FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FREEZERS Upright and ehVit type, 114D St and ud Terma f V1NCES ELECTRIC lil B- Liberty. Ph. 3-9339 n3a f tLECTRIC heir drver. hair rllppcri. YEATER APPLIANCE CO n3 i MAVTAfi. EAM. Thor. Conlon. ABC. Bend I x waahers $J SO and up. Some 1 I most new. all In good condition. Ralph Johnton Appliance - Ph. 33 nt n364 THOR Automaglc Wahhcm. Gladlron "ALL" Automatic Weah. Machine Boap Recommended bv Thor Hollywood Appliance Co., Ph. I443 n SEWING MACHINE, new Universal and Sew Gem Portable it cabinet. 3 ucd machine. $25.00 ca. W. Davenport, 1930 W. 18th. n2M rLA8TI-KOTE."the"feilophVnt like finish for floora, woodwork, linoleum, require BO waxing. YEATER APPLIANCE CO SMI 0383 WALLING SAND St GRAVEL CO CRUSHED ROCK for road and driveway Dement, read? tntx concrete, garden tend Bulldoilnc drainage and ditching -id. ahovel and drat Una. Ph. 3-9349 ELECTRIC BLANKETS, comforters and heeta. YEATER APPLIANCE CO P263 ELECTRIC room heater. 110-320 volt, radiant and fan type, steam radiators YEATER APPLIANCE CO n383 BE" WARD'S COMPLETE LINE OP 1 HP POWER CHAIN SAWS! FclU bii tim ber In half the time of hand cutter Llffht weight, latent type chlxel chain, at all proof clutch. Priced $100 lower than you expect. 36" Bar (400 WARD'S FARM STORE Trad and High SU. Salem, Orer. n260 SCHL'LZ PIANO re finished and rebuilt. like new. Walnut cane, rich tone. 129 ; 3S down. 12 a month. Tillman'. 395 i 8. 13th. "A Mile from High Price." n363 MILLER m AMP. arc welder. used very little. Also 5 case refrigerator pop cooler, like new. Gordon' Garage, Shaw. Ph. 26F22. Salem, n261 DESK LAMPS, bed lamps, -orld globes desk pen sets. YEATER APPLIANCE CO n263 n33 FERTILIZER. Cow or chicken manure. Delivered in Salem. Well rotted or fresh 15.00 per cubic yard del. Also manure by sack 11.00 per sack at place or will del. 6 sack order Phillips Bros.. Rt 4. Box 118. Salem. Ph. 88F22. n GUARANTEED Car Radio Service. Radio 3152 ' S. Commercial St. CED AR POSTS Pll . B8-F-31 VsED electric ranees, re frl iterator wash- era and water heater. YEATER APPLIANCE CO n2fll EE L'S for harvest bags of all fclrd We specialize Id cleaning A mending K I. 8 Bag Cc 347 Kearner St Ph olent 3-1877 ONE t'SF.D Montgomery Ward seven cu lt, reineeraior in exre ueni conomon. Ralph Johnson Appliances, ph. 3-3119. n204 .BEAT YOUR home electrically tt'a con venient, clean, economical See tu fot Ire estimates YEATER APPMANC8 CO 355 N Liberty d 6lL CIRCt'LATORS. all sire. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 1)383 SALEM SAND ORAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearlnt Ditching . Sewer 6j Basement Equipment Rental IS B H yds 13 00 per hr 10 B yds 9 60 per hr D-7 Oat St Dozer 9 SO per hr D-6 Cat At Dozer I 40 par hr D-4 Cat Dozer 1.00 per hi Phone Day 3-9408 Evening 3-8248 Salem Oregon n' KELVINATOR. Hotnolnt aDDllancea: Fow ler hotwater heater. Ralph Johnson Appliances. Ph. 3-313B. n WANTED MISCELLANEOUS , WANTED COTTONWOOD BXCElIOR-WOOD CALL BUnaet 0983 evening Or Write B. P. John Furniture Corp. 6200 8.W. Marariam Roid Portland, Oregon BART'ft WARDROBE cheat A bathlnette. Ph. 32110. naa0' SEWING MACHINE, any make or eond. W Davenport. Ph. 3-7071. 1930 N. lath. na3B0 WANTED Sewtr.g math., any eond SundaM Exch 5t N Libert, Ph 1S511 VSED Ft'RNITl'RE. Phone t-0180. na PEKONAL ARTHRITIS? Consult Dr. 3. A. HomhouBh. Naturanath and Chlronrartor. pendenre. p378 ALCOHOLIC. ANONYMOUS O Boa 7?t Phone SJ?t pjii AUTOMOBILES nVMOI-TH nedan. 6295 or make an offer. 2205 N. 4th. flW" JM7-FORD deluxe tudor aedan. V-l 100 hp. engine. Like new. I owner car complete with radio, heater, fog and spot llphts. Seat cover. A real bar gain for 61795.Ph. 23394. q362 1fl40D'FM'XE Plymouth eoupe, 8160. 1031 S. 3!ith St. q360 1MU PIAHOI'TH aedan. good motor, gaa mlleane economical, good mech. eond. 385 N. 14th. Sunday. q260 Ml "CHEVROLET, verv good rond.. RH: spotlight; 3 new Urea. 1028 N. Com'l 0.262 loin FORD plrkup; new motor; good tire Phone 2-7860. q262' "FORD "4-door; new motor; W tire: Original paint. 679 N. High. q263 1MB OLDS COl'PE. Ph. 37301. q23 BTOWNER lt42 Frtrrt Riipr Deluxe 4-dr. Fertan. R. Af H. 61195. 520 Klngwonri West Salem. q20 Tmi PLYMOI'Tll'4-dr. nedan. Oood rub ber new paint, clean throuchout. Cell i0760. between 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. 