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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1948)
y ia u ' i Local Paragraphs Lebanon Lodge Hott InviU- j have been sent to 192 Re- iah lodgei throughout Ore- for a public reception for stln Smi'h of Lebanon, ident of the Rebekah assem- of Oregon. The affair hon g Mr. Smith will be held in Lebanon nign scnooi auai- um Monaay nignt at t lock. ticensei Are Issued Mar e licenses have been issued Vancouver, Wash., to Verne Blackman and Alma M. jnmpson, both of Salem; Fran- Fortune and Mabel K ght, both of Salem; Walter Kenfield, Salem and Lorna Blunt, Silverton; Lawrence JFields and Billie D. Hall, both ajsilverton and to Loreni John , DnrtlnnH Bnd Flnrpnce I.. jldredth, Sweet Home A li nse was Issued in Portland to Jenn M. Meeks, Mill City, and felyn Mae Cross, Dayton. ,Saltm Man Named Howard .'&rd, Salem student attending it University of Portland, was imed vice president of the Ssnman cihms ai win annum action held last week. .Baliston Man Cited Harold Shafer of Baliston, was iarged with reckless driving Portland Saturday after the itomobile he was driving col- ilfled with a Portland police pa 1 driven by Patrolman Ivan jTvollmer. The officer receiv ' 1 minor forehead, hip and el w lacerations when his car Verturned. His companion was it injured. Shafer and a wo ian companion in the front seat ere thrown from their car. ne Had three other passengers in tfce vehicle, none of whom were VFW Plan Carnival The sec ond annual carnival sponsored by the Veterans of Foreign Wars Will be held at the Silverton sSrmory Thursday night. Music 'rill be by the Jimmy Whetmore orchestra. ', I Canny Woman Hospitalised Mrs. Victoria Robinson, Route 1 WBUDy, 19 111 oaiClll luciliunoi " hospital suffering from shock, resulting from an automobile arly Sunday. In some unex plained manner the car driven oy Mr. Robinson got out of con trol and overturned. Mr. Rob in son was not Injured. 1 Attend Northwestern Sa m and Gervais are represent- in the Northwestern univer- ty student body, according to Records of the registrar's office. Jewell . uueifroy of 7U nonn Winter street is registered in the College of liberal arts while Thomas A. Ferschweiler of Ger- ais is enrolled in the school bf journalism. A total of 32 (tudents from Oregon are among ..Jhe 10.500 registered at North western. 4 Klwanls Election The Salem JCiwanls club will elect officers Tduring their Tuesday luncheon. Jt. M. Medford has no opposition 4nr th nrpclHAnrv a nngitinn now held by Phil Schnell. Oth ers placed In nomination last week were Russell E. Pratt, 1st vice preilident; Robert A. White, 2nd vice president; Chris Seely, treasurer; E. C. Charlton. Chas. Jens, Frank Test, Thos. W. Kelly, Ward Davis and Walter Morse, directors, three to be elected. WBTOK-To Mr. and Mra. Virgil L. Weaton. 1115 8. 18th. at thi alm Otn eral hospital, a boy, Nov. 1. TNORAM To Mr. ind Mra. Vtrtit L In tram. 140 Abrama, at the Salem Gen eral hospital, ft boy, Oct. 11. PORTER To Mr. and Mra Llord J rrtr. Albany Rt. S. at the flalrm Oen- tral ho pit a l, a tin, uct. si. WOLTER To Mr. and Mr. Harold J. Wolfer, Hubbard Box 7a. a tirl, at the Salem Oenerat hoapltal, Oct. II. BROWN To Mr and Mra. David C. Brown, Dayton Rt. 1 Boi M. at the Salem Oentral hoapltal, a slrl, Oct, 11. WOODROW To Mr. and Mrs. Roland H Woodrow. MS Bellevue, at the Salem General hospital, a boy, Oct. 11. BIZOM To Mr and Mra. Walter J t ton. Rt. I Box 831. at tha Salem Oentral hoapiUI, ft boy, Oct. 11. DeRArTVB To Mr. and Mra. Marvin DeRaeve. Amity Rt. t Box 141. at the Salem Oeneral htwpital. ft itrl, Oct. 10. REESE To Mr. and Mra. M J Reet. 144 N. Mra. at the Salem General hos pital, ft tirl, Oct. 10. MARSHALL To Mr. and Mra. Richard Marahall. 