J f , II Capital Journal, Salem. Ore., Monday. November 8, 1948 CUWiniD IDHlTlSlNQi Per Lloi Per Ltne I times Per uoe i time. .so Per Line 1 month 12 00 OutJId. of Salem IS. per lln. per der. kiln, loci I limes mm IOC times min. 11.20. No Reluods RtADL'Eg la Lecsl Newt Col. Onlrl Per Uno soe To Flacc an Ad Phone 2-2406 Thousands of Home Own ers preparing for winter wish to employ you. Place your ad in the "Business Directory." FOR SALE HOUSES extra noon NWW 1-bdrnv home with attached garage Utility room, extra -Ml bur. IfiBoO. COMPACT AND CI FY FH IK)WN. balance cav,y term new 2 bdrm. home, ve ry cWe in. H.ioO. TOR THE cmi.rmEN MALE WOOD .n'.nl fli.sir.'t. 3 bdrm home, fenced backyard. HT.-,fl THAT RPRCIAL KOMiCJHINO VERLOOMNG the city. 2 jdnnn. older type home. Faiimourii i..i. m'hcioiu ground, automatic hi Ontv $9.-.oo. LIKE THIS AT'E SCAKCE 4 BfRM., dble. plumhins fin via- e. bs.se ' went, tn exceptions value at M sno. TO BUY - HFU, - OR KENT Call Ralph Rent Realtor - P.) 3-3123. Eve A 8un Call KlumnP 3-0126 , 2330 S. Commercial St. Rouse A Farm LlMinas Wanted. a2B9 REDUCED 1700 NORTH Eds of town Only I7B00 for hl cre A 2-BR p'.a-stered home. Modern. All kind of fruit A berries Close to store A bus. Some terms. HOME A INC'OME HEAR Sr. high rh. 5 BItr. Well made home, rplac. LR. IJR. Ise. lot- Good terms to riitht party. FOE these A others see B. Isherwood, Realtor fh. ni. Rt 1. Box 243 or Ph. 2-SS36 1289 6th St.. W. Salem $9,750 NEW PU MICE STONE RADIANT HEAT 7 ft. A. financing. I19S0 down. 51.48 per mo. 2 bedroom, large living room, 'dream kitchen, dining room with French doors, att. garage, utility, lot 0xl65. Buy this home now and choose your wn colors. You will be de Hinted with this beautiful home. $21,000 ULTRA -MODERN Entry hall, larse living room and dining Toom, model kitchen. O E. di.sHwafil.er and dlspot-al. larir utility. 3 bedroom built-in wardrobes, tile bath, tub and stall shower. L R.. D. R . hall. maMer br. carpeted with blue broadloom. Dole, garage with bedroom and bnth Lot 82x 140. Btone wall, shrub, hedse. Your own terms. Owner will arrept a trade. CHAS. HUOKINS & Son REALTORS ?M) N High st. Phone 2-4129 a267 NEW HOMES-WEHT BALEM BR. All electric. Clne to store A bus. Attached esraae. Term. g4tto Exclusive. 2 BR, oak firs. All elec. Very good trm. ttl.Mt s BR on one floor Ranch type All elec. r place. Very fine. WE have plenty of aood listings. Let us tell you about them. B. Isherwood, Realtor Eh. 6F11. Rt. 1, Box 243 or Ph. 2-BfHfl 1289 6th St.. W. Salem. a2fiQ- Reduced $1000 Smart brand new 2 B R home, nice den. fireplace, basement with extra fire place, splendid dit. Priced at 111.900 Eay terms. WALTER MUSGRAVE Realtors 1233 Edgewater St. Ph. 2-5109 a 2 08 REAUTll'UL new ranch (.tyle one -.story 5 r. house for sale with wonderful eHt view of city and mountains located In southweat part of elty. Has hdw. floor, lec. heat, fireplaca, etc. 113.600. Ph. 1-893 eves. 27fl 1M DS. New 2-bedr. home. hwd. Tlr. In L. R.. frplace. Nice kitchen, attached faraae. U. lot. Near bus and store. Call Oiner. Huff Renl Estate Co. Realtor. 241 Chemeketa Rt Ph. 19271. Eves. 15091. a267 tRISA NEW l-rm. home with att. aar.. xtra la. llv. rm. and D. rm. Carpeted wall to wall, fireplace, oil furnace. Call Mr. Walters Huff eal Estate Co. Realtor. 141 Chemeketa St Ph. S937I. Eves. I M0 a267 moo. FunNtaiirn aTNMjrWOnn dit. Raxmt. Oil ht . 1 B R ftreplr . atoraae spara tn allic. Houe hi good cond Call Ed Luklnbeal. Huff Resl Estate Co. Realtor. M Chemeketa St Fh. 19271. Eves. 2M80 alo7 IRS0O N r. MO. OLD well-built t FIR . home Unfln wpetairs. Insl. W. atrip. b-a, nihil oak floor, lawn, ftowera. alirutw fimt and nut tree B to hii sen Ice. Thl a real bargain. 1mm. pa. Call Fa tuklnbeal. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtor 341 Chemeketa St Ph. SV271. Eve. 26AR0 a267 WALNIT PARK l'.4 RE. home, 2 aets ol plumb N'.ce aire dm. rm fin In Ph. mahiHianv. fireplr . burnt This U a vert livable home, pre war built. In perfect cond. For anpt all Ed Ltikinbeal Huff Real Estate Co. Realtor. 341 Chemeketa S Ph. 19271. Ee 20 a27- ii ooo nows I79S. PARTLY furnished 3-bedroom home n ont acre. North. Wrv :r...f NEW HOME BMU'.AIN For $8300 I can art m a 3 tndr,ni noma all on one floor Auto oil hent Hdw. fir, lane lot 7? is. Fir.'t romr lirat arrvrn. ni'vpni bikxi aireaar anc farms tor aale or trade Hv Dan Huff Real Estate Co Realtor S41 (Viemest-ta St Pn IM7I. Tm l..'H(l j.-'riT I RURM HOMI tf br.-T'Vrew'ir" , TxT atruction 'lots! prre VfOo ItoC tii.l, d.ian. Ph ?079 fcr iki.t Is oi f -1315 Lee t h.'.O RT OWN! '-" NrVT-h(T7irT7allH. I.erf garaaa. service port n Uviii and filing I7SO0 Will ha'Hlle. Ph. 3i'"00 or :.H..h 2091 t'n!versit. a.n; rET, COZY 2-hi dt .om hiur.-'ied Jumte n or ace North ft Mm ivfu.s THE HFAL FX TAT K MMIKH il N. High M. J'n. me 34:n BAHOAIN IIMVOOO MY QI 111 -n a l' yrr old irm.-n Home in NK eialem I hux-K fr.i-i. h ... I bedrooms. at,. hmt nwii k t hen Oil flooi fumai-e A firri.l.ue iak flvr A Venetian Minl.' oria ill loan by owner. Write Cnpli si jn.im.,! box No. 74 a;iw I RR. Home nortiifakT T-m vf i n Lart lot. (71nf to b,iiiiea rne. On; Ifl'-oo NORTH CH!'RCH BT Wi;a 1 oT One gtorr 3 BH Imtne. t ill bs.-f i.ei Furnace Old- r ne bjt t hi and tieun Ericed at 'ftufl Joe Hutrhisttn H iillnr s!t Co;irl Street, fl,,. .n, 4)ren Enone 3-3829. ve. 2-4;l Oi J-.irHj . 4N Ot.rieV'j bdiin" I'.-ti.e. 