Albany Mayor Race is Close ito be running low. If rescuers are unable to reach them, plane will drop food to them. They are about 30 miles south of Walla Walla. Th .m.ll.. .... I. ,j Albany. Nov. ln', be .bout 60 mile, eas o the Albany municipal election here. gained Its share of the liim-liK'nt i t among the voters here Tuesday,1 when several close contests de- Parish Card Social Scheduled Sunday Breeders Will Meet Dec. 6, Mf. Angel veloped . Until afternoon Jess Savage seeking the office of mayor headed Frank Merrill by 46 votes, with the total margin be ing widened when precincts 5 and 10 reported bringing Sav age'! total to 1820 against 1690 for Merrill. Albany will also have its first councllwoman in its historv. Catherine Bain headed the ticket lannouncement i. Wart 1 u.Hh - I nt .... ,,, . . .. . ,ul, , t(J. innicauons are tnat the an- TU. AtVln n,inllmnM l . I' . "" ............ murajnum report will snow a very . "f.,8! rse", Wilh 207 votes.. successful year', operation. All Rpf f or TaStlll1 AnVaVS In Ward I Donald Densmoor and dairymen are invited to mark I iaoiiuftnia;a Itaymona Barrett Deal tneir op-! December 6 on their calendar ponents and in Ward III Everetttand attend the all-day annual Lamb and C. H. "Bud" Davis meeting in Mt. Angel, were elected. j Increased Droduction throuah The proposed annexation of.the use of artificial hreprfino in The annual meeting date for the Marion County Dairy Breed ers association has been set for Monday, December 6, at Mt. An gel. George Kruse, president, and Bill Williams, technician, both of Mt. Angel, made the Woodburn At the card so cial in St. Luke's hall Sunday evening starting at 8:15, Mr. Joseph Sowa. Mrs. Alfred Halt er. Mrs. Jack Evans. Jr., and Mrs. Delmar Hopkins will be co chairmen of the committee in charge. Assisting the co-chairmen will be Mrs. Kay Andrews, Mrs. Paul Sowa, Mrs. J. F. Sauvain, Mrs. August Hunt, Mrs. F. J. Wiese, Mrs. Frank Aicher, Mrs. Albin Halter, Mrs. Robert Mar tin, Mrs. Steve Bauman, Mrs. Matt Biersbach, Mrs. Frank Mellmer, Mrs. Oliver Kestell, Mrs. Anton Pavlicek, Mrs. An ton Pokorney, Mrs. Charles, Prinslow, Miss Betty Andrews and Miss Madonna Prinslow. At the evening festival last Sunday evening the prizes were won by Mrs. John Werner, Mrs. Edward DcHaan, Mrs. Alice Ro finot, William Pelti. LaVerne Otjen and Rita Henkes. Autos Too High, He Buys Door Handles London. Nov. 4 Burmese Motorist U Myint Daw flew from Rangoon (fare $1002 40) to see London's automobile show and buy a new car. "Prices are too hith." he said' as he climbed back l:ito a plane for the return trip. His only purchase: Four chro mium plated door handles to brighten up his rusty 1939 mo del. Amity Sophs Elect Amity The Sophomore class Amity F. F. A. chapter have elected officers for the year, Dick Martin, president; Jackie Williams, vice president; John Buffington, secretary; Gene Newman, trearurer; Jerry Case, reporter. Made ESPECIALLY For - Capital Journal, Salem, Oreijon, Thursday, Nov. 4, 19489 KIDDIES' CHEST COIBS to rlitv Mt((ht aching mtttcto! Hazelwood addition failed be cause the voters In the territory to be Included turned the pro posal down, 41 yes, 52 no. Every precinct In Albany approved ex tending the city limits. Rescuers Push Way To Marooned Parties Walla Walla. Nov. 4 (Pi Res cuers are working their way through deep snows today to two hunting parties marooned in the Blue mountains. Six were snowbound in the Indian Springs area in Oregon and the other two were in the Twin Buttcs area, also in Ore gon. . , No fears are felt for the safe ty of the six since they are re ported to be staying in a cabin, but their food supply is believed high record bulls is the associ ation's aim, says Ben Newell, county extension agent. ask FOR jF IX ttifrnr s. That's why thousands have switched to uniformly superb Calvert Reserve. CAI.VKRT RESERVE Blended Whiskey 86.8 Proof 65 Grain Neutral Spirits Calvert Distillers Corp., New York City rggJJ DON'T GAMBIA V If A0INO WAIfMrNt, MOCHT NO MUO ITQtfl Mode my Tbt token tf faor Ions Storm. Virtdowi BUY WITH SAVINGS! You have paid for your Storm Sash many times ov er. THIS year, be sure that you obtain them because you are going to pay for them anyway! How? In coal or oil costs. In dis comfort. In medicine bills. Storm Sash pay for them selves out of what they save, actually! SALEM