1TJ0 South Cottaae. Salem, ft daxuhter. FndT. October 30. at Salem Memorial hoapttal. JOHNSOM To Mr and Mra. Thoma Johmon. MeNary Field. Salem, a aon. Friday. October M, at Salem Memorial hoapttal PARKS To Mr. and Mr Alton Park, route I. Albany, a daughter. Saturday. October 10, at Salem Memorial ho pit a 1 BONES T Mr. and Mra. Calvin Bona of Nelfftt. Oreaon. a dauthter, Satur day. October 10, at Salem Memorial ho. Pita). PTRRAER-To Mr. and Mra. Charle perraer of MS Center atreet a on. Sat urday. October 10, at Salem Memorial ORWWAM-To Mr. and Mm Harell Onaam of Lyon, a aon. Saturdiv. Octo ber 10, at Silem Memorial hoepital. HAROIN To Mr. and Mra William Htrtm Lvon a dauahtr Saturday. Oc tobar 10, at Salem Mrmorlal boapital. i Kntelina routa 1. Turner, a aon. Sun L ar. October n, at Salem Memorial ho- MAVN T Mr. tn Mr. Itmn V,no. 1 SAilh V twr. S;.n. t t'r. Sjnrtav. Ortofetr II. tl t;tm M Boritl aotpiuj. I BORN The Capital Javrnal welcome th follawlnr nfw clttirnt: Child Falls on Knife Bill Miller, t years old, fell on a carving knife Saturday while playing at his home, 1S4S Baker street. He got a cut on the ab domen. First aid was called. Victory Club to Meet Town send Victory club No. 17 will meet Tuesday night at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Olive Red daway, 1421 North Church street. Service Station Files Certifi cate of assumed business name for Sublimity Service station has been filed with the county clerk by Eugene, Camilla, Guy T. and Catherine Butler, all of Sublim ity. Teacher Hospitalised Miss Marion McKnight, teacher of the first and sixth grades at Jef ferson, is hospitalized here with a broken hip received in a fall on the playground. Mrs. Louis Henmes, Turner, is substituting during her absence. Miss Mc Knight is in the Salem Me morial hospital. Rent Rural Place Mr. and Mrs. James Bremmers, of Salem, have rented the property of Mrs. Sara Woodburn, in the Middle Grove district. Mrs. Woodburn is leaving for Seattle where she will spend the next six months with her son, Harold Woodburn and family. Hear Law Students Sitting as a court at the University of uregon law school November 12, when the final round of the appellate arguments of students will be made, will be Hall S. Lusk, associate justice of the state supreme court; George R. Duncan, Marlon county circuit judge and Dal M. King, circuit judge for Coos and Curry coun ties, who will be associate jus tices. Warden After Birds George Alexander, warden of the state penitentiary, was hunting pheas ants in Umatilla county this week-end for the 20th consecu tive year. He was guest of H. W. Collins, Portland, former president of the Pendleton round-up. Graggs Return Postmaster and Mrs. Albert Gragg were ex pected to return to Salem Mon day afternoon following a trans continental trip to New York Postmaster Gragg attended the national convention of postmas ters in New York. The return trip was by way of New Orleans. Los Angeles and San Francisco where stops were made. Dismissed from Hospital Mrs. Mearl Busby and baby daughter of route 9, Salem, were dismissed from Salem Memor ial hospital this week-end. Clear 48 Check Cases Detec tive Wayne Parker reported Monday that 48 of 74 reported cases of fictitious checks for the month of October had been cleared by arrests. He pointed out that there had been seven arrests for check writing and that the seven men had been convicted. Scellars In Hospital Elmer J. Scellars, president of Scellars & Foley, Inc., was admitted to Sa lem Memorial hospital Friday. His condition is improved but he is unable to have visitors at present. Substitute Teacher During the absence of Mrs. Odell Long, teacher of the first three grades at the Clear Lake school, Mrs. Wayne Powers, of Hayesville, substituted last week. Sinus? Consult Dr. J. A. Rombaugh, Naturopath, Inde pendence. 261 Closing out sale on oil cir culators. Ray T. Farmer Hard ware Co., 2B8S Silverton Road. 26 Chests-; Desks; Cor. Cabinets; chairs; tables; unfinished; 20 oft. Woodrow's, 450 Center. 