'd(.wn. 2 up living ronm, (llltll.g rmxn kit. Urn rmia, bath, elone to hn , i, u, Iminrd. Ro Par ly furnit.tri $4.ico. P. 11. Bell, Realtor 2411 rheoeketa HI t'h 1-4Me 3-lsis Ee 2-fM6 5 afiR 2-7M'.. ai'fQ ?1500 T)OVN Ralam f to suit AlmoM n w 3-bi1;m hime ', acre Tier het AH alei heater, nsrare Fui: pr.ee nn'. t:5P0 $2.r)0() DOWN In beautiful district nori'i of Sair-n I bdrm. auto oil heal, t, replace t.cld floors. Weat herstrlpping , insulation, f .tY. rite 111. 000 Al Isaak & Co., Realtors PS. l-TUb, Ite. 2V47J. I t.l FOR SAL! HOUSES Sf.Vf 2 bedroom plastered homt. fait. For sal by owner. PH. 2-8550 or 1180 Center A' 3 B. R. HOME IN WALNUT PARK First time luted, this very attractive home. Lite, llv rnv. din rm kitchen A noon, double plumbing, fireplace. full hssmt , auto. heat, lane iirMt, tlojta to Ens le wood h. nd bus. Immed P".v. Call Madd. Olson & Reeve Realtors 3 tin KM. plastered house on I good teres, SafiOO THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Phone 24793 al67' MOliFltS ft rm. home. attached garage Venetian blind, hdwd. floori. Ideal lo cution. 930 N 13th. 268 Picha's Column Near the Salem-Dallaa road la a neat l Bdrm. all electric homt. In a reilden tial district, the kitchen and dinettt In knotty pine la unusually attrartlve. the floori are all hardwood, attached garage. The price of $8350 la not unreasonable and vou may have good terms. In the Englewood district, we'd Ilka to ihow ynu a fine 3 Bdrm. home, age 12 ye lire, tull dry basement, fireplace, din ing room, met yard. A fine home among line nomfi, pricea at u,utru. wani me ari'1ren? Call us. Hurt Picha, Realtors (MM POSS.: A nice 3-room cottage. 1 bed room, living room, kitchen and nook b A. filbert and only 30 minutes drive from Salem. Price Is 18 000. I BKD ROOMS, living room, dining room, kilrlien, nook. bath, small basement, gnrace. Thi houe Is clone to stores, srhoot and bus line. Priced at 18800. A (.OOP suburban hom- on large lot. liv ing room, kitchen, lot of built-in, nook, bath, wired for rang and water heater Priced at S72M). ENOM.HOOD DISTRICT An older home wnii 2 bedroom down. 1 up. bath, liv ing room, kitchen, nook, automatic oil furnace, wired for range and water heater. Clone to schools and H block to bus Price tlO 000. P. H. Bell, Realtor 361 Chemeketa St. Ph. 1-4896, 2-1M5. Eve. 2-0888. 3-8566. 2-7583. a 288 swMiO. 5-room, 3 -bed room home, about 2 years old tn new district at 38th A "D" R OSTEIN A ADOLPH. INC. U0x N. Commercial St. Ph. 1-3030. Eveji. 3-8314. a268 TWKI.VE I.AROE ROOMS. Larae llv. room with fireplace, dtnlni room, kitchen, t bedroom A bath down. Six rooms A bath up. Full baement, oil furnac. hot water heat, larga lot with shade trees. Price 115.000. R OSTEIN A ADOLPH, INC. HO'-i N. Commercial St. Ph. 1-3030. Eve. 3-8314. a36S IMMEDIATE POSSESSION tv . ii.soo dn. 2-bdrm. home wired for eler. range, bus at door, streets A sidewalks In Set Allen Jones cr Mabel Needham, Realtors 141 State St., Rm. 4. Ph. 3301 a 367 FOR SALE LOTS LOT 75x120 No. 2 gone. Quantity of lum ber. 11700. 2 Lots in Englewood district. Joe Hutchison Realtor 4 SI Court Street, Salem, Oregon Phone 2-3629. Eve. 3-4789 Or 3-3632 Ba289 One a large aa20T KINfivVOOn HrlsliL City View Tract 90 x 115. Wooded, paved street. Restricted district. Ph 2453R aa207 FOR SALE FARMS HOP RANCH. 70 acres In hops; fully equipped. drier. mechanical picker, lame marhlnery building, tractor, trucks, and all nerexsary machinery. 7 rm, res., 8 car gHntge. Priced at $100. ooo, 'i down. ('. A. Trumbly. real estate biuker, 610 S. 6th St., Grants Pas, Ore. b27 o ACIIR farm, about 2! arre under cul tivation, 2 room home, biirn, chicken house, snrlng. lot of wood timber, on good roHd. Thin place will be sold to the highest bidder, must be sold In or der to complete estate. This place Is Ideal for strawberry growing. For In spection contact Homescckera Agency. Silvertoii. Oregon. b287" Looking for a Small High Productive Farm? Then here It Is: 2!t acres of Willamette llt loam. With the exception of a 2 acre timber pasture It Is all In a high Mate of cultivation Including several sere of berries. The land Is all well drained and even ha an all-year creek running through It There la an excel lent dairy barn, machine shed, and aar awe. The house has five rooms Includ ing a very modern kitchen This Is a real bargain for only 113 500 00. DUNN REALTY EXCHANGE Realtor 984 N. Pacific Hwy 9E Woodburn Ph. Main 136. b2B7- WANTED FARMS Rave canh buyer tor a 60 to 100 acre rarm near or lacing ihk North with good home, Al Isaak & Co.. Realtors 3019 Portland Rri. Ph. 3-7820, 3-45B6. 2-0473. 2-35SI b269 FOR SALE ACREAGE HUGH PROFITS! (4IY'T. and stmt land sale offer ranch. timber, ararlna land In Calif , Oregon, Wn-'liuwlnn at II 50 to 13 per acre min bid Free circular. Purine linds. P O Box 3i:0-PJ. llollood. Calif. bh367 .111 Ft. on Highway" iE Five acre. Home, berrle. busine site I ' mi. south of Dickson's market Term Owner. Rt 4. Box 4te bb370 BY OHM H 30 acre in the fast growing Ac1e (iL'irict The acreaae 1 close to schttol A Mleal for subdivision. Ph. 39460 or itt7 bh REAL ESTATE Six .ste. CI I r KMOH F VII I. AOS nri min rri. c oi-nthy . city Now open tii.aur of 15 distinctive t rn, i at erasing acre In sie Wooded i r hv Is w ith several on Olen creek l-lral for ranch or rambling homes H-'MMclrd residential. 1 ' miles north ntt Wallace Rd. then west on Har- 0 it dne c271 N K L S 0 N N HW S 3 II0HM. NORTH 1 R dining rm , kitchen, 1 bdrm and tin' . 1st tlr . 