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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1948)
Educators in 1 Music Coming Salem will be host to the Ore gor Music Educators associa tion Burin; their annual all meeting Friday night and Sat urday. Verrxon L. Wiscareoa of Salem, if president. Tht meeting is expected to draw 200 music directors, edu cators and composscrs from many sections of the state. Both elementary, junior h'gh school, high school and college music educators will attend The traditional college fac ulty artists concern will open the session, to be held at the Roberts studio, S05 North Sum mer street at 8:15 p m. The general public is invited and thert is no admission charge. Willamette university will be host for the annual reception to be given in Lausanne hall fol lowing the concert. This func tion will be in charge of Mrs Denise Murray and Miss Helen McHirron o f the Willamette music staff. Dean Melvin Geist of the Willamette schcol of mus ic is in charge of the convention arrangements. Saturday will be devoted to business meetings, clinics, dis- mussions, and group meetings. Speaker at the noon luncheon at the chamber of commerce will be Rex Putnam, superintendent of public instruction. Appearing on the Friday night concert will be Joseph Brye, pi anist, Oregon State college; Eu gene N. Adams, violinist and Launne Odell Adams, accom panist, Pacific university; Flor ence Vanderwicken, soprano, University of Oregon; Elwood Ball, organist, Willamette university. Monday evening, al 8 o'clock. I Mrs. June Wilmer Lamb, chairman of the lecture commit tee of First Church of Christ. Scientist, of Salem, which is sponsoring this lecture, said to day, "Christian Science lectures provide a way for people to learn facts about this religion from a n authoritative source. For example, the lecturer who will speak next Monday night, Margaret Morrison, C. S., of Boston, Msss., is a member of the Board of the Mother Church, The First Church , Christ, Sci entist, In Boston, Mass." Mrs. Lamb emphasized the fact that these lectures are free, and that all are invited. Free Lecture on Christian Science A free lecture on Christian Science will be given in the Sa lem high school auditorium on Pin dresses to the washline by seams or waistbands unless they are dried on hangers. Farmers Group Claims Victory Ronald Jones, state president of the Farmers' Union, interpre ted the election results Friday to indicate an endorsement of the farm organization's political policies. In view of this, he suggested Representatives Lyle Thomas and Carl Francis be placed in charge of organizing the next legislature. "The voters of Oregon, both in October, 1947, and this month," Jones commented, "have entirely backed the stand taken by a minority group of the 1947 legislature led by Lyle Thomas and Carl Francis. "Testifying to the peoples' convictions were these: Repudl-! ation of the sales tax, restora tion of the income tax to its original exemption brackets, re fusal to vote additional prop erty tax levies to transfer money which should be transferred without that complicated vote, turndown of the hydro-electric amendment measure and liberal ization of school voters' qualifi cations. "Adoption of an impractical pension bill is a protest against the 1947 legislature's slicing of Governor Snell's welfare budget and administration of public welfare in this state. Voters will insist that amendments to this bill be made with full con- Thcrmg-tcgulaitd routed tor uniform lull flavor. ..Vet (Mm V.rrrClHTMfJU m - turret in iuhh TWO KINDS DRIP AND MMOlATOt . ft 4 79 -o fmwwz decorate your rooms easily.., beautifully... for only 3 79 with does the overage room OAU PAST! FORM rjik.wr - -.ot fr ran' pie modem igele wall fin fltMCT M Williams RIStAJKH the synthetic resin and oil paint. Watch your home burst out in a new harmony of smart, glorious color when you give it a Kern-Tone beauty treatment! So simple, just mix with water and slap Kem-Tone on walls and ceilings, even old wall-paperl So quick, one speedy coat usually does the trick, dries in 1 hour Visit our complete SHERWIN- Jn Williams Wi PAINT SERVICE CENTER Come in. We have the answer to every thing you need lenow about paint and painting. We will be glad to furnish you with the right paint, color, advice. 