14 Capital Journal, Salem, West Indian To Speak Here Winston I. Nune, evangelist fiom Jamaica, West indies, will ipcak at the Salem Youth Cen ter at 7:45 Saturday night and beginning next Tuesday 'will give, a series of Prophetic ad dresses at the Evangelistic ta bernacle, 13th and Ferry streets Nunes. the ion of a govern ment official under the British authorities in the West Indies, has traveled extensively and is noted for his radio program "Nunes With the News." A musical group irom t h e Simpson Bible Institute of Se attle will give severm numbers during the youth rally. , Nunes' lectures w,ll include:, "The Palestine Crisis and thil Coming of Christ," November 9' "Armageddon and the Dying Briton's Power in the East," No vember HI; "Communistic In trigue and the Maik of the Beast." November 11; "Ameri ca's Next Pearl Harbor," No vember 12. Dallas Will Host Church Conference Dallas The annual meelinj of the Pacific Coast conference j of the Mennonite Brethren1 church will be held in Dallas j H. Jantzen, pastor of the locil M. B. church, who has returned from the conference session at Bakersfiold, Calif, Rev. Jantzen, president of the conference this year, presided at the session and invited the group to meet in Dallas next year They voted to accept the invita tion. About 150 delegates were present for the meeting, repre senting churches of California. Washington and Oregon. The lo cal pastor was named chairman of the reference and counsel committee for 1949. Six other couples attended from Dallas as representatives of the local church. Including Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rcimer, Mr and Mrs. Pete Reimer, Mr. and Mrs. Ike Reimer. Mr, and Mrs.: A. H, Friesen, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Klievcr, and Mr. and Mrs. Art Wall. Two Dallas students at the Pacific Bible Institute at Fres no, Bill Reimer and Ted Fast, both of whom are studying for the ministry, also were present. Dallas Churches Christian anil Mlsltiarr AllUnte A UornlACh. paator. Sunday acliool, 9 4V Mnrnlng woraiiip. II Pre-nrgyer. 7. nmi retiml meeting. 1 At. (inn Mennonlle -J. F Hlebert pa t: flundav aclionl, 10, Morning worahlp. 11. Meetma at Piatum churcli for gen eral confernc or Oregon, 3 gnd T. first Pfeshterlan- Egrt William Ben rmw. ft D.. nmtiMer. Sunday arhool, 9 t. wnrMiip hour, ll Sermon, "Your Home Can Tk ll 1 First Methadisl -Clark R Knr. pallor. Church gcrionl. 9 45. Morning worship. 11. Harmon. "Advanre, O Church ft! Ond at Hntnf' Youth fellosvghlp, 610. Evening praiae ggrvice, 7.4ft. Hall Creek Ha1lt rntanuel Woltf. I PMor Bunrlay linol. 9 4ft, Moinsns or Mp. 11 Communion Sunday. Etenlni . aerv.ci. 7 30 , Trlnll t.ulheran Karl A lifer, pa tor. Sunday achool, 10. Dilne woralitp 11. ' Pemdale Chrtstlan-0 A la, mini, ter Hededit at inn of redecorated elm ah building, 7 30. Special ntuaic. meaag by thf pgator. i-venlh Dav A4entlst lUlph OU1 en. pator. Babbaih gcriool. V 4s Sfrnnm, 11. Mention Ite Brethren - (I K .JanUcn. m.nmter Mi.iinarv Tliankstiunt wi ir, t 4 MiAAionarr acnlce 1. Muwlnn Mtv trur! aenlce, 7 10 rello-im- din ner at noon, lunch in lata afternoon 4jantt1lr Pallh Rev. Lfm-e 0rff. pa---Inr flunrtar ariionl. 30 Mornina otalup 11. Evening wnlce. 7 ftO. rtrt Christian -Kenneth John tun i's 1r Bible tM-ftr.nl, I Mmnina shiu'.i:. 1 1 C.fi mm union a'l Mrr Armim The fadianee ol (INI" C'n IMian Emleawu E f niiK aei ii M 7 10 Kianirlli al nltrd rlielluen It VV It- 1 n in Ini'-i . 111.iK.-1rr bullied niu: nl ;.nUtr 9 4.s rn.'t.'r I'liuicli for hoi : a nr Kill-, 1 1 Moi n in" .