3 bdim 2nd fir Fireplace b..:nt . '.im: rm oil furnace, eler. water h r 2' en1., o.l tank, dble gar., paved ui .. I) K to bii. IR7S0. 2 HPIUI. EAST P.a.vierrd nun! home ith haidwood mil tin. ne. loi with ahaded i''. me t uniiKt o 1. g.iproted IflttSO HUME RENTAL INCOME 1 txH'n nuid home and 3 rentals In busl iii . -o, '.Mie t . imi nu r.t meni on rapidly ei'rti'i1n sirrel IJ" 000 COOP CLOSE-IN APT . tmiaU and ianou oa ner quartera All ii,Mte hutli. id.' a I location I' his Is a tirt r l .., irtrriv Million COUNTRY HOME WITH INCOME A MkMaiitlal 7-rm plastered lioiwe with hum 3 toilets elec. liahl. wired for imif bum ami concrete fir. lae Ci'iMn lu-e , good ell ajli elec pump itW to houe and barn Supplemental liic.mie from clieit.es peachc. filbert, and oitirr m iel tr im ih: 4 y mi out Puce til OOO Im.udea $ Soo-capacit? bioovlpf. oil healer elc COOl) KAMIl.Y FARM il at re JO acre tunil, fnut and F or chard av Mlraab IJOi0 fj,rn cetti- lieo p,inti, li ac i'.ti,te creeg spring ne In alii If nne of the ahme meet tour re finements tell u wnat jim want, if we do not alread hae it Ij-ied we prob ah i know liere in find it tor you NKLSOX & NKLSON Specializing Realtors tM R. H.ga raotae i-42i. uv FOR SALE FARMS CAN YOU BEAT THIS? SO Acres North on pavement, fair house, old burn Price only $9250 120 Acres North, partly new land. Mostly Willamette and Amity Soils. Fair Buildings Price $18,750 BLIVEN C00NEY CRAIG Realtors 47 North High St. Phone 23617 Evenings 38918 - 35053 REAL ESTATE REIMANN FOR HIWAY FRONTAGE Lots with water. 1300 down, 130 per month. Onlr 4 left. Hurry! $25 DOWN 115 per month. Lots with water and electricity. North and East. Bus service. Se them today! REIMANN FOR 201 S. High McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 169 South High Salem Phone 38620 or 35131 FURNISHED DUPLEX Oocd location, double garage, large lot, showing good returns. Very attractive suburban home, extra large lot. two-year-old home, plantered litcnor, fireplace, 2 BRb. bath, wall-to-wall carpet In LR and DR, k. built ins, nook, Ven. blinds, utility room, garage, city bus by door nice lawn and shrubs. Very nice 3 BR home, plastered Interior, HW floors, fireplace, bath. LR. PR, kitchen, built in. Ven. bllnda, baaement, oil furnace, garage, Va block to bus, large, well-kept yard. COME IN OR CALL 38620 - 35131 Evenings cal!34937 or37163 LEO N. CHILDS, INC. Realtors FULLY STOCKED AND EQUIPPED grocery store In one of bent residential areas on ft busy corner, ft-yr. lease at $75 per mo. See this and be pleasantly sur prised at what you can get these days for only $5000. MOVE RIGHT IN to this l'j yr. old plastered home of 2 bedrmi. It has ft nice living rm. dinette, kitchen, lrge. unfinished attic, att. garage and acre of good ground with many fruit and nut trees. City bus service close. $8500. I II. 500 TAKES THIS modern up and down duplex completely and nicely fur nished. Basement; double garage; lot large enough for a residential court. Al1 in easy walking distance No. from city center Income 1110 per mo. PROPERTY ON STATE STREET near 12th Is delevoping rapidly. We have ft good old 9-bedrm. home located on a piece of ground 120xl.r0. Just a perfect apt. site. Ha enouRh Income from rentals to carry the Investment. $25,000. A MANSION ON THE HILL, a stream below, back drop of fin overshadowing 33 acres of fertile berry fields and orchards. Here la quality and class begging for a new owner. Illness forces sale. Fifteen minutes from Salem on paved hlway. $28 500. If you don't see It advertised CALL US LEO N. CHILDS, INC., REALTORS "St Years af Dependable Service t Noma Owners" 344 State St. Phone 2-3863 Evenings Call: 2-5855; 3-5620; or 2-400? e267 REAL ESTATE WE HAVE several good business locations with small bldKS. See us for details. B. Isherwood. Realtor Ph. 6PII, Rt. 1. Box 243 or Ph. 2-8836 1289 6th St.. W. Salem. c289 CALABA'S COLUMN CUTE NEW HOME Will be finished soon. 2 bedroom, living room, kitchen and bath, located on N. 23nd st. Ifiiioo. ' BUSINESS ZONE 5 -room home with basement and fur nace, garage, 4 larire fruit and nut trees. A good buy for future business use. 17500. JUST FINISHED Dandy 5-room home, very attractive throughout, oak floor, elec. heat. See for yourself. Only 19000. ON HIGHWAY WEST Modern 5-room home with unfinished upstairs, basement and aawdust furnace, double garage, oak floor and fireplace, nearly l acre of land. Not far out and a real buy at just 110.000. Will consider small acreage as part payment. We are in need of city and suburban listings.- RUDY CALABA & CO. Realtors 230 N. High Ph. 3-5838: Eves. 3-3779, S-5514 WANTED REAL ESTATE WANT FARM seven to fourteen thousand total price. Must be on major highway. Mr. F. Mack, Cottonwood, Calif. ca2S9 WE ARK In need of goon bouses to sell in or near Salem II you wish to list your properly for sale see QRARRNHORKT MO.. REM TORS 134 S. Liberty St Phone 2-2471. ra NOTICE! If your property U for aale rent or exchange, tut it with us. We have all kind of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS li3 S Hleh St ea BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES THREE RUH'KKS on three lot. Busine gone clow in on south hieh t. Thi i an opportunity or further Informa tion rail Joe Hutchison. 45 Court St Salem Phone 2-36. Eve. 3-4769 cd269- WANTED to lease- Service Station. Capital Journal. Rox 122. cd273 SUBURBAN 125 ft. Frontage on North River road south of Keier. Ficellent site tor store with parking. 