VUTOMOBILES HERE 8 WHERE YOU Drive in For Service AND Ride Out With Satisfaction You will find it Ron's - a sparkling revelation to aulomativa service drive in lt U live your cir tin necessary repairs to assure you of safe and de pendable transportation. Ron'i Motor Co. USED CAR SPEC I A LB 1441 Btilck club coupe. RAH 1941 Chevrolet 8p. Daluxa 8a dan. RtVH Defroiter. 1940 Bulck Sedan, Bp., RVH. 193l Bulck Brdan Bp RAtH 1930 Btudebaker Sedan Coupe. H. 1S38 Plymouth Coupa. Naw Dodge mo tor. RAtH. AS IS SPECIALS 193S ford 4-dr sedan. Heater. $S6. 1029 Chevrolet 1-Dr., 1136. RON'S MOTOR CO. Oeneral Automotive Repair Phont 3-4588. 3n 8 High 14 Blk. Below Elalnort Theater HJ6V ThU Tim Ira HUDSON I srvlee tales Peru Home at Good Osed Oars HROCK MOTOR OO Church ChemekeU Sta. Ph 1-9 101 WANTED Oocd clean ears Square Dea. Used 0Tf 1166 S 13th q Eisner Motors Fine Cars 911 REPUTATION depend on your sat isfaction. Leu Used Cars. 240 N Church Exceptional Selection 1946 Buick Super Sedan 1941 Buick Super Sedanette 1941 Buick Special Sedan 1940 Buick Super Sedanette 1939 Buick Special Sedan 1947 DeSoto Convertible 1942 Pontiac Coupe 1941 Chevrolet Convertible 1941 Ford Sedan OTTO J. WILSON CO. 388 N. Commercial St. Phone 23621 Salem q28T PONT1ACS HERRALL OWENS CO. 480 N Liberty Ph 1-4U3 Eisner Motors to Sell WANTED - OSBD OARS SHOP AROUND THEN BRING YOUR CAR HERB WB WILL PAY YOO WHAT IT'S WORTH ANDERSON USER CARS 140 CENTER ST. PHONE 3-3734 " We Buy Used Cars FOR HIGHEST PRICES SEB Teague Motor Co. IM N. Liberty Phone 84178. Eisner Motors to Buy MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTErlS INDlAM WORLD'S PIN18T MOTORCYCL1 Rapalrlni au miku ano model. SHROCK MOTORCYCU SALE. 1007 Portland Rd - Pa FARM EQUIPMENT 1 MODEL H McCORMICK DEERINO true tor A 2 row cultivator. Perfect condi tion. Joe Smith, Rt. S. Box J93A. Wnod- burn. qb268 HE NEW AVERY Modal V tin fl Hta on your fRrm. whether you're bla or jtmall farm owner, or a part time farm erl It' ruBBed. well destined one-plow tractor that easily malchea the field work and all around efficiency of bia fer two-plow tractora. It haa a complete line or famed Tru-draft mounted tool and power takeoff I You can uae it aa an extra tractor or do a complete farmlnB Jobl for either Job. lta low coat operation will amaze you! see the new Model V at Warda TODAY! WARDS FARM STORE ' Trade Hlih 8U. Salem, Oreaoj FORD-FERGUSON TRACTOK 10-20 I. H. C. tractor on rub ber. 10 ft. I. H. C. double disc, grain drill. 28 cu. ft. deep freezer. All In Good Condition and Reasonable Creighton Jones. Rt. 1, Ger vais. Mission Bottom,' 10 mi. W. Salem. Ph. 31843. Qbl7 NEW International TD- Trac Tractor. New International Farmall Cub tractora Uaed T-s tractora with new tractor Buarantee. Uaed AO John Deere tractor with plow. JAMES H MADEN CO JSS Sllverton Rd. Ph. 21111. Salem, or. qua! FINANCIAL 4'j"i REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS STATE FINANCE CO 1M S. High St. Lie. S-216 M-a T LOANS $25 to $500 Your way-and Fast on Personal's "PICK-VOtR-OWN-PAYMENT" plan. Its simple a A-B-C Juil 4o thU: A Tell ui how much yon need and and a few Tact about four credit and lob in person or by phont J you're busy. B Then ou sign without tndorstra and vet the cah. Proof: out of I who ask us for a loan, cat itl C Then repay In monthly install ment which you lct to lit your purst Don t borrow unneeeasar.lT but It ah loan olve a problem. tt to tourh with Mr. OalUngtr, Ptrsonai TfES' Manager, today LOANS 139 to ISM OS Salary At Furniture, Up to ino on Auto Personal Finance Co. Ph 1-3464 t. OftUiuer. Manarer 111 atate Rm l LM. IM-MiW U AUTOMOBILES WE WILL TAKE ANYTHING IN TRADE The Cat The Dog The Canary The Old Baby Buggy Anything your through with end no longer have any uw for will ba rccptfti Tor an allt.wame on the purchaae ol any eir, anytime. TO THE CITY SLICKER WE SUGCiEST that they grarrh round the mttlr or the cellar- for any article of lumiture--beilg, table, rhairt bicycle, wagon Might, your wife, just any old thing that you no longrr have any use lor bring It in will accept for an allowance on any car you buy. TO THE FARMER WE SUOEST-That he hunt around the barn for- old farm machinery waaons trucks, anything the he can move-Well take livestock. horea, cowa, chicken., riurksll not any of theae tiring in poialoea, cabbage, apples fruit or vegetables, hone or cow, machinery or furniture your daughter 11 make no difference, will take for an allowance on any car you buy. SRINO ANY OLD THING YOU WANT TO OET RID OP All late models at book