5.50 7.50 6.10 5.75 MtftWIW-VVlUMMS SEMI-LUSTRE tHIffWIW-WfUJAMf ENAMELOID HfKWM-VVUMM MAR-NOT VARNISH Gal. Gal. Gal. tHtHWrn-WlLUAIM PORCH & FLOOR mm o.i You Can Get 10,000 SHADES of Any Color with DECORATOR'S C0L0RMIX Here you hove Sherwin-Williams on swer to the modern demand for just that particular shode of color so need ed to blend with your other room fur nishings. Bring in a sample of fobrie or wall paper, and our expert colorists will match it to peifection. The Ideal Flat Interior Wall Paint sidrration of peoples rights. "Legislators always want to follow the will of the people. Legislators, therefore, should show their confidence in the people's, vote by placing Repre sentative Lyle Thomas and Carl Francis in charge of organizing the 1948 legislature. This would seem fair in view of the voters' verdict at the polls." Mountain sheep are cud chewers and have four-chambered stomachs. Known as the hunter's "most coveted prize," It is considered immoral to shoot one for any reason than to get a fine head. Nazi Banker to Be Tried Again Stuttgart, Nov. 5 iu P Hjiil I mar Horace Greeley Si hai ht.j iGerman financial wizard once1 cleared by a denazification court, will be tried again. The verdict exonerating the j former Reichsbank president of any nazi taint was rescinded to- !day. The court failed to con sider major evidence the denazi fication ministry ruled. The new hearing will be held in Ludwigsburg It was not ex pected before 1949. Capital Journal. Salem. Ore.. Friday, November 5, 10 IS 11 Schacht was classified as a A 19-mile coastal belt on Kv major offender for the first time ushu between Moil and Ya . by a Stuttgart denazification had pre war metal v or ,.r, court on May 13, 1947, after his plants that turned out oi Mi.ircl acquittal by the Nuernberg war of Japan s production of p g : on crimes tribunal. j and half her steel. Salem's most complete plumbing and heating serv ice. 20 well-stocked repair trucks. 35 skilled craftsmen. No job too small. J PLUMBING-HEATING Phone 3-4141 GORGEOUS NEW COLORS! Another Kem-Tone firit! A gorgeous new . ray of the loveliest colon you've ever teen . . . clean, inactive pasted and glamorous, deeper tones to enhance the beauty of every room. You can give your rooms the richest, hand somest . finish imaginable-durable, lastingly lovely. For ease of use and sheer beauty, you'll find nothing like Kem-Tone! product of Sherwin-Williams Research 340 Court St. Phone 224' Phone 22493 M yei!85cVai4ic! ' 111 BfW fUI V myzt. 29c ONE SET TO A CUSTOMER -YOU GET All THIS COME EARLY! THE SALE MAY NEVER BE REPEATED! Hotiyl Tin whr b MM Tw lmr. Hnlr 0Mik mi iimfltf lf Ymt PM RmMit 210c 1 forty WdM . . 1 .40 Mofeii& M . . .25 ApsiM Jtmll . ! .10 Cm Mak ; .10 TatW rW .85 , r a1 N. W. Corner Court & Com'l. St. Salem - Phone 3-7177 - - Oregon f 1 1 "-"" i ;rf;:r '.i -".;,,- ' ,'f'kn-1-' ' " " : ' rs. J. :: r f I' ll - b . 1. v4 W LkJ U vV LkJ 1 , 'r Plll$zfr Writ sdlLrs U 1 urns- - v.-w . Jw i 'Mi onstant research in raw materials is opening new doors to Oregon's industrial future. Many raw materials essential to industry are here in Oregon. There's water, not ordinarily thought of as a raw material, but a positive requisite for many types of industry. There's laterke, out of which aluminum is made and substantial quantities of such ores and minerals as silica, chromitc, limestone, soft coal and many others. Their extent and availability for use by new industries which can be attracted to Oregon is receiving thorough study. Prime factor in getting and disseminating raw material information is the Raw Materials Survey, Inc., believed to be the only agency of its sort in the country. Founded last year by chambers of commerce, banks, clearing houses, BoirmW Power Dit'ributor port authorities, utilities and other Interested groups, the Survey is operated on a non-profit basis to determine the raw materials and mineral resources of Oregon and the Northwest. Through this agency, industry is able to learn the definite engineering facts it needs to know before deciding on a location in this state. At this region grows, to grows PGt Electric power is a "raw material" too. As Oregon develops industrially, more and more electricity ill be used. That is why PGE is planning years ahraj to meet the future power nedt oft more populous lower Willamette Valley Industrial hnrt of ilia llate. That is why PCE Is mvsiing millions of dollars (more than $7,000,000 tins earj in Improved electric service facilities. PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY 340 Court St, MS Phone 2-2493 i