2 bdrm house, out buildings. Substantial loan may be as sumed Edward A. Pyck Re Estate Broker 309 Oregon Bide Mommas 2-5211. Evenings 3-60S6 cdJ67 NOTICE INVENTORS New duplex. I BR hardwood floor throughout on each side lor a ted In Hollywood district. Insu lated, weather! ripped and range and refrigerator go. IbbOQ cash will handle, balance at 4'", , Goodwin and MMillin, Realtors 4R4 Court Phone 3-4707; Evening 1-7263 Or 2-5146 cd266 Restaurant, $500 Down Pnre $1500 Includes equipment and 3 or I yr. lease Llv qtrs. available at $35 per mo. extra. Call Allen Jones ot Mabel Needham. Realtors 341 Slate St. Rm. 4 Phone 3-9301 cd267- 01 E TO l KM ha muM sell grocery and meal market doing eood busine. Will sell stock at In vent or v price No blue akv See Dickinsons Grocery, Fall Cilv. Ore Ph 381. fd267 $7t tYIFK 1o start and chance to learn business Stead work, good hours, must have 000 investment which will be full secured. Write Box 65. Capital Juornal cdiOR TtHE A I OUR at tni new deal en Stouts Uro A Hdw. Store Lease on bide., house to rent. bog. repaired Stock at inventory. Fixtures reasonable Good business A low overhead. Perrydale. Ore frtJSl 'WANTED FURNITURE El RMTI'RE. household. etc Men clothing and shoe Trunk lueeage ete SUNl.AI.R EXCHANGE PAWN SHOP 594 n Liberty Ph 25511. da I TOP Pftirrt pat ot need furnltvrt tooit and Hardware Call Mr Reiser ft 38$ N Commercial da icnysT PRfcTsTpain Phone OlemV at Wowdff Ahum Market. Eh. ill. i IFOR SALE FARMS IREAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE 810 ACRE Clone tn North. I rears old. S bedroom home. Onlr 16950 or 17059 furnished. No. 3S4. $300 DOWN Will Buy You a Home Thru REAL ESTATE Ph. 3-8203; Eve. & Sun. 2-4628, 3-5905 36T FOR SALE LIVESTOCK jkrsey-oi ERNsey cow, J'i yrs. Old. Ph. 25809. e268 FOR SALE: Young Jersey cow, very gen tle. Ph 22121. Rt. 9. Box 200. e268 GRAIN-FED white-faced baby beef. 650 to 800 lb. real locker meat, come pick your own. We deliver. O. E. Schryder. Ph. 22.1U7. 1 mile from Salem Bridge on Oalln Hiwnv e267 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED A LICENSED UvetOck buyer. C. McCandllsh, 1127 8. 25th. Ph. 3-8147. ea280 !. I. SNETIIFN A SON, Licensed and Bonded cattle buyers. Ph. 2-1345. ea278 PETS A DANDY Welch Corgie puppy. AH brown with white boot. An Ideal pet for kid dles. Ph. 27358. ec269 MOTHER CAT and kitten given away together or separately to anyone of fering good home. Phone 3-6661. 1260 D. ec268 POR SALE Reg. English bulldogs. Papers furnished. Call at route 9, box 484. Ronne's Fur Farm. ec267 CHOICE Canary Birds. 360 N. 18th. ec286 DOGS BOARnED by day or month, train ing A grooming. Horse meat. Free pick up A deltv. LeGray Kennel. Ph. 3-1398. ec284 FUEL 2-FT. FIR limb wood. 116 00 per cord, de livered. Ph. 68F22. ee269 ENGLISH RCI.LDOG. female. 1 yr ped igreed champion stock 150 00, Good home. Dr. Paul Wolfe. Ph. 34888. ec266 GOOD DRY 16 In slab, also green 16 in. slab for furnace use. Immediate delivery. OREGON FUEL CO. Ph. 3-5533. ee291" 16 IN. GREEN EDGING 15 50 per load. 16 In. dry edslnKs 17 50 per losd. OREOON FUEL CO. Ph. 3-5533. ee291 YOU HAUL DRY WOOD 3 175 MISSION CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Phone 3-6444 TRI-CITY FUEL Freh Cut Sawdut Dry 16" Millwood Ah fit I I H Green Staaap Prompt Delivery - Ph. 37443 West Salem Fuel Co. 16-IN DRV OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH ttl.OCK WOOD ll-IN CLEAN NO BRK BCRFTNED SAWDl'ST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone : Salem 3-4031 4,10 pick up wood at 153$ Edgewater St W Salem ee FOR SALE POULTRY RARV CHICK. Week) Hatches New Hampshire Ph S?M1 Le'g Hatchery t PRODUCE CARROT w - rtRROT. Sweet A tender. Reasonably priced Extra aavinaa for lae. quantity, Rt. 7, Box 302. O. P- Mil ler 'Lake Lablh f fa. t C4RROT CARROTS; Sweet and tender Reasonably pi Iced. Extra savings for let. quantity Rt 7. Box SOI, O P Miller, tlake 1 hi.h ff371 HELP WANTED WANTED AT ONCE primary teacher lot 1st and 2nd grade. Write Mrs. Etft Bates. Hebo, Oreg. g29 WANTED: Well known Musician to work on new Lyrics. 190 Ith Place, Lebanon. Ore g)69 HELP WANTED MALE E 4.NTED rT TIME men with 16 day Urn hours ailable to help contact 10 000 veterans still not taking adtantaae of the Gt Rill of Rights Must have car Over course available. I1.V00 salary to start puis auto allow ance plus bonuses We can also use limited number of full time men, pre vious sales experience helpful Write American Technical SotuMy, VA. $0 E Mlh Chicaao 37 ga387 WANTED: Man to handle auto accessory department Must be exner. tn this line and capable ot managing department Good aalar and an excellent fomm -ion plan Excellent opportunity for ad vancement AppIt at Mi M O. Olan vilje, Montgomery Ward A Co., Salem aai: REAL ESTATE LEE OHMART & WEST SALEM HOME We ha- a cosy 3 -bed room horn located on Piedmont ave.. carpeting and panel ing In living and dining rooms; new oil furnace; immediate poammioo: price la $11930. How about so offer? Be Mr. Stewart. LOOKING FOR SOMETHING DIFFERENT? They say variety Is the spice of life; let us show you an ultra modern $ bedroom home located at 685 wild Wind dr . elec. heat; nice fireplace; carpeting. This home Is new and of excellent con struction; nice view; owner leaving Ore on and must sell at once. 13000 down. bal. P. H. A. payments. May be seen at any time. Call for Mr. Sullivan. Pleas do not disturb occupants. Lee Ohmart & Ph. 24119-6. Even. ph. 2 GRABENH0RST SPECIALS Apt. House High on a Hill I spacious apti. each with fireplace, elec. heat, hdwd. llr.. very adequate tore-rms. In bsmt.. garage A space for beauty parlor, delicatessen, etc. SEE THIS TODAY IT'S GOOD. Would con sider nice home at part payment. Call Coburn L. Orabenhorst. Must Be Sold If you want a real nice, up-to-date farm, be sure to sea this one. 40 acres of beautiful farm land. 4 nice springs, modern rm. home in wonderful con dition. Very nice outbldgs.. Including barn, chicken house, brooder house, A hog house, new corral. All bldgs. newly painted, lights A water to all bldgs. Cement sidewalks. This Is a first class place and worth the money. 