Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 03, 1948, Page 8, Image 8

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    School Group Names
Eugene for Hoop Go
Whil there hut never been little doubt as to where the 1849
State basketball tournament would be held, the Oregon School
Activities association, in Its November bulletin made it official
Capital Journal
salkm. oaroon
Page 8
November 3. 1948
Mort Polishes
Viks for Game
With Astoria
Coach Lnrrn Murt planned
additional polishing work for
the Salem high Vikings in pre
paration for thoir Saturday con
test with Astoria's Fishermen.
Despite liquid weather th;
Viks were sent through work
outs at dinger field Tuesday
in preparation for the Astoria
Coach Mort, whose team has
been an underdog virtually all
season, warned the gridders
that the strength of the Fisher
men was not to be discounted
His warning, coupled with
the fact that Paul Jewell, In
Jured in the Hillsboro game, and
Dick Tandy, injured at Corval
1 is. were listed only as possibles
for the Saturday roster, again
put the Viks in the underdog
role. Jewell, a scat back and
Tandy, conversion specialist,
have been potent threats all
Millers Dump
Bulldog JV's
Albany The Albany high
junior varsity football squad
dropped a 12-0 decision to the
Springfield Jayvees here on
Hudson field.
The Millers scored In the sec
ond quarter after taking the ball
in Albany territory due to an
Albany short punt. The touch
down punch came from 12
yards out. The visitors pushed
another tally in the fourth
quarter after a sustained drive
from mldfield.
Durham, N.C. Wi Duk uni
versity was one ot the first
southern Institutions to take up
Intercollegiate football. John
Franklin Crowell, president of
the school then known as
Trinity college organized the
first squad when he came to
Trinity from Yale In 1RB8.
North Carolina and Wake
Forest organized teams about
the same tima but they pattern
ed heir game along the lines of
rugby, using a perfectly round
ball. Trinity played the game as
Yale played it, using an oval
ball with more rushing than
East Lansing, Mich. vTi The
most lopsided victory ever scor
ed by a Michigan State college
football team was the 104 to 0
conquest of Hillsdale college in
1004. The worst beating the
Spartans ever took was lit to
0 by Michigan in 1902.
Players from 23 states are on
the football roster of Yale.
New York. Nov. 3 UJ He I coached Tech teams as compar-iBn as9istniit coach, right off the
turned football from a grind ed with those run by Alexander. (Tennessee campus where he was
into a lark, but while his boys ! is that T or single wing, they go jRn All-America for Bob Ney
are having fun, they also are jail out for deception. Iland. It s a good bet thrv'll be
racing headlong toward a New
Years day Sugar bowl date.
His team is unbeaten and un
tied and a good bet to stay that
way after clearing one of the
major obstacles on their sched
ule last Saturday.
He's the coach of the week,
Ti by Dodd of that ever-ram
blin wreck from Cleorgia, Tech.
v hie1, came out bruised but still
victor ous over those defensive
dJcmPT from Duke, lfl to 7
IWM has Instituted a football
prw ileal at Tcrh where he suc-
frrded slfin Bill Alexander in
1M4.V Alexander still is athletic
chrfe:. r hut it ;t Dodd who runs
t te team and how be runs it.
Alrx u;rd tn feature a single
V'iC, Dotid ges for nothing but
a Tii-ky ' T." The old Tech
iVim u.ed to jilav in tattered
: .Vi) yeiln w uniforms w hich
A I' ine r insisted helped hide
ur ball in deception plas and
fce tie p1,iers a ituigh tough
l..f k that acared the r-pnns'tion
Vw Ti ch pla.vrrs are drewd
1:; -lick black shirts and white
Ja 11 1 s.
'A WcJl dressed team has
mere prine and self confidence,"
Dodd said. "Those uniforms are
worth about touchdown a
Another wrinkle that worked
wonders in the morale depart
ment in thee days of football
players with families, is the
"wives" bench." Dodd arranged!
for the wives of the married!
people to sit on the field near
their husbands. So far there
haven't been any hysterics over;
players who get knocked cold, i
One thing that remains strik
ingly the tame about
when it named Eugene. The
dates for the class A tourney
are March 15-19 inclusive, and
for the Class B games at Union,
March 3, 4 and S.
Each team will be allowed 10
cents per mile each way for
transportation and each player
will receive a subsistence al
lotment of $6 per day.
Officials have not been nam
ed and each district chairman
ihas been asked to send to the
(secretary of the OSAA a list of
I three men in the order of pref
erence, whom he considers to
be of state tournament caliber.
