18 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Friday, October 29, 1948 CLASSIFIED ADVIKTlfelNOl r.r Llnl 15 Per Lin. I time, 40e Per Lint tlmej Me Per Line 1 month It 00 Outald. Salem 13 per line per dr. Mlo. 10c: I time mm. 80e fl t:nui mm. 11.30. No Keluadi SEADl.RH U Lecal New, Col. Onlrl Per Use Me To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 Spooks Move Furniture on Halloween, but in expensive "Furniture for Sale" Ads Con Do it Anytime FOR SALI HOUSES " BY OWNER. 3 bdrm. Tunr rented now for 150 a mo. Ful' pnc wilv $4000. 1110(1 down. 130 mo. Sre m 1U8 8tu St.. W. Salem between 7 Ac f. P m. or Ph. 277J8. .t0 l-RM. HOUSE. TurT." Pox"640Baxrpr Rd., South; a3a6 NET 4-Borm., full "b-srn.. dbl. gurage I'll, owner lor appt a-42'.4 F-BEDROOM hrme gurage. Venetian blind; insulated: fr.i t hoiie tnd wuter vatem; one ar old, $4000. 425 Illinois lit. H261 IMMED. FOSS. by" owner -8 years old. I brtii.tom home. fHxd stairs to floored attic; clean and m Rood condition. Larue lot garden and nice .shrub. Reasonably priced. Call 2-4F33. BY OWNER, bfftutllul vlrw home on King wood Heights. 3 large bedrooms, liv ing room, dining room, kitch., with nook. 2 baths, utility tm plumbed for Bendlx, large dble. garae. Him home has flreplacr. hdwd. f lr. and is plaa tered throughout, insulated and has a large patio. II you're interested In beauty, comfort and a view, don't miss thil homt. Call 31560 before 7 p.m. BT OWNER, 3-year-old. 1-bdrm., hdwd. fir., attached garage, oil heat. 1685 "C" St. Ph. 3-4419. 361 OR SALE BY OWNER. 7-rm. home near State Office bid, at 1547 Court Bt. Call after 5 p.m. wit. day or I to I Sat. A Bun. BT OWNER Brand new S bdrm. home. Lge. utility rm., Inc. liv. rm., din. rm., dbl. tar., auto, oil furnace, piped over head to each rm.. fireplace with mantle and builtin bookcase, Ven. blind, hdwd. lira. 700 gal. per hr. deep well. Lot 90x130, shrubbery In and yard (traded. Immed poss. Located on pavement 810 mile S of Hoyt St., on Falrvlew Home Rd., in new Trl-Mountaln View sub division. Priced to sell. Ph. 35638. 250 BARGAINS $3500 1 bedrm. home in West Salem on corner lot. $3700 I bedrm. horn? In 8 E. Salem, two stove ft linoleum goes with place. II, floo down, bal. at 140 per mo. $4200 Mod. 1 brdrm. home on cor. lot. H.I $1200 down, bal. like rent. $4700 Attractive I rm. home on A. North. Fum. Thl la a good buy In any lantiuagt. $4750 Small S bedrm. home on cor. lot on creek. ThU la a very nice spot. Lot 100'xl20 Tor above listings contact Bergland. ART MADSEN 1116 State T. S.W Rfs. 301311 e3S9 SEVERIN REALTY CO. 113 H. HlRh St. Telephone 3-4010 X bedrms, living rm, large kitchen, modern bathrm, lrge. utility rm, elec. pump, beau tiful flower and slirubs. All for $5,950. This won't last. Evf Pnone Vtv.tiH nr 3-imu SEVERIN REALTY CO. I ROOM house for Rale, 5 ml. from Salem, ml. East of Oreen Apple Market. Oeo. Metland, Rt. 7, Box 37BK. a25fl' lr OWNER Attract We 2-bedroom hnnie In good eond.; hlw1. f'rs.; fplc; larne burnt.; fruit room and tarii,'i'; snwiluf-t burner and laundrv fa-iliiie. Clnte to schools and bus. Priced rtavmnbly. 1040 Shipping. a if BY OWNER I bdrms, LR, DR. kitrh., bath, b!mt., hdwd. firs., lmmrd. pons. At a low price lor thli house. Ph. 3-9813 orJS-3732. 25 flEW HOUSE, bent construction, ft rooms and utility room, hardwood floor throughout; auio. heat : garage with breeteway; aorner lot; 10750. Bliven, Cooncy & Craig Ml M. High Ph. 1-3B17. Evt. 38918; aJo FINE FNGLEWOOD HOME 1AM N. 1HTII ST. la the address of thta 3-bdrm home, with fireplace; full base ment; V-blinda; ntre yard, Everything In tip-top ahape. Price 113. 000. Onnd terms. Why not call ua lor an appoint ment now. BURT PICHA, REALTORS .fhont 3-3B49 3.17 N, High St. Evea, t-63P0 or 3-10.11 a250 If" OWNER, 5-rm. modern home, Ven. bllnda, fireplace, auto, hot water, heatrr. floor furnace Larwe ynrd, I79MI. MS Edlna Lane. Phone 3-3'Jn2. l12"! BV OWNER: Be.it bargain you can find -One. Hit h'Hiie. modfrn, rice. W H . wired for ranae. S44:0.00. Trnnn a low a ISS.00 per month. Tall between 3 pm.-4'lS Pin 3-1415 Vim.ee aJtill " AnnobVAi.t'F KKIEER mKTHH'T on larne lot (110x213. two nice heil rooms: la rue living mom 118x211'. oil heat: atlarlird garage- sev eral walnut and fruit tires. To see this nice proprrU fi'H Mr ltii-rll SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 14 N. High t Phone 3-7(180 Eve. Phone 9-45(11 a25B( KEIZER 94WMI 3-bertrnom hon hrd garage fenced a,WHt5 rooms 2 lirilrt rinsed; fireplace: all rnomv k tchen wltti imllt-l gar site m.tti workshop. Bliven, Cootu' & CrM M M. H h Ph. 9-J61T. Eva. 3B918, $34!S0 -Kt'ijcr District NaW HOVCE hi cwner TR: OH; Bit. bath mth tut' kiuiirn, V-bltinl.. pe tered, shtoi 1 1 d uot . elcc hut hIpi healer: elect, ir range; j blocg to hi. Evans Ar aJUO BT OWNFR 4 ahnnl. stoie i Phone 3-817" $7."0 DOWN' CM tlf R TYPE 1-r.ertti'om hote ner1 re- Rtk. Room tr hiilhl Vrr r'-s-iinMf a phone tnfftrtiatiim v r $100(1 DOWN ONE Yl Ml OID 3-beitrt.nm l.m.ie wtlh living room: dining rnmii au'o rn-at immediate pn.rMin o.lv $-;fl.so. $iroo down AND $. MONTH will but nn an older type home with full haTii-rm. Thne In choo'e trom. Two t t r bedroom Priced from fmi 'o $78: i. $:Uf)0 SMALL HOI MR, I'm yrara old. nntih on I acre. OPEN EVES. TILL fi COLBATH LAND CO. 169) Center St. Phont 3-4S5? aP' rxci.rsiVE tisiiNitos I DliRM. Hum, Lit UK kit . utilttv im hdwd fir, in IR PH Plaleed rorner lot, clnee to school A- bin let us .oow vou the iTVuide ot this home lo cated at 1211 N. (.'