-rirtion follow Yitijlii iilnw,rli:it, 7. Sinu.'.piratKin, , rhri-h nl iiinl .1 W Himlri im'tiu , ii.i.iv .Mm,,.: Mdiiiiiu- rtowih' n V.'inu oi oi'l .s itirrtirtK. 7. until rr - I v iMietK al Mention He Breiliten A T.i - -n hi .siiimIh s H""i a :i Moni.iu wni.Mnn 11 ciuiAtian Kndea" iil i.-ni.v tlie tiiif.-t.on H( d" r.nr KniiA 1 111 he U fa '.led into I , Srrvlce oi t r l.nrd.'" Onli 4irie Chapel Frennml fsul 'ti.i i-r Muii!in. iv lie 4V .iiutav .-:.i. :f 40 Youth ifiiowsh.tv " .o i hrlvlisn vnrn.e S'inrlav c'.huI U t : ti'.- 11 Mini-. of trie .vrnr f i ii'if. rrn and Fallen Mart ' t til MethndM .laiii-s H Rmei r.i-'m 5uii(1m jr.uvnl If M willing oi ,; U Smw.'.p.raiuin " 10 rirsl R.filit Ut V J roihisn )'- t H .li.is !i 1 9 r Won, 'i H.viir ' ' 1 i t u ns liniim, 7 30 Piea hint hn.tr I m..n Miimiar II pi 1-1 llvnmv rn.,.'im..i A Hes-d, pastor. i.tlds , .i :n tfi num. 11. t. Ihnmas I tusrnpal - Cv rll P Hsuiie i- ("is ii 1 4-m f!nml 10 Mnrnnia pi s er 11 Hclv l)i.'ii.Mr 12 .10 t Philip f athnlir failver M Mrmian U af I nd 1 hutrh mt Jr.as ( krtsl mt letter Ha Pinl - fc mer M ller re:lina flinua at i no). 10 Sarramenl tneel.ng. 11 (hunk f Carll Bible stud ill C"p. urn. on ll dindsir e.ening siid. i Ire MethodM H W MiConni. g. pas tor Sliihb oiool Morning ship, li Evening service. 1 44. Palls Ctl Pre Meihaii n rtert Johaiun, pasiM. uaAa1) school, 1. Mia- Or., Friday, November 5, 1 948 9 1 Jostt Meier Passion Play At Corvallis Broadway producers for years have been striving to produce a hit play. A few have been suc cessful, that success being gauged by a playing run of six months or more on Broadway. The famous Black Hills Passion Play which will appear at the high school auditorium in Cor vallis for only three days (No vember 11, 12 and 13) is now in its 708th year of continuous presentation. T. G. Carlson, president of the Kiwanis club in Corvallis, who is sponsoring the play, an nounced the opening of the club's campaign to bring this world famous attraction to the residents of Benton county and the surrounding areas. This Passion Play had its or igin in 1242 A. D. in Luenen, Westphalia, the first of the ma jor passion plays throughout the history of the world. After nearly 700 years of presentation in its borne in Europe, with the rise of th axis regime, the play started on a world tour, and in 1932 arrived in the United States. Josef Meier, who portrays the role of tlie Christus is probably a man with the world's most un usual profession. In the Euro pean tradition, Mr. Meier was trained from infancy In the his torical, religious pageant. Salvation Army Youth Council The Salvation Army Is con ducting In Salem a Junior youth council Friday and Saturday, at lended by boys and girls in the 10 and 15 year age group from northern Oregon. Brigadier Frank Wilmcr. territorial young people's secretary of San Fran cisco, is in charge. He will be assisted by Malor Henry Korr uer, divisional young people's secretary of Portland. Among other activities, thv group will take a sight-seeing tour through the capitol Satur day morning. Public meetings at the Salva Hon Army auditorium, 241 Slale, will also be held Saturday night at 7 and Sunday morning at 11 when Brigadier Wilmer will speak. Stayton Churches Baptist 521 East Washington tt Re Wiliard Rucknei pastor Sun da school 10. Moi n. na nrsriip 11 Training hour Ma pm Evening service. I gsiemhl t Ciad oerald f Clifton ussior Bunds school. 