280 LAUNDERETTE, 125S Ferry. 261 Young Republican Broadcast on Election Tonight, KOCO 7 p.m. 261 $25.00 reward for Informa tion leading to the conviction of persons depositing garbage on the highway. By the order of the County Court. 261 Young Republican Broadcast on Election Toniglit KOCO 7 p.m. 261 Air-steamship tickets, Kugel, 735 North Capitol. Ph. 3-7894. 281 Young Republican Broadcast cn Election Tonight, KOCO 7 p.m. 2611 Eola Acres Florist. Ph. 3-5730. 28i Auto glass installed. Floor sanders for rent. R. D. Wood- row, 4!S0 Center street. 261' Re roof now with Johns-Man-ville shingles. Don t gamble with an old roof. Mathis Bros.. 1M S. Commercial. Fret eiti mates. Ph. 34642. At Simmons College Nancy Jean Brown of Salem is a gra duate student at Simmons col lege in Boston, Before going to Simmons she attended Pomona college in California. Miss Brown is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Brown, 293 South 14th street. Hollywood Lions A motion picture "The Big Harvest" will be shown members of the Holly wood Lions club Wednesday noon by Glen Slentz. Eric Haight, president of Film Incor porated of New York City, will be guest speaker. Postal Receipts I'pped Re ceipts of the Salem post office took a big jump during October in contrast with the same month, according to figures released Monday. The increase Is due to the huge volume of campaign literature that has been mailed during the past few weeks. Re ceipts for October were $73, 744.27 as compared with $58, 980.31 for the same month in 1947. September receipts for this year were off approximately $3000 in comparison with a year ago. Lebanon Has Schmoos Tak ng a tip from Little Abner, a daily feature of the Capital Journal, Lebanon now has a 'dogpatch" of its own. complete with schmoos. The little crea tures, grown on squash vines at the home of Chet Warner, are on exhibition at the Elks lodge rooms. An indelible pen cil added the necessary touch to create faces completing the illu sion. Mr. Scellars Improved E. J. Scellars, president of Scellars & Foley Insurance company, who was stricten with a heart attack the latter part of the week, is reported to be improved. He is a patient at the Salem Memor ial hospital. Mrs. Thomas Injured Mis. Ida W. Thomas, West Salem, fell while in her kitchen Sat urday and fractured a hip. She is in the Salem Memorial hospi tal. Visit Masonic Home Salem, Pacific, Ainsworth and King wood lodges, A. F. and A. M., and Chadwick and Salem chap ters of the O.E.S. visited the Masonic and Eastern Star home in Forest Grove, Sunday, and conducted services there. Her man Johnston, worthy patron of Chadwick chapter, was in charge of arrangements. Mrs. William Skewis and Mrs. Leo nard Kephart of Salem chapter furnished the music, Mrs. C. C. Geer as accompanist. The Rey. Ben F. Browning of the Metho dist church in Silverton gave the sermon. Named to Honorary Among those elected to Phi Kappa Phi, national scholastic honorary so ciety, at Oregon State college last week, was Raymond Heino nen of Salem. Thirty-two sen iors were named by the group. Legion to Sponsor Magazine Drive American Legion Auxiliary No. 136, is announcing its spon sorship of a magazine subscrip tion drive commissions earned from which are to be used in purchase of a new polio pack heater which will be presented to the county health unit and made available to any resident of this area for polio treatment free of charge. Representatives in the sub scription drive will be able to show a letter of identification from officers of the American Legion auxiliary who are Mrs. H. A. Judd, president; Mrs. Dow Lovell, vice president; Mrs. Sam Harbison, second vice president, and Mrs. Bert Walker, secretary. Chrysanthemum show, Salem Armory, Sat. and Sim., Nov. 6-7. 