Id Capital Journal, flalem. Oresron, Friday, Nov. 5, I94S Heart's Haven By RUTH ROSEMARY CORBY "We'll accept your explana-land she listened for the sound tion," the lawyer taid with an of their return. Neil't voice at air of finality, "until we can take further action." But Mrs Jackson had not yet finished. "You'll be wantin' us to move I suppose?" "Mercy, no!" Mrs. Marbury. frankly yawning, pulled her elf together long enough make this statement. "I've al ready told Mr. Howe that I have no intention whatever-of buy ing the place now." Mn. Jackson's face was a mask of fury as she looked at the society woman. For a mo ment she could not trust her elf to speak and the others, watching her waited in silence to hear what she had to say. Chapter 12 Ham's Surprise her elbow surprised her "I wish I had a house, said. Eve, feeling foggy from lack of sleep, blinked at him. "What did you say?" "I said I wish I had a house to Neil repeated "One Just like this. A house that you'd like the way Gina likes this one Could you wait just a little while and I'll see if I can find another island and a deserted mansion?" Eve's eyes misted, but she tried to keep her voice steady. "Dear Neii! You know I'd just as soon set up housekeeping on a park bench if I loved you Please please don't make it so hard for me. I don't want to I CAN T UNDERSTAND IT-A SHARP GIRL LIKE KIT WHO'S BEEN AROUND-FALLING FOR AN OBVIOUS PHONY LIKE THAT GALL I CHARACTER WELL--1 GAVE UP LONG AOCJ TKY Nb TO f CURE OUT THE Ff?AIL SEX -. MUST GET MY MIND ON MY JOB: I J 1 THERE'S A GOOD SPOTSHOT MAGAZINEl PIECE IN THIS BOOK ALL RIGHT - WHERE ARE THE VAUDEVILLE Star? Of YTSTERQ4Y MOST OF EM SEEM TO BE RUNNING Chicken farms or working in TELEVISION-" BUT THEY RADIO PROGRAMS IKSLM 1IH UBS FRIDAr P.M. KGW ,S iKOCO '.fKOIN "You'd aireadv decided not toP"" Gina s evening. . buy the place," Mrs. Jackson ThV missed the arrival of the mimicked. "Then why didn't'Plane af,er all. Everyone slept vou open your mouth and say! soundly that it was only after so? The minute you'd said that ,he Pilnt had resorted to calling I would've seen to it that you lan(1 thumping on the door that ont off th s island and ant off wime preparations were go- auick. But vou went around in on. Brc" signalled Eve and pretending you liked the place But I should have known you society women are a two-faced lot. You don't care what trouble you make for other people!" With her head high, Mrs. Jackson stalked from the room and her husband slunk after her like a shadow They could hear the sharp bang of the kitchen door as the couple retired their own quarters. "Well, of all things!" Mrs. Marbury exclaimed, helplessly." Gina laughed. "Never mind, Aunt Helen. Mrs. Jackson's probably a communist. But," she went on glancing at Ham. "I'm rather sorry you decided against the house. I think It's a darling old place." "You do?" Ham's voice was surprised, and he looked at Eve as if for confirmation. "Of course she likes it!" Eve said, ignoring Julie's frank dis approval of the discussion. "It they slipped down to the shore "I'm going to wait here on the island. Ham will have a boat sent out for me," he told her. Eve nodded, her eyes fol lowing the curve of his cheek the easy muscular strength of his shoulders, braced against the brisk ocean breeze. The plane lay close to the pier, seeming (n.trvfN nuw puihen lor lllKm, wnen Hreu aia not say any thing further, Eve said hesitant ly, "Will Ham and Gina really come here to