10 Morning er vie. 11 Vnunt peoples meeting, 145 Evening ev angelistie aetvlce, 7 45. Immarulate Cnnre pllon Cathnllr Rt I M;li Jdtin.-. mm or Sunrise services M.smi Sam 7 .10 a m . 9 30 a m llur I idt mt turdes Unrrianl r'atht. ,.t',niirr S'niiptitri pa.mdi Siiinuier irlied i.r Ut . 2nd and 5i d Sundays, mass I . m. lid and 41 h Sundays, mass 10 im l PVrkks Cathollr I i ns Kat her I eandei SLimetdrr iiaslor Summer srhed i l.t . nd and M!i flundavs, mass 10 i m 3rd and 4:ti Suiidas, mass lam Mrlhadist He v Jnnn Mnrant. P.toi . tit: scimui in wor.tinp serv if ii Yomn , 'el'nwsti.c ( 10 Kven.ng praise service I 30 Churrh ft Christ CUde Pteemsn mln ! inter. Hit school. 10 Momma vmahip eivue. 10 50 Evening worship. 130 Ihmih al 4 hrist L. M Se.d mmism llranm- fia!l R'uMmi P. h.e causes It lo ii." s.uMet a no prrarnnii 11 Sine liu, 'U'fif and prearhing, i Flls I It Seventh D t enlist (k.iWi ('i.ni,irii tatii Satvbaih Sihoot. i .- PifrtiiL.iu Miurej 11 3 Inspirational Ser vices. Bethany Evan. & Reformed Church Marlon & Capitol SI. Rev. Kusm'II Mavcr. Pastor 1 1 00 liev. Pitnl Beckwith. Evan ;el.5t Bible Teacher and cconiplishcd Pianist. 2 00 Harvc-1 Hmne cV Mission ttival Rev. Robert Hov and. Pies. Salem CollcRe and Vciulemy. Music by Academy Student 7 4A Kntire Service by Salem JoMckc tV Academy StudeiUi. Suiulav School 10 00 Bible Study Wed. 7:45 You ate cordially invited to enjoy theae services with Bible Movies To Be Shown First showing of the four "March of Truth" Bible teach ing films in Salem will take place at the First Christian church, November 9. The pre miere will be for the leaders of religious education. The pictures are entitled "Dan iel In the Lions Den," "Abra ham's Faith," "The Rising of Lazarus" and "And Forbid Them Not." They have been produced by Rev. Paul G. Kichl, through the sponsorship of Church-Craft Pictures. Every effort has been made to obtain authenticity in the filming. In the production of "Daniel In the Lion's Den." four live lions were taken to the set. where they were lifted out of a truck by a mobile crane and de posited in an eight foot deep pit. Rev. Erich H. Kiehl, brother of the producer, spent the sprin gof 1947 touring Pales tine and the Near East in order to obtain first hand knowledge for the pictures. Mission Festival Bethany Church Bethany Evangelical and Re formed church, Marion and Cap itol streets, will celebrate its an nual Harvest Home and Mission festival Sunday, with three serv ices, beginning at 11 o'clock with Rev. Paul Bcckwilh, conference speaker, evangelist, and Bible teacher. Rev. ChesUr Rutledge from Bcllingham, Wash., will introduce him. A native of Michigan, Mr. Beckwith labor ed aix years with lh. laic Billy Sunday and four years with Mel Trotter, in evangelistic work. He was pianist for Homes Ham montree and Homer Rodeheav cr. A graduate of Dallas Theo logical seminary, fo.' the past eight years he has been working with the Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship, an inter-denominational work among college stun- ents. In addition to speaking. Mr. Beckwith is an a-iomplished pianist and will bring special musical numbers. At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, Rev. Robert Hovland. president of Salem College and Academy, will be the speaker Mr. Hove land. as the Academy's new president, has the Important task of guiding the affairs of this young Christian institution. In the evening at 7:45 the studenli of the Acamemy will have complete charge of the service. There will be special music, testimonies and a mes sage from the Word. 