price or lower Open 7 A. M to 1 P. M. Two loti to choose from "DICKERIN' DICK'S" 1295 So. 12th. FINANCIAL " private MONFTY Special rt and terms on larger loan Ions and short time payment ROY H SIMMONS 136 South Commercial Bt. Phont l-Blfll SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY fr INTEREST UP to 40 Year and NO Commission! Leo N. Child. Inc. 344 State St. Plione 2-3663. r26H GENERAL f-INANOl CORP. LOANS 6-131 and U-33B and ROY H SIMMONS rNSUKANCB. AND LOANS 36 6. Commercial St. Tel. 3-B1M. AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT OO. 182 S. Church Parking a Plenty Ph. 3-2457 Lie. NO. M-159 8-154 f mrlTT,ER7cENT interest on your aavlnga We have a choice supply of 'eal estate mortgages, properties in Salem and vicinity, amounts 500 to $10 000. ' these for sound investments. STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 8. Hifh St. Ph. 34131; Eve 23206 FARM AND CITY LOANS 4far. and 6 fOl'R OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Caah for Real Estate Contract and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES OO 201 Pioneer Trust Bldft Ph 3-7162 TRAILERS TRAILER HOUSE. 27'. tandem wheels, aluminum St masonite, sleeps four, in quire at apt. 7-A. Veterans Village after 4 or Sat. and Sun. Reasonable. DIRECTORY DDING MACHINES All makes used machines, nold rented repaired. Roen. 436 Court. Phona I-677S APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOMEappl lance repair service. Free estimates. Trade-ins accepted on new Bppl'nnces. Vincfs Electric, Phonf 3-9238. 157 8. Liberty St; q TUTOMOTIVE MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service, day phont 3-9286. Nliht 1804 333 Center. 0 At' TO PAINTING Complete auto painting, J23. Dick's Auto Clinic. 1293 S 12th at. O AfTO RADIOS Authorized Warranty Repair Station for lU makes ol Auto Radios Morrow Radio Co 153 8. Liberty. Ph 3-3955 o' Al'TO WRECKERS GENERATORS REBCII.T. Trailer axles made to order. Fair prices. 12th St. Junction Auto Wrecker. Ph. 2-8208. o292 PICTURE FRAMING Piptnm framing. Hutcheon Paint Store. Phone 3-S687. BRAKES Mise i-aneit, iv o. v-uuim Brake wheel aligning specialist. o286' nril.niN'G CONTRACTORS FRAME or masonry construction. Pumice block. Residential or commercial. New foundations. Alt Brothers. Ph. 3-7880. 0278' BULLDOZING Bulldozing. leveling, road bldg.. clear ing teeth for brush. Virgil Huskey, 1010 Falrview ave. Ph. 2-3146. Salem. o290 Bl'LLDOZING. GRADING Bulldozing, grading, clearing, dirt mov ing with small Carryall. Oeo. Wlrth, B40 Plymouth Drive. Ph. 21367. 0273 CARPENTRY Carpentry expert building and remod eling. Ph. 2-48360, SIS S. 21st St. 0286 CASfl REGISTERS Instant delivery cf new RCA registers All makes old. rented, repaired Roen 46 Court. Ph 3-6773. O' CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimneys, vacuum cleaned Km ley. TJ1 8m It. b- 3-7176. o286 CEMENT WORKS General Cement Contracting. Cliff Ellis. 1905 N. 19th St. Phone 3-4071. 0272 Crawford Upward Acting Oar. Doors Elec. Operator Avail. Ph. 24738. o28S EXTERMINATORS Cackroach. Moth Exterminator Service Ph. 3-3056. Lee Cro. 135 Pearl. 0286 B.elthaupf for flowen. Dial 1-9179. o FLOOR LAYING Expert Flooring. Ph. 3-7401. HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R. Watkin Co. producU. Fret de livery. 1717 Center. Ph. 3-5393. o' MATTRESSES Capital Bedding. Phone 1-4069. MI'HIC LESSONS Spanish and Hawaiian Ouitar. Man dolin. Banjo, etc. 1533 Court. Ph. -7.i9. 0292 OFFICE Fl'RMTtRrt SUPPLIES Desk chair. Hie and tiling gupplie ales duplicators and supplies desk lamM typewriter Hands, brief case Pierce Wire Recorder Roen. 431 Court lOII. CIRCULATOR SERVICE Call Cy Younger. Ph. 36073. PAINTING PA PER HANGING Pimtlnt and paperhanfins. Free esti mae. Ph. 3-9511. 37 Shipping. 0373 PAINTING interior ipec laity. L C Ilofson. Phone J-7697. o27a Painting. Spray or Brush. Ph. 3-2664 Roy Hanson. Work guaranteed. o2B6 i:fitrom are equipped to do yout painting. Phone 3-2493. o PAINTING PAPER HANCiINO Expert Paperhsnilng and Painting. H. J. Woodworth Ph. 3-3013. Free est. 0271 PLUMBING DECATUR M4FRZ plumbing, elect ri" cal supplies, water sytems. Oeneral repair work. Phont I-I22I. 171 8 Com 1 27S ('NINO, SPBAYINO Pruning Spraying, equipped for any Job. Ph. ITfK. 130 Roberts Ave. OJBO i nio St RVt E Rsr Moore, J3T0 Portlsnd Rd. Ph. 1-9431 a AND AND GRAVEL Oaran So:l. erusned rock BhoTel and escatatine WalliM ianO A Ora.ei Co. Phone I-P Cat Shovel tt Trutg org of m glnds LLOYD M. HILL INC Ph. 1-4311 t BOS MR 32 .AUTOMOBILES DIRECTORY SAW FILING F. X. Roasch. 