115,000 for Immediate sale. Call G. H. Oraben horst, Jr. For Sale or Trade Beautiful building lot with a view 75x150 ft. will take a good car or pick-up for this lot. Price $2500. Call Geo. Grabenhorst, Jr. Grabenhorst Bros., Realtors Phone 2-2471; Evenings 2-294$, 3-7772. 3-4369. 23-F-14 2-6010 For Prompt. Courteous Service, List Your Property With U. George W. IB5Z N. Capitol Bl siNKsa LOT. One of the finest business lots In Hollywood district, corner lot on Enxon and Capitol. Has good home and garage. CONFECTIONERY serving ice cream, coflee. sandwiches. Directly on Hiwgy in Salem. Connected with Saving Center grocery store. All stock, fixtures, and equip JjJJJ Practically new worth $8,000 alone. This Is priced for quick sale at only APARTMENT HOUSE. 2 apartments, large lot. poss:blllties to build more Walk ing distance to downtown business district. All new furniture. $150 Income month lyPlus owner's apartment. Ccmblnation restaurant, confectionery, liquor store, and bus depot. Also 5-rm apt On 9E, restaurant has capacity of 30 persons. Don t wait too long, this will go quick. NICE 2 BDRM. HOME with part pecan floors, modern bath with shower, full basement, and furnace. Small lot. $6850. Easy terms. ACRE, new house. 1 bdrm.. modern. Garage, bus. Will trade tn on farm. $6500 COL. STYLE HOUSE. 4 bdrm.. part HW llors. fireplace, plastered, nook built ins, basement, garage, bus block. EVENING 2-6862 J. Zeeb 2-5481 F. West HELP WANTED FEMALE SECRETARY to the director of admissions at Willamette university, shorthand and typing required. See Mr. Paeth. Rm. 4. Eaton Hall. Ph. 39366. gb269a WANTED: Reliable woman for office work. Some typing and knowledge of bookkeeping. Apply stating age, exper ience, to box 72, Capital Journal. gb370 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Commercial Placement Agency Stenographic Bookkeeping Sales Typing Filing 160 State Street Phone 2-1488 gf367' WANTED SALESMAN OLD ESTABLISHED national firm recent ly promoted two men to managerial positions, leaving openings In our sales organization for two men. Must have car. Our men are now earning $150 per week each and up. Contact Mr. 8impon. 348 N Com'l., Room 23 any day before 3 o'clock.- tg270 MAN AND WIFE With car for distribu torship. Must have good appearance, be under 45 and have good reference. Dig nified work. Liberal commissions and expense bonus. Mr. Turner. Hotel Mar lon. 10 a.m. Thursday only. gg369 SALESMAN for roofing A building ma terial. Liberal commission plan. Mont gomery Ward, 155 N. Liberty. gg WANTED PWItToNS """" CHILD CARE by day. Pickup and delivery. II 25. Ph. 2-7477. h269 CLEANING by the hour. Ph. 38598. h268 COOK - HSKPR. - Nl'RSE. Ref. Reliable. w rite ariBiia. vapuai .journal, w me Box 75. h269 HIGH SCHOOL want to work for room A board In Salem home. References. Reply Box 73 Capital Journal. h268 BIXLDOZINC. clearing, logging with R-4 cat. equipped with wench, dozer. Hour or contract. L. V. Lemire, Rt. 7, Box 222. h276 TAX-SAVER system will save you money, time and worry. Let me talk over your bookkeeping end tax problems. Tel. 3-6653. O. K. Tomllnson. h370 INTERIOR painting. Exp. Ph. 2-6796 hI90 TREE WORK, trimming, topping, felling, removing. Ins. opei. Free est W. H. McAllister. $40 Trad. Ph. 21496 h38 WILL GIVE good care to your children In own home. 1180 Shipping. h287 POE'S MIMEOGRAPHING, typing, book keeping service in our home. Quality work, lower prices. 669 N. 16th St. Ph. 3-3643 h383 BlLLnoIMl and grubbing. Have 24" breaking plow. By hour or contract. L. C. Mitchell. Ph. 35337. h267 WO C L D f I KE to care' for small child days for working mother in Kelier district. Phone 2.S8J5. h367 ACCOI'NTANT 30 yrs. experience In gen eral and public accounting desires po sition with business or public account ing firm. Write P J. Mc Daniels, 333 N 3tt St. CorvallU. Ore. h367 CHILD CARE. All ages. Ph. 24369. h267 PLASTERING, PATCHWORK A chimney building. Ph. 34389. Fre estimates h7 TREE WORK Trimming, Removing INSURED OPERATOR Free estimates, John Payne. Ph. 26014. 218 8 Church. h!83 CARE FOR children In my home. Prefer 6 mos. to I rears. 16$ t. 16th, Ph. 36878 hJ87 LANDSCAPING, new lawns, planting, rototllllng, grading, tree trimming. Rich ard Bover Ph, 1-3356 h37t DRESSMAKING. Guar. Reas. 1530 Trade WANTED TRNtTlRE to glu A repair Let Bros Ph. 31233. h AUIO PAINTING lu ft shade) betUr by Ray Etter Call Shrock Motor Co 2-tl0l H373 OMR- REPAIRS and remodeling b Al bert Rrant builder. 610 Beck av. Phone 31115. Immediate service. Only 10 down, up to 3$ ma. on bal h2T2 DRFSSM IKING Alt. Ph. 1-7004. 2440 Cherry Ave. h3M R4RY SITTING. Phone I -OS or 1-3991 hi$0 FIRST CLASS carpenter work New r remodel. Large or small. Ph. U;ai r.3M FOR RENT ROOMS PIE4SWT Oeeptng room for man. 1A NOMMPh2-454r jkitt LARGE heated sleeping rooam. Rt drlrtt- rs. 601 R. Coxal. 