Advance Made In Pulp Process Taeoma, Wash., Nov. 8 (U.B The Weyerhaeuser Timber com pany today announced it had In operation at its Longview plant a revolutionary new process for manufacturing sulphite wood pulp which eliminates much of the waste and stream pollution encountered In previous meth ods. Howard W. Morgan, manager of the company's pulp division, said the new development per mitted recovery from waste pulping liquors of chemicals used in production of sulphite pulp and steam and power en ergy from organic solids. ' As a result, Morgan said, stream pollution resulting from waste liquors being discharged is eliminated. Chief value of the process, he said, results from the ability to more completely utilize the northwest's timber species. The new process solves an 80-year-old problem of the pulp industry. Morgan said the appa ratus for the process was housed in eight buildings at Longview with a total floor area of about . 44,000 square feet. Arm Off at Shoulder, Man Walks for Aid Boring, Nov. 8 W A lumber ; worker had his arm cut off at the shoulder yesterday and then walked a mile and a half to this town to get an ambulance. State police said Henry Fran-( cis Meeker, age 62. of Sandy, had a "fair chance last night of recovering. His arm was pulled into a plan- SKKI.OOU Legs Shapely Kippee Valez (above), a mo vie dancer from Philadelphia, Pa., figures her legs are worth $100,000. She insuied them for that amount, her studio in Hollywood reported, because she was required to do a dance sequence atop a bar three feet wide. (AP Wirephoto) Anti-Betting Act in Portland Illegal Portland, Ore., Nov. 8 U. A federal court gave Portland! bookmakers and pool-sellers a full length-and-a-half victory over the city'i anti-betting ordi nance today. Judge Walter L. Tooze hand ed down the decision Saturday In a suit brought by the Port land City club against the Santa Anita Exchange club. As presiding judge of three Jurists, Tooze ruled the city ordi nance was at odds with the state racing act and was therefore scratched. Portland could not make ille gal something which the state allows, he said. Water Shipment of Oil Reaches Peak Portland, Ore., Nov. 8 (Ufi More oil was shipped by water to Portland during the strike of CIO California oil workers than at any time this summer. The merchant exchange said a total of 540,933 tons arrived in October, compared to 402,165 in August. The month's high ton nage was topped only by Janu ary and March. But wheat remained port- from Longview, Wash., to Ju- Pilot and Passenger pan which was loaded under! special agreement with the ar- Vl0A af Dftrt OrffUrl IllllbU 111 I VII VIIVIU my. Hunters Leave Hills Walla Walla, Nov. 8 Wi Heavy snows chased hundreds of elk hunters from the Blue moun tains this week-end, many leav ing behind cars, trucks and sup plies in their flight. A party of eiRht was known to be marooned but amply provisioned. Port Orford, Ore., Nov. 8 WRI A light rented plane crashed on the airfield here after a takeoff last night, killing Robert Repass. 23, and Robert Irwin, both of Coquille, Ore. Authorities said Repass was piloting the plane when it took a sudden dive from about 500 feet altitude. The plane had bee rented Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Monday, November K. 10 IS 5 from Pacific Airways. North Bend. Bud Scull, North Bend' A delicious and quickly made airport manager, said Repass and casserole dish may be concocted Irwin took off at p m. and headed r... nnni,A4 .in. v... u. ......... about 4:30 J T. . """"'"" and canned tomatoes. Season southward; Wjth saiti freshly ground pep- along the coast. The crash oc- per, onion Juice and a dash of currert ahnnt nn hnnr tatof I Wnrf oet';hire sauce. SONOTONE For Brttrr Hearing I.WAI. f'OXSt I.TANT WALTER F. DODGE Office I'm st.