'Uncle JohnTWill Tolk Here Sunday i John L. Mcrldith, well known news commentator and analyst over Chicago stations, editor of the weekly newspaper, "The Bible and the News" which cor relates world news and the Bi ble, has been engaged to speak In the Foursquare church, 490 N. 19th street, at ?:3U b u n d a y night. "Uncle John," as he is fam iliarly known to radio listen ers In the Middle West, is to bring a lecture or series of lec tures on current events and the Bible. Christian Missionary Alliance N. ruh nt Caitiff 9:45 Stindav School SIMPSON BIBLE INSTITUTE 11:00 A.M. Minn MargareUe Holland, dUtlnRulshrd soprano. Fvalync (irovrhind. ccomplished violiniit Mls Alice Hhoatls, thr accompanist Kfv. Chsrlcs Shirk, dean of men, sprakrr Orchestra practice 5:30 P.M. Young Peonlr'n 6::10 P. M. SIMPSON BIBLE INSTITUTE 7:30 P.M. TRUMPET TRIO: Kail Krirnkr, Clifford Jackson, Jack H ilia rd Rev. Fred Hawley. business manager, speaker. THIS IS HAHVKST IIOMK FESTIVAL FOR THE BIIU.K S( HIMH, 'Come On, We've Got Swell Plans for You! ' Plans to make you into a far more attractive, com fortable and live-able home. Plans that ore inexpensive and easv to follow. Plans that we're backing up with time and monev saving ideas and dependable materials from the Fred VV Smith Lumber Yard1" There s an "extra room" in your home if you Remodel! Stat St., Four Corner! em i dliurcli e3 JrkU Name PentrrosUl 1175 Lewla atreel, Ronald V Sitter. ptMor. Sunday chool, 10 Mornlni a r vice, 11, Kvtning aervice, 7 30, ' Inilllutr f Reliiiou Krlenca Salem'a ! Women a club Sunday, 11 i.m. Subject: I ;"Otfrcomlna Inadequacy." j I Central Lutheran OB Rundatrom. I pastor Sundny school. 9 43. Morninj wor- J ship. 11. Junior Lea i ue. 7. I Flrit I'nllrd Brelheren In ChrUl 1145 j !Mi.-Jilon Jitreet. Sunday achool 10. Presen ilis .service. 11. Sunday evenini. 7. Floyd 1 L. Rice and Virginia Rlc. evanieluiA in 'charge. I Four Corn era RaptUt Sunday xchool ft 45. Horning erice. 11. Julius t Herr, supply pastor Sibject: "Tne Great Con fession. Evening, 7:30, 'The Great I Commission." ! Jaon Lee MethodM North W.ntrr at Jelferson streets. Louis C. Klrby. D.D.. pastor, Sunday achool. 9:45 a.m. Mornlna 1 service, 11. Sermon subject: "Christian Experience Made Beautiful." Anthem: "I 'Will Feed My Flock" Solo: by Mrs. Ghn jHumistan. Evening service. 7 30 Sermjti ;subiect: "At tiie Dale Beautiful." Yo ith ! uroups meet gt 6.30. I Calvsry Bxplift South Llbeity at Ea. t j Miller. Crisrles Durden. D.D , paMOr l Norman Brown, g.ociate pastor. Sun day school, 9:45. Morning service. 11. Ser mon subject: "The Divine Man in Our H'iman World" Evening service. 7.30. The Prodiaal Who Stayed at Home " Rev. Norman Brown preacnea. YoutS i choir, ft 30. Youth Fellowship grours. 30. Chrittian Missionary Alliance -C a inr I .street at North 5th. Herman J. Bohl. I paxtor. Vernon Johnson, assistant, bur. day school 9:45 a.m. Morning service, 11. I Rev. Shirk, from Simpson Bible Institute. 1 Evening service, 7 30. Rev Hawley from j SBI of Seattle. I Kvanselixtle Tabernacle. Acmblv of ;(od Feiry at 13th street. Rev. Walter IS. Frederick, pastor. Rev. James Kesler. Assistant. Sunday school 9:45. Morning service. 11. Holv Communion. Sermon subject: "Best Thlnts From My Old Bi ble" Junior CA, 6:10. Evening service, 7:45. Evangelistic rally. Sermon subject: Eternal Security. How Far?" I St. John' Lutheran (Mo. SvnoHi North 10th and A street. Rev, H. W. Gro.s.s. I Phstor. Morning services at 9 and 11 with Holy Communion In the latter service. No ; preparatory service. Sunday school at 10, ! First Presbyterian Cheinekett at Win ter. Chester W. Hamblln. pastor. John L. Ooodenberaer. assistant pastor. Church school. 