265' For a bathroom of distinction colored plumbing fixtures now. Judson't, 279 North Com'l. 284 George E. Cadwell for alder man ward 6. A business adminis tration by a businessman. Pd adv. 261 Walnut and Filbert drying. Ph. 22881, Lee's Hatchery. 261 Did you know that you can still buy a Bendix Automatic Washer for $199.95? Also Speed Queen Washers as low as 99.95, at Ralph Johnson Appliances. 261 Models, Music. Mums, Opti mist Chrysanthemum (how. Salem Armory. Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 6-7. 265 Ray Bassett, local attorney, has moved his office from room 9 Breyman Bid., to 325 Oregon Bldg. 261 VOTE YES 322 Help build our Memorial Bldg. It Is not hall and building but a Me morial in honor of Mnrinn Coun ty War dead. Vote .yet 322 Gold Star Mothers, Disabled American Veterans. Spanish lAmerican Veterans. Paid Adv. by D.A.V by Vern Ostrander. 261 Karagul Karpet It's new, it s reversible, it's 100 virgin wool and woven through and through and only $4 95 per sq yd. Phone 3-7643 or 3-3364 ( 286 t i nit . i m Mil imi tan Salem Hunters Bag Five-point Buck An elk bagged by a Salem party of four men in the Ukiah region of eastern Ore gon is believed to be the largest brought back to Salem this season. In the party were Ivan Bowes, A. E. Robbins, Irwin Wyatt and Elmer Zanzow. The bull elk was shot by Bowers, and it was his first one. The party was hunting near Tower mountain. The spread of the antlers on the big animal was 39 inches, depth of horns 29 inches, and the elk weighed 1000 pounds. Bowers used a 30-30 carbine. In the picture, from left, are A. E. Robbins, Ivan Bowers, Irwin Wyatt, and Elmer Zanzow. Refuses Bartenders 'Bottle' The "Bartenders Guide" does not tell you what to do in this situation, complains Cyrus S. Content, as he struggles with 11-month-old Michael Lopez. Interested in two liquor propositions, Los Angeles AFL bar tenders promised free baby sitting service while mothers are out voting November 2. Michael didn't promise a thin and he isn't interested in this drink no matter who mixed it. (Acme Telcphoto) Sheriff's Report For 10 Months Sheriff Denver Young has compiled some data as to busi ness of his office for the first 10 months of the current year showing 648 prisoners handled during that time or a 24 per cent increase over the last four year period. Juveniles have shown a de crease from last year there hav ing been 116 handled the first 10 months of this year or 10 per cent less than the same period last year. The sheriff said if the pnson- Salem Court News Police Court No driw llccrue: HnrT T. HKltr son. IMS N. fttti. dUtnlMcd. Tiolition of bftAlc ttprivl rule. 110; Marlon I. Ferrari, 196 N. 23rd, dtomUued. violation of b..le peed rult, fined 110. Jamej La cy, rail City, ball IS. rerk drlvlni. ball SM; LewU H. HcFarland. 1071 Hith land avenue. dunnived, exceMive apeed cau.Ona accident, fined 115; Kenneth L Pitt man, Portland, bat) 15. Violation of apeclal driver' licence: Richard A. Parnecian. McMinnvllle, fined 150 and committed for failure to par fine. Violation of buf peed rule: Thorn a J. Ritchie, toi Ferry, fined lit; Oene R. Damon, 123 Broadway, fined 110, Nor man O. Barne. 315 Southvlew place, cit ed; Ralph E. Hemphill, Pilot Rock, ball 110. yjormld O. Cobb, Portland, ball 17 r0; Robert R Lelfhton. Portland, bail 17.50; Max D. AntUdel. Portland, bail 110. Defective brake: Robert J. Fowler. 150 r. 30th, fined 110. NoUy muffler: Oeone L. Mavaa, flan Dim a. Calif , fined 15; Raymond H Oot chell. Rt ball 115; Duant C. Warya. Hubbard, ball 115. Violation of op run: Robert t Un aer. I3S5 3rd. Went Salem, fined 15, dis orderly conduct, fined 1 10. Reekie drift ni. liquor Involved Law rence F. Eder, Rt 1. Oervau. fined 175 RfkM drlvlnt IVmald I. MrCriry. HI N. 23rd. continued to Nov. 15. Drlvinr without light John V. Mar koakl. DIS 8 Hith. fined 13 40 Juliiu Miklla, 595 N. Lancaster drive, fined 12 50. District Court Aliootlnt from public road Valteen M Jonea, 457 8. Commercial, fined 123 and coau. Huntini In prohibited area- Jfin A Reed. Rt I: Lloyd E. Mbm inol M:lav drive: Fred A Kucera lt0 N Front. Ma rati ft I)inham. 