674 8. Capital St. o317 SEMER SERVICE Electric Roto-Rooter exclusive, patented razor-sharp steel cutting blade Cleans sewers or drain Septic tank cleaned reasonable Ph. 3-5327 or 8-9461. SEPTIC TANKS Mike' Septic Service. Tank cleaned. Roto RorMer Service on Sewers. 1079 Elm St., W. Salem. Ph. 3-9468 - 3-5327. 0286- K. F. Hamel Septic Tank Cleaned. Electric machine service on sewer and drain lines, Guaranteed work. 1143 8th 8t., Salem. Ph. 3-7404. 0272 IHANSER A STORAGE Local St Distance Transfer, storage Burner oils, coal briquet Truck to Portland dally Agent Lyon Van Line for house n old good. to California points Larmer Transfer b Storage. Ph. 3-3131 TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona. Remington Royal and Under wow portables All make use, machines Repair and rent. Roen. 45ft Court 0 VENETIAN BLINDS Elmer the Blind Man. Ph. 3-7328. WEATIIERSTRII'PING Free estimate. T. PULLMAN. Ph. 3-5965 o286 Prompt Installation. Work Guaranteed. Barney Whelan. Ph. 2-5984. o276 WINDOW CLEANINli Acme Window Cleaners. Windows, walls woodwork cleaned Floors clean, ed, waxed and polished. Ph. 8-3337. 347 Court. Lang doc. Culbertsoo and Mather WELL DRILLING D. ENLOE, Ph. 25198. Auburn rd. o286 MEYERS BROTHERS Ph. Dallas 3066 J. A Sneed Sons, well drilling. 2505 Brooks St.. Salem. Ph. 3-6809. 0278 WYMORE well drilling. Rte. 3. Box 317. Ph. 2-5135. Salem. 0289 WOOD SAWING R. B. Cross. Ph. 3-8178 or 3-8674. WOOD A SAWDUST Fuel Co Ph 24031 LEGAL NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice Is hereby given that the Final Account of Bertha Duke, administratrix of the Estate of John O. Duke, deceased, has been filed In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marlon County and that Tuesday the 16th day of Novem ber, i948. at the hour of 10.00 o'clock In the forenoon of said day in said court in the Marion County Court House at Salem, Oregon, has been duly appointed by such court for the hearing of objec tions to such Final Account and the set tlement thereof, at which time any per son interested In such estate may appear and file objection thereto, and contest the same. Dated October 18. 1948. BERTHA DUKE Administratrix of the Estate of John O. Duke, deceased. GEORGE H. LAYMAN CHARLES J. MICHELET Attorneys for Estate First publication October IS. 1948. Last publication November 15, 1948. October IB, 25. Nov. 1. 8. 15. J948 LODGES A SALEM LODGE No. 4. At, A.F. & A.M. host to District rv Meeting. Dist. No. 27, Ma sonic Temple, Wed., Nov. 10, 8:00 P.M. mm Ainsworth Lodge No. 201, 248 N. Com'l. St. Tue., Nov. 9, 7:30 p.m. stated. 268' 1. O O F meets every Wednesday night Vis itors Welcome Kingwood Lodge No. 204, A.P, & A.M. Stated Communica ftion Monday. Nov. 6, 7:30 pm V 267 Fraternal Order of Eagles meets every Tuesday at 8 pjn More than a million members. Salem Markets Completed from reports of Salem dealers for the guidance of Capl. tal Journal Readers, (Revised dally .1 Retail Feed Prices t:s Mah $4 80. Rabhlt teed Pellets 14.30. Dalr Feed 3 75 Poultry: Buying Price No. 1, colored hen, 33c; No. 1 Letthorn hens. 28c; No. 1 Colored fryers. 3 lbs and up 37c; Noi 1 fryers, 2"s-3 lbi. 34c lb. No. 1 old roosters, 14-15c. Eggs Buying Price Large grade AA 70c ; A grade, 70c; medium. 63 -64c; pullets, 44 -47c. Wholesale Prlri" AA grade. 77c: A grade 75r; mediums, 66-70c, pullets, 50 -53c dot. Rutterfat Premium. 70c: No. 1, 66-68c; No. 3, 60 -flic 'buy Inn prices i. Butter Wholesale, grade A, 70c; re tail, grade A, 75c. Portland UfeMork Portland. Ore., Nov. I f)P) -LiveMork: Cottle salable 2101. calvrj. 3'i0; m.irkft opening very slow; generally anklng .rrnna-h!sher price hut most early bid.1 weak -lower; f altered sales steady: common-low medium grata steeri abnut steady at 18 50-24 50; high-medium steers held upward to 26; good steern erarre; load hieh-mertium short fed heifer 24 35; common-medium 17 50-22 W: good beef rowi 20-22 canner-cutters 13 SO -1 ft 50 but many unsold ; good beef bull strong at 33-24. Calves weak to 5Hc lower: good vealeri 36 3ft 50; rhoire up to 38 sparingly; good heavy calve 24 50. Hogs salable 700; market stow-teady; good-choice 1RO-230 Iba largely 36: heavier luhter weights mostly 24; good sows 21-32; good 11S lb feeder pigs 26 50. Sti'en salable 1400. marget slow: slaugh ter lamb mostly 50c lower: ewe iteady; gnori-rhnire woo led lambs 21-21 75: shorn lamh 200-31. common grade 16 50-17 50. good-rholre ewes salable 8-8 50, Advertisement) ttELIEFI SATISFACTION GUARANTEED BLACKHEADS 'PIMPLES i l'e what thottan4t