69 q256 147 PACKARD Clipper. eyl. edan. ra dio, heater, aeat covers. Low mileage, aiy termn or trade 340 NO. High St. q256' 1947 PACKARD De luxe 8 Clipper sedan with overdrive: elec. shift; new tires: safety tubes; radio; heater; fog liRhts. spotlight; sun visor; windshield washer; slipcover; 12.500 miles. One owner; mechanical eond guaranteed. An exceptional buy at S2H00. Call 3-4016 Eves. 3-8213. Ml 1DM FORD eoach R H . defroster, seal- beam Iliht. good ttren run good 8325 for qut'k nale A E Purkett. Rt. 1. Box ftO Independence. Ore.. M Horn a Hop Ranch. q20 A CUT DOWN Model B Ford with '41 Mercury motor that ha less than loo miles. Have over 6000 In it. Will take ITfK) 1537 N. Winter S 2M 111 rOFDCOUPFC!eiTn car. Cenb seen at 113$ Fairgrounds Rd. between t and 6 q36fl yVoRP. Oood eond. Ph 147M. q3tO JJM FORD S-P4SS. rpe-1700 60. 3TJ N 14th St . Salem. Ore. 4)341 .PANEL 'Ml DODOl with '3 Plymouth" mo. tor. Solid body. Oood tires. Ph. 33111 0361' 1M" PLYMOUTH rpe.. Mr. eond, PH 8MO Phone 37378 0.361 18 BtKR, 17ft D St, JUmU Apt. 361 AUTOMOBILES BUY SELL or TRADE with ZEEB'S HIS PRICES ARE RIGHT This Week's Special 1946 Plymouth four door Deluxe Sedan Sharp, A-l Condition only $1795. Come in and shop around. A carefully chosen or will give you fine service. When you shop at ZEEB'S USED CARS you're sure to be satisfied. Phone 26454 V O T E Of All Parties IX YES OI'R MODERN, rentrally located facllltiea. 2X VES OI'R C'Ot'RTEOt'8. friendly aervtce. SX YES Ot'R HIGHER than average appraUala 4X YES OI'R CONSTANT STOI'K of dealrable can from which to rhoot. AX YES Ot'R RECONDITIONING and guarantee policy. fiX YES OI'R CONSISTENTLY lower lelltni prlre. IX YES OI'R BETTER THAN 30 yeara of aerving our Marion and Polk county community. THESE ARE SURE WINNERS 1941 OLDSMOBILE 8 "78" 4-door sedan ....$1325 1946 FORD TUDOR SEDAN $1575 1947 FORD CONVERTIBLE $2095 Radio and Heater lfMT Ford Super de luxe ted an. 1946 Chevrolet Fleetmeiter 2-door aedan. 1846 Buick aedan. radio and heater. 1943 Ford 6 cylinder 6-paiaenser coupe. 1942 studebaker ft-paaaeimer coupe, radio and heater. 1941 Oldimobllt 4-door cdan. YOU'LL VOTE FOR THESE 1935 Na.ili aedan. radio and heater 1918 Chevrolet 2-door aedan..... 1941 Ford Tudor aedan 1941 Ford Tudor with radio SHOP AT SALEM'S FINEST VALLEY MOTOR LOT Center at High Phone 3-3147 AUTOMOBILES inn CHRYSLER Windsor, RA.-H. 62450. IU41 FORD SIX IT pickup, overld. springs, hvh, HMO. see at itws r. amn i. q2tJ0 l(t;w DE SOTO aedan, motor rebuilt, good body, heater. I.ii. Ray Wot Ike, Ft. 2. Box 318A, Wood bum. q.280 WANTED "40 Chevrolet StudebakF--. q260 ves., 1215 1856 Lee St. 1941 CHEV. con v.; RAH. See ChemckU St. Apt. 802. RECONDITIONED, guaranteed. CLEAN MODEL Ward. Turner. GOOD 'SB Dodge Coupe, snooper JB45. Ph. 32836. radio, heater. q259 If 47 PLYM. 4-door aecan; maroon color; heater; low mileage. A real buy In tht one; seat cover ACME MOTOR CO. Front & Center 1941 PACKARD 4 -door aedan; beautiful black finish; A-l eond-: lot of extra. Bargain price. See at Maple Auto Court or Phone 1511. Lebanon. Ore. q261 1940 FORD coupe; new ireen paint, heat er. Thut U a dandy little car. ACME MOTOR CO. Front & Center - .so I9M FORD "6" aedan; heater; low mile axe; aeat covera Very clean. ACME MOTOR CO. Front & Center ISM FORD aedan with fut V-l motor, R&H. very food condition, 6206. 10n Front St., Woodburn. 360 IM9 CHEV. dump truck. Sell or trade for car of equal value. Steve Meluner, Mt. Aniel. q361 1941 CADILLAC aedan model "62", two tone color; aeat covers; white aide wall tires; chrome wheel rings; side mirrors; many extras. Low mileage; driven only by on owner. This Is a beautiful car. "acme MOTOR CO. Front & Center BRAND NEW 1948 Bulek sedan. Blue color. 13400. Will trade. Ph. 96067. q261 '41 6 PONTIAC sedan. 2 driving. 1 back up A 1 spotlUht, heater. 11350. Excel, eond.; or IllOO and '31 Mode) A cpe. or roadster. Rt. 3, Box 21. Ph. 4081. Claude Oler. .360 1941 PLYMOTJTH sedan; seat covera: sow paint, heater; new Mr. This is a very clean car and priced rtiht ACME MOTOR CO. Front & Center Phon. Mm q2M' 1.41 NAH M. 4-door aedan. Ph. S-1124. 