Three Teams
Deadlocked in
Coast Hockey
Br tha Aaaociatad Prrju
Vancouver, Portland and
Seattle were deadlocked for the
lead of the northern division of
the Pacific coast hockey league
today as the result of a 7-3 vic
tory of the Seattle Ironmen
over the Vancouver Canucks.
In the southern division, the
Fresno Falcons tripped the divi
sion leading San Francisco
Shamrocks 6-3.
The schedule tonight sends
New Westminster to Tacoma,
Fresno to Lo. Anaele. K,n
Diego to San Francisco and
Portland to Seattle.
Managers and sponsors of the
City basketball league are slat
ed to assemble at the Chamber
of Commerce at 7:30 Wednes
day night for the purpose of I
electing officers and discussingla
plans for the season's opera-
Up and Over
--A Ml'
J7 FThrrtmsi
8 f(;K"IW I l
preparation for the international Jumping contests with Franc
and Canada at the National Hon Show.
Fun Leads
The 1948 team, which has won
six straight and has scored 141
points to 29 for the opposition,
is the best he has seen in 10
years He has been at Tech
since 1931 when he came in aslonce to the Oil bowl.
We Challenge You To Compare
8ROWN-FORMAN Diililltn Ccrpararlon at lovnviH k Kttvtky
KMC RIO UIL Bl'nOfd Hrltukv. Tin ttriijtil whukiM in thu ptoducl iff I'A vein Ot
Ciftg J
Voters Okay
Denver, Nov. 3 OP) It ap
peared early today that Colorado
voters had opened the state to tettr saa. sno tii 2.-Haai-
, jt0". 509 AlMhir 4. McNeil 492, Mc-
psri-mutuel betting on horse and i Kinney 532. mcaiuswt 401.
, I Trallwo? Hi Rayburn 586. McNall 561,
dOg races. McFarland 516. Price 507. Ertsnaard 602.
Wifh Od7 f 17(14 nrorinrtc TP- Krr'" '2i-Wherley 451. Karr 557. -D.
' ' - - -
ported unofficially, an initiated
measure to legalize betting was
leading by 109,239 to 92,188, and
hefty block of Denver votes
remained to be counted indicat-
ing the margin might grow
I.t. Col. Humberto Mariles, Mexican Army
horseman, takes Nortena over the gate tn
to Bowl
somewhere on New Year's day
just as they have in five out of
the last eight years, twice to
the Orange bowl, once to the
Sugar, once to the Cotton and
Red label
KING Red Label
For Flavor!
For Quality!
3" I 205 I
4 5 Quart I Pint I
(RECORD: 97 Right, 44 Wrong, three Ties. PCT: .688)
- (Complete
Ptgf, sjroovms thftn lor Karr , roId trie
huh nmr of 237 and trie high tent
of 848 Tuesday nifht In Industrial No. 1
boa-lint. The Karr team came through
with the hiih irm of 2813.
StHtirr Supply Co. ' t Muflhaupt 418,
C. Sttitlrr 419. B Hillertcn 479. Hfndrle
Ptg 648. f) nev 499 Rarnho rit M3
KaJem Hravy Haultnc 0 Bulaman
448. Cracroft 387. Crew 295. Farley 464.
B. Cracroft 414. Blue take Parkers 3
Lanshoff 485. Ayera 438, Hill 483, Eckley
370. Carlson 561.
Keith Brown tOtSernixan 458. D Hlll
erlch 4H4. Hughe 364. Sour 485. Hodfies
491. Valley Motor 3 Doerfler 494, My
ers 484. Bullock 458, J. Farley 541, Col
well 462.
Brand Builder 1 Farrar 404. Miller
565. Futrell 444. McQueen 320. Brant 406".
Rrmlnrton Rand 3 Hugalna 458. Reeve
435. Raboln 371. P. Valdri 477, Cruwell
Thrlflway Cleanera 3 Brauaht 444,
J. Daniels 447. Creaky 386. Main 488. H.
Dan tela 560. ftrhrork'a Motor Co. 0
Winter 434. Zobel 385, Boeach 461. Klein
366. Boniface 4.1 B
Stanford Sub
To Run Squad
Palo Alto, Calif., Nov. 3 i!Pi
Tom Shaw, an up-and-coming
quarterback who scared but
failed to beat Oregon, may run
the Stanford team against
Army's eleven Saturday in New
Regular Quarterback Aubrey
Devine will make the trip to
New York but may not play
because of a leg injury.
The squad will leave by TWA
chartered plane tomorrow morn
ing and will work out Friday in
Yankee stadium.
When the San Francisco 49ers
of the All-America conference
dumped the New York Yankees
41-0 this season, it was the firrt
shutout the Yankees had suf
fered since early 1B46.