have tried for pmmflh relieving "xtmaily ranted pimple, raah, itch scientifically medicated CuMrura! Softeng blackhead tip for eaay removal! Satisfaction (nirnteti1 nr maker refunda vnur monev. CUTICURA S?ntVcnn? Eczema itchiNG m Steal Your Sleep Whv arratch tni suffer toniiht whwi aont hing. medicated Rwinot Ointment it ma-le apei-mily to relieve itchin. fiery akin Famiug through Jour feneration (or ita quick, Ungenni comfort Market Quotations Salem Mveilock Mantel (By Valley Packing Lamb Yearlings Ewes , Fat dairy cows Cutter cows Dairy heifers BjIU Calves 300 to 450 lbs ) , Company) ...No quotation ,112.00 to 114 00 ,.f00 to 17 00 .115.00 tO 116.00 .110 00 to 115 00 ,115 00 to 117.00 117 00 to 132 00 .114.00 to 123 00 120 00 to 325 00 Veal (150-300 lbs.) choice, Hos prices psld with; .and prices for each type. 20 Of Port- Portland Produce But. erf at Tentative, su6)eet to Imme diate change. Premium Quality maximum of .35 to one percent acidity delivered to Portland, 68-11 c lb., first duality 64-67c lb. second quality, 63-6c lb.; valley routes and country points, Ic lass than first Butter wholes ale. F.0 B, bulk cube .Trade AA. 93 score, 64c lb.; A, 93 score, 64c lb.; B. 90 score, 61c; C. 89 core, 60c lb. Above prices sre strictly nominal. Cheeic Selling price to Portland whole sale Oregon singles. 43-49c. Oregon 6 lb. loaf, 46-Mc. Triplets, Via less than sin gles. Eggs I T wholesalers) A trad large, 66,1-67Ic, medium, OO-Ol'iC. A small 49W-521-c: B grade large, S3-56c. Egg Purchased from farmer. Cur- rent receipts. 57 '-60 'ic dos. ; buyers 3 3'jC below wholesale quotations on grad ed basis lor best hennery eggs. Portland Dairy Market Butter Price to retailers. Grade AA prints, 69c ; AA carton 70c; A print. 69c: A cartons. 70c; B prints, 66c. Etga Price to retailer: AA large 77c; certified A large, 68-69c doz.; A : large 70c; A A medium. 66c: certified A medium. 65c; A medium, 62-64c; A, small, 52-5 4c; carton 2c additional. I Cheese Price t retailer; Portland, i Oregon single, 43-Slc: Oregon loaf, 6 lb., 46-53c; triple "nc less than single. Poultry Live Chickens No. 1 quality FOB plants. No. 1 broilers under i lb., 33 -34c lb.; fryers 3-4 lbs. 37-38c lb; roasters 4 lbs. and over. 37-38c lb.; fowl, Leghorns, under 4 lbs.. 26-33c lb.; over 4 lbs. 28-29c: colored fowl all weights, 34-35c lb.; old roasters, all weight. 16-19C. Rabbiti Average to retailers for local ly dressed animals, B8-62c; fryers, live white, 32-33c lb.; colored, 10-31C; old or heavy. 15.18c. Turkei (Prices quoted are net to the producer on a dressed weight basis) U. S. No. I young torn. 45c lb.; No. 1 young hens, 56c. Portland Miscellaneous Cascara Bark Dry 20e lb., green fe lb. Wool Valley coarse and medium grades, 45c lb. Mohair 35c lb. on 13-month growth. Hides Calves 28c lb according to weight kips 20c lb.; green beef 13-13c lb.; bulbs. 8-9o lb.; country buyer psy 2c less Nut Quotatlona Walnuts Franquettes first quality Jum bo, 34.7c; large 32 7c, medium 27 2c, second quality Jumbos. 3o.2c; large, 28.2c; medium. 26.2c; baby, 23.3c; soft shell first quality large, 29.7c; medium, 26.2; sec and qut.v large 27.2c; medium. 34.7c, baby. 22.3e. Filberts Jumbo. 20o Ib.t large, lie; medium 16c. small 13c. (Quotation above supplied by North west Nut Growers Quotations sre on the oasis ol 100-lb. bag purchase fob plants.) Chicago Llveatoek Chicago. Nov. 8 USDA Salable hogs 15,000, total 18.500; butchers mostly 50 cents lower but moderately active, sows slow. 30-73 cents lower; top 24.25 sparingly; three loads 24.10; bulk good and choice 180-270 lb. butcher 23.75-34.00 with 24.00 populsr price; few 160-170 lb. 23.00-23.50; 400 lb. butchers 32.25: good and choice sow under 400 lbs. 31.50-22.50; heavier weight mostly 21.00-21.50; odd head as low a 20.50. Salable cattle 14,000, total 14.000; sal able calves 800, total 800; steer 1,100 lb. down and heifers steady to 50 cents lower; steers 1,100 lb. up 50 cents to 1.00 lower; other killing classes steady; two loads high-choice 1,350 lb. fed steers topped at 40.00; few loads choice yearlings 38.00 39.00; bulk good to choice steer 30.00 36.50; medium to low-good grades 24.50 29.50; good and choice heifers 27.00-34.50; good beef cows 21.00-23.00; canner and clttera 14.50-17.25: medium and good sausage bulls 32.00-23.73; vealers 32.00 down; stock cattle about steady. Salable sheep 5,500, total 8,000; slaugh ter lambs' steady to 25 cnu .u i". ly steady; good and choice wooled native lambs 35.75-26,36: latter orire i n. i clippers with full-shorn and No. 1 pelts 2ft c.0-22.2i; ewe teaa; mul meit..... . choice 9.00-10.OO. Portland Grain Portland, Nov. I yp No wheat future quoted. Cash grain: Oats, No. 2, 3B-1b. white 62.00: barley. No. 2. 