I AUTOMOBILES fSHROCK "SEZ:" DON T rOROET TO ADD . , . Look )Kitimal Mini auch aa Inauranre and a, ait mtir w 10 11. uur reputation ror lair- nea meant that you don't have to calculate other factors, auch at tha rlk of driving a ear aold by an unknown dealer. Any time a euitomar compare! total coatarie known what we mean. SATISFACTION WITH EACH TRANSACTION 1947 Hudson Commodore 8 Sedan. R&H, O'drive, auto, trans. 1947 Ford Deluxe coupe. Heater, sportlight. 1947 Cbev. Club Coupe. Heater. 1948 Hudson Commodore 8 Sedan. R&H. O'drive. 1948 Ford Deluxe Coupe. Heater. 1948 Hudson Commodore 6 Sedan. Heater and O'drive. 1941 Nash 600 Sedan. Heater and O'drive. 1941 Hudson Sedan, R&H. 1941 Dodge Sedan, Heater, one owner. 1941 Buick Sedan, R&H. 1939 Plymouth Coach, heater. Very clean. 1938 Pontiac Club Coupe, R&H. 1937 Hudson Coach, new motor, heater. 1936 Hudson Coach, runs good. 1936 Chev. Coach, good tires. 1936 Plymouth Sedan, new battery. A cheapie. 1932 Plymouth coupe. A good one. Mftny other mftk.i and models to choose from Wo are open evenings bv appointment REMEMBER We'll be here tomorrow to back up what we sav and do today. SHROCK MOTOR COMPANY THIS TIME IT'S HUDSON Where Chemeketa goes to Church IT'S A "LANDSLIDE"! In Favor of Valley Motor Co. Reconditioned and Guaranteed USED CARS Buy, Trade or Sell at Valley, Where Good Service and Fair Treatment is a Constant Watchword 1947 Chevrolet Fleetmaster Five pas. coupe. 1946 Ford Super Deluxe Coupe 1946 Ford Deluxe Tudor 1946 Chevrolet Fleetmaster Tudor 1946 Buick Super Four Sedan 1946 Dodge Deluxe four 'dr. sedan 1942 Ford six Cylinder Sedan coupe 1942 Studebaker Commander Sedan Coupe 1941 Olds "78" four dr. Sedan 1941 Pontiac 8 four dr. Sedan 1941 Ford Super Deluxe Tudor 1941 Ford Super Deluxe coupe 1938 Chevrolet Tudor sedan 1937 Ford four door sedan, a dandy SPECIAL 1938 CHEV. 2 DOOR SEDAN $577 SALEM'S FINEST VALLEY MOTOR LOT Center at High. Phone 3-3147 Why pay more and get less when you can pay less and GET MORE at PETE'S in West Salem 1946 Ford club ep. Lota of extru. Chevrolet 4-dr. Fleetmaater. 2 tone, 1948 Studebaker ft-pau. epe. 1646 Ford 1-dr. Radio and heater. 1943 Chevrolet a-dr. Radio and heater. Clean. 1943 Plymouth 4-dr. aedan. Clean. 1940 Pontiac club cpc. 3-tone. Extras. 1941 Plymouth aedan. Need work. TRY 'EM DRIVE 'EM & YOU'LL BUY 'EM AUTOMOBILES Western Motors PUT DOWN THAT PAPER THIS IS IT! We have a complete new atock of ear, models between 1B3& and 1948. All priced below book. 1947 Chevrolet Aero, R&H. Seat eovera. 12345. 1941 Buick Sedanette. 11395. 1939 Chevrolet. Tudor. 1845. Other Make and Hodela ALL OOOD BUYS Stop In and aee u before you burl Western Motors Corner 12th & Mission Phone 3-9622 l4S FORD fordor, R&H, ona family ear. m nor. mi, At wirrirk A Shearer Shell Service. 12th Ml ion. 4266 NOT MANY TO CHOOSg FROM Not many better. Otto J. Wilson Company. q8 ' nnnr.r hv nwner. radio, healer, food rubber, runs tine. S95. Ph. 35030. g2M Prices Are Much Lower at DURAND MOTORS tl CADILLAC CONVERTIBLE COUPE. MANY EXTRAS LOW MILEAGE IJI95 00 1 CHEVROLET AERO PLEETL1NE SEDAN 115.M 194T DO DOE DELUXE 2 DOOR SEDAN. HEATER I0M 00 Mil FORD DELUXE COUPE. HEATER 1495.00 104 OLDSMOB1LE '9' CON VERTIBLE COUPE. R H. HYDROMATIC 3308 00 104 PLYMOUTH DELUXE 3- DOOR SEDAN 1005.00 1041 BUICK CLUB COUPE. R&H " 1041 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DE LUXE 3-DOOR SEDAN. HEATER M5W 1041 PORD STATION WAOON. 4 MOTOR. NEW TOP. .... EXCELLENT BODY 1145.00 1010 FORD CONVERTIBLE COUPE. RH. AS IS .... 10M CHEVROLET SEDAN. RH. A8 Ig 4MI 00 .1031 FORD S- 'h TON PICKUP 505 00 Trade and Terms 140 Union Wwm M" 1947 PACKARD Deluxe 8 Clipper nedan with overdrive; electric shift; new tires; safety tubes: radio; heat er; fog lights; spot light; sun visor; windshield washer; slip cover; 11,500 miles One own er; mechanical cond. guaran . teed. An exceptions buy at $27SO. Can be seen at Senator Hotel garage. Call 3-4018 Eves. 1-8213. H4 FOR AI.B ar in. UK " '' uto. lot '30 or tuto. Col tit. rn. 3-0739. 1" IH'ICK. 171 O t. Bin. OPt. w ISM PONTIAC tout with heater and In d eond I4M See at St Lout, I shim t of perraU. Julea Taylor. e" 1M.1 FORD 4 dr. HMO mile on new motor and trarunnlMion. 