live, do you think?" "Oh, yes. Ham asked me to fix up the place. He and Gina plan to be married in about six weeks. By that time I'll have the major repairs done. Then they'll come and work on the furnishing and interiorchanges." He turned to Eve directly for the first time. "I always told you that someone would take the house, even if Mrs. Marbury UNCA DONALD, VOU WENT TO SCHOOL AND GOT A s GOOD EDUCATION. k I I i v Of 1 CWej VW1H rOlO IT TEACH VOU TO " THINK. A THINS OUT AND G73h"tHE (PaECISELV.Q ANSWEj CCIL f WELL, HOW COME ll I VOU DON'T REALIZE SENPinaS-.. j r? f ...ME TO SCHOOL I WAST f- IY TIAAE J 1 I could be made into a dream of!a,"n ou st 1 was r,nl- eve noacien again. ane nad a a house on a dream island." She did not mean to look to ward Brent as she spoke, but Neil, clearing his throat sharp ly, made her realize that her ex pression had been revealing. She blushed and glanced away, and Neil came to her rescue with what seemed an idle question. "This 'estate' that Mrs. Jack son talks about so intimately," he said to the lawyer, "what's the name of it?" "The Holmes Estates," Howe replied at once. "They've been in litigation for some time now, but they'll be settled this ses sion, I believe. . . ." Ham roused from his rapt con templation of Gina's delicate coloring, "what what did you say?" he stammered, still having difficulty with his lip. "The Holmes Estates," the lawyer repeated. "But but that's me!" Ham exclaimed. "I mean well. Mother's brother had lot of property under that name, and It's still in the process of what-eha-may-call-it , . . getting set tled. If there's anything left after taxes and such, it comes to me." There was a babble of excited eomment lost on Ham, since Gina had thrown her arms tightly around his neck. "Gina'" Mrs. Marbury finally made her voice heard. "What in the world has come over you?" "It's all right, Aunt Helen," Gina answered, her soft cheek still burrowing In Ham's shoul der. "We're engaged." 'It was the lawyer who man- feeling that Brett was talking against time to cover up what he really had intended to say last night almost in this very spot. Anything else, even about his work, was for the moment unimportant. "I suppose we'd better be get ting back. Breakfast must be almost ready," Brett added after a minute. Eve stood without moving he turned. "Didn't you mean it when you kissed me?" she asked, puz zled. Brett looked angry. "Of course I meant it." "Then why don't you say what you started to last night?" "All right, then if you must have it in words of one sylla ble," he said fiercely. "I love you. Do you understand that? I love you." Eve looked up, the color sweeping across her face and making her eyes more than ev er the same shade as the water at her feet. 'Yes, 1 understand that," she said quietly. THE END Schocked Ware, Mass. U.PI Volunteer firemen fighting a fire on the Alston Cross farm were shock ed when they aimed a large hose at the blaze. The shocking mvsterv was solved when It was discovered that the hose line had been stretched across live fleet ric wires. our celebration now you say, Mrs. M;ir- aged to break the tension. He patted Mrs. Marbury shoulder. R"m was originally known as as she sat quietly sniffing into ; rumbullion in the lBth Century, her handkerchief, and called toi" rumho in the 19th and fin Jim Droissard: I ally as rum today. It meant 'This is an occasion. Andl"Kreat tumult" in Devonshire since it is our last night here, I dialect. propose we get a bottle of wine and have What do bury?" "Why why .of course " Mrs Marbury tried to pull herself to gether. "Ask Mrs. Jackson to get it oh, Gina, what will your uiu-le say?" Gina and Ham both went over and talked in a low tone to re assure her. Eve. suddenly real Izing that she was very tired, re solved to go upstairs as soon as she graciously could. Jim Oroi sard's footsteps could be heard going out toward the kitchen, No 2S6B is cut in sizes 1, 14. lR. 18. 