9:45. Morning service. 10 55. "The Pilgrimage of Conscience." Armistice Day ermon. Evening service, 7:30, "The Principles of Protestantism." Sermons by the pastor. Mouth Salem Friendi Jiouth Commer- irlal and Washington. Douglas Brown, j ministerial student from Pacific colleae, I will be the guest speaker. The pastor. Os car N. Brown, is conducting a two weens meeting at the Camas Friends church In Washington. Church f the Covenant- Rev. Clyde t. Edmlnster, pastor. Meeting at Beaver hall. 3fl8' N. Commercial each Sunday. 10 a m. "Who Is Israel In the World To day?" First Churrh of Christ. JWentUt Lib erty and Chemeketa. Sunday school al 11. Mornina service at 11. Sermon sub ject: "Adam and Fallen Man." Evenint service at 9, Sermon subject: "Adam and Fallen Man." First Methodist Church and State Sts. Brooks H. Moore, pastor. Church school. Q 45 a m. Morning worship. 11. Sermon: "Oaitdhl or Ooebbles?" Wesley Fellow ih:n i University and Business Youth i, t .10 Junior and Senior high Fellowships, fl 30. In tied Pentecostal 445 Ferry street, Nathaniel Wllon pastor. Sunday school, 9:45. Mornina service. 11. Children's church at 11 o'clock. Evening service, 7:30. Chunh of Jesus Christ of I.aller-Da? ftalnu VFW hall. Church and Hood jurrft.v John E Salisbury, bishop. Sun day school. 10. Sacrament service, 11. Eve ning eervlce. 30. Klnawoori Bible 1135 Elm street. Rev. A. A Lorwen. pastor, A. H. Fadenrecht, altsni. Bible school, 9:45. Morning wor I ship and Communion service. 10:45. Youth irnup meet at fl 30. Missionary service 1 witli Joiin Wiebe. recently returned mis jsionary from India, as guest speaker, 7:30. Bethany Evangelical and Reformed Capitol and Marlon streets. Rev, Russell I Mayer. paMor. Sunday school, 10. Morn ina worship. II. Rev. Paul Beckwith. evanirll-st. pianist. Harvest Home and I Miion Festival. 3 Rev, Bob Hovland, Dial 3 831S prudent Salrm CoUra and Aridamr Sprcial miuic by Academy. Evcnlni wor Ai.ip. 7 4i Ent;ra rvlc in cnari 01 iludenu at Stuem Academy, Filarial Hultneta 140 Carlton Way. V. n Slory. pa.Mor. Sunday school. 9 4V ! Morning acrvlcea, 11. YPS, 141. Evening jaervict, 7 30. I Central Churrh of Cbrtnt Chemeketk : al Cottaie aireei. Jamea A. Scott, mm iuter Bible scriool. S 45. Church lervlce, ! 10:43 Sermon bv Ja.v A. Scott. Young people ji service. 10. Church erlct, 7.10. , Sermon topic by Jas. A. Scott. Knlcht Memorial ('on (relation a I LouU E. Whiir, m. nutter. Nineteentn and Fer ry -street Sunday school. 9 45. Morning worship, 11. Sermon "The Pioneer Spir it" Junior church and church-lime nur sery. 8 30. PilBrlm Fellowship, Senior High and Junior High groups. Firtt Churrh of fiod N. Cottage and Hood streets. Sunday school. 9 45 Junior cnurch, 10 45. Sermon: "Kept by the Pow er of God." II. Youth Fellowahlp. 7. Ser mon: "The Christian Way of Life." 7 45. Rev. and Mrs. H A. Schlatter, minister. UiH Methodist South Commercial at Meyers. G. Wesley Turner, pastor. Sun day school. 9:45. Morning service, 11. i Nursery for small children! Sermon by Rev. J. O. Bnngdale. Youth fellow ship at 30. EenniK service 7.30. Ser mon by Rev. J. G. Brinndale. Ftrt SpiriliiBlKI 248 N. Commercial Services at 2 : 1 0 and 7 30. Revs. Trios, and Minnie Gaaeley, speaker. Christ Lutheran Stdte street at 18th. C R. Sch nil, pastor. Sunday school at 9.45. Divine worship at 11. Lutheran Sunday schol teacher's meeting gt 3. The Reorganised Church of Jesus ChrUt of L. D. s. Corner N. 17th and Chemek eta st. Chas. H. Asher. pastor. Churrh chool, 10. Sacrament sen' Ices 11 Zions league 10. Bible study cla&x 7:30. Court street Christian 17th and Court street. W. H. Lyman, minister. Bible school assembly. 