, Easy to apply, buf hard to wear out
rhis quick-drying enamel protects 11
interior floors with pleasing color. hi l I Q fl ..
W.haveifma yOUll te UIQU it W8S
wide range of I 0or gmW -
FiRFPiCiV J J "ft G Dislilling Sslect Blended
, V 111 lllll WW 1 Company. N. Y.. N. Y. BBWlWhlsLvr 90 Proof 60 Grain Neutral SpiriU
(0& i Household Goods . . . 1
M V I J ... Merchandise f I
(HmMKm fun r : j
ftmmwmvm j : s
urn mmbim y$k ( . Co;, bTf. on
I Capital City Transfer Co. 1
im ' III 1 t VyWI f Ul Moving and Srereo f
Thf straight whukios in thi$ product art b virs or mort
AM. i lraitfht wtitilifw fiiH stJifl rtfutrit iOifitS. 86
proof. 10S it-light whihay 5 ytm old ?1S strffrt ?irtlie 6 years old 4 struct
h.Uty l.ytsn Copyoiht 1948. Schcnliy Oislilltrt Corpontion, New York City
Valley Oil kegler. rettiatered the hltrh
game of 205 while Boyce. pitching for
Standard Station, recorded the hist)
aerie of 532. The Savint Center atorea
turned In the hlah team aerie of 2370.
Kay Woolen Mills 2 Sullivan 464,
Peteron 33. Claries on 329. Kay 370. Reid
433. McDonald Candy Co. 1 ) Nichols
430. Lewi i226, Neel 430, Walkup
356. Riley 309. Scott (II U7.
Valley Oil Cm. J Boa 513. Warner
418. Oelk 431. Lein 423. Veatal 449. Team
sters d Graham 512. Wlckman 409,
Wolfe 413. 8t rat ton 336. Kneddler 450
8clo Merchants (11 Krejci 504. Main
502. Rockwell 316, Dennmore 471, Schrunk
482. Savtna Center Stores 2 Garrison
454. WMit 477, LawIeM 485. Wink 440.
Rayburn 534.
Standard Stations lnr. 3 A. Boyce
532. Black 386. KopiAChke 460. Buckley
441. Minch 490. Interstate No. t '01
Pierce 306. HUlertch 434, Pearl 330, McNeil
381. Pearl 495.
Barb's Kids 2 Inaals 439. DeOeer 354.
J Olney Jr. 422. Morey 527, Schmidt 497.
Hoffman Construction 1 Crawford 494.
Emberton 291. Evan 516. Miller 393, Clark
M ids it Market 0 Law. on 389. Vlttone
400. Mver 389. Round 272. Walker 412.
Interstate No. t '3 Hobb 463. Robin-
ton 483. Ambrose 339, Wall 471, Clark 502.
Duckpin Bowling
(Complete Results)
MEN'S CITT LEAOl'E Vernon 8ttll
rrt.:k-d up a 506 ?n? while BUI Treete
recorded 192 isme for Individual hon
or.. "The high te.m jierle wu m.rlted
up by Froetjr OUon at 3155 and the high
team .ame .a. recorded 07 Greene'.
Market with n.
Elner Molar. (31 R. Miller 4S7. L.
RumcII 385, Stull 437. P. Riuuell 983. W.
Miller 391. I-ea Newman'. (31 Nelmeyer
463. B. Rieaterer 363, DeVoc 333. Ltnhart
365. Fox 411.
Earl Malm'. 0t Malm 34T. 333.
Karn 327. Dimbat 313, 405.
r.rrrne'a 4 Hope 378. B. Treeea 497.
Hal! 374. Fnter 417. Rthft 458.
Snnnet. t4 Sttll 506. Ju.t 455. Capp.
337. Went. 380. Bye 327. Oavl. OH 01
Harmon 430. D.VU 390, Well. 330, Crea.y
327. Hensel 431.
Mora.n'. 2 1 Flower. 346. Hampton
140. C. Capp. 477. Ounn 319. L. Capp.
410. Ol.on 3t Wood 413. Bennett
490, Achol. 384. Oauthier 439. Meyer. 441.
Racing colors of Townsend B.
Martin will be seen this winter
at Hialeah after a long absence
Martin won the 1937 Flamingo
with Court Scandal, the day af
ter he purchased the colt.
By Muri' and Frank Eck
Webfoots Cut
Scrimmage for
Huskies Game
Eugene. Ore., Nov. 3 W) The
Oregon Ducks are through with
scrimmage in preparation for
the game against the Washing
ton Huskies Saturday.
"We don't want to force our
luck because no one has been
injured. We are at top strength
now," Coach Jim Aiken said
following the second straight
day of scrimmage yesterday.