2110 le William C Knedler, Mi H 12th: Oienn A. Hoven. Rt. 5. Oliver E Hoven. Rt. I. H1 M Johruon. Portland, ' Barney L. Arnold. Portland Leonard f). Patter 440 Pair view. Valentine Rernicaek. 1144 W. Nob H I! John J Tifmen Rawer Hall; Rol and V. Brown. Portland M:!ton L R tian. Rt ft Emory H HendrirKAon 1n Rtate Rtanv A An demon. 217 Hood, all fined 110 and tnete. PoMeuion of California Val? tuall Jack H. M-tea If, Turntr, fined 195 and coau. Drunk on aublic hlthwav Lord LJ Blmma, H Mrd. fiod ITS and eoau; s'i n u em nt ton I nej itn and coau. commitud lor failura t ptt llaa. - ers continue to come in at the same rate for the rest of the year as for the first 10 months it will establish an all time high. In the civil department serv ice was made in 1464 cases with fees and mileaae of S2338.60 col- lected, or a 50 per cent Increase as compared with the previous four-year period average. Licensed at Albany Marriage licenses have been issued at Al bany to Chester D. Lasell, Hub bard and Mary Cunningham, Albany; Gerald D. Sagert and Marjorie A. Kimball, both of Lebanon and to Aitis Hayes and Amy Marie McCowan, both of Lebanon. Driving without llahta: Bert H. Up, Droolu. fined 15 and coau. No motor vehicle Ilcerue: Maurice D. Murdock, Turner, fined 13 and coets. Disorderly conduct; fined 150 and coau. Nile R. Donne 11. Circuit Court R. L. Elfjttrom company, m. Herbert Hodkln and other, demurrer to com plaint by defendanU Ed and Leon a Cul bertnon. MerchanU Credit Bureau v Crab tree, aatlnfaction of Judament, W. W Marriage License Anton J Bren. 4ft. mechanic, and Mavme Holechek. 4B, atate employe, agri cultural department, both Aalem. Loul Schwlndt. lecal. trucker, and Loulae Snoddy, letal, domeatlc, both Rtay ton. Dean Trowbrtdte. Coral Crawford, 21, Salem. 30 mechanic, and atenoarapher, both State on relation of Roberta Ruth Smitn va LeRoy Bmith. diamJwal of con tempt proceeding on motion of plain tiff. Set for trial Bulen va Bulen Novem. ber II. and Batterman va. Palmer. De cember 10. State v Elmer Haab and Fred Fi co. arraignment date for both eel b Jude Oeortt R. Duncan for November 4 at 3 p.m. Fourteen default divorce rae ara nn the docket in the two department of circuit court tor trial Monday afternoon Probate Court Martha. Ivan and Muriel flteiuloff mi nor.' authority to ell rap.tal lor!i tn Stii.loff Brrw Int . iranted on petition of Claude 8teuloff, fuardian. The peti tion Mate tiiM u part, of a transaction !inf1 r which the entire capital tock cm .IMint of 1000 harr la betna oK! and transferred Coburn L Orahenhoret. Rich ard E. Orabnhort and H. R. Crawford named appraiaera Ann Merkle estate, order approvint fi nal account of Joaeph J. Re ber. Charle An mt Co estate, final ac--vinl of Kenneth C. Cole, adminUtra- tetla iriiaa ejile final tf fount of Far Lana, eaeeutrii rranli fraer e.iafe. Inheritunee ta i determined at I30S SI en 111 171 1 'taaabia aatata. i'm'' ?T & ' riu, L ... E' ii.."4 Both Candidates Continued from Page 1 But the president stoutly dis putes the poll takers who show Dewey far in the lead. Even without the votes he will lose in the south to states' rights demo crat J. Strom Thurmand and elsewhere to progressive party candidate Henry Wallace, Tru man insisted in his campaign windup that he is going to win Both Confident "The north, t and the west are falling In line. he declared at St. Louis Satur day night. For his part, Dewey too was confident. He spoke of "the eve of victory" as he closed out his campaign in New York's Madi son Square Garden the city where he rose to fame as a rack et busting district attorney. Dewey then went to his Pow- ling, N. Y., farm to rest until he