45-lb. B-W 53.50. Cash wheat bid) : Soft white 2.22; soft white 'excluding rex 3.22 , white cmb 2.22; western red 3.23. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.22: 10 per cent 2.24; 11 per Cent 2.28; 13 per cent 2.32. Hard white baart unquoted. Today's car receipts: Wheat 18: barley 14; flour 6; corn 10; oats 8; mlllweed 11. North Howell Unit Learns About Meals North Howell Mrs. Kenneth Miller gave the demonstration on meal planning at the Novem ber meeting of the North How ell Home Extension unit at the grange hall. Members present were Mrs. W. M. Addie, Mrs. Pearl Wood, Mrs. J. V. Jackson, Mrs. K. D. Coomler, Mrs. Jim Blaney, Mrs. John Beals. Mrs. Ernest Red-, ding, Mrs. Chas. Waltman, Mrs. Clarence Espe, Mrs. Eva Beals, Mrs. Lewis Sawyer and Mrs. Thomas Bump. Serving on the lunch com mittee were Mrs. John Beals and Mrs. Jim Blaney. During the Gold Rush of 1849, people were so anxious to i each California that they not only paid $1000 for a ticket, but offered to work on the boat without pay. Why Suffer Any Longer .Vhen other fan. use our Chines 'emedies Amaaing success for 8000 years Id China. No matter with what Ulmenu rou are afflicted--disorders inu'ltl heart I una liver kidney :a. constipation, ulcers, diabetes, -heumatlsm, gall and bladde fever kin :emal eompiaiou CHARLIE CHAN rniNRsR nr.RB. Co. Orflee Havre 9 te Twee and al. Only 34 N Commercial Phone lf?i SALEM. nRt ' YOU, too. , LOAN Vj ss3 Jinn. sinnn Ok ah VV 10 1VVV ..... fuiio ang rerignai COMMERCIAL CREDIT PLAN MMWHB IMCOItr'Oa'ATID mbm. SALEM AGENCY: 444 cm strut r. i iu Slocks Advance In Rough Going New York. Nov. Stock hit rough going In recovery market today but maintained! general gains of fractions to around a point. The volume of trading was1 about 1,100,000 shares for the; full day, the lowest for a five hour session In mora than a week. Throughout the day the lead ers added or subtracted small fractions without breaking through a narrow range except for a very few selected rails. Most of the strength and ac tivity was concentrated In the railroad issues with the steels and motors coming along In second place both in volume and gains. Among leading stocks going higher were Central Railroad of New Jersey, U.S. Steel, Gen eral Motors, Standard Oil (NJ), Anaconda, Kennecott, General Electric, and Paramount. Lower were Sears Roebuck, Westinghouse, American Tobac co, Union Pacific and Pacific Western Oil. Stocks Quotations (By the Asoclated Press) American Can Am Pow A Lt Am Tel A, Tel Anaconda Bendlx Aviation Beth Steel Boeing Airplane Calif Packing Canadian Pacific Case J I Caterpillar Chrysler - Comwlth St Sou SB1, 13. 39V Cons Vultee Continental Can Crown Zellerbach Curtis Wright Douglas Aircraft Dupant de Nem .171 . 38 . 38 ' Oeneral Electric Oeneral Foods Oeneral Motors Ooodvear Tire Int Harvester Int Paper Kennecott Llbby McN Si L Long Bell "A ' Montgomery Ward Najrh Kelvtnator Nat Dairy NY Central Northern Pacific Pac Am Fish Pac Gas St Elec Pac Tel St Tel Penny J C Radio Corp Rayonler Rayonler Pfd Reynolds Metal Richfield Safeway Store Sears Roebuck Southern Pacific Stsndard Oil Cal Studebaker Corp Sunshine Mining Transamerica Union Oil Cal Union Pacific United Airline U S Steel Warner Bros Pic Woolworth , 23 S 55i Truman Tells Dulles To Carry on in UN Paris, Nov. 8 (ffi John Fos ter Dulles said today he had been encouraged by President Truman "to carry on" as an American delegate to the United Nations assembly. Dulles said he received a cable from Mr. Truman saying: "My heartfelt thanks for your message of congratulation. I am happy for this opportunity to express my appreciation of the splendid work you are doing in Paris." Dulles said he interpreted this to mean he was encouraged to stay on the job in the bi-partisan delegation setup. Mrs. McDermotl's . Condition Improves Improvement In the condition of Mrs. Dorothy McDermott of Dallas was reported from SalPtn Oroeon Certified Marshall STRAWBERRY PLANTS Grown In Eastern Oregon Wrile for Price I. Int AGRICLXTTRAK RESEARCH NURSERIES Route 2, Box 72, Payette, Irinhn Advertisement Deafened Aroused by Tiny Hearing Device Chicago. 