84, jkltO IREAL ESTATE CO., REALTORS SUBURBAN KEIZER AREA Located on River rd.. good pre-war con struction: Interior completely renovated. 2 bedrooms with partially finished up stairs: extra large kitchen; nice dry finished basement with an excellent super economical sawdust furnace: city bus at door Price is 111. 500. Term. SOUTH ON THE HILL VIEW Here Is a newly finished 2-bedroom home with an unobstructed view of our favorite city, finish paint accord Inn to buyer's Instructions: 1 blk. to city bus: you will be proud f this nice home In this excellent location. See It at 112,700. Terms. GOING TO BUILD? Just listed, a nice view tract. 17x225. In the Mormngside area: 11500 U the asking price. Terms If desired. Co., Realtors 5996 - 2-4722 . 3-6770 10 Acres South River Road Beautiful home in lovely setting. 2 bdrms, A den, fireplace, lge. llv. rm. A din. rm.. full bsmt., auto-heat, located on side of hill. This is a place for real living. Call Earl West. View Property Magnificent view from the llv. rm. and din. rm. of this Klngwood home. hdwd. ' firs.. 2 nice bdrms,. kitchen A bath, attached garage, patio, elec. heat, $13,000. Call Roy Ferris. Good Home Northeast 2 bdrms. llv. rm. din. rm.. hall, nice bath and kitchen, hdwd. firs., fireplace, full bsmt.. sawdust heat, excellent lo cation A room for expansion. $10,000. Reasonable down payment A bal. at $50 per mo. Call Roy Ferris. Auto Repair Business Established In same location for 13 years, located on main thoroughfare, bldgs. recently modernised. 3 modern gas pumps, excellent garage facilities, lge. oil refinery facilities. Trulv a fine opportunity. Call Coburn L. Graben horst. Hubbs Co. Phone 3-3031 PHONES 3-8163 J. Herr 2-01 03 Noonchestcr FOR RENT ROOMS CHOICE rm. for man or working couple. 476 N. Cottage. jk267 SLEEPING room. 635 N. Summer. 4 ROOMS Elderly Christian lady. Kitchen privileges. S. D. A. preferred. 694 N. '12th St. Jk268 WELL FURNISHED sleeping room. Close in. Men only. 737 Center St. Jk269 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms. Close in. North. $17.50 and $20.00 per month. Satisfactory local references required. Ph. 3-3026 day. 3-4770 evenings. Jk288 NICE ROOM close In. Emp. man preferred. 476 Marlon St. Jk268 NICELY FURS', room. Quiet home. Auto, heat. Close In. 1143 8. Liberty. jk267 LARGE SLP. rm. for 1 or 2 with cooking priv. or without. Working couple. Ph. 2-8550. Jk269 WELL FURN. sleeping room close In. Mfn only. 737 Center st. Jk267 SLP. RMS. $15.00. Ph. 39508. 394 N. 14th. Jk287 SLEEPING ROOM. 3131 Center St. Jk288 ROOVS to rent by the month. Hotel Sa lem, 161 8. High St. Telephone 1-3161. Ik FOR RENT APARTMENTS MODERN 2 rm. apt, close In. 535 N. Winter. Jp269 NICELY furn. 1 rm. apt., auto. heat, close in. Cooking priv. 1434 Ferry St. FURNISHED apt. 1 or 2 small children accepted. 635 N. Summer. JP269 ONE S-RM. APT. private bath, refrlg. One small apt., priv. bath, kitchenette. 348 D St Jp267 2-RM. FURN. APT. Ground floor, private entrance. West Salem. Ph. 36495. JP269 Fl'RN. 2-RM. upstairs apt. Private bath, elec. cooking A heatina. Available Nov 15. 150 00. Emp. couple preferred. 1040 Hood St. JP26S SM. APT. 1 or 2. Emp. people preferred $30. Ph. 3-7167, jp268 MOD. CABINS, reasonable rent. 2590 8 Com'l. JP291" 2-RM. Fl'RN, upstairs apt. Utilities In cluded. 674 N. Church. Jp268 TWO APTS., adults, elec. range A rrfrie Ph. 3-8300 evenings. jp268 Fl'RN. MOD. 3-rm. upstairs. No drinkers. Eve. 960. N 19th. )p271 ONE LIGHT Housekeeping rm. Working man or woman. Near bus. No drink: nt 797 80. 25th. jpJ67 CLEAN. QUIET l-rm. apt. Middle-seed lady preferred. 645 Ferry. Jp267 COUPLE. New all elec. heating and cook ing. Gar. Near bus. 1 blk. S. of Dick son's Mkt. on 8 99E. Sunnyside Auto Court. )p267 EI RN. cottage. 3315 Portland Rd. Jp283 DOUBLET! A singles all furn1hed. elec7 heat, city and school bus. 3580 8 Com I jp274 FOR RENT HOUSES t ROOM furn. cottage, mod. Ph. 36618. Jm267 MODERN 2 bdrm. house, hdwd floors, uto. heat, rent or lease, adults onlv. Nn dmikers. Ph. 3-4419 Jni267' 1-RDRM. HoTsE. Only reliable people need apply. Ph. 39046. )m269 1-RIiRM. home. 1 mile from city limits. No children. No pets. First and last mos. rent in advance. 14$ per mo 389 N, River rd Jm267 NEW 1-RDRM. he. lor lease. Call at 4M Tron Av., Salem jm FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS SMALL ATTR 4CT1VE prominent store or office front at 757 Edee water St . W. Salem Rental 135 00 monthly. 1372 4S GLIDER trailer. Ph. 36563. J36t TRAILER CAMP space 110 per mo. With all city conveniences. Roth's Trailer Camp across from South side of Pan hi cannery Jill BUSINESS RM. for ten'. H L Stiff I OOVER or Eleetrolni cleaners witb t Uchments $1 00 day HOWSER RROS Ph 1-1646 ! r Dim trucks, ears Ph. 2-9103. GOOD USED PIANOS n L Stiff TO DO ft good lob rent ft good floor Sand er We ell everything to complete tb HOWSER BROS -Ph 1-3646 ROUS! JACKS, come a'.ongs. cha.a and top hoi auto tools HOWSER BROS Ph 1-3646 f FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS ARMOKAYS Ozone Good Health Rent Sell. H C. Pugh. 684 N. 17th. Pn. -; GARDEN TRACTORS, plumbing tool, pa.nl sirtiers. lawn roller, lawn mow. rs, ftuto tools, drills, bell and disc gander hed--e clippers HOWSER BHOS.-Ph 2-3646. 1 TRI CKS end cars lo' rem Smltty a Clip per Service Ph. 3-9600. Corner Center and Church S: j WANTED TO RENT IMMEDIATELY 2 bedrm. unfurn. home. Baits, man. wife and child. Ph. 3-8930. ja269 SMALL HOUSE or apt. Furntahed. Close in. By Nov. 30th. Married Willamette vet. 3-4224 after p.m. 1366 SMALL furnished house or apt. by mother of 1 e h lid :flJj jjssstft lr ROOM AND BOARD ROOM A BOARD for gentleman. 