Capital Women Edited by MARIAN LOWRI FISCHER ( Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, November 9, 1948 Miss Helvig Wed Sunday Afternoon The marrias, ol Mis Alice Helvig, daughter of Mr ind Mrs A. J. Helvig, to Jack Eykel bosch, ion of Mr. and Mrs. Har old Eykelbosch of Portland, was olemnized Sunday afternoon at ceremony held at 4 o clock in St. John s Lutheran church, the Rev. H. W. Gross officiating at th. double-rina service White chrysanthemums, palms, and ferns decorated the church lor the wedding. Miss Edith Fairham sang. Candlelighters were Mrs. Hobert Tompkins and Miss Irene Dalke. The bride wore a white satin weddinff dress, designed with net yoke and in off-shoulder ef feet. Ions: pointed sleeves, a row of buttons down the back of the dress, a small peplum, and train. The three-quarters length veil, lace edged, was arranged from a crown of seed pearls The bride wore a double strand of pearls, gift of the bridegroom nd carried a prayer book with white orchid. Three Attendants The three attendants of the bride wore dresses made in the same pattern and each carried a nosegay of van-colored chry aanthemums. Mrs. Duane Brown was matron of honor for her sister and she wore green mist Miss Dorothy Bond, in blue, and Miss Connie Eykelbosch, sister of the bridegroom, in pink, were the bridesmaids. Duane Brown, brother-in-law of the bride, was best man. Rob ert Tompkins, Benny Denseld, Mark Helvig, and George Eykel bosch were the ushers For the wedding, the bride's mother wore a navy blue crepe suit with matching accessories and a corsage of pink rosebuds The bridegroom's mother wore a beige afternoon dress with matching accessories and a cor sage of Talisman roses At the reception in the parisli house. Miss Jean Tubols had charge of the guest book. Mrs Jack Brown poured and Mrs. Cyril Eykelbosch cut the cake Eerving were Miss Roberta Rob erts and Miss June Berry. Following a trip to the beaches the couple will be at home in Portland. Shower Given Mrs. Robert Tompkins and Miss Dorothy Bond gave a sur prise bridal shower for Miss Hel vig. Those present were Miss Helvig, Mrs. A. J. Helvig, Mrs William Helm, Mrs Duane Brown, Mrs. C. A. Elmlund, Mrs George Pepper. Mrs. O P. Bond. Mrs. William Fischer, Mrs. Royce Linhart, Miss Pauline Krefl, and Miss Jeraldine Reltsenstein. Shower Given Mrs. McCutcheon Mrs. Robert McCutcheon (Catherine Derrick) who was married recently was the hon ored guest at a surprise kitchen hower given by Mrs. J. L. Sloan t her home last week. After Mrs. McCutcheon open ed the many gifts guessing games were played with Mrs. J. D. Der rick and Mrs. G. E. Whitehead winning prizes. Mrs. H. H. Brcn eman won the special prize. Refreshments were served the guests by the hostess assist ed by Mrs. Gerald Lappen, Mrs Breneman and Mrs. R. B. Sip prcll. Present were: Mrs. Robert McCutcheon and her mother. Mrs. J. D. Derrick. Mrs. J F. Whitehead, Mrs. Harry Irvine Mrs. Cora Clark. Mrs A. T Cummings. Mrs L. O Bagger. Mrs. Dennis Baguer, Mrs Eldon Elwood, Mrs. Belle Lansing. Mrs. Nora Booth. Mrs. R B. Sip ERNEST BLOCH Recordings Republican Group Planning Dinner The Marion county unit of the Federation of Republican Wo men is planning a dinner meet ing for the evening of November 18 in the Golden Pheasant res taurant. Mrs. William Burns of Port land, state president of the or ganization, and Mrs Marshall E. Cornett of Klamath Falls, na tional republican committeewo man from Oregon, are to be the speakers. OSC Game Of Interest Several Salem folk will be going to Corvallit Saturday to attend the Oregon State-Utah game. Mr. and Mrs. James R. Hum phrey and two sons will be among those at the game and while in Corvallis will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bonesteele, formerly of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Maple also will be going over for the game. New Members Announced Four new members were in itiated and 11 others elected to membership at the meeting of the Salem Junior Woman's club. Monday evening. Those initiated were Mrs. Tcr ry Randall, Mrs. Donald Freel, Mrs. Jack Mennis, Miss Nellie Hathaway. Those elected to membership include Miss Betty Jean Berg- ner, Mrs. Jack Baker, Mrs. Don ald Cooper, Mrs. Robert Copley. Mrs. Thomas Gabriel, Mrs. Wil liam Habernicht, Mrs Harold Heiserman, Mrs. William Jud- son, Miss Marilyn Nelson, Mrs. Frank Ward, Mrs. Wakefield B Walker. Mrs. Carey Martin. Jr., was elected delegate to the Salem Council of Women's Organizations. The group voted to assist in the national Junior Woman's clubs' project of aiding the Hon duras deaf-mute school. Mrs. Cedric Reaney, president, Mrs. Fred C. Gast, Mrs. Roy Mink, and Mrs. J. M. Strick faden represented the club at the district conference for' the Oregon Federation of