3090 Bunnrvlew Ave. q3S0 Ul FORD PHAETON, brskes. Merc, motor. new top. hyd. 1160 N Church. C360 Eisner Motors to Sell WANTED OS ED CARS SHOP AROUND THEN BRINO YOUR CAR HERS WE WILL PAY YOU WHAT IT S WORTH ANLrERSON USED CARS 940 CENTER ST. PHONE 3-3734 PONT1ACS HERRALL OWENS CO. 10 N Liberty Ph 1-4111 We Buy Used Cars FOR HIGHEST PRICES 8EB Teague Motor Co. I5h N Liberty Phone 14171. Eisner Motors to Buy This Time It s BTUDSONI Service . Sales . Peru Homo gg Oood Oaed Can 8HROCR MOTOR OO Church Chemeketa sta. Ph 1-9101 WANTED Oood clean eara Square Dcai U.ed Can 1155 8 t3th Eisner Motors Fine Cars Ol K REFUTATION depends on your sat isfaction Lees Used Cars. 240 N Church MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTE-tS DftUAR WORLD'S FINEST MOTORCTCU Repairing D makee gnd models. SHROCV MOTORCYCLB SALES toT PorUADd Rd, PR, 81413 FARM EQUIPMENT NEW TD-6. INT6 RNATION 4L Crowler tractor. w:oe game stsrter st llehts RH1 prli-e Pi yaa gh:60' Journal Want Ads Pay 'AUTOMOBILES ZEEB'S USED CARS 2325 Fairgrounds Rd. li S Approve TRANSPORTATION BARGAINS ...1195 6575 ,,..6895 6616 FINANCIAL BEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 INTEREST Up to 40 Years and NO Commission! Leo N. Chlldi. Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 2-3863 r3l OENKRAL FI.NANCB OORP LOANS aod 11-336 and ROY H SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS '96 6. Commercial St Tel 1-9181. 4Vfc REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS STATE FINANCE CO. 16S B lgh St M 9-316 U-I3I PRIVATE MONEY Special rates and terms -od larger loans long and short time payments ROY H SIMMONS 136 South Commercial Si. Phono 1-1161 A OTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO, 182 8. Church Parking a Plenty Ph. 1-3457 Lie. NO. M-159 S-154 CASH $25 to $500 Your way and Fast n Personal's "PICK-YOITR-OWN-PAYMENT" plan. It's simple as A-B-0 Just do this; A Tell us how much you need and nd a few facts about your credit and Job in person or by phono .if you're busy. B Then you sign without endorsers and get th cash. Proof: 4 out of I who ask us for a loan, get it! Then repay in monthly install ments which you select to fit your purse. Don't borrow unnecessarily but If a cash loan solves a problem, get in touch with Mrs. Oalllnger, Personal's YES' Manager, today LOANS 33ft to 1300 oa Salary A Furniture, Up to 8500 on Auto Personal Finance Co. Ph. 1-3464 X. Oalllnger, Manager 119 State Rm. 136 Lie. 8133-M166 r260 FIVE PER CENT Intereit on your aavlnga. We have a choice ftupply of real estate mortgage, properties In Salem and vicinity, amounts 8500 to 10 000. ' t these for sound investments. STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 8. High St. Ph. 34131; Eves. 36906 FARM AND CITY LOANS 44 nd 6 TOUR OWN TERMS ol repayment within reason Cash for Real Estate Contracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES OO 301 Pioneer Trust Bldg Ph 3-7181 ? TRAILERS WILL SELL or trade my equity In unfln utiefl home in Reiser dlst. for 24 it. or larger trailer houie. 8146 Newberg dr., wen oi Kilter school. taca' 1946 MOD. 25 ft. Blear trailer house A-l condition. Home after 6:30 nlnngi. 3315 Portland Rd. t264 DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makes used machines, sold rented repaired. Roen, 456 Court. Phone 1-6773 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair service. Free et (mates, Trade-ins arrepieo on new appl fMictft. vnce 5 Electric, rn 3-9339. 157 8. Liberty St. q AUTOMOTIVE IIARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE fowinc service dar phone 1-I3SS. HUM 1804 333 Center. a Al TO PAINTING 125. Dick's Auto Clinic. ALTO 8 4DIOS Authorised Warranty Repair Btatlon for ah makes ol Auto Rud w Morrow Radio Co 153 8 Libert. Ph 3-5955 o AJ TO RECKERS GENERATORS RERTILT. Trailer axles made to order Fair prices. 13th St Junction Auto Wreckers. Ph. l-in 02M PICTI RE FRAMING Pxtura framint. Hutcheon Paint Store. Phone 3-M1. o' Mike Panek. 373 3 Comm'l. Ph 3-5161. .'rak.' Aj wheel alienint specialist. o2B0 BtII.nTNOCONTR ACTORS FRAME or maonr ronstrurtlon. Pumlre bloek Renidentlal or rommercial. New foundations. Alt Brother. Ph. 3-7MO. 027 RI'U.D071NG Bjl!dor:nc, leveling, road b'.dg , clear lnt teeth for brush. Virgil M iSktT. 10:0 Falrview ae. Ph 1-114. Salem. o.4 Rl LLDOF.INO. GRAfllNG Bjlldoring, grading. dirt mov Ing w,h small Carrvali. Oo. Wirth. 40 Plymou'h Drive pn. 113B7 oJTJ' tRFFNTRT Carpentry expert b'iild:ng and remod ilM. FA. I469. ; S. list St. 0340 'DIRECTORY CA-H REOISTIBS Instant delivery of new RCA registers AH makes oid. rented, repaired Roeo 456 Cojrt. Ph t-BT.i. O" CHIMNEY SWEEP vacuum cleaned Ph. 3-7176 O360 CEMENT HORKK Oeneral Cement Con t rutins. ClitI Ellis. 