10 Capita? Journal. Salem. Ore.. Tuesday. Nov. 2. 194S Heart's Haven Ey RUTH ROSEMARY CORBY Upstairs Gina and Eve. towel ing their hair, were making sug gestions to each other about pos sible apparel. Gina was pos seted with a desire to dress up. "You'd think, in a lovely old house like this, thcre'd be scads of old-fafhioned dresses," she said. "And there may be if we look around. I want some thing really picturesque some thing that will make that ice berg of a Brett Rodman look at me. instead of at the furniture." "Look," said Eve suddenly, "there must be an attic to this house. And there are always old clothes in attics." But it was found only after the opening of many doors, with much laughter, and more than one startled "Oh !" when one or the other ran into a cobweb. They climbed the stairs and came out into a dim, raftered room full of the usual odds and ends that accumulate in an attic! A trunk in a corner proved to contain just what they had hop ed to find: dress after dress,! carefully packed away, exuding a faint fragrance of lavender) when they were shaken out of their folds. j Gina finally chose a garnet red frock of thick rich satin, and Eve decided on a flowered mus lin. They even found little heel less slippers, with ankle rib bons, that would go on their feet If they handled them with great care, for the materials were fra gile with age, and felt as though they might fall apart in their hands. Like a couple of conspirators the girls, with their bundles un der their arms, hurried along the gallery to their rooms. "Lock your door," said Eve in parting. "Don't let anyone see you until the bell rings for dinner. We'll go down together after everyone else is In the din ing room." The dinner gong sounded soon afterwards. Eve waited behind her door, listening until the sound of footsteps outside had died away. She turned the key then and opened the door softly. Just as another door creaked further around the gallery and Gina tiptoed out. Prepared as they had been for each other's appearance, both girls were, for a second, startled at the com plete transformation the beau tiful old gowns made. Gina's fair hair had dried now and was pulled up on top of her head in a top-knot and tied with a ribbon. The skirt of the heavy satin gown was very wide and full and billowed out her slim waist, emphasized by a tight plain bodice that left her white shoulders and arms bare Eve had merely run a comb through her cloud of dusky hair, and It tumbled down over the shoulders of the sprigged muslin dress, with its long tight sleeves and square neckline. There were pink ribbon bows at the shoulders and at the narrow waist, and the skirt was ruffled and frilled until It stood out like a ballet dancer's skirts. On tall Eve the hem eame only to the top of the satin shoe ribbons erossed at the ankles and tied In hark. "We're too quaint," said Olna. "Now aren't we?" They linked arms and went down to the dining room. Side by