4 new air euhmn tirae. Oood bodr and (man. Pn. i4 CtrAW Hudaon aedan 1271. M-iat ae Need caah. 841 Vdtcwatar ai. Waal Sa- lem. tab;n 11 DE OTO aedan. Cha. PoapiaU Jt 9. Bot 494. "? ' CHrr. up. 3-dr. tedsn. new moior. I n. ur. RAH r m Ph w Sorlus avis, Ium SsA W. B. V IAUTOMOBILES at a Tjaed Car'l price tar. then add tha Interest on payment!. If you r (hopping Phone 37922 q265 AUTOMOBILES TEAGUE'S FOR USED CARS W Are Never Undersold Thla la Your Chance to Oei The Car Vou Want At tha Price You Want to Pay COME ON IN AND TRADE YOUR OLD ER CAR ON A LATER MODEL USED CAR YOU'LL BE SURPRISED AT THE DEAL YOU CAN MAKE AT TEAGUE 3. 1947 Ford 4-dr. Sedan 1948 Buick 4-dr. Sedan 194t Hudaon 4-dr. Sedan 141 Sulek dinette 1941 Dodge 4-dr. Sedan 1941 DeSoto 4-dr. Sedan 1941 Nun 4-dr. Sedan 1940 Ply. Tudor Sedan 1940 Studebaker 4-dr. Sedan 1939 Cher. 4-dr. Sedan 1938 Pontiac 4-dr. Sedan Call Write or Phone Joe Bpurlock Uaed Car Manater TEAGUE MOTOR CO. 353 N.-Commercial Phone 34173 PONT1ACS HERRALL OWENS CO. 10 N Liberty Pn 3-4113 Eisner Motors to Sell WANTED - CSiilJ CARS SHOP AROUND THEN SRINO TOUR CAR HER! WI WILL PAY YOO WHAT ITS WORTH ANDERSON USrD CARS 140 CENTER ST PHONE 3-3114 We Buy Used Cars FOE HIGHEST PRICES OFt Teague Motor Co. !,. ft Ll ba rt Ph an 14 1 71 Eisner Motors to Buy Tata Tin ft-a rttdsoni StrriM SalH Paru Rom M Ooog Oatd Cart SHROCK MOTOR OO Cnirta Chemtaeu SU. Ph l-tinl WANTED Ooed eieaa aara- Square Deal Died Cart I1SI S llth Eisner Motors Fine Cars Oil RFPtTATlON dependa on your aaU Ufacuoo. Laa Uaad Cart, J4C H, Church. MOTORCYCLtS, SCOOTErtS INDIA WORLD'S FINEST HOTOROTCL9 lunnmnl nil atskM ass OMSela. SHROCS MOTORCTCLa BALES M01 FWUAHS Rl - PH 11411 Journal Want Ads Pay IAUTOMOBILES TWO-DAY SPECIAL 1946 FORD SIX SEDAN Low mileage, seat covers, heater, chrome wheel rings, very good tires. This car has been with us too long. Price $1795. TO THE FIRST PARTY (for two days only) $1595 ACME MOTOR COMPANY Front t Center St. q4 ORVAL'S USED CARS IT MAKES NO DIFFERENCE HOW YOU FIGURE THERE IS ONLY ONE PLACE TO GET ALL THREE PRICE QUALITY Fresh cars arrive daily on our lot. We arrange for a large selection for you and they are really priced to sell. We do not buy every car offered to us. Each car is selected and well checked In every important detail to give you a better value. ORVAL'S offers you the better used car of which in most instances you are the second owner. One before you drove it, cared for it, traded it. Get that kind of background in your next car to roll away the smiling miles you want to drive. It's ORVAL'S combination of PRICE, QUALITY and SELEC TION that puts their used cars in a class by themselves! 1949 Ford Custom Club Coupe. (Two of these) (One grey one maroon) 1948 Plymouth Sp. Deluxe Club Coupe. Like new. 1948 Pontiac "6" Sedanet. Hydramatic & two tone 1948 Chevrolet Aero Sedan. 60 miles. 1948 Dodge Custom Sedan. Light green. 1948 Mercury Club Coupe. Lots of extras. 1948 Plymouth Sp. Deluxe Sedan. Dark green. Most of the above have Radio & Heaters. A Large Selection of 1946 & 1947 Models A few good Pickups ORVAL'S Center at Church. FARM EQUIPMENT SEE THE AVERY 2 -PLOW MODEL A TRACTOR AT WARDS. Own the tractor that will brlnf you unequalled Held per formance at unequalled fuel economy. If the Avery Model A 2-plow tractor now on display at Ward Farm store. Avery owner wilt tell you that Model A pack more prof it-ma kin feature than any outfit of Ita ie on the market. Let Ward prove It to you. Ak for a fVee dVmonatratton at Ward bli Farm St0re WARD'S FARM STORE Trade A H!ih 8t FINANCIAL WANTED Rl Mtatt mortaaaa loan. ee u about rennancina '',"t'" contract or moruaae. Approved city loan. Low Interest rata. LEO N. CHILDS. INC. REALTORS 1.4 state St. Ph. I-3M. T2BS" GENERAL FINANCE CORP -1S8 and U-t2t and ROT H SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 86 b Commercial St. Tel 3-B T hk REAL ESTATE LOANS PIRFONAL LOANS CAR LOANS STATE FINANCE CO. 15 S lh St M" ?