1P0S N. 19tn Si. Phone 3-4071. 372 EXTERMINATORS Cockroach. Moth Exterminator Service. Ph. 3-3158 Lee Cram, 1555 Pearl. oJDO B.elthaupt's for flowers. Dial 1-1179. o FLOOR LAYiVg Expert Flooring. 1254 Ruse. West Sa 03T6 HOt'SlHOlD PROD ITT J. R. Watktiu Co. producu. Free de livery. 1717 Center. Ph. 1-5395. o' MATTRESSES Capital Bedd:ng. Phone 1-4068. MOVING AND HAl'l.TNG Moving and hauling. Ph. 2-3395. o260 Ml"4!C LESSONS Spanish and Hawaiian Oultar. Man dolin. Banjo, etc-1531 Court. Ph. S-7569. 0266 OFFICE FlKMTtRl SUPPLIES Dctk chairs, Hies and filing supplies, alu. duplicators and supplies, desk lamps, typewriter stands, brief eases Pierce Wire Recorders Roes. 456 Oourt OIL CIRtTLATOR SERVICE Call Cy Younger. Ph. 36013. PAINTING it PAPERHANOINQ Painting and paperhanglns, Free esti mate. Ph. 3-9513. 857 Shipping. o372 PAINTING Interior specialty. L, C Elofaon. Phone 3-7697. o271 Painting, Spray or Brush. Ph. 3-2664. Roy Hanson. Work guaranteed. o260a Elfstrom'' are equipped to do rout painting. Phone 3-3491. o PAINTING PAPERHANGING Expert Paperhamlng and Painting. H. J. Wood worth. Ph. 3-3018. Free est. o371 DECATL'R A MAERZ plumbing, electri cal supplies, water ayotemi. Oeneral repair work. Phone 3-6223. 173 S. Com'l. 0375 PRUNING. SPRAYING Prunins A: Spraying, equipped (or any Job. Ph. 37900. 130 Roberts Av. O380 RADIO SERVICE Ray Moore, 3270 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-9433 REDUCING. MASSAGES E-Z Way Wcleh' Control. Steal Reduced rates. Ph. 3-6353. SAND AND GRAVEL Garden Soil, crushed rock. Shovel and dragline excavating Walling Sand & Oravel To. Phone 3-8349 0 Cat. Shovel & Truck work of, at) kinds LLOYD M. HILL. INC Ph. 1-4367 Rt 2. Bos 32B 0372' SAW FILING F. X. Roasch. 674 S. Capital St. o277 SEWER SERVICE Electric Roto-Rooter exclusive, patented ' raior-sharp steel cutting blades Cleans sewers or drains Septic tenk cleaned reasonable. Ph 1-5327 or 1-946 SEPTIC TANRS K F. Hamel Septic Tanks Cleaned. Electric machine servloe on sewer and drain lines. Ouaranteed work. 1143 8th St.. West Salem. Ph. 1-7404. o373 Mike's Beetle Service. Tanks cleaned. Roto Rooter Service en Sewera. 1019 Elm St, W. Salem. Ph. 1-9483 3-S32T o260 TRANSFER 8TOKAG3 Local Distance Transfer, storage Rurner oils, coal briquets Trucks to Portland daily Agent Lyon Van Lines for housenold good to California points Larmer Transfer Storage. Ph. 1-1131 TYPEWRITERS Smith, Corona, Remington. Royal and Underwood portables ah maxes use machine Repairs and rank Roen, 458 Court VENETIAN BLINDS Elmer the Blind Man. Ph. 1-7S2B. W EATH ERST RIPPING Prompt Installation. Work Guaranteed. Barney Whelan. Ph. 3-6M4. o2T6 rrea estimate. T. PULLMAN. Ph. 1-5965 o26l- WINDOW CLEANINU Acme Window Cleaners. Windows, walls A woodwork cleaned Floors clean, ed, waxed and polished. Ph. 1-3937. 147 Court. Lancdoc, Oulbertaea tod Uather WELL DRIIX1NC J. A Bneed Sons, welt drilling. 3501 Brooks Bt., Balem. Ph. 3-MOO. o376 WYMORE well drilling. Rte. S. Box 317. Ph. 3-5135. Salem. olSfl WOOD SAWING R. B. Cross. Ph. 3-8178 or 3-8674. o36 WOOD A SAWDUST WeM Salem Fuel Co Ph 2031 LODGES I.O O P meet every Wednesday night Vis itors Welcome Fraternal Order of Eagles meets every Tuesday at 8 pjn More than a million members. LEGAL NOTICE OF VACATION OF STREETS AND ALLEYS TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice Is hereby flven that the Com mon Council of the City of Salem. Marion County, Oreson, has declared Ita inten tion to vacate and has initiated proceed ings to vacate tne follow Ins streets and alleys, which are adjacent to and or UV tersect one another, to-wit: Alder Street from Rural to Oxford Streets: Summer Street from Rural to Oxford Streets; Winter Street from Rural to Oxford Streets; Oxford Street from the east line of I Cnttase Street to the east line of Alder Street; j Alley throuth blocks 3. 4 and I of sub division of block 3 to 7, Nob Hill Annex Addition to Salem. Oreann; Alley through blocks 1 and 3. OeUer's Subdivision of block 2. Tuxedo Park Add.tlon to Salem. Oreon. Meteor Street. 