ride, they stood In the open doorway. At that moment the door at the opposite end of the room opened and Mrs. Jackson came through from the pantrv She was carrying a silver tureen and, as the door swung shut be hind her, she glanced up and saw the two girls. Everything seemed to happen at once. With a roar, the wind hurst open the double French doors opposite the tbaie and the randies went out as suddenly as If snuffed out by one huge ex tinguisher. At the same Instant the tureen In Mrs. Jackson's hands crashed to the floor, the cover rattling and clattering across the bare floor, making a metallic accompaniment to a thin, wailing cry that rose high above the uproar. Gina and Eve stood as if pet tnfied in the doorway, their figures outlined dimly by the hanging lamp In the hall behind them. Chapter Ten fhoate from a Book "Art you 111?" Inquired Mrs. Marbury. Mrs. Jackson looked embar rassed. "No ma'am," she ald "I was just surprised " "Surprised?" echoed Julie. "I should think you would be u.ed to a wind like this if you've Jbeen living here for years." i "Yes ma'am." said Mrs. Jack son, adding a little sullenly, "it wasn't the wind." She said no imore, as Jackson returned with I the ni'in and went to work on the spilled soup. "Well, certainly something must have made you scream," said Brett, almost smiling now. "Did you see a ghost?" Mrs. Jackson, stung to a quick retort, said sharply: "That's just what I did. at least what I thought for a min ute. But now I see It was just the two young ladies." Mr. Howe now glanced at Gina and Eve, who had taken their places at the table. "If these girls reminded you of something in the past history of this house, there must be an interestine story in it," he ob served dryly, "There is a story," admitted Mrs. Jackson. "You wouldn't want to hear it, though, not if Mrs. Marbury's thinkink of buy ing the house. It s not a pretty story. Many's the time I've been sorry I ever read It, nights when the wind was blowing hard." "Read it?" put In Ham. "Where did you read it?" "Well," said Mrs. Jackson, "there's an old book on those shelves near the fireplace, writ ten by one of the people who used to own this place." "How are we going to find the famous story?" Gina, lead ing the way to the library, threw over her shoulder at the proces sion following her. With one accord as they left the dining room, everybody had started in the same direction. Neil, last in line, heard Gina's remark and called out: "Why not ask Mrs. Jackson to get it for us? She probably knows where it is. Don't you, Mrs. Jackson? He raised his voice, retracing the few steps back to the dining room and calling through the door. "Don't I what? inquired the caretaker, very busy over her clearing away. Know just where to find that ghos-t story." "Come on in and show us, Julie called from the library. We've got to have something to do in this godforsaken place." I wouldn't like to be the cause of upsetting anybody," she