returns to New York late today to vote and await the out come. Truman went on home to In dependence, Mo. He will cast his ballot and follow the returns there, but only until an early bedtime. Automatic Stamp Vending Machine An automatic stamp vending machine to dispense postage stamps at face value was placed in operation Monday in the lobby of the Salem post office by the U.S. post office depart ment. The machine has been placed between the two banks of lock boxes in the north por tion of the lobby and will be of convenience to persons who visit the post office after hours. The lobby of the office is open until 11 o clock each night and during Sunday. Automatically operated by the insertion of a coin, the ma chine issues five 1-cent stamps for a nickel, two 5-cent air mail stamps for a dime and five 3 cent stamps for a nickel and a dime. It is equipped with a sen sitive detector mechanism which rejects suprious coins and rendered inoperative when the supply of stamps Is exhausted Four-year-old Martha Louise Lucas of South Commercial street made the first purchase, Bay KORVO the lame wonder-working germicidal preparation that was uierJ successfully for 10 ytsrt by noted dermatologist to correct stubborn cases. If you vilue your hair, want in avoid the torment and embarrassment, of itchy scalp and excenive dandruff, it is now possible for you to treat yourself at home with KORVO the same scientific germi cidal preparation that was uicd successfully for 10 years by one of America's gi t jicsl skin specialists to correct most stubborn cases. KORVO penetrates into the hair follicles and dissolves scalp Aim. It keeps the hair and scalp scrupulously clean and lends assistance to the oil glands. It dilates the capillaries that furnish added nourishment to the hair cells and gives Nature a chance to encourage hair gnu th u ithnut tuh inter fr rente. The natural result will be to bring mnd Itittre back tn ynut hair and increase its vitality and strength. KORVO is not a hair restorative. Sal o P o.i.i... IsvnJ III ....Li.. j Cwte I If awMirigtwa ts ' Capltlal Jounul, Salem, Ore., Board Named Washington. Nov. 1 I) The interior department today com pleted organization of a board named to advise it in a timber development plan affecting 2, 5110,000 acres of public land in western Oregon and California. Involved in the program are revested Oregon and California railroad grant land, reconveyed Coos Bay wagon road grant land and other public domain in 18 counties. The last three members of the "O and C advisory board" appointed today are: Representing the Oregon min ing Industry Fay Libby. Port land, state director of geology and mineral industries. The grazing industry Albert H. Powers, Coos Bay, a member of the Oregon Cattlemen's asso ciation executive committee. Plywood industry and south ern Oregon representative Floyd Hart. Timber Products company, Medford. Hart suc ceeds George T. Gerlinger. Portland, who died shortly af ter his appointment. The other board members, previously appointed for one year terms: Paul Ballry. Northwt Counrll of Lum ber ind Sawmill Workrr. AFL. Pnrt UiMl: Bernard BuLtm.n. Oregon Btfitr Orange. Portland: Herbert J. Cox. Wil lamette Valley Lumbermen' aociatlon. jEuiene: R E. Dimlek. Oreaon state rol ilege. and Paul M. Dur.n. Oreaon State college, Corvallu: Ellery Potter. Interna tional Woodworker ot America CIO. I Portland: Prealdent K. B. UcNaugnton. Reed eollege. Portland; David T. Majton. consulting foreeter. Portland: Stuart Mokr. loreat counsel. Portland; Qeorae Peavy. Mayor. Corvallta; Nelg Roger. Mgte forester. Salem; Prank Sever, at torney for iand grant countle. Portland: Charle Sprague. publisher. Oreaon Statesman. Salem; Reainald E Titu. Western Poreat Industrie association, Portland. Deer Butchered On Butte Bridge When A. M. Crites, watchman at Scotts Mills Lumber com pany, Scotts