111. Wide interest is being shown by thousands of deafened people in an amazing new hearing device which now enables them to fully enjoy mu sic, sermons and friendly com panionship - and not be both ered by bulky, heavy separate battery pack and wires, lt is so liny it fits In the palm of the hand. Users of this device re- fiort easily understanding even Bint voices. Accepted by the American Medical Association's Council on Physical Medicine The makers of Belton, Dept. 29, 14.10 W. 19th St., Chicago 8. III., are so proud of their achieve ment they will gladly send you a free descriptive booklet on how to overcome deafness and explain how you may test this tiny device in the privacy of your home without risking a penny. Write Beltone today. al flAV 7 - cowpaur on 'f I Oft 1 MORE CASH MmirIt Pavmaflta YOU UI " lla. 1100 9.26 $.100 JJ 27.71 HnO J" 10 46 30 linnn 7. to Qi w Loan Mali. AprHeaMr OET CASH TODAY General hospital Monday where she was taken after an automo bile collision just south of the city Saturday night. The cars were driven by Mr. McDermott and another driver not identified. Mr. McDermott got a minor knee injury. No one in the other car was hurt. Mrs. McDermott was taken to the hospital by first aid am bulance. OBITUARY Will law Ray Lebanon Funeral services for Wil liam Ray, It, retired mallcarrier who died Friday at his home near Sanderson Bridge, will be held her Tuesday at 3 o'clock with burial in the IOOF cemetery. He had lived in Oregon 80 year. In last 40 years In the Crabtree community. Ray a.s born in Texa. Dec. 37, 1884, and is survived by five daughters and four sons; Mrs. D. W. Bumpier. Mr. T. A, Bean and Mrs. C. F Lutr. Portland: Mr. J. H. Hanke, Corvalll and Mrs. John Wilson, in Idaho; Ermel Ray, Portland. Earl Ray, Eugene and Clifford and Melvin Rsv, Crabtree . also 20 grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. Mn. Bertha Vrban St ay ton Funeral service for Mr. Ber tha Urban, who died at Newport, will be held from the Wetdle funeral home at 2 o'clock Tuesday, Rev. Clyde Freeman, of the Church of Ood, officiating and burial In Lone Oak cemetery. She is survived by her husband, Ralph Urban and a daughter, Mrs. Otto Weidman, of Lyon. Rlliabeth Franeea Don lion Btayion Funeral services for Mr. VIS abeth Frances Donison, 84. were held from the chapel of the Weddle funeral home here Monday at 4 o'clock. She was the widow of Frank Donison and died Saturday at Mercer Lake, near Florence. She was born In Ontario. Canada. Aug. t, 1864. Surviving are a granddaughter. Mrs. Evelyn Jerman, of Mercer Lake and a atep-son, Clarence Donison, of Oresham. Jamea William Taylor Orand Island James William Taylor, i. a resident of the Orand Island dis trict more than 35 years died suddenly at Portland Friday evening. He had gone there to visit relatives. He was born In Overton county. Tennessee. December 10, 1866. was united In marriage with Mis Laverna Caroline Kerr April 8, 1805, at Whltenght. Texas. HI widow and one son and four daughter and 16 grand children and five great grandchildren survive, Mrs. Taylor, and the son. Henry, nd two of the daughters, Mrs. Worth Wiley and Mrs. Stangrubr, reside here; Mrs. N. O. Miller, at Portland, Mr. Em ery Word at Salem. Daniel fUHrkwerda Perrydale Daniel Slrlckwerda. born In Franeker. Holland. May 3. 1857, died Mon day in a Salem hospital. Strlckwerda came to the United State In 1900 with family settling first In Michigan. came to Oregon In 1913 and came to a farm near Perrydale about 25 years ago. Survivors include his widow, three daugh ters, Mrs. A. Van Otten. Mrs. S Van Staveren, both of Perrydale and Mrs. D. Swarth of Enunltas, Cal.: three sons, C. Strlckwerda and J. Strlckwerda, both of Portland, and Charles Strlckwerda of Love I and. Colo. Funeral services were held Dallas Thursday with burial In the Odd Fellows cemetery. Andrew Jarkson Flynn Sheridan Aniirw Jackson Flynn. long me Sheridan resident, dud Sunday In St. Vincent's hospital In Portland. Funeral services were held at the Church of the Oood Shepherd. Father Herman officiat ing. Interment was In Sheridan Masonic cemetery. Pallbearer were MIHon Pot ter. Matt Hintnen, Archie Nutt, Olen Dickey. Luchl Miller and Ben Evan. Mr. Flynn was born In Bay City, Mich., Jan. 6. 1865. and his parents moved west when he was three years old. He was In the real estate and grocery business, was at one time post master In Sheridan and Justice of the peace tor some 25 year. One of his grandchildren. C. Wayne Flynn, is now postmaster In Sheridan. THE NEW Give walli, woodwork, furniture beautiful new color with this high I loti, 1 -coat enamel; Lie Fnimeloid, too. for ouiitde woodwork and doora, porches and automobiles. 