said doubtfully. But Eve join ed Julie's plea. "Oh, come on," she urged. "I can hardly wait to hear the story of the ghosts we resemble so strongly. It's the most romantic thing that ever happened to me!" "I don't really believe that," said Brett, his dark eyes glinting as he looked down at her. "Why must you exaggerate?" "Gibbons' Decline and Fall of Rome," he read, pausing an in stant to peer at the faded titles before moving on another two feet. (To be continued) I "j itfritousf F ' 1 72898 L ' '? sizes 2897 WAIST SlitJ K . H (your n 3gS Vis No. 2897 is cut In waist sizes 22. 24. 2. 28. 10. 12. 34. and 36. Si 23 skirt. 1 ' yds. M In.; stole, 1 yd. 84-in. No. 2M8 Is cut In si;es 10, 12. 14. 16. 1R. 20. 36, 3R. 40. and 42. Sue 36. 2S yds. 30-in. svnd 3V for ncn pattern with Nsnie, Adore and ttyw Number Suite slit desired. If you would ttkt to srt over Joo other patterns styles hal emer all alios, mres. and occasion including a snecisl Mutton rievotwj io a vs. netv of Clmst-msA gifts you can niHkt easily sjid eoonoirlcally be surf to order a copy of the rail Winter Fiuliion Book. Hi a won derful hook Ur homf-srwers and the price Is )tlM ?r. Aitclrn PAT TEHN ryKPAR I'MKNT Capital Journal. i mimioo si., nan rrui Cisco b. Calif. I CAN 7" SEEM TOSMAKEOFF A fcfrfr" fZjf2i lV Mil AG SfHAv6iA I STEVE ' i HAVE DiODEDTG e TROUBLED. UNFASV fEEUNG'--- I HI iifl ZJSl f VN OV AS MA,OSCW I BUV A TELEVISION ITS SOKETHIV6, I ALWAYS 6ET J L j 1 W-f I- A S W 6 A Y U-CAM ' - V STATION FIKD 'ONE I AFTER IM yV'jru MR gALtl" IB II ! I I I.. '6 BOSS A AtXXMO ')MXHHC . F55 SALE ANO A c krr- xrfSS"' -tt! i4J V A L tu"U-troo -skit.' tD JLnptH negotiations. 'j l'I J. sVVr l rj t- VS-vf WHATCVL? ms HfJ-lOu EVER f-a i ESSy WTT"3 r1 TO E?g?7 what did he T r 1 02 LM.,lt f mm i a-.rn.J tniinpi. iiiama- n mTl ikntmuAy. LOOK LIKE - t a- II i J " JrRV? HHiSWH"!" ",L"TTL,'T ' r V r " 1 "tfl V ' s f" WM titLilJLi Hitmmmmirtn itmmt -a fefe. qosh'some veah'out o. k- Die is IT. V movbe yer got u Run! help- sj is O WELL, THERE'S MV OUO CANQl AU. Tf ', OUK6, O' MB VJO. 9ml LEAVE HIM I M-ErrtCTtOH FEP DFjl . IQOK OUT t COPPER J V U D OPOONO TH- POLLIN' PLACE-IP VIM flINT f ' BUS SHOT? PUNKS Hftve IT- Jag I XOOTtTAIM TCP BE K. " "M l'I VIGHT'VUH DOffTCSIT IN TER VOTS fii - L -i.l. xaraJ TH"ROKEN BODY J f HE COT If P0UCE ! WHERE'S I ft,. P W6U ' STOC VEAW,6rVIM' I I 00660NIT,IWISU AKrV WAV THE 60M& " I VEA.H, WE AlMTV HE'LL WAFTA52 A (APPLE PIE TOR FOLKS W00LO ORDER TON WILBURS CASH . D01M' EKIOOSH PUT THE OLD STREET 'vnnmsurmBE uaiWnP wi THE SOMETHIM' BESIDES 1 REGISTER AlNTSOUNO) BUSINESS TO VEPICAH BAOiOW THE S. " SfBM) 31 ""'"-l ' WMUT ) ,TS ONE Of THEM T-CN ACCOUNT YO' W I , f ge'ther bkuz am gona & SouStflnS own boKh A ijorr H I GOODNESS O'MAH HEART -AND q. QS ME' f( O'TPLaV- b' YO1 2 (rZSj L foa price, rr gus gooscsrcmsk ) TV J-Zfj "t-iKwom n r Ji I lii (nil tl nii-i.fT i I , V II I 'T Vy 'JA-H '"I I lT-.