Vminrt ftflD In Meet Dec. 3 Th executive board of the Young Republican clubs of Ore gon of which Steve Anderson of Salem Is president, met at the Beta Theta Pi house on the Wil lamette campus Sunday and laid plans for the eighth annual state convention to be held In Salem Pecember 3, 4 and 8. Bruce Williams, general chairman for the convention, was allowed an appropriation of $500 to pay costs of the meeting. Registration for the conven tion will take place at the Sen ator hotel on Friday afternoon, the first day of the convention. Friday night the Salem club will be host at a reception for the delegates from out of town. Who will be the main conven tion speaker is still a question. Harold E. Stassen and Paul Lockwood, secretary to Gover nor Thomas E. Dewey, both of whom were considered, will not he able to attend. Among those attending, if invitations are ac cepted, will be the Oregon con gressional delegation. Governor-elect Douglas McKay. Secre tary of State Earl T. Newbry, and James E. Rodman, Sr., of Eugene, chairman of the state republican central committee. A banquet meeting will be held Saturday night, probably at the Chamber of Commerce. Among those attending the executive meeting Sunday from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elliott of Portland, Vivi an McMurtrey of Portland, Jim Thayer of McMinnville, Stanley Hansen and Robert Nielsen, both of Eugene. Silvcrton Offers Armistice Dinner Urwton C - am, tommand.r of Dlbrt Harr ies, Port No. 7, American Legion, is announcing the annual Armi stice Day evening dinner to be at 8:30 o'clock at the Legion hall, a no-host affair free to all veter ans and members of their families. Informal entertainment will be offered following the dinner. The logins side In th auxil iary membership drive will h hostesses in table arrangements as serving the dinner. Puerto Rico was discovered by Columbus in 1493. -to crow What's New? TWO-PIECE SUIT DRESSES by Charles Hymen Only 19.95 115 N. Liberty Hi" 7. j Whisky ! 9trc.V ort- llnd formulM- M" FIRST 10 OK... Symbol 9t QMllty Th front U belle ' yntir ftniiie to if luting the brand yon want. WE FEAlflfl IICONO LOOK... Pri ! Qvallty The hark label U required by ihe I'. S. Government. It telle oo Ihe ase and monnl of bae whisklee In the blend "Second Look" shows you rare FIVE. SIX, and SEVEN-YEAR-OLD whiskies are In today's superb-tasting THREE FEATHERS 1 . . nnuta RARE BLENDED WHISKEY 86 Proof. The straight whiskies in this product are 6ve years or more old. 15 straight whikey,5 grain neutral spirits. li whiskey 5 years old. n whiskey 6 years old. S whiskey 7 rears old. Three Feathers Distributors, Inc, New York, N. Y. 760 4 QT S025 Capital Journal, Salem, Or., Tuesday, November , 1948 13 rat Clearance w nA once J" ' ' iving room, - - f3milil fc.Va9HrW'Tt ' ' Bill 63 rjO( ConVCm,U invour choice or Q0 - MoSsive Kidney Y $S 6"pC' iSMVSo TT75awer ches, Beve tatern Beached OoK - Q0 3-Pc- $225.00 r..a. m,rrr- R T3TT Twin sue .. J51 cell ",,eM " tttt'-! cRnck Chair er Harawuv, ru""' " . r,nod tapesJ - T " U9.00 fi-fiT. $31.83 $41.88 $47.88 $67.88 8-pc. " 0 ' Sale Ends Saturday - 'Til 9 P.W , Friday Nig'- ii nit m Jul iJftaUiuAaatii 1