flO Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, November 8, 1848 Miller Street May Again Be i Open for Two-Way Traffic Within the next two weeks the eity council will mske a J study of Miller itreet from South Commercial to South River road. Also, City Manager J. L. Franzen and City Engineer I J. H. Davis will investigate and recommend whether it should be opened to two-way traffic. ; Alderman Howard Maple will' - bring in a resolution providing that it be opened. a Three representatives of the Bouth Salem Progress elub I Hoy Adsitt, Grant Kightlinger and Harold Harrington ap ! peared before the council meet- ing Monday night with a plea that the street be opened to two tion for McGilchrist street from ! Cnnth rnmrnprclal tn Knilthl High was found sufficient and the street listed for Improve ment. The engineer was in structed to bring in plans and specifications. J A petition to grade and grav el Ferry street from 2Sth to i" iiv traffic. Their reason was : Brookside addition was not that one-way traffic Is not g I for business men in the district. When South River road was J improved Owens street was ' made the route from Salem into J the river road. Prior to that it had been Miller. Miller was left open only for traffic coming into the city and turning east ; at Miller. i Violated Anyway The South Salem men told the council the one-way regulation la violated anyway, and in a hazardous manner, and that it wouia D Deuer it in street were opened and traffic regu lated as on other streets. ! Owens of congestion, and that the problem would be more seri- Aiia with vtmnlftllAn t h nu bridge at Independence. The council passed an ordi nance bill changing the name of Iowa avenue to Candalaria boulevard, and the name of the present Candalaria boule vard to Alvarado terrace. Four (treet assessment ordi nances were enacted. Thev were: assessing the cost of im proving Norway from Fifth to Cottage; Jefferson from Fair grounds road to Cottage; South Winter from Cross to Lefelle, and Lefelle from High to Win ter. A bill was Introduced to re establish the (idewalk line on the north side of Hickory irom Maple to Fifth. McGilchrM on Lint Action taken two weeks ago for the vacation of ' several streets and alleys on Salem school sites was reconsidered and the measure Indefinitely postponed because of error in description. The council granted a peti tion by J. G. Marr for sewei eervlce for Lot 4, Block 32, Nob Hill addition. A street Improvement peti-l granted for the reason that it is not a policy to grade and gravel on petition. The street will be graveled as needed. The petition was supplementary to a former petition for improve ment which ' did not have the required number of signatures. The vote whereby the King wood water district in Polk county was annexed to the eity. and three other districts on the Salem side of tne river failed of annextion last Tuesday was canvassed by the council. Applications by Foster and Kleiser for the erection of bill boards at 1230 Mission and 1025 North Commercial were refer red to the aldermen of the wards wherer they are located. Alderman James H. Nichol son will investigate a request by Pacific Cooperative Poultry pro ducers to build a small loading platform at North Front and Hood streets. Alderman Gille mentioned complaints by residents of his ward at the noise caused by street buses on Chemeketa street between North Capitol and 14th. City Manager Franzen said the matter was being taken care of by the Installation of new mufflers to fit the larger motors that have been installed in the buses. Gille also said the residents Yellow Oleo Under Debate Portland, Nov. S Ut Legisla tion to ban the manufacture of yellow colored margarine was discussed today as the National Cooperative Milk Producers Federation opened its 32nd an nual convention. Secretary Charles W. Holman, Washington, D. C , said the in dustry planned further action were demanding crosswalk lines on Court at Winter, better walks around the state office building project, and better lighting in the same area. All complaints were referred to the eity manager. against margarine and would get to the subject before the convention ends here Friday. He said delegates also would review farmers' cooperatives