- 'T'.ai " i 1 , , .. . rounvuiiitm y, -vjj SAY, LtSTBS BUDOV. NOWLOOtCA HHRE.Tifrrr -AS I WAS SAYING TV5p U BSrANDNoS" AmIUkKOO W ELECTION .3 OFFICER. DONT XjblM LA0W ANDmOTS U fFl AlLtr-T fiiPli ANn... I OVER;---now KNOwBETTERTmriTfT ,p ,T WASN'T FOR F&L lti"-"",a",iiIr3 on.htLL ee "1 wiiL, eeom the way he fixed up 1 EF sen" r.w really o-j tun icf w . OUNDVlIW) THAT DOS OP RUSTV'S, I TWNK He J T-E REAL CJNIJ COMiNS BSmT I.EPF' es.itTwN5MNjcoMiKi Wetback, by -rue ha? a natural biptto vCl i oVyoh vast sm,,mX4- 27 JX TA.NS BLA ) V.AY, HOW DO V0U J VETERINARY WORK. MAT ThYnIs TILL VK. 3i Rul " U SOU") FOTHESELBVCUO 'rf TMiNK VOUCN A SPLINT WA AS OOD Vit" , " - S It 60INS WTO "'NNyry Jf gOtESVOHAL? J..V, V i O'. I HOVEST.'A MOLE IM ONE, N frK r 1VE COT A WITNESS . - l . cT Tf-U I n..,-i h - - i t, - - r. - A I YOU II4ID IOSNOW AMCVIL I ..... .... i WIS UPPO'.f D TO BE TMl RS I .......... . 1 VE AM. . AN' MAVRF ITTi I jAv!- VARDtM AUNtMARV'MOW WA T8VN4 lOACauKIl WMITl OOPDlMOf AAVA6t TStf TAllC TO MR 2A22MAN ANTtLL 1 M MART roilvt HEJl 71 iS'lX ANVMBANDA00WAyN,WU,IN&Mt(t8 IN IMlrVTUR..J THINK 1U M HIM K) HAVt Mfc BQICKER WRITE fT WN6 AN' DANCi i II j 1 I u !Nt'.ORr.Al r-f TIMt I ENCOUNTERED MER A CANMIRAl!- W Ht NONT VCHJAREAt 04CAR-WINNLR PART M ONM0WITSA L 'I I M tTWIIMMRRW'NUIiK' "AV110ACT1 IT rTHlimtYTCHA?M H"', J Wfl Af THE TIMt ' r . J" A k. Cae, V I faETTlN TO WORK wr I ', i Vv' ' Pllii rg c RADIO PROGRAMS JKSLM Hit UBO TUESDAY IKGW . itl i C taintlM 'iU Tm Mil . tM Gabrltl Rtailtr . ill IKUtliM Ratiriit JritttlM trni Lna Mrry Trsfalar TBA Ncwi malwa l.aloa rTrit Kailva Ftvorila Ittrlat EirUe KltrtltiR FUrllsn Klarllas Fieri Iom FlariloiT rifrtia K lac Man riarlion ElarliaR inaction Election fclfchon Fa It on Lawlfl Orrbitr Orchittr Op Hoiim New Opeai !! SlfO Off 130 KBO Batumi Kalvrna llalima Bel nm RflHrna Rrlurna Kilrflt Rrltirna Return Relarni Katumt Rcturna Rftnrnt Retarna Rrlurna Rrlyrni Rrlurna P.M. K0C0 T K0IIM ill F lac t Ian Flaction Rice t ton elactlon Raturna Ret n rut Ketttriti Raturna Flee I Inn Raturna Election Raturna F.lectln Raturna Fleet Ion Raturna litin Olf flaevr 3 3mm r.araar ill Rata Ring Craabf New a M? uanr Melodr Candlaliihl Krtdli UMir Kddla UMir Ion Banal To Band Flection rariT" FlaclloR Fartjf Flection rtrtr Election Pnrtr Partr Parly Pari Partr "PartF Party Parly Parly Flection Flaetlon Flection Election Riarlion" Flection Election Election Flection Parly Flection Party rirclion Parly Flection Party RUn Olf Election Election Fleet Ion tied Ion Election Election Electlen Flection rieetlon riarlion Flection F.lffUon Election Flection Election Flection Flection Flection Flection Flection Election Flection Flection Election Raturna Raturna Ralurna Rolu me "Ret ma Return Ralurna Return Raturna Ralurna Relurna Return Return Rot urn Return Return Ecturna Raturna Raturna Ralurna Ralurna Raturna Relurna Relurna Flection Election r.leelinn Klortloa Raturna Retuma Relurna Ralurna Slteat WEDNESDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. New