9:45. Mornina worship and communion. 10.50. Sermon subject. "What Lack I Yet?" Christian Endeavor hour 8:30 Evening worship 7:30. Guest speaker. Charles Addleman. state secre tary Oregon Christian Missionary conven tion. First Christian-Center and Hiah. Bible school 9.4.1. Mornina worship and com munion 10 50. Sermon, "Living Testa ment." Dudley Strain. Anthem, "O. How Amiable Are Thy Dwellings." Barnby. Evening worship 7:30. Sermon. "Why Become a Christian?" Dudley Strain. Youth meeting, 6.15. The Foursquare- 490 N. lftth street be tween Center and Chemeketa. Rev. James H. Taylor, pastor. Sunday schol. 9:45 a. m...Mrs. Anna Shrvock. supt. Mornina service. 11. Sermon by the pastor. "Give Me Time." 6:46, Foursquare Crusaders and Defenders. 7:45. Dr. John L. Meri deth of Chicano. Sermon subject, "Gods Dealing with the Nations." Wesleyan Methodist A. G. Yate.s. pas tor. Sunday school, 10. Mornina worship service. 11. Young people's meeting. 6:4j. Evening evangelist service, 7:30. Truth tnter--262 N. Cottage. Lulu Walton Quick, leader. Subject, "Spiritual Freedom." Nt. Paul' Kplscopal Church and Che meketa. Rev. George H. Swift rector. Holy communion in the chapel). 7:30. Junior church and classes, 9.30. Nursery school in parish house. 11. Confirmation and sermon by the Right Rev. Benjamin D. Dag well, bishop of Oregon. 11. Vesper service (in the chapeli, 6 p. m. for can terbury and high school groups. St. Mark Ev. Lutheran 343 " N. Church st. Pastors. M. A. OeUendaner, D. D.. John L. Baglirn. 9:45. Sunday achool. 11. mornina worship. Sermon. "The King dom of Ood." Loyalty month roll call Sunday. 6:30. Young people. 8. New mem bers Instruction class. Topic, "Trie Bible. ity variea from season to season only the top crops corns to M J.B. Klrst Raptlsl - Marion and Liberty sts. Rev, Lloyd T. Anderson, pastor. Rev. Gene I f.--:r.y.:ci. ,x - - x liyQ f ' ff4iJClWn08 , - - I 't;' , f? - , : is' tf ; Vv , Made extra mild or rich and strong, :::::ssv The flavor's right. ..you can't go wrong y .v' t-?'y 2."Individul ronnting" ctwxp out all f: jk J &SxwQti tt lked m .v,nr i'0CiJ ' V':?3 S'f (ThM lubtl flvort are lost by ordi- f-VX "T GX) VV j .' ' V" nr3"tin methods.) ri5 I. Em-h mr trarch the world to 3. Hi(het-vruum pack unit, in every syCT l find the fine t cropt for M.J B' richer whiff of M J.Bi frnprunt (roodnem till N1 J Mend. On e,h plantation, coffee qua.!- it reachea your cup. Try M.J B today Lft ity variea from season to aeaaon but and you'll aree you can t make - J , only the top crops comt to M J.B. bad cup of M. J B. -- nckwedel. twist ant pastor. Sunday chool. 9.46. Morning wontnip, 11. Oot'd- ience Trua Test of Christian Living, fourth in a geneg on the First EuLsiie oi John, by the pa tor. Youth group. 6 30. Eening evarmelutie rvice, 7 30 "Trt Battla of Armageddon Where and What is ItT" HavcBVillt Cammunlty BaptUI One mil north of rny limits on highway 99K. nev. O. I. BricKwedel. pastor Uni fied Sunday morning service. Worship service 9:45 with Rev. Don Davis, mis sionary to Peru, speaking. Sunday school classes 10:40. Silverron Churches Aaaembly f flod Bernell H. Scott, pas tor. Sunday school, 9 45. Divine worship, 11. Young peopla'g goclgty, 6:45. Evangel istic, I. Church of Hod Rev. E. E. Nix, pastor. Sunday school, 10. Worship hour, 11. Eve ning service, I. Pilgrim Holiness Can Mansfield, pas tor. Sunday school, 10. Worship hour, ll. Evening garvlct, I. flevf-nlh Day Advent lit Elder Beasley, pastor. Sabbath school. Saturday, 9 30. Morning worship. 