-ai M-W1 f LOANS $25 to $500 Your way and Fast on Personal's "PICK-YOUR-OWN-PAYMENT" plan. It's aimplt a A-B-O. Juat do thla: A Tell u how much you need and and a few tact about your credit and Job in peraon or by phont If you r ouy. B Then you tltn without endoraera and et the cah. Proof: 4 out I I who uk u for a loan, let lit C Then repay In monthly Install ment which you aelect to fit your purs. Don't borrow unnecessarily but It a cash loan aolve a problem, aet to toich with Mr. Oalllnatr, Paraonal'a YES' Manaier. today LOANS 135 to 1300 OB Salary it Fumltura, Up to IMM on Auto Personal Finance Co. Ph 3-3464 1. Oalllnier, Man alter 518 Stata Rm. 125 Lie. SU2-M185 f2M PRIVATE MONET pacta) rate and term on larier loan loni and ahort payment ROT H SIMMONS 111 South Comma rtlal St. Phon 1-111 AOTO tOAHl WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. Dta S. Church Parktnc a Plenty Ph 1-14S7 Lio. NO. M-1M S-184 f riVE PER CKNT Intern on jour aa?!na. We haa a choice supply of titata mortem, propertlei in 8alm and vicinity, amount 1500 to 110 000. ' the for aound investmanu. STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 151 S. Klin St. Ph. Hill; Eva. FARM AND CITT LOANS 4t. Utf 1 ror ottw TERMS at repayment withm reason Cash for Real Estata Coatracu and Second Mortaase CAPITOL BECrRTTtni OO J"l P.oner Trust Rdt Ph f TRAILERS 1-FT. FUTORT trailer. lp. 4 butane. A buy at 1450 Alto a ateel traier. 1 box ll-ln. tlr. Built to carry a load. Rt. 7. Box 121, Portland Rd, next to Mo bil station. 12M tl-FT C07.Y rOAt H trailer home, txrel- lent condition. Reoured price Turn ritht at Dlrfcton Market 1.1 mile on old Parlfic hlihway. 12M FAfTORV SIII.T trailer hoiwe 34 ft. e;c. rfriB . varuum braHe R.eepji r'ir. Will be aold thl week S0 Portland Rd Hiwards Trailer Camp. tl4 TRUITR HotE. IT. tandem wheel. aluminum masonite, sleep four. In 4ilrt at act. 7A. Vvtenn V;'.laa after 4 or Sat, and Sun. Reasonable t; .! MOO. 2S ft. Fl'ar trailer hint tn 1 A-l rondrion Hmi a rtat -I auwia, i Patia4 M. aM IAUTOMOBILES SELECTION Ph. 3-4702 TRANSPORTATION LEAVING FOR N. T. about 15th via Boise, Omaha. Chlcaio. Can take I A lut- xaite. Ph. 38784 after f p.m. x265 ROOM for 2 or S persons to Albuquerque. Leavlna Nov. 8 Ph. 34031. x2BS DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makes UMd machine, aold rented repaired. Roe a, 450 Court. Phon 1-B771 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair aervlre. Free est (mates. Trade-Ins accepted on new appliances. Vince's Electric, Phone 3-M3Q. 157 S.Llberty St. q AUTOMOTIVE UARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE rowing aervice. day phone 1-MM. HUM 1804 333 Center. 0" AVTO PAINTING Complete auto painting, 136. Dick's Auto Clinic. 129S S 13th at. o AUTO RADIUS Authorised Warranty Repair Station for all make ot Auto Radios Morrow Radio Co 153 S. Liberty. Ph 3-S9SS ALTO WRECKERS GENERATORS RERL'ILT. Trailer axle made lo order Fair prices. 13th St. Junction Auto Wrecker. Ph. 1-1308. 0366 PICTIRE FRAMING Picture framing. Hutcheon Paint Store. Phone 1-8687. o Hike Panek. 375 8. Comm'l. Ph. 1-1161 Brake ft wheel aligning specialist. 0286 RI'ILDING CONTRACTORS FRAME or masonry construction. Pumlr block. Residential or commercial. New foundations. Alt Brother!. Ph. J-liBO. 0276' BILLDOZ1NG Bulldoslng, leveling, road bldg., clear Ing teeth for brush. Virgil Huskey. 1010 Palrvlew ave. Ph 3-114.. Salem. 0264 RtI.LD07.ING, GRADING BulldoElni, grading, clearing, dirt mov ing with small Carryall. Geo. Wirth. 040 Plymouth Drive. Ph. 11367. 0273 CARPENTRY Carpentry expert building and remod eling. Ph. 3-48560. 615 S. 21st St. 0386 CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA ret later All make old. rented, repaired Roen. 456 Court. Ph 1-6773. o" CHIMNET SWEEP Furnace chimney, vacuum cleaned Ensley. 771 21st St. Ph. 8-7176. o386' CEMENT WORKS General Cement Contracting. Cliff Ft Is. 1B05 N. 19th St. Phone 3-4071. o273a Crawford Upward Acting Oar. Door I lee. Operator Avail. Ph. 34738 J 8 5 EXTERMINATORS Cxkroerh. Moth Exterminator Service Ph. J-306. Le Cn. 155 Pearl. 0286' B.elthaupra for flower. Dial 3-I171. o FLOOR LAVING Expert Flooring. Ph. 1-7401. HOI'sr.HOLD PRODrCTS J. R. Wstkln Co. product Free de livery. 1717 CenW. Ph. 3-5595. O MATTRESSES Capita) Bedding. Phone 3-4089. MI SIC LESSONS Span!)- and Hawaiian Outtar. Man dolin. Banjo, tu. 1&31 Court. Pb. 1-7569 0366 OFTIf E FI'RMTLRS ft BtPFLlIS Dexk chair, file and filing suppllt, aafra, duplicator and Mpplie. dek lamp, typewriter stand, brief ease Pure Wire Recorder Roes. l Court OIL CIRri I. A TOE SERVICE "Cail Cy Younaer. Ph. 36073. PAINTING ft PAFERHANGINO Pain tins and peperhanelng. Free esti mate Ph. 3-9513. 