Muaia Mareb Time Newt New Ria t thin Rim Rbtnn Tan Trade Raraaln Counter Victor LlndUnr Hon of Pioneer Orcheatrs Neva Goooel Si men Poetor'a CU RataSnllb Slnia Ladlea rtret Nortbweit New Queen tor Pay Queen for a. Day Walla Time Watte Bereniide Harmony Houal North went New Top Trade New Blue Show Buck Nation Heart'a Desire) Heart' Deaire Weal Ralem Boar Bine Bins Happy ana Happy Gans O reheat rn Community Cheat Orcheotm Hetninrway Paaalni Parado Ortheetra Fulton Lawia. Jr. Ore heat rn Orcheotm Orebaalrn Hodca Podeo Hodca Podau New Hodro Podeo Farm Tlnsa Parnt Time The Old Santa Ban Hayea Fred TParin Fred Warlni Jack Bereh Friendly Helodloa ilOCO Block ;oCO Block ;oco Riock Ei ten lion Horvloa Tommy Doraey Tommy Doraey Tommy Doraey Tommy Doraey Vlneonl tope Science Byway Brlabtrr Day Double or Nothlm ibla ar Nothing Today Children Merit of World Now Ma Perklna Pepper Vonnf tiapplnrf Barkstara Wife fttella Dallaa Lorcnaa Jonra Widder Brown Girl Marrtaa Portia Face Ufa Juit Plain BUI Front Patu Road of Life I,o r a tawton Aunt Mary Nora Drake Woman'a Berrot Ufa Beautiful I.inda'a Ftrat Loa Stare of Today Tei Rlller Neva 4 part Top O' Horning Newt Klnv'a Cruadera Kin' rrueadara HM. Melody roller Cup Churrb In Wild. Vocal Varietloa Moile Newa Melody Tlma Peny 10 Tha Muala Newa Cowboy Jublla Hal perwin Hal Derwla Music Ted Steele Newt Noon Favorite ClOBlIf Claaaiea Lltcn t Ulbart Muaia West Ralem Hour Wet Salem Hour West Ralem Hour West Ralem Hour IStb St. Hour 12th Rt. Hour lttn St. Hour l!lh St. Hour Newa Pee Wea Hunt Rhythm Ranrb Rhythm Ranch Newa RUIN KLOCm ROIN RLOCR KOIN RLOCR KOIN RLOCR Nawa Newa Fred Reek Consumer Brwi Feature Storp Orand Slam Rosemary Wendy Warre Aunl Jenny Rclea Trent Our Oal Sunday; Big Slater Ma Parkin Dr. Malona Tha Onldlng Ub Mr a. Burton Perry olaaon Norab Drake Erclrn Wlnlatt Nawa Coma and Get It Meet tha Mlaani Meet tba Nfaaua Art Bakar Art Bakar Newspaper at Newtpaper af Hint Hunt Hint Hunt Houao fartp Rooao Party New Tunefully Tonra Artbf t Oodfroi Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrop Arthur Godfrey Club IS Cdw. B. Morrow lCV Tnei. F.M.- I rl- B:3 DIAL LISTINGS: Green Horneti 1:30. !tkT Rlnat 1:M. Keeping t'P with Bporla: :15. Homo Edition: :'0. Bo port to Peoplti : to 1:30, Detroit hn phonyt 1:V. TbU Is Law; ?:45. Ivenlnr Seronadei R:M. Tapplne Outi R:1B. Earl Godwin; R:B0. Town Meelin; :M, Monl- Tlewa Newai Bporiai awni; IA:M. Newai 10:15. lnlermesiot lA:Xn, Concert Henri ll:. Ore hoot rat lt:M. Extra Hoari 1M, Sign Off. LCY Wednaidar. a.m. t 4:4ft p.m. lLA :Mt. Baulrrely Bird Timet 1:01, Newai Martin Arronskyi T-M, News: 7:, Kcka Mannon 8:M t t:M, Break fart Club i t:M. Melod 6a Round; t:IS, Aeoai 9:90, Ray Kyaer; iv.im. Mr True Rtoryt t1:0f). Btty Croca- or : 11:15, I.latentnv roeti ii:mi, star apoi Itehti 11:411, NorthweaUrnera; 1:M, Newai II: IB, Noon Dreams t 12:M, Galen Drakei 11:45, Listen to This) 1:00, Breakfast In KEX, 