(lurch. Phone us for an appointment Plee do not bothrt rcuparts. Price IMfO. JOHN H HAN8FN, REALTOR Ptt. 37919 or 94533. 1907 Fairground Rd a 30 iTnnnM. IIOMr of heM pre-war ronnlrur. lion Aitradtve feature too numerous for ad dp a re Mv equity 1 4 Mir. Total prirt 9500 PaTmei.L 43 91 per month at '-,-119 Lm St. aJfV FOR SALE HOUSES $4400 Sniall compact 3 bedroom homt with many builtliw, oil circulator and iu cook atove goejs. cement foundation, alnnxle roof, thu property located on the buck of a buMne.i aone I lot, 65x135 plenty of room on front of lot for a biu IneM) building, or ishop. The hou alone will rent for 150 00 per mo. Hert ti an opportunity for you lnveatera or a state Veteran with only a few hundred dollar down, may be able to handle. Location 2 2 HO N Commercial. Excliuivt. Please do not disturb occupant $1250 DOWN FH A. built home, 1mm pom., plastered, hardwood floors, automatic heat to all rooms, restricted district, city water, nrar grade school and bus, payments J 50 110 per month full prlca I705O We may be able to hand la thla also for a State Veteran, with a small down pay ment, VERY NICE 3-bedroom home, hardwood floor, fire place, basement, automatic heat, oil. to all rooms, attached garage, corner lot. paved street near city grade school, drapes and some extras go. F H A. com mittment being secured, reasonably quick poMeittion, Exclusive. 410 S. 33rd. Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 H. Capitol. Ph. 38216; Eve. 3B51R or 37216, a2S0 K87.'.0 New 3 bed rm. home with largr Iv. rm. and d. rm. Carpet wall to wall, fireplace, oil furnace, att. garage. Own er leaving, excellent buy. !HtMm 4 bed rm. 7 yr. old horn on nice Ik. lot. hwd. firs., fireplace, oil fur nace. Oood terms. SlA.HiNpw Rambling style home with lg. picture windows, 3 bed rms., beautiful kitchen, lg. lot. 347 ft. deep. Call Mr. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3-9271 eves. 3-5360 261 WEST K A I.EM SPECIAL NEW OWNER BUILT All Electric Home. Priced at 18400. Oak firs. Oarage. Terms within reason. To see this it other Wffit Salem property see B. Isherwood, Realtor PH. 6P11. Wallace Rd. R. 1, Box 343 or PH. 3-8836 1380 6th St. W. Salem a260 SUBURBAN M7fo 1 A. Si livable S BR hst. Nr. Wal lace Road. Terms, W.nm 3 LoU A NEW cute 1 BR nse South. Modern. FHA specifications. m&HV Mi A. & Neat 3 BR home. EAST. All fenced. Fine garden soil. Chicken he. On Bus. 17-IJHr 610 A. St NEW 3 BR home. View. Nr. Wallace Road. Terms. For these fe others see B. Isherwood, Realtor FH. flFU. Wallace Rd. R. 1, Box 343 or PH. 3-8836 1380 6th St. W. Salem a260 BEST BUYS - EASY TO HANDLE $825.00 DOWN Bal. 140,00 per month. S rm. houst, In side city limits. Priced for quick sale. Full price $3725. $1000 DOWN Older type house, close in. 3 bdrms., fireplace. Completely remodeled. Base ment, furnace. Full price JB750. $1300 DOWN Brand new, 3 bedrms,, hdwd, floors, auto. heat. att. garage. 3 blks. from school and bus. Full price $7050. Al Isaaks & Co., Realtors 3015 Portland Rd. Ph. 9-7830, 3-4596 Eve. 3-0479, 9-3558 a261 SP.MI DOWN Will buy this nice little 9 bdrm. plas tered home with untln. upstairs. LR St DR comb. Oarage, 3 yrs. old. Xlec. range goes. Price 15950. Open Eves, till 6 COLBATH LAND CO. 1683 Center St. Ph. 24553 a280 Hlf.lll.AND DISTRICT One year old two bedroom houst. elec tric heat. 12000.00 down, balance easy terms. Full Price 17750 00 NORTH ItTH STREET SliUHI.IHI DOWN New two bedroom home, living room, dining room and large kitchen, ubtlity room, attached garage, electric heat, FHA Finance. Full Price IR5O0.O0. KEIER DISTRICT SIMHMtO DOWN One year old rambling ranch two bed room hou.se, living room, dining room, large klU-hen. electric heat, attached garage. Inrse lot. Full Price $8500 00, FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CAM Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonic Rldg. Ph. 39317 Insurance Mtg. -Loan 361 CLOSE IN 9 BDRM. Modern Home with Rental In the back. 3 ear garage with one rental. Shown by Appt. Ph. SS2fll. GENERAL REAL ESTATE 355 Center St. B259 FOR SALE LOTS l.AKCiK LOT." outside rlty limits; garage Price I10O0. W. G. KRUGER 147 N. Commercial. Phona 9-4728 VIEW PROPERTY, 130 ft. 185 ft. Ideal bldg, site, West Salem, near Cascade Ur It Olen Creek Dr. Call 3-9309. aa361 RV OWNER -Excellent building lots In Stewart's Addition to Woodburn. Would sell one block of 8 lots to contractor wUhlng to build houses to sell. Set Bon nrr Stewart. 316 Brown St. aa360 FOR SALE FARMS tV.HO !.1-A'RK FARM, all under cultivation. Fam ily orchard, berries Oood 6-rm. ho new araie, barn and chicken houst. On paved road mile from school. mile north of Shaw. John Vlder, Rt. 1, Box 289. b3M 310 ACHE FARM Nrw home built at co.it of $15,000. New slK-ep Ac mch. sheds, 300 ac. cult. 30 ac. It A. cherries, bal. In pre grass. 110 ac limber A pajt Year around str. All fenced sheep tight. This Is a beau tiful pic. and reas. Priced at $163 ac. 116.000 NORTH 50 Ac. Wit. Soil. 9 ac R A cherries. W ac of tuiLv bam chick, houjie. Mfh shed Older type house, livable, pvd. rd clive to Afh. Call Fd. I.ukinheal HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realtor 941 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3-9371 eve. 3-66nO bJBl 70 ACREB nM'T su miles north of West Salem, mod level sluhlW rolllna terrain, WH, nil Amity soil excellent farming land, tin. good house, double garaae. two tiHins poultry hour, hoc shed, small f n.ed rar round stream. 