served in the navy. Oglesby, Sr., served during both World wars. In 1918 he was an aviation rigger. Last I time he was an engineering idraftsman with the bureau of ordnance. Joseph, Jr., served as an air- crewman, Milton as a ship's tail or. Joseph, Sr., shows his boys the way in extra-curricular activ ities. He acts as the master of ceremonies for a show broadcast by the university's radio sta tion WJZM. Joe, Jr., and Miltoit make it a family affair by hold ing down minor roles in the Aviation Marketing Program Presented Brooks Members of the Brooks Farmers Union at the November meeting held at the Farmers Union hall heard W. M. (Jack) Bartlett, director of the state aeronautics board, speak en the future of market ing by aviation by the farmers; Mrs. Nanney and Tom Sellwood spoke on behalf of the Chin Uppers club. Following the meeting refr eshments were served by Mrs. A, J. Harris and Mrs. Robert Fitts. ITCH Set ) M kiihl? tins far Ufa It aat t . fia tola U I he Itch mif whlrb la immune ta ardlnar trwatmanU. IX MORA klllt lb Itehnll almaat laitaat. If. On If Ihraa imjg BXSORA Ufatment la reilrt4. Al rr Mwttt FRIED MIYtR Drag ftrllB Mall Ortlrra Given Prompt Attention. WANTED Walnuts - Filberts - Nut Meat IIGHEST PRICE CASH ON DELIVERY FOR OR HARD RUN. SEE US BEFJRE YOU SELL. Morris Klorfein Packing Co. 460 N. Front Street SALEM Telephone 3-7633 PALE U0HT COLUMBIA MIWIIIII. INC. TACOM, WAIHINOTOH DISTRIBUTED IN SAI.EM BY OIDEON STOLE CO. SONOTONE For Better Hearing LOCAL CONSULTANT WALTER F. DODGE Olltce ISM Stale St. IS YOUR SKIN "BREAKING OUT?'' wMi Mttntally Mitt. rmthtml TIT MTWIIII For mon than AS years. Cuticura bat baan highly tuccaa ful la reliavint many ternalW cauatd irrita toon. Hospital bated. fcctantUkallir masticated, Buy Cuticura Soap ami Ointment at dniuiata. 3r " j' MS, -''-'atfc -r'tti ' RADIANT HEATING FOR YOUR HOME? We Will Be Glad to Advise, Because "HEATING IS OUR BUSINESS" D. E. COOPER & SON 540 HOOD DIAL 3-3603 (Jnwiinir C( 1111111111191 '!''. '.' '''o 'A. 2 This Spoce Sponsored by Sears, Roebuck and Co. Retail Store; 484 State St. You Can Exchange) Green lor Useful Articles Herel '4 v1 Store Hours 9:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Closed During Armistice Day Parade Women's Coats Rm. $35.00 to $35.95 An extraordinary coUection of new fall coats in the most popular, proven styles . . . Made to seU regularly from $35.00 to $39.95 . . . Our small-profit margin for this sale, pi as the cooferstin of a nationally known mantrfac- turer enables vs to bring them to yon at this breath-taJcioeiy low pries Finest ejiuKry 100 vkfhi weol coverts Rick. Lwwrieus Satin Uwsms Warm Ef eet OTsfcassaslila) ssmI sufSrb aryfing Newest stylet Newest fail ihaeJe in peta, blue, wine, Wack, (rey, brawn Sknat ptekets . . . lasat Uilwaa fssckets Snus 10 re 20 We Glva and Redeem Green Stamps As Extra Savings Here! ZJL (WW n PI l f wrl wmisual aji ta '1 a; Striped Oufmq Flannel Sptctal . . tell-out . . te please M"' idt.l lor P)"' children s I-"" ud e.P ln tot this "le evtnt Men's Shirts and Shorts 79 to SI -0 V",UM 2 $1-00 ... i ii t In Wonderful " f ,th. men s underwear lettc sni". T..hirls n hr.l broad- ch r by mean Mfn't Tept Clear-" SM Short U of nESS SHOES u .h ttvle women t -High y'c thRt h0" i: ... .avins. lor nof,: .. !n Patents. 8u,det. s . Mr-whtAAAto 1U vour C- Be eanjr choice. Famous Moe Knit Slip . J3.50 Value $1-50 An smaiinl vslui s k Le tore. eU'- ..: .in. nun- white ' r tVl, w,ll nm ,llh lrreiularltiet Sties si Lingerie Dept L Remember Your Extra Savings Are jfi&C Green Stamps When You Buy Here! ataiaaaaMgiAsujMMaasnjji in.i..r 1frrrrrwrn mm t i ......