Mills, found blood on the bridge over Butte Creek near the mill company's plant in that town early Sunday morning, with evidences that something had been going on there, he notified the office of Sheriff Denver Young to make an investigation. When Deputy Merle Wood made the investigation he dis covered that something had been going on. A deer had been butchered, the hide and paws thrown over Into the creek and the rest of it taken away. The hide was turned over to the state police. Leave Salem General Dis missed from the Salrm General hospital over the week-end with recently born infants were Mrs H. W. Hereford, 829 N. 17th and son; Mrs. Arthur L. Conn, Al bany, Rt. 2 and son; Mrs. Jesse O. Sohn, 788 S. Third. Indepen dence, and daughter; Mrs. Lloyd H. Griffith, 2040 N. Winter and son; Mrs. H. T. Amick. 775 N 20th and daughter: Mrs. Wil liam Weilhoff, Brooks, Rt. 1 and son; Mrs. Harold Hollands, 930 Cedar Way and daughter; Mrs John Flynn, 310 N. Echols, Mon mouth, and daughter, Mrs. S. L Ellingden, 1575 Mill and daugh ter, and Mrs. John Crowfoot 515 S. 19th and son. stops scalp itch, eliminates oily and dry type dandruff, removes scalp film No Longer Necessary to Pay High Fees to Get Those Results If You Use KORVO As Directed X2E7 KOtVO -r a- I I, m4 aMr "' In aW ,iw '., VV not g.,w,awaii, a. chon.. p.'nwrt't tohrwd m UMra-W and Om aag rwMa tw 1 a. KORVO i FeteMi Apple: For Coa 1 9 t , Fred Meyer Moil Order! Filled Pottog. Prepaid. Monday, November 1. 1949 17 Military Men and Veterans Monday, November 1 Infantry b.u'&lion, 63 Hh rompo group, rpiiv nwervtii, n army reserve quorwt huts at 7:3f pm Companies H and a, i(2nn in fantry refitment, and hearquarters detachment. Oregon National Guard, at Salem armory. U.S. marine corps reserve unit at building T-M4. Salem airport. Capital Pout No. 9 American Legion at American Lemon hall. In itiation of new members. USWV. at Vr'W hail at a pm. Business meeting. Tuediy, November t Medical depot company. rWth composite group, army rfwrvp at army Ketserve quonset nuu at p.m. Wednesday. November S ReimentAl combat team, head quarters 635th composite group at Army Reserve quonset huta at 1:30 pm. Meetinr Postponed Pioneer pout No. 149. American Legion, regular meeting dat of which !w the first Monday in tha month, has postponed Its Monday night meeting until Thursday night when a dinner meeting will be held. Dewey Victory Continued from Pflde 11 Many democrats have an nounced their support of Dewey and Warren. Others have de serted the party in favor of Henry Wallace's independent progressive party. Because of this, the odds are on the re publicans, but the democrats haven't abandoned hope. Progressive party candidates were on the ballot in 14 of the state's 23 congressional districts, butbut actively opposed demo cratic candidates in only two districts. Progressives in five of the congressional districts with dre win favor of the democratic candidates. Card of Thanks We wish to express our sin cere thanks and appreciation to our many friends, neighbors and the staff, nurses, employes of the Oregon State hospital, Cath olic Daughters of America and the Degree of Honor lodge for their kindness in our recent be reavement Mr. and Mrs. Georg A. Schulz. 261 ttfwl A completely new blend of coffee. Never before such rich, full-bodied flavor at tuctj an amamngly low fjticet clears up severe canes (if ifin ilnili in a little a live H,i gives .ind i n 1 1 n urd rehel frm m h i nt( u'.t ilk ns of its dcfitee (."lien used as directed . helps pr t:nr con'luinrn tli it frequently aA to tlnoninu nf hair and to h-iMness htn due to excels d.indrutf. keeps h.ii r ami jln item. Ire from itching, ami exresifl dandruff intrcnnn. stimulate hair fim ih. Al!c nourishment m h hur cells, limulaie .i!p and hT, elimtnits Mib!e dand ult oily and dry tvpr. REATMENT "Trod Mrk ei)ititi Ht ltieth, Wk, C'toga