40 acre In cultivation. 30 in ps.it lire and aood saw limner, once IJI0 per acre, some extras r $15 POO. En-elusive. See Wambera. J oo L. Bourne Realtor N Capnol. Ph. 36316 Eve. 38M9 h2B0" HiP R M H .n5a7reV'at 9.100 pervert. i.iii.'H linii.-r- h.irii piia-'ii caMn.i; hop ilrver completely equipped. There ts a Income f about 9 too yearly without fimri, lie&idrs the nop nop. nop grow ei fthould invest 1 at e. 4 4,N yo B T Till! 120 acrei of land with fair hnmie and old barn, Over iOO wi (t under pliw, Partlv new land Miotlr Willamette and Amity soil, on pavement Norm; gill iyo HI i von, Cooney cV Craig 647 N High Ph. 2-3617. Eve. 39919; J-S0M bJ0 -. A4'RH. house, barn, hunting and fish ing. Mock Owner, o Babbitt, Rt I, Pi 1 8.1 Toledo $13 000 r3. for'sale acreage A 4,('R: with anion new 4 B R plaMered home $ mi. N IV (id. soil Klec. wtr syst Completely mod l.ne. cement patio. Im med P.v Ph 34791. AI.HM BOW I It ML EWTTE 2J8$ Fairground Rd. Em. VI T tV,lgo Ill FT. ON BhE 9 .rRHi home: 9 acre berries. 1 m.le south of Pikisnn Markel. Owner Ri Journal Want Ads Pay OPEN HOUSE 1780 AND 1835 N. 24TH ST. (North off Market on Paved Street) SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 2 to 5 p.m. VERY EASY TERMS REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE Prion 1-1203 Evening and Sunday: MAKE AN OFFER FOUR 3-bedroom homei ranging In price from $10,750 to $11, 800, each with oil furnaces, two In town, two In the country. FHA financing, easy terms. If you need lots of room and want comfortable living, make an offer. You might be pleasantly surprised. CHAS. HUDKINS Realtors 250 N. High St. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. OPEN HOUSE ALL WEEK Open All Day and in the Evenings BEAUTIFUL VIEW New ranch type 3-bedroom home; double plumbing. Pecan hdwd. floors. Full basement with rumpus room and fireplace. Woodwork finished in natural colors. Dbl. garage and terraced lawn. Drive through W. Salem and turn right on Kingwood Dr. then turn left and follow our signs. $14,500. SULLIVAN REALTY CO 3366 Portland Rd. REAL ESTATE LEO N. CHILDS, INC. Realtors SMALL NEW one bdrm. home complete In every detail with a nice piece of that good Kelzer dirt. 93850. BOME BIO FAMILY Is going to be very happy in this large 4 bedrm. home right by Richmond school for only $3950. VERY WELL-LOCATED grocery begging for a live wire operator. For a fact, you get all stock, fixtures, and a 6 year least at 976 per mo. for $5500. INTER EBTI N O TRAILER PARK. B nicely furnished apta. plus spacious quarters for owner. Present Income 1300 per mo. Everything goes for $25,000. If You Don't See It Advertised CALL US LEO N. CHILDS, "S Yean of Dependable 344 State St. Evenings Call: 9-865S; FOR SALE ACREAGE LAND BARGAIN HS ACRES with nearly one-half mile high way frontage on pavement easi vi Salem. Approximately 65 acres cultivated and balance timber. A very good value at $6750. Call Mr. Holmes. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. High St. Phone 3-7660 Eve. Phont 34773 bb3&9 BY OWNER 90 acre In the fast growing Swegle district, tm acreage u ciwmi vu school to Ideal for subdivision. Ph. 39460 or 35437. bb' REAL ESTATE CALABA'S COLUMN DRiNJn NEW S5900 WILL BE finished amortly; eutt 3-bedroom home; attractive insiao nn wu. good buy for only $5900. DfCT MTTI.R RTTV YKT COZY 3-bedroom home, well built and only about 10 years oia; nice ia ii.u. variety of fruit; completely fenced: good water system, sufficient for Irrigation; cement driveway and walks to barn and ohicken house: block to bus. Oood location and ONLY 69!0. REST BUY SOUTH BRAND NEW 3-bedroom home, no upstairs, hardwooa noors; large uiimy i. tractive fireplace; auto, piped oil fur nace; tra large lot. You'll like thla home. It's nlco throughout and ONLY 910. 500, RUDY CALABA & CO. Realtors Ph. 3-5838; Evea. 3-3779, 3-5514 231 N. High St. LOOK! A beautiful ultra-modern home on 9 acres of view properly. Fruit, ber ries, timber, spring water, chicken house. The house has everything you could wish lor and is about IS years old. There Is more land available if you want it. The full price is only $16,500. Call for appointment. 10250, ENOLEWOOD DISTRICT. About 9 years old. 3 BR, hardwood floors thru out, fireplace, piped furnace heat, Ven etian blinds, fenced-in back yard. This to well-built and U a good buy. - 9 acres, a good S-BR house, barn, gar aae and fruit room. LL IN CULTI VATION, and the price is only 18450. ONE OF THE BEST 66 acre farms. Mis sion B'ttom land, 54 acres under Irriga tion, well Improved, Produce high in come from hops and seed crop. Be sure to see this farm SEE US FOR UN1M PRO V ED FARM LAND WE CAN SHOW YOU SOME OF THE FINEST. GOODWIN & McMlLLIN Realtors Phone 3-4707 484 Court. Eves. 3-5148, 2-7383 C261 jKOOO IS acre filbert orchard. 30 min utes drive from Salem: i norm,, living room, kitchen, built-in, nook, electric ity, oil heat. Will consider trade. Immed Pons. !t,otm--llt utory house, oak floors, fire place, 3 bdrms. downstairs. 1 bdrm. and hall upstairs, oil heal, rumpus room in bast ellt. P. H. Bell. Realtor Phone 1-4896. 3-1545 PS. 2-fiB8e 2-65119. 