629 N. Winter JJ268 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Green Schafer lifetime pen. Name A. C. Newell engraved. Reward. Ph 21752. k" LOST: Billfold Nov. 3. Contained valuable papers bearing name Arthur N. Pan kratr. 2049 N. Church. Reward, k268 REWARD: Brown A white Spaniel. Name Butch. Wearing round leather collar. Phone collect 19F3. Independence. Eu gene MacCarthy. route 3, box 833, Sa lem. k268 LOST Black male cocker, white chest. Answers to 'Butch." Call Eleanor. 2-9014 or 2-9159 k2T MISCELLAN EOUS DEAD and worthies stock removed on moment's notice. Ph. 3-5O00. m271 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY SEMLER DENTIBT Adolph Bld-r State A Commercial Bts SALEM Phone 3-3311. Bl BEAT your home electrically It's cra ven lent clean, economical See us tot free estimate Y EATER APPLIANCE CO . 255 N Liberty to HAVE VOIR SINGER Sewing machine repaired by qualified Singer represen tative Ph. 3-3512 for free pick up and delivery service on all makes of ma chines. Free estimate riven before work Is started. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 130 N. Com'l. m' TIME TO FERTILIZE USE ORGANIC FERTILIZER PERFECT FOR LAWNS A GARDEN! 6 SACKS 15 00 110 PER TON FREE DELIVERY ANYWHERE IN SALEM WEST MUSHROOM FARM PH 3-8127 EVE. 2-4397 m1 BUILDING MATERIAL FOR SALE Cheap Lumber Boards and Dimension By the jitney load or by the thousand Delivered or fob mill Can be used for FHA building Independence Lumber A Manufacturing Company, Inc. ma INSULATION and Weatherstripplng. Cro foot Brothers. Ph. 24656. ma," TEN THOUSAND used clean brick. Thos. P. Harris. Jefferson, Ore., first house north of school ma367 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS GOOD AUTOMATIC oil burning hot water heater. Insulated. 30 gal. capacity. Ph. 2-0215. n371 10 SOLID OAK BOOTHS A tables. Ideal for restaurant, tavern, or home use. Bargain. Marlon Hotel. n267 DINETTE SET. White enamel trash burner. Old type elec. range. Gd. condi tion. Rt. 1, Box 56, Jefferson, Junction on old highway. n267 SILVER. GOLD. COPPER, NICKLE, com plete silver repair service. Baby shoes bronzed. A true metal finish. A VEX PLATING CO. ;440 S. 12th. Ph. 3-7771. n391 WORTlllNGTON l"i H.P. Air compressor in perfect condition. 1930 Pierce Aero automobile, 140 H.P.. per fect shape. PORTER'S CABINET SHOP t mile East of Ketzer n2(8 USED TOILET. O.K. 125.00. 1780 N. River road. n268 SED CAS RANGE. Four burner with full xiM oven and broiler. Very good condition. Price 185.00. Phone 36611. n267 ELEC. HOT WATER heater. 42 gal. Col lin. New. 187. Ph. 3-4284. n PH1LCO-COX. radio phonograph. Good buy. 1100. Ph. 3-6580. n267 FILLER BRUSHES, 1745 Or ant. Ph. 38357 n268 SELECT your Christmas piano now. Inves tigate laiimans lay-away plan. A small deposit holds a grand. Spinet or any upnxht for Christmas delivery. Start payments next year. Pine selection at prefent. Shop early at Tallman's and save ja s. urn. a mu irorn Hign prices." D264 GARDEN SAn. tii eve., crusned rock Shovel A drag-line exravatlne WALL LING SAND A GRAVEL CO Ph 2-9349 EXPERIENCED day A hourly care for young children, reasonable rate. Ph. 3-7506. 1675 N. 4th St. n367 REXAIR AIR CLEANER CLEANS by washing the air. Scrubs floors, ptckx up scrub water; dusts: humidifies; deodorises. Drowns dust and dirt tn ft churning water bath. No bag to empty; Just pour the dirt away. REXAIR SALES A SERVICE 1860 NEBRASKA AVE. SALEM, ORE. PH. 2-4517 n278 WALLING SAND A GRAVEL CO CRUsillD ROCK for roads and driveways cement, ready m:x concrete, garden snd Bulldozing dratnaee anrt di'chma -vd shovel and drag line Ph. 1-9249 THOR Automaglc Washera. O lad Irons "ALL" Automatic Wash. Machine Soap Recommended by Thor Hollywood Appliance Co- Ph. 24439 STOP LOOK! AT OUR bargain In furniture and appli ance. Here's some of our bargains. Elec. ranee a low as 142 50. Wood ranges as low a 110. Wood heaters IS and up. Oil heaters 115 and up. Elec heaters S3 and up. 7-way floor lamp 113 50. Elec. washers 139.50 and up. Many other item to choose from. Trade and terms. Hardman Bros . 4 mile from Salem on Portland highway. Open $ a. m. til 9 30 p m., 7 days a wk. n267 6-FT. HOTPOINT refrigerator. Good cond 1140 1545 N 16th St. n26 FOR SALE: Com. wood A coal range; com wood A coal circulator: day bed. Marie Thompson. Red 263, Woodburn. n269 USED oil heater. Judsons Plumbing A Heating. Ph 3-4141. n267 MAKE 8 GALLON'S DO THE WORK OP 4 allh a Duo-Therm Hepplewhite Fuel Oil Heater and patented Power-Air Blower. Come in and let us explain how you can save up to 35 on your fuel bill GOOD HOUSEKEEPING. INC. 467 Court Ph. 39611. n387 iSI.ICHTLT USED chrome dinette set Ta ! ble has solid oak top: chairs have red and cream leather. Ph. 26702 n26 WARDS APPLIANCE Service Dept. of fer complete service facilities for all Montgomery Ward appliances. Just call 13191. n NT IRI.Y NTW Hawthorne bicycle, $3000 Call 20346 before 6pm n369 LATE MODEL electric range. A-l condT tlon. priced right Also new bedding storage box. umnijnM. Ph. 2-lt4 n26t SILENT S4.N1X oil -ir u.ator. red t ni or. tn? Mgs co'i't f1 J-4225. r.2f9 I SED VI EC. rangT :i 50 Toilet, 7-ft elec reir:gerstor 610 So. Cotnl. n373 5-ROOM oil heater. 