857 Shipping. w72' Interior Painting. C. Horn. Ph. I5H A286 PAfNTINO interlwr apl4t. L. C nof"n noat l-TWt. tJTI Market Quotations iaJeaa LlrriUrb Market (Br Valley Pack ma Company) Lamb No quotation E . ."."."'.MOO to IT 00 Fat dairy eo IIS 00 to 116 00 tier co a 110 00 to 1.5 00 Dairy heifera 115 00 to I17D0 . in oo to in oo Calve fJOO to 40 lb ..114 00 to 113 00 Veal '150-300 lb choice. 130 AO to I7S 00 Hifi Prictu paid w:tn:n 3s ol Port- Land prlcea lor each typa. Partland Pre arc Botitrfat Tentatlva, uaeet to Imme diate chana. Premium quality maiimum of .35 to one percent aridity delivered to Portland. lb., first quality 2-SSc second quality, il-Mc lb i valla? route and country point, lo leaa than first. Butter Wholesale, P.O. 8., bull cube arade AA, 93 score. I4e lb. ; A, 03 score. c lb.; B, M scor. lie: C. 10 score, c lb. Above prices are strictly nominal. Cheese- Sellini price to Portland wtioit lie Oregon slncles. 43-49c. Oreson ft lb. loaf, 46-Slc. Triplets. Vac less than Sin- He. Ears ( T wholesaler!) A trad lane. OS'i-Ofar, medium, 5!1 -59' jr. A small 45-SO'je; B grade Urge, 53-W. Elf s Purchased from farmers. Cur rent receipts. 5T-60laf doi.; buyer 3- 'ic below wholesale Quotations on irad- ed basis for best hennery eggs. Portland Dairy Market Butter Pric to retailer. Or ad AA prints, 00c; AA carton 70c: A prlnU, 69c; A carton. 70c; B print. 09c. Etta Price to retailer: AA laria c; certified A larae, BSc doj. ; A arse 47-68c; AA medium. 06c; certified medium. 04c: A medium. 01 -63c ; A small. 51-53r: carton 2c additional. Cheese Prict to retailers Portland. Oregon sinales, 43-Slc, Ores on loaf, ft lb., 46-53c; triple He less than smile. Poultry Live Chickens No. I quality FOB plant. No. 1 broilers under 2 lbs.. 33-34c iryers -4 lbs. 37-3Sr lb: over 4 lbs 37-38c lb; roasters 4 lbs and over. 37-38C lb.: fowl, Leahorns. under 4 lbs. 26-28C lb.; over 4 lbs. 28-3c; colored fowl all weights. 33-34c lb.; old roosters, all welahts. 10-lOc. Rabbit Averatt to retalltr for local dressed animal. 58-62c. fryer, live white, 32-33C lb.; colored, 30-3 lc; old or heavy, 15. Uc. Rabbits Urewed. retail, 00-6fc. Turkera (Prices quoted are net to tha producer on a dressed weight basis) 1. No. 1 young torn. 43-44e lb.; No. 1. young hens, the. Portlsnd Mlsi-ellaneona t'asrara Bark Dry 30e lb., green Tc lb. H'aol Valley coar and medium grade. 45c lb. Mohair 35c lb. on 13-month growth. Hides Calves 38c lb according to weight kips 30c lb : green beef 13-13c lb.: bulb, t-0c lb.; country buyer pay 3c less Not Quotations Walnnts Franquettea first quality lum 34.7c.' large. 32.7c; medium 37 2c: second quality Jumbo. 30.2c: lane. 2B.3c; medium, 2.2ci baby, 33.3c; soft shell first quality laria, 39.7c; medium, 30.3: aec and 4u:"t largo 37.3c; medium, 34. 7c; baby. 33.U. Filberts Jumbo. SOo fb.t laraa. lSei medium 10c, small 13c. (Quotation above supplied by North west Nut Grower Quotation ara on tha basts of 100-lb bag purchases fob plants.) In 1881 a traveler coming down the Missouri river report ed that his boat was tied up three days while thousands of buffalo crossed the river DIRECTORY Palntlnf, Spray or Brush. Ph. Roy Hanson. Work maranteed. Elfstrom's are equipped palntini. Phone 3-2403. PAINTING ft PAPERHANOINO Expert Paperhanilng and Palntini. H. J. Woodworth. Ph. J-301S. free est. o213 PLUM BIN Q DECATI'R ft MAERZ plumbing, electri cal supplies, water systems. Oeneral repait work. Phone 3-6323. 173 S. Com'l. 0378 PRUNING. SPRAYING Pruning ft Spraying, equipped for any job. Ph. 37900. 130 Robert Ave. O380 RADIO SERVICE Ray Moore, 3270 Portland ltd. Ph. 1-9433 SAND AND GRAVEL Oarden Soil, crusned rock. Shovel and dragline excavating Walling Sand ft Oravel Co. Phone 3-9340. o Cat. Shovel ft Truck work of an kinds. LLOYD M. HIIX. INC Ph. 1-4311 Rt X. Bob 33B 0372 SAW FILING F. X. Roasch. 874 S. Capital St. 0377 SEWER SERVICE Electric Roto-Rooter exclusive, patented rior-aharp tteel cutting blade Cleans ewers or drain Septic tanks cleaned reasonable Ph. 8-5337 tc 1-9460. SEPTIC TANKS Mike' Septic Service. Tank cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. 