3-7566 .161 Chemeketa St. NELSON NEWS DON'T OVFRI.OOK THIS ONE Off State St., $0050; 3-bedroom plastered modern home with utility room: hard wood floors: living room; beautiful pic nic grounds with shade trees and arbors. Has Ol loan for $4400. Here a a worth while opportunity for someone 9BIO DOWN- NEW HOME Combination living room and dining rm.: 2 bdrm., bath: utility rm, hdwd. firs thruout. fireplace oil furnace, larar lot Immed p(W On hus line. onK 79.i0 1 BEDROOMS -IDEAL FOR SCHOOL Owner built and lived tn. Oood sub stantial home wllh spacious LR A DR. hdwd. firs, thruout up and down. Full bsmt : automatic heat, corner lot: gar. I1 blk to Hi Shown bv appointment. NKW Bt'ILDlNO Suitable for small manufacturing or a emblv nlant w 1th beautiful I -bedroom apartment above. Annut 9 acres of ground. hiKhway location. NHW U RENTAL APT l,rte unit. 4-3 bedrooms and 7-1 ted rooms, attractive setting. Substantial construction; 17-' 0O0 30 ACHES OF KFAL PRODUCTION 9 acres racher: 3'i ac. filberts; 9 ac walnuts; 40 ac. apples, pears, plums, peaches, figs and berries; 7-room house; good barn t38x2'; gar.: machine shed, tractor and other machinery. Spring, ereek; close to Salem Price $30 000. A REAL COUNTRY HOME S3 acre In. it orchard $ ac. prune. ac alrab.; 13 ac pasture: ereek. spring, nice 7-room house with view; barn; elerirlrlty. A fine place: $36 500. II none of the above meet your require ments tell us what you want, if we do not halreadv have II listed, we probably know where to find It for you quickly NELSON & NELSON Speciatlttn Realtor 709 H High Phono 1-4679 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 IFOR SAIE HOUSES 301 a. High St. 260 3-4628 or 3-5906 & SON Phone 2-4129 2aB Phont 93255 a259 IREAL ESTATE INC., REALTORS Service to Home Owner" Phone 1-3663 C361 1-5620; or 3-4007 REAL ESTATE NEW HOME BARGAIN For 18300,00 I can sell you a 9 bed room home all on one floor. Auto, oil heat. Hdw. firs., large lot 72x154. First come first served. Call Ray Davis. I have several small acreage with nice modern homes from $4000,00 up. which are very well priced. Some will take trade. Call Ray Davis. Very good hotel, tavern combination. A good established business, $24,000.00 take It lock, stock St barrel. Call Ray Davis. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realtor 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3-9371 eves. 3-8658 c261 WANTED REAL ESTATE WE NEED LISTINGS from J acre on up. Priced around $6000, BURT PICHA, REALTORS Phone 2-3649 337 N. High Bt, ca259 WE ABE In need of good bouse to sell In or near Salem If you wish to list your property for sale eee GRAHENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St, Phone 2-2471. ca NOTICE! if your property l tor sale, rent or exchange, list It with ua. w have all kinds of cash buyer. STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS J3 Hlgh st ea EXCHANGE SIX ROOM modern house In Independ ence to sell or trade lor modern house In Salem. Ph, 158W, Independence. cb264 SALEM FOR SILVERTON GOOD 3-bedroom home with hdwd. floors: Utility room: attached Baraae on nm acre. Value $10,500 furnished. Trade for property of equal value in Silverton close-in. Newer type home with ba se men i preierrea. CITY FOR FARM SMALL, neat 3-bedroom home on H acre. Value $7000. to trade as down payment on 3-10 acres east or north with good house. OPEN EVES. TILL 6 COLBATH LAND CO. 1683 Center St. Phone 3-4553 cb259 YAQ.IT IN A BLUEBERRY GARDENS 17 A.. 1300 ft. on hwy. lot. south of New port; 4 M, full-bearing plants worth $5 each; 9-room house with all elec. equip ment; oil heat. Also 3-room house worth over $27,000. Trade for Salem or farm property. Take less for sale, cash or terms. Wrtte 1635 N. 20th St., Salem or Phone 3-3538. rh363 RESORT PROPERTY OREGON COAST PROPERTIES REAL ESTATE BEACH FRONT SANDWICH SHOP Best located drive-In on Coast. Right on niway 101 on the ocean front, bus iest Delake recreation center next to Aquarium. New bkle.v, 2 yrs. old, very best eqmnt., deluxe Neon lighting. 1 or 3 people can operate. Serving famous copyrighted "JUICY JUMBO" hambur ger. Small overhead, large profit. Will net $6,000 per yr. At up. No waste, no spoilage. Cash business, est. June, 1946. Look for -Hamburger Haven." Owner going into Oovl. service, will sell quick. Total price, everything Included, $5600. POULTRY FARM Fine Bom business est. 14 yrs., gross ing IJ6.500 per yr. and netting clear, above all expenses $7500 ft up. Est. cash market for all you produce. Hen gs A 1000 fryer every 4 week. 2 acres, finest modern bldas. ft eqpmnt. Dump truck, owner's good 2 bdrm. home prtly. furn,, one 1-bdrm. furn. home tor emp Lrg. trosen storage lock er. Owner want to retire after 14 vrs continuous operation It your. Includ ing chickens, for $16 000, Only $8 000 dn. i.wu per yr. write lor lull particular. Hurry! RARE BARGAIN Three well built houses J. 3. and 1 bdrm . all verv well furntahed. garage on looxioo ocean vie lot. Live in one and get 1 100 mon t h rent from ot her two. yr. round Payments onl $60 a month Total price only 113,000. Pay ouv n. w taae over. $5250 LAKE FRONT COTTAGE Never before have we had a Hating ime mis. nrana new cory 9 bdrm. cot iaae. completely furnished on the peaceful shore of Devil a Lake In a wmuuui einng or lore! tree. 79 ft lake frontage. 119 ft. deep. Close In west side of take. I block trom paved roaa leading to Parg All city facilities, hot wtr. htr. 1 minutM drive m Hurry on thl. Only 15250 and I1S00 HOME BY THE SEA Located along famed Canyon Drive m iieiate, very modern 7 rm. home. completely gu tqpd . 