40 feet wide between bloc ics 1 and 3, Oeir'a Subdivision of block 3. Tuxedo Park Addition to Balem. Ore on That said proceedings were initiated or said Common Council on the 33 day of October. IB4 That a publir heanne will be had In connection with said proceertmis. for the of heir inn and considering ail objections and remonstrances to said pro- eedines. That said harinr will be held st the chumoer of the City Council In trie City Hell in Salem. Ore on. on the 13th day of. December, 1946, at the hour of 7 30 PM thereof. That the owners o: any real prfrert affected bv said proceedings may be heard M d time, and that trie real property affected thereby shall be deemed to be th land Irina on either s-v of the streets or ais or portions t tereof e tenlinf laterally to the next street that serves as a parallel street, bit in an case not to exceed 2 on feet, and the land for a lixe lateral distance on either si'te of the street for 400 feet alone it course bevond each terminus of the part pro posed to be vacated Bv Order of the Common Council, City of Salem, Oreon Alfred M'lndt City Recorder Capt'al Journal Oct. 30; Not. I. 11. ft). 27tn 16 Wheal, Corn Futures Lower Chicago, Oct. 30 (.VVheat and corn futures moved lower on the board of trade today and closed near their bottoms for the session. Both at times were off around a cent a bushel. Other listed commodities also were generally lower in sym pathy with the major gains. An exception was soybeans which advanced about a cent. Wheat closed Vfc cent a bushel lower to V4 higher, December $2.27H-4, corn was 4 to one cent less, December $136;Vr-4, oats here were unchanged to lower, December 77 - M, ; Rye was Vg-1 higher, December $1.77 W; soybeans were one to two cents higher, November $2.49-2.49 Vg, and lard was five to 27 cents a hundred pounds lower. December 18.65. Stocks Advance in Normal Saturday New York, Oct. 30 Slim buying was enough to lift the stock market fractions to a point or so today. Demand was fairly well dis tributed, with steels and motors doing as well as any. Slow business was normal for a Saturday. Turnover for the two-hour session ran at the rate of about 300.000 shares. A spattering of railway lines advanced In the bond market. $110 Fines Paid By Four Hunters Fines totaling $110 were col lected from four hunters in Ma rion county district court Satur day morning by Judge Joseph B. Felton for shooting hen phea sants and the use of illegal wea pons. All four of the men paid $25 and costs on a charge of shoot ing hen pheasants which are protected by law as a conserva tion measure. They were Valen tine J. Gutenberg, 710 N. High, Paul C. Gilbert and Alvin Gil bert of Turner and Kenneth W. Yeoman, Stayton. Alvin Gilbert and Yeoman were also lined $25 and costs on charges of using gun.i which were capable of holding more than three shells. Judge Felton, however, suspended $20 of each fine because neither man was found with a gun containing more than the legal number of shells. Portland Grain Portland, Oct. 10 (A3) Wheat futures not quoted. Cash wheat 'btd: Soft white a.lB,: soft white (excluding- rex) 3 19': white club 3.1B4: western red 2.19V Hard red winter: Ordinary 2 ll4: in percent 3.31; 11 percent 3 35; 11 percent 3.3. Hard white Baart: Blank. Today's car receipt; wheat II: krlv 7; corn 4; oaU 1; mtllfeed T. During 1944, there were 2, 000 deaths in grade crossing ac cidents a seven per cent in crease ever 1943. LEGAL NOTICE OF VACATION OF ALLEY TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice la hereby tlven that the Com mon Council of the City of Salem. Marion County, Ores on. has declared it Inten tion to vacate and has initiated proceed in! to vacate the follow in a alley, to-wit: Alley runnine- through block t. Hifh land Addition to Salem, Marion Coun ty. Ore eon. That said proceed In as were Initiated by said Common Council on the snth day of October, 19 An. That a public hearlna- will be had 1n connection with said proceedlnas, for the purpose of hearlna and considering all objections and remonstrances to said pro oeedlms. That said hewrini will be held at the chambers of the City Counell In the City Hall in Salem. Oreaon. on the 13th day of December. 