1079 Kim St, W. Salem. Ph. 3-0481 - 3-5327. o2B K. F. Hamel Septic Tank Cleaned. Electric machine service on sewer and drain line. Guaranteed work. 1143 8th St., Weal Salem. Ph. 8-7404. 0372 TRANSFER ft B TO RAGS Local ft Distance Transfer, storage Burner oil, coal briquet Truck to Portland dally Agent Lyon Van Line for housenold good to California points Lartner Transfer Storage. Ph. 1-8131 TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona. Remington. Royal and Underwoo portable All nekea eue: Biaihinea. Repair and rent. Roen. 456 Court VENETIAN BLINDS Blmtr the Bll n d Man. Ph. 8-7331. WE AT HER STRIPPING Free estimate. T. PULLMAN. Ph. 3-5965 0286 Prompt Installation. Work Guaranteed. Barnej Whelan. Ph. 3-5B84. Q376 WINDOW CLEANING Acme Window Cleaners. Window, wall Si woodwork cleaned Floors clean ed, waxed and polished. Ph. 3-3337. 347 Oeurk La n doc Culberuoo and Mather WELL DRILLING J A Rneed Son, well drilling. 3508 Brooks St , flalem. Ph. 3-6600 0276 WYMORE well drilling. Rte. 1 Bog 117. Ph. 3-5135, Salem. 0289 WOOD SAWING P.. B. Cross. Ph. 3-6178 or 3-6674. o260 WOOD ft, SAWDUST WeM nalem Fuel Co Ph 1031 LEGAL Notic of reaiatratlon of trade-mark: Notict ta hereby aiven that on October Ifltn, It4t. there wa reajiiered with tne Sec rata rr of State of the State of Ore- ton a trade-mark, "Ortho Poue " to be applied to hoe and footwear, with own erahl of aaid trade-mark reatlns In the name of Dr timer M. K. Dorr. Nor. 4, II IK M LODGER 4c PsrKtc Lodge No. SO, A.F.&A M. M M Degree Mday, Nov. i, 7 00 P M kx1f M5 A Klngwood Ixxlge No. 104. A F vffvlr AM MM Iare FYIrtsy r3A Sot. 6th. 7 30 p m VA' ,. I. O. O f meet every TSJTV Wednesday nlfht VU- ttori Weleomt Fraternal Order of Ranie meets everv Tuesdsv at I pj2L Mora tnan BUUOB Gains Posted On Grain Mart Chicago, Nov. 4 "i Advanc es in wheat ran up to around 4 cents at times today as post election sentiment expanded. The big gains were scored in July and September contracts and much of the buying came from individuals who had been short in these deliveries. The short-covering movement in deferred wheat contracts got underway yesterday, following the election upset. It was based on the belief the government price support level for 1949 wheat will be higher than the present futures prices. All other grains, as well as soybeans and lard, followed wheat higher. Wheat closed S-S5 higher. December $2.29'4-l, corn was 1H higher, December $1.3i4-V oats were unchanged to '4 higher, December 79". rye was 1 to X cents higher, December $182, soybeans were 2V4 to 5 cents higher, Novem ber $2.55-2.!S5 Vj, and lard was 15 to 45 cents a hundred pounds higher, November $19.40. Queen Has Grippe London, Nov. 4 UP Queen Elizabeth is confined to her rooms at Buckingham palace with the grippe, it was report ed today. Stocks Quotations (By the Asoclsied Press t American Can 0 Am Paw St Ll 9' Am Tel Tel 12H Anaconda Rendlx Aviation 31 Beth Steel , 3t, Boeing Airplane 2i Calif Pack ma S7 Canadian Pacific H'i Cae J I 41'fc Caterpillar M Chrysler Wi Com with ft Sou SS Con Vultee 9's Continental Can 34 Crown Zrllerbach 2T Curtis Wrltht 104 Douilu Aircraft S5 Dupont de Nem .....lit Oenfral Flirt ne 40 'i Oeneral Foods i9 General Motora Goodyear Tire .. 46' .. 39 ... 574 .. 884 .. O'fc .. 34 .. 57H Int Harvester , Int Paper Kennecott Libby MrN ft L , Long Bell "A ' Montgomery Ward , NY Central Northern Paelfio . Pac Am Fish Pac Oa ft Eleo . Pac Tel ft Tel ... Penny J C Radio Corp Raonler 46 4 12 . 31 Rayonler Pfd Reynold Metals . Richfield Safeway Stores ... Sears Roebuck ... Southern Pacific . Standard Oil Cat , Studebaker Corp Sunshine Mining . Transamerlca ... Union Oil Cal .. Union Pacific United Airline , . U 8 Steel , Warner Bros Pie , Wool worth ... 67 ... 344 ... 11. ... 114 ... 31S ...90 ... 3S , 4 Portland Grain Portland. Ore.. Nov. 4 ( Cash grain: Oats No. 2. 