4 bdrm.. knotty p.nr mi . uiiiny, irpwr . ear. Extraor- dinary la roc aped back yard with rustic ience. ouuiae irpic . ear. etc. It a OREGON COAST PROPERTIES REAL ESTATE COLLINGSWORTH & BROWN TWO OFFICES - OCEAN LAKE tV TAFT OPEN SUNDAYS - PHONB DELAKE 17S REAL ESTATI WEEK END $300 Down unfinished house. Balance $30 per month. Located north. New, livable. Bus service. $50 Excellent acra with alty water. $19 per montn. $25 Down Lots with water, electricity, bus service, trees. Close to schools. Balance $19 per month. REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE Phone 3-9203 Evening and Sunday 3-4628, 3-5909 201 S. High, e-25 GRABENHORST SPECIALS Best New House in Town Beautiful new home, 3 bedrms., lge liv. rm.. din. rm., kitchen, brkfst. nook, dble. garaae. dole. plbg.. dressing table in bath, patio, inside utility rm,, hdwd. firs., fireplace, Cottonwood doors, ex cellent view, many other extras. Best buy in town. Call Peter H. Oelser. All on One Floor 3 bdrm. St den with fireplace, lge. liv. rm., with fireplace, mahogany finish, dble. garage, radiant hot water heat. A real buy. Call Earl West. Grabenhorst Bros., Realtors Phone 3-3471; EvenlnH 3-39. 3-7773. 3-43K9. 33-P-H. J-8010 For Prompt. Oourteoua 8ervlce. Llt Your Property With Ue McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY REALTORS 169 South High Salem Phone 3-5131 or 3-8620 ONE-HALF ACRE and 3-bedroom bungalow; plastered Interior; hdwd. floors; electric cooking and water heating; double garage; 1 block to bus. Located north Just out side city limits; poultry house; nice garden spot. FHA loan can be arranged. ONLY 376iH for this nice 2 BR home In West Salem; plastered Interior; hdwd. floors; bath: LR: large kitchen; utility room; e.ectric cooking and heating: garage; about 2-year-old homt. Close enough to walk to business dlst. FHA loan can be arranged. REALLY A BARGAIN New, high-type beauty salon. Owner 1 to leave Salem. This la well situated and fully equipped shop; 6-year lease with option. EXCELLENT SOIL Slightly lest than one acre, and 3 BR house; LR: kitchen; bath; electric water system; electric water heating; attached garage; 95500. HAVE HOUSE for lease by year at $60 per ment; gas stove and gas heating, uooa loctuoo soum, cios hi bus mic COME IN OR CALL Evenings 3-7163 or 3-4937 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES NELSON NEWS EXCELLENT WHOLESALE BUSINESS Bound legitimate business doing prof itable business. Will take about $30,000 to handle. This is a wonderful aet-up for an aggressive merchant. Call at our office for full details. NELSON & NELSON Specializing Realtors 702 N. High Phone 3-4622 C4359 TAKE A LOOK at tnis new deal on Stouts Oro. St Hdw. Store. Lease on bldg.. house to rent, bldg. repaired. Stock at Inventory, Fixtures reasonable. Good business St low overhead. Perrydale. Ore. QttBl SALEM 6-unlt apt. house, BEST DIST. r-irtRR IN li rented. $175 fl-r.. Dlua own- .er'a. BIO LOT. Frnce. Bsmnt. Fully frnshd. Top condition. Never a vacan cy! $15,000. NOTE: THIS IS NOT A CRUMMY! Ideal for small business connected. P. O. Box 463, Salem, Oregon. WILL LEASE complete ""Baby Shoe Bronze Plating" outfit. Oood location, Low rent, established. Will teach trade. Call 3-7771. c"21 WELL Established Oift Shop in good business location In Eugene, Oregon. Excellent lines of merchandise. Write Box 58 Capital Journal. cd260 CAFE and aervlce station with living quar ters, near Salem: $5000 will handle deal Oross about 83200 per month plus aervlce station earnings. Bliven, Cooney & Craig 647 N, High Ph. 3-3817. Eve. 38918; 3-5053 A MONEY MAKER TAVERN doing good business; excellent highway frontage and location. Price of 822.500 Includes building, stock fix tures, living quarters, etc. Half cash will handle. Shown by appt. only BURT PICHA, REALTORS Phone 3-3649 337 N. High Bt. Eves. 9-5390 or 2-1033 Cd2S9 TRADING POST in West Salem. 1 104 Edge water St. Handling fine line of clothing, antiques and curios. Will sell stock and business and building. See J. A. Rowland. cd259 FURNITURE FOR SALE $30 Thor washing 3-6333, FLASH 9 piece chrome dinette sets. reg. $59.50 set. now $48. Today only. Don't confuse this with a cheap set. The best value we have been able to offer you in i long time. Olen Woodry Furniture Mkt. 1605 N. Bummer St. d359' BEST GRADE Blgelow rug SxlO. Chrome and glass coffee table. Kenmora vac uum cleaner. Call 34367. d35 812 FRENCH Wilton rug. slightly worn. $75.00. 1 American Oriental 7x8V Like new, $50. 740 Tillman Ave. Ph. 38213. d260' While They Last Attractive coffee tables, to close out at $5.00 ea. Olen Woodry Furniture Mkt.. 1605 N Summer Rt d3sfl' WANTED FURNITURE Hic.nrsT prices paid Phont olenn at Woodry Auction Market. Ph 9110 da " MONEY TO LOAN On Watche. Luggage. Tool ft Gun We buy for cash. Sell or trade. Sundale Exchange, 594 N. Liberty. Ph. 2-5511 da TOP PRICES paid for used furniture tools and hardware Call Ur Reiser. 9889 38$ N Commercial da' FOR SALE LIVESTOCK Ml HEAD of young Angora goats. per. Ph. 36986. 1899 Market. LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED ft LICENSED livestock buyer. C. McCandllsh, 1137 8. 35th. Ph. 3-9147. e380 E. 1. SNETHEN ft SON, Licensed and Bonded rattle buyers. Ph. 3-1345. ea278 RABBITS BABBITS for your locker, cut A 1 Wins Babbitry, 3985 State 109FV PETS DfMiS BOAR nD by day or month, train ing ft grooming. Horse meal. Free pick UP ft deliv. LeOray Kennel. Ph. 2-139H ec264 VERY NICE registered cocker pups, from champion stock, your choice male or female, color black or parti color. See at 1925 N. 19th Ph 37317 ec360" BABY Mexican Chihuahua puppies. 