1948, at the hour of 7 30 o'clock PM. thereof. That the owners of any real property affected by said proceedings mav be heard at said time, and that the re property affected thereby shall be aeemed to be the land lylnt on either side of the alley or portion thereof extendint laterally to the next street that serves as a parallel street, but In any case not to exceed 200 feet, and the land for a like lateral dis tance on either side of the street for 400 feet a ion a its course beyond each termi nus of the part proposed to be vacated By Order of Uie Common Council, City of Salem, Ore arm. Alfred Mundt City Recorder Capital Journal Oct. 30; Nov. I. II, 3t and 27th. 194B. GIVES YOU THESE IttTtTllI 3 BIG ADVANTAGES 1. LIFTS AND LOWERS AT A TOUCH Ynu lift or lower Deirbom Plow or ny other Dearborn Lift Type implement by merely moving the hydnullt control lever. No itt.ininK, no tugfinc. 7. AUTOMATIC DRAFT CONTROL Under uniform mil condition, the .elected working depth will He automatically main tained even in fields with irregular aurl.rea. 3. AUTOMATIC DEPTH CONTROL Under reanonahly amoolh turfara conHI- tinnt, and practically all ioil Juat et the depth control once ana uniform working depth n automatically maintained. When rmn are tfemoiulra! Ihlt Tractor on or arm? VALLEY TRACTOR COMPANY 530 Chnmeketa Ph. 3 8131 Solcm, Ore. Stocks Quotations i Hie Aoc:;i rican Can Am Pow A Li Tel Si Tel Anaconda HendX Aviation !h Sierl ni A:rp!n Clit Par hm rsn.idlun I'acilic C.t.vp J 1 Caterpillar Chr ylr ... Com with At Sou a Vultce Continental Can Cron Zrll- bitch tLM Wrifhr Houalas A. matt D'Juont t Nrm Oeni ral Frtric Gtneial Food. Ornerl Motor Ooodvrar Tire tnt Harvester Int Pai'er Kcmiecntt Lihby MfN At L Long H.-1I "A ' Mont. inier v Ward ... NaAh Keli-iiutur Nat Dairy NY Cutral Northern Pacific Pac Am FiAh Pac Git At riee Pic Tel it Tel Penny J C Radio Corp R Vomer R ..vomer Pfd , Rfvnoirtjt Metals Richfield Saleway Stores Sears Roebuck Southern Pacific Standard OH Cal Studebaker Corp Sunshine Mining Tranxamerlca Union Oil Cal Union Pacific United Airlines U S Steel Warner Bros Pic Wool worth Market Quotations Salem Livestock Mantel (Br Valler Packing Company) Sheared lamb Ill SO Wooled lambs IIS SO Yearlinta 110 00 to 113.00 Ewes 3 00 to 1100 Fat dairy cows .114 OO to IIS 00 Cutter cows 11100 to tllt OO Dairy heilers 11500 to (17.00 Bulls 117 00 to 132 00 Calves 3D0 to 450 lo.O ,.114.00 to 133.00 Veal 150-3no lbs.) choice, 124.00 to 3 OO HrKA Prices paid within 25c of Port land prices for each type. Portland Produe Butterfat Tentative, auajeet to lmm dlate chanae. Premium quality maximum of 35 to one percent acidltr delivered to Portland. 6-69c lb. first quality B2-fl.Sc lb.: second quality, 81 -64c lb.; valley routes and country pomU, 3c leas Uian Butler Wholesale. FOB, bulk cubes arade AA. 93 score. 64c lb.; A, 03 score, lb.: B. 90 score, flic; C. IB score. 60c lb. Above price are Mnctly nominal. f'heee Selllim price to Portland whole sale Orenon sinKlen. 43-49c Orenon 5 lb, loaf, 46-Slc. Triplets, Vac less than sin Ilea Ess t To wholesaler)) A trade lane, 63 4 -66 He. medium, &9'-fl0'j . A email 46' j-51 'ac; B arade lane, b2bt. Portland Dairy Marmet Butter Price to retailers. Orade AA prints, 71c: AA cartons, 73c: A prints, 71c: A cartons, 72c; B prints, 67c. Ecaa Price to retailer. AA larce 77-78c; certified A la rue c dor.: A large 7-68c; AA medium, 65c; certified A medium. SSc; A medium. 0-2c; A jmall, 50-52c: cartons 2c additional. Chreie Price tt retailers: Portland. Oreson ataxies, 45-51c; Orenon loaf. 5 lb., 47-A3c: triples ic less thun singles. Poultry Live Chicken No. 1 quality FOR plants. No. 1 broilers under 3 lbs.. 33-34c lb.; fryers 2S-4 lbs., ,1H-40c lb.: over 4 lbs 38c lb; roasters 4 lbs and over, 37-3Sc lb.; fowl, Leahorns. under 4 ltv 36-SRc lb.: over 4 lbs. 2l-2ftc: colored f ok I all weifhU, 33 -34c H).; old roosters, all weights. 16-19c. Rabbit Ave rare to retailers for local ly dressed animals, 56-62c; fryers, live white, 13-33C lb.; colored, 30-1 lot old or heavv. 13.18c. Rabbits Dressed, retail, M-5. Turkeys (Price ejuoted are net to the producer on a dressed wen ht basis) U. 8. No. 1 young toms, 4S-44c lb.; No. 1, younn hens. M-?5e. Portland Mficellaneoui Caacara Bark Dry 20c lb., ireen 1c lb Wool Valler coarse and medium trades, 45C lb. Mohair 136 lb. on 13-month crowtn. Hldea Calves 36e lb accordlnx to weight kips 30c lb : areen beef n-i2c lb.; bulbs, l-9e Kb.; country buyers pay 3c leas Nat Quotations Walnut Franquettea first quality Jum bo. 34.7c; large, 33.7a. medium 37.3c; second quality Jumbos, 30.3c; larse, 36.3c; medium. 