340 Court St. Journol Want Ads Pay miiSls m MiPiKE ENAMEL r i ENAMELOIU Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., DEATHS Mlrhael Bussr Uictiael fiugar, lat resident of Jack annvllle. Orenon, at a local Hospital. No vemoer I. Burvhed by hi wife, Mrt. M Ktr of O i of mo loalio, and fatner S Bagar of Eimane. Bhlpmont ha barn madr by Cloueh-Harrlfk company to Eugene for service and interment. In. Bertha Marl afff rtT Mm Bertha MaiLaflerlv. late renrlent ( UBS South Church aireei. at a lot' a I hospual, November ft. flurviveri by a son. W&ah ; tiller. Mrs. Dora Moorhead. 6a- antl brother. William r Smith. Ab erdeen, Waah., two grandchildren and one great granocnun. service will oe held Tuesday. November I, at 10 SO a m. st the Cloitah'BarMck chapel Shipment will be made to Nya for Interment. Ira. Mary Gillespie Mrv Mary Oillepie. at her residence at 'aldport, Oregon. November ft. Survived v a daughter. Mn. Ruth K. Htirm ol wampori. a im'r, mti. nen a nam, 01 Balem; two grandchildren; and two great November 1. at 130 p m . at the Clotmri- larrick ehapel with Interment in the City lew cemetery, Mra. KlfiabeUi Hod id on r. Eluaueih Hodgdon, late resident o( Oranla Pan at a local hoipual November f, at the age of 13 year, survived by a liter, Mlii Dolly Dunan of Ca.e Junction, Oregon. Shipment will be made to Uriu.s Paas. Ores on, by the Hi well-Edwards chapel for services and Interment. Jamea William Tayler Jamea William Tavlor.lB lale resident of Dayton, Oregon, at Portland November 5. Survived by hla wife, Mra. l.averna Caroline Taylor of Dayton: four daughter, Mm. Maine Miller ol Portland, Mrt. Urace Wiley and Mrs. Wltletta Slelnttrube both of Dayton, and Mrn. Mae Wood of 8a lem; a on, Henry Taylor of Dayton: two ten. Mr. Martna uarrett or Faynton, Saskatchewan, Canada, and Mn. Sarah Garrett of Santa Roia, Calif.; three bro ther. Edward Taylor of Dayton, Joseph Taylor of Beaumont. Calif., and Walter Taylor of Electric City. Waih : 17 grand children, ana eight great granncmiaren. Service Will be held at the United Breth ren church at Hopewell Tuesday, Novem ber V. at 3 30 pin. with Rev. Ueome Mil- len officiating. Interment In the Hopewell cemetery. Direction the Howell-Edwards chapel. rnee Harr In this cltr November I. Agnes Havre, late resident of 1910 South 18th street, at the age of IB rears. Survived by a niece. Mrs. The! ma Ray of Turner. Ore ion. Announcement of services later by W. T. Rlgdon company. William W. Jolley William W. Jolley, at his residence. 124 Division street, November 1. Survived by his wife. Mrs. Rom Jolley of Salem. An nouncement of services later by, Cloush Barrlck company. Mra. Marie Bahrmen Mrs. Marie Bahnsen. S3, at the resi dence at 1540 Lancaster drive, November Survived by her husband. Ousts v Bahn- sen of Salem: two sons. Richard Bahiuen. and Paul Bahn.sen, both of Salem; sis ters, Mrs, Martha Burfort. Mrs. Flora liken and Mrs. Augusta Emert. all of Sa lem: and two brothers, John Worth and George Worth, both of Salem. Members of the Evangelical Tabernacle of Salem. Serv ices will be held at the Howell-Edwards chapel Tuesday, November B, at 1 30 p.m. with Rev. w. s. rreflencK oinciauna. Concluding services in Belcrest Memorial park. ra. Eliiahcth Low man Final rites lor Mra. Eliiabeth Lowman, 87. who died In a Salem hospital, will be held at the Mt. Great Abbey crematorium Tuesday at 1 o'clock under the direction of the weddle funeral home of Stayton. Rev. W. H. Lyman, of the Christian church, will officiate, She was the da ii liter of Mr. and Mrs Robert Daniel nd was born Feb. 21, 161,. In Illinois. Woman Discovers COUGH RELIEF! "I'm thrrMigh pey- P' big funny prion for I cough ayninl I'vo , H,,V.H PINKY I htm ply by adding mi gar and wair U the nonoenlrnlrii mMlicinal 1'IiNF.X ingredients, I gnt my cough ay nip at limit W thet uaunl ttoat. I ve tried (linm all and I ve never found a enure effective, faatec -acl ine ffHigh relief." That's what million have hewn any i tig about PINr.X lor over 40 ynare. I'INKX bring quirk, cflWlivw re bei for eoughe dun to olds Iwwsuae it's a reel orwigh medirine. And you gnt a limit 4 timea as much for your wtnney simply btweuMi you add Uw ineipnoaivfi aimple tynip. No DraH to pay high prices for a good rough ay nip. (int I'llNKX at any drug alnre. Guaranteed to satisfy. PINEX AnvsrrWeT'e Lorgeif SeWns; COUGH SYRUP Neuritis Pains For quk-k, deliahtfiilly comforting help for arhea and pain of Hheiimittfani, Arlhrltlx, Nmiritlpt, l.timhago, H' latlra, or Neuraliria. try ROMlNI. A pleant tmitleHN nifdlclne that works through Dm hlrwi. Ft rut dose ufiiiallr Maria al leviating pain no you ran work, enjoy lifn and sleep more comfort ahly. 0t HOMIND at dnig:(rit tolny. Quirk aat tefartlon or money hark g-?fu-anted. 