4 wks. old. Phona 3-7117 or 3303 Broadway. ec381 EFM41E papers. COCKER SPANIEL ft pups, t. Collins, Aunrnille, Tel. Office. tract PIPS roR 1.V 9 weeks old. Cocker. 494ft Wolf Street. Keteer District ec263 FUEL FREE WOOD for the removal of the prune tree. 4 mite from Lodd A Bush en macadamised road About fchre acre of it. Phone 36893 evening or noontime 269 YOU HAUL DRY WOOD l'7ft MISSION GOOD, clean, fresh rut screened -dut Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 3-5533 e269 19-IN. CiRFf N edging $5 50 ft k4, DM. Ms) $199. OTtgOft Pvol Cs Ph- 9-'$-9 IREAL ESTATI SPECIALS Down soil. Close to bus and stores. Balance Country Home Located close-in south on good road. l'i ac. with modern 9 rm. home, basmt., auto-oil heat, dble. garage, nice yard. Price $13,000. Call Richard E. Oraben horst. Located North Approx. ac. with new $ rm. plastered home, with unfln. attic, dble. garage, wired for elec. range St elec. water heater. A real buy at $8,750. 12.500 down, balance $50 per month at 5',. Immediate possession. Call O. H. Orab enhorst, Jr. month; 2 BRs; LR; kitchen: bath; base FUEL TRI-CITY FUEL Fresh Cut Sawdust Dry 16" Millwood Aak for BAR Green Stamps Prompt Delivery - Ph. 27443 CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CDT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Phone 3-6444 West Salem Fuel Co. 16-IN DRY OR OREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD 16-IN CLEAN. NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phont : Salem 3-4031 Also pick up wood at 1535 Edge water St. W Sttlem ee GOOD DRY 16" edging, also green ft dry 16" slab. Oregon Fuel Co., Ph. 1-5533. ee264 FOR SALE POULTRY COLORED FRYERS. Ph. 31298. BABY CHICKS, Weekly Hatches New Hampshire. Ph. 32861. Lee' Hatchery f PRODUCE APPLES for sale at Waconda, Delicious. Winter Banana. SpltUenburg. J. C. Savage. Ph. 31344. fflSO H WHITE-FACED beef, 39c lb; winter pears $2 per box. Ph. 3-1639. ff262 HELP WANTED WANTED Bx per. checker, State St. Mar ket. Lady preferred. g260 IF YOU can devote one hour a day or more to profit-making enterprise, write P.O. Box 364, Albany, Oregon. g260 WANTED SECRETARY MAN or woman. Must be able to take dic tation. Permanent position to Tight party. Apply In person to L. L. Fergu son in the J. Henry Helser ft Co. of fice. Room' 139, Pacific Bldg., Salem, Ore. g260 EXP. variety store cierk. caoable of as suming respondent) Slate qualifica tions and salary expected. Write Box 92 Capital Jourral. gL'f-6' HELP WANTED MALE ORE, JOURNAL wants man for Branch and rural auto route. Salary, car ex pense, profit and commission. See Mrs. White 3 to 7 at 433 Ferry St. ga261 YOUNG MARRIED man to act as Branch manager for Oregontan In Salem. Must like boys, be a hard worker, ambitious, willing to better himself In a large or ganisation. Salary, commission and car allowance. Please call 3-6622 for appoint ment after 12 noon. ga261 Salesman MEN'S SPORT, WORK CLOTHES & FURNISHINGS Well established Portland wholesaler ha opening for salesman for territory In Oregon and Washington, also onen- Ing for Portland and vicinity. Must have wholesale or retail selling experience in these lines. Oood pay to start, excell ent opportunity for advancement with established future. Answers held in strict confidence, give full details. Bnx 53 Capital Journal. ga260 JOURNEYMEN form carpenters. Long Job. Good wages. J. O. Watts Con struction Co., 610 So. 20th St.. Cor vallis, Ore. ga264 NEED GOOD reliable boys for Oregontan routes in Salem. Please apply the Ore gonlan. 484 Ferry. gajfil HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED 3 ladles who have telephone in own home and are willing to work spare time at contact work. Write Box 55 Capital Journal. gb260 GIRL tor liuht housework child 939 Shipping. care of gb359 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Commercial Placement 360 State St. Ph. 21488 Prompt. Friendly Service Steno-bkpr In, office Stenographer 5 day week Typist -bookkeeper Dallas Steno Part time No charge or obligation to employer WANTED SALESMAN EXP. Bookkeeper-Steno. Oood salary and working condition. Wrtte Capital Jour nal Box 57. gb26l SALESMAN WANTED. Here Is a real op portunity for an exp. Uvewire salesman, who know how to meet and handle the general public, to affilliate with an aggressive organisation selling Kaiser Eraser ars 4th largest pro ducer of auto In the world The type of man we are looking for need not be a former ear salesman as proper train ing in product will be given See Al John. Bales Manager. Teaeue Motor Co J5 N LibertT Salem Ore go2(W WANTED POSITIONS WANTED: Repair, alteration, new con struction. By X or hour. Ph. 3-4904 h39 YOUNG honest and reliable man desires work In grocer store. Some experience Write Box 96. Capital Journal h20 AIL ABOUND wool presser A spotter Orral Tucker. Also a ilk finisher. Alma Tucker. Bilvartoa. Or. Rt. 1. Ph. 9312 h360 MNO PLATER, thoroughlv exp. old-time and mod. 1550 N 4th alter 9 p m or Ruby M ik kelson. Minor a Jewelry dept h259 fUCEPTlONIIit and general office Writ Bos 90. CaptMl Journal. h2l WANTED POSITIONS MIMEOGRAPHING, Typing, Bookkeeping in my home. 669 N. 16th St. Ph. 3-3643. h3SJ TREE WORK Trimming, Removing INSURED OPERATOR Free estimates, John Payne. Ph. 36014. 