-ifp st Let Us Recommend Your Painter or Paper-hanger Through 18 Years In the Paint Business and Close Co operation with Salem's Finest Decorators We Feel That We Are Well Qualified to Successfully Cope with Your Every Paint Need. Call Us for Immediate Service. McGILCHRIST & SONS 255 N. .Commercial Phone 3-8478 er he was repairing while alone at the mill. When he finally freed himself he tried to drive his car, but gave it up and walk ed the distance to get aid. ODDS AND ENDS OF COMMERCIAL FLUORESCENT LIGHT FIXTURES $20 TO $40 OFF WHILE THEY LAST SALEM LIGHTING AND APPLIANCE CO. 236 N. High St. Phone 3-9412 I l & I l & l I I I l I I i? I & I I & I JVLerry Gkristmas! is what your Christmas cards will say ... if you are certain they are sent well in ad vance of the Holiday. "You are an after thought" is their mes sage when they arrive late! For this reason, and because the selection is wide, the designs un usual, we urge you to place your Christmas Cord order NOW. You'll escape the crush of the Holiday rush and have plenty of time to mail your cards to dis tant places. fcft 41 1& & RCA Victor "Golden Throat 'WsWS& "YOU'LL NEVER BUY A BETTER BREAP RARE PRE WAR QUALITY BLENDED WHISKEY The straight whiskies in this product are 5 years or more old. 35 straight whiskey. 65 Brain neutral spirits. 86 proof. 10 straight whiskey 5 years old. 21 straight whiskey 6 years old. 4 straight whiskey 7 years old. Copyright 1948, Schenley Distillers Corporation, New Votk City lUf All m J . f . , L; It's been true over 40 years .. . it's true today . . . it will be true in the future. YOU'LL NEVER BUY A BETTER BREAD THAN FRANZ. Finest ingredients, baking skill and every modern technical improvement are used at all times to make FRANZ the good fresh bread it is. ii Mini ITT ml 'i ' " "'SSfcftkw. i "7? v $20995 J : i ' V , -w4 I irlrnlii 67V 1 lieauttfut Console Value This K?ntifiil ronole hax plorinm tonf qtiaMty . . MatiriarH And hort-wavp rndjn . . . automatic phonograph. Play up to 12 nrnHn, "Silent Sap phire" pickup ... no necHlw to rhange, no needle bin. Victrola 67V 1. Plays on AC LISTEN TO DONALD STEWART KOCO SUNDAYS 4 TO 5 P. M. Finet tone sptem in RCA Victor hittory I A DISTINGUISHED SERVICE RECORD 428 COURT ST. 1 SX1 ? A -t i ( i " sZ " 1 '11 iJ I According to tNitlonmlditurvy I f9 V" Prove for yourself what throat specialists reported when 30-day smoking test revealed NO THROAT IRRITATION due to smoking CAMELS! 5 In that test, hundreds of men anil women, from coast to coast, smoked Camels, and only Gum-Is, for 3(1 consecu tive days an average of one to two packs a day. And the noted throat specialists who examined the throats of these smokers each wcek-ta total of 2 i'7(l care ful examinations reported not one single mtc of ihrnut irritation due to smoking Camels! Make the Camel mildness test. TestCamcIs yourself for 3(1 days in your own "T-Zonc "... T for Taste and T for Throat. Let YOL'R OVCN TASTH tell you ahout the rich, full flavor of Camel's choice tnhaicos so carefully aged and expertly blended let YOUR OWN THROAT tell mm. the wonderful story of Camel's cool, cool mildness. enjoy the test. ..every pull of it. You'll melt. 4fc M s k . m tyilfJilfff (7 ejffff Mart trt r ft i' MORE DOCTORS SMOKE CAMELS THAN ANY OTHER CIGARETTE Doctori imokt for pleaMirt, too! And when three leading In dependent retcarth organization! aked 113,597 dor tort what Cigarette they imoked, the brand named most wai Camell T ry Camtli and test them ai you imok them. If, at any time, you are not inn V inced that Camels are the mildest cir aretie you ever tmokcil. return the piukage with the unimd ( iimt'ls ami e wilt refund its full purthsa price, plus poster. ft.ltiifrf B. J. Rf.YNOIOS TORAt.rO (OMPANY miNMON SAI F.M, NOR I H CAROLINA x