6 mos o'rd. 300 gal welded stee! tank and fittings. Reason able Ph 3039 nig! HF.IFNE CURTIS empre.vg permanent ae mac nine with J6 featherweteht hesTer !ied on:r a few time Latest irodel Call 1-6:71 or see at 3079 Mar ket at n367 D4RK EX R Chubby coat. Pa, 34014. $,366' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS v. 1$ AUTOMATIC, potatoes 1c lb. Call after 4 p. m. cnarte i,priiwBo. . W Slalem n267 TILTING arbor saw, with accessories nd motor, rn. awai. aueo mcuqt. FOR SALE: Oulbransen piano and bench in fin condition. iw - ioiim ' n36T UNIVERSAL 3-burner electric rang with side oven, 830. rnone i-aaw. GRAPES, lc lb. You pick, Bring contafner. ' North-west on Iirsi enema wa roao. wood cookstove. Edward Zahara, Rt 2, Rox 474. CEDAR POSTS. Ph. 61-P-33- n386 FERTILIZER. Cow or chicken uanure. Delivered in Salem. Well rotted i fresh. 15.00 per cubic yard del. Also manuro br sack $1.00 per sack at place or will del. I sack order. Phillips Bros. Rt 6, Rox 116. Balem. Ph. 66F22. n GUARANTEED Car Radio Servle. Marr Radio 3152 'i 8. Commercial St. n 368 EE US for harvest bags of all kinds W spec la) lie In cleaning A mending. K A 8 Bag Co. 147 Karny 8t Ph plant. 2-1677. HEAT YOUR bom loctrlcnllr. It's eon ventent, clean, economical. 8 is tor (re estimates. Y EATER APPLIANCE OO. 3S5 N. Liberty. n SALEM SAND A GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing Ditching Sewer A Basement Equipment Rental 18 B 4 yds. 12 00 per br. 10 B S yds. 9 60 per hr, D-7 Cat A Dozer 9 60 per hr. D-6 Cat A Dozer 1 40 per hr. D-4 Cat A Dozer 7.00 per br. Phone Days 1-9408 Evenings 3-8246 Salem Oregon n" KELVIN ATOR, Hotpoint appliances: Fow ler hotwaler heaters. Kaipn jonnson Appliance. Ph. 3-3139 iij WANTED MISCELLANEOUS ' WANTED, good piano, can pay cash. Ph. 36725. Dizni SEWING MACHINE, any make or cond. W. Davenport. Ph. 3-7671, 1930 n. lbtn. nazeo USED FURNITURE. Phone 1-9185. na- HURRY HURRY HURRY Bring your donations of toys, clothing, etc.. to the Salvation Army Thrift shop. 237 State St., while there Is time to repair them and make the kiddies happy. Thank you. nal7 WANTED COTTON WOOD EXCELSIOR-WOOD TOP PRICE Or Writ B. E. John Purnttur Cor. 1200 8 W. Macadam Road Portland. Oregon PHOTOGRAPHY NEARLY new Argus C-l camera, ease, color kit, 40 flash bulb. $65. Federal enlarger model 319 and supplies, 145. Ph. 3-4679 evenings. nb267 PHOTOGRAPHIC tinting. Fh. 27685. nb2R6 EXCHANGE MISC. NEED CASH??!! Dlckerin' Dick will gtv you n older car A cash dlff. for that late model (38-46) now ll Dlckerin' Dick, 1295 So. 13th. nn268 19 It HOLLYWOOD GRAHAM Sedan, RAH, Will trade for property, pay or take dttf. 1275 So. 12th St. Ph. 24729. nn368a PERSONAL PSYCHIC and palm readings. Tells your past as you aione xnow it. lour pres ent as It Is. Your future as it will be. Special readings 83. 3560 Portland Rd. Howard Trailer park. p267 ARTHRITIS? Consult Dr. J. A. RomboughT Naturapath and Chiropractor. Inde pendence. p37S ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 724. Phone 35334 AUTOMOBILES SPECIALS 1940 Ford coupe, RAH $ 750 1946 Panel Chevrolet, 4 speed transmission $1095 Zeeb's Used Cars 1J35 Fairgrounds Road. q367 IBM FLY. Coupe, 1396.00. 460 8. 6th! Independence, Oregon. q271 MUST SELL, moving east. Nash 1940 bus. coupe, exc. cond., by orig. owner. Worth 1900. Will take $700 cash. Fir Grove court, Woodburn. Blue 166. q368' 19 Bl'ICK Special sedan. Recently over hauled A In good cond. Ph. 2-3111. q36l MUST SELL 1946 De Soto 1-pass. sedan. Best Offer over 11500. Ph. 21321. 268 SELL r TRADE '41 Dodge 4-dr, luxury liner for older car. Call 2-2394. q271a RECAPPING $6.95 1:00x16 size. 12 months road hazard guarantee, no mileage limit. Retread Ttr Service, SUverton road and Lana ave. q287 194 PONTIAC 4-door sedan, radio, heat er. Oood condition. $850.00. Inquire at 439 Log Cabin St., Independence, Ore. q369 1912 PLY. con., radio, heater, fender skirt. Ph. 92, Mt. Angel. q369 '8 FORD sedan. $375, 129$ Shadylane. q268 1947 PACKARD Deluxe 8 Clipper sedan with overdrive; electric shift; new tires; safety tubes; radio; heat er; fog lights; spot light; sun visor; windshield wusher; slip cover; 12,900 miles One own er; mechanical cond guaran teed. An exceptional buy at $2750. Can be seen at Senator Hotel garage. Call 3-4016. 9 to 5 p. m. q26$ 1934 OLDSMORII.E. new tires and tubes: condition as good as any its age. 1260. See at 1135 So. 18th St., apt. 2. Anytime after 130 p. m. q267 1941 FORD TUDOR sedan, super deluxe radio, heater, foglltes, spotlight. Oood rubber. Call SUverton 133 or 2114. 1939 SERIES 40 Bulck 4-door sedan. Com pletely overhauled. New tires. RAH. 900. 1023 N. 19th. q267 IfWI TERRAPLANE sedan, good rubber. Trade lor livestock or a 1125. 1937 Chev. 2-door sedan. Oood cond. New tires and eat covers. $475 or best offer. Fh. 2-76M 2900 Brooks St. q267 l4i CHEVROLET 4-door sedan. Orif owner. RAH. good tlrei. Prtc SI600. Ph. 2917 Dallas Ore. q269 19.18 FORD 4-dr. deluxe, new tires, paint nd upholstery. Radio, spot lite. Motor Al. Must sacrifice. 265 Ferry. q272 NEW 194$ 4-dr. Pont lac 1 Ph. 1-7893. 289" I94S PI T. Conv 1000 ml See at Hancock station. 146 N. High after f Ot P m. qlt THE REST LOOKING Model A In town. 1931 Victoria sedan. Newly painted. Call 1-4057 . 3060 McCoy. q269 FOR SALE 1949 Studebaker truck. 1-ton. stake body, dual tires, heater, write Cap 1tsl Journal Rox 79 q371 '$ DE. pk-up, gd. condition. OOOD tire. 50$ Norway tve . SUverton 02671 NOT M ANT TO CHOOSE FROM Not many better. OM J. Wilson Cospftny. q26t 17 DODGE by owner, radio, heater, good ruober. run fine. H95. Ph. 25030. q2 19X1 DE SOTO sedan. Chaj. Poapisll. R' 9 Box 494 ql7 (Continued on Page 15) .