38 lb. white 0100. Barley No. 3 45 lb. b w. 62 50. Cash wheat bld: Soft white 1204; soft White lexcludint rex 3.304; White club 3 304: western red 3 30 4. Hard red winter: Ordinary 3 304: 10 percent 3 214; 11 percent 3.354; 13 per cent 3.294, Hard white Baart: Unquoted. Today's car receipts: Wheat 7; barley 11: flour 6; corn 8, oat 4: hay 1; mill feed 9. Perl land Llveitork Portland. Ore., Nov. 4 HI el Livestock: Cattle salable 300, calves 50. market fairly active, mostly steady; canner-eut- er cow strong and 35-50 cent hirher for two days: few medium ateer unsold. held above 24: common heifers 16-31: can- ner-cutler cows 13 50-16. few 16 50; fat dairy type row up to IT or above: me-dntm-eood beef cow 10.50-30 50: common- medium aauAaae bull 16-31 : good-ehoiee vealer salable around 00 80-20; heavy cahes slow. Hoe salable 300, total 450: market oslly steady: one aood-cholre carload around 210 lb. weight 26 35: bulk good choice 190-230 lb truck-in 26. other welahts scarce; few good around 375 lb kows 50 cent lower t 31; good -choice feeder Pte quoted 26 50-27 50. Sheep salable 200. total 600: very little Aold early: generally asking steady or around 11 50-22 for good-choice wooled lambs; demand narrow for common -me dium grades: medium -good Haiti feeders salable around 16-17. good-choice slauah ter ewe quotable 0-0 Mi Chirac Uveftteck Chicago Nov. 4 P -'UOA- Jtelaol hoes 10 000: total 15.500: alow: butcher around 75 cents lower, sows very uneven. 25-. SO cent lower early, closed 00-76 rent lower: bulk good and choice 160 100 lb. butchers 34 00-24 25 24 25 top paid freelv: late and popular price 14 00, other weight very srarce, bulk eond and choice sows under 400 lb 23 50-21 60. weight 400-550 lb. mostly 31.60-33 50 Salable cattle 3500, total 3700: salsble calves 500. total 500: steers and heifera uneven, about sleadv; cows steady t Mrontt: bulls scarce, stesdv: top 40 75 for loud choice lo prime 1148 lb. sieers; bulk wood to low-moire sleets 10 50-16 50: me dium to low-aood shnri (eda 16 00-10 00; moAt food crude heifers 27 50-13 50: sprinklint food beef rows 11 50-32 50. canners and rutter 14 50-17 15. medium and good sa'uoiie bulls 1100-13 50. veal rs about soadv at SJ on don s'nrk mttle stadv medium end good feed ing strs and yesrl.ne 31 M-37 00 Salable ftheop iwo. total 5000 aleuah- I ter limbs and eeA strona to 25 cents ! hieher, several arnall lot and short der native and fd extern aiauah'er lambs 35 75-26 00 load rhoire frr westerns held hither; seven dcks ehnire northern ei 10 00, most common to aood ewes 8 oo. 9 00. evera! loo wooled vearllni un sold: double wearing No. 1 and 3 pelt 31 00. GetUpNightsI Ton"t let Itacka- ha. Rheumatic Talna. Nervniianea, (,etliti l p Nifhta, ai I'atna, Murnlnar I'aaaaaea, Hwollen Anklea, or t'lrrlea t'nder Ka, dua to non-orantr and nn- temlo KtdnaF and Hladdor Trouble, make yon feel old and mt Peru Mo without trying f'TSTKX. lanallv tha rlrat doa nf fYSTPIX atari to work Im media tev helping nadir r lean out nrem acida and waatea whir h nfn r aia manv pa in a a 'he a, eorenea aid tifTnei fJet i'VSTKX at druatiat. tatiafaxuoai r aaona aca guivantttcVi I AILITt lT7 I .vrrfwy: merit lbt gala VBtaaeahaAatwaBtjafW root eatvHt M I Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Not. 4. 194 It Salem Markets Com plated from report of Sakaa dealers for the guidane of Capi tal Journal Reader. (Ktvlaed daily I Retail Feed Prlcea ! Math M ho. Kabhlt reed Pellet 14 30. Oalr Feed 11 A.-i Feultry ; Maying Prlrea No. 1, colored hens. 33c No 1 Lea horn hen. 3 So. Nn colored fryers, 1 lbs and up 37c. No. 1 friers. 34-3 lbs. 3te lb. No. 1 old roosters, 14-15c. Em Buying Prlcea -Large grade A A Tic; A srarte. Tic. med.um. 61-64c; pullets. I 44-4r Whleal Price AA grade. 78r; A grade 75c; mediums, 68-70C. pullets, 50-53C do. Bullerfal j Premium. 6-70c No. I, 65-6c: No. t. 59-65c iRuyine price'. Bailer Whole., grade A, 70c, tail, grade A, 75c. Petition for Hunt As State Senator A concerted movement from the north end in urging appoint ment of Winton Hunt, Wood burn, to the state oenatorxhip to succeed Governor-elect Dou glas McKay Is apparent as the mail is beginning to carry ur gent recommendations for his appointment from that area. Among the Hunt backers are mayors of north end towns such as A. F. deLespinasse, Hubbard; Gus J. Moisan, Gervais, and among them being business men including F. W. Bingenheimer, Woodburn Feed and Supply company; Garfield Voget, Hub bard Creamery company; Dr. B. F. Giesy, Hubbard physician and others. This