11. Evangelistic, 7:30. Marauam Methodist Andred Lanaen dorf. pastor. Sunday school. 10. Worship, 11, Young people meet 1:45. Church mt Jessa Christ of Latter Day tain is i Mormon) K. P. hall Oak' and V ft J, How Does Christian Science HEAL? Have you ever wondered f whether the method of J healing disease, overcom- a ing poverty, and restoring ; harmony which Christ Je- J us employed can be suc- ' cessfully used now? For an s answer in simple, under- I standable terms attend ! A FREE LECTURE entitled 'Christian Science: The Pathway of Light" by Margaret Morrison C.S., of Boston, Massachusetts Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The Ftm Church of Christ, Scientist, in Bos ton. Mass. Monday, November 8th 8 P.M. but and you'll aree you can t bad cup of M.J.B. Salem High School IWVli.TS ' P . Li i -r A p f I I Auditorium ; V' M I First Church of ( hrist, X Trt J'jjf '- gn'iMiwii m 1 I M.ll atieets Sunday school. Waning (trMce, 7. Christian Science Sunday schooj, 9 45. Berice, U. St. Paul's C'alholie Father John J. Walsu, Pd.stor. Sunday niaes, It and 10. Week da?, I a. m. Christian nd Missionary Alliance Oordon T. Brat void, pastor. Sunday n-hool. 10 Mrs. Arthur Pedersen, upt. Harvest Home worship services. guet speakers from Seatlle Simpson Bible In stitute. Forenoon Bundav worsmp noui. -.. evening sermon, evangelistic, 7:46. Young People meet 7 p. m. First Christian -Arthur Charles Bte. minuter. B.oie school. 9 45. M B. Ford. upt Communion and sermon. 11 Topic. Tr God." Christian Endeavor 6 30. Eve ntna service 7-30, sermon subject, "Our Potaitlon." ' Trlnltv Lutheran M J K. Fuhr. pas tor. Sunday aciiool and Bible classes. 10. Divine worship. 11. Sermon subject, 'Eter nal Life Through the Son " Special music. Luther league, 7 30, topic leader, Armand Lee Rnene4. Choir Thursday. Methodist Ben F. Browning, nun liter, Sunday school, 9 45. Worship service, 11. Topic. "Where Methodists Come In," sec ond In series on Christian movement. Calvary Lutheran James A Tofte, pas tor. Sunday school and Bible cl&sn. 10. Miss Olaa Johnson, supt. Morning worship with communion. 11. theme. "Depair for None." Hope for All." Saturday 10 a. m.. confirmation cla&s. Immanuel Lutheran -B. L. Almlie. pas- All Star Program WINSTON I. NUNEb DE VERNE FROMKE k Trumpet Trio I: Vocol Solo k Violinist- make . .yl Room -1 for SALEM 1 K'jL A" Youth Center i ! Mill City Churches PresbHerlan-Dr. David Ferguson, min ister. Sunday school. 10. Morning serv ices, 11. Youth fellowship, 6:30, Churrh f Christ Thomas Courtney , kl irhnnl 0.4ft. MArnint .X'r.h.n it rhristian Endeavor hour 6 30. Evening worship 7 4ft. Cathollr Rev. Mat. pastor. Morning services 9. Community Wajne' Walklns. pastor. Sunday school. 10. Morning services, 11. Evening worship, 7:45. Free Methodist Verle N. Cranmer, pas tor. Sunday school. 10. Morning services, 11. Evening worship. 7 30. Missionary To Discuss India India and its Droblems spirit ually as well as politically will be presented by John A. wieoe, missionary from Mahbudnagar Sunday night at the Kingwood Bible church. tor. Sunday school. 10. Divine worship, ll. Sermon, Facing the Record" Luther leasue. 7:30. Topic, "Our Higher Loy alties " ) Simpson I I Bible I I Institute I I