36.3c; baby, 33.3c; soft shell first quality large, 29.7c; medium, 36.3; sec and qutf large 27.3c; medium. 34.7c ; babv. 22. 30. Filberts Jumbo, 30 Ri.t larte, ttei medium 10c, small 13c. (Quotations above supplied by North west Nut Orowers Quotations are on the basis of 100-lb. bat purchases fob plants.! Why Suffer Any Longer When others fail, use our Chinese remedies Amaslng success for 1000 year In China. No matter with what aliments you are afflicted -disorders ilnualtis heart lungs, liver kidneys, gas, constipation, ulcers, diabetes, rheumatism, salt and bladder, fever. Kin remek complaint. CHARLIE CHAN CHINESE HKRrV CO. Office Sinar I It I Tuee. and tal. Only M4 N. Ceiwmercial Phone CIR'to SAI.FM. ORE, eonditiona jreal f "l Capital .Tciurnat. Salem, Ore., T. I I , . i 1 I A 1. M rlW kVlOOTinn in i I'luviiiiij Sunday at 3 The anntmi recosnitiim serv ice tur all Tri-Y members will 1 he held ;U 3:00 p.m. Sunday, Oclnber 31. at the First Ccmure- i U'ltional church. The purpose of the service is to recognize new ; members in Tn-Y and rededi-; cate old nicmbcrs to their pur-! pose as junior members in JYWCA. , ! All parents are invited as spe cial miosis. Rev. Brooks Moore of the First Method i.t church. will mve a short address on the I theme "Together We Grow." A closing prayer will be given by ' I Rev. Seth Huntineinn nf th . jCongreKatiunal church. Tri-Y ! ; I member taking part in the nerv- ! ice are: Miss Joan Barnes, Tri-Y president: Miss Maruv Acinn i ! iri-x vice president; Miits Joyce Kirby, Tri-Y worship chairman; Misses Barbara Calloway, Carol Fuhr, Dolly Wanness, Louise Dotten, Ann Forrestal and Nancy Taylor, Tri-Y members. Music will be provided by Misses Elean-.r Siknrra anH Jin. mona VanHesi and Mn. Seth Huntington. Miss Joyce Kirby. Tri-Y wor ship chairman, is in rhnri nf the service. Those wnrkino un der Miss Kirby are: publicity, miss Nancy Taylor; program, Miss Barbara Flapg; decorations, Miss Dorothy Pederson; invita tions and Drocrams. Mis KhiHv Carr; ushers, Miss Elizabeth Morley; clean-up, Miss Deloris Farmen: hostessei. Miu I vm Gammon. The vountfer virU fnmmiiiM of the YWCA is planning a re ception for members and their parents following the service. Members of the rnmmittu hn are helping plan the service and reception are Mrs. James Man ning and Mrs. A. . Archibald. Mrs. Hobert R. Burger is YWCA staff member in charge. Salem Markets Completed from reports of Sakeen dealers for the guidance of Capi tal Journal Reader. (Revised daily. I Retell Feed Price tut Mash $4 HO. Rabbit Feed pellets 14.30. Iiairv Feeri--tl Nfi Poultry ; Diivln. p.i... vi- . liens, 3lc; No. I Leghorn ' hens. 2Rc: no. l colored fryers, 3 loo. and up 38c; No. 1 fryers, 2'a-3 lbs. 34c lb. No. 1 Huyinc Prleee-Large trade AA Tie; A arade Tie: mtvVi, . a 1 a. pDHrU, I 44-4ftc. Whaleale Price AA grade. 7Sc; A grade 7Sc: mediums. 68-70c; pulleu, 6-3c doa Butterfat Premium. (W-!c; No. 1. S4-t7c; No 2 f8-4c 'Buyiiu prices 1. Pvt. Raymond Joaeph Gottfried Pvt. Kavinond .)osrih Gottfried late resident of 1369 N. 4th St.. In the Phil ippine IMaikIk In iu. Survived by hi Parent. Mr Jncob Out t Inert of Sa lem and Jacr Ootlfrie of Maryltiurst Ore : six brothers, John, Leonard. Ed ward Georee and Arthur Gottfried all of Saiem, and Leo Gottfried of Portland and four sisters. Mrs Ann Hall of Port- HEALTH TO YOU After C.rrwtlnf Hemnrrhnldi iPilfal Flatula, Fluurt, P r o I p 1 c, ftnd other RwUI Dlt orden. No HoaplUHutlon Writ or Call In Frr, Booklet Dr. R. Rttynoldi Clinic N'ature-ProeotoMrtst 11 N. Ithfrly St.. K.l.m. Ore. 1 PFI" ANiWtn- JOSEPH'S IROTHER5. Th., , tm,n ;n Caoe. b ' ee wo plenty o food e. Egyp So Jo rob tent fc'i 'o bjy rf" f qrpt Moee-, Jeieo wot n ow0"ty to FO'eo, rule of (gyp'; re 'ecogewed h b'O'e-i 'o o"ee tolrj him 01 o lot Joteph fftghtgngd hit b'O'Cft "tK H s oe'ico' rjneit o-i lfd r-.uQ mgnner. Genem, C'oo 42, Vtnti 3 i I . mm Lj.iii.liTiiiy' In" CinilaVj WANTED Walnuls - Filberts Nut Meal HlfilllST fRI r. CASH (IN DKI IVIRY KIR OR CHARD RI N. SEE I S BEE IRE VOU SELL. Morris Klorfein Packing Co. 4(10 N, Eront Street SALEM Telephone I 1SJJ Saturday, Oct. .10, 194 15 Und Mrs Anaeiin Hie if 0:sds'nn. Irrftta OoM tried or Rsv Cim nnrt rtn9 'Mane r,o-t!r.ed KwrM r.r-rr. n ;;,;v" law n U1 w T h,,oB Pnl Vernon KeMe Paul Vernon Keiiev 2 ol 69 ye. Marv V Kellcv. Salem; b:oih- lu- y A, Kelley. Oi-hh Pn:H, Calif, a: A ;i. :i, -ews. al-0 of OceaM Paik. Cs'..' M.