Women's clubs at Gearhart, Monday. Mrs. Strickfaden presented a report at the Monday meeting. Plans were discussed for the Thanksgiving dance to be held November 26. also for a social on the evening of November 22. Musicale Thursday Piano pupils of Mrs. David En- son will appear in a musicale at her home Thursday evenins at 7:30 o'clock. Taking part in the nrnuram will be Ann Gibbens. Dorothy 1'ederson. Bruce Goldblatt San dra Norrivke. Wavne Mprrer Daryl DeCarby. Denny Brooks. Donna htone, Judy Templeton. Judith Stnpleton, Vernon Egge- braaten, the latter two of Inde pendence. Thev will be assisted by Bonnie Litchenberg, violin pupil of Wallace Graham CHFXOMO t Hebrew ftkepi..! Bm.nue Peucrmann. eellm Leopold atokowekl ftntl th. rhlledelphla Oreheatr. Victor DM All AnoDABI IMI V.n.l.l -Yrnudl Mrnutiln. eloilnut MeiHlrlt Smlt .-..nut Victor No 1)811 DAR Chapter Has Birthday Interesting bits of history were recalled at the S3rd birth day party of Chemeketa chapter, Daughters of the American Rev olution, Saturday, at the Gold Arrow. Miss Ola Clark told of some of the history and of the work of the charter members leading up to the first meeting of the chapter in November of 1915. Mrs. Edward Best assisted Miss Clark in doing some of the re search for the history. It was told that one of the gavels presented to the chapter by Henry Meyers con tains four strips of oak from the old Concord bridge and walnut from the first walnut tree plant ed in Oregon. Another- gavel. made from the wood from the old battleship Oregon, was pre sented to the chapter during the time Mrs. Charles A. Sprague was regent of the chapter. Dur ing the years, Chemeketa chap ter has been active in many civ ic and national projects, it was stated, among them the assist ance in building the log cabin at Champoeg, one room for which was furnished by Cheme keta chapter. One of the projects recently completed is the "mortality schedule" in Oregon from 1850 to 1860 This project was start ed by Mrs. Alexander J. Berger national chairman of geneolog- ical records 1944. Mrs. Charles A. Ratcliff, a past regent of Che meketa chapter, gave a report on this project at the Saturday meeting. She spent much time in completing this record of deaths during that decade and copies of the report have been sent to the Oregon state library and to the national headquart ers of the DAR. As a result of this research, Mrs. Ratcliff said she had compiled a historical manuscript which is included in a group of historical sketches in a book edited by Helen K r e b s Smith, "With Her Owr. Wings." Mrs. M. A. Pekar, state chair man of radio, announced the semi-monthly DAR programs, the first and third Mondays, ov er KOAC at 2 p. m The No vember 15 program will be giv en by Merceries J. Paul of New- berg on "The Ewing Young Oak." The next meeting of Cheme keta chapter will be December 4 as a guest day event, the In dian program being ananged by Mrs. Herbert J. Ostlind. chapter chairman of the committee o n American Indians. Sorority Officer Entertained Here A Sunday afternoon coffee was held at the home of Miss Gertrude Koke, Salem chapter president of Kappa Delta Alum nae association, to honor Mrs. Clinton M. Copeland, Kappa Del ta, of Tulsa, Oklahoma. During the afternoon Mrs. Copeland gave an informal talk on the widespread activities of Kappa Delta National and the National Panhellenlc Congress of which she is a member. A brief alumnae meeting was held since the Sunday meeting replaced the regular October meeting of the group. During this session Mrs. Ralph Steele was appointed as rush chairman to replace Mrs. George Bagnall prell, Mrs. Gerald Lappen, Mrs II. II Breneman, Mrs. W. P. Con boy, Mrs. Walter Lansing. Mrs. Kay Rulifson, Mrs. Delbert Goode, Mrs. Vern Smithley, Mrs. Truman Cummings and the host ess, Mrs. Sloan. ANN The Reweaver New Location 1180 N. Winter, Near Market St., Phone 3-3918 All types of mending hosiery, sox, sweaters, etc Moth holes, tears, burns and worn places. Closed Saturdays Aid in Drive University of Oregon, Eugene. Nov. I (Special) Two students from Salem are committee mem bers of the student Community Chest drive which is being spon sored this week on the Univer sity of Oregon campus by Alpha Phi Omega, national service fra ternity. Miss Clara Belle Roth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer J. Roth, 1585 N. Twenty-first St.; and Larry Mciser, son of Bertha D. Meiser, Route 8, are both on the publicity committee. Both freshmen, Miss Roth is majoring in journalism and Lar ry is majoring in liberal arts. Luncheon for Mrs. Jones Mrs. Madison Ralph Jones, who is visiting here from Oak land, Calif., as guest at the home of her son, Robert Letts Jones, will be honored at a luncheon to be given Friday by Mrs. Ronald Jones. Guests