3 PENSTIX control MASTITIS Stick of active penicillin safe, easy te use work fast economical rUERVOUS IRniTABLE,HI0!J-S10 due to this functional 'middle-age' cause? Are you between the atfea 3d and M and going through that trying in na tional 'middla-ftKe' period peculiar to women'' Ihiea this mnk vnu suf fer from hot flHahea, feel rlaiiitnv, go fier'oin, Irrl'ahle, K 1 Thin o try l.vriia K Flnklmm a Ve' t ihio ComrKiund to relieve inch gyiiip Vmal H a famous for thial Many wie 'middle-eve' women take Plnkham'a Compound rettuUr It to help hul Id up reautanca agalnat this dlitreaa. I'lnk ham a Conirjnnnd rontalna no opiates -no haburnrming drugs. It j Lydia E. Pinkham's VEGETASLE COMPOUND ' Monday, November S. 191S -15 Grain Prices Pushed Higher Chio.iK. Nov. ft ti Tm Brain market's price advanro. touched off hv tfin surprise elec tion ri-Milt h Tu(-cUty. had just as nuu h m nrrntum today as any riav Ini wet k. All cereals pushed hiti'ifi ir. a brnk trad.-, with several c-.ntr.icts making new seasonal hi: . Corn was strengthened by ex port business, both private and domestic. Export houses nought the December contract. In addi tion, trade sources said tne nnv ernment had raised its huyinat price 1 cent to 14 cents above the December futures quota tion. Strength in wheat was cen tered more in the deferred contracts than in December, r.i the latter delivery is now well above the government loan lo- el here. Jul v and Seotemher wheat hit new seasonal hlahi. Also at seasonal peaks were September oats and May soy beans. Wheat closed 1 to 14 high er, December $2.31T8-2 32, com was 1 4 -2 l4 higher, December $1.42 Vs., oats were 4-l"4 higher, December 80 V. rye was 14 to 2 cents hicher. Decem ber $1.82 t, soybeans were 34 54 higher, November $2.58i 2.S9, and lard was 25 to 32 cent! a hundred pounds higher, No vember $19.00. Since the close last Mondav wheat has advanced 44 to 94 cents, corn 5 to 6 cents and oats 2 to 2fts cents. Most of her married life was spent m Salem. Surviving are two daughters. Mrs. w. H. Carter, Stayton and Mrs. Myrtle Hall, Bnker."fletd, Cnllf : also four grand- inimren and seven great-grandchildren. rlra. I-ena Rntilna Mrs. Lrna Robins, Inte resident tf 1747 Broadway, at a local hospital Novem ber I. Survived by her husband. John Robins of Salem: a daughter. Miss Elsl Robins of Aalem: a son. John P Rob Ins of Berkeley, Calif : two brothers, A, W. Prescot t of Warrenton, Oregon, and Eugene Prescoit of Salem. Ab.o survived by two grandchildren Announcement of services later ar Clough-Barrica eora- iany. Clarence W. 1)111 Clarence W. Dill, late resident of HSS Franklin street, West Salem, at San Fran- eweo, November 7. Survived by his wife. Rose M. Dill of Salem; a son, Donald Dill of Salem; a liter. Ml.vs Ruth Dill of Flint, Mich.; a brother. Lawrence Dill of Los Anitclex; and tiLs mother, Mrs. Bir die Dill of Los Angeles Announcement of services later by Clough-Barrlck com pany. I'Adverllsemenf RELIEF AT LAST ForYcur COUGH CrenmuUinn relieves promptly because it K"es riplu to the seat of the trouble T to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed brnruhial mucout membranei.Tell yourdmRpst to sell you a bottle of Crcomuln'on with the understanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or vnu are to have vour monev back. CREQFV1ULSION forCoughs.ChestColds.Bronchilii HEALTH TO YOU After Corrcctlnf llFDinrrholda (Pllesl Platula, Plaaure, Prolapse, and other Rectal Ula ordera. No Hospitalization Write or ( all (ot Free Booklet Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic Nattlre-l'rocotoliit Jill N. l.lhrrtT St.. Salem. Ore. AdvFrtiaririP! tXrahl.,1 la blfhl. . ITCH tilnui and wnuld eea- lor llf If nat otnpged. lis Role eane It itch - mite which la Immini tn errlluAr treat men la. f X SOU A hill the Itrhmlte almnat inatanl ly. Onlj three dars tXSOKA trealmenl la required. At Tnur Neareat PRKD MFYFI pnif Kertlnn Mall Orders Given Prompt Attention. aruood by Streptococcus agalactia Hmvolutionnry bpcouse to sin " pie and effective. No apporahn, no lolufionj to piepur-v Harm'ovi to cowi and milk. Got important Information folder ask u for your fra copy riiht away. U illid's CAPITAL DRUG STORE 4 0. SI.'llF Sl!fr( til L. x h'lp ff(lftis (vt rt nn 'I, 1 'ii nr hit wtiof Ihn toia tuuiit? elf 'ft. Mill llr n. i knnw wh,i we nt lin'(H''iiie ato cisil a atoniHi'tilR