20. 36. 40. 42. and 44 Sie 3(1. .V, yds. 3S-in. Send 3.V tot men pattern with Nmr. A'fcirraA and Stvle Number Stale Sle dtvlred. It you would like to see over 900 other tMttei'iw s(les -hat roter all sires, site, sod nria.lolu--lncl!ldint a siwml section devote to a va riety ot Christmas ?llt you can make easily and rvonoirtrally be sure to order a ropy ot the Fall Winter Fashion Hook. It's a won dertul t.M tor home-sewers and the price is tint Sor Address PAT TKHN PKPAHTMFNT Cspllal Journal. y2 Mission St. tan Fran claco 6, Cahf. 2568 i na ven ted ft A&L'V-'JLS m sua . .u..uon- I M OH,MONSrERl H6ARO V YEAH? HAT THEYDE SB M TH" 1) R 1 MfRSTH'GVft APTEB II JUST THLK YOU POP GOH' TPOK3HT IV J r NYWI COUP VM. I DONT Wit MXj U EM WONT WOOCY I TO HAE ONC V THOSE ME NO MORE, KO SOCOeNTSi-NOT JUST DEY HAD PCOORrrs-J BECAUSE OP A PROMISE HM I MADE OPT PPOMtSG BECAUSE O VOU -SURE BUT I MADE IT TO A PARTY WHO WOULDN'T Ukc Me TO BREAK IT, 1 FKiGeRrLL BE O. K..KIO NO MATTER WHAT DOMT VOU WORRY NONE- Ruprrmaa Chandu Cspt. Midnlibt Tom His r.ftbrirl Heatttr Mil mn Iht Slreat Vif Kid Cite Kid Srtnta frM r.rral riaa Lrate II U Ibc Glrli . Kam Harci Orrhrftra llii h Adventure Hlfh Advrnlurt ; Nw. Mrrlwoad tawtOD : Barb NatiaB Henry J. Tartar 1' Falton Lewis, Orcbeslr Newt Ore best r Jr. Open Hon Open Hna Open Houat Sewa 12:00 1 Open Houat Stmt (ieorca Moorad in Munnv side Elmer lurlron MUklral' Hairt Mutieal Solrea Rrd Skellon Red Kkellon Life mt Riley life .f Rilrr Bill Htern. Kpcrta Rhythm Time Supper Club Newa of W orld Jimmy Durante Jimmr Durante BridriTVlub Bridge Club Rig Town Bit Town Newt Sporla Final Band Wagon Morion Downey Newi DiftrUAvlon Uai Museum Max Museum Sl7nbff Slerpr J finorrhlo HK Kevi Bing Crosby New Mv Kong Mv Sonr Melody Mtterr Hon Mtlerv Houk Tom Harmon .VI-lard Lino FooTbalt Fool ha 1 1 Fnolhall Football Football Football Football Football Newa Track MM Trark 14M Newt Track 14!H Trark 4fM Track I IM Track H Sign Off Knoi Manninc Brer Rabbil Chat. Colllngwa4 Hob tiarrrd Ford Theater Ford Theater Ford Theater Ford Theater Gov. Warren thov. Warren Spotlight Review Hpolluhl Review Lowell Thomkg Jack Rmith show .Inck Canon Jack Canon Mr, Art ind Jan Mr. Art and Jan Beulah Political Five Star Final Spin, tipotllgbt Political Orrhetlra Serenade Serenade Air-fla Newt Silent SATURDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. Mailt March Timt Newt 10. (SM -AMD . NEITHER OF US j 'WILBUO.WE'Re BOTH SIVIM'CAKI AFRJRO- AWAY TOO MUCH EXTRAS Trr WITH OUR UAMSU(?6ERSf iVtir 1M TIRED OF f SO AM I.LET'S Dow business "Vo our this siuiV AMD LOSIKJS MONejoMpET-moKy- SHAKE', from now WEU SERVE NOTUIM' BUT FRENCH FRIES AND SLAW WITH OUR ) BUR6ERS tl,l"s evrrt cucvmc 1 wr.riwciicitj rv sTr -Hwi Since the destruction of the shmoos. fatback the pork king's profits have multiplied and so he's relaxing by fearlessly hunting big game in the hills OKAY, BOSS.r-COMMENCE HUNTINGS-HE'S SO DOPED UP WITH SLEEPING PILLS HE COULDN'T HURT A FLY.T ( WHAT'S THE MATTER