for the luncheon will include the honoree and Mrs. Robert Letts Jones, Mrs. Ander son Cannon and Mrs. John Withycombe, both of Portland, Mrs. Ethel Litherland of New berg, Mrs. Karl Steiwer, Mrs. Frank Waller, Mrs. Ellis Jones. MISS LEONA Arlene Bur goyne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lee Burgoyne, was home over the week-end from Oregon State college. Miss Burgoyne is a pledge of Kappa Delta sorority and was recently elected vice president of her pledge class. WOMEN of the Knight Me morial Congregational church are sponsoring a luncheon Wed nesday at 12:30 o'clock at the church to be followed by a fellowship meeting for the group. DELTA ZETA alumnae are meeting Tuesday evening for dessert at the home of Mrs. Charles F. Felke, 395 Richmond street, Mrs. Emmett Kleinke as co-hostess. MEMBERS of the Hayesvlllc Home Demonstration unit will meet on Wednesday at 1 p. m. at the home of Mrs. C. R. Doo little route 7. Subject for the day will be "Party Planning." Zontians Hear Visitor Impressions of American life and conditions In England made up the subject matter for an in teresting talk given by Miss Jessie Fairham of Erith, Kent, England, for the Zonta club meeting, Thursday evening. Mis Fairham, who is a teacher in England, is visiting in the Unit ed States for several months She commented especially on the vastness of this country and its transportation facilities. "I have never seen so many auto mobiles in my life," she said. At the conclusion of her talk she answered questions from the club members on the educa tion system In England, the po litical outlook there, the food and other points about the after-war England. The meeting was held at the home of Dr. Helen and Miss Dor othy Pearce. A dessert supper was served, Mrs. Margaret Rose crans being a co-hostess. This was the club's observance of Zonta International day, cele brating founding of the organ ization. Other guests at the meeting included Mrs. Lloyd Hockett, Mrs. Paul Rockenfeller and Miss Florence Cauthorn. Miss Genevieve Morgan, re cently named vice chairman for the district for Oregon and Washington clubs, reported on the charter night for a new club at Albany last Friday eve ning. Dr. Helen Pearce, past inter national president of Zonta, was the speaker for the banquet Others going from Salem besides Dr. Pearce and Miss Morgan were Mrs. Margaret Rosecrans, Miss Lillian McDonald and Miss Janet Bower. Miss Bower gave the greetings from the Salem group to the new club. Next meeting for the club comes December B at the home of Miss Dorothy Cornelius, the second meeting for November being cancelled because of Thanksgiving HAZEL GREEN Sunshine club is meeting Wednesday for buffet supper at 7 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Alvin Van Cleave Mrs. Ernest Arneson, who re cently returned from a trip to Norway, is to be the speaker. ST. JOSEPH'S Mothers club announces its meeting planned for Thursday of this week has been postponed a week because' of Armistice day holiday. The meeting will be November 18 in St. Joseph's hall. Save Time & Money Give Magazine Subscriptions for Christmas SlNSi:T S l-jr. wb, S.M BETTKR HOMT.S A GARDENS 1 yr. eno t.M COI.I.lMts. SPFCIAL 4MI wecke . ..3.IHI LADIKS HOME JK. i 1-yr. rnlbt. A-'MI J K O JII.I. t 1-yr. tub,. ... 4.MI RFAI1FRS Dir.FST 1-yr. euba. HOl'SF HFAl'TIFI I. 1 yr. tabu. .Voo HARPFR'S BA.A'AR 1-yr. iub. 6.00 For every magazine published call or write your local repre sentative. Mrs. Paul H. Hauser 925 Saginaw St. Salem Ph. 3-7828 CLEANS BftGMT'f k last a shampoo that does mora thai slim of) surlare dirt! For 'Vaseline' Shsmpoo's energetic htihliln work right down to the roots . . . cleaning every hair till it shines: HtQH-lStfTS! Discover hidden glamour of vr hair! With 'Vaseline' Shampoo there's no ugly soap film . . . i rA tnr nftr.rinnM. 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At SHSM irirlaree 1 rhetilele Lite) Hicun UmproruBiioni MiMhi aimen. eloliniat Vladimir Pede. Plena Victor No 11-SI7I Downstairs, Oregon Bldg. State ft High Ph. 1-11631 you'll lore the little middle heelers that swing along with fashion in wonderfully com forraWe way. Designed to reach happy Bvediuui day or evening, f 411 Stare t. Another Exclusive THI STORES OF BETTER VALUES' Presenting Just for You" EXQUISITELY SHEER IN THE NEW DRAMATIC SHADES Dusk Promenade Brown Toast Brown Satin Autumn Dusk Honey Almond Taupe Haze Smoke Cloud White for Nurse. "One Woman Ttlls Another" Beautifully Gift Boxed for Christmas Giving 30 Denier all Nylon LUXURY SHEER $1.25 60 Denier Nylon REGISTERED NURSE $1.45 30 Denier Nylon IMPERIAL $1.45 15 Denier SHEER ILLUSION $1.65 Our Finest 51-gauge 15 Denier $1.95 FOR NATIONALLY KNOWN BRANDS THE STORES OF BETTER VALUES 136 N. Commercial Salem, Oregon