is taken to be only the vanguard of the procession urg ing Hunt's selection. One of the points made in the letter of re commendation is the absence of representation for the north end in the legislative makeup of this county. Truman Plans (Continued from Page 1) The platform also called for (1) repeal of the Taft-Hartley act, (2) minimum hour wage increase of the present 40-cent figure, (3) extension of social security coverage, (4) a national health program, (5) federal aid to education, (6) a farm price support program, (7) repeal of the oleo taxes, and (8) strength ening of civil rights. Election - chastened republi cans won't oppose all of those. In fact Dewey was for some of them. But if the republicans were maimed by the one-man gang activities of Mr. Truman in Tuesday's voting, they weren't dismembered. GOP Leadership A lot of them won't be back in congress. But the republican leadership there will remain the same, with Rep. Joseph W. Mar tin, Jr. (Mass.) bossing the house minority and Senator Robert A. Taft (Ohio) continuing to run things pretty much on the re publican side in the senate. Taft shrugged off the election results with the observance that they proved it Is almost im possible "to put an administra tion out of office at the very peak of a prosperity boom." Taft and Martin are likely to figure that the battered GOP's best chance for a comeback In 18S0 rests with making Mr. Tru man look bad on his campaign promises. Work Day Successful Amity The annual work day tnr Amitv Future Farmers of America was held at the Frank Flnnicum farm on Grand lslann when K7 an students gathered 40 tons of corn, earn ing net income of 1BU lor tne chapter. Guesui Stephens Home Fairview Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Gray of Astoria; Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Ahrens of Kelso. Wash., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Stephens here and the group were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon James at Whiteson. Mrs. Gray and Mrs. Stephens are sisters of Mrs. Jnmes and Mr. and Mrs Ahrens are their parents. 'Artvf rllA.m.nt' How To Relieve Bronchitis frenmiilinn rclicvt? nrnmtirli heraiit ' if 0iiaa pisht In ih aa nf hm frmililo to help lomn and expel germ laden phleRm tnd lid nature tn soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial oiucnut membrane. Tell vn"r drucKMt in ell v011 bottle nf CrenmuNion with the understanding you mini like tht way it quickly atlavt the cousb or vwj are io have voiir monev hak. CREOMULSION for Coughs.ChestColdv.Bronchitu Journol Want Ads Pay Now She Shops "Cash and Carry" Without Painful Backach Man ffifferrr Miew n(taT'nf bark avhe qtiifkly, fmre they durover that th real eauat of their trouble may b ttred kidnrya. The kidneyi are Nature'a chief way of taking the earewa iciiil and waate otit nf the blood. Thef help moat people paaa bmit S pint m day. When diaorder of kidney frinctioo per. mita pokonoua matter to remain tn ymir hlood, it may eauae nafKinc backarhe. Stocks Advance Up to 3 Points Now York. Nov. 4 iv A de cisive recovery move boosted j stock prices tn!,iy after the worst decline mi two yenrs yes terday. Gains ran from f; art ions to around 3 points the markft tried to recoup oiie of the ground io-it in Wednesday's post-election selling drive. Volume tended I" slmv down a bit after fast morning trade, but at that an unus,i;ill larue amount of business was done. Turnover was at the ratp of around 1,500,000 shares fr the full session, which would com pare with 3.2:10,000 yesterday, a hinh for nearly half a year. The rally was viewed in Wall street as a natural rebound. A substantial amount of venter day's losses were recovered. Demand appeared for a wide variety of issues, including steels, rails, oils, liquors, utili ties, motors and chemicals. Among stocks Raining ground were U.S. Steel, S. H. Kress, American Telephone, Union Pa cific. Standard Oil of California, Montgomery Ward, Dow Chem ical. Firestone Tire and Bethle hem Steel. DEATHS Hani RiiMKira Harw Rumuairn. late reeJdent of UU Chemeketa St., at LaOrande, Monday, November I, at the aae of ft year. OraveMde jtervitM were held at BeferMt Memorial park Thursday, November 4, at 1 Jo p.m . under the direction af th Howell-Edwards chapel. Sat. Jamei A. Rlrhardmtn Sut. Jnme A. Richardson, lata rwldent of route 4, box SS, Balem, tn Franca, November 12. 