BOSS'' WHAT FRIGHTENED YOU I I SAW A HMOO.r 1 V- A LIVE ONE ff A WHILE THEY J I I ivyF Mv DnOU I ) EMPIRE IS A I ii fS I? Newt Rise and fihlnt Cleta Roberta Top Tradet Bargain Counter Son of Pioneers Orrheitra Hodgt Podge Hodgt Podgo Newt Hodge Podge Now Hear Thla Nuw Hear Thla The Olu Song! Newa Newt Garden Guide Pa tor' Call Orchestra So Proudly We Hall C.lrli Corp. Girls Corp. Harmony Houia Platter Jock Platter Jock Platter lock Hit Time Newt Bike Show Burk Nation C:45 ,Ore. vi. M, ! Ore. n. I :I5 re. . :M Ore. . ' ;I5 I Ore. vt. With. Wah. Wah. Wath. TO Ore. va. Waih. ;U Ore. vt. Huh. 30 Sports Palaca 45 ' Orchestra Meet the Merka Meet the Meeke Ed McConnell Ed McConnell Newa Public Affaln Walker's Kittnea News Farm Home Farm it Home Mary Lee Taylor Mary Lee Taylor Archie Andrews Archie Andrews Stars Tomorrow Start Tomorrow Start Tomorrow Start Tomorrow Man an the Farm Eastern Football Eastern Football Eastern Football Eastern Football FaMlern Football EaMtern Football America Views Lassie KOCO Klork KlKO Klo.fe Farm Parade Farm Parade Te Ritter Dick Shannon Rjnd I onrrri Extension Service Haven or Rest Haven of Re,t Western Melodies Pop Variety Pop. Variety Pop Variety Music Without Words Cycle of Songs Cvclr of Songt Muilr of Manhattan News Cowboy Jubllet Hal Derwin Ha. Derwin News Guest Star NBC Symphony NBC Symphony NBC Symphony NBC Svmphony Harry Owens Harry Owens Salon Concert Salon Concert News Noon Favorites SaL Matlnet Sat. Matinee Sal Sat. Matinee KOCO Kapen MM (1 Kapers KOCO Kapert KOCO Kapers KfiCO Kapen KOCO Kapen KOCO Kapers KOCO Kapen News Orchestra Great White Way Newt KOIN KLOCft KOIN KIIXK KOIN KLOCS KOIN KLOCK Newt News Consumer Newi Newt Let's Pretend Junior Miss Junior Miss Theatre of Toda Theatre of Toi Grand Cent. St a. Grand Cent. Sta. County Fair County Fair Give and Tab Give and Take Mary Let Taylor Mary Lee Taylor Mret the Missus Meet the Missus News Driver's Play. Newspaper of Air Newspaper of Air Fool hall Football Football Football ick Foster Chuck Foster Way for Youth Way for youth Art Kirkhaa Lake Surcess Sal Sports Review Larry La Saner DIAL LISTINGS Friday P- M. 8:n, Challenge at Yukon i 5:3u, Jack Armstrong; Sports; :I5. Home Editfoni ::. The Sheriff! 7:M. SporUi 1:1.1. Sport Showl :Ml, Fat Mam ::, Your FBIt t:iNI. Break the Bank; Western Shies; I0:IMI. Northwest News; 10:1.1, Intermesso; 1;W. Concert Houn Orchestra) K:0t, Eilra Hour) 1:HI, Sign Off. Saturday a.m. to 4:411 p.m.! 8 Dawn-Beat; 1:00, Roundup Boysi I:IS. Martin Agronskyt 1:30. Newsi 1:13, Peearch Adventure: 800. Shoppers' Special: 8 30. Headline: 8 45. Dirt Doctor: 9:00. Homo Demonstration: 9:1.t Fairy Talest 8:30. Abbott Costrllo Kid'Showi Costello Kid Show; 1:0, Saturday Session: Great While Way IThe Urnyard Follies tarn yard Follies avorlte Hvsbani Todds KEX KEX B:IS, Abbott A Tot land Tunes: KEX. 1190; KOAC, 550 Ai Frl. P.M. ft: On tha Upbeat i KUAV 8: Newt; A:l!t Melodlesi 0:30 Music: 1:1.1, Farm Hour: :. Research Report: ft: 1.1. Here's to Veterans I Program or Canada; 8:tr, News: 9, Haslet 8:1.1, Lift Voice; 10:M. Sign Off. KOAC K Sat A. l . IB:MI. Newsi 18:18, Specially for Women: 11 :M, Concert: VlifHt. News: 17:15, Farm Houn 1:IHI, Ride 'em Cowboy: 1:30, Voice of tha Armv: 1:1.1, Melody Lane; S:IH, Driver's Playhouse : 2: 1.1. Pan-Amrrlran Rhythms: I'.Mt, Memory Book of Music: 8:00. Sci ence News of the Week; 8:1.1, Musle of the Masters: 4:1.1, Children's Theater. 