246 8. Church, h282 PLAIN SEWING, altering, home or your. Ph. 26604. CHILD care and baby sitting anytime. rt. Beaulleu Ph. 21B4&. ajoi- ELDERLY LADY desires housework, child ire or companionship. Ph. 3-8543. h261 MIDDLE-AGED, refined lady would like hsekpmg. job lor gentlemen, xtesi oi refer. Mr. B. Oil, 585 S. 12th. h260 CARE FOR children in my home. Prefer 6 mo, to S year. 183 S. 18th. Ph. 26876. h262a LANDSCAPING, new lawns, planting, rototllltng, grading, tree trimming. Rich ard Boyer. Ph. 3-3256. h379 DRESSMAKING. Our. Reas. 1530 Trade. h273" BABY sitting. Ph. 3-6823. INTERIOR painting. Exp Ph. 3-6796. wanted FURNITURE to glut repair Lee Bros. Ph. 21233. b' WIO PAINTING lust g ehadt better by Ray Etter Call Shrock Motor Co. 3-9101 WILL DO TYPING In my home. 3030 Brooks St. Turn right at 2900 Brooks 1)262 HOME REPAIRS and remodeling by Al bert Brant, builder. 510 Beck ave. Phone 21125. Immediate service. Only 10 down, up to 36 mos. on bal. h272 Alt. Ph. 3-7004. BABY SITTING. Phone 2-0580 or 3-3091. h280 FIRST CLASS carpenter work. New or remodel, Large or small. Ph. 38281. h280 EXPERIENCED day & hourly care for young children, reasonable rate. Ph. 3-7500. 1675 N. 4th St. h361 TREE WORK, trimming, topping, felling, removing. InH. opr. Free est. W. H. McAllister, 840 Trade. Ph. 21496. h261 EDUCATION TO EARN MORE LEARN MORE WRITE or call for free catalog on 400 ICS. courses. Don McNeill, Interna tional Correspondence Schools. 1553 State, Salem. Ph. 3-6330. O.I. approved. hh262 FOR RENT ROOMS ATTRACTIVE sleeping room for employed gentlemen. Ph. 34248. Jk264 ROOMS for business men. Quiet home. pn. ae35. j it 261 1 or 2 NICELY furn. sleeping room. 1434 Ferry St. Auto heat, )k261 1. ft C Jk260 NICE ROOM, close In, employed man pre- ierrea. ku Marion. jkzou SLEEPING ROOM in private home. Day tlme employed. 694 N. Church. Jk259 ROOMS to rent by tha month. Hotel Sa lem, 161 S. High St. Telephone 3-3161. k FOR RENT APARTMENTS i-RM. MODERN APT. with bath $45 per no. 1535 N. Church, Apt. 6. Thur. nd Frl. nights, all day Sun. Jp360 reasonable rent. 359 S. jb364 --RM, APT., private bath, private ent., '-a blk. from bus and store. Nice for working. 725 S. 13th. Jp261 s-RM. APT. with private bath. Furn. Ph. 25463. Jp200 GIRL TO SHARE 3-rm. apt. In W. Salem. Call Wanda at 33176 during business hours. Jp260 KM. FURN. upstairs, share bath. No drinking. 231,0 N. 4th. Jp260 UPSTAIRS apt. to responsible party; two oea rooms, Dam, living room, dining rm., kitchen and closets, unfurnished. Bus stop. Inquire at 1895 N. Summer. Jp261 UN FURN. 4 rm. Apt. $60 a mo. Utilities paid. Call 37977 between 6 A 7 p.m. Jp260 NICE APT. Completely furn. 365 S. 16th. JP359 FURN. cottage. 3315 Portland Rd. jp282 2 ROOM apt. prlv. bath on 1st floor. Emp. No drinkers. 640 Chemeketa. Jp259 DOUBLES ft singles all furnished, elec. heat, city and school bus. 3580 S. Coml. JP274 FOR RENTjiOUSES IS-HDRmThoUSE. Phone 34353. S BEDROOM hou.se partially furn. Holly wood aist. iubs Erixon. jm35' 1 BDRM. unfurn. house. Ph. 35641. S-ROOM furn. apt.; 1 employed lady. Rent according. 475 N. Capitol. Jm260 GOOD S rm. small house, partly furn. Inquire rear door 2770 N. Front. No Phone Calls. Jm259 FIVE-ROOM ultra mod. home, excel, loca tion: auto, furnace; tank heater; range; Frigldaire; auto, home laundry; brkft. set: furn. No children, no pets. Refer, required. Immed. poss.. $139 month. Write Box 54 Capital Journal. Jm262 Ni:W 2-BOKM. hse. tor lease. Call at 450 Tryon Ave., Salem. Jm FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS TOOLS Keith Brown. Paint sprayer, linoleum roller, asphalt tile cutter, calking gun. linoleum scribing tool, floor dander, tioor eager, itenn Brown Lum ber Yard, Front ft Court Sts. Ph. 39163, J259' BUSINESS RM. for rent H L Stiff J" HOOVER or Electrolux clesners wltl tachments 91 00 a day HOWSER BROS. Ph. 3-3646 U DRIVE trucks, car. Ph. 3-9600 GOOD USED PIANOS. H L. Stiff. TO DO a good lob rent ft good Poor sand, er w sell everything to complete the HOWSER BROS. Ph. 3-3649. HOUSE JACKS, come along, chain and ropt noLts auto tool HOWSER BROS. Ph. 1-3646 ) IRONFR 0T week Phone 34439 FLOOR BANDEB for rent UontgorrTy Ward J ARMOR ATS Ozone Oood Health. Rent Sell. H C. Pus ft. 684 N. 17th. Ph. 1-4693 I GARDEN TRACTORS, plumbing tool paint sprayers, lawn roller, lawn Bow er, auto tool, drill, belt and disc ander hed clipper HOWSER BROS Ph. 1-3649. J TRICKS and cars fo' rent Smitty s Clip per Service. Ph. 3-9600. Corner Center and Church Sts I1 WANTED TO RENT GARAGE, UNF1N. Inside with elect, lights. A'..o 1 1 a A. if interested in farming. In- qutre Fred Gartner. 96 Abrams. )359 LAW STUDENT, wife ft daughter need 1 or 9 bdrm. house or apt. Ph. 39268 Willamette Univ. Library. 1363 FURN. AP9T. or m. house. 3 or 3 rm. by middle-aeed epie. No children, no pet. no drinker. Exc refer. Must be reas onable Ph 36313 J a 159 F.1 DIBIT COUPLE want 3 or ra. un furn house in W. Salem Ref. turn Ex cellent care guaranteed. Phone 3-9949 359 COUPLE with l't-year child want clean furn. 3-bedroom house or apt. Prefer N Sslem area Phone 3-3415 day. )a360 9 OR 9 BDRM. turn. hou. near grade irh Will pay substantial rent. Ph -J135 J381 Journal Want Ads Pay ROOM AND BOARD BOOM 4c board. 496 H. 31st. Men Pre ferred. . maun a BOOM also table board. 