-irner of the Ralrrrt Luflue No, LIS, Hf't tf Aa nniincement of Mrvucn later bv Hawe.i. Eciwurds ctiapl. Minnie H. Stitihrte Minnie H StOifiin-e, at the reader :t 40 E Ev...ln aem:e Oi-tner in Su-. vived by huioanrt P F. 8'olrheue la ign ter, Neva L l"o!rheie Por larn', st- Dr. R. M 8loIhe;- of Seattle, Wh : two latere Phoebe Ha:, Ormi e, Ocai , Mrt. Mlll.e Cro of Kit tti-i'.er. Onl ; tre brother a. Lloyd T'.s.r.j Ruler. 0.. Henry TuSmu. Dalia-, Text and fiuy TuSini Spokane, W.-n. t0 xra:.1 chlldiei. Serv ices .11 r :v l-i at i ha ClouBh-Barrick chapel M'-nd-. . Nvee-, ber 1, at 11 a m. with Rev, F. C. Stan nard officiating. Water R, Waterman Water R. Waterman, at Arroyo, Calif., September 7, at the ase o: Jl year. Survived bv his wife. Dorot.i- Waterman of Arroyo Grande. Calif.: 4 son, Gary Waterman of Salem: his moth er, Edna Waterman of Salem; two sis ter. Mrs. Ruth Sanders of Los Atiieles and Mrs. Caroline Burke of Portland, and a brother. Qeorge Waterman of Pendle ton. Services will be held at the Clous h Barrica chapel Tuesday. November 3. at 10 a m. w ith Rev. Brooks Moore of Sa lem and Rev. Hushes of sn Luis Obis po. Calif . officiating. Interment W Set crest Memorial park. Arthur Curry Arthur Ourry, at a local hospital Oc tober W. Announcement of services leMf by Cloueh-Barrick company. Florenele Desninsus Florencio Doming us, Late resident of Price. Utah, at a local hospital Octobwr 30. Announcement of services Later a Clown -Bar rick company. Frank X. Oeaner Frana X. Oeener. at ah family noma In Rose Lodae, October M at the aae of 72- Survived by the widow, Edith May Oesner, Rose Lodge; suiers, Mrs. Josslo Boedishetmer and Mrs. lola Hunt, both of Salem, and Mrs. BeAsie Updegraff, Ore gon City; brothers, Ulysses Oesner, Seat tie, Wash. Dolph Oesner, Clifford Oes ner and Virgil Oesner, all of Salem. Ser vices will be held In the Rowell-Edward chapel Monday, November 1, at 10:10 OBITUARY Set. Albert . Otaon Silver ton Funeral services for Set. Al bert E. Olson, 3ft, who died tat Orleans, France. Oct. 17. 1044. will be held Jroim the memorial chapel of the Ekman Fun eral home at 3 o'clock Monday. Rev. M.J K. Fuhr officiating and burial 1st Valley View gemetery. Me was born km Sll vert on Sept. 3, 119. Surviving ace hi parents. Mr. aMl Mrs. Peter C. Olsonl three brothers. Re. Peter 8, and Ron aid Olson and e. sister. Donna M. Otaon all of Sll vert on and another stater, Mrs, Roger Stenberc. Parkland, Wah. Jwbn Schmidt Canby John Schmidt. ST. Hubbe-vd test- dent for the past 11 years, died Thurs day at his home after g Long ttlnaes. Bora August 10. 1891. fan Oermany, he came im the United States in 1007 and settled la Iowa. In 1915 at Banbury, Iowa, he mar ried Mathilda Albertson. They game to Oregon In 1936, resided a year near Can by and moved to Huhbard M 1937. Sur vivor Include the widow: two sons. El mer and Walter of Hnbbard; a sister. Mrs. Gertrude Htnti. kn Iowa, and four grandchildren. The funeral will be at I p m Sunday In the Canby Funeral home. Burial will be ht Blon Memorial park. Canby. Advertisement EATS New Kind of CANDY Loses 65 Lha. Wears Six 12 Again Now all you have to do Li lot Ugly fat m to eat thia deiictou new kind of candv railed AYIS. Oiwre INI lb-, Dorothy J. Milter. 2 H W. '.inh St. Chrcsgo. lost & lha. weekly for 1.1 week, with the remarkable NEW A YDS Ojpdy Keduring 11 ao and she now wean aize 12 aaam. FR4MF POSITIVE! Emiwot phyamsoa awpcr ved rlimral teste ana report qutce: ana este loteae of 14 to 15 poiind. with over MS Bjwswi WHY EXPERIMENT I No eserrie. No leiaUvee. No Srwga). swat' all you want. Absolutely Itarmteaa? You aimply twke AYlS blore Meaes whieS Mtrtmationlly curb the apfiertte. The teeult at you cat lea and lose weight. Only 1 96 for a full .IS-day supply poaeibly more then von wiS paed. Your money refundad on l he very nrwt bnl U you fail to lose weight. Come m or pbonaw PR MB Bclentlflg Weight tXart. OeQ for yours. Or seat lea with phone gg awoal orders. No ebUgeMon. Off AAA NT EB: Monp nm report weleht losaas of op to IS pounda or more with the fleet boa ATM or guarawtel yew mutt tooe too wlila the first bog or your sMCiey geeuoded. M1U.BB .rw AVTT1.I OO; CAFfTAJU VBii'H CO : AND iStDtND PKFT., QIC9 1 ami u "'f.fjfmw w n W V Jm Tvs h r ja ' V w