1 1 :!. Rhvthm: 11:30. Tunes of Yeart I'MMI. Football Music: 4:1.1, Rand Musiei 4:3u. starlight Roof; 4:15, Dorothy Fold- heim. Triple Action Burlington, t. U.R) When 13-ycar-old Maurice Brown firrH hie riflp at a cmiirrpl 4hjk cade County Democratic Central snot kuled ,ne spuil.reli wcnt iCommittee wnen Kay wise sud-i through a wall board of Erwin mitted his resignation after be No Objection Great Falls, Mont. UP) There was no objection from the Cas- OUARaNTEED TO TEnJSf8 MNEX J , BO fT T0hJ WRITE TEN YEARS ocr .1 RAr ill J 'S IT I &UCKS.l0NEljrXVT OF 'NK. YOU f?T' yr V ing elected Democratic precinct committeeman. Wise, it develop ed, is a Republican. Bowley's home, pierced the arm of Dana Warby who was fixing a wall plug in Bowley's home and dropped to the kitchen floor. V 'K$Z-&Sti ITSl-,'!E l5- X XP- Jusr about A SO THIS-IS MILESTONE Jf THE PEST PLKE ) FASM. BOV.I ITS eSALL IN Tl-E SvvelL, iSnt it, RLSry ? S''ffifir'; 5SS5f flu mSz k - we. miles saio voj are to use 'V'that gs ep TmS UOOM FO? TV E TIME SSiNS. CASE AM? IT'S ITEALLy C8. OUINN'S, BUT HE'S I HAT-WHOSE AT THE RACE TtMCK WITH TEX JL8t THSy T AP POC TuSNSuU.- ry THEY'RE DZ OUiWS. FUNNY ABOUT THAT HAT. HE THREW IT AWAY ONCE. EVEN NOW HE NEVER WEARS IT. T HVl-M. ThEYSESWEP FA.ViL'A? AT -F ?ST. &.ESS 1 V I JUST SAW ThEM WITH i V BEFORE THE CRASH. J I MY CORNS (ABE KILLIN' ME- S3 I II SOW I jS 1 LB 1 ' l $LiTEUY USED UMBRELLAS FEB SALE RAIN DUE Any MiniT m MOW FROM SECRiT INF0PMA5HUN MR.PtOCLRR! I PONT KNOW HOW YOU COT INTO inn Tiuf'v. DJi I. ryu I OON T WANT To Go 01 IT ' WAITINC, TO ML ,mMPTO M A A DORJGHT BY 1 1 'Of . TMIRt ARE. MOMENTJ. PETE, WHEN WliM SdT. LINK RatV HAD 4TAVED 1 UNDER Hl OWN PRIVATE PALM TREE .VE-lt5J 6AR0N OF EDEN! ftw.e I ACROSS L Cap 4. Brilliant trokfs t. Not many 12. Wins 13. Extravarant 14. al 15. Taka back 17. Bear witnea 19. Poverty 20. Feline 22. Wentern iut 2.1. Karl lest 26. Frequently 19. Ancient win VM1 10. !lrn 24. VI(t J6. Com 27. Coax 88. Pofm 83. Antmal'v foot 10. Unfamiliar 43. TaMfland 4fi. Catnip 47. Serpenta 61. Develop 63. Tell Ulei 5S. Numfer (6. One of th Pilfrnm aettlera 18. PopeBive pronoun h9. Unit rf work L Epoch DOWN L Mountain Ink L upposite of aweather 2. Spire 4. SturlT 5. RPiilt v i lIe JHwa V E i Ri J NC I N,jT,A N'CiEBfTlN T0 S W 0j O' PHTRjC 'v WH AfTHy AjCfl 6rR5 A 1 M pJajsHcTuTh 7AfflTS B JRASlt ERjEHoiS.LlcUT A M t . Chatter , Put . Mp.imii-m of length I a 13 f W 5 ( T 8 & I" ;.. : ' iZ .' 3 14 73 75 rj 75 att U7 26 . f ' 30 3 33 33 34 3S 5 37 W . 55 Ti 42 43 M Us TISJ 4J 46 5o Tl SZ $3S4 Is 7sT si " si Solution of Yesterday's Puzzla 10. Oprat)o heroin 11. Ry meana of 10. Paid pnbtie notices 1R. Private tear-he 21. I.1trrarv bit 24. Ma1e of a crtBio woo4 ?S. Prattor :'.. Choo L'T. Chare 25. Syllable in mimical refrains 31. Method nt mounting th hnrlzontal bar Jt Character In "I'ncle Tom'i Cnhin" tt. Sovel 3'.. Customary 36. Took for one'a own 38. First whol numher 41. Funeral beO 42. ilnrnllnf nlrknam 4S. Measure 44. At anv tlm 45. Vocal compniMtlrvn 4. Oreek portico 4'.'. Stopper Withered i2. Duct s4. Beli;an mfnmn S7. Down; prtfta ROOM AND BOARD By Gene Ahem I JCVE, CUAvTMORE. HERES OUR. FIRST CJUtSIIUN. WIIH yj ENC1j05ED' - "DEA,R. prof Querv i mawe always been anxou5 TO KNOW MOW MANY WORDS CAN BE WRITTEN WITH A. PENCIL UNTIL IT 15 WORN DOWN TO A STUB CONRAD SAR.Z 340 SWANTr ST that5 ourre SWPLE'--GET A NEW PENCIL AND A I tablet er PADCO -. THEN KEE WRITINS TuE WORDS -K MANY-' AND COjnT THEM AFTER. THb PENCIt IS WORM ryjuw r -v .- 1