1563 U262 Court. BM ft BOARD lor employed mother ft LOST AND FOUND FOUND: Brown Ph. 3-9528. LOST: Black female cat. white feet, stub tall. Bewaro. fa. j.ue. "r: erty. LOST Black calfskin purse, initial U on it, green billfold ana giasse. pen, y- cil ft key in - iwwwm. r... 455 8. High. k259 LOST Person seen taking black cloth purse in Montgomery waro oiu.j about 3:30. Berlal numbers of bill known. Reward. Mrs. Waynt Kossel. Rt. 9, BOX 800. Ph. 3-1131. k260 LOST In downtown Salem, a pair of rim less glasses. Phone Aumivuw MISCELLANEOUS DEAD and worthless nock removed on moment' notice. Ph. 3-5000. m271 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bldg. State ft Commercial St. SALEM Phone 3-3311. m" HEAT your home electrically. It' con venient clean, tconomlcal Bee us lor fret estimate. Y EATER APPUANC1 CO.. 355 N Liberty m HAVE YOUB SINGER Sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer represen tative, Ph. 3513 for free pick up and de livery aervlce on all makes of machines. Free estimate given before work 1 started. Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 N. Comm'l. in TIME TO FERTILIZE USE ORGANIC FERTILIZER PERFECT FOR LAWNS ft GARDENS 9 SACKS 15,00. $10 PER TON FREE DELIVERY ANYWHERB IN SALEM WEST MUSHROOM FARM PH. 3-8137 EVE. 3-4397 m BUILDING MATERIAL USED FIR flooring, and 3x4, 2x6, 2x8, 2xl0's. Windows. Also 2x12, I to 24 ft. long. 172 6. Liberty. ma260 SHEET ROCK, rock lathe, hundreds of in terior and exterior doors, roofing, cedar shakes, windows, asbestos shake siding, firtex, toilets, soil pipe, masonlte, and plywood In V, ", W and V. Oood quality materials at a saving. C. O. LONG Rt. 2. Box 35, Salem 1 Mile N. of Kelzer - Ph. 2-5S21. ma264 2x4's ON SIZE, shiplap unclean, $35. 4x6's, 8x6', $35. Oood used doors and windows. 1260 Howard. Office S. 13th. Madson Wrecking Co. ma261 6M 6x8x12 clay tile, 15c each. Phone 2-5660. ma259 HOME BUILDERS For a complete material coverage at reasonable price call Epplng Lumber Co. 680 Fischer Rd. Ph. 22054. Sheet rock. V ft V. unprimed 18" shake 19.50. No. 3 lumber $50. No. 3 ft better $70. Contact us for additional Informa tion on prices and material. ma260 5,000 ft. good planed lumber. 2x6. Two 13" assorted length. $38 per m. while It last. You haul from mill. Making room to Install new plant. Corder Lumber Co., W. Woodburn, Orog. Ph. 2505. ma263 DRY DIMENSION LUMBER. 3x6 to 2x13, iv.vw iv. a. men, m. , BOX sun. ma359 NO. 3 1x6 SHIPLAP 140 00 PER lOOQ 9N LOAD lots. West Salem Lumber Co,. H mue north or Edgewater St. on Wallace Rd. Phone 3-9593. ma362 INSIDE door Jams, $3.90 per set; I panel uuuro, b.ou ana up. eningies, rooiing. shakes, ply board Insulation board, wd. gutter, masonlte. EOLA LUMBER CO. altm-Dallas Hwy. Phont 1-9950 ma38S H" and W sheet rock. KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD, ma" BUILDERS - FARMERS WHY PAY MORE? COMPLETE stock of shiplap, I"l4" 'a, timber, all grade, at UNBEATABLE PRICES WEST SALEM LUMBER CO. Milt N. of Edgewater St. OB Wallace Rd. Ph. 9-9593 Fret Delivery tna364 INSULATION and Weatheruipplnc. Cro- foot Brothers. Ph. 34659. ma FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS STEEL FURNACE with pipes and oil con version burner. Ph. 25463. n263s NEW SEWING machines. Sew Gem desk model, factory guarantee. Immediate delivery. W. Davenport. .930 N. 19th. Ph. 37671. n363 CROSLEY radio, $79. any time after 6. SELECT your Christmas piano now. Inves tigate -laiiman lay-away plan. A email deposit holds a grand, Spinet or any upright for Christmas delivery. Start payments next year. Fine selection at present. Shop early at Tallmarv's and save. jva B. izm. A Mile irom High Prices." n284 THE CLOCK DOCTOR SPECIALIZES ON CLOCKS. 190 8. 14th. n263 EMERSON piano. Reasonable. Ph. 3-1520. n259 PRICES CUT! BUY NOW! SAVE! At Ward's Farm Store! Ward Week Ends Saturdavt Reg. 3129.50 spring tooth harrow, . .$104.89 Reg. $259.00 3-unit milker $233.89 Reg. $146.45 cream separator $109.88 ueg. i92 so nammermiii $159.89 WARD'S FARM STORE Trade ft High Stg. Salem, Ore. n360 OIL FLOOR FURNACE. Very reasonable. pnone 3-6904. n2eo GOOD USED fur coat, site 40, 930. 1S1B commercial at. n360 SPINET PIANO bargains A few new' Spinets with damaged cases to be sacri ficed at secondhand prices. A snap. Set at Tallman's, 395 8. 13th. "A Mile from High Prices." n263 CHRISTMAS ROSES BOX Wood ftstilh-. Phone 3-5167. n363 8TEINW AY-GRAND piano. Phont 3-4803. n360 GOOD WINCHESTER 20 ga. pump gun $50. Also 410 ahottun $15. 212 8. 21st St. n359 HOYT ST. SURPLUS , OIL CIRCULATORS, $39 99. Tent and Tarp small and large, sleeping bag, team furnace, hot air blower furnace, oil floor furnace, w a rung machine, new and used. Kitchen sinks, lavatories, toilets, inch galv. pipe, bath tubs, ELECTRIC Apt. alee range, house and outside wire, 100 Amp. entrance boxes, ranee outlets, ranee cable. EXTRA TOILET TANKS, electric light plant, Electric Water heaters, upright and ta ble top; sawmill engines, 1947 OMC llt ton truck, 6000 Oal. Wood water tank. Come louth on 12th to tht ditch across the road, that ti the new Fairview Sewer on HOYT ST. Try to yet east ont block or follow the detour signs from 12th St. B35S USED DOORS, 3 ft. 9" 1 9 ft. f. LikO new with frames ft hardware 113 90. Window, double A atntlo sash. Also French. Large plate glass front door. Dining buffet with leaded glass. Ph. n359 USED SPINET PIANO WI'RLITZER. 1 month old. Trad hi OB Baldwin Acrosonic, 9100 discount from list price. Free bench. Storw Piano Co. 1540 Fairground Rd. B392" OARDEN SANT. Oi ave crushed rock. Shovel A drag-line excavating WALL LINO BAND A ORAVIL CO. Ph 1-9349. ONI THOR O lad iron Oood condition. 959 90. Ralph Johnson Appt. Ph. 3-3139. n264 MIXTRS, TOASTERS. waffle baiVrC sandwich grills, coffe maker, perco lators, blendors, roater Y1ATER APPLIANCE CO S381 (Continued on Page 19) I