11D0; KOAC. 650 MCkr Ob 4bo i P- IWMle beat) B:M. S porta Cllbi 4:0, Tba Newa; :1B. Melodies; Round tha CamPfiret T:l, Farm Hoirt B: Great Songai R:11 Holland Calllnn g:M, In Your Namei S:4o, Newa; Campua Headline, II of Ot t:Sfl ta lt:M. Election Return t lt:D0, Sign Off. IffSkr Wed. AM It. Newa; WIS. WAVr RapeciaUy for Woman: 11:0. Oregon School of Aln 11:1k, Concert Halh lt:uO, Newst Farm Honri 1:0, Rido 'om Cowboy; :IR. Variety Timet Thia Dan l:5. Melody l anet l;no. Wom an of Influence; ?:45, Oreaon School of Aln 8 W. News; l:IA. Musio of Masters; .m, Oregon Reporter, 4:15. Proudly W Hall. Hollywood. 1:S. At Home With lay West; t:fW. Surpriaa Paohafe; Heated: 1:M, Welcome Traveleril 4:M Runnrslrie Hp. ' Sign Wanted Anna, 111. W) Tht Anna Ro tary club didn't like tht city'i new apeed warnings. So it wrote city council: 'The club feels , that these tignt are in very poor taste, and do not make a very good Im pression upon visitors to our city. We (eel that It would have been more appropriate to read 'Speed limit 20 miles per hour strictly enforced.' " Instead, the posted signs read: "20 Mi. Per Hr. or SEE the JUDGE." ACROSS tLav away Parta with for monap 1L, Bpouts for drawing; aap II. PtemuneratWu 14. Alternative 15. Grating field IT. Metric land measure IS. Woolly aurfaea) of cloth Sfi. Gazes ciirloualp 21. Silkworm 32. Maid 14. Devic frr cat chin a; ' 15. Stalk K. Dora 28. Wlthnraw 10. By way of II. Uafce a mlstaka II. Son of a klnf 16. Pbototrraphio cop 10 K. Lona; a tick I. Himalayan ahoep 41. Staio In BraaD 42. Poem 43. Expiate 45. Hippla a rain at 4. Ouraelvea 47. SlucRixhly 49. Be enough 50. Puizlo workatp hi. Click beetlo hi. Chain U. Matrona OOWft L Oraralraln hit nlAlpnAiT T O O P UiMUrTi AL. 1 "5 Suntl MmIa L II SlA tH r TCM vQg ejw '0p'00Iw anpy 3I1NPlTNQT AlB c a n .oUn QV I W ft lyj-Hcli CIS 'lEIWlTI Solution of Ysttarday's PurIr I. Pal pa Htr t. Bnlinnrh 4. Harveat m r ij r r m i7 ib r r F ' p5 IT Cuii '2. ' ' -. ifJJ iniVy.i.ii. . ..:,',.,,;' : . .: OW- iS TT STTSf v :H 1 1 1 Wrr 1 I. Anrlont Jaw aacatlo C. Q n ah on T. Or nan a of nearinjr t. Caustic alka line aolutloa I. Chlnexa mean lira 10. Trapped II. Vornl enrnpo aitloni , IK. Pfrt 1 16. Golf trna 19. Furnish 21. Everlaatlna; :3. Cut of meal 2. Stock certlflcntoa 27. Th Caucaaiaa thft 2. Alwaya: poet. 22. Bows of boat M. Rounduna 24. Compound ethers IS. Breathed rapidly 21. Manual vocationa 17. Flavor 4- And not 42. Tha horb d'fl 44. Fmlnmo name 47. Tha yellow burl 4,. Sweet orttafo 51. French art id a. oVymMI for UUurtun ROOM AND BOARD . . . . . By Gene Ahern I TMINHYER IDA SON' INTO BUSINESS TUM SivE ACMC6 AN' ANSWER QUESTIONS, IS GREAT. I'M ONE OF THO1 rQi rvC unjA acc ei 11 1 a unoe QUESTIONS TMAH ANSWERS' - t 1 1 RC A CTCirv CUSTOMER W1TM QUESTIONS tact WHAT WAS FOIST DA CHICKEN, OR DA ESS OM-.. AWa.p .- V OOVS.' - OM -KW-VVONOER. IP I'LL SET AAA NY BRAIN-BURNERS ON THE ORDER. , Or THAT OLD ONE.' l'-. WRECK MS BUSINESS, WW WW ImI