1944. at the ace of St eara. Survived by hla father, Jamaa S. Rlcharcteon of Salem ; and t randmother, Mr. Jrwephlne Wiroxtek of Salem. Sere IrM trill be held at the Olouah-Barrtrk chapel Saturday. November I, at 1 p m. witn Rev. rranK o. rerrln of fit I at in. Interment In Belcreat Memorial park. Robert Oearae McKay At Mia residence November I. Robert Oeorie McKay, late resident of 4131 North Portland road, at the ait of Rt yeara. Survived by hi wife, Mr. Myrtla Ann McKay of Salrm: a aon, Donald E. McKay of Seattle. Wn.ih .; and thre grandchildren, Sandra. Patricia and K sir en McKay, all of Seattle. Service wtU he held from the W. T. Hladon ehapel Friday, November ft, at 1 SO p m. with concluding service at the Pioneer ema- tery. Rev. Chester W. Hamblln will avftU ciata. Clyde rloffer Clyde H offer, lata resident of Ml Eat Burrwide. Portland, at a Portland hospital, November 1, at the aae of A4 year. Sur vived by hU wife Eetella Hoffer of Salem; three dauahiera, Mr. Orwtn Dexter of Oardema. Cal.. Mr. Paul Hul.ie. Dufur, Ore., and M.aa Carmaaene Hoffer. Salemt a brother. Charle Hnffer of Oreham, mror : iwn aiaicr. Mr. Lannie U Brut of Stronubura. Nebr.. and Mr. Earl Holly of Carpenterla. Calif.: and two arandchlldren. Member of the FirM Naii arrne church of Rulcm. Rrrvlce will ba held at the Howell-r'.dwnrcU chapel Frl dny. November S, at 1 so p m. with Rev, Orvitle Jenkirui offtriatlni. Interment In Belcre.st Memorial park. Cralr Allan Krhniricr CiaiK Alln SfiuiMr-r. infant son of Mr. and Mm FrnrM RchnuW r 787 Oerth Mreer. West Snlem. at a local hospital No ember 4 OranlAn of Mr. and Mr. A H. Sehn:rter of Salem and Mr. and Mr Del Weaer or Wt Salem. M.ia of the Aneela al St. Jrrih a church Satur day November at 9 a m Concluding service at 8t R.irbara cem'terr under the direction of the Howell-Edward cha pel. Mm. Ida ftevmenr Mr. Ida Seymour, late reldent of I4) North Winter atreet. at a local hoapital November S. Announcement of aervlee later by Cloiich-Bnrrlck company. OBITUARY Mra. .Tnhn haw Dill Mr. John Shaw. 40. a resident of Dalla for mwt of 1-er life died Tuea day In an Astoria hopital She had been ill in the hoApltal for a period of month. Funeral aervicea will be held In A tun a at 10 a m. Friday, fnllowrt by araveaida rvire at the Datl-i I(V)F cemetery at 3 pm that day. Mr. Sliaw aient mot of her life In nulla. Hr huaiand died rnmr emht year ao. and about tao vrar airo he cnt to Wn'ina to muka her home with her aon. Mr Shaw i aurvivrd b three on. lonard of Wal la Walla, Wash., Claude of Mtrhiaan. and E F of Wanna. Two of trie hovs wer member of the famon Oregon basket ball team of aome 40 year mo. Hehaallan Jneph McDonald St Pan! Sehalitn Jw'ph MrDonald, U, who died ai hi home ear; Tida, wa oorn in Yamhill cotiniv. Feb 22, 171 and had lived in thl community A3 year. Virvivini ate hi ilflni. Mr Mary Mc IKinall two .Atr P'cia Talbot alen and Mama Htlromi An.itv and a brot:ir, Peter McDonald ft Pi i! H-c t it;,ii of the Rcvaiv ai the Un-cr 1 ,:v-i.i: ') tiiO in Mt Anael T'farctav nu.it at o,:o.k w:tlt filUTa: -tMrf.v at '110 o rr,r Fri- dav momnt Irorn t ,e S Pn" Cal'iW cntirch and burial m th' St. Pu! t--.n-(ery. "Thinijs Arc Natural Nov!" "For over 15 v? -n,-Mp,itim l me flown. New . v'-r .mrr I t ,.nc ipntinj KKI.l.t" S I -It KAN' tlnr'y. 1 thine stp mr"tm - -id ht rr t I fait " Ml-s H a 7.i' I K'lf'. lT, 1'fittstown. I'.t. If yntir -lint lflrks hulk fur run ml rlirnir,iiti'n, thin (!! i cut tin rrrral will supply it. Kat. nn oini' t' every Hay in milk itnl (irim; ; a "iitv iarinn to kr-llowe o, Rittlp C-i'-'k. luh.. nd K"t I'Ut Hl.K MUNKV BACK. and energy. ipttiH "P niht. awellin;. pufl'incaa under tin- evra, hraitarhe ant din . Frequc t or nty pjianra with amarttnH an-' burnin.; tomctimca how there ii acmrthiint wron( with your k nine vi tn blmlder. Pon't wait 1 Aak ymir druggist for Doan't Pilla, a ttimulant diuretic, uard aurcraa fillybymillion for over m ycara. Doan'a give happ relief and Will help the IS rn-lea of knlnrv tiihr tlnh out poiaonnug aatg if on jrvw Uvthi Oct Uaa'a FiUa I . :