WOODWORKING CO. CABINETS 11?5 Cross. Salem. Phone S-5953 FRAMES mi m m i i in I i II ilimMSM 3 SVIORE DAYS FRIDAY - SATURDAY - MONDAY BUY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS THEY'RE HERE! NOW . MORE SENSATIONAL SAVINGS DON'T MISS THE SALE OF THE YEAR . . . BARGAINS GALORE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT Reg. 2.98 BOYS' CORDUROY JIMMYALLS Sizes I to 8 $ 47 Reg. 8.95 Old Colony DINNER- kl A n r t rYMrC 32 Piece Set '94 Reg. 1.63 If Perfect NYLON HOSIERY 51 Gauge Sf Denier 07 6.98 Value RAYON FAILLE SKIRT Assorted Style! Full Skirt 3" Reg. 5.98 WOMEN'S SLACKS $ Siies 10-20, 38-44 4 77 Reg. 29c BOYS'. BEANIES All Colors 17 Reg. 59c pr. Art MEN'S SOCKS 50 Wool 3 for Reg. 1.07 BOYS' SKI SWEATERS Nordic Designs 87 Reg. 2.49 JULIET ALARM CLOCK Time to Buy 77 Reg. 1.79 BOWL SET 57 5 Piece Reg. 2.98 PLASTIC LEATHER HANDBAG 1st Quality 77 2.98 Value GIRLS' SWEATERS c77 Other Values V S. Value . . 2.77 5.98 Value . . 3.77 THE STORES OF BETTER VALUES 136 N. Commercial Salem, Ore. FEATURE EXCHANGE 1948 Rebuilt 100 H.P. Mercury Motors to Finest Workmanship 185.00 Complete Includes! Motor Exchange Clutch Plat Gaskets Oil Labor Motor Tune I'p One-Day Service If Needed ) Warner Motor Co. Your Lincoln-Mercury Dealer 430 No. Commercial Phone 7249 IS YOUR WATCH TAKING TIME OFF? Cef your woffft info action fo do the jot you expect of it Bring it In and let our specialists look it over. Reliable service is our watchword. And for new beauty, restyle your watch with a smart jL, jtn wtToi tu Your Prescription Store WHEN YOU THINK DRUGS THINK SCHAEFER '499 1948 "It Pays to Trade at SchaeW." 7S99 Prescriptions Accurately Filhd 1948 EVERYTHING FOR THE BABY We havr o complete line of medical needs for babies. Let us fi!l your prescription. FRESH MADE Peanut Brittle LOTS OF PEANUTS. NEW THIS WEEK.. , 39c SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE The Original Yellow Front Drug And Candy Special Stare in Salens 135 N. Com'l. St. Phone 1-5197 er 2-9123 h I : Do your feet a faro Ml DEEP BROW N i". Wrap around strap Jp T 1 adjustable. DEEPTONE BROWN mdf V?, 1.1 , "Bulldog nose" Bold V.-'. , ' C " ?L cab.est.tch tnm. Ml NUS4 Sii'T C3TiUse Capital Journal Want Ads. They Will Satisfy Your Needs. r give your budget a treat with PREFLEXED GOLD BOND brogues o45 Brand new shoes already broken in! Bold masculine Gold Bond brogues with thick leather or rubber soles . . . Preflexed to remove stiffness! You'll like the full bodied leather uppers , . . the rich autumn color shades. Made over wide roomy last with shape-holding Goodyear welt construction. 6 to 11. REDWOOD BROWN Souare punchwork, prominent detail. Redwood Brown THI f QMJ WAY to ir MIN'S SHOfS styling money-saving price on Cotton Blazer Socks Luxurious Long-Weannq Comfort Sizes 10 to 12 . i ; Bright blaivr itrlpM th colors h ikt In trtti long-wearing ilaclt lngth hot. Reinforced ol heel and to. Cotton Sport Shirt A Comfortable Sizes For Weor' 295 Men'i convertible ityle ihirt In colorful blue, tan, tondune ploidi. 2 pocktttt. Fabric won't ihrink tnore than 1. 1X mm, mmgm Hercules Shirt Assorted Plaid Pollerrrs Sizes; 14V& to 17 . i , 269 Sonforlttd (mi. fabrle ihrlnliae 1 ) medium havw'glt cotton twill; 2 bvtton rkrowgh pockoH. So It at SoorU Men's long wearing GOLD BOND preflexed oxfords llrantl-iipw shors already broken in! Comfort you npver dreamed of in men's Preflexed Gold Bond ox fords. Bold new styles, rich new colors, wide roomy lasts. AIX this at Sears dollar-saving price! g45 PREFI.ICXF.D ill sole ntlffness removed Fine Pilgrim Robe Made ot Beacon Blanket Cloth Plaids, Sltipes 95 Styld for wormrh, wear . , . lave ot Scan low prieel Choose yowM in ma roon or bluej imall, medium, large tiiet. ufZ. Pilgrim Pajamas Worm, Heavy Weipht rlowl 395 . , - - Homhom yta oiM km olot Mkttxnd. Colortot ItrlpM lo I ' Pilgrim Neckties Celonese loyoe Acetate Yotn 'Assorted Coiofs mi 1" Noll ff (or Ikoto gay, brlgkt ooHorni, ortod orlntod towlardt. Slock upl Moil't OtfoniiM toyotl litt. Hats to suit every taste at on easy-to-pay price! PILGRIM FUR FELT ft its 49 Cr" '3, Sizes 6V4 to 7i Soft fur felt in jaunty styles, rich new colors! Pilgrim hats that take and hold any shape you give 'em with full rayon linings, moisture resistant pliofilm tipped crown. Roan leather sweat-bands. "Sattyac 434 State Street 1