in relation to the anti-trust laws. The convention, first to be held on the west coast in 16 years, was atended by about 800 delegates of dairy cooperatives in 47 states. A "dairy co-op spe cial" train which left Chicago Thursda for the convention was due today after a one-day stop at Seattle yesterday. The mid western and eastern delegates were guests of the Seattle Unit ed Dairymen's association. Other subjects up for discus sion included quality standards of dairy products, the problem of making the Industry more attractive to the youth of the nation and the pricing of fluid milk. Federation President JohnolfJ Hubbard Dinner mam, i, uiicuiiriu, 4iiiiii., was to discuss the future for dairy men in light of the post-election political picture. The Northern Lights are caus ed by an electrical discharge passing through the very low pressure air at altitudes from SO to 500 feet above the earth's surface. 'ToosteaT (STEAK iSaridwidi Juityl t w Tender! Ion the hall. Hubbard - The past chancel- lor's dinner of the Knights of the dinner includes Marian An Pythias will be held at the Py- derson, chairman; Saaie 6choll, thian hall Saturday, starting at Katherine Will and Cora Smith, 5 o'clock and is open to the pub- from Arion Temple and mem- lic. The proceeds will be used tojbers will be asked to donate pay the expense of the new roof food. j Tnontyf Serve this inexpensive Breakfast.. NATURE'S BREAKFAST CERE Al I. STREAMLINER J &K fo CHICAGO 1 EMPIRE BUILDER Groat Northorn't GrvoeVif Train Chicago is just two night away from Portland on the flwt new Kmpirk Hdii.dfr. For only $2.13 more than a standard Pullman lower berth, enjoy the privacy and comfort of a D ipl kx-Roomette. Loavm Portland daily of 3 P.M. For information or rttervations C. h. RiftTHnrr Trav. Pn. Aitrnl 07 S W. WasthmRfon St. Portland ft, Drpgnn Phone: Beacon 7273 GREAT NORTHERN Through a Through snow and shef Outside the storm may rage... but inside the train, you'll relax in your roomy Pull man or rest-easy coach seat knowing you will be carried through to your destination comfortably and safely. For dependable transportation In all kinds of weather take one of Unior. Pacific's three daily trains Eastl DAILY SERVICI EAST "Cy orH.iie'" "Parti. Row" "M.km" lv. Portland 5:30 p.m. 9:10 p.m. S:10a.r t o f t freref rWeraverre. roMraff SJNiaAl RASSINOf R DlfARTMINT km 751 HrlMt Slock Porttmo' I. OrofM UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD ENNEY - f OR MEM OR BOYS ALL HHUt W TTD YOU SAVE ON MEN'S EXTRA DETAILS TOWNCRAFT DRESS SHIRTS HAND-STITCHED SPORT SHIRTS Because you pay cash, and carry them home, you pay very little for Penney s thrifty Townrraft Shirts. The sturdy white broad cloth ran take plenty of wear and lots of washing. Non-wilt Nucraft Collars. Sanforized. Sites 14-17. MAIN FLOOR 298 Here's proof Penney's makes it pay to shop at Penney's. Rayon sport fabrics with that heavy weight quality. Fancy stitched collars and other details. Many other popular fabrics and styles. Small, medium and large. MAIN FLOOR oSoMI u 98 ii ' i ... - t, xi'1 'V 9,f FOR MEN POPULAR STYLED RIBBED RAYON SPORT SHIRTS The riaht shirts eoat a little at Penney's. Dreasy Laana ribbed rayons, popular checks and flea plaids. Hand washable. Smooth fitting cellars. Finely tailored. Txe breast peeketa. Small, me dium and large. MAIN FLOOR GAMBLER STYLED SPORT SHIRTS 3 98 Hare Is one of the most popu Ir sport shirts with the fellows end men. Extra styled three burton tufts for that fine de tailed look. MAIN FLOOR 4 98 & TOWNCRAFT, FANCY WOVEN PATTERNED DRESS SHIRTS Fancy patterned Towncraft dress shirts In that smooth, tightly woven broadcloth. See the neat atarchlesa Nu craft collars. San forised processed fabric. Fab rics; candy stripe, bold, clip figures, rayon decorated light stripes - and end-to-end solid weave. Now cheek that low price again. Sizes 14-17. MAIN FLOOR g 98 YOU CAN'T GO WRONG WITH TOWNCRAFT TIES Tea tan afford Towncraft Met kv the doien at this low price. Theae are all top quality ties the kind men like. Bold, neat, gay, eensenratlve. Crepes, satint, wools, all colors; Penney's kas heal starts ud steekt of 1 49 MAIN FLOOR OUR ONLY THOUGHT HERE AT PENNEY'S IS TO GIVE YOU AN OVERFLOWING DOLLAR'S WORTH OF VALUE! mm SALEM, ORi. 1