Usually the Ducks scrimmage
only once a week.
The 37-man squad will leave
here by train Thursday night,
following an early practice. The
Ducks also will work out in Se
attle Friday.
Only 12 of the 49 football
players listed on the roster of
the University of South Caro
lina weigh more than 200
Capitol Theatre Bldg. 534 State St.
Pick your choice of winning trams for damn llnted brio and present to
Jerry'n Sweet Shop ilong with your nimr, address and phone number not
later than ft P. U. Friday, Nov. ft. The entry moat nearly correct receive! fret
1st Prize Box Miss Saylor's Chocolate
2nd " Z Free Passes Elslnore Theatre
3rd " 2 Free Passes Capitol Theatre
In case of tie the entry received earliest will be
selected the winner.
1. Salem HI vs. AMnrla HI.
t. Willamette ts. Lin field.
S. Ore. State tk. Wah. State.
4. Orei. I', va. Wah. V.
5. Stanford ts. Arm.
Bear's Jenson Paces
Coast League Gridmen
Los Angeles, Nov. 3 if) California and its ace fullback, Jackie
Jensen, continue to show the way on offense to the rest of the
Pacific coast conference. .
Jensen has totaled 790 yards via ground and air, while the big
Bear team has rolled out an average of 393 9 yards, running and
passing, per game. ;
Oregon's Norm Van Brocklm
leads passers with 51 comple-
lions good for 752 yards, al-
thmiah UCLA's Ray Nagel rates:
close with 45 hits good for 770
Individuals leaders:
Total offense Jack Jensen.
California, 790; Ray Nagel,
UCLA. 767: Van Brocklin. Ore
gon, 709; Don Samuel, Oregon
State, 647; Ev Mitchell. Stan
ford. 533.
Rushing Jensen, 686; Jack
Swaner, California. 457; John
McKay, Oregon, 447; George
Bell, Oregon, 422; Bob White,
Stanford. 371.
Passing Van Brocklin, 51 for
752 yards; Nagel, 45 for 770;
Jim Powers, USC, 32 ot 371;
Frank Mataya, Washington
State, 30 for 453; Anse McCul
lough, Washington, 30 for 382.
Team Leaders
Total offense California.
393.9 yards average; Oregon.
343; Washington State, 309.8;
Stanford, 290.4; Oregon State.
Passing ' Washington State,
137.5; UCLA, 134.3; Oregon
State. 129.9; Oregon, 111.9;
Stanford. 104.1.
Rushing California, 293.7;
Oregon, 231.1; Stanford, 186.3;
Idaho, 184.7; Washington State,
Total defense California.
196 7 yards per game; Stanford.
242.7: Oregon. 244.0; Southern
California, 257.6; Montana,
The Santiam Ski club will
meet at 8 o'clock Thursday
night in the den of the YMCA
when plans for the first ski
expedition of the season will
be discussed.
The San Francisco '49ers were
the first team in the history of
the All-America Football con
ference to go through an entire
game without receiving a kick
off. It happened against the New
York Yankees recently.
S. Penn. State r
?. minors rs. low
Penn. ff.
I. I'tah vs. CMrada A. M.
ff. Mo. vs. Ok la.
. So. Meth. vs. Tei. A. N.
your first tast)
you'll b glad
It was Gibson's
Selected g
AIL... TV.
a n.....
IVII55 rUSSer 111
Armistice Game
Albany Albany high school's
gridsters, leaders of the Big Six
league and heading District 4,
will be minus the trusty arm of
Jim Jenks, quarterback, in
their Armistice day tussle with
the Corvallis High Spartans at
Corvallis, Rex Hunsaker, head
coach announced Tuesday.
Jenks received an injury to
his passing arm in the Spring
field game last Friday at Spring
field and will be out of uniform
all week, Coach Hunsaker
Monday a "skull' practice was
held, and Tuesday the boys don
ned their pads for a scrimmage
in propping for the Spartans.
Bill Christopher and Roy
Keck also received injuries at,
Springfield but are expected to
be ready for the Spartans.
Herb Parks downed Farmer
Jones in the principal event of
the weekly professional wrest
ling program at the armory
Tuesday night. Rufus Jones
downed Billy Fox i-. one of the
preliminaries while the Grey
Mask flattened Tex Hager. The
scheduled third match did not
Jim Fuchs, Olympic shot put
winner, is playing in the back
field for Yale's football squad.
An Owner-Built
Ranch Home
It cm h done yon (Tl
ran do if. November "r.
Sunset tells (with (tit V
pictures ! ) how the Ivliii
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honse made it into a v. I I
ramblv ranch home. 'r ... V
Hundreds more nood ideas I
At newsstands now NOV.